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August 2010...anyone starting chemo besides me?!



  • Ondagrow
    Ondagrow Member Posts: 133

    Hi Everyone...

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    Hi sohard - How are you been?

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Hi everyone. The TV medical experts have been telling us all that the coughs this season are lasting for three weeks. They are right. I am evidence.   

    I can see that we are beginning to have longer days here. That boosts my spitits. We have very short days here in the winter and in the summer it is still light at 10 PM.  

    Other than a few flakes we haven't had any snow that stuck this season.  I hope all of you in the east are taking good careof yourselves.   I was in the bizzard of 1967 in Chicago and wow, heavy snow is a big deal!  Take care. 

    I went back on Aromasin a week ago and I already am back to migraines/ I wonder what the DR will recommend now.  

    Hugs Ginger

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    SOHARD! its nice hearing from ya! How goes everything????

    Lizzy- i knew you were teasin ;)

    Ginger- hope you feel better!

    scans looking good!

  • felisaragland42
    felisaragland42 Member Posts: 154

    My surgeon took me off of my wound vac last friday i am so happy and my wound is healing good.

  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    Hi Everyone!  No work tonight so I stopped by to say "HI"!

    Felis:  So glad to hear that you are off the wound vac and your wound is healing.  You are on the way back to normal! How are you feeling overall?  Better?

    Tex:  You are Supermom!  Your kids are very lucky to have you.  How are you feeling these days?  Has the chemo been doing its job?  Thanks for the compliment, I really feel great and that is the best part.  LOL,, I am in better shape now at 50 then I was at 30!  I guess my kids are proud, they don't really say much.  I know they were absolutely amazed and very proud when I ran my last race...a 10K.  They never though I could do that one but I showed them..LOL!

    Lizzy:  Thanks for the compliment!  The best part of the whole getting in shape thing, after the weight loss, was the sculpted look.  I will never forget the day I looked in the mirror and realized how sculpted my shoulders/upper arms had become.  I was like...."WOW look at me I have muscles" LOL! It sneaks up on you though, you really don't realize it is happening.  Funny you mention the boobs..those are actually my old boobs and if you look closely at the picture you can see how different in size they were after all those surgeries.  My left boob is pretty much nonexistant and the right one is normal..that picture was taken without a prosthesis so you can really tell.  Anyway, the new ones are very similar in size but the left is the same size as the right....much better! Soo... how's the snow removal going?  Did you get out of your house yet?

    Lady:  Good luck with the job search. That is always a tough one, especially in this economy.  That is a great cover with the ex, at least he is good for something.  If you ever decide to go into business with the bracelets, let me know. I am looking for a small bracelet to wear on the left to remind me not to let people do blood pressures over there.  I always forget!  One of these days I am going to end up with lymphedema!  I remember they can't draw blood there, but I always forget about the blood pressure. 

    Rachel:  Hope the doctor's appointment went well!

    Ginger:  Hope you are feeling better.  Those colds do seem to linger, especially the cough this year.  I understand completely about the dreary winter and the daylight issues.  I feel like I fight moodiness every winter.  I just seem to want to shut down when the sun goes down.  But spring is on its way and every day the daylight is getting longer.  Here it stays light now until around 5:45 which means I can run after work so I am excited. Can't wait for summer!  On the Aromasin, have you tried Femara?  I have a friend on that one and she hasn't had the side effects she had before.  

    Hi Sohard!

    Hi Omaz!

    Thanks everyone for the compliments again!  Hope everyone is doing well.


  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    Hi everyone--My doctor's appointment went well--nothing to report on the breast-front. I wasn't too concerned about that appointment. I have my gyne oncology appointment in March and that one, I am a little worried about due to aches etc.

    I have been terribly busy at work this past week and we are also undergoing a bathroom renovation -- starting with our master bath and then the kids--therefore, we are living in a  construction zone.

    Hope everyone has a great week.

    Happy Valentines :)

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good evening, warriors!

    Writing to you from Blizzardville!  Actually, last night the payloader showed up to push the snow to the end of my driveway!  Being the last house on a dead end has positives and negatives!  I made use of the time that I was trapped in my house to get some other stuff done so it was not all terrible.

    Sohard: good to hear from you!  You look great!  I am so glad you stopped by and I certainly hope all is well.

    Rachel: I am so glad your appt went well!  Good news, woman!  Bathrooms are my favorite and have spent many dollars in my day fixing them up!  They are really what sell houses so smart move for you. 

