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August 2010...anyone starting chemo besides me?!



  • LadyinBama
    LadyinBama Member Posts: 993

    Hi all, sorry I've been MIA. I've actually been busy lately with things besides doctor appts. It is so good to start getting a life back! Sounds like everybody is doing ok.

    On food: I know broccoli is one of the foods we should eat, but I don't really like it. So I've found a healthy way to sneak it into my diet. I make a slaw with the broccoli slaw, cut up an apple in it, add some raisins and sprinkle with chopped almonds (all good for you foods). I make a dressing using low-fat olive oil Kraft mayo, a couple packs of Truvia and a couple of dashes of red wine vinegar. Wisk and mix into the slaw. Refrigerate for a few hours before eating so the flavors mix. Delicious, easy to make and good for you.

    Everybody have a good weekend. We're having thunderstorms tonight. It has been hot here. We went from Winter straight to Summer!

  • LadyinBama
    LadyinBama Member Posts: 993

    To show you how hot it's been in Alabama the past couple of weeks, I changed my avatar to a picture of a rose in my back yard. I don't know how well it shows up, but I counted the buds on it the other day and there were 30! About half are blooming now. This is a rose that was at my Mother & Daddy's old house that I dug up and moved to my house in Bham and then dug up and moved to Huntsville. Thank goodness, the moves haven't hurt it. These blooms make me think of my parents when I see them. I miss them so much!

    Also, Lizzy, I've become real resourceful since I'm alone. I sunburned my back working in the yard this week. I took a long handled wooden spoon that I cook with and wrapped the spoon part with a dinner napkin and fastened it with a rubber band (in case there were any rough spots on the spoon). Then I poured aloe vera gel on the wrapped part and was able to reach down my back and put the gel on my sunburn! Works great if you ever need something like this. Smile

  • Lizzy - I don't like pizza with whole wheat dough, but it doesn't matter since I can't have wheat anyway!  However, I do like spelt flour pizza!  Spelt flour makes an incredible pizza dough.  Yes, it's white (you can get whole grain spelt) but we just use the white.  It's still better for you than white flour.  :) 

    It also makes a KILLER scone or biscuit and cinnamon rolls to die for. :)

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good day, warriors!

    I hope you all had a lovely weekend! It is in the 50s here today and I am freezing.

    Juicing! I am not going to lie when I tell you all this juice was super healthy and super GROSS! I juiced a head of bok choy and 8 organic carrots! Dr. Oz is right when he says you feel immediately energized after having

    Lady: yesterday HGTV was in Alabama on the TN border. In any event, they were in the most adorable with these 2-3 bdrm homes that were on 1/2+ acres and they were only $90K!!! I was stunned! Then you mention that it is hot and I nearly have to control myself from packing! That is a CT special re: going from winter straight to summer. Every year we go through that.
    That slaw sounds wonderful! On broccoli, I was all of 7 years old, just about attached to my Italian grandmother's hip in the kitchen one Thanksgiving. I will never forget as she was steaming my favorite, broccoli!!!! The smell was wonderful! I don't know how my parents did it but they got me into broccoli young!

    Consequently, on getting a life back, speak for yourself!!! glad you are doing well and feeling good, Lady, there is a lot to be said for that.

    That is great about the kitchen spoon! That is wonderful ingenuity!

    Calamtykel: I will check on the Spelt pizza dough. Thank you!

    Well, I still have bok choy-carrot juice to drink....ugh! It is so healthy, I was rather hoping I could get used to it. I also don't like to cook the "s" out of vegetables b/c many, if not all, nutrients are compromised as a result (plus I don't *cook*) but I might have to start with the soy, oyster and brown sugar recipe if I am going to be eating that bok choy going forward! Aside from that, I will just double up on my artichoke consumption! Love, love, love artichokes just steamed in their beautiful, natural state!

    Good day, all!

