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August 2010...anyone starting chemo besides me?!



  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good evening, warriors!!

    I hope everyone is doing well!  Each time I post now I am going to bring a bit of news regarding developments w/bc.  We need all the good news we can get!!!


    BC NEWS: Kadcyla was  approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration in February.

    Kadcyla is a groundbreaking new treatment that targets tumor cells, while sparing healthy ones.


    I don’t know about you all but I totally missed this one.   Interesting nonetheless.

    Tex: I am so very, very excited that you will be moving into your new home this summer!!!  This is wonderful news!  I know you know how excited I am for you but it bears repeating!!  He he he!  I hope those kids have not decided the tv is thirsty ;)

    Iowa: how are you?   Been thinking of you these days!  I hope you are not letting that medical bill get put on your credit without taking Mayo to task!

    Ladyinbama: ?  Where have you gone?!

    Rachel: globetrotting again!  At least you go on some interesting trips!  Two of my friends and my brother spend 80% of their time in planes traversing this country.  I promise you, I don’t envy their positions at all!  In any case, I hope you cut out and have some good, non-business times for yourself and do some sightseeing!  Enjoy yourself, woman!

    Ginger: I sure hope your dh’ father is doing ok and that he is back home with you.  I was a little concerned about those barking dogs even though they are usually barking at absolutely nothing.  It still rents space in your head, though, so I hope he is home and you have been enjoying some time with your dgd and dd ;)

    Sptmm: The Revlon is coming up!  Are you ready? I promise you I am not!!!! Thinking of you and hoping all is well for you.

    Felisa: You must be having the time of your life!!! Miss you!

    I have to go to physical therapy because my broken went undetected for 5 weeks so the injury was busy setting! PT is simply modern torture!  I don’t have all strength back yet but range of motion has definitely gotten better.  I can’t believe I walked with it broken for 5 weeks but I was existing under the falsehood I had a fracture or a sprain that would be busy healing.  I did not even want to ask my (very handsome!) ortho if this kind of situation is tantamount to arthritis to developing.  On some level I suspect I already know the answer!

    I hope you all are having some good times and don’t forget it was not long ago we were really in it with bc so make sure you try to enjoy each day and don’t let the grass grow under your feet!!!!!  I was thinking of my favorite, longest and best client from my Wall St days and how he was such a great guy.  In any case, that was his favorite line!  So don’t let that darn grass grow!

    Happy trails, girls….the CMAs are on and I don’t know about you all but between that Blake Shelton and the Paisley guy etc… I find these country singers pretty good looking, so for that very shallow reason, I will be tuning in!!!!!

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    A downer here folks. I have been avoiding posting this here. My on line/telephone 2 1/2 year friend Stillverticle, who was banned here about 1 1/2 years ago and then we continued in a private group on FaceBook so she could be with us. Well  she was killed by police on Easter Sunday.   If you put NC, Silver Alert,  Shot by troopers 3/31/13 in Google you will get the various news reports.   For those of us who are part of that group it has been an exhausting week of trying to make sense out of all the circumstances. We have also posted on the For Older People with Sense, and the Olderpeople who have energy or whatever the title is.  

    So here I am, my head is kind of fried. I still can't beleive that in NC they have a Sllver Alert that is for people who have dementia or cognitive impairment and if the peolice do hunt yu down you MUST stop for them, if they tell you, who has comitted no crime, to get out of the car that you MUST.  
    Her cousin had called in this Silver Alert and I like to think she was trying to get help for her cousin. Instead she also told the police Mel had guns. Well Melissa also had every single thing she owned in the car. telling the police, who knows what all, the police took a hard stance and really pushed Melissa.    Her cousin is a church member southern Christian, a business owner, offered Mel she could stay there for treatment but needed to follow the rules she set up. Melissa is an old hippie, sober and clean for 26 years, non traditional, Mount Everest Climber, pro nature photographer living in little cottages on the outerbanks, dog loving person. Aslo she was 60 years old and had some history with bi polar illness. 