    Happy Valentine’s to you and speaking of which, a perennial "ex" of mine asked me tonight where I was taking *him* for Valentine's Day to which I replied "I will see you in hell, Tony!!!!"  he he he!!  He is a long, long, long term ex....! 

    Sptmm: I did not notice there was any dilapidation in your boobs!  I thought those were post surgical but it should have dawned on me it would have to be summer, therefore pre-surgery, as you are standing outside in a tank!  Not really Novemberish! 

    Felis: great news!!!!!!   That is wonderful the wound vac is gone.  Perhaps that pineapple we are enjoying is really doing double duty!  It is just so nice to be free of those contraptions.   Good for you! 

    Ginger: that is awful that you now realize the Aromasin is directly connected to migraines.   That is just awful.  I am tired and sick for you just thinking about it.  I am curious what the Dr will suggest also.

    The blizzard was a disaster!  CT is not MN and we are just not equipped to handle such events.  There were funny stories like my friend who fell in the snow, could not get out of the snow and had to call 911!  There was a friend who was happy to have an “activity-free” weekend; there were the “plow flakes” who start whining over the pressure of actually having business for a change!!  It was kind of crazy.  I have a picture from one of years my fav photographers of the 78 blizzard and people trying to get into GCT.  She died 2 ago and I was able to get this photo.  I love it.  It really captures human spirit.

    So, I am comfortably post-blizzard, actually got out today and it was wonderful!  Trapped for 4 days was quite enough.  I went out to shovel and listen to some music just to pass the time.   It was weird.   The trapped feeling was really unnerving.  When I left Lehman Brothers I went to work at Weatherly Securities in World Trade.  My boyfriend worked for Cantor and he was killed during 9/11 which I think I told you all.  In any case, ever since that awful ordeal, and having very clear knowledge of the stairwells and how narrow they were and the inner workings of those buildings, you never get over those feelings.  I never loved flying and am definitely worse now.  I have discovered claustrophobia exists also when I realized I just cannot do “closed” MRI.  I think my neighbor said it best when we were waiving across the street, trapped  on Saturday, “it is one thing to stay home by choice but totally another to know you can’t leave.”  The end! 

    Sweet dreams, girl and have some fun for yourselves! 

  • IowaSue45
    IowaSue45 Member Posts: 422

    Hi LadiesCool

    Lizzy I'm glad you survived that nasty storm!!! I am secretly happy we have no snow. Laughing 

    Happy to hear of good check ups and ladies healing great news.

    Tex thinking of you and they are right you are super woman!!! A great inspiration.

  • felisaragland42
    felisaragland42 Member Posts: 154

    i do feel better i get tired sometimes though but overrall im so happy. now i just got to get through this radiation after my wound heals up completely. you ladies have been an inspiration to me. lizzy we have been through alot together i never thought this day would come. my surgeon was so amazed how my wound healed i still have to keep gauze in it until it closes up though.

  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    Hope everyone is well. Today is "Family Day" here so we get to have a long weekend. We spent the day at my in-laws--all the Grandchildren together to bring a smile to my MIL as she is having a rough time with chemo. Her last chemo sessions were halted due to issues and she started back last week. She is not doing very well and we have noticed a change over the past few weeks. She has stage 4 colon cancer and it is now 5 years since her original diagnosis and 2 years since being diagnosed stage 4. My kids LOVE their Grandparents--specifically my in-laws so being with them all day was so nice.

    Back to work tomorrow...boooo . Have a great week.

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good evening, warriors!

    I hope everyone is well!  Sorry, the pace of life has picked up and I am trying to move along with it best I can but I always, always, always am thinking of you ladies!  That will forever be the case!  Most of you have my email and/or phone number so I am in touch with many but I always remember this thread, where it all began, where we all met and where I will always come back to check in with you all!  I love you guys and am always thinking of you! 

    Iowa: these snow mountains in the parking lots are unbelievable!  We have lost so many spaces to piles!  I was thinking of you the other day as I talked to my good friend in Waterloo!  We used to have some really good times.  In any case, she was saying she is so happy to be back in Iowa where people are “nice!!”  Connecticut was not her fav! 

    Felis: GOOD NEWS!!!!!!  I am so happy to hear, woman!  The great healing powers of pineapple!   You apparently are doing the right things, healing your body from the inside out and getting ready to make some wonderful memories this summer!  Accept every invitation, go to every fair, get out and about and have yourself a good time as I that is exactly my plan!  We have been through way too much and it is our time this summer so you must keep coming back and regaling me with tales of your good times!!  I am so happy for you.  It was not easy and you have made it!  Congratulations, girl!

