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August 2010...anyone starting chemo besides me?!



  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good day, warriors!

    I hope everyone is doing well!  Baseball season is upon us once again!  I love those Yankees!  

    Iowa: that happens all the time!  I have to stop myself from doing anything on the tablet as I know it is difficult to get it pasted or to work within the box, without losing everything, on this site.  It happens!  In any case, I am sure glad you were out waiving the Irish flag this weekend!  My neighbors had the coolest light up shamrocks!  I had some pathetic shamrocks “taped” to my front door.  Of course, one definitely could not tell, from the street, that they were taped on but they were nonetheless!  I went out looking for décor but all Walmart had was a little stand and Target seemed to have an endless supply of those “Lincoln” high hats!

    I am so enthralled that you went to the eye doctor and found out that your eyes have gotten *better* and that wonderful development was most likely the cause of your headaches!!!!!!  The news does not get much better there, Sue!  That is just great.  Everyone wants to hear their eyes are getting better!  I am very happy for you.

    Rachel: how are things going? I am thinking of you.  Let us know how you are doing.

    Ginger: how are you feeling these days?  I bet on that fine St. Pat’s day what you missed the most about Chicago is the river green!!!!   Hope you are doing well.

    Tex: where have you been?  I sure would like an update…!!!  C’mon, girl!  Give us an update!!!

    Sptmm: exactly!  Efficacy is what I was moving toward when I asked my friend to write software for you!!!!  What he did say was that within my silly hyperbolic musings is a reality that will be upon us in short order!

    Well, I hope you all are doing well.  I am still astonished about that business of whole milk being loaded with estrogen.  Aren’t our docs supposed to be aware of these things?  Those of us with ER+ bc should not be learning of that issue from me posting some info I got from Twitter.  Seriously, that should be the first thing the docs are telling both men and women w/bc.  I have drank whole milk since probably 1986 and women that drink milk and are over 20 years of age are most likely on a 1% or skim anyway but *men* are still big whole milk drinkers.  It is not certainly not within our scope of logic to anticipate that within that bowl of Corn Flakes is a whopping serving of cow estrogen.   On that note, that goodness for Twitter!!! 

    Good day, girls! 

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    My St Patricks Day remembrance is of the Northwestern University crew. Our DD rowed for NU and the coach offered DH and me a ride along in the skiff as they practiced on the Chicago River. City of Chicago workers happened to be on the river in the same area pouring coffee cans full of orange colored ganules into the river, turning it a bright green. They would use their motor to mix it up by turning their boat in tight circles. The girls were just going about their business of rowing as folks, mainly guys, shouted from the bridges, "pull! pull!" The occasional empty beer can was also tossed in their direction. The crowds were gathering for the parades so the bridge over State Street was already filled with folks.  It was fun to be in the middle of all the excitement. 

    Love Ginger

  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413

    Nice visual Ginger.....    (c:

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good day, warriors!

    I hope everyone is doing well!

    Ginger:  I agree w/Adey, good visual!  I think you are a wonderful and talented writer.  I find when you explain something, it is very clear and like Adey said, visual.  It is the way in which you explain it that makes it so easy to envision.  That is a talent that not many have.  In long, I enjoy your writing!

    Also, that was a great story!

    DWTS: I did not watch last season (b/c of the Voice) but I am catching a bit of it tonight.  Here we go, a 17 y/o current Olympian...hmmm...I wonder who is going to win?!?!?

    Happy trails, girls!

  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    Hi there--Had a nice couple of days off at the end of last week--sadly, my oldest son ended up with stomach flu for one of those days so it wasn't as relaxing as hoped. I am doing OK. Work is busy so is keeping my mind from wandering. I have an appointment next Tuesday at the hospital--I go to Princess Margaret in Toronto--and I should know a little more by then. The plan is for potentially a CT or MRI. My gyne oncologist was away at some conference and one of her Docs wanted to have her give her feedback before we leap forward. I am trying to stay positive that nothing is wrong. I am supposed to leave for Denmark in a couple of weeks for a work meeting--so will see what transpires next Tuesday. Fingers crossed.

