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August 2010...anyone starting chemo besides me?!



  • LadyinBama
    LadyinBama Member Posts: 993

    Ginger: So sorry to hear of all your troubles. Hope the thyroid things turns out to be nothing serious. My niece (30) just had thyroid cancer. I read not long ago that it is becoming very common, but they aren't sure why. Thankfully, it is easily treated and cured at early stages.

    Felis: Glad you are good. I've done lymphedema therapy and it helped. Wear your compression garment, don't overdo it, and you should do fine.

    Lizzy: Did I tell ya'll about getting a pistol last spring and going shooting? I have had a shotgun (it was my late husband's), but that's not real practical for self protection. So I got a pistol and took a gun safety class, and turned out to be a good shot. It gets your adrenalin pumping when you hit that bullseye. I can see why guys feel macho with their guns. I guess it's a southern thing. We all have guns, and I wouldn't hesitate to use it if necessary. If somebody is messing with me, they better be prepared to be messed with themselves!

    Rachel: I've been seeing your boys pictures on Facebook. They are just darling.

    I'm happy tonight. My beloved Auburn Tigers just unexpectedly beat Texas A&M and "Johnny Football." Woot! War Eagle!!

  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413

    Root Canal info; There is a book called It's All In Your Head by Dr. Hal Huggins.

    Hello to you, all my old 2010 friends!

    Lizzy, harass ya soon.

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good day, Warriors!

    I am looking for a petition on rolling back the access-to-mammos start date to 30 years old. I am not finding anything as of yet. At some point in November I am most likely going to “” and will start a petition. This is not to say every 30 year old woman should start racing off to get mammos but I believe the “option” should exist. Also I am going to consult Tex to go over some terminology to compose a “rider” on the petition regarding how to structure access for people in their 20s. I mean I just can’t imagine being in my 20s and in this country, petrified of the lump in my chest and not being able to get a doctor to send me for a mammo. It is very unnerving and Tex had a fight on her hands to get to the point where they took her seriously. Women need to have access as early as 30 years old, at the very least.

    I will keep you all posted on the petition and if I do start it, I will let you know.

    Lady: guns make a girl feel better!!! Seriously, when we went to the shooting range in the city, yes, it was an adrenalin pump- that is for sure! I went upstate with a friend to go skiing and we stayed with her family. They had 25 acres and on one of the distant acres (we travelled by quad to this remote location!) there was a shooting range w/beer cans etc… set up. It was fun to shoot out there, in the winter and hearing the echo…wicked cool! In any case, I pretty much nailed those beer cans!!! When my friend and I went in NY to the shooting range, they told all women to get “in the moment” when shooting meaning put yourself mentally where you wake up and realize you are hearing someone in your house and to “get ready” for what that feels like so you don’t freeze. Reason being is if your mind has no recollection/point-of-reference in the heat of the moment, it will circle, searching for that information and this is where you freeze. When you go to the range mentally prepare yourself by installing in your memory a point-of-reference. It is very important. Also, overnight *do not* lock your gun in a safe!!!!!

    I mean, I am here in CT where they are all but trying to outlaw guns which makes them a bunch of jackasses b/c the bulk of crimes are committed w/unregistered guns, but alas I digress! My brother has been in the gun-toting south for many years as are a number of friends. In fact, around the time I was dxd a friend moved to TN. I asked her about crime after she moved and she said it was not like CT in that no one would arbitrarily walk into a convenience store and try a hold up because so many people carry guns. Bottom line: prepare yourself and be prepared overnight! I find it laughable when people leave their guns in a safe!!!!!! I know you have to be cautious if you have kids but you are not saving those kids if you have to fumble w/the code and/or keys to your safe in the event of intrusion!

    One more thing, Lady: if you use a shotgun and kill an intruder, the reasoning is when you were cocking the gun for additional shots, you had time to “think” about what you were doing and charges could be forthcoming (sadly). With a handgun there is no “time” to think in between shots. Things we need to know!!!!

    Congrats on the Tigers win!!!! I am here in quasi-Sox country lamenting my Yankees lack of post-season play as the Sox go to the series! I better change my tune, however, as I do go to Dana now!