    Rachel: The Bruins came to Newtown today and did a bunch of volunteer events with the kids and parents.  I thought of you and Sptmm and your interest in hockey.  I thought that was very nice of them to do and it was pretty much the entire team from what I understand. 

    I am glad you had a nice family day today! So sorry to hear about your MIL.  S4 colon cancer….this can’t be easy.  I really feel for you and your poor dh and his mom.   So hard to deal with.   I hope her chemo goes better and she regains strength to have some family fun.  It is just wonderful that you all are there.   I am sure this warms her heart and fills her with joy.  The best thing you all could do for her is just that.  I wish you the best on this matter.

    Good luck heading back to work, Ms. Globetrotter!  Where did you say you were going next?  Mars?!  

    Sptmm: I was just telling a woman about you and your great success with weight loss and heading off to the gym!  I am very happy for you!  I am slowly getting back into the swing of things and was complaining to a close gym buddy of many, many years of the lack of good “health clubs!!”  I still lament the mowing down of my fav gym from childhood to erect a Lowe’s!!!  we did not need another Lowe’s, dammit!  In any case, hope you are doing well and wanted to let you know was thinking of you!

    Ladyinbama: I thought of you so much looking at those poor people finding their way off that floating sociological study of a cruise!   I felt so bad for those people, you wonder where they got the fortitude to not just jump overboard.   In any case, I hope all is well and you are having success with your job search.  Best of luck on everything!  Miss you!

    Ginger: any news on your docs changing meds due to migraine-triggering?  I hope you are getting some relief.   Also, spring is just around the corner and all those beautiful flowers are about to bloom so good times are ahead for all and I don’t want you plagued with maddening migraines but rather enjoying the beauty of the season!     Good times ahead for all!  Hope you are doing well.

    Tex: although we keep in touch away from here, I cannot well leave a message and not tell you I am always, always, always thinking of you and sending you positive vibes every single chance I get!

    Well, I am still inventorying items and getting ready for this silent auction.   I am happy to be involved and helping out.  Nothing worse than you and your dd having cancer at the same time.  It is very sad and her dd is 10.

    Happy trails all and may the force be with you!!!!! 

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    I do have a headache but it is because I have a concussion. I feel onto the back of my head yeasterday  and finally went to the ER today after my neck became swollen.

    My neck hurts a lot in the front and sides, not back. Headache is on top and front.   

    I had a cat scan and didnt show any bleeding so good. It did however show that I have a physiological condition called Normal Pressure Hydrocephaleus. Depending on wether or not I have certain symptoms I may need a shuttle, no shunt. The three symptoms are gait, my gait is way off but is it from periferal neuropathy or this NPH. Next is urinary incontinance. I go to the bathroom every hour or two, this is apparently too often. Third is dementia, hopefully all I had was from chemo and is pretty well gone.    I am pretty confused right now. I found a decent website so feel a little better informed.    

    Oh yesm when I feel it was outside my house and I couldn't get up, Holy Crap I couldnt get up.  That is my mother or great aunt not ME!    

    So crap.  Did I mention I do not like going to the Doctor, even wonderful Doctors. 

    Love you all 


  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Ginger: that is horrible, horrible turn of events.  That must have been so scary not being able to get up and then finding out you had a concussion on top of all of that, just awful.  I am so sorry to hear this.  I hope you are getting on a bit better now. I am sorry to hear that you are dealing with normal pressure hydrocepaleus now.  That is kind of scary when your gate is off. 

    I seriously believe all of this (I, too, am having issues which I am not sure if they are mets yet) stems from chemo but alas we are still alive so  we must deal with the fall out.  I feel a story coming on which I will title "My Personal Chernobyl" as chemo battled to contain contamination and avert greater catastrophe from wonderful bc, my body has become collateral damage.  Oh well, like I said, still here!  We are still here!

    I hope you are doing better though.  It must have been really scary to not be able to get up.   Keep us posted on how you are.  Reminds me of digging my escape during the blizzard when I suddenly realized if I kept moving down this tree and brush filled slope, that if I fell I could not get up and there would no one to get me causing me to give up my plan!  

    Carry on, woman, carry on!

  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    Good Morning Everyone!