    Spring tomorrow and it was a blizzard on my way home tonight--go figure. Clearly, we need a new groundhog in Canada as it predicted an early spring :)

    I will keep you all posted--thanks for thinking of me.

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Thank you Lizzie. Just real thanks.


  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    Hi Everyone!

    Iowa:  I have had that happen before, it stinks!  I often wait to type out a reply until I am on the real computer. 

    Lizzy:  I have never really gotten into DWTS, I am more the "Hell's Kitchen" "Amazing Race" sort.  In fact, other than soccer and hockey games those are the only two shows I watch and even then I don't get to see them every week.  Don't have much time left over at the end of the day...LOL! I always feel a little out of place in at work or in the parking lot with the other "soccer/hockey/lax moms" because DWTS is all anyone ever talks about!

    Ginger:  That sounds like sooo much fun, but a little cold...March in Chicago on the water?  Great memory of a special day!

    Rachel:  Good luck on Tuesday! I will be crossing my fingers and toes!  As for the groundhog....he is officially FIRED!  Spring sprung today to freezing temps....this stinks!

    Have a great day everyone, I have to get back to work!


  • felisaragland42
    felisaragland42 Member Posts: 154

    Hi all, I've started my radiation treatments its been a week now i have six more weeks to go. im not on anything yet for my hot flashes i start having them when i had my hysterectomy, i was on hormone pills before i found out i had breast cancer. my oncologist want put me on anything until i finish my radiation. im have side effects from the radiation like crazy cant wait until its over.

  • felisaragland42
    felisaragland42 Member Posts: 154

    hi ginger how are you doing

  • felisaragland42
    felisaragland42 Member Posts: 154

    Lizzy Ginger heres my email address send me some stories i like to read, love you sisters.

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good evening, warriors!

    I hope everyone is doing well!  Do you all realize we are coming up on 3 years?!  Whoo hoo!!!  I hope I make 3 years as I spent the past 3 days chasing down my Tamox rx refill!  Seriously, I cannot believe some of this crap.  I have not had Tamox since Sat b/c the mail order pharma was blowing up the fax at the onc’s office trying to get a refill authorized.  I really think that has got to change.  I think our oncs should be able to put in a *5* year-unless- otherwise-cancelled-order for our oral chemo.  These pharmacy companies and the docs, I hope, come to a meeting of the minds some day and this nonsense of chasing paper for scripts that we are supposed to be on for 5 years ends.  Does not make sense.  I am so sorry to tell you all that just today I realized that Tamoxifen is considered “oral” chemotherapy!!!  I have no idea how that little use of words eluded me! 

    Rachel: I will be thinking of you next week and you probably need not worry.  Just tonight I was watching “Chicago Fire” and one of the lines tonight was “if you can’t do anything about it, don’t worry about it.”  Makes sense in a very basic way.

    I agree with you on these blizzards!!!!  I can’t believe you had to drive home in one!  I don’t know if you need a groundhog as I think we have to fire our’s!  You know, I always feel bad for the groundhogs as they are quite nervous with that whole ridiculous event.   Bloomberg was bitten a few years back…he he he!  Perhaps the damn groundhog wanted a 250 oz Coke!!!

    Sptmm: I generally don’t watch DWTS and have never seen Survivor or Hell’s Kitchen but am all into “The Voice!”  I think it is Blake Shelton and Adam Levine that keep me watching, so I can watch them!  In any case, I know what you mean as I was never a tv watcher before bc and I was always odd-man out when it came to the uber popular shows everyone chatted about.  No one wanted to talk to me about Squawk Box…ever!!!!   In any case, congruent with your schedule when I talk with my software friend again I will try to get some tv worked in for you!  I was driving down this route today that winds through some lakes and all I could think was some day cars will fly!  Yes, this is what 5 days off Tamox will do to a  person!  Seriously, though, I see it all moving toward the Jetson’s at some point and perhaps at that point those still here will be able to watch shows on the windshield!!!!!  Until then you will have to get blind updates from the sports moms!

