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August 2010...anyone starting chemo besides me?!



  • IowaSue45
    IowaSue45 Member Posts: 422

    Here are the highlights, Full Throttle (met up with my friend Barb and her friend) hubby and I in Badlands National and me on a stand where you take pictures of Main St. Sturgis. Was an awesome trip.

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good day, warriors!!!!

    I miss you all and hope everything is well!

    Today I want to celebrate some women, who are still here and others posthumously, for their remarkable battle with breast cancer, as follows:

    Nancy Regan: she is still with us and is well into her 90s.  Nancy is a 25 year survivor of bc and,although she took a fall last year, is alive and doing well despite bc dx and tx in 1987.  I wish Nancy all the best and many years of continued bc-free existence ;)

    Jeanette Bey: Jeanette is 93 y/o, is from Lacrosse, WI and is a ***56*** year survivor of bc!!!!!!!!  Jeanette is obviously doing something very right!!!  This is very inspirational for us all!  

    Julia Childs (who I had the joy of working with 1 summer) and Betty Ford are both in the "dearly departed" category but neither died of their previously dx'd bc!!!  Both of these women were 40 year survivors of bc!  Amazing!  That is a lot of years and they were dx'd is the swallows of the "drive-thru" mx days of the 60s and 70s.  Inspirational for sure.  They both brought so much to the world and on this day, I want to remember these ladies for having beat bc and for thereby giving us all hope.

    Finally, Anastacia, is an American singer-songwriter that has several hits.  I love her freestyle/club music.  In any case, she was dxd about the same time I was.  She seemed to come back from it but has again been dxd w/a recurrence.  I want to wish her the best and I hope in some small way, somehow, she finds her way to sites like this one here to seek out inspirational stories of many, many women who have been dxd over and over again, with mets etc... and we are all still here!!!  There is hope for each and every one of us including Anastacia!  All my best-

    Speaking of miracles, did everyone read or hear about Katie Lentz who was in that horrific head-on car collision on a MIssouri highway?  She was just 19 and was trapped in a perfectly mangled vehicle.  The tools of the local First Responders were grossly inadequate and after trying to get her out of the car for over an hour, Katie asked them all to join her in prayer.  The police the accident closed off to traffic for 2 miles in each direction.  In any event, it is a poignant story on faith and I encourage you all to "bing" her name and read that story.  Unbelievable and no matter who he was, that young woman is still alive...just an amazing story of, if nothing else, human spirit.

    As for Bing, I love it!  They have made me a user of their search engine and how they hooked me: the pictures!!!!!!  I love the new and wonderful pics that show up each day! 

    Finally wanted to tell you all I contacted the "Wounded Warrior Project" to volunteer.  I received an email back they had too many volunteers and were not in need of any more.  I thought that was just great to hear. In any case, I receive an email today telling me they don't have much presence in CT and that I should go to the nearest VA Hospital to volunteer.  I hope someday they use all the volunteers that are trying to help, to expand the organization to all states.  Clearly there are Wounded Warriors in every corner of our country who could benefit from the help of a volunteer.  GO WOUNDED WARRIOR PROJECT!  Expand and bring assistance to every one of our treasured Warriors who need assistance. 

    I agree with Rachel in that summer is flying by! My best to all of you, hope you are having a great summer and to my dear friend Sptmm on LI, don't let those arthritis hawks slow you down!!!!! 

    Happy trails, ladies!

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Iowa: you look like a total freakin' ROCK STAR!!!!!!!   Thank you so much for sharing those photos!!!!!!!  You look great and very, very happy!  Keep that going as I deeply suspect the more happy, non-drama filled, times we have, and whatever that means to you, the better off we are all going to be!  Keep ridin', sister!!!!!! 

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    Hey all- i got on prepared to type this LOOOOONG hello and an update on my, but my pain meds kicked it and i am getting drowsly LOL

    doing good, kids a great school starts in 2 weeks. honestly this year is the first year i ever looked forward to school starting- it is MUCH harder with 4 kids than 2 espcially when they are ALL home at the same time!