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    Yes i made that appointment- it isnt until NEXT friday

    and also yes i do whole wheat dough- it isnt as pizzy doughish as the white stuff but its still good 

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    oh i have the recipe for the dough if you'd like it.

    kel- what is spelt flour?

    lizzy- what juicer do you have? do you recommend it? i had almost bought a juice which was "marked down" at walmart. i brought it up to the counter and it rang up for almost double. i pointed out the mistake and they said basically sorry it was wrongly priced. i wasnt in the mood to argue so i just didnt buy it. forget walmart! i will shop else where. 

    there are just so many different juicers on the market i just dont know which to chose 

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Tex: YAY!!!  I am glad you finally made your appt!  Good job!  Also, Speltz is an alternative to traditional flour.  You can buy it online at for like 3.50.  I buy my organic, extra virgin coconut oil from them.   I just "like" the taste of the white flour dough.  I don't make pizza often enough for it to really matter.   

    I have the Jack Lalane Power Juicer Deluxe and it is great.  One thing: when buying juicers you absolutely have to spend. Also, Walmart has egregious profit margins on electronics, in particular appliances.  I would just save up and plan to spend $100-$150 so you get a good one and don't have to replace it ever 6 months.

    Here is the link for the one I have: 

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895
  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    I tried to post this pic but it didnt show on my end so i changed my avatar- ths is my curly hair LOL i dont even know where this came from. Thanks CHEMO! LOL

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    tex - my hair is still wavy too, never was before!
  • Lizzy - I have an Omega juicer - it was $359 about 10 years ago - it's a fabulous juicer but frankly, I never use it anymore.  It's just too much of a pain to clean!  I just use my blender now - blend  a lot of the pulp up.  I push the pulp through a strainer by hand and squeeze all the juice out manually until it's nearly dry - and add some of the then dry pulp back in if some hasn't already gone through the collendar strainer.   I love my green juice.  :)  My dream is a Vitamix - that is the ultimate juicer - it pulverizes everything - EVERYTHING so that there is no pulp at all!  Amazing!  they are too expensive though for me to consider right now.  Today I picked Kale (from last year - it's winter hardy!) and dandelion from the garden with some oregano from last year coming up and threw it all in the blender with water.  It made a good shake.  :)  I always feel good when I'm blending and juicing lots of greens!

    If you don't do pizza often, Bobs Red Mill has a gluten free pizza mix.

    I love Vitacost. I used to order from Iherb, but Vitacost has free shipping over $49 and some very good deals - yes, I order their coconut oil too.  

  • Tex - yes to the curly hair!  Mine too!  My DH hates it.  He keeps bugging me to cut it so it will be straight - it's pretty long now! I can pull it into a ponytail and when it's wet, it's to my shoulders.  I tell him to shut up.  That I waited for 43 years for naturally curly hair and now I'm going to have fun with it.  It gets pretty wild sometimes - but I know the newer growth and my bangs that I've trimmed are now straight, so once the curls are cut off, they'll be gone!

  • Lizzy - Carrot/apple go together well.  Throw in the whole apple into the juicer - seeds and all.  However since this is a higher sugar juice, have it with a protein meal or in moderation!  

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Tex: is it possible that you look YOUNGER than you did before?!  That is such a cute pic!  

    As for curls, I have had them my entire life and chemo had no effect on that!  I was kind of hoping for some straight hair for a change but, no, curl city!  

    Calamtykel: I bought a juicer years ago at about that price but just never used it.  I think I sold it on CL for 50!   A few friends have that LaLane one and they love it.  I agree, though, it is pita to wash.  There are so many parts.  I got smart (finally!) and I juice about 1 quart of whatever it is I am working on.

    Kel, I can't believe your hair, wet, is down to your shoulders?!  WOW!  A ponytail?!  Unbelievable!  I think you finished chemo only a few months before I did.  I don't see mine hitting my shoulders for another 6 months, even when wet.  Unfortunately I had it cut when it was uber short, just a trim, and now it is growing in like a mullet!   

    Target commercial!  Is everyone seeing the "color" commercial scored to the French song?  I believe it is French, anyway!  I know my mother used to sing it!  In any case, I love that commercial! 

