thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • wheatfields
    wheatfields Member Posts: 192
    edited July 2020

    Nancy, so happy you were able to see your mom and a few sweet memories made. Thank you for sharing about your trip, it brought back memories of my mom when she had dementia and how things could be totally out of control one moment and then a moment of her back to her normal self. I kept a journal those years and wrote down the enlightening things she did or said along the way, and now I have those cherished memories in my heart. You are so right, He can do immeasurably more than all we ask!

    God bless all of you dear ladies today and always!


  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 724
    edited July 2020

    Faith, I pray you get some answers with your tests next week - GOOD answers - and that you feel better soon.

    Chris, thank you for the encouraging words. I would say the same of you too.

    Jean, thank you for the prayers.

    Nancy I am glad you made it safely to your mom's and got to see her. My mom went the same route pretty much as yours. She refused to eat too and "lived" on Ensure. We would bring her rootbeer floats from the DQ and she did enjoy those (at least it was getting something down her!). Her dementia got so bad that she just stared into space at times and it was like we weren't there. I chattered on with all of the family news anyway. When our daughter came with us with her toddler it did help Mom light up a little. Little Annika would toddle around the room with Mom's walker and that amused Mom. Still Mom dwindled physically and mentally until finally they called my sister and I in and we were with her at her last breath. My mother had put the things of God behind her in the latter years, sadly. However she did allow me talk of salvation to her at the end (though she stared away from me with a frown). The aid who was with her from the time she got to the nursing home requested the honor of bathing her in preparation of their coming to take her body. Mom looked much like a holocaust victim - she was just bones. I will never forget that. The aid was SO kind to her in life and death, though Mom could be cruel to her at times when her mind was going. Hospice was there (God bless them) and we all encircled Mom's bed and the hospice nurse prayed as Mom was passing, as did the staff that took care of Mom. What a bittersweet time. All that is just to say, I have been there and I know how hard it is to face the inevitable...but the Lord is with us. You're in my prayers.

    Wednesday morning I began to have pain in my abdomen and though I hoped it would go away - it hasn't. I suspect gallbladder. IF that is the case they will send me to Midland (3+ hours away) and not let James be with me. I DON'T want that! He has an important C&P exam through the computer with the VA and it is crucial for his case. He CAN'T miss it and his claim depends on this outcome. His depression is worse too. Your prayers are appreciated!

    Love all of you,


  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723
    edited July 2020

    I'm sorry I can't remember all the names and prayer requests. Some of you are really skilled and blessed with that. However... Ade, I pray that your pain resolves, that it is NOT your gallbadder and that James is able to take his exam without any issues.

    Hugs and prayers for all of us.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,916
    edited July 2020

    Dear sisters,

    I wanted to tell you I made it safely home. I spent most of yesterday dealing with scanning the VA stuff to my advocate only to find out he is on vacation until July 20 and I am not sure what I am supposed to do but I just know I am supposed to do it within 60 days. Today I woke up really early with a very bad stomach ache and not my usual colon stuff. I took some Pepto Bismol which I don't usually take and went back to bed. I got up and had to run some errands and just drug myself to the grocery store. I still had really bad stomach pain.

    After eating I just layed down for most of the evening.

    Ade, I just read about your pain. Praying we are both better. I do remember you sharing about your Mom in the past. It is so hard to see your loved ones disappearing before your eyes. I fear for my Mom and what is to come. I do hope that James will be able to have his computer exam with the VA. I went through a bunch of gallbladders tests in the past and they could find nothing but I still had the pain and then it eventually went away. I hope yours goes away on it's own.

    Faith, I pray you are feeling better too.

    Jean, thank your for your prayers. How are you doing?

    Chris, how are you doing? I appreciate your prayers.

    Wheatfields, I realize many have gone through dementia with a loved one. You were smart to journal which I have not done.

    Sunshine, we appreciate your posts and your prayers.