    So on Easter Sunday at about 10:15 AM police saw Melissa and told her to pull over. She refused to stop and so drove ahead of them for 15 minutes. There was no high speed chase. Then she got a flat so she puilled over. Because her cousin had told them she had weapons they did not come to the car. Melissa was ordered to exit the car.   The official report says that the officers negotiated tirelessly but Melissa refused to exit. The total of the "Negotiation " was for 65 minutes. Anyway Melissa did get out of her car,  (by then there were police who had arrived from 5 counties, all with guns.) she had weapons in her hands, unnamed weapons, I know she had a rifle, maybe a handgun. She was about cameras and did range shooting, no hunting no shooting at people. So the plice official report says she pointed aa gun at the police and they gunned her down so powerfully that resident close to the four lane divided highway said his house shook.  Melissa was dead on the spot. She had committed no crime, was not wanted for any crime and on thei Easter morning she was dead.  She was terrified of her new recrrent cancer diagnosis and afraid of treatmebnt. Her cosin wanted her to get treamtnet within certain perameters and Melissa wasn't up for her cousins schedule so she chose to leave.  Her and her English Springer Spaniel Angus were driving toward her town on the outerbands, they had left Winston Salem they were going home to the place the Melissa loved with her wild horses, birds, ocean living. Melissa was going home.    It  is the biggest damn mess I have ever been involved in. I miss her frequent lovely photos, her jokes, her wry snese of humor, I just miss her. She was one of us.  

    Love you all 


    PS I know the police are trained to respond to a person firing on the but I didnt know they would shoot you dead for having a gun in your hand. The coroner has said there were multiple shots into Melissa, but not how many yet. The state is doing an investigation and of course two officers are on admin leave and one more named in some places. I am so sad, Mmelissa was so afraid oof treatment because chemo nearly killed her first time out with terrible reactions.    Among other big issues with all of this is that her cousin tells us the medical team in winston salem said she had a 95% chance of cure with a lumpectomy and rads?  Her fear was just all encompassing and she didn't believe she could have a simpler treatment plan.   Oh God this has really broken my heart and collectively the heart of our little group.   

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Ginger: that is absolutely horrible.  I don't know how a seemingly innocuous situation got so far out of control on the part of law enforcement.  I am really sorry for your loss.  I really think law enforcement need a much broader training of the mind and a little less training of trigger.  It is a complete failure when the outcome of this situation had to be the worst possible.  I hope her cousin has this looked into.  All we can hope is Melissa is at peace.  I am so sorry, Ginger.

  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413

    OMG!  I absolutely remember her and wondered where she went.  Rest in peace SV.  Prayers to you too Ginger.

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Compliments of Twitter!

    MLB is working to support bc research by honoring women afflicted on Mother's Day.  I thought all of you moms would want to check this out!

    Good day, girls!

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Good Mammo!   First time I have had a mammo since before 2010 that hasn't required more takes. I am really relieved.   My blood work was also good and my kidney? was better than before, what ever that means.

    My Dexa scan was very good, not as good as two years ago but still very good. My mom had two broken hips and a shoulder so I was concerned and am relieved. I could hear you all cheering.

    I am to start on tamoxofen now. Onc thinks I may tolerate it better, I hope so, I would like to be able to take this helper to keep away recurrance. I will give it serious time and try to continue.    

    My Onc referred me to a Psychologist who works with cancer patients after they end active treatment, like me. I am just not reengaged in life, I tend to just watch tv even though there are things I would like to do. My Onc says it isn't uncommon but I know it needs to be different or I will regret it big time.  

    I did go to my first painting class on tuesday afternoon. I met some friendly women, all of whom are working at different levels and I am a rank beginner. My DGD liked my practice sheet, she said, "Gamma, this is beautiful!" I loved it.  Now I need to keep going, it is strangely difficult for me to go anywhere at all.

    I did go to my first painting class on tuesday afternoon. I met some friendly women, all of whom are working at different levels and I am a rank beginner. My DGD liked my practice sheet, she said, "Gamma, this is beautiful!" I loved it.  Now I need to keep going, it is strangely difficult for me to go anywhere at all.  

     I had the sleep study last night. 72 things attached to me since it wasn't just for sleep apnea.  Wow was I a sight! I slept from about 11 PM until they awakened me at 6 AM.  I used a ton of shampoo to get the goop off of me and out of my hair.  It was actually a good bed and quiet room, nice tech and decent shower too.  I will get the results in two weeks.  The tech did tell me I didn't do anything "interesting"  my husband was sad about that but hopefully my brain waves will tell them something so I stop screaming in the night.  My poor husband.  