  • wherria
    wherria Member Posts: 194

    My dear chemosabes! This is a long overdue check-in! First off, HAPPY ANNIVERSARY TO US!!

    I have read several pages of the most recent posts, and it seems that everyone is pretty much movin' along. So Glad! 

    I miss everyone here, and wonder how all of you are, and thin about this group often.  I don't understand it, but soething has blocked me from being more present.  Not just fear, I think, but maybe just cancer fatigue. I don't know, but please don't take it as a sign that I don't care anymore, or don't love you all still.

    Question: What do you all consider your "cancer anniversary" date - diagnosis, beginning of Tx, end of Tx?

    As for me, I am almost always dealing with one health (ill-health) or another. Not all of it related to BC; there are several other life-long conditions too.  Its ok though. I am used to it, and I don't get scared easily because of it.

    BC-wise, I have not been very responsible about maintaining a relationship with an oncologist.  By the end of my chemo, and well into hormone TX, I had become pretty fed up with my oncologist stopped seeing him.  Earlier this year, I began the process of lining up a new oncologist at Loyola, but got distracted by a suspicious-looking thyroid mass, that is still undiagnosed. (I've had four biopsies, all without anything conclusive in either direction.) My thryroid doc says it would be appropriate to continue watching it, and it would also be appropriate to do a thyroidectomy. I've been hospitalized three times for very severe and scary cellulitis in my lymphedema arm, several bronchitis/pneumonia spells (which has to do with a primary immunodeficiency, not bc, stress fractures from aromatase inhibitors, which I decided about 6 months ago were impacting my life and level of functioning, so much that I stopped taking them. I will never know, of course, whether that decision will have made a difference in whatever may come, but I'm not looking back.  I tried all of them, and felt like I had less of a life on them than I had during chemo.

    Anyway, I recently discovered an axillary lump on the side opposite my original tumor, so again I am working on getting in with my new onco.

    I will keep you posted.  As I'm sure all of you have also had to deal with multiple scares and probably have adapted well enough to be less frightened by them than they once were, I would say they have almost become commonplace for me.  BUT, for some reason, I'm scared this time.

    So, hello to all my dear friends. I hope you are all doing well. I will love to hear more about what's up with y'all. And finally, thank you to those who have been faithful to this group and kept it going!

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Helllooooo Warriors!!!  

    You all must be in battle or getting prepared for battle!!!!!  Good for everyone and I hope everyone had a nice summer!  I am here to spread effusive energy as per usual!!!!!

    CA-125 developments: they are using it to get a baseline and then to dx the super-hard-to-dx ovarine ca.  There are fluctuations in the numbers that help them dx it.  Apparently it goes un-dxd all the time b/c the symptoms can so easily be mistaken for most anything else.

    Wherria!!!!!!!  Holy smokes, girl!!!!!!!!!!  I can't believe you are back!!!!!!  I was absolutely enthralled to see you post today!!!!!   So excited you are doing ok and trucking along like the rest of us!  As for anniversary, I consider it the date I was dxd, when the core needle biopsy showed that there was definitely cancer in there.  That is just me, though; a lot of people use different dates.  It is just so great to hear from you!  You should see an onc just for the sake of just getting checked once in a while.  It is good but I also understand about switching oncs.  It is not easy to get established w/a new one. 

    As for thyroid, there are lots of connections to bc.  At least one doctor mentioned that my long battle with my thyroid may have led directly to the bc dx.  THere is a connection.

    Again, great to hear from you!  I hope you come back and let us all know how you are doing from time to time.

    Tex: much love, girl!!!  I am so glad to hear from you also.  I hope you are loving your new house!!  

    Well, it is late and I am watching the "Joan Rangers!" Fashion Police is my guilty pleasure, for sure! 

    Later, gators!

  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    Hi everyone...summer is coming to an end...back to school next week! My oldest son is heading to high school...crazy! The boys have hockey almost every day of the week--so that is the true sign that summer is coming to an end.

    I had my mammogram last week and get the results with my Oncologist next week. Fingers crossed. I am pretty confident that all is OK. My gyne oncology appointments worry me more--which I have in late September. 

