thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited September 2018

    Just want to say thank you to all who have shared hymns & scriptures. (Can you read them without the tune in your head? I can't.)

    Haven't felt well at all today and your sharing blessed my soul.

    Thank you!


  • faith-840
    faith-840 Member Posts: 926
    edited September 2018

    Hello again friends, I'm just dropping in to tell you good news for a change. I'm always asking for prayers but this time I'm giving thanks for answered prayers. I had a CT scan yesterday and the results were good. My tumor still is shrinking. It's smaller than it was 6 months ago and for that I'm praising God. I'm still having lots of aches and pains from the AI but it's a small price to pay for having my cancer not growing. It's been a year since I've been on Ibrance and I'm so grateful that the letrozole is keeping things in check.

    I could still use a few prayers as my allergies are giving me lots of issues and the allergist and I are not finding any solutions yet. I guess the solution will be an early freeze although I really don't want that. We have been lucky with the weather so far and I'm grateful that we aren't dealing with thestorms and flooding down south. I've been keeping all of you in my prayers and pray that those who still need help will get it quickly.

    I'm enjoying the song lyrics and banners. While we are thinking of songs, I do have a request for prayer that our choir finds a new director soon. We are a very large and talented choir who have had wonderful directors but it's a really big job and it's very tough to find just the right person again.

    I'm sorry I've been MIA late but I just run out of energy with these allergies although I do read and pray for all of you. Thank you for keeping this forum going. I sure there are many like me who read but don't post often.

    Sending love and prayers,

    Faith ( in the future).

  • kat17
    kat17 Member Posts: 9
    edited October 2018

    Faith-840, I am one of those who reads but doesn't post. I just want all to know how much I enjoy your company and uplifting praises and the encouragement y'all so freely give! I love the banners and hymns and think of my favorite one — In the Garden. Keep on sharing about your fur babies, grandchildren, and hobbies (Lita and her embroidery skills!). Even though I may not actively participate in the forum , I do pray for you daily! Kathie

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited September 2018

    Hershey, it is good to hear from you. How is your LE doing? I know Joanne can appreciate how long it takes to see results in the swelling going down. I had NO idea that Michael W. Smith wrote that song. I love hearing him sing. I have not seen him in a very long time. I would love to hear him in concert. He is an anointed and gifted musician for sure.

    Joanne, I love that story in the Bible. Not too long ago I did a study on that and it has so many gems to absorb. I think we can all say we are thankful God did not throw the clay away in each of our lives. I love your colorful Praying for You and you know I am praying for you!

    Ade, I am praying you feel much better. I have not been feeling good for all of last week but I am feeling much better today and I hope you are too.

    Faith, you have been on my heart for quite a while. I know you have not been feeling well for a long time and I know you have been so concerned about your CT scan and I am thrilled to hear your great news. That is awesome. I hate to think of an early frost too but I do hope your allergies get better before that happens. I usually do not correct anyone in their posts but I think you wrote a sentence and didn't mean what you wrote. You said I have been on Ibrance for almost a year and I think you meant to say you have been off of it for a year. I think that will give many people encouragement. Please correct me if I am wrong. I will pray for your choir director position. I know how extremely important that position can be in a church.

    Kathie, thank you for your post and your encouragement.

    Please pray for Debbie (Foots). She won't ask for prayer but I am asking for her. I think she is in a tough place right now and needs not only a physical touch but a big dose of encouragement and uplift.

    Ellen and Varga, praying for help to NC in the cleanup and restoration. I know some of the rivers are not even at their peak yet and continued prayers for safety. It is pretty mindboggling to know that your state has just been through this just two years ago. When our town flooded in the early 90's I think we had around 9-10 inches of rain. I cannot even comprehend three feet of rain. Praying for all the rescue efforts and praying that the needed relief organizations will be able to get through all of the flooded roads.

    On a positive note Cammie ( my cat) who most of you are familiar with at this point is doing very well after a heartbreaking relapse. She likes her new litter box and maybe that was a big part of this problem. I have made so many changes I don't know for sure what has evoked change but what I do know is that I was trusting God to tell me what to do and I made those changes accordingly. I was just really close to removing that new litter box from her room as she didn't appear too interested and when I felt like I should keep it for a little while longer is when she started using it. Now she is exclusively using it. I am amazed at how God can work through our lives even with our fur babys. To me it tells me how much God loves us when He answers our prayers which maybe be huge issues to us but in the grand scheme of things not so much in the light of eternity.

    Have a good evening dear sisters.



  • faith-840
    faith-840 Member Posts: 926
    edited September 2018

    Nancy, thank you for noticing my mistake, yes I did mean to say I've been off Ibrance for over a year now. I hope that gives encouragement to those who have been diagnosed with stage 4 BC. I don't know how long this journey will last but I'm happy to share my good news with others. Thank you all for your prayers, I know that is a big part of my healing. I just wish I could feel better in general but maybe that's too much to ask for and I should just be grateful for a stable cancer. On the other hand, I just had my 78th birthday and maybe this is what 78 feels like when you also have cancer and take lots of meds for various reasons.