    Rachel: so sorry to hear about your MIL. I feel really bad for your boys b/c they are so close to her. It is important to watch out for that "quality v quantity" line though. I feel for you all. It is so difficult.

    That is so great that you took time to go see grandma in England! She must have been so happy to see you! So a little good has come out of those bedraggled trips to Denmark?! There is nothing better than just seeing the eyes of loved ones you have not seen in a while. I am very happy you were able to find a little time to make her day and build a little love into your lengthy trips abroad! As you all know my parents have passed on, both quite young, and my grandparents are gone as well. I miss them all :(

    Ginger: best of luck with your November tests and appointments. Keep us posted.

    Adey: nice of you to drop by! I will check out that book and will look forward to some harassment!

    Well, ladies, unfortunately my broken arm never quite healed. It is clicking and it hurts. I have a series of appointments coming up to figure out what the heck they are going to do with my arm and, more importantly, to find out why it failed to heal completely on its own. November is a big Dana month for me. Hoping it is all ok.

    It is a beautiful day in CT and now I must go get stuff done!

    Happy trails, girls!

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    OOOOh i have a lot of catching up to do! so bare with me!

    First me- i am doing good! just been busy and without internet!

    Wherria! So great to hear from you! I think about you often!

    Rachel- is getting a port an option for you? i feel ya on bad veins girl! my c/t scan friday they couldnt get a vein and had to stick me 3 times! they cant use a port for that because they quickly inject the contrast and it can damage a port... they have reverted to using the backs of my hands because neither arm yields anything for them. I joke and say "use the vein that is always popping out from my forehead!"

    Felisa- Keep on truckin woman! It does get easier for most. It takes our bodies a bit of time to recoup from chemo and radiation.

    Rachel- thats wonderful news! (graduation to yearly check ups)

    Lizzy- Yankees??? I totally missed the entire baseball season LOL i dont really pay all that much attention but the mariners are my hometeam! i used to watch them when griffey jr used to play for them up until about A-rod- after that i got into boys LOL

    IOWA- he is the cutest thing ever! I love that name. I am partial to names that start with a K, do not know why, but i love them- my 2 are both k names and quite a few of our "runner up" names were K as well (Kimber, and Kadence were my girl favs)

    Felisa- I do keep you in my prayers! praying the physical therapy does the trick!

    Lizzy- the DF study seems a little flawed, because even though some ppl dont have a spouse they can have much more support from fam and friends. Also i think having a spouse has some added stress because you (or at least i do) feel guilty when you have someone other than yourself counting on you "getting better". i have terrible guilt when i get sick when he is around because it DEPRESSES him- well my situation may be different because i am stage 4... hmmm too many variables! glad you're on the case- finsd out everything for me!

    Lady- Sounds like the group is in better hands with you at the helm. I started working out again too. when my husband moves down we are going to start training to run the Rock and Roll marathon here (next years)

    Ginger- Sounds like you've been through the wringer! Glad you had some quick reacting teachers there for the car accident. Aren't dogs a joy! (i love mine but she jumped on me and made me pull my inner thigh tendon!) And i have noticed they can be big babies glad she wasnt alerting on a danger (ie animal, person). mine barks at the falling leaves as if they are attacking her! Take it easy until you've recovered, 2 things like that back to back! Also very relieved to hear the DGD was safe!

    Lizzy- I am not doing anything for our month- although i wanted to get this tattoo on my inner wrist for the 15th (metastatic breast cancer day) but the tattoo artist that i gave my art work to never called me back, i am not hunting down someone to do it LOL i will move on to the next guy.... but i kind of need my art work back LOL

    Plantar warts- My 8 year old had a really bad one that was super painful- we tried at home treatments, didnt work. Went to doctor and it was successfully removed. But the amount of pain she was in- oh my!

    Lizzy- that isnt a way i have ever thought ppl would target people for a home invasion... i do not actually post much on the web, but SCARY because i know so many people who do!

    The good/very good and not so good- Hmmm since i am about to turn 31 in a few weeks i say maybe push back mammos to 15, no j/k seriously mammos at 30 sounds great, iu would also like to see drs taking us younger patients more seriously when we voice a concern.