    I hope you are all doing well and have a nice weekend. 

    Love GInger

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    Good news Ginger!  Glad all your tests came out well! 

  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    Hi everyone--Hope all is well.

    Ginger--I am so sorry to hear about your friend. What a terrible situation. 

    I am back from my world travelling! It was a long week--long week of meetings, dinners and wine. I got home last night. I flew into Iceland so got some amazing pictures flying over Greenland. Looking forward to a relaxing weekend.



  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good day, warriors!!

    I hope you all are doing well today!

    Today my announcement is about cancer care and this is not a news piece but rather a personal story.  When we all came together, most of us were recently diagnosed and were in our original stages of cancer.  Some already had mets and at least one, my beloved Timothea, was already Stage 4. 

    The purpose of my post today is to encourage all of you to transfer care to one of the top 10, and preferably 5, cancer hospitals in the country if at all possible should you find yourself in the position of suspecting mets and/or recurrence. Of course these are MSK, Dana, MD Anderson, Cleveland and Mayo Minnesota.  I tell you all this because over the past number of months I transferred care to one of the top 5 hospitals and I cannot stress enough how incredible, comprehensive and thorough they are.  Not only do they not miss a trick, they certainly do not ignore what the patients are saying but rather they follow up and follow through. Of course, through this process, they engender such a feeling of confidence.  You kind of feel like if you can beat it, it is going to be there.  I think it is imperative if any of you find yourselves suspecting recurrence and/or mets, to get to one of the top hospitals yesterday.  Clearly there is no cure yet but there are “better” hospitals and, to this end, investigate, do your homework and get on those flights, girls!!!  Your lives depend on it!  Also, dont' forget if you find yourself in a tx situation and you have travelled to the hospital, the ACS has "lodges" all over the country where you can stay during active txs.

    To all of you who encouraged me to transfer care to a new hospital, I finally took your advice!!!!  He he he!!

    Ginger:   I am so happy for you on your mammo results!!!!!   That is wonderful and very, very exciting news!!!!!  I am also glad to hear you took a painting class.  That is a great step in the right direction.  Just don’t be too hard on yourself.  You know so many people think they are so smart about everything, and know the answers to everything, and know how everyone should handle their lives but the fact remains those people are here for our enjoyment so we have someone to laugh at! No one knows what it is like to walk in these cancer shoes until they have.  If you want to sit on the darn couch and watch tv, do that.  Do whatever you feel like doing every day until you feel like doing something else.  Perhaps you are reaching that point in going to talk to someone etc… but the bottom line is you don’t have to do anything and don’t forget that. You can do whatever the heck you want and don’t mismanage your own emotions b/c societal pressures and know-it-all idiots think you should do something else.  I understand what I am hearing from you is the amorphous nature of your bc existence is a bit unnerving.  Well I don’t worry, don’t question and after all those years you spent yourself up wallowing in perfectly altruistic, and draining (sorry!), work, you don’t have to do anything.  Relax, rest and as for the screaming, you are most likely screaming out at the injustice and no machine is going to find that.  It is very hard to deal with how something like this could happen to you and why.  I feel your screaming is justified but I do feel for your dh!  Sounds like your home might just be large enough for him to choose another bedroom albeit heartbreaking you 2 might sleep in different beds for a while.  Take it easy on yourself.

    As for the sleep study, I had one as well and yes, 72 things and goop in your hair!!!  What a sight we are after they get us all hooked up!  Also, don’t forget a cancer dx is a deep psychological blow in which you are confronted with your own mortality.  Talking with someone just might help you uncover some of that and maybe the root of your upset in the night will be uncovered through that process.  Hypnosis might not be a bad idea either since whatever is causing it, your non-sleeping self is completely unaware.  Again, take it easy on yourself and just enjoy your painting class now!  You will work through this stuff, Ginger, just go easy.

    Rachel: you are back!!!!!!  YAY!!!!!!  I am so glad to read you slipped some wine in with those dinners!  It is great to see different parts of the world, though.   Even though there are long flights and missing your family, your eyes are treated to marvels your memory will never forget!  That, my friend, is very good stuff!!