    Praying for all of you,


  • gkbuser
    gkbuser Member Posts: 300
    edited September 2018

    faith, rejoicing with you about the CAT scan. I will say a prayer to God and thank him for that tonight. Can I ask a question? I was just looking at your stats and I just wanted to ask a question. So when you were first diagnosed in 91 was it ilc? So you had a mastectomy on the left and then that much later you had a 6 centimeter tumor in the same breast as the mastectomy? Shows how much I know I didn't even realize that was possible.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited September 2018

    Lord, we thank you for SO many things today. We thank you for answered prayers and we thank you for the millions of things you bless us with every single day that we take for granted. When some of those are taken away sometimes it is only then that we realize how truly blessed we are. There are many needs on this thread and we pray that you would meet each person at their point of need for you know each of us greater than we even know ourselves. Thank you God for this day.



  • faith-840
    faith-840 Member Posts: 926
    edited September 2018

    gkbuser, to answer your question, I had a total mastectomy in 1991 and don't know if it was ILC. Back then they didn't give us much information and I didn't know enough to know what questions to ask and it was of course before there was so much information to be found on the internet. When the BC raised its ugly head again it was as a tumor in my left lung which was biopsied and determined to be my old BC and ER\PR+. We then treated it with Ibrance which we stopped last August because of fatigue. I thought I would go back on it after a trip we took but my MO said let's just try the letrozole alone and so far, so good.

    Thanks for your prayers and let me know if you have any other questions.


  • gkbuser
    gkbuser Member Posts: 300
    edited September 2018

    Faith, thanks. Sorry that happened to you, but glad that the letrozole seems to be keeping it at bay. God is good.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited September 2018


    Happy Belated Birthday to Faith!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • hersheykiss
    hersheykiss Member Posts: 706
    edited September 2018


    I hope your day was especially sweet!

  • faith-840
    faith-840 Member Posts: 926
    edited September 2018

    Nancy and Hersheykiss, thank you so much for the birthday wishes. Hershey that cake looks beautiful and delicious, too bad I can't taste it, but hope you and your family can enjoy it for me.

    My birthday was actually in August and I was in the middle of my hive episode so not a great day but things are and will get better I'm sure with the help of all your prayers to Jesus for healing.

    Love and prayers,

    Faith (in the future).

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited September 2018

    Can I have a corner pieceHappy. The one with the bow of course!

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited September 2018


  • hersheykiss
    hersheykiss Member Posts: 706
    edited September 2018

    Faith, I wish I could take credit as the "cake artist." Alas, that skill is not in my wheelhouse. If I tried to pipe the beautiful bow, it would end up looking like a haystack! ;-)

  • Cindymb
    Cindymb Member Posts: 101
    edited September 2018

    Hello ladies 🤗

    Checking in. I just had my 2nd infusion this past Monday, so I am halfway done. Thank you Jesus! Still have my hair so the cold capping seems to be working. Fatique and some nausea are the only side effects. God is good. I pray for you all often.

    Cindy ❤

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited September 2018

    Cindy, so glad you are half way through your treatments. Hang in there. You CAN DO IT!!!!

    Have a great day dear sisters.




  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,331
    edited September 2018

    Sorry to have missed a bit lately but I am thankful Ellen is safe, Faith is doing well, and praying Cammie continues to do so well!

    It is amazing how God sends circumstances into our lives to help us even when they seem difficult on the surface. For some reason my family resisted going to church the past couple of years since my dx--yes years. My DH used my illness as an excuse for the need to sleep in many times and to avoid shaking hands, and my DD also always seemed to come up with a reasonable excuse. It is my own fault that I did not push them, and as is my nature, I felt guilty pushing them and even more guilty not attending. But I have decided to return to the choir which I love, and it is the group of people I really use as a small group to stay connected and supported. My DH actually encouraged my decision and now joyfully attends Sunday mornings so I can sing. The God thing?... My granddaughter, who still lives with us with her mommy after 3 years, LOVES to go to church. She dances around and the joy in her voice at getting to go to church is contagious. She tells us her Bible story, sings the songs, and Of course her momma can't say "no" to that. At three years old she almost has the books of the New Testament memorized after just a few weeks. So I have a little child leading my family back to church. God is so amazing! I just had to share...

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited September 2018

    Chris, so happy to hear you are back with your choir. That is awesome. The only thing I can say about your grand daughter being the catalyst of your family getting back to church is............................out of the mouth of babes!!!! Praise the Lord!