    NETFLIX- i think you are thinking of the "pink ribbons inc." movie.... but i havent seen the beautiful truth movie so i will check that out. the first one i mentioned is still good.

    Rachel- So sorry to hear about your mother in law... i will pray for your family especially your boys if thats all right. Palliative care is good because they also help the families as well as the patients through everything.

    Lizzy- that petition seems like a wonderful idea. Too many women slip between the cracks when they are "too young"- i have seen first hand cancer doesn't care if you're 80 or 30 when it strikes. Sadly there is a growing group of woemn on the atage 4 boards that are 30 or younger and have eerily similar stories to my own!

    Guns/shooting- we have had guns for as long as we've been married and i honestly have only shot them a handful of times, but they do make a lady feel safer. my husband "tests" me- seriously tries breaking into the house to see my reaction. i have always "passed", which is to say have gotten a gun, and prepared to use it. once my oldest was only a few months old, he pulled that stunt and i almost froze- but didnt. He doesnt do it often, where i think its him every time. sorta like a fire drill

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good evening, warriors!

    I hope everyone is doing well!

    First point of business: “Oikos” key lime yogurt!!!!! I used to really *love* Yoplait custard style key lime pie yogurt. Well, I don’t know what Yoplait did but it seems to be gone now. In any event, Oikos has brought it back to me!! I love it!

    Petition update: it is official- I am starting it. I will give more information as I have more time. Tex: I already provided a rider on the petition to be more lenient toward women in their 20s who are finding lumps, petrified and not able to get a mammo w/out a fight. I am on the case!

    The “cookey” comments section: last night I was minding my business at the mall when someone was making small talk about bc awareness/pink ribbons stuff as I was looking at some stuff on display. Before he said something to really offend I told him I was in the club. He said “oh, so you found lady lumps?!?!” I almost choked.....

    Tex!!!!!!!!! I am so glad you stopped by, girl! Good to hear from you! Your dh can bring you all kinds of flowers and get you all kinds of gifts but the best gift he gives you is those “fake” break-ins! You know why he does that, right? Because he is in law enforcement and he knows the number one reason people get killed w/their own guns is b/c they hesitate. It is really good that he does that.

    That is cool about the tattoo! Yes, perhaps getting your art back is the next, best step! I thought about getting something that alerts hospital personnel, in the event of an emergency, about bc. My medical history is so lengthy now, I just am concerned of emergency hospitalization and lack of records.

    This leads me to my next point: when I had my office in Stamford I was in a place where there were other companies all on 1 floor, and in 1 section, of this building. This allowed for much sharing. My neighbor, who was a muse of sorts (!), introduced me to his friend, Larry. I started to help him raise R1 funding and the product: a medical “fob” that one could keep on their key chain, around their neck or in the glove etc… What this thing had was all a persons’ medical information on it. We all need that. The problem being is the fragmented nature of medical information and processing of that information. Someday I hope it will all be better!

    As for the DF study, I am not sensitive b/c I am single and battling through this disease but what I am concerned about is how many women do have additional burdens in trying not to seem sick etc… like you talked about. You try your best to put a good face on this disease for your family, which is important, but that is also a hard thing to do several days when battling this disease. That is a lot of added pressure. Also, the fact remains women are the nurturers in most families. I just thought it was cavalier to publish such a study not to mention I am still concerned about the efficacy of the data mining process. Like I said, I am on the case!

    I am so happy you posted! Good to hear from you! Let us know how it all goes, girl!

    Confession: I have hardly been able to stop singing “Holy Grail” for well over a month! That and the “National Anthem…?” Strange stuff indeed!

    Tex: how could you miss baseball?! I love my Yankees so and this World Series seems, preliminarily, like it is going to be a sleeper!

    Finally, I have never seen a "Snoop (Dog)" interview until he was on JKL last night! He was hysterical! Perhaps very high but wildly entertaining nonetheless!

    Happy trails, ladies!

  • felisaragland42
    felisaragland42 Member Posts: 154

    Thank you all for the prayers.

