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August 2010...anyone starting chemo besides me?!



  • felisaragland42
    felisaragland42 Member Posts: 154

    im already having hot flashes start having them after my surgery

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good day, warriors!

    I hope you all are doing well!  I have a few things to report.  On Twitter I was led to a report that said Japan has determined that the nuclear disaster will have zero impact on cancer rates in that area!!  Yeah, and if we were simpletons, we just might believe that!  In any case, moving right along, the local paper has given us 13 weeks free delivery.  I never get the local paper as there is hardly anything in there of interest to me.  I decided to do the daily Jumble simply b/c I am getting the paper and as I have to pay for my garbage and recycling pick-up, I may as well do something with that newspaper that I am paying to recycle.  What I noticed is how many people in the obituaries are *young* and dying of the big “C.”  It is scary.  Just today I was researching a judge only to find out she died of breast cancer 3 months ago.  Horrifying!

    This is an important word of caution to all of you who work and are looking for jobs and/or returning to the workforce: a friend who works in HR for a huge employer in NY said corporate edict now has HR reps TROLLING the breast cancer sites in an attempt to avoid making the wrong hire.  I am sorry to say but this is the greedy, colostomy-bag ridden world in which we live.  My advice to you all is to make sure you are using a screen name here, and on any other bc sites, that cannot be connected to your FB, 4 Square, Twitter and all and every other social media site you are on. I would also discourage using personal avatars and certainly avoid putting your business about your bc battle on things like FB which seems to simply be a hotbed of corporate spying.  Of course our friends in Canada don’t have to worry about this b/c they have socialized med; employers here are wanting to avoid hiring anyone who has had bc b/c many health plans are privately funded meaning Anthem etc are a paper-processor for the employer and that the employer actually pays out-of-pocket for healthcare costs.  I don’t care how many people hate Obama I am here to say he is going  to prove to be as pivotal a President as was FDR and Lincoln b/c he is going to make sure we get on the road to socialized medicine.  Of course our personal income tax is going to go up b/c of this but the alternative is equally unappealing fiscally. 

    In any case, all things to consider.  Just make sure your personal email, and that which you use for job apps and/or could be on your credit report, should not be connected with the name you use on this site.  Be careful as this country is not friendly to anyone who has cancer. 

    Rachel: that is so hard on your kids to be so close to your MIL and be dealing with this as they are so young.  I hope you are doing ok and your MIL is tolerating the palliative care (aka non-stop chemo) ok.  Yes, cancer is very, very hard.  I just hope you, with your personal struggles with this disease, are able to find some space and time to be good to yourself through this.  I personally think this must be pretty hard for you on some level and hope you take some time for yourself.  Be that a massage or a night out etc.. but that you just take the time for you.

    Iowa: apparently on days 1-5 of our menstrual cycle ER + PR levels drop and then days 6-13 the levels increase again as our ovaries gear up for ovulation.  Irregular periods mean you don’t have enough estrogen.  Estrogen levels being so low opens us up for other things like heart problems, osteoporosis and even diabetes.  Bottom line, we are still alive but the affect on our bodies from that chemo is still coming to light.  You might want to go for an eye exam and *make sure* they dilate your pupils.  I will PM you more about this as I don’t want to scare the rest!!!  A month  long headache is an issue and don’t ignore it.  If your doctors refuse to scan you or ignore you when you say you are having headaches, go elsewhere.  I am serious as you live in that body, not them, and there is *no way* a non-whiner has suddenly turned into a whiner when you are telling them about this headache.   That headache may be just due to your body trying to wrestle out enough estrogen to get your cycle going but it also may not be. Make sure you get an eye exam and get scanned if need be.  Bottom line is something is going on and you need to find out what.  Also dealing w/1 kid screaming in Walmart caused me to leave!  I can’t imagine what dealing w/5 kids is like without a headache and w/a headache, watching 5 kids would not even be on the menu!!!!!

    I hope your headaches have gotten better and/or you are watching less kids!

    Felis: having hot flashes after surgery is a very good sign!  Most estrogen production takes place in the ovaries but there is some that takes place in the liver, adrenal glands and breasts!  Hot flashes are good b/c you are presumably on tamox etc… so the hot flash is an indication that estrogen levels have dropped from whatever level they were the last time the hypothalamus checked which means tamox is doing its job and estrogen is scarce!  Good news, indeed!  I hope you are doing well these days.

    Tex: I hope all is well in the lone star state!!!!  

    Omaz: same for you in the desert!  Meant to tell you I met Gabbie Giffords at a political event recently.  What a lovely woman.  It is so hard to see her like that.  She has come a long way, though.