    My thyroid still hasn't responded to medication so I'm not sure what the next steps are...I am checked now every 3 weeks -- which sucks as my veins are horrible from chemo--so it is painful for all involved! 

    Work is crazy crazy busy...I have to find a better work/life balance...I must be off my rocker for working so much. I need a vacation...granted we just came back from a road trip to Boston...but more vacation would be nice...somewhere relaxing!

    Hope everyone is doing well and living life :)

  • felisaragland42
    felisaragland42 Member Posts: 154

    Hello, Everybody just stopping by to let you all know that i went to see my radiologist and its not looking to good i have fluid build up an an infection, my left breast is swollen.

  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    Hope everyone is out there enjoying the end of summer.

    Wanted to drop by and let you all know that my recent mammo and scans are all clear and I have "graduated" to the yearly checkups rather than the every 6 months. Still have to pass through my gyne cancer checkups in October but have my fingers/toes crossed.

    Sending lots of love to you all. Three years ago today, I was in the midst of my 2nd chemo treatment--cannot believe how far we have come. 

    Hugs XO

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Hello, Warriors!!!!!!  Greetings!!

    I hope everyone is doing well and distancing themselves as far from bc (and all the c's really) as possible!  

    Felisa: swelling of the breast and fluid build-up can be entirely medical, though.  They might just have to aspirate, draw the fluid down and then the swelling should go down.  Don't fret!  I am sure there is an easy fix.  

    Rachel: I really hope that you are able to find more balance at some point.  You have been through an awful lot although we all have to live in reality also which means work and stress etc...  If I were you, I would seriously talk to the job about 8 weeks vacation each year.  I think you need to be having 1 week of down time every 2 mos.  You need to pace yourself.  I know, though, that the gas pedal on the corporate work bus seems to only know 1 speed: pedal to metal!  Honestly, I think the entire continent should be on 8 weeks vacation every year.  We all should have 1 week off every 2 mos.  

    In any case, glad your recent scans were all clear and best of luck in October.  It is only days away now.  Where is the time going? 

    Did you go on the Freedom Trail when you were in Boston?  Check out the Museum of Science?  Of course you went to Fanueil Square, I am sure!  Boston is a great, old city alas it is 1 part medical professionals and 1 part students...and that is about it!  It is still fun, though, and way safer than the love of my life, New York!

    Well, the Yankees are breaking my heart!  Two awful losses in a row as the relief out of the pen is dubious at best!

    Hope you all are having fun and if you don't post, I hope you stop by to read once in a while! 

    Happy trails, girls! 

  • IowaSue45
    IowaSue45 Member Posts: 422

    Hi Ladies, I hope you are all doing well! Think of you often. You know me I'm dreading the cooler weather already. The good news is I have a new grandson to warm my heart and soul. My youngest daughter gave birth to her 1st, a boy Sept. 4th and they named him Krew (and I actually came up with the name lol) he weighted in at 7lb. 7oz and she had the easiest labor ever. Ofcourse I'll share his adorable picture.

    the super excited G Ma :D Did I mention he is already an Iowa Hawkeye fan lol we start them young.

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    Congratulations Sue!  Hope everyone is doing well.

  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    Sooo sweet Sue! Congratulations!

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good evening, warriors!

    Hope everyone is doing FANTASTIC!!!!! 

    Iowa: so darn cute!!!!!!!  Just adorable!  I noticed that he seems very interested in sports already!! Just amazing!  Congratulations and all my best-

    Sptmm: hello!  Running a lot?  Nice running weather coming up ;)

    Omaz: hello!  Hope you are doing well.

    Well, the Emmys are about to start!  Again, as the faithful "Joan Ranger" I am, I had to watch the E! Red Carpet Special!  They make it interesting!!

    Take care and happy trails, girls! 

  • felisaragland42
    felisaragland42 Member Posts: 154

    Hi all my sisters in Christ, I have some good news I went for my mammogram, diagnostic, and ultrasound they found no return of cancer. Thank God. I'm so happy. I do have a lot of scar tissue and some swelling under my armpit, I got to have physical therapy at the end of this month. Don't stop praying for me keep on I'm still going through some other stuff.