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796
    Calamtykel: I know a lot of juicing combinations that go well together but what I was looking for was a way to get more bok choy in me!   You know, now you mention apples, perhaps I will add apples to the bok choy-carrot juice the next time.   I am going to experiment until I find a juice that includes bok choy and that which I like.   Something else I have found: everyday I have a salad w/a few varieties of lettuce, chard and kale.   I am loving the salad and I find that it is very filling.  Kale gives quite the workout to the jaw!  It is good!
  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    My hair is quite straight just now. I am hoping it thickens up.  If I use any product and scrunh wildly it will show its wave again. I hope my curl returns, I loved haing curl in my hair. It looked okay and I never combed it just cut it off a bit every few months. It was almost as easy as being bald.  I have these stray hairs now, not many but stray long hairs. I suppose if I was chasing them with a razor they wouldn't be long. :)

    I wanted a juicer but my SIL talked me out of it. I love carrot juice and he said I would need to buy so much produce to get little result. I think I may put one on my birthday wish list on Amazon and see what happens.  

    I wonder if the juice stores have their combos listed on-line. I think that would point to the combos that are tasty. 

    I know when I worked in Haiti the cook would make this one green vegetable that I simply could not eat and it was all a matter of texture and lack of flavor. I love vegetables too!  The directors wife had forbid the cook from using any flavorings because she beleived us NOrthAmericans couldn't handle them. She was Danish, the directors wife and had been in country for twenty years. Rice and beans can be really good if you have sauce pwa with it, bean sauce. WIthout it is food but is repetitive, with the sauce it is delish!

  • Lizzy - why is bok choy beneficial?  I don't know if I've ever really had it.  Must make a trip to the produce warehouse near us! 

    Ginger - yes, for a juicer you need a LOT of veggies.  However, since carrot juice is high in sugar, you can make like 1/4 of a cup and dilute it and still get all the benefits.  In fact, some juicing websites recommend moderation especially at first since juice can really pack a punch.  Once after I finished chemo, I made dandelion juice - immediately I got really dizzy, like a buzz.  Kinda scary.  That never happened again, but some of those green juices, especially the very dark ones are super detoxers and can really pull toxins from the organs quickly and when that happens and they circulate it can be hard for the body to eliminate it.

    I like dandelion simply because of the trace minerals but also, it is a dieretic and a powerful one.  :)  Problem -- it is VERY very very bitter!

  • Lizzy - Sam's club and probably BJ's sells organic salad in large one pound containers.  In the grocery store, these are $8 near us -  in Sam's they are $4.  They have organic spinach like that too, and also a Spring mix of all different very dark greens.  My kids even love this - it is the only salad we buy anymore (except for DH who is addicted to that awful nearly white iceberg lettuce in bags...)   When I realized the sugar content of the salad dressing I was using (and addicted to) I switched to to making my own. 

    I must get my brother to cut down the big mulberry trees that are now shading my garden so that I can start working on it.  Maybe I can do that today.  Must get the russian Kale in the ground!! :)  

    Tex - will try to get my kids to take some decent pix of my hair.  It's curly so it is still pretty short, but yes, I can do a small ponytail on the top.

  • I posted this elsewhere but curious what you all think of this.  I'm totally confused.  They are stating that the study did NOT include DCIS.  Therefore the study is related to invasive breast tumors.  How do they know that they won't cause problems in a woman's lifetime?  If there's one thing we've learned from BC is that it has no rhyme or reason - you can be stage 1 and still be diagnosed with mets.....! 

    NEW YORK (AP) - For years, women have been urged to get screened for breast cancer because the earlier it's found, the better. Now researchers are reporting more evidence suggesting that's not always the case.

    A study in Norway estimates that between 15 and 25 percent of breast cancers found by mammograms wouldn't have caused any problems during a woman's lifetime, but these tumors were being treated anyway. Once detected, early tumors are surgically removed and sometimes treated with radiation or chemotherapy because there's no certain way to figure out which ones may be dangerous and which are harmless.

    "When you look for cancer early and you look really hard, you find forms that are ultimately never going to bother the patient," said Dr. H. Gilbert Welch of the Dartmouth Institute for Health Policy and Clinical Practice, who was not part of the research. "It's a side effect of early diagnosis."

