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August 2010...anyone starting chemo besides me?!



  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good  evening warriors!

    Finally one person who was MIA contacted me!  My wonderful friend wild-eyed, crazy Mary reached out to let me know she is ok!  1 down!

    Rachel: the worst thing about those trips that are so “terribly” important that you attend is when you do all that traveling only to find things would have gone just fine without you!  I hated that.  I hope you don’t have to go to Denmark.  I hope you stay right close to home and get to spend more time with your family.  MN is one thing but Denmark, esp w/this crazy weather, is a PITA.  A friend of a friend has been stuck in Hong Kong since Sunday b/c of the storm.  In any case, I hope you are there and back, quickly and w/out incident!

    Tex: the “boobie” tshirts, I have seen them but it never really registered with me.  The porn nonsense and 1 penny!?   A lot of people like porn but please, don’t drag our disease into it. I can just hear men around the country telling their partners/spouses they are supporting bc research with this crap!

    I don’t know if I told you (everyone else here) this but I signed myself out of the hospital AMA in August when I had **8** open holes in my body, they put me in gen pop and not the cancer hospital and I wanted *out* of there before I got MRSA etc…  My GP told me there are cases where people had no clue they even had it but one test or another reveals they do.  When I was telling them I was leaving the hospital as they were attempting to keep me pending an out-patient procedure, I told them I wanted out before I got an infection.  They basically told me I would have to have sex with a guy on the floor who had MRSA for me to contract it!  I asked them to just leave my room at that point!  It is ubiquitous and much easier to catch than what they say.  I sure hope you don’t have it.  That is why I got the heck out of there as my situation is already complicated enough never mind adding MRSA to the mix.  Hopefully it is a simple rash.  Right now, and since the hospital, I have a rash on both thighs and my stomach is dry and wicked itchy.   Of course, off to the derma I go.  It takes months to get a derma appt in this part of the country but they try to get me in as quick as possible.  I was kind of hoping it would just go away but all the exfoliating (both homemade and manufactured) and all the loofah-ing followed my moisturizing with both olive oil and manufactured moisturizers and not having success.  Thanks for the tip, though, as I will NOT google MRSA in the interim!!!

    I don’t blame you for going off.  I have heard a lot of stuff but using bc to increase porn traffic? That even surprised me at how low some people will go when it comes to money.  I say good luck because when the next terrible thing happens to them I hope they will remember they messed with people with cancer. 

    I did not give out candy tonight.  There is not one child even living on my street.  The entire street, sans a few older couples and one other couple, is all singles.  Last year I just ended up with bags of candy which I gave to my friend to take to his church.

    Hope everyone had a wonderful Halloween!  I used to have some fun before bc came and attacked me!  One of my fav things to do is go to the Village parade in NYC and then go to Webster Hall but certainly I was not going to be able to do that this year.  Also my friend will be in NYC over Thanksgiving this year and I was planning to go to the parade.  I am really even having second thoughts about that now.  I am sure, however, NY will still have the parade.  

    Maybe 2013 will be health and weather uneventful and I can have some fun?!  Maybe, just maybe..! 

    Night, all-

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    rachel didnt mean to skip your post- we must have been typing at the same time, well i am a very slow replier here for some reason cut and pasting doent work on the site for me so i have to slowly scroll up and down and read each post and scroll down to reply then baack up to read the next post now- used to cut and paste from notepad or word...

    Hope your tummy troubles pass. Yeah no fun flighing feeling like that. Safe travles!

    Lizzy- i dont remember you mentioning that, but i am so in and out on the board and this last hiatus i didnt end up reading to catch up, so if any of y'all got married or had a baby in theose 2 months i dont know about it LOL

    Um yeah they're  idiots- you dont get MRSA that way and yes you're right ppl can be carriers of it and never have an out break. my sisters little boy had/has it- in his case it presented itself like diaper rash. Finally she took him in to his peditrician and she found out that it was MRSA- very painful boil type thing that she had to medicate. i dont blame you for walking out. i mean hospitals are NOTORIOUS for getting people sick!

    I cant remember if i updated- i have a dr appointment TOMORROW... looking forward to it, cant wait to get it out of the way!