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited September 2018

    Hi dear ladies of faith,

    I hope this has been a good day for you. We have had so many wonderful answers to pray that for those it is easy to rejoice in what the Lord has done and is doing. I know our pastor says so many times that this day may be the best day for some of you and the worst for others and to be sensitive to that. I know some of you are doing well and some are still battling issues that have been going on for a very long time. For some you may be hesitant to share your needs thinking they are not as important as others. I know that we serve a God who loves each of you so much that I know that what is important to you is important to Him. If God says in His word the the very hairs on your head are numbered then that tells me God knows everything single thing about us and what we are thinking and feeling. I pray that God will meet you at your point of need today no matter how big or small it may seem to you. I pray that for those who need an extra dose of hope that He will give that to you in abundance. What I have found is that as soon as you see a BIG victory that has been a long time coming the enemy wants to come right in and tear down your confidence and your joy. Stand guard and be ready for that to happen. I am seeing victory in my Cammie litterbox issues and what the enemy thought would defeat me did not and he is having a hissy fit trying to steal my joy in other areas. As soon as I recognize it for what it is then it is easy to know that we are more than conquerors in this battle. No weapon formed against me shall prosper. I have said that out loud so many times in the last several months and I am still saying it because we will always be in this battle until we are safely at home with Jesus.

    Take care dear sisters and I pray that you have a great evening.




  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited September 2018

    Beautiful banner, great word, Nancy! Thankful Cammie's behaving like a lady and that the enemy can't steal your joy. You're right - so many times we let things beat us up when if we'd just realize the enemy's ploys we can have the victory so much easier. We know that greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world!

    We LOVE getting rain around here but it comes with a price. It makes a certain bush flower and then the allergies run rampant. Mine just laughs at Claritin so I just take it anyway and push through. Our son Aaron is on a steroid inhaler and gets fevers & sinus infections from this allergy stuff. Has missed church & 3 days of work.

    A dear young Christian mom of 4 (whose son, Nick, you prayed for when he had a seriously aggressive brain cancer a while back) has herself just been diagnosed with uterine cancer. Your prayers for Nicole are so welcome. Nick is back in school and doing well! PTL!!!

    I am praying for all of you ladies. Keep the Lord in your focus no matter what. HE is our hope and our joy and our salvation!

    I wanted to share this beautiful moment of yesterday's dawn with you. It's the harvest moon setting over Gorilla Mountain just west of our home.

    Blessings upon your day, dear sisters!



  • gardengal777
    gardengal777 Member Posts: 376
    edited September 2018

    Hi Nancy,

    Just thought ai would do a quick pass through to say my hello to you and to see what has been happening on here since I last read the threads. It is so good to see you on here and continuing to be such a rock for others on here. May God continue to bless you in your faithfulness. I did catch up on here and Bev mentioned that you had to move your mother out of her home. I get all is hard. And the adventure you have been having with your I thought I had it bad with my Merit and pee pads and towels. I think your situation has been much worse.

    It was five years ago this month that God had led me to this thread. And tomorrow I will have my five year check with a new doctor as my insurance will not allow me to go back to my former genecologist. I am trusting God that when he healed me, he did it for good...amen.

    I asked God to confirm to me that last be my last one teaching. And boy did he ever. It probably was the worst one in my entire career. Be careful for what we ask for. But it was the best year ever with my kiddos. They blessed me in so many ways. I don’t want to go into details but it was hard leaving behind something I sincerely loved doing so much. But God showed me that I needed to be home for my dad, for my two dogs and my hubby. Both of my dogs are failing. One has incurable cancer and my sweet therapy dog is lame. She cannot get up without my help and she has gone deaf. But she still loves me fussing over here and she is alert and happy. My hubby put off rotator cuff surgery on his other shoulder until school was done. He is still going to PT and doing well. I spent seven weeks of being designated driver. It was worse than driving kids to all their after school events and games.

    My dad is hanging in there. Some days are very trying but I count it a blessing and an honor to have him here with me. Now that teachers are back, I am so grateful to be out of the craziness. There have been so many changes at my school including my office being taken away because of lack of space. This year I would be mentoring kids doing poorly in reading or math. There is not much time for planning and of course they continue to have a sub shortage. I am loving not answering to a time schedule although it kept me focused. I will most likely be heading back in for some surgery in the very near future for another meniscus injury to my right knee this time. Old age I am able to walk each day and do some cycling. No running until it is fixed.

    I see some familiar names still on here and it is good to see some new folks to keep the thread going. So nice to see Deb Foots back on here with her lovely writings. I missed that when she left. Please know that I continue to think of this site and the needs of those on this thread. I pray for all of you and ask God to meet your needs.

    I will leave you with a photo of a cake my hubby got me the first official week of no school. I know you as a teacher Nancy will get a chuckle over it.