    The study is the latest to explore overdiagnosis from routine mammograms - finding tumors that grow so slowly or not at all and that would not have caused symptoms or death. Previous estimates of the problem have varied.

    The researchers took advantage of the staggered decade-long introduction of a screening program in Norway, starting in 1996. That allowed them to compare the number of breast cancers in counties where screening was offered with those in areas that didn't yet have the program. Their analysis also included a decade before mammograms were offered.

    They estimated that for every 2,500 women offered screening, one death from breast cancer will be prevented but six to 10 women will be overdiagnosed and treated.

    Study leader Dr. Mette Kalager and other experts said women need to be better informed about the possibility that mammograms can pick up cancers that will never be life-threatening when they consider getting screened. The dilemma is that doctors don't have a good way of telling which won't be dangerous.

    "Once you've decided to undergo mammography screening, you also have to deal with the consequences that you might be overdiagnosed," said Kalager, a breast surgeon at Norway's Telemark Hospital and a visiting scientist at Harvard School of Public Health. "By then, I think, it's too late. You have to get treated."

    Kalager and her colleagues looked only at invasive breast cancer. The study did not include DCIS, or ductal carcinoma in situ - an earlier stage cancer confined to a milk duct.

    Under the Norway program, screening was offered every two years to women ages 50 to 69.

    Researchers analyzed nearly 40,000 breast cancer cases, including 7,793 that were detected after routine screening began. They estimated that between 1,169 and 1,948 of those women were overdiagnosed and got treatment they didn't need.

    Their findings appear in Tuesday's Annals of Internal Medicine.

    The problem of overdiagnosis has been long recognized with prostate cancer. Darthmouth's Welch said it's also a problem in thyroid and lung cancer, a childhood tumor called neuroblastoma and even melanoma. He considers breast cancer screening a close call.

    "The truth is that we've exaggerated the benefits of screening and we've ignored the harms," he said. "I think we're headed to a place where we realize we need to give women a more balanced message: Mammography helps some people but it leads others to be treated unnecessarily."

    An editorial published with the study said overdiagnosis probably occurs more often in the United States because American women often start annual screening at an earlier age and radiologists in the U.S. are more likely to report suspicious findings than those in Europe.

    Radiologists could help by raising the threshold for noting abnormalities, wrote Dr. Joann Elmore of the University of Washington School of Medicine and Dr. Suzanne Fletcher of Harvard Medical School.

    A "watch-and-wait" approach has been suggested instead of an immediate biopsy, but the editorial writers acknowledge that could be a "tough sell" for some women and radiologists alike.

    They said most women aren't aware of the possibility of overdiagnosis.

    "We have an ethical responsibility to alert women to this phenomenon," they wrote.

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good day, warriors!

    I hope everyone is doing well.

    Calamtykel: That is a great idea about watering down the juice. In fact, I think what I am going to do is "shots" of bok choy juice as is done with wheat grass in restaurants. I can follow that shot with lemon and sugar as I would a shot of Citron and all will be well!!!!!!!!

    As for dressing, I like Ken's Lite Rasp/Walnut vinaigrette. More to this point, however, I like using the Good Seasons herb packets w/ ¾ balsamic and ¼ olive oil in the cruet. I like that much better. A lot of the time I don't use dressing at all. In lieu of dressing I will add sunflower seeds.
    Hair is down to shoulders when wet but just the back. I can do the smallest of ponytails in the back also. I guess these are things I had not tried!

    Bok choy, artichokes, flounder, strawberries and tomatoes (cooked) eaten in particular amounts have cancer "starving" properties as per Dr. Oz! I put the list and quantities a few posts ago. You can get bok choy at Stop and Shop, Shop Rite etc.... on the "green" wall in the produce section! A friend goes to Price Rite or some store like that and she showed me those big containers of organic salad she was getting for like $5. I guess I am going to go shopping with her and she belongs to one of those "clubs" also...I think it is Sam's. I like to load up on paper plates and plasticware at this time of the year and will check out the salad mixes. I can't believe your dh likes iceberg! It is such a nutritional value and not zing, no taste, nothing! Give me a bucket of arugula any day!