    Felisa: I will get to work on some stories asap!!!!!!!  I will definitely send you stories!  I had a good one of an elderly woman who started chatting with me at Target a few days ago and before I knew  it she was complaining about her sex life!!!! WTH?! She was like 70! I mean good for her but all I was trying to do was find some protein powder and get out of there!  Good to hear from you and I am glad you are doing well.  I told you it would get better!!!

    Girls, we are all coming up on 3 years soon!!!!!!!  Amazing!!!   This is crazy!!  Exciting and crazy!  I had to do a cancer screening questionnaire a few days ago and of course they are asking about alcohol.  Why is it fat, cigarettes and alcohol are the cause of *everything* they can’t figure out?!   Yes, I used to party but not so much nowadays but I am so tired of them fishing in the wrong damn ponds all the time!  They are plowing cows and chickens full of hormones and antibiotics and then telling us we need to get max protein in.  This filling the animals up with carcinogenics is about 40 to 50 years old which just so happens to suspiciously coincide with the proliferation of the incredibly ubiquitous cancer.   I am so tired of them chasing ghosts with the never ending game of “pin the tail on the cause” with cigarettes, fat and drinking!!!  Can we please get another explanation?!?

    Happy trails, girlies!

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Lizzie, the old lady. lol  Didn't you tell her about Scream Cream? It is popular here on the old Mojo thread.   Just a thought! 


  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good day, warriors!

    I hope everyone is doing very, very well!!!

    Ginger: gadzooks!!!!!  I did not want to encourage her!!!!  I found her to be far to forthcoming as it was!!!

    Rachel: BEST OF LUCK TOMORROW!!!   I am sending all my positive vibes your way, girl!  Please keep us posted.

    Felis: will email stories soon!

    Good day, girls-

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Lizzie I was kidding. Honest. 

    Rachael I hope all goes well. 


  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    So tomorrow is my nerves are a little on edge--feel a little teary with worry. The groin pain is very worrying--fingers crossed and hoping that it is nothing more sinister. My oncologist broke her wrist so I will be having a resident do the examination and checkup--with my Oncologist by her side. They said that I will then have an internal ultrasound and potentially a CT--I guess planning to be there most of the day. Send up some good vibes and prayer. Will keep you all posted.

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Rachel I had significant groin pain and my MO told me to use an estrogen external creme and it would go away. I didnt believe her but it worked. Please keep that in mind for now. My MO is a woman and I think more in tune because of it. It has something to do with the lack of moisture and the tissues sticking to each other and pulling. I hope and pray yours is just like mine was. I also had a complete hysterectomy in 1996  and then took hormones for around 15 years I suppose. I stopped only a couple years before I was dx with BC. 

    Can you take something for your anxiety before the tests so you can breathe and sleep. like a lorazepam. My onc told me to take one before my next mammo so I don't start to pass out again, I get anxious too. 

    You are in my prayers for boring test results and peace of mind. Love Ginger

  • IowaSue45
    IowaSue45 Member Posts: 422

    Hi Ladies

    Sending positive vibes for you tomorrow Rachel!!!

    Just stopping by to check in. I am soooo tired of winter we had a couple more inches of snow yesterday. Wouldn't be so bad if the weather man wouldn't reminds us everyday how warm it was here last march we had lots of day in the 70 last March and they keep rubbing that in lol they are so mean.

     Everything is good here been keeping busy. Hope you all are well.

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good evening, warriors!

    I hope everyone is happy and healthy!

    Ginger: I knew you were joking!

    Rachel: I hope you are going to be fine.  I get groin pains frequently and sometimes it is from buying a new car or going from riding in cars where you are lower to like an SUV.  I know it happens to me sometimes if I go from driving a lower car where I have stick, to driving a sedan.  Don't forget, if it is a chronic, dull kind of pain it is normally muscular.  I will be sending all my positive vibes your way, woman!!!  All the best and keep us posted.

    Iowa: Are you going to have the MRI this week?  Just keep smiling, laughing and having good times and all the rest of the crap will fall into place ;)

    Take care and happy trails, girls!  Take care of yourselves and I was remembering today my first public speaking class.  My grandfather was in politics, as is my aunt currently, and for the longest it was thought if I would go to law school, that was where my future would lie.  In any case, I am sure you all are aware of the story of how to prepare yourself and quell your nerves, by seeing the audience as being in diapers/naked.  I think we all need to take cancer from its monster status and view it in diapers!  That shall help us keep it in perspective.