    Oh...for Ade. I saw that you had issues with your dog and thunder. If you haven’t tried it, consider Meletonine. 3mg. If you know a storm is coming 30 minutes before. There is fast acting there is a Prolonged release formula. Both worked for my dog who had to be put in the basement to pant and stress through it. He now has Trazodone because he takes it before going to the vet and they told me we could use it for that too. But the Meletonine was recommended from my dog trainer. Mine is from Douglas Labratories.

    Love in Christ,



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited September 2018

    Hi Ade, I know you are not alone in dealing with all the allergy issues. In this area many people will get relief at the first frost but in your case I know you may have nice weather for quite a while. I am happy to hear about Nick doing so well but very sad to hear about his Mom. Praying Nicole will be able to have a good prognosis. Love your beautiful pic. The colors are magnificent and the moon is awesome.

    Char, so great to hear from you. I have thought of you often and prayed for you when you came to my mind. I knew this was your last year teaching. I am glad to hear your Dad is hanging in there. I am sorry to hear about your failing dogs. I know when I thought I might have to put my Cammie (cat) down a few months ago because of this serious litter box problem I was devastated. Thankfully God has intervened in that but I know how awful it was during that time of considering that. I know our pets are our family and it is so hard to deal with them when their health is failing.

    I'm sorry to hear you cannot run at this time. Knee problems are not fun. I hope your future surgery will allow you to do more and maybe get back to running. With your DH having shoulder surgery it sounds like you have been busy.

    Congratulations on your retirement. I love the cake and your DH was so sweet to have that made for you. It looks yummy!

    I am overdue for an email to Bev so will be doing that soon. I will be leaving for my Mom's soon. She will turn 93 on Oct. 12. She has adjusted to her assisted living facility so well. I was so sure this would be the end of her but her survival skills are amazing. We were very blessed to find this very small facility which has great workers and the director and some of the CNA's are Christians so that is a super blessing.

    I figured you would drop in sometime and I am glad you did. Praying your five year check up will be good.

    Don't be a stranger.



  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited September 2018

    Char, beautiful cake! Congratulations on your retirement!

    Like Nancy, I am sorry about your dogs' failing health. We have had Airedale Terriers for decades and their lifespans are only 13-14 years at best, being bigger dogs. Our Maggie is now 8 so she is "over the hill" and beginning to have decreased sight. She is my little shadow EVERYwhere I am and I just can't bear to think of losing her someday. (Nancy - I'm SO glad you didn't have to lose your Cammie!) We will be leaving for Ohio for 2 weeks on the 13th and she will board at the vets. I know she will be safe but we will miss each other. Thank you for the Melatonin suggestion.

    I too have had two meniscus repairs on my left knee. When I had pain yet again I was concerned there wouldn't be enough meniscus to cushion the joint if I had another surgery. My orthopedist suggested a Synvisc injection which can last 8 months to a year. I have had two so far and found them to work well! Yes, old age is not for sissys but it beats the alternative! You have your hands full with your dad and dogs so perhaps this retirement is quite timely. I pray you can have times of peace and relaxing. Thanks for posting - it's good to meet you!

    Praying for you all,


    Nancy thanks for the comments on my photo - it was shot from my front porch in my bathrobe & jammies! :oD

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited September 2018

    This was a verse in one of my devotionals today. I love this verse because it tells me even though we know heaven is going to be wonderful our earthly home can be filled with goodness as well.

    Ade, looks like we will be away at the same time. I am going to be leaving on the 10th. I have never boarded Cammie except for surgeries so she will travel with me. I am very grateful that she travels in the car very well after the initial ten minutes of stress. Praying Maggie will be fine as you enjoy your trip.
    Have a great day dear sisters.

    Psalm 27:13-14 New International Version (NIV)

    13 I remain confident of this:
    I will see the goodness of the Lord
    in the land of the living.
    14 Wait for the Lord;
    be strong and take heart
    and wait for the Lord.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited September 2018

    Dear ladies of faith,

    Today I pray that you will have spiritual eyes to look all around you and see and feel the enormous love that God has for each one of you. There is a song out now that has hit the top of the Christian charts and it talks about the overwhelming, never ending reckless love of God. It speaks of how he will leave the 99 to rescue one lost soul. God loves us that much. I pray that today you can feel that love and His presence in whatever circumstances your find yourself in today.




  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,331
    edited September 2018

    Char, love the idea of the cake to celebrate your retirement. From one teacher to another, I know how bittersweet this feels!

    Nancy, just wanted you to know how much i appreciate your posts and banners. Thank you!


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited September 2018

    Thank you Chris.

    Have a wonderful weekend dear sisters. I am off to the dentist. Shocked




  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited September 2018

    Have a great Sunday dear ladies of faith.




  • hersheykiss
    hersheykiss Member Posts: 706
    edited September 2018

    Gosh, did I need to read that banner today! Thank you, Nancy, for posting it.