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    Lizzy- So i was looking for insurance assistance programs in my county- i found this .... notice that it offers breast cancer assistance for women ONLY 40-64 years old! The page thank linked me to this page said that they also help with treatment costs if you're in active treatment and cant afford it.... but it does offer cervical cancer stuff for women 18 and older.

    Kooky comments- Too funny- i do NOT think thats what the black eyed peas ment by "lady lumps" LMBO!

    I agree about the need to alert medical personnel- i carry a card in my wallet/purse that states "no blood transfusions", its an advanced directive and has other information in there too but who knows if the dr will even look in there before starting the treatment if its like a bad car accident! I have thought of a tattoo stating that but decided against it.

    I totally get why he does that and love him for it! but a rose once in a while wont hurt!

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Hello, warriors!

    I hope everyone is doing well! I am starting the petition to roll back the age for mammos. I will provide the link here shortly. This is directly connected to our own bc battle and a way in which we can directly try to influence the outcomes for women struggling, as Tex did, to get attention at a very young age, as current mammo guidelines preclude mostly everyone under 40.

    Recently I took a head-clearing trip through the Adirondacks! It is amazing to see hundreds of thousands of acres untouched by humanity especially in the very congested Northeast. It has been years since I was through there and decided to go en route seeing a friend who lives on the St. Lawrence across from “Oh Canada!” As I was meandering along wondering what Lewis and Clark were thinking when confronted with the Rocky Mountains, which the very breadth of dwarfs the Adirondacks, I wondered how our land is so poisoned with carcinogenics. It is hard to fathom when in such a space unspoiled by our modern lifestyle. Reason for sharing: on my travels I encountered the little-known NY Amish! Of course, I am sure TLC has some trucks heading north now in search of more people whose lives they can ruin through exploitation! In any case, no surprise research revealed they have very low cancer rates. Alas our modern lives are taking us down!

    Tex: That 40-64 mammo business is laughable! A woman said to me the other night I was far too young to have bc. She said I look easily 10 years younger than I am. People do say this about me but that observation aside, I reminded her almost all the women in this group were late 30s/early 40s and when I ever told her about you, she was stunned.

    On the lady lumps, no, I don’t think that is what the “Black Eyed Peas”meant! Jokers, Timothea, they are all jokers!

    Speaking of tattoos, did you hear Google has created a “NECK” tattoo?! They are becoming more and more scary, and diabolical, by the day in their attempt to track the eff out of us! I cannot believe this. It connects to your phone somehow…omg…talk about cancer…Google has gone mad. I think the govt needs to shut their campus down for no less than 1 year! I think they are out-of-control. You know who will get these neck tattoos, don’t you? Young, naive kids who have no clue something so profoundly invasive is tantamount to developing a host of things, not the least of which is cancer. Google needs to be examined by the government. They are going crazy with their tracking lunacy!

    Timothea, you make a good point about carrying an advance directive. That is smart. I have gotten to the point where I have a separate travel bag w/my medical record that I take w/me when I am going on trips.

    Surely a rose would not hurt once in a while! Tell him…you know guys have to be trained!!!

    I hope everyone has a healthy and happy holiday! I also want everyone to get ready to celebrate 5 years as we are closer to 5 than not!!!!!!!! Good times, ladies!

    Wow....what a long, strange trip it has been!!!!!!!!

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    5 year anniversary: although the crowds have thinned here and people have gotten on with their lives (the best thing ever!), I am wondering if we could all plan to get together "somewhere" around the 5 year anniversary? Atlantic City? Vegas? NYC? I don't know but I am thinking we all should celebrate, if only for 1 day, our collective milestone! May 2015 comes to mind.... something to think about ;)

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Helloooooooo Warriors!!!!

    Happy Thanksgiving!!!!!

    Hope everyone is doing well!!!

