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August 2010...anyone starting chemo besides me?!



  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Omaz: thank you. That was very informative and interesting.

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    whoooooooo hoooooooooo lady!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    lizzy- maybe next week for the appointment LOL it WILL get done though!

    Omaz and ginger- i will have to look into that. i think it sounds true enough, i know i did drink tons of milk and ate broccoli so vitamin d was never a concern of mine- but i was pale LOL 

    Rachel whats the norm temp for y'all this time of yr???? 2 words- GLOBAL WARMING! 

    Lizzy for real? ecuador????? 

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    You live far enough south that you could get vitamin D3 from the sun if you go outside. With your little kids I bet you get outside pretty often. You are also young so it is my thought that you were outside a lot as a teenager. I could be way off on that though. . Up north it is just impossible to get enough D3. When I was tested my Onc in telling me the results said, "well it isn't zero." I had 8 a score of 8. When 40 is low side of normal and people have 60 and 80 and more, I think 8 was just drastically low. I take D3 every day now. I take 5000 mg a day. It is also inexpensive. If my blood tests show D3 going up too high I will cut back. I think the recommended amount is something like 1200 mg a day for someone my age, 66. Someone knows the official numbers on here.


    I love it because it is so beautiful but I want to put up these window boxes I got and have actual flowers outside my kitchen windows. 

    I have this ideal climate in my head. It would get cold and snow on December 21st and it would melt on the 27th. Thereafter it would be warm in the 70's during the day and 60's in the evening. It would rain in the early early morning so it wouldn't interfere with our day. The heat would increase inJune and July for corn to grow, maybe into the 80's but the humidity would be low.  Then it would return to lovely 70's until Thanksgiving day when it would drop to the 50's for a little nip in the air. Return once again to the 70's until Santa was loading up his sleigh.  I think this world might be in Santa Barbara but who can afford to live there? 



  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796
    Good day warriors!

    It was so beautiful here today....80!!! YAY!! I got my Vitamin D *and* I picked some purple flowers that smell great! A friend visited this weekend and when she saw those purple flowers she remarked how they are so pretty and they smell so pretty. Sure enough, she was right! My mother used to garden and love to plant flowers and all of that stuff. As a child I would help her but as an adult, I have zero interest! Those flowers are in the front of the house and clearly perennial work of someone so inclined! I just love them and they are beautiful.

    Ginger: when you find that perfect climate, I will be going with you! I can't believe you got snow. It was so nice last night, watching Idol and collated with the Yanks with all the windows open! It was just beautiful. It is set to get more seasonable here next week meaning 50s and 60s but this has been such a treat.

    You are correct, the D3 number is 1100-1200. I am definitely going to start taking it. I was also watching Dr. Oz today and they said L-Tyrosine is a fine replacement for synthroid. I am not going to go off of synthroid but I am going to take L-Tyrosine in conjunction with synthroid and am hoping it will jump start this thing! I have to say, my gyn said she really feels like a "co" doctor w/Dr. Oz as her phone rings off the wall the day after he covers something in her wheelhouse and I understand that could be frustrating but I still love him!

    Tex: did you make the gyn appt yet?! After reading Trudeau's book (not done yet) I am only pretty sure I am going to be giving up milk! On that note I am only pretty sure I am going to be giving up everything! Can you believe Walmart is going to put out a "PINK SLIME-FREE" meat option?! I can't stand beef, I don't like the cows are treated, I don't like eating 4000 hormones and drugs with a piece of meat etc... so it has zero effect on me but I cannot believe that Walmart is going to give the "slime-free" option. They are just effin gross, disgusting capitalists killing everyone in their wake with their nasty cheap food. Trudeau said eat 4 pieces of organic fruit, 2 salads (organic of course!) and juice every day for optimal health. I am going to go with it. Makes my life trip to Whole Foods a week and I will order organic chicken which I receive by FedEx. Trudeau is making my life very easy!

    As for Ecuador, one friend bought a place and another went on a 2 month vaca there earlier this year and loved it. I would get an apartment there. It is a beautiful, up-and-comer with gorgeous, affordable beachfront housing. Sounds good to me!

    Have a lovely evening !

  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    Normal temp this time of the year here is probably anywhere from 5-10 degrees celcius--today was 27...I warming. Crazy weird temperatures. Makes you really wonder what is going on. In Canada, we are used to having winters that may last a little while so for the kids to be wearing shorts and t-shirts in March...strangely weird.