    Lizzy:  I am soooo happy that you have reached a  point in your recovery that you can be busy!  As the years have gone on, all of us have reached that point where the board here has been put off to the side as life becomes more normal and we get back to living. But I am certain that I, and most of us here, will always hold a special place in our hearts for our friends from August 2010.  As I have said before, you ladies here are the only ones who know the truth about what I thought and how I really felt over the years.  I sugar coated everything for everyone else because I didn't want them to worry, but this was the place where I let it all out.  I am forever grateful to you ladies for being there for me.  And I am sooooo glad that you are feeling well and out and about.  You have been through sooo much and deserve as much normality as there is in the world.  Thanks for your compliments and I am glad to hear you are getting back into the fitness world too.  You were a big inspiration for me, and I know you loved your gym time so it is nice that you are getting back to it!

    Ginger- OMG I am so sorry to hear of your fall.  That must have been terrifying to be outside alone and unable to get up.  I see your post was a couple of days ago, so I hope that by now you have significantly improved.  Please take it easy and rest! I second the notion that Lizzy had and encourage you to look forward as spring really is right around the corner and with that will be a significant increase in fresh air and sunshine which I think will help you feel better.  I seriously believe that I have "seasonal affective disorder" because my mood is so much more flat and dark in the winter as opposed to the summer.  And even in the winter time, a bright sunny day, will always bring a smile to my face and put a spring in my step.  I think we all need that sunshine and warmth to help us feel better.  It is coming....SOON! Have you gotten a change in your Aromasin because of the migraines?  I am on Arimidex and happy to report minimal side effects, maybe they could try that?

    So, I have a couple of days off which I am going to enjoy immensely!  Unfortunately I can't exercise because I had my DIEP Stage 2 surgery yesterday.  I have nipples now!!! They look pretty good too.  My preliminary feeling is that it really did go a long way towards making me feel more normal.  I don't have any pain in the breasts because I have no sensation there, but the scar revisions on my hip area hurt like heck! Had to sleep on my back last night and didn't get too much rest.  But that will only last a couple of days.  I also had some fat grafting done to "fill out" the breasts.  I haven't take a shower yet so I haven't really seen them, but they look fuller.  The liposuction however has made me very sore.  They got the fat from my inner thighs and I have to wear these intense compression stockings which are driving me batty..LOL!  But again, it will all be gone in a few days so I can take it.  And I feel even more strongly now that the BMX and DIEP reconstruction were definitely the best choice I have made! Anway, overall I am a little uncomfortable but nothing I can't handle.  I have a list a mile long of things to do so I better get going (I got home from the hospital yesterday around 3 and sat around all day so I have had plenty of relaxation...LOL). 

    Have a great week my friends!  Love you all!


  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    Debbi- Yes the chemo is working, there has been resolution- not completely gone but heading in the direction! Re:weight loss- So funny i saw a pic on facebook that said "My BMI chart is telling me I'm too short" LOL if it were as easy as growing a few inches (i am only 5'2) for someone 5'9 i am the perfect weight ;) Way to go on a 10k!!!!!

    hey rachel i am glad your appointment went well!

    Lizzy- Stay warm! 

    Iowa- Awww makes me blush. I am only a super as my support network allows (which y'all are a part of!)

    felis- Glad to hear you're doing better! 

    rachel its so nice your country does family day.... we need a day like that here! Of course i was googling so i would know what you're talking about lol and saw that y'all have national family week! Awesome!

    lizzy your mention of "snow mountains" reminded me- when we were growing up, the parking lot in our apt would have these snow mountains and we would carve a hole into them and make instant snow forts.... those were the days! but then they would also have dirty brown/grey snow mixed in which was gross LOL

    Wow Ginger- i did a quick search to see what it all is about, i will be keeping you in my prayers!

    Lizzy-SO true, it is a chemical battle we've under gone much like a nuclear bomb there is bound to be fall out! (even with just the diagnostic scans we'er overly exposed- they dont call it nuclear medicine for nothing!)

    debbi- i would have never in a million years ever thought i'd say this to another person in my life but, Whoohoo for your new nipples. Seriously the close we can get to "normal" as we can the better off our mentality will be!

    All- I am doing really good! We had a scare with our eldest, she was in the hospital but out now. Whewwwww i was keeping some late hours being up worried sick about her! But i was over joyed when she came home!

    See my dr on the 4th, other than that all is good in my neck of the woods :)

  • IowaSue45
    IowaSue45 Member Posts: 422

    Hi Ladies, stopping by to read, check up and ask a question .Can someone please remind me what it is the onc. is looking for when they draw our blood at our check ups ? I swear I've asked this before and can't remember the answer. Thanks

    Say a little pray for me today (Fri) I have a Dr. appointment for a sore that has been on my arm for a couple months, just dawned on me this am that it could be something . Plus I have been waking up each morning this week with big headaches.