  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving. I cannot believe we are heading into December already. Everything is going pretty well here in Canada...working, hockey, family. My MIL is undergoing a clinical trial--although they did say that this will make no change to her prognosis--it may help someone in the future. She is doing relatively well and we are so grateful that she is here and will be celebrating Christmas with us. Hope everyone is doing well and I'm sure the silence means that everyone is living life. That is the best. XO

  • LadyinBama
    LadyinBama Member Posts: 993

    Happy belated Thanksgiving. I'm doing good, and Lizzy, a 2015 reunion sounds fabulous to me. I've been to Reno, but never to Vegas. I love NYC too, so much to see and do. You other ladies chime in and it can be majority rule. Love you guys and hope everyone has a great holiday season!!

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Hello Warriors!!

    I hope everyone is doing well!

    Ladyinbama:GO AUBURN!!!!!I have been thinking of you all week as I saw all the plays on ESPN!Unbelievable! I know you must be enthralled!

    As for a 2015 get-together, we will see how things go.I am excited we are all closer to 5 than not!

    Rachel: I am so very happy to hear about your MIL.During this holiday season, it is so nice to hear that she is doing as well as perhaps could be expected.It is completely altruistic that she is going through the trial, knowing it will most likely not have any effect on her condition but that which could help others.This kind of action gives everyone hope.

    I hope you all have a nice holiday season and your boys enjoy their time with their grandmother.

    Today I was watching “The Chew” and Daphne Oz offered up an “immune boosting” soup.The recipe was very easy and I thought that all of us bc girls could always use any immune-boosting ideas we can get!

    Here goes (she does not measure so to taste, ladies..!):

    Sautee onions and garlic in a little oil or your choice

    After having roasted cloves of garlic in an oven at 400, and having cooled them, you can then squeeze the garlic into the pan w/the onions and carrots.

    Mince about 3 or 4 tablespoons of fresh ginger and add that to the sautee

    Add a chopped up jalapeno

    Pour chicken broth over all these sauteeing items

    Add some previously cooked chicken shreds or chunks

    THIS makes one delicious, super easy, immune-boosting, nice winter soup!ENJOY!

    I hope everyone is having a nice holiday season!

    Happy trails, girls ;)

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    New computer...don't know what all the <font> stuff is all about...!

  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    Just a quick word to wish everyone a great holiday and a Merry Christmas (do people say that anymore?). I hope that you all have a wonderful time and am wishing everyone all the best for 2014. May health follow us into this next year. Rachel XO

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Hi guys,  here I am.   I thought "Oh No" when I logged on," it will take me forever to catch up."  About 5 minutes is what it took.    

    I hope everyone is doing well, not stressing over Christmas prep, but enjoying the lights and experience. Felice Navidad! 

    I am going to physical therapy and it helps somewhat. I am so de-conditioned that it is going to take a long time. We are going slowly. I do leg exercises from a chair using bands with the therapist. Then we do posture exercises so that eventually I will be able to stand straight again.  Then we do massage and heat and electrical therapy. I wish I could do that part every day.   I got a new shower chair with a back on it and that helps me take a shower because with no back support it hurts so much.  

    I had the thyroid ultrasound and they found a bunch of 1mm nodes and the doc said I can wait three months, repeat, and if no change then no problem. The operator said I had the cleanest looking thyroid that she has seen in a  long time. I am relieved. 

    Anne  from the But Doctor I hate Pink blog is in the Best Health blogs contest again. She can win $1,000. to put toward her sones college education.  Here is the url It takes me about 10 seconds to vote once a day. There are 33 days left.  Ann is off of chemo because it was killing her bone marrow. She sleeps a lot these days and some days finds it too much to post a little items asking for votes. Her son graduates this year and it is her goal to be there.  Anne was Cool Breeze on here. After she became stage 4 she stopped posting much here. Anne offers lots of encouragement to other BC women.     

    Hugs to everyone


  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Helllooooooo Warriors!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I hope you are all out fighting the good fight, ladies :)

    Stopping by to wish everyone a happy, happy holiday season --- Merry Christmas, Happy Kwanza, Happy Channukah, Feliz Navidad etc....!!!!   This is such a wonderful time of the year.  I love it!

    Rachel: Merry Christmas to you and so happy your MIL is going to be there with your family and your boys will have her with them for the holiday.  That is wonderful ;)   Hope you all have a nice day. 