    I was wondering about your MIL also.  Wondering how she is doing. I bet your boys are so excited to have you back home!

    Connecticut and the Frozen Four!!!  Sptmm and Rachel, I hope you 2 realize that those 2 wonderful teams in the Frozen Four are CT teams!   Yale and Quinnipiac!!  Unbelievable.   Those 2 schools are literally 15 minutes down the road from one another.  Yale is in the bowels of New Haven and although the buildings are beautiful, the adjacent neighborhoods are crime-ridden disasters. On the other hand, Quinnipiac is in a completely bucolic, suburban and very safe area.  They just opened a med school also.  In any case, these are exciting hockey times in our state!!

    Well, ladies, have a nice weekend and keep smiling as you know what I say----IT WORKS!!!!!!!  It will immediately change your state!!!!!!

    Happy trails-

  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    Hi Everyone!  Hope everyone is doing well.

    Rachel, glad you had a good trip but there is no place like home, right!

    Ginger, good news on the mammo.  On the psychiatrist, I encourage you to follow that advice.  Lizzy is right, you have every right to sit on the couch all day if you want, you have earned it.  But it really helped me "talk it out" with a psychologist who specialized in cancer patients when I finished treatment.  So, if you don't feel like you are coping well then I encourage you to seek someone out. 

    Lizzy:  OMG Quinnipiac is gorgeous.  My daughter was accepted there and we went to visit.  It is no wonder that their hockey team is in the Frozen Four, their rink on campus is nicer than many professional rinks!  I am all ready for the Revlon!! Will you be going? I can't wait, it really is an exciting atmosphere and will forever hold a special place in my heart as my very first "race".  I am so glad you are finally happy with the care you are receiving. If you don't have confidence in your medical team you will never truly have peace in your mind.  I hope all your testing though has been negative!

    Everything is going well here.  No complaints!  Hope everyone is doing well. 


  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good day, warriors!!

    I hope you all are doing well!  I learned something recently that I have been meaning to tell you all: bc rarely spreads to any areas below the elbow and knees!  That is the news tidbit for today!

    Sptmm: Good to hear from you!!!!  Quinnipiac is gorgeous.  I grew up in Wallingford.  The townline runs quite close to the Quinnipiac campus. I watched it go from a few buildings to a sprawling campus that now even has a med school!  Quinnipiac has come a long, long way.  It is a becoming a bit of a Northeastern, though, in that if your parents can pay, you can go!  Plus there are so many more schools in that space are far better for the $40K+ per year they want in tuition.  You can go to Dartmouth or Cornell for that!

    I knew you would be doing the Revlon! I regret to inform you I will not!  I am going to some CT ACS events with a survivor friend.  There will be no running the Revlon for me this year, Deb!

    Ginger: I don't know if "Netflix" has a standard, or a regionalized, menu.  I thought of you last night as they have a PBS "Dreams" special.  I watched it Sunday and thought perhaps you might want to check it out.  It was informative, that is for sure. I had the strangest dream the night before and that precipitated my interest in watching.  You might want to check it out.

    Keep truckin, ladies!

  • felisaragland42
    felisaragland42 Member Posts: 154

    Hi all, Im getting closer to the end if im not mistaken i think i have two more weeks of

    radiation left. My breast has cracked underneath and you talking about paining, they

    gave me something to put on it cant wait until its over.

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Hey Lizzie let us know how you are doing please.    

    Watching crazy stuff on tv at 3:30 AM Pacific time. 

    Take care. 

    Love GInger

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good day, warriors!

    I hope everyone is doing well! I am nothing short of absolutely stunned over these events in Boston.  Boston has perennially been a safe, fun city.  What's more is these young men, by all accounts, were/are seemingly well-adjusted, students.  I just can't imagine what happened to make them flip like this.

    Ginger: yes, I am fine!  Thanks for asking.  Working through some "hot spots" but alas aren't we all?! Of course my broken arm is one of the spots and I am just hoping that heals correctly as it was not caught and casted when it happened b/c the nature of the break would not show on a traditional xray.  It was caught on a subsequent, and unrelated, CT scan.

