thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 720
    edited October 2018

    Edith - glad to meet you but sorry about the circumstances. You're always welcome to post prayer needs here among a wonderful group of prayer warriors who really do understand. Please don't ignore that abscess. Praying it will go well and you can get your treatment on time. Thank you for posting!



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited October 2018

    Welcome EdithMary. I am glad you found this thread as it is a great prayer support with many wonderful ladies all dealing with bc. I am getting ready to have a crown put on in a few weeks and I can appreciate your apprehension and fear. We will be praying for you to get your apt with the dentist so you can deal with your bc treatments coming. You WILL get through this one step at a time. God will be your strength and will be right by your side for each of those steps. Let us know how you are doing.



  • SuefromSydney
    SuefromSydney Member Posts: 111
    edited October 2018

    Hello all,

    Just a quick greeting from down under. Thanks for sharing so much - it's such a joy to be reminded that our sisterhood is all over the world.

    A quick intro: I'm 62, married with four adult children and later this afternoon will have 9 grandchildren. Having had a number of careers, I left the corporate world a bit over 5 years ago and now work part time for a christian women's foundation with the express purpose of seeing women from generation to generation flourish in kingdom work. If you're interested


    Love to all


  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited October 2018

    Praying for safe travel Nancy. Love, Jean

  • kat17
    kat17 Member Posts: 9
    edited October 2018

    Welcome EdithMary and SuefromSydney! Glad you found this forum and this group of Godly praying women! I may not post a lot but know I touch base daily and lift you all up in prayer!

    PS. I just did the dentist drill (pun intended) and I feel so much better that it's done and over with. Checked that box and moving on. Kathie.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited October 2018

    Just a quick note to say I made it safely to my Mom's house and even had time for a short visit last night before they lock the doors at 9 at her facility. Thank you for your prayers Jean and everyone. I hope to take both of us for a flu shot today.

    Welcome Sue. I am glad you found this thread. Bless you in your ministry.

    It is hard to imagine another hurricane causing so much damage. Praying for all of those affected and for our sisters in NC we pray that you will able to weather another horrible storm after just coming out of Florence.




  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited October 2018

    Hello dear ladies of faith,

    It has been a very busy time while at my Mom's. Her 93rd birthday was on Friday but we as a family were celebrating her birthday on Saturday. On Friday evening after I had spent time with her in the afternoon she called me and was so excited. She was like a child and it tickled me so much. At her facility where she lives now the whole dining room sang Happy Birthday to her and they had a special chocolate cake with chocolate icing for her. I was so happy that she did have something special on her real birthday. We celebrated her birthday last night and took her out to eat. My niece and her husband came in from Iowa to be with us so it was a nice time for my Mom.

    I know Ade is now with her family in Ohio and I know she was concerned about how fatigued she gets. I can really relate to that. I had another skin burning episode today. It has been a stressful time dealing with my Mom's house as there is always something going wrong. I was able to get a handyman out on Friday morning so I am thankful for that.

    My Mom is doing very well and I cannot tell you how grateful I am for that as I thought when we had to move her from her home in January that it would be the end of her. Obviously that didn't happen and she has adjusted very well. Thank you Lord!!!!

    Have a good day dear sisters.




  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited October 2018

    Nancy, glad Mom is doing well. I remember all the prayers that were going up when she moved. I needed that banner reminder today as was battling anger and resentment. Truly I am incapable if that kind of love without Jesus. Love, Jean

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited October 2018

    Thanks Jean. I needed that banner as well. I don't think there is any of us that can have that kind of love without Jesus. That is why we need Him and need to stay close to Him every single day. Let's say He is like our all weather coat for whatever storms we may encounter each day.



  • gkbuser
    gkbuser Member Posts: 300
    edited October 2018

    nancy, so sorry that happened to you. And good luck at your mom's. When I was in my twenties I broke my tailbone by falling on ice, and as a matter of fact you can ice your butt ha ha I bought a gel pack, froze it in the freezer and sat on it while I watched TV. Sorry for the mental picture but....

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited October 2018

    Thanks GK. I fell down cement steps many years ago and bruised my tailbone. I sat on one of those donut pillows for weeks. I have a feeling you may have become acquainted with that type of pillow as well. OUCH. Without giving out TMI the actual place where my rear end hurt is in a very awkward place. Shocked I am pretty sure that I fell on my shoe so it is not quite what you imagine. It was literally a kick in the rear. LOL I am doing much better now but that was the last place in my body I was still feeling it. I know I was VERY fortunate and thankful because it could have been very bad.