    Ginger: therapy sounds ***wonderful***!!!   I am so glad you are doing that and feeling better.  Having a clean thyroid is very auspicious!  That is amazing after all we have been through.   Every little bit of health good news makes me feel great as I no longer take good health for granted.

    It is good to hear from you again.  I hope you have a nice holiday and enjoy your dgd!

    Thanks for letting me know about "Coolbreeze."  I read her posts here and there.  She was a strong contributing member in this bco community.  I don't know what it is about S4 that makes people stop, or cut down on, posting but they do.  To each their own; this disease is tough to deal with.  In any case, I will follow the link and support her.   Seeing her son graduate will be wonderful and very good for her soul!  I am sure she will be there.

    Well, ladies, these days are busy, busy but I do think of you all often.  I am trying to figure out a format going forward with this thread where I post bc developments on a regular basis.  I continue to work on this.  There are so many wonderful developments with this disease but I do believe, empirically, the best evidence that the evolution of caring for those with bc is, in fact, moving in the right direction is all of us!!!  We are all still here and this is truly a statement about how far the tx of bc has come.

    Finally, "Bing" has provided a nice holiday treat for us allOpen a browser and go to to see the beautiful rainbow of holiday trees in a Achim Goyo, South Korea.  It is gorgeous!!!

    Happy holidays and happy and healthy New Year to everyone!

  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    Merry Christmas Everyone!  I hope everyone is doing well and thriving! 

    Lizzy, I think a "reunion" would be amazing and I would certainly attend!  I would absolutely love to spend time face to face with all of you women who helped me through one of the most difficult periods of my life. 

    A celebration at five years is certainly in order!



  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    I need to stop lettingmonths lapse before comming on here!

    Lizzy- google neck tatoos???????? That is CRAZY! Youre right though it will be young, naive ppl that get it unknowingly playing right into their hands. Its bad enough that they have other ways to track up ( we are each assigned an advertising number, unique as our ip addresses- so they can "cater" ads to our likes) george orwell was onto something, what back in the 30's?

    5 yrs sounds like an awesome idea. Since most of us got our dx in spring/summer it would be perfect cuz no school... NYC sounds good to me.

    Rachel- happy to hear your mil is doing well. And yes this yr has sure flown by!

    Ginger- great to hear from ya! I will def check the link for anne. Didnt she win last yr? I voted everyday with my email address and my dh's :) 

    I actually only know Anne from the stage4 boards, she had her opinions and didnt hesitate to share ;) funny cuz she'd rub me the wrong way in one post and then say just what i needed to hear in another... I do believe she explained her reasons for her decreased activity. It seems when we lost Apple quite a few of us stopped posting there- honestly i take each loss really bad knowing it may be me soon, so i dont often even read the posts.

    Follow the PTs directions to the T. Did they give you any at home exercises? After 6 mo i was back to normal and continued the at home exercises as needed.

    Well everything is good in our neck of the woods- dh had a promising job interview yesterday... we'll see :)

  • felisaragland42
    felisaragland42 Member Posts: 154

    Hello my sisters, I told yall I would keep yall updated on my progress. Well I got to have a long term permanent pain management because i need to have my left breast removed, they cant do it because of the infections i had got when they removed the cancer, they said i would get an infection again. Other, than that Im trying to get over the flu also I cant wait for the arrival of my grandson.

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Felisa I am sorry to hear about this.  tell us more please. Do you still have the infection? I am worried about you. I know that Lizzy knows about infections. I hate to think of you needing permanent pain management. 

    Hugs and Love Ginger

  • felisaragland42
    felisaragland42 Member Posts: 154

    Well I have fluid thats back in my breast. Right now im just waiting to see what they going to do

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Hello Warriors!

    Another year is coming to a close!!!  I want to wish everyone a very happy New Year and a safe NYE!  I am not a proponent of drinking and driving but Connecticut lowered the BAL to such a very low level, 2 beers might put you in jeopardy of being arrested for DUI!  It will be a taxi evening!