    Ginger- so sorry to hear about that fall I hope you are feeling better. A lady I know through my sister just lost her sister because she had influenza had went outside to let her dog out got dizzy fell and hit her head. Long story short she later went to convenient care for the flu they sent her to the hospital she was admitted and later complained about her head hurting and they told her that's cause you fell she complained more so they did a cat scan she went unconscious and then died so sad and it can happen so fast.

    Lizzy- my middle daughter lives in Waterloo.

    Debbi - glad you got that over with. I lucked out with my stage 2 had no pain even from the lipo. They really could have take more than they needed, I would have appreciated it greatly. I didn't have the nipples made (kinda wish I would have) just the nipple tattooing, which I am still trying to get my insurance to pay for ! GRRRRR

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good day, warriors-

    I hope everyone is doing well.  I am recovering from an absolutely fabulous fall!  Seriously, I was walking out of a store and one of the employees who knows me called out “hi, how are you today, miss?” and I turned to say “fine, thanks, and you?” and just as I did, stepped off the curb in an odd way, lost my balance and there I went!  The sad part is I still don’t know if my arm is broken, fractured or sprained.  It was, however, a fabulous fall as I came down so fast, I did not have time to even break the fall with my hand! I kind of still don't know why I fell but I guess I just missed the curb a bit, I guess?

    Tex: I hope you are doing well!  When I went for the xray to find out if my arm was indeed broken, there  was a young woman radiologic assistant and she started asking me the list of questions.  When I told her bc, she turned to look at me and remarked how she could not believe people my age, like her cousin, are being dxd.  She thought I was her cousin’s age, 29, who was dxd at 26 w/inflammatory.  I told her about you and she was just stunned at how many people are being dxd and so young.  She said her cousin is doing ok today but when she found the lump, and b/c she was so young, was unable to get someone to listen to her right away and it took some complaining, as did your dx.  In any case, she worked as a radiologic technician.  I felt so bad when I heard that.  Much as we all hate those scans, xrays etc.. I often wonder about the workers and how they deal with the scariness of that exposure every day, all day, even though they scamper off to their little office behind the glass.  I have a sinking suspicion that glass is not protecting them much. 

    How is your niece?  I hope she is doing well and getting back to normal.  The lady from the shower whose dd got badly infected from wisdom tooth pulling I ran into a few nights ago and she said she is on the mend.  Hope the same for your niece;)

    Sptmm: yes, our group is definitely the place to talk about the reality of this disease.  If I was not fired from my job upon dx and did not have numerous problems and 13 surgeries in the past 3 years, perhaps my life would have returned to normal sooner!!  I am the only person, of all the working ladies here, who was fired so that kind of creates a new reality on top of now fighting a disease that was trying to kill me.   Although I must say, through all of this, one thing I do not lament is the fact that I am single!!!!!  I would have been disgusted beyond belief had I a matrimonial lummox hanging about while I battled this wicked disease!!!!!  (disclaimer: some of you have great husbands for that, you are blessed)

    Did they take skin from your hip to make your nipples?  I still say that those plastic surgeons I have at Yale are world-class.  The work is still unbelievable.   I just hugged a friend the other day who said “well, they are a little bigger than they used to be but they sure feel just like boobs when you hug!!”  More to this point, I definitely do *not* need fillers!!  My PS did a really cool job on the nipples as she did not harvest skin from elsewhere but rather worked with skin that is right there on the breast.  It was amazing what she did; just amazing.  Are you going to get areola tattooing?  Oddly, I was talking with a “victim” of the other off-prem PSs in New Haven and one nipple fell off, one of the implants is under her arm…!!!!!  Horrifying story.  The best thing Yale did was get a microvascular and a very talented one at that.

    I am so glad you are all but done, Deb!!   Good times, good summer ahead!  I am so happy for you!  I bet you are feeling great.  I am going to PM you a trick I have learned through this process that might help you!!

    Iowa: I am going to do some research on that.  Mine does not use markers yet one of the onc nurses told me mets/recurrence can all be discovered through bloodwork.  Presumably they are looking any anomaly but there is a certain set of blood they take and what values are considered “warnings,” I am not sure.  This is what I want to know more about as well.  I, too, have asked the question here and did not get much response so I am actually going to do more research on this soon and will post my definitive findings here!  I think everyone of us, on some level, has that question.