    As for over-dx and tx, I have long suspected that to be the case but, honestly, in the initial phases, I would rather get treated for something that might have been innocuous in the long term rather than under-treated for something that could turn lethal. What makes no sense to me is I have 3 friends all who have been dxd with skin cancer. The one who is getting txs is miserable. The other 2, one of whom has no insurance, are not getting treated at all. I just think, again, it comes back to our capitalistic healthcare system and the fact that there is so much money made in treating this disease, it is over-diagnosed. There is no bc in my family, and no cancer outside of my dad's smoke-induced lung cancer, and my sister has long felt b/c I have good health insurance, I was dxd as a way for the place that found it to make money. I know that seems sinister but sometimes I wonder. If we had true socialized med, I guarantee the dxing is going to go way, way down. Unfortunately, like everything else in this country, it is always about money, all of the time.

    Honestly, in a strange way bc has been liberating for me.  Gone is the Liz that was overly concerned with working full-time at a company b/c of benefits.  Those days are gone but I am sure glad I had them when this happened. I have no plans to go back to a job to score healthcare b/c once they find out I have/had bc, I am most likely going to be fired. I have decided I am going to stay in business for myself and do "temp" work. I am going to buy the state insurance which is wicked expensive and absolutely sucks (no one wants to take it but the hospital will!) and in this way I am going to negate the possibility of being over-treated going forward. For me this is the only solution. I can't buy insurance in the open market and CT insurance is the only thing I can purchase. Honestly even if I went back to work FT, I would still keep my own insurance through CT and NOT take the employer plan b/c I don't need the employer getting wind of my bc. I hope Obama gets us some healthcare soon! Maybe his plan is not the best as it is my understanding people would have to have those "bs" policies where you can't make any claims but you need it so you don't get fined by the govt..?? Much like those basic car insurance policies that people purchase just so they don't get fined by the state or in trouble in a spot check but those that also have zero insurance properties to them. We have a problem in this country...a big one.

    Ginger: I juiced a head of bok choy and about 7 organic carrots and got about 2/3 of a quart of juice. Like Kel said, you don't drink these juices like you would a store-bought juice. They are powerful in small quantities. Your SIL is correct, in part, but you never really sit down and drink 8 oz of these types of juices. Like I said, shots are usually sufficient.
    I generally straighten my hair. The curliness is just way too much. I will say this hair is coming back thick, thick, thick!

    Speaking of Haiti, my bf in college was from Haiti. She had me go home with her one weekend to meet her mom. Her mother was the accidental entertainer, for sure! Keli would tell her how well she was doing in school and her mother would give her the "dirtiest" look and ask her "but did you find a man?!!!!" Keli and I would laugh hysterically and she would really start in on us! Keli used to tell her how she was going to become a doctor and her mother would again fly off the handle and declare "I don't think your husband will like that!!!!!" Things could not be more different at my house with my mother! Keli *loved* my mother! When we were leaving to go back to school one Sunday Keli told her mother, as we were walking out the door (which quickly became a run!), she had decided she was NEVER going to get married!!!!!!!! She ran out on the front lawn after us but because we had this planned, our bags were already in the car so all she could do is yell and shake her fist!!!! WE must have laughed for a half hour! Keli never did get married, btw!

    Well, I am freezing. I seriously think I am going to have to head to a warmer climate soon.  I just don't know about yearround heat but I think I can get used to it!  It is in the upper 50s today but I can't shake this cold!

    Have to go make my green tea and go watch my nutrition guru, Dr. Oz!  I only started watching him recently and I learn something new every single time I watch!   Good stuff!  

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796
    Tex: btw, you look like you are ***17*** in that pic!!!  Just adorable!  
  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    I have a masticating juicer that I got last year.  Works great for carrots - I do about 5-6 long organic carrots and a lemon.  That makes about 8oz. Tasty.

    Oh yeah, we flew out of Dallas today just before they closed the airport!  We were lucky. 