    Cammie can't get into the vet until July 21. My vet (who I really didn't care for at all) retired on Labor Day. We were not notified of this. Another vet has bought the practice and it sounds like she is well liked so we'll see. Cammie and I both have had good and bad days. I am praying her condition is okay to wait this long.

    I will write more when I feel better. I do appreciate all of you so much.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,916
    edited July 2020

    HI Teka,

    I am not sure since this pain I have been having is different that colon issues. It is better and I am making a concerted effort to eat better. I have actually been cleaning sludge out of my gutters the last couple of days. Oh my what a filthy, icky mess. I could see from my second story bedroom window that the gutter was not draining. I had my roof washed a couple of years ago and the shingles residue apparently collected in the gutter and what a mess. I will have to hire someone to deal with the second story. My Little Giant ladder I bought several years ago is just way too heavy for me to maneuver.

    Yes, it was great to see my Mom even though it was heartbreaking at the same time. She can only have one visitor at at time. I saw my sister and her DH after seeing my Mom. They only live ten minutes away from her facility so it does make it a bit easier for her to see her now.

    I haven't even studied the VA stuff since my advocate is on vacation. I will soon though.

    I hope you are doing well. So glad to hear that NY is doing SO much better now with the virus. IL opened up a bit more at the end of June and we are seeing our number of infections increase but they are doing way more testing so we'll see. Our school district is giving the parents a choice of total online learning or a hybrid where the kids will attend in school only on certain days. One of my friends is the health tech at my former elementary school. I do NOT envy her position at all. I have no idea how she will stay safe as all the kids that feel sick go to see her usually. Not sure how that will work in the new era we find ourselves.

    Good to hear from you.

    Ade, how is your stomach pain? I hope you are doing much better.




  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,916
    edited July 2020

    Dear sisters,

    I have been studying Hebrews. This Scripture below is from Hebrews 3. As I read and try to absorb all of the meat that is in this book of the Bible I am reminded that God who has created the whole Earth and has put the stars in the heavens knows what each of us is going through. He had to become man to really understand God's creation of man. As we all face the challenges and the anxiety of this pandemic and the uncertainty of when it will be over it is easy to get sucked into thinking that there is no hope and we are all doomed to live in this state forever with no end in sight. God knew this was coming and I definitely believe that He is working good in this horrible situation if we can only trust that He is still in control and still has a plan for each of our lives because He DOES. As each of us is facing our own personal storms and challenges verse 16 below is so important. How do we approach God's throne? The Bible says we should enter His gates with Thanksgiving and enter courts with praise. We simply pray and talk to God. How do we talk to God? We talk to Him as we would talk to anyone. Yes, He is the king of kings and the Lord of Lords and we need to respect his position as our Creator and Savior and our King but he is also our Abba Father. The Bible says we are his friend. Talk to God as you would talk to your best friend. He knows your story but He wants you to ask Him what you need. The Bible says you have not because you ask not. That doesn't mean God is going to answer all of your prayers with a yes but He knows better than we do what we need, when we need it and how to accomplish that. Remember that He sees the whole picture and we see only in part as through a dim glass. Trust Him with YOUR situation today. Gaze upon Him and not on your problems and wait and see what He will do for you.

    I am drawing as close to Jesus as I can knowing that I would be torn apart emotionally thinking about my Mom's declining health. The Lord is giving me peace when I am able to do that. That is a miracle. I pray that He will do the same for you as your reach out to Him.

    Have a good day dear sisters.



    Jesus the Great High Priest

    14 Therefore, since we have a great high priest who has ascended into heaven,[f] Jesus the Son of God, let us hold firmly to the faith we profess. 15 For we do not have a high priest who is unable to empathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are—yet he did not sin. 16 Let us then approach God's throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,916
    edited July 2020


  • wheatfields
    wheatfields Member Posts: 192
    edited July 2020

    What a beautiful devotional, and very true Nancy, that you wrote on the 16th. Sometimes I just come here for encouragement :)


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,916
    edited July 2020

    Thank you Wheatfields. I hope you continue to find encouragement here. Have a great weekend.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,916
    edited July 2020