    Last night, while waiting online in CVS, I met the most delightful young manHe told me he and his boyfriend were making plans for NYE and a little about what they were doing etc....  All I could think was not only how beautiful he was but his eyebrows, which were penciled on, looked absolutely *perfect* and fantastic!  He could make a lot of us bc girls pretty happy when we are going through dreadful chemo!  I did not remark on his brows, of course, but I did secretly wonder if he was a make-up artist as they were just wonderful!

    Tex:  how did your dh interview go?  I hope he had a good one!   Let us know and hope you are doing well this evening.

    Sptmm: I am working on an anniversary plan for us!  I am thinking somewhere warm.  I will be sure to let you know immediately!


    Felisa:  I am sorry to hear you are having complications that require long-term pain management.  If there is no infection any longer though,why won't they proceed with removal now?  I know removal is awful but at the same time, it seems as if it is necessary.   How are they so sure you will get another infection?  Wasn't the last one b/c fluid was pooling in the remaining breast tissue?  I would think removal would stop that from happening, no?  Most of this stuff has to do with a compromised lymphatic system after removal of nodes.  I hope they clear you for surgery as that will most likely eradicate all pain eventually.

    In any case, the arrival of your grandson will help you forget all of this madness!!!   I hope you feel better soon.  Keep us posted and keep your chin up :)

    I subscribe to the "Reconstruction Network" emails.  I get some interesting stuff and what I want to share with you all, that was part of an email I received from Reconstruction Network, is a little twist on the usual NY resolutions.  Most of us try to make drastic changes and then lament making such far-reaching goals when we invariably fall short.

    Some NY Resolutions you can embrace...and keep:

    1- Eat 1 piece of dark chocolate every day ----we all can do this one, no problem!

    2- Give and receive 1 hug and 1 kiss every day.

    3- Read 1 book for fun every month.

    4- Enjoy yourself on weekends without worrying about work.

    5- Buy at least one bottle of good wine you'll enjoy (without worrying about the price tag). --this one could be very, very costly!!!!!!!

    6- Tell one person you love him or her every day.

    7- Go outside and play at least once a week.

    8- Have a spa massage.

    9- Buy yourself flowers for NO REASON!

    10- Take up a new hobby.  There's something you've always wanted to try. --I personally am doing this one....I am going to start sewing!   A very good friend, in response to my complaints about lack of a good tailor and how life outside of NYC is bleak (!), gave me a sewing machine for Christmas!!  I have not sewn anything in over 30 years so this should be fun!!


    There were 25 in total but I thought you could all pick one or two from this list!!!  I like it as it is a new twist on resolutions.  Resolve to do other, easier, and more fun things and we will never be setting ourselves up for failure!  I am convinced we can all keep a few of these resolutions! 

    Resolve to be better to yourself.  That is probably the best one ;)

    Finally, I am going to refer to lyrics of one of Sir Elton John's songs that can pretty much sum up the way we all should feel as we move on down this bc path: I AM STILL STANDING!!!!!  I know it was the 80s and although I love almost everything he ever did, this was always one of my fav songs!

    HAPPY NEW YEAR, LADIES!!!!!!!!!  I hope you all have a safe and lovely evening.  Enjoy!


  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    my nyr is to beat cancer (again) i will add some of the things lizzy suggested (especially the chocolate, could my new hobby be eating choclate?????? Oh wait that is my hobby now!!!!!!!)

    I will post details later...

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Hey Texas, I will send you all the chocolate you can eat. Just let me know when and where. 

    I have some mean turtles in the cupboard here.

    Hugs Ginger

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    update more mets- this time located in brain and in left eye muscle. I was hospitalized for 5 days due to my eye only to find out about the mets. I was released yesterday only to go straight over to the radiation oncologist to get set up on radiation, we did the simulation appointment and will start the radiation monday. It is only 3 weeks of tx, m-f no weekends or holidays. I was sent home on 6 perscriptions! We are all in good spirits despite this otherwise devastating news.

    Isaiah 40:29-31

    Feel free to ask as many questions about it- its 4am here (still on hospital time) but going to bed after i take my meds lol you know i am pretty much an open book!