    Oh and need some advice- my upstairs neighbor lets her infant cry for anywhere from 15 minutes to 30 minutes at all hours of the day. i wake up to it, i am hearing it right now as i am typing this, i go to bed with it.... i mean its nearly a constant! Do i say/do anything? I mean i want to go up there and soothe her baby everytime i hear it because its a maternal instict, but maybe she is a stressed out mom that needs a break???? Also she has a toddler and he is up everynight well past 2 or 3 in the AM- i can hear him running around and playing with his cars, that honestly makes me think that this mom uses drugs or something and is up all night and sleeps all day.... just a side note as i am hearing the baby crying (again)

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

     Good day, warriors!

    I hope everyone is enjoying this day!  I am getting probably 4 catalogs per day (tis the season!) so last night I took 4 of them and perused them before dozing off.  I am not a big “shopper” but I did see one lighted poinsettia arrangement that is artificial, of course, and is about 3” tall and shaped like a tree.  I lights up and is so pretty! The Christmas stuff is a weak spot for me!

    Tex: I may not have mentioned that I signed myself out.  At the time I was fielding so many questions from everyone from the VNA to Blue Cross, I might have thought it better to not post publicly what happened.  Bottom line, there was *no* need for me to be in that hospital and I had not eaten for 18 hours before I went and they kept me like that for another 18 hours and then wanted to start stabbing to find a vein!  I am without food and water for 36 hours, how are you going to get a vein?  I definitely identified with that part of your story!  I was admitted with the idea of being put back in the OR and belly drains put back in but then they decided to send me to another dept that would put a different kind of belly drain in.  Well I had been to that dept and they almost exclusively do out-patient procedures so I thought it was a total waste of my health insurance co money as well as putting me at risk for infection so I peaced out!  What really made me leave I was already in the hospital 1 day and all they got done was repeat a US I had done elsewhere 2 days prior.  In addition this curmudgeon of a male nurse I had told me that it was entirely feasible that I might sit there another 48 hours before they actually did the procedure.  I was like – NO, I am outtie! When I am leaving one of the nurses comes up and was near tears telling me she did not like the way they were handling things and gave me the number to patient relations which actually worked!  She told me I was going to need them to get the procedure booked properly. 

    As for the neighbor upstairs, the first time I ever lived with a guy we fell in love with a 2nd floor apt in an old Victorian.  A friend of his uncle’s owned it.  Well we lasted a total of 5 months and never, ever again would I live in a place with people above or below me (well I did in NYC but alas I did not have a choice in NYC!!).  The uncle’s friend was on his way into bankruptcy and the “thing” he had living on the 3rd floor had kids that rode those small big wheels in the house and then running and jumping and screaming and yelling all day and until late in the night.  The house fell into foreclosure by the end of month 2 and then she really let them rip.  She did not work, and we both worked, so it was just awful.  Bottom line, either that lady upstairs from you is high and doesn’t even hear what they are doing or she is just a piece of crap.  I would not go up there and confront her.  It can only make things worse and you also don’t know what you are dealing with.

    I can PM you the address of a place where I buy security cameras.  I have cameras all over my house which also record audio.  There has got to be a noise ordinance in that town, right?  I would spend a few bucks on a security device that records audio on an SD card and then one night when it is really crazy, call the local police and tell them it has been going on all night plus you have an SD card with the recordings from several other dates.  Of course you want to do this close to the time you are planning to move!  I know you are moving back to the SA area so I would tell you to if you are not prepared to buy then rent a house.  Don’t go into those apt communities if you can avoid it.  They are the worst and I would never, ever again do that.  This is also one of the reasons I can’t do city living.  I love working and experiencing city life but I absolutely need to be able to get away to somewhere quiet.

    She is just being rude and people that are that blatantly inconsiderate are simply miserable.   Rise above, girl, and work on getting back to the SA area.  Oh, something else: the devastation in NY, CT and NJ have a lot of politicians talking about the WPA.  If there is another WPA I would strongly encourage you to consider moving to the Northeast as there are great hospitals for you and your dh could easily get a security job esp now with the widespread problems that are going to take months and months to clean up and, of course, looting is rampant.  The cleanup is going to take years but, and a small bit of a silver lining, it will create lots of jobs.  All things to consider, girl.  I am so sorry for what you are going through b/c it would be nice if you could nap while the kids are in school and your dh works overnight, right?  I am sure he would like to get a little sleep also.  People are rude, Timothea.  Just rude.

    Make sure you let us all know how tomorrow goes and keep in touch with me throughout the day ;)  I will be thinking of you, pal!