    Dear sisters,

    I know that so many of you are going through some really tough times and I wish I could give all of you a big hug in person. Of course that isn't allowed in these times and that is one of the many, many, reasons that this period of time is so difficult. I am praying for all of you and I pray that God will give you a respite from your worries and challenges and give you peace in the midst of your storm. The Bible says Jesus wept. It is the shortest verse in the King James Bible but it speaks volumes as to His character and compassion for those He loves. Before He raised Lazarus his family and friends were filled with grief and sorrow for what they thought was his death. He was dead. Jesus wept when He saw their sorrow even though He knew He was about to raise Lazarus from the dead. That tells me that Jesus feels our sorrow and pain even though He knows the end of our story and for we as Christians we know the end is our beginning. Let Jesus comfort you in your sorrow and pain and suffering this day. Let Him hold you and rest in the shadow of His wings.

    God Bless all of you.




  • faith-840
    faith-840 Member Posts: 926
    edited July 2020

    Nancy, thank you for all your wonderful words of wisdom and prayers and the always timely banners. I’ve been dealing with much anxiety over the stomach issues I’ve been having. The ultrasound showed nothing unusual in my gallbladder or any other organs near there which is good news but doesn’t solve my problems. The doctor has given me medication for IBSD and also new meds for the anxiety. I think they will both take awhile to have a real effect so I’m asking for prayers that God will heal me and help me to conquer this anxiety. I feel it’s all related to everything we’ve been dealing with for the last six months along with this awful pandemic. There is some good news, my DH is finally feeling mostly better except now he also has sciatica. While painful, not as scary as the other stuff. My sciatica is slowly getting better also, but I’ve been canceling some of my appointments because of anxiety and that’s not good. I really have to trust that Jesus will help and heal me.

    I’m glad you were able to at least have a short visit with your mom and get back home safely. I can understand your feelings of losing your mom as I went through something similar with my mom. The grieving process is a long one even before she passes into Our Lords arms and perfect peace. You are always in my prayers.

    Everyone here is always in my thoughts and prayers too. We are dealing with so much in our personal lives and the added stress of this pandemic and these turbulent times of protests in the streets is just too much. I pray that God has a plan for all this turmoil and we will have a better world going forward.

    Love and prayers,

    Faith (in the future)

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,916
    edited July 2020

    Hi Faith,

    Thank you for your encouragement. I am sure sorry that you are having so many challenges. I have been down that same path many years ago thinking I had gallbladder issues and went through all of the tests and they showed nothing. The only time I have been to the ER as an adult was in the middle of the night having so much stomach pain and driving myself to the ER. Again they could find nothing. The pain persisted for a while and eventually went away and I never really had any answers as to what was going on.

    I take probiotics now and that was definitely a game changer for me when dealing with my colon issues. Stress is always a factor that makes just about everything magnified. We are in unchartered waters for our generation with this pandemic and that in itself is reason to cause much anxiety. I do hope that your new meds for both of your issues will help. You have had a lot to deal with with your own health issues and then your DH's that went on longer than usual because of the pandemic.

    I am glad to hear that your DH is doing much better. I hope both of your sciatica will go away.

    I have not returned to my PT which is still on hold but I am faithfully doing my exercises and I am now walking a little over 2 miles and that has helped but in this hot weather has been really difficult. My YMCA permanently closed so I have really missed my swimming so have tried to replace it with walking. The Y across town has now opened up their pool for lap swimming so I will probably eventually end up there. I am still a bit hesitant to go with the virus infections rising again. You have to reserve a time so I have no idea how that will work out. I may wait until school starts to even think about checking that YMCA out.

    I do pray for both you and DH regularly and I appreciate your prayers as well. We will get through this time and we will be in the history books of the upcoming generation which have not been born yet. I do wonder what will be written.

    I do pray that you will feel much better very, very soon.

    Take care.