    One final note: just so you all know, the theory some mistakes were built to last is very much alive!  I saw one of my very hot ex's in Boston today and he is still as hot as when he played football for Syracuse!!!!!!  Why!?!! Even though he is still wicked hot, didn't have any affect on me.  Gosh, I get over an awful lot of men quickly and with ease!!!!!!  he he he!!

    Sweet dreams!

  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    HI everyone. I had my Onco appt on Tuesday and kind of have good news. The Doc investigated my pains through regular checkups and a medieval torture investigation (!) and they do not believe that it would be cancer as my symptoms are completely not consistent. However, they do acknowledge the tenderness and slight pain that is occuring in my right groin area. I will await some results in a couple of weeks but they believe that it could be ligament damage or musclo-skeletal (whatever that means). My Doc wasn't overly concerned. Had a couple of Docs investigate and also do a check of my lymph nodes. Basically, I left the appt really sore and in pain--spent the rest of the day on the couch with some painkillers. I would not say that I am in total belief that there is nothing wrong but I feel good that it was investigated more thoroughly. Sitting in the waiting room at the Gyne Oncology unit--I started chatting to an older lady with stage 4 ovarian cancer who was in her last chemo treatments--as they are not working and therefore, she is stopping with the chemo that was causing so many issues. She was so wonderful and I was completely in awe of her strength. Before we departed ways, she touched my arm and said "you will be fine". I can't get her out of my mind...her conversation with me in the waiting room helped me through my day. 

    This week has been a hard week so I am looking forward to celebrating Easter with my family and having a long weekend from work. I depart for Denmark next weekend--not looking forward to heading away for a week as I feel like just staying at home but...charge forward.

    Happy Easter :)

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good evening, warriors!

    First, I must tell you all that Timothea's wonderful children thought her computer was thirsty and gave it a little water!  She will be back to update us when her computer situation improves!

    Rachel: I was thinking about you all day today and I am so,so glad the news was good and that the woman you met was able to help you calm down about the situation.  I believe people appear in our paths and it is just not a coincidence.  So happy for you, woman!  The groin pain does sound a bit like a pulled muscle and I just hope you get the all-clear on that also.  Great news and Happy Easter to you also!  I hope you all have a nice holiday and that your MIL has a good time with you all ;)

    I hope everyone is doing well.  Spring is upon us, finally, and I am looking very forward to this!

    Happy trails, girlies!

  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    Happy Easter Friends!

    I just wanted to wish you all a wonderful Easter or Happy Passover, whichever you celebrate! 


  • IowaSue45
    IowaSue45 Member Posts: 422

      Good Mon. morning ladies, I hope you all had a nice Easter with you families. I spent the second half of the day in bed. Some sort of bug snuck up on me. I got very tired, nauseaed and cold I was so cold I took a hot bath before getting into bed and was still freezing. I feel better this am so I can't complain it lasted less than a day.                                 

     I forgot to tell you all how I came out with the insurance paying for my nipple tattooing. Just last week it was approved and they are going to go back and pay it. That was a big relief. But not before more stress over it. Mayo had sent the bill to collection after I had been talking with them monthly about the appeal errr. So then I called the insurance co. and they said it had been approved the day before but could take up to 30 to process it all. I have been so frustrated with both. Anyway good news in the end. I guess sending before and after photos of my breast paid off. Have a good week ladies.

  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    Great News Sue!  I get my tattoos in May, hope there are no problems.


  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Wow Sue that is super about the insurance coming through.  Lizzy if you "talk" with Texas please ask her to pass along an update. I hjope it is gewtting wwarmer in the NE and not too warm in the S.  Here it  is moving into the 60's occasionally. That is spring here. I am so happy to have nicer weather with sun. 

    My DH is in CHicago until tomorrow night. He has been gone since last Friday. His father has gallbladder cancer that is beyond any treatment. I am glad he has been able to spend time with his Dad.  It is weird here because the dogs think they are on duty and bark out the windows into the dark. Last evening I actually yelled at the gigantic dog, "What do you see out there! Tell me, tell me!!!!"  I don't see lights from other houses so it can feel a little scary after dark.  I have several really big heavy flashlights so beware! 