  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    Tex: I am so sorry to hear about this setback.  Very glad that you are right on it with the treatment.  How are you feeling?  Is your vision okay?  Your positive attitude is inspiring.  With all you face, you always seem to be looking ahead!  I hope the radiation side effects are minimal.  If you need any support let us know, we are always here for you.  I am sending you a PM, check it please.  I will be praying that this year you keep your New Year's Resolution of beating cancer....yet again!

    As for your new years resolution on the chocolate, I am with you, but can I change it to milk chocolate?  I don't like dark chocolate.  Okay, going to have a Hershey's Kiss now..LOL!

    Ginger:  I LOVE those turtles, they are the best!

    Lizzy:  I am working on #4 and 7, its an ongoing project to try to "stop and smell the roses" a little bit more.  As for #2 and 6, that is a given since diagnosis.  Everyday I take the time to let those closest to me know I am thinking of them and love them, even if it is just a quick text to say good morning.  That was probably one of the biggest lessons learned from my diagnosis, never let anything go unsaid.  I don't want to chance leaving behind any loose ends.

    Rachel: Happy New Year, and glad to hear your MIL was feeling better.

    Felis:  Hope this day finds you feeling better.  Happy New Year!



  • sweeney
    sweeney Member Posts: 311

    Hi everyone,

    Happy New Year to each of you.:-) It's always months in between visits for me. Hope you don't mind if I still drop in once in a while...

    Tex- I'm so sorry to hear your news. I hope you're feeling okay, hopefully the eye muscle isn't giving you too much pain? I'll be praying for you on Monday. Radiation is no fun, but M-F is least your weekends will be your own. And hopefully the medications (all 6 of them!) will help manage any of the symptoms you're grappling with. You've always had the most magnificent attitude to all of this. XO.

    All- No big New Year's resolutions for me, except for one. MOVE MORE. It's -39 degrees here today and I am walking to the mechanic's garage to pick up my car. That's about a 2 km walk. I'll never be like some of you that are running marathons and getting to the gym every day....but I can MOVE MORE. Every little bit helps.

    Happy New Year again, may the next twelve months bring us all tight hugs, big laughs, good memories, and loving families/friends close by.


  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    Happy New Year to everyone--Here's to a great year full of health and happiness.

    Tex--I am sorry to hear about your news. Like the others have mentioned, you are someone who has the most amazing spirit and I am hoping that your radiation goes as well as it can....and that all that medication helps...know that here up North (really north with Sweeney) that you are in my thoughts and I am sending you much love.

    For new years resolutions--I'm with Sweeney...move more and eat less...seems simple when I write have to put it in motion.

    We had a wonderful holiday and spent the whole time with family. My MIL is doing OK--she is on a clinical trial but it is double-blind so no idea if she is getting the medicine or not. The last week has been a struggle as the cancer in her lower back is getting worse and her ability to get around is a little harder. Her birthday was on Dec 30th so we all took her out to the CN Tower in Toronto for the first time in her life--rode to the top and ate in the revolving restaurant. Great time had by all. We are just ensuring that we spend as much time as possible all together.

    Hugs to all.


  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    deb- my eye is doing better, no pain! The sterioids they gave me are doing their job, justsome double vision which is minimul....

    About my positive attitude- as you all see in occational posts i may say something that alludes to he fact i am a Christian. Fact is my faith is VERY important to me, i am one of Jehovah's Witnesses. When i joined this board i made a hard decisio to NOT be preachy here because afterall we know thatsnot what we come on to BCO for- although i have shared it with ppl in PMs ormay e publicly. So yes i am always looking towards the future! And i plan to keep it that way, i may say the occational prayer line or something but i am not here to push my beliefs :)

    Agree with the hershyes i like dark but prefer milk chocolate!

    Sweeny- we dont mind one bit! Seldom is  better than never :) thanks for prayer!did you say NEGATIVE 39!?! Count me out! We are at maybe 50 and i cant feel my toes, at your temps i figure my toes would have fallen off!

    Rachel- thats nice you took here there, i have lived in san antonio are for a lont time (off and on since02) but never been on the tower of americas (our claim to fame tower) i was told but maybe wrong that they dont do the some patients get meds and others dont in cancer studies, but they compare it to the current standard care that is offered.... maybe thats only in the states??????