  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 724
    edited July 2020

    Faith, Jean, Chris, Nancy, Carol - thank you for your prayers! I am still having a lot of discomfort but not as bad as before. Our doctor friend said it was Diverticulitis (I have a diagnosis of Diverticulosis but never had a flare up before) and that I should be seen right away. I called my doctor and they couldn't get me in for a week (for a VIRTUAL appointment) so I said OK. Then the next day the doctor called and we had a phone visit (who knows what they charge for just that). She thought it was an obstruction and suggested Miralax twice a day and to call if it gets worse or I get a fever. I have been taking some stuff we bought James so he wouldn't strain after his bypass surgery and things are moving ok but I still have distention of the abdomen and tender places - so who knows. If it gets worse I'll call again. I also take probiotics and it helped tremendously for the spastic colon.

    Nancy and Faith, are your GI issues any better? How is Cammie?

    Nancy thanks for the Word you have shared. What a blessing and balm for the soul it is!

    James finally had his P&T exam for the VA last Wednesday - the final thing (we hope) in the claim process. The doctor was very nice so we pray he gets the highest recommendation. The Lord knows he has suffered enough. Anyway now we wait - again. It is in God's hands. "We know not what the future holds, but we know Who holds our future"!

    I don't know what one is worse - the virus - or the violence. But we have a powerful Heavenly Father who is able to keep us all til that Day. May His peace and healing be with you all. No matter what, we are headed for Glory in the end of it all!



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,916
    edited July 2020

    Ade, I sure hope your issues resolve. If they thought it was an obstruction I would think you need to be seen but praying they know what they are talking about. Have you had your appendix out. Just a thought. I sure wish you could be seen by someone now.

    I waited for what seemed like an eternity for my VA advocate to get back from vacation so he could shed some light on how we proceed from here. Of course the form needs to be signed by my Mom. He said the VA will NOT accept the fact that you have power of attorney for her so I could not sign it. I swear the enemy has been working over time. The number I was to call the VA guy downstate in IL. I got some man in Florida. I emailed my guy and said please call me now. Then I sent the forms via email to my Mom's facility and it came back permanent error. I am still holding my breath to see if it went through. The director is going to have my Mom sign (which I hope she is able to do) and then send it back to me and then I send it to the VA guy. We almost argued on the phone a little while ago when I stated exactly what the letter said she would get in benefits and he said no that isn't right. So we continue to go round and round and hopefully things will work out. So my GI issues are okay for now but Cammie goes to the vet tomorrow and I am nervous and worried about that.

    I do pray that James will not have to jump through any more hoops but I thought don't be surprised if that is not the case based on my experience. I continue to pray that he will get much more money and hopefully the maximum.

    I know Texas is getting hit hard with the virus. I pray that you stay safe. Our country needs prayer and healing and our issues will not resolve overnight but hopefully we will see a light at the end of the tunnel on both issues.



  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 724
    edited July 2020

    Nancy, the VA gets SO ridiculous that sometimes to keep from popping a gasket over them we just have to step back, roll our eyes to heaven and laugh! Honestly, could they make it any harder? The Lord just has to answer our prayers for patient endurance for these trials (like we don't have enough already). And then when I am most frustrated over this STUFF - He says to take a good hard look at PAUL'S life - and I humbly repent of my lack of patience and my frustration, since in truly IS just STUFF (but still important to us). This is just a test and the Lord is watching. Lord forgive me and help me to walk in the Spirit and not the flesh. (He never said this life would be easy - but a break surely would be nice!) :o)

    James has an appointment for labs and doctor in Fort Stockton over an hour away at the VA in September, then two more appointments in Midland, 3+ hours away the next day. We had hoped to stay the night up there (our son offered to pay for the hotel!) and then head up to Big Spring, which is 5+ hours away from home for James' eye appointment. I was told today that they are booked up until OCTOBER. So we have to wait months for an eye appointment that is over 5 hours away from home! That's the Texas VA. Otherwise it is out of pocket and that's not going to happen right now. I had an eye exam in Midland well over a year ago and it was $100. Then I took the script to Walmart, bought the cheapest frames at $9 - and still the total was $500! The beauty of moving to Ohio is that EVERYTHING is within an hour of home. BUT there is far more violence and virus there, so... we stay put for now I guess unless the Lord clearly says to go.