    Have a great day dear ladies. I will be traveling back home tomorrow and will have my last visit with my mom today. I was glad that we were able to visit her 90 year old sister yesterday who lives in another assisted living facility but it is a drive and my Mom has issues as soon as the car starts moving with having to go to the bathroom. We made it okay but I am usually white knuckling it before we get to a destination. They hadn't seen each other in a long time so my Aunt was very pleased we could come. They are the last two children living of nine siblings in their family.




  • gkbuser
    gkbuser Member Posts: 300
    edited October 2018

    band woman, oh yes the donut pillow! I had to use it when I sat in the bathtub because my tailbone hurts so badly on the bottom of the bathtub. If you guys could pray for me tomorrow. I have an appointment with the spine clinic at the University of Iowa at 1. Going to try to get to the bottom of this back pain I've been having since February. Although it has gotten somewhat better since I've gone off the letrozole, I would like to see what I can do to get a better quality of life. And, possibly get back on the anti hormonal therapy that they're recommending. I will say I'm so afraid it's an indication that the cancer has moved to my bones. But, I don't want to claim that. In the name of Jesus, I want to claim the total healing that I prayed for. I can be vulnerable and share with you guys that when the Cancer all first happened in October of 2016 I was 100% convinced that I was totally cured, I was so confident. Last year however I had a friend that was a 13 year cancer survivor and she was moving her daughter into college. Her back started hurting so she asked for a physical therapy consult. However it was the cancer in her bones. Some months later it had also spread to other places in her body. She died within a year. She was a good friend of mine and I'll be honest with you all that it was such a setback for me emotionally. I've had a hard time getting back on track with my positive thinking/believe that I am healed. If you all could pray for a good visit with the doctor and for me to just fully claim that healing that I prayed for. Also continue to pray for those affected by the latest hurricane. Thank you so much everyone.

  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,331
    edited October 2018

    gkbuser, I believe in the power of prayer and complete healing and I will claim healing for you today. My cancer was in my bones and liver two years ago, and is no longer active. God is good!

  • kat17
    kat17 Member Posts: 9
    edited October 2018

    gkbuser, sending prayers for a cancer free body for you and all my bco sisters and brothers. I too was dx’d in Oct 2016 and thanked Jesus for a cancer free body. Just recently, however, a family member dx’d with cancer a couple of years before me started experiencing hip pain. Feelings of anxiety would start to build and I would claim Philippians 4:6. The great news is it turned out to be arthritis! I know that’s not the case for everyone but I just pray we all turn and trust Jesus to get us through the valley.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited October 2018

    GK I will be praying for you as I drive back home today from my week visit to see my Mom. I am praying that you DO NOT have bone cancer. The enemy would love for us to be in a state of fear all the time. I think when all of us hears that we have cancer no matter what stage or prognosis it is a test of our faith and it is a time of fear. The fear can creep in when we least expect it. You are not alone at all in your faith journey. We have all had our faith tested and sometimes questioned as we see things play out not according to our will. God is still on the throne and He is still in control. He still has a plan for you and for each of us and our part is to trust Him. That is sometimes very easy to do and other times so very difficult.

    I will stand with you and Chris believing that you are healed and PLEASE call me Nancy. You are a friend here!



  • gkbuser
    gkbuser Member Posts: 300
    edited October 2018

    Thanks guys, you made me feel better. 💞

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited October 2018

    Teka, I am shocked to hear about Mags. I don't spend time on the other threads much so I had no idea. I am so sorry to hear this. I thought she had been doing well after her husband had died. Thank you for letting us know. Probably not many on this thread now know who she is.

    Kat17, I read your post through email. We may have posted at the same time because I didn't see your post come through when I posted. I am sorry you deleted it but you must have had a good reason for doing so.



  • gkbuser
    gkbuser Member Posts: 300
    edited October 2018

    Poor Magdeline. I didnt know her, but I cant imagine losing my husbnd while having beast cancer. I will say a prayer for her family tonight.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited October 2018

    Remembering our dear sister Magdalene51 who has gone to be with the Lord. She started the July Chemo thread in 2014 and really cared about these women. I was looking for two things and I found one of them which took quite a while to scroll back four years ago. This poem was Mags favorite and she posted it back in 2014. She had a lot of suffering in her treatments because of other preexisting conditions that caused her much pain. She had a very difficult time with radiation but made it through. She suffered the loss of her husband a couple of years ago and I thought she was doing pretty well but had not communicated with her in a long time. She was one of the first women that I really connected with initially. I know she is with the Lord now and is free of pain and free of cancer. I rejoice that she is now at peace. I know that many of you do not know her but I felt compelled to post in memory of her life as I know there may be some that still read that did know her.