    Sue, I am so sorry to hear about the lady you know through your sister and what happened to her.  More to this point, though, it can happen very fast and from just a turn of events, things can get way out of control.  That is why I signed myself out of the main  hospital AMA in August when they were trying to keep me for an outpatient procedure b/c with 8 open holes in my body at that time, there was no way I was leaving the door open for problems.  Things can get bad fast and at that time, after just having had a 13 hour surgery and being back in with fluid building in my stomach, I was very weak and could have been overtaken by most anything at that point.   Plus putting the bag and drain in was an outpatient procedure.  Bottom line, be your own advocate and remember that things can turn very quickly.  We have to guard against travesty at all times. 

    My friend loves Waterloo! Sue, I sure hope the headaches and the lump on your arm are nothing at all.  Perhaps you to get your eyes checked and the lump is just an innocuous gathering of cells ;)

    On lipo, a friend got fat sucked out of her ass!  She was always very tiny but her mother made her crazy in that if my friend put on 3 lbs her mother was calling her fat!  Not joking, the girl was 5’4” and about 105 her entire life but her mother was a cruel "rhymes with witch!"  In any case, she had those compression pants and to speak to Deb’s point, yeah- she said it was painful!  All I could think at that time was what on earth do people go through all this stuff for?  I mean is there some prize I am missing?!  I mean we all do all of this b/c we kind of have to develop normalcy in our societal presence so the world at large does not know we had bc and/or lost our breasts etc… but for someone like my friend, who at 28 underwent that awful procedure, I could never understand it.  She also despised the compression garment she had to wear!  To each their own, of course.

    Rachel: are you back from Saturn yet?  Perhaps by way of Hong Kong?!  Speaking of space travel, that “debris” that dumped itself in Russia was absolutely scary.  I hope you are having a nice weekend and enjoying life, woman!

    Felis: how are you?!  You must doing very well, out enjoying your newfound freedom from the madness we call bc! I am so happy for you!  Hope you are having good times, woman!

    Lately hot flashes have been getting worse.  I decided to revisit the list of foods that boost estrogen production so as to make sure I am not inadvertently creating a cancer garden of my body!  Well, as you all know I am a big fan of the Dr. Oz green drink.  I realized that parsley is a catalyst for estrogen production!!!!!   On that note, I offer a reminder for the ER+ ladies:

    Foods That Boost Estrogen Production

    • Foods that increase estrogen in the body include: soybean products such as tofu and soy milk, lima beans, berries, apples, papaya, dates, plums, pomegranates, beets, eggplant, tomatoes, yams, olives, potatoes, barley, rice, hops, oats, wheat, flaxseeds, chickpeas, garlic, parsley, clover, split peas, sprouts and licorice.

    Well, ladies, I must say I am happy you all are doing well and as most of us are coming up on 3 years since dx, I don’t know about you  all but I will feel way more comfortable at the 5 year mark…or less comfortable…is 5 years closer to recurrence?!  Oh, this bedraggled disease, even milestones are celebrated while looking over one’s shoulder/getting more scans!!!!

    Happy trails, ladies! 

  • LadyinBama
    LadyinBama Member Posts: 993

    Hi all,

     Ginger: how scary, glad you are ok. I had a friend who fell, outside a doctor's office of all places, and couldn't get up. She'd broken her femur!

    Sohard: Hi girl! Good to hear from you.

    Felis: Glad the wound vac is gone!

    Iowa: My doc checks the same blood stuff he checked when I was doing chemo, CBC that checks white and red blood cells, etc. He doesn't check a BC biomarker because he says they aren't reliable, they do check my CA125 which is a marker for OvCa. By keeping an eye on our blood counts, they can watch for things like the MDS/bone marrow problem like Robin Roberts had. Chemo can cause problems years later!

    Well, I got bummed today. I got a letter and I didn't get that job that I thought I had in the bag. It's so discouraging. I'm feeling good and want to work; I just can't find a freaking job!

    Other than that, all is good here. I just got back from a trip to the mountains with some girlfriends. Six women and two bathrooms and we didn't have any fights. A miracle :)

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    Iowa- I know they check the basic chemistry of your blood (your levels of calcium etc...) also if they do "tumor markers" they test for the level of something LOL i can not find the word i am looking for... blood counts, cholesterol, hormone levels like estrogen.... hmmm a whole slew of stuff! How did the dr appointment go?

    Lizzy- it is a sad state of affairs when younger nd younger ppl are getting dx'd and those in the medical profession arent taking them seriously. I have connected with a LOT of women that are in my position that were told they were too young for it and they should not worry, just to find out later it is cancer! Things need to change!