    I did have my appendix out with my hysterectomy. I think if it was really a blockage I would be in big trouble by now. I have very tender places and distention but not the pain I had a week ago thankfully. I think it will blow over in time. We are in a remote part of TX (why everything is SO far away!) and there haven't been many local virus cases so far - but up where our appointments are is another story. We just pray and try to be smart about it.

    Poor Cammie! I can just imagine she freaks out at the vet (our kitties did) and you hate to put her through that, but you have to find out what is wrong. I pray for calm for her, a non-serious diagnosis and easy quick cure. Let us know how it goes please.

    James shot this sunrise and this is the WEST sky! Crazy Texas!

    Praying for you all,



  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,436
    edited July 2020

    Ade, what an amazing picture of God's creation. Wow! I can't imagine the added frustration of the VA, distant appointments, along with everything else we are all going through. Even though we live in the thick of San Diego, with rising Covid, homeless population, and noisy neighbors, I am thankful that my appointments are rarely more than 30 minutes away. I have lived away from population when we lived in the desert and I appreciate the quiet, etc., but I really do believe God knew what He was doing when He led us here. I worked hard my entire life to have the retirement I do, but I feel veterans and their families gave more and deserve more (my dad included.) I could say more but dinner is ready. Know I pray for you all everyday.

  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 724
    edited July 2020

    Chris, bless your heart. You DO live in a wonderful place in our country for sure. We have been there a couple of times and loved it. I am blessed to look at these mountains, which I never get tired of - but YOU have the OCEAN! (I am fighting back some envy here.) :o) Anyway thank you again for your kind words. May the Lord grant you peace in this crazy storm.

    I want to add a P.S. to my post above. PLEASE, I do not in ANY way wish to minimize ANYONE'S troubles by calling it stuff. I only conveyed that the Lord was telling ME not to be a grumbler - which is so easy for me to do. We all need to share our burdens here, and help to carry one another's trials to the Lord in prayer. It's why we as the body of Christ love each other. We understand one another like no one else can. You are ALL under SUCH heavy burdens and you are such strong warriors in the Lord standing firm in Him, praying for one another, though sometimes we are hanging on for dear life ourselves. Please don't think I was talking about you in my post - just me. When the Lord rebukes me - I always deserve it. Then upon my repenting and confession I am humbled and loved in His mercy. Just wanted to make that clear. I love and greatly respect ALL of you.


  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,436
    edited July 2020

    Oh,, no. no! I do not want to imply that I took your words personal at all! I loved the desert when I lived there. In fact, God used the desert to teach me how to be content wherever He placed me, and taught me to love the desert while I raised me three kids there even though I caught myself grumbling at times. You did not diminish my "stuff." God uses each of us where we are and helps us through the troubled times. Several times in my life I learned that people were watching me even though I had no idea at the time, and I have learned several of them have become Christians since. Be careful when you pray for God to enlarge your borders! And, yes, feel free to grumble here. It is the one place I feel I can without condemnation...another long story!

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,916
    edited July 2020

    Dear sisters, I just wrote a LOOOOOOOOOONG post and it disappeared. SCREAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Cammie has an ear infection and I have to give her ointment in her ear for ten days. Oh Lord help me. She has lost one pound and this new vet who I liked very much is concerned. I have to weigh her and see if she is losing. The vet did a blood work up and she called me today and said things look good. Relief!!!

    My Mom went to the doctor yesterday and has also lost more weight in spite of the appetite stimulant who the doctor wants her to stay on.

    My Mom' s facility director was able to get my Mom to sign this VA document for me. Thank you Lord.

    I will wrote more later of what I had said.