    Donald Trump left the 1st floor of Trump Tower in NYC open to the public for the entire duration of Sandy and fed and kept everyone warm for free!  I was stunned!  So altruistic…ah-mazing! I was really surprised actually.

    Good day, girls!

  • IowaSue45
    IowaSue45 Member Posts: 422

    Hi Ladies sad day in the Logan family 18 y/o nephew on my DH side was killed in a car accident. Horrible just horrible. They live here in our small town. DH is on the fire/ ambulance so is his co worker( who is also our nephews cousin through his moms side) for the city water dept. They went on the call and were there before the ambulance so they have that awful image of Dylan laying on the road thrown from his car. Horrible and sad.I am so sad for the mom and dad.

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    I am so sorry for you and your family Sue. 

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Sue- I am so sorry for you and your entire family for such a terrible loss.  Your poor dh showing up on that scene, just awful.  So sorry-

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Sue I am so sorry for your families loss. Your poor husband coming up on the scene must have been traumatic. 

    Texas, I heard your remarks about your neighbor a little differently. You are worried about the kids up there aren't you? You are a natural helper and it is so difficult to stand back from a situation and not lend a hand.  If you pass the woman in the laundry or hallway perhaps you can just commiserate with her how hard it is with two little ones. If you suspect she is in a major depression maybe you could tell her about a place you know of where they can give her a hand up from her situation.   Maybe an invitation to go to church would help, maybe not. Please be cautious in your level of involvement, you only have so much energy yourself.  Boundaries are difficult when you are a natural helper, but critically important to your own family.      I think your heart is  in the best of places.  Lizzy's point of view is also valid and may help you. 

    I am distressed by the news coming off of Staten Island. I can't help but believe that these people have been left for last becauyse they are a working class area.  How can anyone say they aren't?   I am ashamed of our disaster response in this country and how weak we are in that realm.   The Red Cross  and FEMA know what our actual capabilities are and still people are told to have THREE days worth of supplies. We are NOT prepared and peole suffer.   Rant over for now.    Please recall I have worked in Social Services all my life, with homeless people and families.   

    Love GInger

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good day, warriors!

    I hope everyone is doing well.  I am heartbroken about people who have lost their homes.  I can't imagine what they are going through.

    Ginger: you are soooo right!!!!  I told you (et al) I have *no* maternal instincts!  Timothea was not saying that the noise was bothering her at all hours but she was worried about the child!  Geesh, thanks for knocking on my head!  Perhaps it is a bit of both but I think you are much closer to assisting her with what the actual question than I was!!  

    As for Staten Island, I am so disgusted.  My friend Kathleen lost her house and she, her dh and 2 kids are now having to go to Westchester and cram in w/her inlaws and they are the lucky ones.  Some people are going to be living indefinitely in a shelter.  Someone was describing it as if it is going to look like Haiti did after Katrina with that sort of tent housing set up.  It is incomprehensible that the firefighters and police officers who live on Staten Island and serve Manhattan, saving lives as a part of their jobs are being jilted at a time of such catastrophic loss.  Meanwhile back in Gotham Bloomberg is redirecting funds and power to the marathon.  It is really pretty gross. 

    Next week there are 2 supply drop-off locations for toiletries, canned goods and coats.  One is for CT and one is exclusively for Staten Island.  I will be stopping at both to donate goods.  Our gov also sent a National Guard helicopter and crew to NJ which I thought was a magnanimous gesture as a large part of this state has significant loss from Sandy.

    In CT they are taking care of everyone.  Of course those w/out power are still very upset but by and large, CT does take care of those affected by disasters like Sandy.  NJ seems to be doing the same but Bloomberg is dead wrong for doing that marathon crap this weekend and I would not be surprised if there is a melee as a result.  I don't know why Cuomo did not step in either to get SI the assistance they desperately need and/or to stop that marathon business.  The SI situation is in very, very poor taste.

    Sptmm: how are you feeling?  I hope you are not out running although I do wonder...!

    Good day, ladies  

  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    Hi everyone, thanks for thinking of me I am doing SOOOO much better.  I finally got through to the PS office this morning at 9.  The PS is stuck out of town, but they gave me an appointment with his NP.  She was able to assess the incisions which she said all looked great to my relief and remove three of the six drains, including the one that was causing me the pain.  The minute she removed that drain, I felt 100% better instantly.  I still have three in, one under each arm and one in the abdomen, but I am okay with that.  I would rather err on the side of caution and leave them in longer as long as I am comfortable.  Now that the pain from that drain is gone, I feel great.  Weak, but great. 