    How are you feeling? Did you have a painting class this week?  I hope you are feeling a little better.  I, too, was up nursing myself through hot flashes, and watching this stuff unfold in the Greater Boston area.   Just insane.

    Felisa: good to hear from you!!!!!!  I get a little nervous when I don't hear from "regulars" for a bit but in your case I knew it was that you were out celebrating your new lease on life!!!!!  I am so happy you are almost done with rads and as I told you, summer is almost upon us and you are feeling good!!!  You will have a good summer, woman, and don't pass up a single opportunity to get out and have some fun!

    Rachel: thinking of you!  Hope all is well.  Have a good weekend with the boys and I hope things are stable w/you MIL.

    Sptmm: I hope you have a good weekend and all is well with you!  Deb, I am so very inspired to both lose weight and get back into my pre-cancer/misery shape, I am softly considering trying to train to run the marathon next year.  I was just telling a friend last night.  Back to the "couch-to-5K" I go.  More to this point, if I get my "physical" crap together and get to the point I can lay down a 5K, I will be calling you, my bc sister, and we are going out for a jaunt!  Give me 6-8 months, however!!!  Seriously I am thinking September/October.  It might take me 2 years to reach marathon shape but I will get there ;)

    I hope you all are having good times, enjoying spring and having peace of mind.  I am sitting here with the windows open as a cool, pre-rain breeze is blowing in.  This time of year is *the* best!

    Happy trails, ladies!

  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    HI everyone--hope you are all doing well.

    I am heading to an Indian wedding this weekend--the wedding starts tomorrow and is also on Saturday. Looking forward to this as I LOVE Indian food (my British heritage!).

    I get my results on Monday from some recent tests for my gyne cancer so fingers crossed that all is clear. My MIL is doing pretty well--she has her CT results next week to see how things are going. The Doc is preparing everyone for what he believes is some growth in her cancer even though she has changed to a stronger chemo. We will be awaiting the news and hopefully, the Doc is wrong.

    Our weekend is full of this wedding and also our kids tryouts for next year hockey--but I won't complain as this is a good busy :)


  • IowaSue45
    IowaSue45 Member Posts: 422

    Hi Ladies, happy weekend : ) finally nice weekend weather here in Iowa. 75 and sunny YAY . We have had a prolonged winter with snow and ice the last 3 weeks and you know I am so tired of it.  I hope you are all doing well. Those with health issues I hope they are resolved quickly so you can fully enjoy this spring weather. I bought a treadmill and I am committed to 30 mins everyother day to start with. 

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good day, warriors!

    I hope all is well!  Spring is upon us!

    Rachel: good luck tomorrow with your results.  I hope everything comes back just fine!  On you MIL, boy, that is great news!  It is so inspirational to read that!  I hope you had a nice wedding weekend!

    Iowa: did you get out on the bike yesterday?  My friend Cindy (lives in Iowa) was saying it seemed that winter would not let go.  She and her man were going out on their Segues yesterday to celebrate!

    Funny story: was talking to a non-cancer dr recently and he told me a story to cheer me up: his assistant was dxd 26 yrs ago w/bc and it just now “got her!!!”  She will never be able to come back to work and is dying but she got 26 years!!!  The way he told the story was very entertaining! Good times!

    Hope everyone is having a good weekend!

  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    Got the all clear from my tests today--can breathe easy for another 6 months :)

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Ggood to hear Rachel.  Breathing easy is always good. 


  • IowaSue45
    IowaSue45 Member Posts: 422

    Lizzy we did get the bikes out Fri. evening, Sun. all day and Mon. evening. we had summer for a few days now back to winter. Snow in the forecast for tomorrow. So sad old man winter is being so stubborn this spring. Sun. was a beautiful 83 out and we rode to the Grotto in West Bend Ia. always an awesome place to visit. Also last wkend I took the motorcycle safety course, it was long but I made it though and passed with flying colors. Have a good rest of the week.

  • felisaragland42
    felisaragland42 Member Posts: 154

    Hey sis, I finish my rad on 4/30/13, Im so happy I have been enjoying myself but

    my energy seem to be still low. Me and my spouse went to the carnival down

    here. Also my granddaughter started walking at 91/2 months Im so proud. Im

    still here I just been going through alot lately my other breast is giving me

    problems. Havent went to the dr yet for it probably want go.