    Yes she is doing well- She had her first soilid food today! Funny her dissapointment was only losing 5 pounds (she wished it were more LOL) TEENAGERS!!!!!

    Hey Lady! LOL what mountains? in a cabin??? roughin it?

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Lizzy wouldn't you have fewer hot flashes if you were producing estrogen? The AI's cause them because they are taking away estrogen, right? 

    My head is still wonky, Dr said it would be for two or three weeks. I am cranky and distractible. Have the name of a Neuro to see about ventricles and stuff.  I hope it is just nothing at all actually wrong. 

    Have a good weekend. 

    Sorry you fell Lizzy, you could sue them for distracting you. I am admittendly cranky just now but I am not thrilled with store clerks constantly calling out to me. I am quite social but is shopping actually a social event now? Oh, I don't know? 

    Love you all Ginger

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Ginger: my spin on increased hot flashes is based on the fact that hot flashes are caused by hormonal changes of menopause.  A diminished level of estrogen has a direct effect on the hypothalamus which controls body temp among other things.  Somehow the drop in estrogen confuses the hypothalamus and makes it read too hot.  The brain responds by broadcasting this alert to the heart, blood vessels etc.. telling them to “get rid of the heat.”  The message is delivered instantly and then sweat glands release sweat to cool us off.  This heat releasing mechanism is how the body keeps us from overheating but when the brain gets confused by a drop in estrogen, this causes these wonderful hot flashes.

    Meanwhile tamoxifen is binding with breast cell receptors which prevent the estrogen from binding and blocks cell proliferation.  If I am eating foods that increase estrogen production I am thereby increasing the job of tamoxifen.  It then has more estrogen to deal with.  This would mean my hot flashes will be increasing because tamoxifen is fighting off estrogen and as my brain gets a message that estrogen levels have dropped, I am getting hot flashes because my estrogen is dropping more frequently because I am attempting to add estrogen nutritonally.  So I am increasing my level nutritionally and then tamox is fighting it back down = more hot flashes.  The body just knows there is a "drop" in estrogen but from what level that drop occurs, the body does not know.  All tamox knows is it has a bigger job to do if I am eating foods that increase estrogen and then the body just keeps knowing these higher levels of estrogen I have caused with nutrition are being fought back down by tamox.  If I am getting more hot flashes I assume I am somehow inadvertently causing estrogen cell proliferation (most likely nutritionally), causing more tamoxifen fighting cycles and thus more hot flashes.  Of course, I only live in this house…I really don’t know what is going on!  The parsley in the Oz drink is a food that is on the list of foods to help increase estrogen production.  This is why I come to the conclusion I am nutritionally increasing my hot flash production!

    Yeah, I know what you mean about the “socialized” shopping experience!  I was minding my business, walking out of the store and we all know how those curbs are sloped to allow for ease of cart navigation and it was where the curb is sloping upwards where I tripped and fell b/c I was distracted by the employee addressing me.  It is so cold here nowadays I am surprised anyone is even interested in stalling at all to chat in the darn parking lot anyway!  Meanwhile I still fail to have much range of motion on that arm and won't know until Monday if it is broken, sprained, fractured or what.  It hurts into my shoulder something awful when I raise it as one would if they were doing the "chicken dance!"

    Iowa: As for the bloodwork, apparently the prevailing wisdom is there is no need to scan and/or do blood work looking for recurrence.  I personally find this ludicrous but that is where we are at.  Dr. Lin of Dana Farber commented on one of the bc sites regarding what tests should be done after dx to check for recurrence and the answer is none!  I know, I am surprised as well.  The one test that keeps being mentioned in my research is CA15-3/CA27.29.  That test measures blood levels of cancer antigens and which, if elevated, can indicate recurrence.

    I think I speak for all of us when I say we are completely anxious with this post dx + tx lack of testing.  It is so hard not to know, and to have no idea at all, what is going on in our bodies where sneaky cancer is most likely lurking.  IMO, this is tantamount to catching us only at critical mass.  In my situation now, I am undergoing tests for mets that a doctor completely (and I mean completely) removed from my cancer circle found the issue at hand.  I honestly think we are just going to find mets by chance.  In fact, I seriously think our doctors try to move us away from thinking about mets and tests as a function of helping us establish greater mental health about the entire issue.  Of course, until you have cancer, one will never know how much fear it instills especially when it is a very sneaky disease and this hands off, lack-of-testing mentality does not engender widespread comfort among us bc girls.  It is all so odd.