    Sue:  My prayers go out to you and your family.  The loss of a child is horrific and your poor DH coming upon the scene like that! A girl I work with lost her 18-year-old son in a car crash about three weeks ago, just thinking about it was devastating to me. 

    Tex:  I like Ginger's idea and definitely second Lizzie idea about not confronting the mother about the crying.  People get defensive when they think others are trying to "correct" their parenting style.  But maybe if you commisserate with her like Ginger said and become a friend she can learn from watching you and maybe change on her own.  Or just by being a friend you will relieve some of her stress and she will be better able to manage.  I hope you made out okay at the doctor's today. 

    Lizzie:  I am doing good, thanks.  I am glad you have heard from your friend and she is okay.  Have you heard from the other's?  My son has friends in Long Beach and Brooklyn and spent the better part of last night running around to find gas to fill up gas cans for their generators and just standing guard outside their homes so nobody steals their property.  It is insane in there he says.   I am not running, I am being a very good girl and doing my best imitation of a couch potato.  But now that the offensive drain is out, I think a walk around the block might definitely be in the picture for tomorrow.  And, based on how I feel right now, I can totally see myself running again in 2-3 weeks.  That is a big relief for me, all this sitting around is making me crazy.  But I am taking it easy and listening to my doctors, no worries.  About the NYC Marathon, it is insane.  I really can't believe they are going to run that thing.  I understand the financial repercussions of cancelling or postponing, but just on the hotel issue alone right now NYC needs those rooms for the homeless, not for visiting runners.

    Rachel:  Hope you are feeling better, definitely don't want to be traveling with a stomach bug.  I hope things get easier at work soon, you sound like you have a lot of work stress.  The last thing a busy mom of two active boys needs is work stress!  Hope everything works out soon, although with the economic difficulties and all the downsizing, I am not sure that is the case. 

    Ginger:  You are such a nice and compassionate person, the world of social work definitely lost a good one when you stopped working.  Honestly, before reading your post to Tex, it never even occurred to me that maybe the lady upstairs was overwhelmed and needed help.  But the minute you pointed that out, I said yeah she is probably right.   That is a great place to start to solve the problem.

    Okay, I am going to be a couch potato again.  I have been out and about to the doctors and then Taylor's college to pick up some clothes for her, then making lunch...since about 11 a.m. and I am exhausted!


  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    SptMom Debbi,  Because I wasn't a therapist my job often called for me to be very detail oriented and legalistic and that was no fun at all.  The therapists in our program got to be the "good guys" and me and my ilk the btch's.  I was good at my job but it was pretty crazy making stuff. It was a program for families that had been rejected by every other program. These families needed more help than anyone ever wants to imagine. It was an exceptionally well funded program, we could provide almost anything a family needed all with the plan to get them healthy, employed, in permanent housing, transported, uncovered medical, education. We were a pilot program and many following programs and program makers got to see what really worked and what didn't.  Some families just cant become truely independant but will need help forever, hard to think that but it is true. Some familiies need a strong hand up and they can fly high from htere on out, not many but a few that had more temporary crises that looked more serious but weren't.  

    Today I wish I was on Staten Island and could lend a hand. I am feeling very untrustful of the RedCross but don't know who to donate to that I know will get the funds and resources out fast. 

    Love You all Ginger

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Ginger: I feel the same way about ARC. I just received a tweet giving the direct address to mail items needed on SI directly to the high school which is doubling as a shelter. I am on my phone right now but if you want I will PM the address directly to the shelter.

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Yes please do.   Is there mail service?    Thanks Ginger

  • felisaragland42
    felisaragland42 Member Posts: 154

    Not too good i went to see my onc today and my red blood cells are low, i feel awful. They told me i my rbc has to be up before i have my next treatment this is wearing me out.

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Felis: do you eat red meat?  You can increase them through consumption with dark green leafy veg (spinach, kale), bread and cereal fortified with folic acid, dried beans, peas, nuts, beans, lentils, egg yolks...the list goes on.  If you like chili and can tolerate it on chemo (I doubt it even as I type!), that will help for sure.  Your next tx is 10 days away, right?  You can increase your rbc in that time with just trying to get the right food in you.  I know, it is gross!  I remember how everything was gross while on chemo.  I am sending you positive vibes, as always, that you can do this and do it so you can get through this next tx healthy and wiser for the experience ;)

    Ginger: check PM

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Sptmm: first, I cannot believe you are going to run in 2 weeks!!!!  OMG...I was challenged by Zumba recently!  I don't blame you, though.  All the effort I put into the Couch-to-5K is for naught.  Will be starting over again.  That is ok, though.  You are my inspiration, though!!!  I find your spirit undeniably enthralling! 