  • felisaragland42
    felisaragland42 Member Posts: 154

    Hi Ginger how have you been girl my hair is growing and its so curly i cant do

    nothing but brush it, its still to short for me to do anything to it.

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good day, warriors!

    I hope everyone is doing well!!  We are having lovely weather and it just made me realize how much I have grown to hate winter!  

    Rachel: Congratulations!!!!!!!   It is so nice to not have to think about cancer for a while!   Good to hear on your MIL also! 

    Iowa: good for you!  The last guy I was engaged to had a crotch rocket when we met and he got rid of it shortly after we met.  I think it is great that you all ride!  It is nice when you are older and smarter about the way you ride.  A friend had one that I rode a few times by myself.  It was pink, pretty and I looked wicked hot on it!  Gone are those days....!  It was super powerful, though.  I think it was a Katana.   Fun but I am too much of a speed freak! 

    Felisa: I know it is really difficult to think about problems and having to go to the doc again but seriously, it is the only way.  You need to go at some point.  I don't blame you for wanting to put it off as I am sure you are enjoying yourself and don't want to go back to cancer days.  Don't think of it that way, though. Just understand it is imperative you go for check-ups so don't put it off for too long!  I will be reminding you weekly to do so!!!!!  Glad you are nearly done with rads!  Good times and summer is here!  Have some fun ;)

    Well, I am going back to enjoy this weather!

    Good day, girls-

  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    Hope everyone is doing well. This last week was like summer here in Ontario. Unbelievable. I was at a sales meeting until yesterday and now am going to relax this weekend and enjoy Mothers Day. Hope you all have a wonderful weekend and an amazing Mothers Day to all the Mum's out there :)

    I wanted to include a link to someone who came to speak at our sales meeting last week. She is a young girl who has an ostomy--as you may know I work for a company specializing in ostomy/continence products. This person has had an ostomy since age 13--she started her own organization to get the word out about ostomies. Check it out:

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Hi rachel, thanks for popping in.   I am glad you get to laze about for a bit. 

    My DD has a job starting in a week, I will take care of DGD from 3 until about 6 . I will pick her up at Montessori and we will have a fun time.  I am a little worried I won't be strong enough because I can't really pick her up very well any more. She is 2 2/3 now. 

    We are going to plant a little set of three planters tomorrow about 2' x 2' with seeds. I think Zoe will like it and I think I can manage it. They have wheels and a cover that fits over and you make an x cut where the plants come though.   My plan is to put copper tape around the planter just above each of the wheels so the D*** slugs don't come up there.  wE HAVE GIGANTIC SLUGS OUT HERE. .  Caps, while appropriate were unintentional. 

    I am now on Tammoxafen  for 5 weeks and feel 100% better than I did on Arimidex or Aromasin. I hope it keeps up. I really want to be able to take one of the prevntative meds for 5 years.

    I am still going to painting. I am surprised at how expensive water colors are, not your kids kit from Target for sure.   I am pretty good at copying the little paintings I am working on.  Oh I also started cleaing up my sewing room. With DD job she is clearing up haer piles of quilting fabrics so that helps too.   I will miss seeing her every morning while Z is at Montessori. Ah the march of life.    

    I would love to hear from others. Texas, Lizzy, oh everyone I miss you. 

    Love Ginger

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good evening, warriors!

    First off, I must wish all you mom’s a Happy Mother’s Day!!!!  It should be Mother’s Week!  My mother loved “Titanic” so I shall play it for her on Sunday!  I miss her.  You never, ever, ever, ever stop missing your mother.

    Rachel: I did not know that was the nature of the company you worked for.  Now all that travel makes an awful lot of sense.  I will check out that video.  Speaking of the weather, last weekend was ideal in CT but today was just like a perfect summer day = hot, dry and in the 80s!  So nice. 

    Felisa: did you go to the doctor yet?  I will continue to check on you!