  • felisaragland42
    felisaragland42 Member Posts: 154

    Congratulations Sue. I'm about to be another grandmother my daugther is expecting her second child its a boy Feb 5.

    How do you upload pics on here.

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good day, warriors!!

    Just so you all know, Dana Farber released a study and the results were on World News on ABC.  It seems Dana Farber did a study that married people are more likely to beat cancer because of all the "support" from their spouse!  I am kind of wondering who they asked?! Who the subjects in their case study were?!  I will be investigating further b/c from what I have heard from a lot of the ladies, and especially those w/ the fem sys cancers, this is just so not the case.  Even my hairdresser lost *2* husbands through her bc battles.   More to come....!  I am on the case! 

    Felis: congratulations!!!!!  I am so glad you have gotten good results.  Most of us have scar tissue, which is wicked scary, but innocuous nonetheless!!  Congratulations as you are about to become a grandma again soon!!  Very happy for you.  Keep the faith and stay positive ;)

    Happy trails, ladies! 

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Felisa: I don't know about the pic upload.  I think if you have them on instagram or pinterest, you can post pics here by using the instagram "link" on a cut-n-paste.  That is all I know!

    Ginger: How are you?  Where are you?  I hope you are doing well!  I just realize we have not heard from you in a while!  I hope everything is wonderful for you ;)

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Greetings Warriors!

    Last night I was watching Nightline and there was a story on there about a woman, a former Wall Streeter like myself, who also has bc and she and a Dr. Freeman are working diligently on implementing patient navigators.  I am thinking they might be the "pioneers" of the patient navigator.  If any of you have had the distinct pleasure of having a navigator, they are wonderful.  In any case, I think her story, and subsequent altruism as a result of her bc battle, is interesting.  Perhaps you all want to read her story?! 

    Happy trails...signing off from summer-in-October-in-Connecticut! 80 degrees today! 

  • LadyinBama
    LadyinBama Member Posts: 993

    Hello sweet August chemo friends! When I signed in here today, I couldn't believe I haven't been on here since May. It looks like everyone is doing ok.

    Sue, congrats on your beautiful new grandchild!

    Felis, glad your test came back as no new cancer.

    Lizzy, how goes the new med for hot flashes? I'm still plagued with them. I am so glad fall is here. Hot flashes and hot/humid southern summers are not a good mix!

    I'm doing well. ASCO in Chicago in June was amazing! I learned so much and met so many wonderful people. As a cancer survivor, it is overwhelming to look at tens of thousands of people who are all working on curing our disease. In July, I took over as executive director of our local ovarian cancer support group. Things were a mess because our last director did not do much of anything for two years, so that has kept me very busy, getting things straightened out and trying to get our membership re-energized and back on track. I've finally joined the gym again. I had my first yoga class last night. I'm a little sore today, but I loved it, I'll go back to that for sure. I've been doing the bike and nautilus since I joined 3 weeks ago. I just now feel good enough (energy wise) and am healthy enough to work out again. I've missed it so much. Even if it doesn't help with all the weight I've gained, I'm looking forward to having my strength back, flexibility and just being able to move. It took me all spring to get over plantar fasciitis (sp?) a very painful foot condition. It's always something (as Gilda used to say)!

    Anyway, enough of my aches and pains. Life is good. I've quit fretting over finding a job and am content to just live simply (and cheaply!) and enjoy my time to do what I want to do without all the stress. I've missed you girls. Happy belated 3 year birthday to us all!!

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Hi everybody,

    I am here in WA, mostly staying at home. My meds are okay except my hair has been thinning like crazy. So my knees don't hurt but my hair is falling out.