    Sptmm:  Soon you will be able to lay down some serious miles as our weather is moderating!  Hope you are doing well.

    The “Fast” diet(all the rage in the UK): was watching CNN a few days back and learned of this.  Very easy and basic way of just reducing intake which is simply “eat less” 2 days per week.  Just 2 days per week you eat twice and for breakfast you might have a hard boiled egg, ½ apple and slice wheat toast. For dinner have 4 oz grilled chicken over 2 cups of salad.  This is less than 600 calories in a day.  Through reading about this diet I realized that there is *one* benefit to having a slow metabolism = less free radicals roaming  our bodies!!!!  I found that amazing!  People with high metabolisms also get more wrinkles and earlier in life because pace of metabolism dictates amount of free radicals!  Finally a bit of good news for those of us with the wicked slow metabolisms!  Also, by making this very manageable change for just 2 days a week you reduce caloric consumption by a decent percentage.

    Finally, we need a “members-only” site where bc girls can go, show their pathology to confirm that they have cancer and only then would they be allowed to post and talk to other women w/cancer candidly without the prying eyes of people who don’t need to know and are just being nosy.

    Happy trails, girls!

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    One more thing!!  I just stumbled across the most startling breast cancer case ever.  If anyone has a chance and has access, check out Binur v. Jacobo...holy smokes.  Horrifying. 

  • IowaSue45
    IowaSue45 Member Posts: 422

    Thanks Lizzy I am trying to figure the headache out the least expensive way. I still have it, it hasn't gone away going on five weeks. My migraine meds. maxalt helps so that I can at least think straight it is not a pain med. it works on the blood vessels in the brain make blood flow better. There has been some nausea feeliing. I am going to the chiropractor tomorrow, a different family Dr. that I thoroughly trust in a neighboring town Tue. my 6 month check up is Fri. I never have a problem with them believing me my problem is that is always the 1st thing they was to do for my is scan.Unlike a ladie here in my town who I have befriend through bc and she is actually has her2 also. last spring she had headaches and keep telling her Dr. and they scanned and told her she had bone spurs on her skull 4 months later she collapsed on her floor was rush to the hospital and surgery for a baseball size tumor in her brain. This is her 3 go around with bc she actually had it when she was 33 and it didn't return for 22 years and not she has been fighting for 3 years and they have given her 2 wks. now. So I have goggled her2 and brain mets. I sure didn't like what I read .Wish me luck this wk that the solution is found and resolved. I will have my eyes checked to but I think it has been less than a year but it still could be and that would be a simple solution. You are right Lizzy I rarely whine and I am feeling pretty whinny uggg I hate the worry ever time we turn around. I had those dam fat balls at first that I had to worry about. The little sores I have haven't healed either.   

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Iowa: it was less than a year for me to when I got my eyes checked.  The headaches led me to get my eyes checked.  I wish you the best and will be sending you good vibes all week, woman! Yeah, you did not strike me as a whiner!  It is so hard on our docs, too, to take every symptom and start plowing us through the test mill; it is just too much for us and I think they know that. I just think that if a non-whiner is really making a ruckus, something is wrong! Honestly, and by now, there should be the equivalent of a car wash that all the cancer folks could go through to look for mets. There is also the "breathing" machine the FDA is yet to approve and the cancer-sniffing dogs. 

    Another awful disease, HIV/Aids, had a major,and very promising,development in what I now know was the 2nd baby in the world to be "cured" of HIV after being treated.  Now that is amazing...can cancer please be next?!

    Best of luck this week, Sue.  Will be thinking of you and sending positive vibes!  May it just be something benign.

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Iowa I will be thinking about you all week long! Hugs to you


  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    Iowa--will be thinking of you.

    It is crazy to think that employers would be trolling internet to avoid hiring anybody who has had an illness. I have 11 people in my department and don't think that I would have the time/energy or interest in looking into any health information. That is the scary thing about the internet--all your stuff is out there in cyberspace--I tell people all the time--don't write in emails or on the internet that which you would not stand in front of people and say in person!

    Today is a beautiful sunny but cold day. I am home today with my youngest as he has had two baby teeth pulled to make way for his adult teeth--they gave him the gas so he is so drowsy--had to almost carry him to the car. Therefore, will have a lazy day watching movies at home while he lies on the couch. He has a small mouth (big when you hear him talk) so they have to try to make room for his teeth before the orthodontist will look at him for braces.

    Have a great week.