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Wow did you catch DIane Sawyer reporting on "fake pharmacies" they buy the "in short supply" drugs, sell them to their own distributors, often in the same building who mark them up even more to sell to hospitals. A $15 drug was resold for $350.   I say hang the **stards! 

    What an f*ed up money making scheme. Hearless.


  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796
    Ginger: it is funny you mention that.  As you know, I am deep in Trudeau's book but, tonight, when I was watching the venerated CBS evening news, they had a woman on who was on about 11 pills a day.  I promise you, she was antithesis of picture of health.  All these drugs are *not* good for us and they only mask symptoms but they don't fix anything.  Tamox is kind of a different story because it stops our cells from making cancer's BFF but few drugs are really beneficial.  The were airing this story talking about how "side effects" all start to overlap when one is on so many pills.  It is, sadly, always about money, all of the time.  Our govt has systematically let the medical complex get way, way out of control and I don't care what anyone says about Obama, if all we get out of 12-16 is health reform, I will be grateful.  Our health *not* care system is a mess and when I looked at global stats, if our system was so special and filled with all this cutting edge crap, why are we one of the sickest countries in the world?   A question for the ages, no less.
  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796
  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796
    I totally forgot what I came here to post when I saw Ginger's post and had to chime in!   Tomorrow night friends and I get together and we pretty much do this once per month.  Everyone brings snacks, we have dinner, drink wine, play games etc... and it is always fun.  I am always bringing wine and usually some snack.  Well tomorrow night I am bringing "kale" chips!  I am making them and it is so wicked easy.  All you do is cut out the veins, spritz with olive oil and sprinkle kosher salt and that is it!   Bake at 350 for about 25 minutes, or until the edges are brown, and they are ready to go! Some people toss them with parm and garlic salt but I am not going crazy but am just aiming to bring a healthier snack.  I will let you all know how they are.  It might be the easiest way for us all to consume kale!
  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    We talked about them on another thread and I made them and they are ymmy.  Don't overcook them though, it's a little touchy to figure out when they are done but they taste really good.

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796
    Omaz: great, great, great!!!!  I am so glad you let me know!!   Believe it or not, I am sorry to say, I learned of these on "Ice Loves Coco!!!!!!!"  I am sure you don't know what that is!  It is a reality show in E! about Ice T and his wife, Coco.   She is attempting to feed them healthier foods b/c her blood pressure is high so she goes to a nutritionist and this is where she learns about these kale chips.  All I can say is I am very, very happy to have found something I can do with kale that will replace other snacks and now you tell me they are yummy!  EUREKA!   
  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    Hey Lizzy - how did the chips come out?

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    LOL thanks for reminding me i totally forgot (honest) 

    I will call around tomorrow and see if i can get in :)

    RUTABEGAS-  I bought a few cans of this stuff i have NEVER eaten them in my life, but they were marked down and i am all for trying new things!!!! 

    So any tried and true recipies ladies??????  

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    rutabegas ??? Absolutely no clue Tex!!

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good evening, my spartan warriors!

    It is so cold in CT tonight, when I walked out of Whole Foods, I wanted to go straight to JFK and head for the equator!  Right now it is 32 and heading for the upper teens.  Yes, it was 83 degrees 5 days ago!!!!!!!! I can't take it!

    Omaz: I opted for mango salsa b/c I realized kale makes people think of cancer and I just decided to skip it!  What I did do, however, is just cut up some kale and put it in my salad this weekend.  As it turns out, I like it raw, just the way it is!  I could eat it like a popsicle!  Not joking when I tell you I used to like to eat sand and/or dirt when I was young!  Apparently kids will do that if there is some mineral deficiency.  Well, I tell you this because that kale, for whatever reason, takes me for a trip right down memory lane to my old dirt eating days!!!!!!  I swear, it is so weird.  In any case, I am going to make the chips this week.  I just love it just the way it is.  It is yummy!  An elderly woman approached me at WF tonight and saw me buying kale.  She asked me what I do with it and I told her I eat it raw, just as it is but then told her about the chips.  Sure enough she was heading home to make herself some!  She was so cute!  What started her talking to me was my wearing my WINTER coat!  Poor thing had on one of those courdoroy Land's End deals which, on a normal day in March, would be fine in CT.  Too cold!