    So that is what they are looking for and if they don’t test CA15.3+27.29 directly, all the other blood they are taking at our quarterly or semiannual check-ups is most likely giving them a similar, and perhaps more definitive, picture of what those tests measure.  This is all we can think, right?!

    Lady: I am sorry you did not get the job but don't worry!!!  You will get a job soon enough.  When out knocking on doors, there is an "n" factor (no factor) and at some point you will know, and for future reference, how many "no's" you must get to receive a *yes!!!* 

  • felisaragland42
    felisaragland42 Member Posts: 154

    Lizzy all is well my wound is just about closed up, i'm about to start radiation soon, yes i have been enjoying myself. heres my email i been busy myself since im doing better.

  • felisaragland42
    felisaragland42 Member Posts: 154

    i start my hormone pills after radiation so ill have to deal with these hot flashes they are driving me crazy.

  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    Hi everyone--Hope all are well. Lizzie--sorry to hear about your fall--hopefully nothing is broken. We had a lovely day here as my niece was baptized and we had a great party after--spending the day with the family and extended family is great. 

    I have actually had a horrible time sleeping recently. Not sure why--but the hot flashes seem to be back. I don't really understand as it is 3 years since my rad hyst but when I spoke with my Oncologist recently--he said that it could take years for your body to adjust. I still have my gyne checkup in March...fingers crossed.

    I am actually not travelling until early April--then to Iceland/Denmark for a week. Nothing terribly exciting but there are a bunch of us from work going so I am sure we will have a couple of great nights out :)

    I am trying to post a pic of my two boys and my nephew and also one of my oldest son. They are my loves :)



  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    OK..forget the pictures as it is too hard to add pics here or I am completely non-tech.

    Have a great week.

  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    OK..figured it pick of all three boys (youngest is my nephew) and the other pic of my 13 year old.

    That hurt my brain figuring this out :)

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Rachel: that is a great pic!  13 y/o very handsome and your youngest(?) or the middle boy in the pic looks so much like my brother at that age!  Uncanny resemblance!  As for the pics, that is why I don't post!  Drives me crazy and I am wicked pissed a bunch of pics disappeared off Twitter b/c of the instagram drama.  I am a fairly private person and am none too happy about that instagram stuff.  If I can, however, I will post a pic of my brother so you can see resemblance.  He also has that cute, hockey, Bieber-2010 hair going on!!

    Rachel, I will be totally honest: I get petrified when the hot flashes start increasing and getting worse than they were.  Makes me think there is too much ER (gas for the cancer truck) in my body and I do get pretty nervous.  Effin cancer. 

    Glad you had a good weekend.  How is your MIL?

    Felisa: I will def email you. I am so glad you are doing better and out and about, enjoying life! Yes, unfortunately after rads you will join us on the hot flash express! Anything is better than the big "C" however!!!

  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    Thanks Lizzie....took me about 20 minutes to post those two damn pics!

    My MIL is doing OK--she had a real rough time with her last chemo and they changed her chemo for this go was getting so bad the last time that she had open sores on her hands etc. As mentioned before, she is on palliative chemo--so she stays on chemo for pretty much always--she takes breaks every now and then but ultimately--she is on chemo. She is not feeling very good and there is some concern from Docs of her mets. The last scan showed no progression but the Doc has indicated that her recent symptoms may mean progression--she has another scan this week. My kids LOVE their grandparents--my in-laws speak to my kids two times a day--they call them before school to wish them a good day and before bed. I think in the last week especially since my friends mom passed away--the kids are so worried about their Grandma. They dote on her. We just have to celebrate each day so we make lots of time to spend time with them and my boys don't go a day without talking to them. Cancer is so damn hard :(

  • IowaSue45
    IowaSue45 Member Posts: 422

    Good evening, I did see the medical Dr. Fri. and he gave me some cream to put on the sores that have been there for awhile and he was puzzled about my month long headache I told him I though maybe it was lasting longer because the prescription meds I have been taking for it was switched to generic. Since my appointment Fri, I found 2 of the good stuff (non generic) and they still came back after the meds wore off. I am just waiting it out hoping its just a long hormonal headache. I still get my monthly here and there and when it was normal Id get migraines lasting 2-4 days at the most like clock work, does any one know if estrogen goes up or down at that time of the month? Wondered if it is hormonal if they could give me estrogen when I have headache or stop my estrogen to stop the headache idk but its wearing me out. Try dealing with 5 kiddos and a month long headache lol I have a super high pain tolerance (non aspirin does nothing for it at all) but its like a toothache and gets annoying after awhile.