  • IowaSue45
    IowaSue45 Member Posts: 422

    Thanks ladies for the well wishes. I was going to tell you I wondered exactly what they look for in our blood work because my 6 month check up is Fri. and the blood work is always around $350. and my insurance doesn't pay for the blood work. I knew if your calcium was high it could indicate bone mets and I thought one was for liver enzyme but whatever else I had no clue and I don't think they check me tumor markers for some reason I don't think they do tumor marker for just her2. I will ask the onc. Fri. when I go. I had wondered just how important the blood work was because of the ladies I know personally that had recurrence when I asked them if it showed in their blood wk and they all say the same nothing showed in the bw. I also remember when I was having my first and only mam mo and biopsy why didn't they just check my blood lol because I thought they could tell from your blood. I worked a few years home health and hospice and an elderly man was sick and they did blood wk and all looked normal but a couple months later he has end stage liver cancer died about a month later. I'm not so sure it tells them much.

    I'm head feels better today not all gone but better. You know how that goes you make an appointment and it goes away before you get there lol plus I called eye Dr. and the 1st  opening is in 2 wks I told them I'd take it.

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Rachel: recently there was such a hysterical video and I think JKL had it on of a girl who was like 15 crying and whining in the back seat of her mother's car on her way home from being gassed at the dentist!!  I hope you got a little entertainment out of it!  Hope he is doing well.  As for HR trolling sites looking for "the sick" who miight also be looking for employment, it is just the way it is these days.  You are absolutely correct on don't put it out there unless you would feel equally as comfortable announcing it to a group of people.  Very true.

    Iowa: that is crazy on the cost of your bloodwork.  Now I know why you were wondering exactly what they are looking for.  You should tell your onc and surely I would think they would be able to skip some things.  Glad you got an eye appt.  It is always good to get them checked.

    Night, ladies!

  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    Iowa--During my checkups--I don't have my blood checked--had it checked on the first two checkups post-chemo to check that my levels were back to normal--but not since. I haven't asked why not--maybe next checkup will see. I wasn't aware that it would show in your bloodwork. The bloodwork I did have found my thyroid problem which was a plus (I guess!)

    Lizzie--He is all good--was dopey for most of morning and then back to normal.

    For some reason, I feel terribly sluggish and am suffering from hot/cold -- like menopause -- which I don't understand as it is almost 3 years since my rad hyst...not sure why, but I am having to sleep with the fan again for the last couple of weeks. Seems so off? Hopefully it is just something passing me by.

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good evening, warriors!

    Hope everyone is well!  I totally flipped at the MRI today and just can't do the tube.  I don't know what is going on so another few days goes by now...unbelievable.  Don't know what my problem is and I feel like a big baby so much as to cause me to put off a very important test in search of one I like.  They told me today a large percentage of people have issue with the MRI tube.  What I don't understand is why no one has been able to make a more flake-friendly MRI?!  Seriously but alas I am sure the reasons are rooted in money  as is everything w/our healthcare system.   Just thinking about this now, they actually make money by keeping the tubes on the administering of sleepy med to get people through this test.  Not happy!

    Rachel: as an adult, I can be a jerk but as a teenager, my jerkass ways were in full-swing!  More to this point, my friend's mother, a former RN, was telling me she was recovering from a hysterectomy.  I almost died when she told me it was FOUR years ago!!!!!!!  Myself and another friend were hysterical and then, of ccourse, this was fodder for our funny machine for many moons to come! My friend's father, her husband, owned a pharmacy so these people were no strangers to all things medical.  Bottom line, and the reason I tell you this story, it takes a long, long, long time for the body to adjust after such a huge, and chemical and body-altering, surgery and I think it is different for everyone. 

    My hot flashes are so wicked these days, they are ripping through my body like fire.  I, too, am a little concerned but I don't think either of us accept what absolute trauma and drama our bodies have been through.  It could be even more years before your body adjusts.  

    Time to go make salad with wasabi almonds, my favorite!! 

    Night, all-     

  • IowaSue45
    IowaSue45 Member Posts: 422

    Good evening ladies,  I saw the family Dr. today and she said it  sounds like occipital neuralgia so she gave me anti inflammatory and muscle relaxer to try for a wk and a half to see if it helps. I of course looked it up when I got home and it make sense because I have a bulging c3. I hope this fixes it and there is nothing more. I hope each of you are doing well this week.

    Lizzy- when I have had a mri I just close my eyes and pretend I'm lying on the Fl beach drinking a margarita. Maybe you need a margarita or 2 before you go. I like the strawberry ones and if anyone would like my super great tasting recipe just ask : ) I'd be more that happy to share it.