    Omaz, one question: why did the recipe I looked at call for "kosher" salt?  Perhaps it was written by a Jewish author but, aside from that, do you know why they might call for that?  Is there any difference except for the Rabbi having blessed the kosher salt?!   Just wondering. 

    Tex: no excuses!  Make that appt!  Rutabagas are just like turnips although they take about 4 weeks longer to ripen.  I love turnips.  Generally what I do is just mash them with a fork and some S&P.  That is it.  Of course a lot of people like butter.  Rutabaga and turnips are great for roasting or mashing.   It is great to try something new.  I was so happy to find some broccoli rabe on sale today...some garlic and a little EVOO, race it around in the pan with a pinch of onion salt...yummy!   I am also beyond enthralled that the "farmers markets" are starting up again in CT.  There are a few that go all winter but these next 7 months there are farmers markets almost daily...yummmmmmmmy!   

    Well, I am going to go stare at my fireplace and decide if I want to fire it up or not!  I want this cold weather G-O-N-E! 

    Night, girls- 

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Lizzy - I have no idea about the kosher salt!  I am loving swiss chard right now.  Cut it up and steam with a little olive oil and salt/pepper - yummy. Add egg whites for breakfast and some salsa - yeah.  It's warm here Lizzy, I"ll send some up your way.
  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796
    Omaz: Swiss is my next stop!  I am going to pick that up at the farmers market this weekend.  BTW, Trudeau says the only way to really clean and reset the body is a 21 day juice fast.  I have the Jack LaLane Power Juicer and this is what he means by "juice" fast.  I am seriously considering it.  I am about to start Dr. Natura's "Colonix" and might start the juice fast in the last week of the colonix.  I will then do Natura's "Toxinout" thereafter.  I just feel compelled to clean my system out after all that chemo and these surgeries etc...  Kale and chard are cornerstones of the changes I am implementing.  I am still reading Trudeau and call him a quack or nut job or whatever, I think he makes an awful lot of sense!!! 
  • WOW Omaz - that is REALLY interesting -the DV3 map!!  Whooee - I'm in big trouble!
    I wonder if there is a lower rate of BC in the southern states??? 

    No wonder I'm always in the sun and still needed an extra 5000 mg a day according to my bloodwork!  

     I just got home from Georgia - visiting my grandfather with the kids and my mom.  I drove to Savannah and Tybee Island and we found the fantastic beach.  WOW we got sunburned!  but it was amazing!!  Glad to be home!!

    Have to catch up on the boards!!

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    Kel i am happy to hear you made it down to see your grandfather. Maybe it does have a lower occurance, seems a lot of ppl i meet with cancer down here came from else where.....

    Lizzy- Embarassed i made an appointment with my oncologist- i knew i was forgetting something today LOL

    well i am gonna look up some in network drs and get on that tonight so i can call FIRST THING TOMORROW 

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good evening warriors!

    Kel: I am so glad you made it to see your grandfather.  Tybee Island is one of my favorite places in the hemisphere!  It is a wonderful place to retire also.  The rates of BC are unequivocally hire above the 37th parallel and the northeast, RI and CT, are numbers 1 and 2.   Trudeau told my friend it was Vit D but failed to extrapolate.  Would it be amazing if it is just that easy?  

    Tex: it is important to stay on top of those appts, woman!  

    Omaz: those kale chips are just luscious!  I even sprinkled a little sea salt but, in retrospect, it was not even necessary.  I crumbled them up over brown rice and it was so good!   I have been just adding kale to my salads and it is a nice compliment to radicchio, boston and red lettuce.  Good stuff!

    Happy trails- 

  • Lizzy - don't forget broccoli rabe along with the kale and chard.  It's really good in olive oil with some walnuts and garlic.  I could make dinner out of it!

     Hey - I discovered something good.  Shop Rite is now carrying "Natural Angus Beef" --they have select ranchers and all animals can be traced to their places of birth.  They pledge no hormones or antibiotics and since most are from "ranches" - many of them family ranches, it seems that they are at least partially grass fed.  While driving through VA and West VA in the mountain regions, we saw literally thousands of black angus cattle grazing.  Last night I picked up three pounds of beef cubes and they were $4.49 a pound and very lean (not the crappy chuck kind with grizzle and fat!)  I made an awesome stew tonight!  Added organic carrots and potatoes.   Nice for a treat!