    Ginger: Good to hear from you!  Montessori is great!  My nephews went.   I bet you are going to absolutely love having your DGD for those 3 hours each day!   Speaking of planting, I just planted mint at my friend’s house!  I am so tired of scrambling for 2nd rate mint for my Dr. Oz drink, I just had to try growing it.  My friend has 10 green thumbs so I suspect vicarious success will soon be mine!  That is great that you are feeling better on Tamoxifen!  Good for you! So apparently Aromasin was playing a large part in your headaches?  My onc spoke to me about extended Tamoxifen a few months ago. I guess prevailing wisdom is changing on the 5 year cut-off and perhaps keeping people on it longer is not such a bad idea.  I won’t mind as it is a non-event for me (hot flashes not withstanding!) and it is a bit of a security blanket!  Seriously, I think I would get really worried to go off of it after the year 5 anniversary.

    As for Tex, she is doing ok.  She will be moving in June and I am hoping we will hear from her after that move and her computer is replaced.  I was texting her this evening.  I agree on water colors.  After dx and txs, and job loss, I decided to try some crafty stuff.  It is completely not my forte although one great bc painting came of it!  In any case, I did get some water colors at that time and I agree they are definitely pricey.  I like working with water colors.  My new thing is sewing!   I want to pick up a used machine, one of those small ones, and make stuff.  I am tinkering and looking for a hobby for the cold weather months.  Maybe I will like sewing?!   I have not done that since 8th grade!

    Well, I hope you all have a wonderful weekend and are taking care of yourselves! 

    Happy trails, girls!

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    Ginger - We used to use salt on slugs.  I am pretty sure but I'll check with my mom.

    Lizzy - I always watch the superbowl for my dad.  He loved football and basketball.  I used to go to the basketball games with him.  He always had something on so the sound of sports announcers from the tv brings up good memories.

    Hi Rachel and Felisa!

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Yes the salt sure does work but we have a lot of slugs and don't want to salt the entire yard, lol.   I am hoping this copper thing actually works and the slugs wont creep past it.    

    Great to hear from everyone, have a nice weekend and Mothers Day. 

    Love Ginger

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good evening, warriors!

    I was in a CVS that I learned on the news this evening was held up by someone with a “machete (people are getting wicked desperate in CT!)” while I was there and I remember seeing that guy!  Insane.  Lest we forget when I was on chemo I was in the grocery store when the bank was held up!  I have some record!!!  Speaking of chemo, I never told you all but wonder woman over here, after putting the remote in the refrigerator for well over a day, I also decided I was going to try to get my treadmill upstairs.  I did it myself, one stair at a time and you all have no idea how long it took me to realize that to get it up the final stair, I would have to turn it sideways.  I sat there wrestling with trying to do it w/out turning it sideways!  Was remembering that last night!

    Ginger: that sounds pretty exciting with those gargantuan slugs!  The other night my neighbor had a fire going and called me over to show me how beautiful copper looks when it burns!  It was quite a show.   I sure hope the copper kept those slugs away!

    This past week I ran into 4 people who all had buried kids all around my age who died from cancer.  One of them I knew her son from HS.  Today I went to a market nearby my hometown and the owner got to telling me how his son, Michael, who was raised in that area and now lives in Maine, is S4 colon cancer.  He can no longer take chemo b/c his liver is damaged beyond reparation from previous chemo txs.  I felt so bad talking to him but never mentioned my own situation but alas he saw my port scar.  He could not believe people the age of his son and I are dying of cancer.  It is kind of sad b/c of how many parents are burying their children who are dying from cancer.  These are crazy high cancer numbers for people my age.  In any case, I told him I would put it out there on the thread for people to say some good things and send some good vibes his son’s way so if you ladies would not mind, say a little something kind for Mike in Maine this evening.  Let’s send some good vibes.  He has 3 young kids and he is dying.  It is all so heartbreaking.

    Rachel: like the nuclear disaster in Japan never happened, several grocery stores in my area are trying to sell us PacRim seafood!  Yeah, like someone waived a magic wand and made all that nuclear waste go away!  More to this point, I am on strictly Canadian tuna these days!!  I traveled to get some this weekend--well, not "to" Canada but farther than I normally would for tuna!  Go Canada!

    I hope you all had the most beautiful Mother’s Day ever!!!!! 

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    This passed through my yard yesterday. The boulder is 3 feet tall.