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Iowa: great news!!!!   Hope the med  works and her dx was correct!  Good times, woman!  So glad and hope that headache goes the heck away!

    PM me the margarita recipe!  As summer is nearly upon us, rest assured I am very welcoming of such recipes!!

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    Sorry I've been away- this thread I am more linked to- so I dont just like to skim it and do a simple reply- I like to involve myself with your stories, really think about my reply... So with all thats been going on in my life i havent had enough time to sit down and read all this.

    Been busy- my kiddos took turns being sick last week. Well my niece was sick and hospitalized for a week, then she was released but couldnt go back to school, could harldy open her jaw! The week she went back to school (last week) my younger ones got sick, not at the same time because that would have been too easy. They were sick Mon/tue, tue/wed, and wed/thur. I was sick friday- i guess i caught the same stomach bug they did!

    Feeling better for the most part this week. We went to look at homes for sale monday. We want to get back to where my husband is from, positive of being so broke is our tax return is enough for a down payment. I am a put the cart before the horse type of person, so i am packing LOL- we ahvetn even made an offer on a house yet, but oh well. Sadly my niece doesnt want to pack until we are for sure moving, she says she doesnt believe in hope. It broke my heart to hear that but i realized in her short number of years, no one person in her life has been a rock for her! She doesnt believe good things will come. Well I gotta fix that! Last day of school is June 7th- We ARE moving June 8th! (well actually i plan to buy the house before then and s-l-o-w-l-y get our stuff over there!

    Also we are having a yard sale next weekend. Kids have spring break next week, so we'll be doing some spring cleaning! We started last night and it was so funny cuz my kids are pricing their own stuff and one of them wanted $12 for a board game. I told them "How much would you pay for it at a yard sale? Thats what you should price it for" they quickly dropped it down to $3 LOL they dont seem to realize the idea is to get rid of it, not make tons of money!

    My feet problems from my medicine has caused these nasty infected ingrown toenails on both my big toes. It hurts so bad! Monday my dr perscribed me an antibiotic. Hasnt helped so far, but hopefully it will...

    GINGER- hope you're feeling better.

    LIZZY- good break down on hot flashes! Looks like you've spent some time figuring it out!

    FELIS- glad to hear your wound it doing so well! when do you start radiation?

    RACHEL- your kids are so cute! WHen is your appointment (i know sometime this month) Iceland- i am jealous! I can never get the pictures right!, sometimes they wont post other times they are HUGE! That is so sweet their grandparents talk to them 2x a day! canada seems to put the right emphasis on family! (hey USA take a tip from them!)

    SUE- i will do a cold compress on my headaches, sometimes mine last a few days (3 at the most) but never a month long! I just ice pack it til it numbs, i use IBprofin only- the liquid gels always work fastest/best for me. 

    LIZZY- Yeah i'll believe that (wink) if the nuclear disaster doesnt impact the cancer rates I'll die of shock! EVERYTHING EFFECTS THE CANCER RATES! I guess they dont want a riot over there!

    Advice heeded. Change my avatar (although i dont plan to get back to work anytime soon- still a good idea)

    Love your idea of a members only site- makes sense, there are too many sickos out there that get onto these site and "fake" their cancers and i dont know, get off on our pain/suffering???? Why do ppl do that?

    Just read the Binur vs Jacobo- WOW it does NOT shock me that this happened here in TX! a friend of mine was told she had thyroid cancer after a biopsy, she had surgery to remove the thyroid, also did radiation. Had a slew of side effects because of it, but then a few years later it turned out that somehow they switched the pathology. She NEVER had cancer, and this poor other person never knew that they DID!

    SUE- your insurance doesnt pay for blood work???? that is the most ridiculous thing i have heard. it can prevent a lot of things if caught early enough in your blood!

    Well probably not hte most ridiculous thing as i have had many of fights with my company to just to get dang medicine!

    LIZZY- i understand the flipping out on the tube- i hate it too. it took me many scans not to have a panic attack while going through it, honestly my heart does still race. I agree should make a more friendly MRI machine! i second the margarita idea ;)


    so i was at a discount store asking if they have any boxes that they intend to toss out. And the manager said a few, someof them they send back to the distributor and others they crish and throw away. i said well thats smart, reusing boxes makes tons of sense. well she goes on to tell me that if there is a product that they dont sell wether it be clothing, food or what ever they have to THROW AWAY! straight into the trass. i said cant y'all donate it or let the employees keep it and she said NO they are to rip open food packages/ take a box cutter to other things/ crush or smash glassware. I was thinking- there are ALL THESE PEOPLE in not only the world but in our local community that could use food, clothes and homegoods. And here they are throwing this good stuff away!!!!