     I was extremely excited yesterday when I went to the garden just to see what was happening (I haven't even cleared last year's dead plants yet...) and the big kale stalks I thought were dead are growing new leaves on them!  This kind of kale is Russian, so it's a reddish purple.  I was really pretty amazed to see that it had wintered over, and the new leaves are really yummy!  I threw them in the blender with some dandelion I found growing as weeds out there.  :)  It's a good way to push greens!

    I'm still unable to run with my foot but I'm able to be cycling for an hour a night.  I am going to have to see a podiatrist soon if it doesn't get better - the whole side of my foot tugs and burns when I push off running, and even if I run for a minute, the next day it will hurt like crazy.  UGH! 

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good evening, warriors!

    Nothing good to say about the weather but got my "lady parts" annual test results back and I am A-OK!!! Never thought the results of that would be quite as celebratory as they are now, post-bc!

    Warning moviegoers: saw "21 Jump Street" and it sucked! I am glad it was a bargain matinee!

    Ladyinbama: thinking of you! Hope you are doing well.

    Calamtykel: I am "Italian" so rabe has been in my life since birth!!! Funny that you mention Shop Rite. I used to only trust S&S chicken cutlets and then I saw all the Tyson boxes in the back of their meat counter and I knew it is Tyson chicken and not from this S&S farm I conjured up! Then I went on to "Nature's Pride" but b/c S&S is run by a behemoth co, I am sure that is just toxin-filled Tyson cutlets repackaged. I was just talking to a friend about Shop Rite and how they are locally owned and therefore our chances of being able to count on what they "report" on their labels is clearly a bit more than the S&S's of the world. I started ordering free-range cutlets as I don't really trust WF either as they have been investigated repeatedly to LYING to the public about where they are buying their food. A few times recently they have been investigated for their products being manufactured in China. China organic probably means just dragged through crap only once!

    Like I said, I am glad the farmers markets are open again and I can't stand the meat industry in this country. I have not even seen "Hunger Games" yet but I believe that is where we are headed because this planet has been all but trashed.

    I am glad you found something of interest in the meat dept at Shop Rite, however! I went out with this guy that was ridiculously wealthy and yet he shopped at Shop Rite (insert many jokes!) all the time. Of course I asked why and he just shrugged and said the produce was good. It got me thinking and honestly I think there stuff is more fresh/locally grown. I shop there once in a while as their sales are very good.

    I really feel for you on the foot business. I hated being taken down by injuries and it happened at least 3 or 4 times and then I taught Step and had a recurring gastroc injury. Every now and again it would tremble as if it were threatening to pull right off the bone! Not good. Congrats on the kale! I just pick it up at S&S. It is a financial as well as nutritional bargain.

    Omaz: I picked up rainbow charred and it is luscious. It speaks to my dirt craving even more than the kale!!!!!!! I am so sorry to admit I still get the desire to eat dirt when I open a bag of soil!!!!! No, I have never talked to a doc about it and my parents dragged me to the doc as a kid b/c the cats were using my beautiful, palatial sandbox that I was eating sand out of!!!!! They ran some tests but did not come up with anything. That chard is luscious! I make a big salad out of kale, chard, boston and red lettuce, red pepper and some shredded carrots. Good stuff.

    TEX: make that appt yet?!  ;)

    Did you all hear the Senator from TX crying about the job losses that are coming because the "pink slime" plants are closing?! Seriously? They cry about Medicare costs meanwhile they are double-dealing with the pharmas to toss the whole country on meds, profiteering of the stock trading, and then feeding us poison food. This country is a hot mess.

    I want to run again. I am giving myself a year to get back in running form. I really want to run and feel that great sweat of burning squeezing all that crap out of my muscles! It felt to really, really sweat. Funny the things you miss!

    Guys, my liver still hurts....wth?!?!