    You actually did a lot today in going to the dr and Taylor's dorm ...that is pretty good.  You are only 1 week out of the hospital, right? 

    That is so nice of your son to guard homes against looting and stand on gas lines. There was a fight somewhere in CT tonight when they had to shut the station after people had been in line for a while.  This is like Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome! 

    I am perennially afraid of fire so I have 2 gas cans but rarely have more than 1 or 2 gallons in there for the mower.  I think I have to make my own disaster plan now.  This entire event really put the scare in me.

    Have a good night, woman, and glad you are feeling so well ;)  Your docs are going to be enthralled at how well you are doing!

    PS-do you like the results?! 

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    Sue i am so terribly sorry for your and your family's loss, losing a loved one at such a young age is very hard. A life cut short. I will keep y'all in my prayers!

    Ginger yes that was my concern and yes lizzie has valid points as well- i have been roused from sleep by their noise (the crying and stomping about) But i do reaslize that its not really my place to correct her in anyway, but i have concerns for the welfare of her children. I will try some of your suggestions :) thanks!

    Debbi so glad to hear you got that blasted drain out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Well i have a call i have to take

    will be back

    oh yeah and its cancer back in my lung. Life goes on :) i'll tpye more later but i gotta run i am afraid if i step away from my computer my kids will get off this page and i wll lose all my info LOL

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Tex: you have the best attitude in the world and we will take this one day at a time and support you every step of the way. You know what? You are right, life goes on. We get our txs and we keep moving on, tumbling through history with this disease and with each new discovery and development, our hope is renewed. Who knows? They might patch us all through to our 90s, swinging from tx to tx as a monkey does hanging vines in the jungle! We don't know right now what the future holds so we hope and pray and I personally hum "Don't Worry, Be.Happy" whenever I am getting worried or unhappy ;)

    One day at a time. Much love-

  • felisaragland42
    felisaragland42 Member Posts: 154

    i dont know because they said my rbc is very low im dizzy short of breath heart rate fast. they told me i need a blood transfusion. so i got to go to the er for that, and i pray they dont have to keep me.

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    Funny you mention that Lizzy cuz i was talking with my dr about the lung thing at the hospital and her said "i'd like to meet that dr in a dark alley" totally meaning the dr screwed up and should get a beat down LOL so i say exactly what i said above "no worries, stuff happens and life goes on" and he goes on to say "has anyone told you you're the perfect patient" and i jokingly said "that doesnt give you an invitation to  mess up in my care!" him and his nurse busted up laughing..... I really do like this dr, all but the time mismanagement in the office but thats not his doing thats his staff.......

    felisa- Sorry to hear that, are you  going in today? What have you tried at home? Red meat may boost your count. There are books out there that identify the problem related with chemo (low blood counts, nausea, etc...) and they have meals that will counter that. I dont know the title of the book i had, because i passed mine on to another cancer patient, but i have seen it at the book store- if you'd like i could pick one up and mail it to you. (I will be getting one myself b/c i am going to be doing chemo again too) and could mail it to you- PM me your address if you'd like :)

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    Tex - Man, this just sucks big time!! What's the next step? Glad you like your doctor.

  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    Sue--I am so sorry to hear about your nephew. That is devastating and to have the family be among the first to the scene...I just cannot imagine. My thoughts and prayers are with them.

    Debbi--So happy you got some of your drains out and you are feeling much better. I never had drains but can imagine that it would be such an obstacle in recovery. Take your time to get your strength back.

    I have a friend that had qualified for the NYC marathon...had everything booked and now it is cancelled...which makes complete sense. It would be crazy for them to go ahead when there is such devastation just around the corner. There is also someone I know that lives in NY--is actually in a cancer lodge in NYC so he is close to the hospital for his treatment--all his treatment is currently cancelled but hopefully will be back up and running tomorrow. So in light that there are people whose cancer treatment is cancelled due to the hurricane and power etc, there is NO way they could justify putting on a NYC marathon. Good thing that public pressure convinced the city to make the right decision.