    She went on to tell me that she was at walmart and they were puttong clothing into large trash bags, she asked what were they doing with them and they said. THROWING THEM AWAY! are you kidding me! throwing them away? 

    What has become of our society where we would rather throw stuff away then give it to people that are in need?????

    Have a lovely day ladies, you will find me dumpster diving behind all the stores once the sun goes down!

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Tex: so good to hear from you!!! I am so glad you are getting a house!!!!  Good for you.  No more flaky neighbors sharing your walls!  The other night I was talking to someone who said they lived in an apt and said "it is so nice when you can hear your neighbors fart!!!!"   An old friend from college lives in Brooklyn and her neighbors are constantly fighting.  She said  the other night "we have to break up, this is not working!"  Finally, when I was young my father liked to take us to the dentist 3xs a  year at least (was fanatic about keeping up w/our teeth) and his dentist said to me once "Elizabeth, you know why I live in Old Saybrook?"  I said no as I was maybe 16 and he said "so I don't ever have to see my neighbors!!!!"   Sharing walls/floors is just too much and you will be much happier!   Best of luck to you in your house search!

    On corporate greed and tossing things, you know why they do that?  Because it is very hard to organize "pick ups" for the stuff and then people don't show and then you have food and/or other items hanging around etc..  and no way to store it.  As much as you think people will scramble to get something free, it is not the case.  Also they never know what they will be giving away so w/out consistency, there is no manangement.  I know ostensibly it is a shame but you just can't manage things like that.  My friend owned a bakery which is why I know this!  Also, the other problem is if people get used to the idea you are "giving it away after 7PM" they won't make purchases but rather wait for the freebies.  Dunkin Donuts are all over the Northeast and they toss a bunch of crap at end of night to avoid attracking rodents (or more rodents!!).  On a more positive note, I was at the package store a few nights ago and there was a student in their getting boxes for moving so check your local package store!!!

    Glad the kids are feeling better and your niece is home. Very good to hear from you!  Best of luck in your home search!  It is so exciting to get a new home!  Enjoy it, girl!

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Actually there are a good number of food centers/ food banks that take the corporate leavings and distribute them to local food pantries.  I worked at a food pantry for ten years  and without our local food  bank we would have never had enough food to make it through the summer. 

    Some small local businesses don't get a big response to free offers. We had a fine restaurant where the owners/ cooks decided to come in on Christmas day and cook as a way of giving back for their good fortune. Our clients were very reluctant to go. Only two families went. We forget that people in need are often people who have never had access to so many places and things we take for granted. With poverty life becomes smaller and smaller, with less education your world becomes very small. Going into a fine salon for free haircuts , going into a fine restaurant, a high end store all can be incredibly intimidating. Even a library or a teacher meeting can overwhelm some folks whose lives have been limited.   

    Just a few thoughts. 

    Love Ginger

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    Lizzy- i do see what you mean, as ppl just arent reliable. But on the other hand. HERE locally we have a ministry that gives out clothing and also a food bank that serves a few thousand ppl. If just our local walmart or other store that can toss things can take them to these places all within 5 miles of eachother, it'd be a start.... But yes no managment skills whatsoever!

    It is super exciting! We have a home in mind, still prayerfully deciding if its the best move for us.

    Ginger- we had a resturant in AZ that would do that- they were a buffet and the food that was left over would get donated.

    I find only some ppl are reluctant to attend those things, but if the actual food/clothing bank arranged to get those extras from the stores it wouldnt put the burden on the ones recieving them...

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good day, warriors!

    I hope you all are doing well!

    Tex: As you know, I am wicked excited over your pending home purchase!!!!!!  I am so happy for you and, yes, paying a mortgage is always, always, always better than paying rent *and* often times it is less expensive.  I am so happy for you!!!  Keep us posted....I can't wait and spent a good hour sending good vibes your way last night during meditation time!  I am so excited.

    You must  be totally elated and don't forget, you *never* regret the things you do but regret is always about the things you did NOT do so buy the house!!!

    Ginger: you are absolutley correct on all counts.  I find the urban areas handle things much better than suburban areas.  Like near Yale the restaurants and bakeries do give leftovers to shelters and soup kitchens etc... but what happens in suburban areas is totally different.  I am the very last person that likes to see anything got to waste and for people to not reuse and recycle.  I cringe when I see someone throw a plastic or glass bottle in a traditional garbage can.  I think there are many, many people who try to do all they can to make things right but I think we can do better.  All in good time, I hope!