  • Lizzy  - I agree - we need some form of national healthcare - SOME relief somewhere, somehow.  Even if it is a sliding scale kind of payment thing for insurance. 

    I never should have gone for that mammo back in January as now I owe $380.  As my doctor could not find the offending cyst on the ultrasound and said it probably just disappeared as they can come and go, I should have left it at that and requrested just a regular "yearly" mammo.  Surely they would have seen the cyst if it was still there - but since it was called  "diagnostic" mammo where they were actually LOOKING for the cyst then I get socked with an almost $400 bill that insurance refuses to pay. 

    It is positively crippling for sure!

    About juice -you do have to go slow!  I stupidly found a large patch of dandelion last night and juiced a WHOLE lot more than I usually would.  This is the amount I might juice in late summer - but I think since I haven't been juicing dandelion, it was just way too much for my system.  WOW - I woke up so nauseous last night and with a migraine this morning.  We underestimate the detox power of some of these super greens.  I'm just laying low and drinking lots of water today and will probably skip my juice tonight! :) 


  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Cal - I would suggest avoiding the apple seeds, they have some sort of cyanide in them LINK.  
  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good day, warriors!

    Hope everyone is doing well. You all will be happy to know the 65 degrees we are having today is agreeing with me much more than the 58 of yesterday!

    Calamtykel: this is the way I feel about healthcare and education which are the single two largest drains on the middle class currently. I know the govt sucks at managing welfare but, and unfortunately, there was never a map for emergence from that program. Education has an intrinsic map for emergence. The more educated the populace, the stronger our union. For this reason, I think they should develop a largely online, govt university where tuition is free. The exchange would be for public service for 2 years. Now, mind you, students could not arbitrarily choose "liberal arts" type of degrees. The offerings of such an institution would largely be anticipatory based on what suspected trends and needs are to emerge. In the event some "on campus" type of classes were necessary, students would travel to one of the 5 or 6 brick-and-mortar schools in the country. In this way the middle class, and students who are graduating with $100K plus in loans, could get an education, maybe not in their chosen field, but an education nonetheless. This would also strengthen our tax base by having an educated populace in place for emerging trends in the workforce. The middle can't handle egregious healthcare and education costs; eventually this will cripple the country as we are seeing now.

    Now neither of these plans is designed to stop those that wish to from dumping $50K per year at the Yales of this country but it is to offer middle class options. As for healthcare, the stress of trying to work for your benefits and survive is choking the middle anyway and that stress is exacerbating our collective lack of "healthfulness." As for financing the school, if you have 1000s of people coming out of schools with targeted, skilled degree offerings, that is 2 years you can knock off the govt employment budget for those positions. Clearly they would have to pay something as people have to live but paying a civil engineer minimum wage for 2 years while they learn and work off their free education makes a whole lot of sense. The question looms how can Oxford be near free for most and Yale $50K per year? Our country has a lot of problems. I was at a party recently talking to a woman who put her daughter through Columbia and the daughter AND her NYU grad boyfriend are LIVING at her house!!!!! She does not really mind but was more speaking about it from the perspective of the gross economy and their massive loans. My last point on this topic: I have a friend who is a professional ( I don't tell any friends about this thread!) who is probably making $80K (non-coastal elite so= about $100K) and was not elig to buy a house, after 7 yrs in current employ, b/c this person's student loan debt was too high! Still owing $80K from is disgusting.

    Omaz: thanks for the warning on the seeds! When one is juicing regularly it becomes natural to toss everything in the juicer! I just throw everything in, stems and all!

    I am jumping off my soapbox for the day now! Take care, girls!

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    If you are going to feed a horse an apple it should have the core cut out for just that reason. Apricot pits, which I assume no one would juice is also toxic.    

    This year I am determined to have blackberries to freeze. The back third or more of our property is all blackberries at the edges.  I have the very pan that my Grandma made blackberry cobbler in 60 years ago and I intend to use it this year.

    We had two rather small apple trees but the deer pulled the branches down and even broke one of the trunks off. Now we have one trunk with one branch.  Granny Smith, I hope we get some.