    Happy trails-

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796
    You know, raising the price of cigarettes got a lot of those jokers to quit.  Why, pray tell, do they NOT raise the price of that disgusting MCRAT food?  20 chicken Mcnuggets for $4.99.  Why doesn't the govt levy a 200% tax on the sale of every mcnugget?  I am sure mcrat food is having just as awful an effect on those that eat it as cigarettes are.  I bought kale for 1.99 tonight and meanwhile those jokers are killing people with their chicken ass and petri dish chicken paste for 4.99 AND they advertise which is why I am aware of this.  So very gross.
  • Lizzy - are you SERIOUS?  They are crying about the job losses?  Well, maybe step up the freaking quality and we would not have this problem!  Good grief - people ate beef for years and years before they started tampering with it.  Actually, strike that.  I used to have a great book called "The Good Old Days, they were Terrible!"  It's appalling what they used to do to food years ago.  WOW!  Adding chalk to milk from city dairies, and the meat - UGH - hanging in open air in markets, etc.   I also collect old medical and household advice books and one I have from the turn of the century has a whole chapter cautioning and educating young housewives on how to spot adulterated food.  They would throw a handful of flour on the wall to see if it stuck or not - as all kinds of bad stuff was added to white flour.  Food years ago was really bad - sick animals being slaughtered and sold, etc.  Kind of the same as today but in a different way I guess.  The family farms were healthy, but not if you lived in a city.  

    I agree about McDonald's.  On the road on vacation we were forced to eat in various restaurants.  I was really good about my diet - I got salads everywhere I went but it was still hard to eat healthy.  A salad at the little local "Huddle House" in their town  isn't the same as a dark organic greens salad, but at least it was a salad!  Glad we didn't frequent a mcD's - my kids wouldn't touch the stuff after seeing the Super Size me show!   Many times we'd get the kids something and I'd go to a grocery store to the salad bar.   I still had a stomach ache part of the time from eating pasteurized dairy--got some stonyfield, but even that is pasteurized and bothers my stomach.

    I wonder if I'm more sensitive to foods since chemo, or if it's just because I've gotten used to a certain diet?  

    Rainbow chard is gorgeous!  I tried So hard to grow it last year and it never came up well.  Do you have any food co-ops near you?  We have local farms around here that you can sign up for a season of produce and it's all organic.  It is not cheap and you usually have to take what they have (IE if they have an abundance of potatoes one week, that's what you get) but they may have something similar near you.

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796
    Good day, warriors!

    I picked this up from Dr. Oz recently:

    Certain foods, eaten in the correct portions and frequency, can provide cancer-starving benefits. Below are 5 foods to eat that can prevent cancer growth:

    1. Bok Choy This type of Chinese cabbage contains brassinin; a powerful cancer-fighter, also found in broccoli, cauliflower and Brussels sprouts. Bok Choy should be eaten 3 times a week, in 1/2 cup servings to obtain its full benefits.

    2. Cooked Tomatoes have more cancer-fighting properties than raw tomatoes. Both contain the molecule lycopene, but heating the tomato changes its chemical structure and makes the benefits more readily available to your body. You should eat 2-3 (1/2 cup) servings of cooked tomatoes a week.

    3. Flounder This fish is rich in omega-3 fatty acids and low in mercury. Three 6-ounce servings a week is ideal.

    4. Strawberries The antioxidants in this berry help fight cancers. You should eat 1 cup a day, including the juice.

    5. Artichokes contain 3 different cancer-fighting molecules. Enjoy ¼ cup of hearts per day.

    All things to consider.  Most of us probably eat 3 or 4 of these anyway.  I think it is a helpful, little list.  I really love the idea of "starving" cancer!  

    Calamtykel: It is scary to think of how long people in this country have been eating "pink slime." I would guesstimate 80% of the population eats hamburgers and, from what the news is saying, they have been also eating pink slime. Yes, crying about job losses! Now they are "touring" the pink slime plants to show us how clean and seemingly innocuous they are!!!!!! I could care less because if I have eaten 10 hamburgers in the past 10 years, that is a lot. I stopped the red meat fast-food thing 25 years ago and around 20 years ago I took red meat off my menu completely. It is just so scary how much people have been tricked into letting their tongue make their nutritional choices and how all that special stuff beyond the tongue, like your organs, are trying desperately to both function, process this crappy food and keep individuals alive. That is a lot of work for the stomach and intestines.

    As for co-ops, there is one not too far from Yale. There are tons of farms around also. I am just pretty happy that the farmers markets are starting again. That rainbow chard is excellent! I can't believe how nicely it blends right into my salads. Also I believe eating chard and kale fresh and raw is the best way.

    Speaking of pasteurization, in Trudeau's book he talks a lot about staying away from pasteurized and homogenized dairy. Of course, the FDA has us believing we must eat pasteurized and homogenized or we surely will perish! It is absolutely wonderful that your kids will not eat McDonald's after watching "Super Size Me." They will most likely have a longer life as a result.