    Valerie Harper: this is very, very sad.  I knew earlier today when I created this post, and as per usual, I was forgetting something.  It was to post about Valerie.  It is such an awful travesty that cancer continues to march, like some behemoth monster with an insatiable appetite, across our country eating people and killing thousands every day.  The one thing I can say about Valerie is although she is within weeks (or so *they* say) of dying from this miserable disease, she looks fantastic.  I am so happy that she is such a public figure who is putting a "realistic" face on cancer which is we don't look sick.  I hope all the "eye doctors" out there who are forever remarking on how if people look good they must not have cancer take a long, hard look at Valerie.  She looks just great and I am sure she will until the day she moves on to a better place.

    Good day, girls!

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    Lizzy- No word on the house as of yet, i am hoping that either our offer is accepted tomorrow or at least a counter offer presented to us...

    Spring break this week so i might not be on line often til the house is cleared!

  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    Hi Everyone!!!!!

    Tex:  I am soo excited for you, getting a new house.  That is fantastic news!  And much needed I am sure with all four kids running around.  I am glad to hear you are feeling okay and your niece is better too.  Enjoy your spring break....and good luck with the house hunt, I will keep my fingers crossed for you!

    Lizzie:  How are you doing?  How is your volunteer work going, you were working on a fundraiser, right?  It is very sad about Valerie Harper, she has always been a very classy lady. I read an article about the cancer today and her response to it and it is amazing how she is approaching the whole thing with such a calmness.  Very sad.  You are right, cancer sucks!  And why does it seem to always get the good ones!

    Nothing much going on in my life here.  Just the usual madness.  Loving my new nipples, boobs are looking good, and I am back to normal activity.  Might have to have one more fat grafting procedure on the boobs, just to fill in some spots. I am not sure yet.  I am going to let them settle until early winter and see what I think.  PS said it is my choice. 

    Hope everyone else is doing well!


  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good evening, warriors!

    I hope everybody is doing well!  I am having the strangest dreams.  More importantly I had one that cars were flying!  Not joking…I suspect the future is knocking on my head in the night!  I think eventually it will all be like the Jetson’s anyway!

    OMG…the other night I stopped in a parts store to pick up a part for one of my cars and the lady that works there is very cool.  I know her as I am in there regularly…as I like cars!  She looks at my credit card and said “oh, I had a friend that actually looked a lot like you and same last name.”  I said the name did not ring a bell but in this part of the country, lots of the Irish and Italians are related etc… so it is not uncommon for this kind of conversation to take place (for those of you who might find this peculiar!!).  In any case, she tells me she misses her friend so much and I asked if she moved away; no, she died of bc last year at the age of 42!!  Ugh, I felt a little punched in the stomach.  Of course she does not know of my situation.  She showed me a pic of the woman in question and all I could think was we do/did look alike and how very young she looked.

    Rachel: “Oh Canada” indeed!!!!!  Bench clearing brawl at that baseball game!!!  I saw it on Sports Center!!  Oh yes, good times!!!  He he he!!  How are you?  Hope all is well.

    Sptmm: good for you!  So happy you are happy with your results and life is back to normal! I think that is the best feeling.  The fundraiser went well.  It was a silent auction.  It appears several thousand dollars was raised for her.  She is going to be very very surprised and very, very happy!   I don’t know about you but I am all “surgeried” out!  I really can’t think of doing anything else.  I am just tired of it all and hope I get a break.

    Valerie Harper was on Piers Morgan tonight.  I am so sorry I missed the interview.  I mean to tell you about it.  All I am going to say is that woman is amazing and put a very valiant face on cancer in all of her public appearances as of late.  She and Jane Fonda are my heroes.  I am so happy she is out there and saying it like it is and is wicked strong in the face of adversity.  Her death is around the corner and this woman is fine and has made peace with it and very much so it seems.  Women are such strong creatures.

    So, Deb, indeed cancer does continue to get the “good ones.” 

    Tex: you are such a trooper, I love it!  I am hoping you are feeling ok, that your SEs are minimal, that your scan results are good and that this house search does not stress you too much!  House hunting is a big pain-in-the-arse (it is St. Pat’s week…!) and it is so hard.  I know several who took a break from it for a while.  I have a few friends that are professionals (one a lawyer, one is in medicine) and are so saddle bagged w/student loans, even with impeccable credit and having been out of school for many years, the student loans are so high they can’t buy homes!  Be happy you are not in that awful position.