    Tex--I am sorry to hear that it was cancer in the lungs. Here's hoping the chemo will help. My MIL is undergoing treatment for colon cancer with mets to the lungs and she is taking a cocktail of chemo drugs for her lung cancer. I'm not sure what it is though. The good news is that her cocktail seems to have little SE. You really are amazing and your spirit is something that we can all learn from.

    Work is pretty busy but I am enjoying it. I took on a new department--so with that comes people problems and I have had to make a couple of changes but hopefully, I can build a great team. I was advised yesterday that I was picked as part of a global team to improve patient care with our company so that was great news. What that means is more travel unfortunately. I haven't travelled in a couple of years so am bit of a baby when it comes to travel...I like being at home with my family! However, it is what it is and I really want to be part of the global team. Monday, I leave for Minnesota until Thursday..then I am home until Sunday and then fly out to Denmark for a week. I will have to head to Denmark again at beginning of December and then not have to travel again until Jan to UK. I am looking forward to the project but the travel is a little daunting. My hubbie will be driving the kids here and there all that time.

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good day, warriors:

    Sue: I hope you are doing ok.   I know, this must be just one awful ordeal.  Thinking of you.

    Lady: I was just watching Fox Sports Center and they were talking about how Alabama is an NFL caliber team!  This is the college football roundup I am watching now.

    Tex: there have been a number of mistakes with me since this whole saga started and one person in my “circle!” is particularly litigious and always telling me how I should sue everyone and giving me attorney names and numbers.  I don’t get into that.  The bottom line is I am still here, right?!  Also, b/c we are cancer patients, staying away from negativity and nonsense is the best thing we can do therefore getting involved with pointing fingers and assigning blame in a court of law, it is far more important to avoid all cesspools (people included) and relegate all that junk to the dustbin of history.  You are right, no worries, stuff happens, life goes on.   Perfectly eloquent way of summarizing this.   Avoiding all invitations into darkness, stress and people that are just mired in negativity is also very important.  I mean, yeah, it is our lives we are talking about but doctors are absolutely NOT infallible and even when they have messed up, I like to think they were trying NOT to mess up!  The docs that are doing good stuff have to pay enormous malpractice insurance premiums for all those devils that are just collecting money and it is a travesty.  Socialized med will get rid of the profiteers, albeit slowly, and we will end up with a much more healthy, far less litigious medical system.

    For now, however, I try to just assume everyone is trying to do their best.  It was very good of you to point out that although you are easygoing and forgiving, this is not a license to “mess up your care!”  Good point, Timothea!  Very good point indeed! I learn so much from you about how to just roll through this.  Your spirit is remarkable and this is why you keep rolling through it, onward and upward as they say ;)  As for the time management, the relationship with the doctor is paramount so you are right and just expect there are going to be delays.  My PS office is *the* best for time management.  I am totally serious when I say that I am barely sitting in the waiting room before I am called in to the office.   In fact, I don’t think I have ever had to pay for more than 1 hour in the parking garage, they are that good.  More to this point, however, if they were not so great at time management, I would definitely not take issue b/c they are completely worth it.  I lucked out that they are both great surgeons and have a staff that easily handles manages their time well!   Hang in there, perhaps if you tell them about the travel time and the kids, they will be more accommodating.  I am just glad you have an oncologist that you like.  That is the most important relationship at your life at this minute along with that with your family and chosen deity ;)

    Rachel: you might just be being set up to rule the world!!!!!!  My gosh!  A new *department???!*  That is quite a feat, girl!   You seem to have much responsibility and they seem to like to lay it on you!  I know the traveling is a drag.  Even though I don’t have a family, I would totally not relish a heavy travel schedule.  Travel for pleasure, yes, but for business, I am not really interested now mainly b/c post 9/11 I am no longer a good flyer and I seem to have develop claustrophobia.  Now the 3 hour intercontinental flights are quite enough for me!  Years ago it was ok.  For you, however, being on the “global” team in what sounds like a healthcare company is just a total honor.  I think that is just wonderful.  Healthcare management, with the burgeoning aging population, is an evolving challenge.  Great for you to be involved with that on the planetary level!!  Pretty cool!