    Love to you all Ginger

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good evening, warriors!

    I hope everyone is doing well.  As for the weather, it is 28 tonight and maybe 40 tomorrow.  With these sharp hot flashes, I am not interested in hitting the 80s too soon!  In Connecticut we go from 50 in April to 90 in May and that is our Spring!

    Connecticut casinos: I am no gambler and I don’t smoke cigarettes therefore I have few reasons  to go to these casinos except that my old pal from NYC, who now lives in WY, was back home in Mass and went to Mohegan to see “Pink.”  I agreed to meet her, her sister and cousin after the show as I could not work it out to make the show.  I can tell you all this much-I could not get the heck out of that place fast enough as it is nothing but a big, fat smoke fest!  There were people wielding those “smoking guns” everywhere!  There is 1 small, non-smoking casino which was at the farthest point from any exit doors so it was basically a place to go to catch your breath and try to make it back to the exit without getting lung cancer!!!   It was gruesome!  My friend said the concert was good, though! 

    Iowa: I have been to more lawyers in these past 2 weeks than I had been in the previous 3 years.  Do *NOT* let them ruin your credit with a bill related to your cancer.   Get a lawyer.  It should be illegal for healthcare bills relating to cancer to be turned over to collection agencies at all.  It shoots off a nice big flare as to where you have been recently and that there is “some” healthcare issue you are dealing with.  Why the hell should your medical business be stuck all over your credit report? Don’t let these bastards get away with anything and I know you might be tired of cancer and all things cancer but we owe it to the women that are destined to join us in this fight to stop the keep fighting against the injustices!!! 

    Ginger: speaking of suing, perhaps you were right about the grocery store as my CT scan showed my arm is broken!  I actually did break my arm when I fell and they found it incidental to scanning for cancer!  Of course the concern is why is it taking so long to heal and they are now looking into that.  My arm still hurts and I have very little strength but it is coming back, albeit slowly.

    I am sorry you are alone out there with those watch dogs barking at nothing!!!  Animals are great to have around but when you are alone, especially with dogs, they can scare you even more!  I am sorry to hear about your dh’ father.  Cancer is just ubiquitous.  I hope those dogs stop barking at nothing!  Your dh will be home before you know it ;)

    Tex is doing ok but is still without a computer.  She is doing ok w/chemo.   She does have a wonderful non-cancer-related announcement for us upon her return!

    I hope everyone is doing well and had a nice Easter weekend

    Night, ladies-

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    hey ladies! sorry been offline my children somehow knocked water on to my CPU, of course didn't tell anyone that it happened, then the computer like made a popping sound then went black, so I have my old CPU which is ancient and it does not work very well. so I am NOT able to get online at all, I'm using my phone which is almost a slow but I am able to access BCO which is good I will try to catch up on my reading eventually!

    I am doing well very minimal problems I have some toe issues going on, this Friday have a surgery to remove part of my toenails, I have been battling infection and have done 2 courses of antibiotics with no success so this is the end all I guess. other than that doing very well!

    we are getting ready to close on the house in a week we're going to slowly move our things over to the new house . I will update you guys as soon as I can get online and post pictures of the new place by June will be out of here in into a new place

  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413

    Boo, pic didn't work.  Congrats on your new home!

  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    Sooo great to hear from you Tex!  Sorry about the computer, what a pain that must be, but glad to hear you are feeling okay.  Good luck with the toe surgery!  And what fantastic news about your house!!!!! I am soooo happy for you!


  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    Hi Everyone:

    Hope everyone is well and enjoying this spring weather (I'm not counting the freak snowstorm last week). I am off to Denmark (via Iceland) for a week. Days of meetings all still my heart--I am trying to make sure I take some pictures this time as on the last few trips to Denmark--all I have seen is the inside of hotels and offices.

    Have a good week


  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Rachel I hope your trip is easy on you. They fly you first class right? lol  Do get some photos for us. 

    I hope everyone is doing well. 

    Hugs Ginger