    I really wish there was a way to start an "organic" chain restaurant but there really is not because the govt has all these farmers scrambling around under collective agreements, it would be impossible. Like you said, with the organic season of produce contracts, you get what they have. Because I am single, doing anything like that would not be cost-effective for me but I can drive around to the local organic farms in CT once a month and buy some items. The farmers markets are the best for these next 7 months, however.

    I dated an FBI agent for a while. I picked him up with my Chinese language skills!!!!! In any case, and I don't know if we were on assignment (!), he took me to China Town in NYC. We went deeper into ChinaTown than I had ever on my own largely because, and as you know, the battling between Little Italy and China Town not to mention the problems in China Town itself. Needless to say, prior to dating him, I remained touristy when I went through there. He and I went into some of the obscure areas where, and worse than on the main roads, chickens were just hanging with blood dripping out of them. Ostensibly this was not healthy as there were flies everywhere but there were also large cattle parts hanging...I could vomit. That and the story my Italian grandmother told me of how they would use the intestine skin of the pig to make sausage and then "hang it" over night from the beams in their house in Naples to dry are enough to induce vomiting with me!!!! Gross! So gross!

    Finally a friend of mine comes from a family who have been running farms upstate NY for over a century and when I asked if he would eat the potato skin, he said no!!! All farmers have a separate garden for their families to eat from as that which are pesticide free. I used to really like to eat the potato skin when I had a baked potato. To be honest, I can't even remember the last time I had a potato now !

    I am really glad you got to see your grandfather, Kel. That was important.

    Well, warriors, it is freezing in CT and I am going to do yoga and read! I can't think of a better way to spend my Saturday!

    Good weekend to all and, as always, MAY THE FORCE BE WITH YOU!

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    Luke, I AM your father......


    Love that movie!!!  Just watched it AGAIN last week.  ithink my daughter and I know all the lines.  You know cancer is like darth vader - he was once normal and then mutated away into something else.  But the emperor was the cancer stem cell.

    May the force be with you too Lizzy!!! 

  • Lizzy - also, Walmart's frozen salmon is wild caught.  We really like it and it's reasonable - comes in individual portion packs too!

    I'm off to the dairy tonight - for "real" milk.  Don't think I can afford the meat this time, but happy to be getting milk anyway.  Supposely, milk from Jerseys and those breeds are better for you, but all this dairy has are Holstein's.  It's nearly impossible unless you have your own small family farm, to find a place that has Jersey milk --wish I could just buy a cow!

    Remember for the mercury, the larger the fish, the more the mercury concentration.  That's why tuna and swordfish are so high - salmon and flounder and such are small fish.  :) 

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Calamtykel: I had NO idea Walmart had wild caught salmon!  Wow...I sure hope I can count on the label because now the numbers on farmed tilapia and salmon are incredibly high.   The nutritionist at Yale spoke to me about the size of the fish and, of course, the smaller the better relative to mercury levels.  Of course, sockeye salmon cannot be farmed nor can lobster and crawfish.  The problem, of course, with lobster is it is a shellfish and so what goes in "never" gets out really so, not only are they not fish(as they are seafood) but they also don't have scales and gills.   I read somewhere recently to stick with the scale-and-gill fish and whenever possible, avoid shellfish.  I am goign to have to check out that Walmart salmon although I am even concerned as I type this.  Honestly, I am only pretty sure I am going to find myself on the coast of RI or NH in a house that has a nice garden and I will fish for my dinner!   

    Omaz: oddly enough, it has been years and years since I saw Star Trek but I still LOVE that line!  Also I met the hottest Luke-alike at a Halloween party some years back!  That is the end of my affinity list on all things "Star Wars!"  

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796
    Question: does anyone make homemade pizza using wheat dough?  I know I am not supposed to have white flour blah blah blah but I do like to make homemade pizza with all the vegetables perhaps twice per month. I just cannot get used to the wheat dough!  I never eat white bread, rice, and now even potatoes but I can't get used to making pizza with wheat dough. I am thinking maybe has a recipe for making wheat dough or a suggestion?  I used a store-bought wheat dough a few times and just did not like it.   I am going to continue working on this and might, for the heck of it, mix the white and wheat as I move toward wheat!  One thing is for sure: cancer changed my life!