    On the marathon, Bloomberg was **insane*** for even thinking about such. The marathon normally *starts* in Staten Island.  There was a manager from a Hilton on SI that was being interviewed last night.  He said he decided the people who have no homes were more important to house than were runners coming in for the marathon so he turned the runners away.  He was crying on the news last night when he said he got a call from the President of Hilton Garden telling him they were behind him 100% in the choice that he made to turn away the runners and also in all decisions surrounding this absolute disaster.  Old water works over here was crying with him!!!

    Sweeney: speaking of Canadian globe trotters, if memory serves, you skipped out to Ecuador just before the hurricane!!  Nice, really nice!!  Hope your trip is going well.

    Felis: I cannot believe what you are going through.  Dizzy, short of breath and knowing your rbc is low…all very scary.  I hope they don’t keep you at the hospital but if they do, most likely it would be just  overnight.  Please, when you get home, eat meat, nuts and all those things I listed to keep your rbc up through the end of txs.  Keep us posted and I sure hope after the blood transfusion that you will feel much better.  In fact, I am all but positive it is going to make you feel much better.  Hang in there, girl!  You are almost there ;)

    Well, I have to put away Halloween stuff that I took out very, very late anyway!  Normally, pre-bc, I would go to nursing homes in full costume as a volunteer.  Of course at night I would normally head out to party!  The one part of this I would still do going forward is go scare up some fun at the nursing homes!  I love the elderly and volunteering with them.  This year I actually took out my costume and I have a great witch cape I made that, b/c I made it, stands the test of time!  It has been years since I wore it but with all this Sandy madness, I just was not prepared to go on Halloween.  Alas I look to next year…!  I hope I am not too confident with all my "next year" planning!!! 

    Good day, girls-

  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    Good evening everyone!

    Tex, sorry to hear about the setback.  Lizzy is right you are truly an inspiration to all of us with your positive outlook, and that is going to take you a long way.  I am soo glad you like your oncologist and definitely encourage you to stick with him.  The wait and disorganization of the office staff might be a pain, but it is your confidence in the doctor that is most important.  You just keep fighting and we will help support you in any way we can!

     I read an article in Sports Illustrated last week about Alabama, and I was wondering if that was your team Lady.  The article seemed to infer that there was not another college team out there that could beat them. 

    Felis, hang in there honey.  I hope they don't keep you overnight but you do need to be careful not to get run down.  I was anemic going into chemo and received a couple of platelet infusions to get me through the chemo.  It really wasn't a big deal but it needed to get done.  When I just had my surgery last week I ended up receiving 2 units of whole blood because my rbc count was very low immediately after the surgery, so I imagine it is something that has been with you for life it just comes to light in situations like these.  So, let them do what they need to do to build you up and then you will continue on and finish your chemo.  Hope you feel better.

    Rachel your new job sounds very exciting.  It would be nice to get away on business trips every once in a while and really fun when you come home and your husband is absolutely exhausted from living in your shoes for a couple of days...LOL!

    Lizzy, my kids waited 2 hours today on a gas line.  Taylor saw the people lined up on her way home and called to ask me if she should get on it with my car (i had 1/2 tank).  The man told her they were expecting a shipment in an hour, so I told her yes, but not to run the car while waiting on line..LOL.  So, then I called my son who went down there with his car and some of his gas cans to bring to Long Beach.  When my oldest daughter dropped off my son from hockey I told her so she went down to get on line.  My son ended up about 15 cars behind Taylor and my daughter about 20 cars behind him.  So, Kieran spent the entire time skating up and down the line between the cars and the rest of them ended up having a long conversation on Facebook, hurling one liners at each other.  All in all there were no fights, they all got gas, and made one of those memories that they will be talking about well into their 80s.  Bad situation, good outcome. 

    I forgot if I answered you on the results of my surgery.  I am very happy with the results.  They had to use some skin from my stomach too on the left breast because of the damage from the previous surgeries so my scar is oval and pretty much goes all the way around where the nipple would be.  They made the scar on the other side the same for symmetry.  They are a good size, not really big, but maybe a little bigger than before.  And I am very happy with my stomach.  I was worried that they would pull me too tight and it would look artificial, kind of like I had a cosmetic tummy tuck.  But they didn't.  My stomach is still "soft" and a little "mushy" much like it should be in a woman of my age, and I really only feel a little tightness at the edges sometimes, nothing to speak of.  So, hopefully there will be no complications from this point forward to make me change my mind, but I am glad I made the choice and went this route. 