    So there I was in Target getting some St. Pat’s stuff in the $1 baskets and this woman was asking me if I had seen any glow sticks.  We talked for a  few minutes as she was very pleasant and my favorite age (over 70 + grandma-ish!) so then out of nowhere she says “so how are you doing?” Of course congruent with my comedic nature I tell her I can’t offer up a definitive clinical diagnosis but I think I am ok!!   She says “no, with cancer” and I was stunned. She said she saw my “pic line” scar!  I was stunned but remember I told you all I was worried about that scar being the scarlet letter for all of us? In any case, she said if you are a healthcare professional, most will know what that scar is from and if every person in this country who has cancer gets a port, everyone will know that scar means because roughly 1 in 2 is getting some kind of cancer.  She made a good point.  Needless to say, I was stunned when she pointed that out.  Her son is my age, has 4 fairly young kids and is S4 pancreatic.  She, in fact, was S4 bladder in the 70s and is now 75 y/o!  Now that is ah-mazing!

    Got me thinking about cancer and I have a new theory: everyone gets cancer. I think every person gets cancer but the body gets rid of it. I believe that those of us who they “catch” it fall into the medical industrial complex in which they are studying the disease through “us.”  We are experimental subjects.  Of course people are dying from cancer every day but Tony Snow, former White Houser, said before he died that he did not think he was dying of cancer but rather cancer treatment. Therein lies the issue.  I mean once you find out you have it you have to go get txs, that is that.  I just wonder about all the uninsured who are not getting checked out and who are most likely getting cancer at one point or another.  I mean going back 100s of years people have been dying from “mysterious lumps” but I seriously think all people get cancer at some point in their lives and some people are caught in the medical industrial complex perusing of the citizens of the world so as to test, treat and study us and others their body fights it off.  Unfortunately others are passing, treated or untreated, because the body, for whatever reason, was not as capable as other people’s bodies to fight it off.  I still believe we live in auspicious times but I do believe either the future will say “we” were over-treated or there will be understanding of how to manage a cancerous body, in some sort of a co-habitative way.  I mean we are seeing it today where S4 today is hardly what it was even 10 years ago.  We have come a long way, still have a ways to go, but have definitely come a long way.

    Good night, girls and the happiest of trails to you all :)

  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    Hi everyone--Hope all is well.

    Lizzie--I didn't know about the bench-clearing brawl until a couple of days ago--so unlike Canadians :) 

    Well...a little concerning news--I have had some groin pain that was increasing each week--I thought it was because of exercise (I knew I didn't do it for a reason LOL) but it seemed to get worse. So...I am heading back in for some scans as want to rule out cancer...again. I was thinking how is this possible as I had rad hyst and what is there for cancer to adhere to...shows how much I know. Doc said that ovarian/cervical can come back without any reproductive system but can go into peritoneal etc. Well...I will know more in the next couple of weeks while they run some tests etc. I am keeping this news away from the kids as it would be too hard especially if all ends up being OK. So fingers crossed, prayers sent, good vibes released....I am so done with cancer and I hope it is done with me. I will keep you posted. In the meantime, I am taking the next couple of days off work as my head is just all over the place.

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good evening, warriors!

    I hope everyone is well.  I caught some of the Piers interview with Valerie Harper in the wee hours as my hot flashes were ripping through my body like wildfire early this morning!   It was an interesting interview and what a live wire she is!  I really enjoyed it but then my eyes closed again once the fire went out! 

    Rachel: I know what you mean about being confused about where cancer can spread.   My BS told me that it would only like breast tissue and my onc turned and said to me "cancer can grow into anything."  I know what you mean about cleaning your entire system out via surgery in an attempt to cut off it's food source (why I did the bmx right away) but then you find out it can grow back anywhere anyway.  It is both frustrating and alarming at the same time. 

    Currently I am being  tested for brain mets.  There is fluid building in my cranium and, to be honest, I am avoiding the MRI and I realized why : I don’t want to know! Ignorance is indeed bliss!  I seriously have cancer inertia and I am tired of it all.  I don’t want to lose my hair and get pumped full of poison again.  I just don’t want it.  I am not interested in having my head cut open or biopsies etc…  I am just not.

    In long, I know how you feel and I will be there for you every step of the way.  I am always sending positive vibes and will be there for you every step of the way, should there be one.   Keep us posted on  what is going on and I will be thinking of you.  I will be here physically as long as I can and when, and if, cancer relegates my carcass to the dustbin of history, I shall be hopping about in spirit!!

    In any case, speaking of spirits, my wonderful, wild cat was in the kitchen watching me make sauce.  At one point I turned around and addressed her directly and rather than stare at me, she is looking to my left and then to my right as if there were 3 individuals standing there.  As far as I know there was just one!  I guess the spirits are stopping by! Also every now and again she does that “fox” trot where she extends her neck as if she is watching someone walk away and she is curious as to where they are going!  Yeah, it is great to live like this!