    Mags, we will miss you and your caring heart. I know your cousin who lived with you and was your caregiver will miss you terribly. We offer prayers for your family in their loss. I am glad that I got to know you for a while as we both went through bc treatments in the same year. I have a heavy heart but at the same time I know you are not suffering anymore and that you are in the presence of Jesus.

    God Bless you dear sister. We will miss you.


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited October 2018


    Mags, you are loved and you will be missed. I know you are not suffering now and are in the arms of Jesus. We will meet

    in heaven one day.

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541
    edited October 2018

    I was saddened to hear of Mag's passing. We started treatment about the same time and connected soon after. Love, Jean

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited October 2018

    As I literally spent many hours trying to find this one particular photo that Mags had posted when she was sitting in church I never found it but I did run across many of our dear sisters who are now with Jesus. It hit me like a brick wall and I found myself in mourning all over again. I so often wonder how the families are doing that lost their wife and their Mom.

    It reminds me of how powerful the connections we make with BCO sisters are and how important this site is and how important this thread is. I hope it continues to be uplifting and giving all the people who read it encouragement for what they are going through now and a hope for their future. God said He will never leave or forsake us and I know that to be true in my own life and we can stand on that as one of his promises among many that are recorded in the Bible.

    Have a good day dear ladies.



  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,331
    edited October 2018

    Nancy, you are so important to this thread as the Encourager. Thank you for your time here.

    No church for me today as I have come down with the first cold of the pre-school season. Hopefully I feel well enough to fly to Portland in the morning.

    Have a blessed Sunday everyone!

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited October 2018

    Thank you Chris, I certainly appreciate your kind words. Praying you will get a good night's rest so you feel like flying to Portland tomorrow.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited October 2018

    I know that many of our ladies are going through some very difficult things right now. They range from facing upcoming surgery to possible surgery to court trials and in general feeling lousy. I resume my swimming routine today and will be praying for you. If you want prayer you can always post or if you want a no so public way of asking for prayer you can always feel free to send me a PM.

    I pray that Chris was able to make it to her destination and I pray that Ade and James are having a great time with their family in Ohio and that fatigue is manageable.

    Cindy, how are you doing with your chemo and your cold caps?

    Remember that God knows exactly what you are going through and what you are feeling. He is right there and His love as the banner says is so hard to fathom in our human minds. It is MORE than enough to carry you through whatever trials you are facing.




  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited October 2018

    This is one of those verses that is hard to hear and most of us feel like it is hard to do...........but there is so much truth in these verses.

    Have a good day dear sisters. I am off to my MO. Lot's of doctor apts this week. I had another episode of face and hands burning and turning bright red just a few minutes ago. It made it VERY hard to put on makeup!




  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited October 2018

    Lord, help us to trust you in ALL things this day and every day. Life is not for sissies and I don't know how people do life without God.




  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978
    edited October 2018


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,872
    edited October 2018

    Ellen from NC is having gallbladder surgery on Tuesday, Oct. 30 and would certainly appreciate your prayers.

    They discovered a large aneurysm in my BIL's lower chamber of his heart and I would appreciate prayers for wisdom for his doctors in how to move forward. He is already 100% disabled from agent orange from serving in Vietnam. His illness did not present until later in his life. He had a heart attack at 51 and is now almost 71.

    I have to have a brain MRI after seeing my oncologist. I think they are just checking to see if I really have one! I would appreciate prayers for that as well. I haven't scheduled it yet.

    Lita, I am not sure you are checking this thread but I am still praying for you and for you party coming up in Nov. for your book launch. Her third book is coming out soon or maybe is already out. Congratulations on an amazing accomplishment in the best of circumstances and a true marvel in your present circumstances.

    Have a good weekend dear sisters.



  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,331
    edited October 2018

    Nancy, I will absolutely pray for your MRI hoping there is nothing there that is not supposed to be. I will also pray for your BIL and his aneurysm.

    I am still exhausted after having to climb 5 flights of steps, twice, upon my return trip as our elevators were out at home. But doing ok. I am going to the community theater this afternoon with my DD and am excited about it. My DH is having a colonoscopy on Monday to try to find what is going on with him. He has been struggling for 2 months with diarrhea and the drs can't find out why. I would appreciate prayers for him.

    I wish everyone a great and peaceful weekend.