    As for the exercise, I started today with my walk around the block!  In the next couple of days I will begin again back on my healthy eating plan as my mother buys entirely too much candy, cakes, and cookies and I have been pigging out big time!  Don't underestimate that Zumba, I only just began doing it over the past 2 months and it is a good workout even when you are in good shape! And a lot of fun.  I have problems opening up, I am the one who is always worried about doing things "the right way" and "not standing out" etc.  Really very quiet and reserved wallflower type.  Through Zumba I have befriended some of those people I have always envied, who just have fun and don't worry about being judged by others, so it has really helped me open up a bit and laugh at myself.  It is a work in progress, but I am making progress and having fun at the same time! And you definitely get sweaty, so it burns calories! So, anyway you are now a little ahead of me in training for the Revlon next April, but I will be making slow and steady progress over the next couple of weeks so I don't slow you down!

    Have a great night everyone!



  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Sptmm: I am really happy you like your results!  That is the most important thing.  

    I hope you watch SNL!  I make it a point to be home b/c it is not a DVR-able show; you kind of have to watch it when it airs live!  In any case, they are joking on the news segment that Sandy killed most of the rats in NYC subway!!  Seriously, I was thinking about what happened to all those rats!  Now what will they do with the rat carcass?!?!  Don't eat Chinese food in tri-state area for 6 months!!!!!!!

    That is funny about the kids being on the gas line!  It is, however, scary there are gas lines!  In the 70s I went with my mom and we waited on line.  I was all of 5 or 6.  IN any case, we brought our German Shepherd and the guy at the station was so scared to take the money from my mom we had to bring the dog home and then go back and pay!  He was 130lbs! 

    Good for you on the walk!  I actually went to CVS my first day home!  I seriously did.  I also went to the grocery store and Walmart in those first few weeks.  It was NOT comfortable. At the 1 month mark from the date of surgery I mowed the lawn! I did it in 2 parts as I did the back and then I did the front the next day!  It was too much to do it all at once.  I had to do it as the landscaper's number was out of service!  I made a big effort to have this guy lined up and told him the situation and well, I guess he just had some problems.  I had a kid from a few blocks away do it and then I just decided to do it myself after I saw the job he (hardly) did!  

    OMG, if it was not for laughing at myself, my life would be way boring!!!!!  I never had a problem laughing at myself but I know what you mean, though.  As for Zumba, it is largely open to interpretation! Have fun with it.

    As for the Revlon, I might be there to put some makeup on but not sure I can make it woman!  I will try!  

    You need to watch SNL!!  They did Gov Christie in the opening segment and it was hysterical!! 

    Good night, woman-

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    Omaz- so the next step is chemo again. This time i will take Xeloda along with tykerb... They are both tpill forms which a special pharamcy will be mailing them to me- So no driving!! YAY!!! My first time though i do need to drive up to pick up the meds because my dr wants me to get another scan as a  baseline so when i get more scans throughout my treatment we can see if the cancer is commin or goin!

  • IowaSue45
    IowaSue45 Member Posts: 422

    Tex I am sry to hear your results. I will keep you in my prayers and send you many positive healing vibs. How come they don't give you the new tx for her2 or put you back on herceptin? Also have to tell you from what I have been reading about the benifits of smoking pot maybe you shoud try that. I know your hubby might not think thats a good idea, but just tell him its for medical purposes only. Love ya girl stay positive.

    Thank you ladies for your kind words, been a very hard couple of days. We drove them to the neighboring town to view his body and then BIL wanted to go by the scene of the accident and that was so so sad. Funeral isn't til Tue. Because the class that are seniors are on their class trip to Fl. til tonight. He just graduated in May so he has friends in the senior class.

    I read ALOT about natural healing and one thing I find interesting is MMS master mineral solition. I just wonded if anyone has read about it? I do drink essic tea off and on which I know many have heard of.

    Have a good Sun. ladies.

  • felisaragland42
    felisaragland42 Member Posts: 154

    I went to the er sat. They let me come didnt need any blood but i am anemic, also i start taking multivitamins for women plus iron so it can help me. Im still a little weak and tired they told me to rest.

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    Felisa- eating beef liver is really good too- really high in iron!

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    tex - Did they do markers on the biopsy from lung?  Is it still ER+ and HER2+?  Are you still on herceptin?  

  • felisaragland42
    felisaragland42 Member Posts: 154

    I have to limit myself with fried foods but liver i love i got to get me some though. Thanks for the advice.