    I was shocked to find out that one of my son's and his wife both still have student loans outstanding and he is 40. My DD finished her MS about 3 years ago and has many years ahead to pay it off. It has to hurt the economy for those who would be out buying houses and cars and such are paying huge student loans. I know we paid about 3/4 of DD undergrad and it hurt us for the 7 years we were paying. When I was in Grad school tuition was $5,000. a year. 

     Calamity sorry about the dandelions.


  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good day, warriors-

    Wanted to quickly share this link, compliments of Twitter! 

    It would appear there is good news for triple negatives!  Little rays of hope, girls, little rays of hope!!

    Good day- 

  • Apricot seeds - never ate them myself, but they actually contain B17 - -the amount of toxin in them is so minute compared to the B17 benefits  that people can and do eat them like almonds! :)  B17 is phenomenally important as there is some strong evidence that it can even reverse cancers.  If you google it, there are a lot of interesting studies.   Indigionus tribes that consume B17 as part of their regular diets have absolutely no evidence of cancers among them.  Apples --forgot that about the seeds-  I always juiced the seeds since always read the amount is so tiny that it is not harmful.   I do know that orange and citrus peels should never be juiced as they do contain toxins.  I can't eat anything with orange or lemon peel or I get a violent headache. 

    Blackberries - we have loads of them.  They do freeze well!    I just had to cut back the plants as they are taking over the world.  They are amazing - we also have black raspberries and red raspberries.  The nice thing is that they ripen at all different times.

    However I'm afraid I must take down our two mulberry trees.  They are shading the garden - I will really miss them.  Mulberries are amazing and we had buckets.  Speaking of toxic fruits -- did you know that unripe mulberries cause hallucinations?  (No, I never tried it!) 

    I can't wait to start the garden.  hoping I have time next week.   I think this year I'm going to tackle potatoes - I've only ever done sweet potatoes so this will be interesting.  Must find a source that guarantees they are non GMO.

    And I've decided to actively prepare to raise 50 meat chickens.  It will mean building a separate coop - I'm going to try to become "constructively handy".  I don't even think we have a saw in this house!  But the meat chickens only take 8 weeks start to finish!  It will be interesting - if I take the plunge, will post photos!


  • LadyinBama
    LadyinBama Member Posts: 993

    Cal: All the cruciferous veggies are good anti-cancer foods: bok choy, brocolli, cabbage, kale, green leafy veggies, etc.

    On hair: Have any of you colored your hair? How long did you wait after it started coming back? Mine is really gray around the temples and it's bugging me! I'd like to at least cover up that gray, or get some highlights around my face or something, but it's only been 7 months, and my hair is only about an inch or so long. I'm loving the curls, which I had before and have hated my whole life.  I just run some gel through it, scrunch it with my fingers and go. I'm thinking I'll keep it short, and not waste the time on my hair that I used to.

    Hope everyone is well. I'm doing good, feeling better every day. I've had a busy couple of weeks and I intend to continue doing as much as I can. I've got a lot of living to catch up on (2 lost years!)


  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good evening, warriors!

    Hope everyone is well.

    Lady: I have been coloring my hair for months.  I am using the "box" at home as I refuse to pay $150-200 to have 6" of hair highlighted!   It is going fine.  I never in my life did my own "color-at-home" jobs but it is surprisingly easy.   Of course the results scream $15 box job but at least it is killing the grays!!  I will go back to salon highlighting once I have an appreciable length.  I miss my hair but for the first time in 2 years, I actually believe this time next year I will be satisfied with my mane!   It feels so good as I really miss my hair.

    Lady, stay busy and enjoy your life!  I feel the same way.  I was just telling a friend tonight I am starting to feel like myself a little bit again as I am considering season tickets to a repertory theater again and my bff is turning 40 this summer and there is a big party.  There are also 2 weddings and a few baby showers etc... I guess I just feel like things are heading back to normal and I am looking forward to enjoying these events.  It feels good!  So, yes, stay busy and make up for those 2 years.  That is what I plan to do ;)     

    So as not to disappoint I am going to complain about weather!!  It is freezing here tonight!  

    Night all-