  • ade
    ade Member Posts: 724
    edited July 2020

    Nancy, I'm sorry you lost your post. I have had that happen and know it is REALLY frustrating! SOOO thankful your mom was able to sign the paper (although it is NUTS that they won't accept your power of attorney!). I pray your mom will just naturally stop losing the weight and begin to have a healthy weight again. (I would GLADLY donate to her all of MY weight that she needed!!!) :oD Poor little Cammie. We went through the ear infection thing with Maggie and it wants to come back from time to time. We found some natural drops that she doesn't run from and it helps to keep it at bay. I saw a cat carrier bag that was really nice (wish I remembered where I saw it). You put the head through and the rest of the body is zipped into the bag. They feel cozy and claws can't come through or rip it. This makes it very easy for the vert to work on the kitty. Our old vet kept one in his office for whenever he worked on kitties. In the ad I saw, this bag had a shoulder strap so you could carry her in it and you could fasten a car seatbelt into it too. Pretty cool! You probably already have something like that or similar, but I was impressed with it. We made the mistake of transporting a cat WITHOUT a carrier ONCE! Poor guy spazzed out and bounced off of one window then another! Then we bought a carrier! Anyway I'm glad the bloodwork on her is good. Maybe once the ear infection calms down she will feel more like eating too.

    Praying God's blessings upon you all,


  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,436
    edited July 2020

    Nancy, glad you have an answer for Cammie and your mom was able to sign the VA paper. I was able to get my cat into a pillow case by playing, then when she stuck her head out, I was able to close it around her body and give her drops, etc. It might work for you. Still had to hold her down, but it worked.

    Hanging in here. I can't do much but trying to stay safe and keep busy with little things. Once school "starts" I will be the main facilitator of my granddaughter's virtual online kindergarten learning since her mom is still in nursing school. Perhaps this is part of my purpose now. I am just thankful to be useful.

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,916
    edited July 2020

    Hi dear friends. I have not been able to get onto this site all day and most of the evening. I could email and get on the internet but I was not able to get through to BCO period. We did have some outage problems in our area and I just unplugged my modem and I am finally up and running. I had some banners ready to post and wanted to give you an update and thank you for your input on Cammie..........but it is late and I will have to wait until tomorrow. I am just glad I was able to get back on here.

    Have a good night dear sisters.



  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723
    edited July 2020

    I had the same problem. Just with this site, not with any others. Glad it's working again. :)

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,916
    edited July 2020

    Carol, I guess it wasn't just me then. I know that they were registering people to take part in the virtual town hall meeting and maybe that crashed they system for a while. How are you doing? How is your father accepting your situation? Have you started a treatment plan yet? I hope things go as smoothly as possible for you.

    Trying to get ear ointment in Cammies ear has been a nightmare on some days and difficult at best. I have five more days to go and I hope she will still be speaking to me when it is all over. She stays far away from me after we struggle to get the meds in and then eventually warms up to me thankfully.

    Ade, the kitty bag you mentioned sounds interesting. Cammie squirms her way out of my arms and she is so strong I don't know if even that kitty bag would work. She actually sleeps in her carrier when she is not sleeping next to me in bed. Since she travels with me so much when I visit my family downstate I just leave it out and then when it is time for a trip she is safe in her familiar environment. Oh my, if I had her loose in the car I can't even imagine the whole thing. She would probably cause an accident if she freaked out too much. I can only imagine your cat doing that.

    Chris, I have not tried the pillow case. I am using a towel but she managed to squirm out of it and today her hind claws were scratching my arm and digging into my skin. I have been pretty worried about her. The vet told me that her weight loss could be some serious things including cancer so I have to weigh her periodically and if she is still losing she wants to know. I can't tell if she is not eating her regular food much because she is sick of it or not. She still loves her treats so I am hoping it is just being finicky and probably not eating much because she was in pain from her ear. Hopefully that part has been helped by the antibiotics so far.

    You will have have a big responsibility with your granddaughter and her online kindergarten but I bet you will enjoy that. We will pray that you will have the strength and stamina to do that.

    It is very late and I need to get to bed.

    Have a good week dear sisters.