    Keep your chin up, Rachel.  We are all walking this path together.

    As for the bench-clearing brawl, that is exactly what made it so funny is that it very much is not typical Canadian behavior!

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Rach I am hoping for you that it is some dryness, I had some pain and the Doc gave me some cream to put in the Labial area. I told her the pain wasn't there and she said it would take care of it and it did!. I hope that is your issue too. Sending you prayers. 

    Lizzy did I tell you the CAT scan I had when I got a concussion showed normal pressure hydrocephalus. I am trying to get into a neurologist to get cleared or further diagnosed. About 25 years ago I had a CAT scan that shoed I had enlarged ventricles. I am hoping that this conclusion was just the same thing renamed.  There is a lot of reasons you could have some extra fluid.  Are you having bad headaches? Or dizziness or other symptoms? How do they know you have extra fluid.  I am praying for you that it is something normal but your meds are making it look different. I do not one single one of us to have even ONE more thing go wrong.  

    Love and hugs and prayers for all of us.


  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    Good Morning Everyone!

    Hi Ginger!  How are your headaches, are they getting better?

    Rachel and Lizzy, sending all my prayers your way for benign scans!


  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Sptmm: I was talking to an old friend who is a software genius and is living in Hong Kong now.  I told him about you and how your time is limited so I told him to make some talking software so you can bang out quick posts while driving, running, lawn mowing etc....!  He was way happy to hear about your running accomplishments!

    Ginger: yeah, it is vicious headaches.  Sometimes they wake me up and I feel like I could shoot lasers out of my eyes.  There are other reasons but I flash back to the mammogram/biopsy days and how everyone said "don't worry,no family history etc..." and here I am 3 years later, deep in bc madness.  I will have to deal with it but seriously, to find out it is brain cancer does not help me because I am not going back through their wicked treatment carnival.  It would be nonsensical at this point.  I will deal at some point and I am sure that point will be thrust upon me in the next few weeks but for now I am just trying to have some fun, get some things done, see some people I have not seen in a while and then the time will come that I have to find out.  I just look at Valerie Harper and think how great she looks and how that crap is eating her brain and she has only weeks to go.  Oh yeah, and the other bonus: whether it is brain cancer or not, I am headed for a spinal tap to relieve the pressure or I could go blind.  Well, pills and pills and pills then spinal tap.  Like I said, I am trying to have some fun right now and will deal with this soon enough.  Effin cancer.

    Rachel: I hope you are having a good day.  I think it was probably a good move for you to take a day off/for yourself to rest and try to sort things out.  I hope you are enjoying your day and feel a bit more at peace.  Keep us posted.

  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    Lizzy, I would love that would make my life soooo much more efficient!

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Compliments of Twitter:

    Proliferation of cells linked to high fat dairy b/c the cows are constantly pregnant to maximize production therefore the "cow's" estrogen levels are consistently high and that is passed on to women via whole milk.  Unbelievable.  If this is true, bc patients drinking a glass of whole milk in an innocuous attempt to nourish oneself and get some calcium, are basically driving their cancers.  It is all coming back to the hormones and antibiotics they are putting in our meat.  Big surprise.

  • IowaSue45
    IowaSue45 Member Posts: 422

    Happy St. Patties Day Ladies, I got out and did a little celebrating last night the local watering hole had a good r & r bands. Had a good time.

    I was to mad at myself 2 nights ago it has taken me this long to get back on and re-post lol. I woke at 345 am and was wide awake. Doing a little reading on the nook then ended up on and I typed out a long post to you all and if you have a nook or kindle you know its not quite the same a typing on a keyboard anyway I go to post it and I wasn't logged in and when it sent me to log in the post was lost uggg.

    I had my eyes check yesterday and was very surprised to find that both eyes improved the rt one went from -5.75 to   -4.50 and the left is for small print or my correction is set for mono vision it went from -4. to -3.75. This is so strange to me who's eyes improve at 47? Keeping my fingers crossed that this is what was causing headaches. Eye Dr. said very well could have esp. because they were being over corrected. My last eye exam was just last June. I asked her if the good vit. and minerals and organic food would make my eyes better and she said most defiantly could. Headache has improved so if it stays away I won't need the mri the onc set up for a wk from now. My check up was good' blood work perfect. Relief ahhh

    Chance of more snow today into tomorrow, hoping it misses us!

    Enjoy your Sun. ladies.

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    That sounds real good Sue.  