  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,916
    edited July 2020

    As our world can look pretty hopeless at times we can have hope as our anchor in Jesus. God can make a way where in our dim vision of the big picture there seems to be no way. Look at this daisy below and know that nothing is impossible with God. He can make beauty from ashes. Look for your daisy today as you go about your day. It may be in a different form but God is always giving us signs of Himself to encourage our hearts.




    Hebrews 6:18-19New International Version

    18 God did this so that, by two unchangeable things in which it is impossible for God to lie, we who have fled to take hold of the hope set before us may be greatly encouraged. 19 We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure. It enters the inner sanctuary behind the curtain,

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723
    edited July 2020

    Hi Nancy, thank you for checking on me. My dad is doing OK. We talked with him on the phone last night. I just tell him that treatment is going as planned and that I'm doing fine.

    I'm on my second cycle of Ibrance and will see my oncologist next week. I think the plan is to repeat scans and tests about every three months. I have blood work done every two weeks.

    I've added Proverbs 1:33 (NRSV) to my list next to my computer. "Whoever listens to me will dwell secure and will be at ease, without dread of disaster." I especially like the "without dread" part. I think the dread is what can paralyze us and it's the thing I want most to give up.

    Blessing to all of my sisters and prayer warriors today.


  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,916
    edited July 2020


    It sounds like you are managing very well. I am glad your Dad is doing OK. Dread is something I would guess all of us do no matter what our circumstances. I do pray that your "new" verse will be a great comfort to you.

    I chose this verse before reading your post but I think it applies to your situation and all of us.

    Is there any one person on this earth that you can say fits these verses below. You may have a spouse, a child, a sibling or friend who thinks they know you inside out but the truth is they don't really know everything about you and your thoughts. Only the Lord knows these things and that should bring us comfort knowing that no matter what we are going through or what we are feeling there is One who has compassion for us and loves us so much that He sticks closer than a brother. He totally gets us when many around us do not. There can be a sense of loneliness thinking no one understands what you are going through but Jesus does and He wants to comfort you with your fears, your dreads, your challenges and your suffering. Reach out to Him today and ask Him to hold you tight.

    Have a good day dear sisters. I am going to get a haircut today which can never be taken for granted againSmile.



    Psalm 139

    For the director of music. Of David. A psalm.

    1 You have searched me, Lord,
    and you know me.
    2 You know when I sit and when I rise;
    you perceive my thoughts from afar.
    3 You discern my going out and my lying down;
    you are familiar with all my ways.
    4 Before a word is on my tongue
    you, Lord, know it completely.

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723
    edited July 2020

    Oops! I just read my post and edited it to say “withOUT dread...” Sorry about that. 🙀

  • bandwoman1234
    bandwoman1234 Member Posts: 5,916
    edited July 2020

    Carol, I did notice that omission but you certainly clarified it by the next sentence so I was sure anyone reading it would understand.

    Hebrews 6:19New International Version

    19 We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure. It enters the inner sanctuary behind the curtain,

  • intolight
    intolight Member Posts: 2,436
    edited July 2020

    Good morning all. Thank you for your continued words of hope and blessing.

    My sweet sister-in-law passed yesterday after years of struggling through Lupus. She was in the hospital almost two months this time. It is so sad that because of Covid our loved ones have to pass on alone in a hospital bed without family nearby. But she is finally free of pain and in the arms of her Savior and with her mom and dad who passed on before her.

    I am struggling a bit with non-specific teeth pain that seems to move around. Anyone who knows me knows I hate going to the dentist, but I have made the appt. The earliest I can get in is next Wednesday because the office finally re-opened and so many people are trying to get in, mainly with emergencies like mine. Unfortunately the appt is early in the morning which is rough for me, but otherwise it would be another week. Dental issues are more complicated for me also because I am on an oral chemo drug and there are several potential oral complications because of the meds. I appreciate your prayers as I am also still struggling to settle in with this new drug.

    I pray God's love with surround each of you today. Chris