    I was in a car crash Sept 3 and am still so sore I can barely even turn over to get out of my bed. My back starts to hurt so very much when I even just stand up to go up the hall. A car hit me in the drivers side rear quarter panel at 45 MPH. I can still hear the sound, it spun us around and backwards down into a ditch. Zoe my DGD who is now 3 was in the back in her car seat. She was physically alright but screamed and screamed. This happened right at the intersection where her Montessori School is so we quickly had several teachers over in the ditch with us and they comforted Zoe and after the paramedics examined Zoe they took her back to school until my DD could get there from work. This was my first crash and I hope to never have it happen again. I went to the hospital in the fire dept ambulance and really appreciated the paramedics. One of the tests they did on me at the ER was a cat scan of my neck and it showed a node on my thyroid. The DR said the accident could be a blessing because they found this. I need to go to teh Dr about this. I have really just stayed home I am very reluctant to be a passenger in a car, I sort of want to jump out. My car was totaled so I have to get out to get a new car. My car was so perfect, no problems ever and they are totaling it out. It was a red toyota highlander, it helped to keep us safe.

    I am pledging to all of you that I will actually make Doc appts today. I need a mammogram, eye glasses, internist, somebody to check on this thyroid node, car dealer, dentist (a front crown came out, tooth next to very front I look a sight!

    To flesh out this story I should mention that on Sept 1 my dog pulled my sideways off the front steps of the house, no handrails because they are very wide stairs. Of course this happened at one in the morning and my DH was out of town. I went careening off the stairs over this landscaped area and across probably 20 feet of the driveway before landing on my hands , knees, and head. I had big skinned knees and a black eye along with the heels of my hands being skinned. The worst part was that I could not freaking get up! I had to crawl back around to the stairs to get myself up. As I was laying on the drive the dogs decided there was something in trees and went into "alert alert" mode which did give me some adrenalin to get myself going.

    I have talked your ears off here. I am glad to be back,


  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Hello my lovely Warriors!

    I hope everyone is doing well! Here we are, over 3 years, ladies….I think we all have something to celebrate! I cannot believe how bc is moving towards epidemic-status; it seems almost weekly I am learning of someone else who has been dxd. Here’s to life-saving treatments!!!

    I am going to do a bc walk this month and I was invited to a ground-breaking of pink hard hats for a new cancer research facility in New Haven. Anyone doing anything this month for our “awareness” month?! It seems the further from dx I get, the more invites I am getting to cancer events. Dana Farber is having a day long cancer event with several speakers and activities planned. I cannot wait to go to that. I will be making notes and sharing my findings with all of my Warriors here!

    Lady: I think about you often! I was wondering how Chicago went and am so glad you had a great experience! That is great and I am very happy for you ;)

    Great for you on the executive director of the local OC support group! That is wonderful and I am glad to hear they have such a lovely leader to look to! What’s more is that, and we have spoken about this here on the thread, other cancers don’t have the kind of support and organization as bc does so I think it is great you are reenergizing that group. Cancer is just awful and everyone who has it needs some kind of support; glad you are doing your part, Lady!

    Speaking of working out, I am planning to start water spinning! I cannot wait! In November I am going to my first class!!! Keep with the Nautilus stuff. When I was 20 years old and started body building, I bought a ton of books. Recently I was going through those books and found that roughly 40% of them are Nautilus books. You are absolutely correct in that even if it does not help w/weight, you are *stronger* and feeling better so just keep going and completely disconnect from the results-driven lunacy that is so pervasive in our fitness centers. Just keep going!

    Plantar is painful and I have had issues with it here and there. Most unfortunately right now I am dealing with an Achilles flare-up which is just a total freakin’ drag. I did not need this right now but alas I will work through the pain and deal with the fallout later!

    Yes, live cheaply and simply. That is the best way b/c the more you engage in the rat race, the more your life becomes about money and who’s pile is bigger, the less you can be counted on to act like a civilized human being and the more your open up your life to trouble, as a result of your rat-race winning actions, and sickness ensues. It is not worth it. Relax- I think the monks have it right!

    Good to hear from you!

    Ginger: I knew it! I knew something (but I did not know many things) had happened! I was getting so nervous and jumping to conclusions! I am so glad to hear from you.

    Good news about your knees not hurting but requiring less follicles to do so is not so good news!

    I cannot believe you had a car crash and of all the things, w/little Zoe with you. I am so sorry to hear. 45 MPH is pretty fast and I am sure you will never forget that sound. I am so glad to hear she is ok. How horrifying and to be pushed down into a ditch, that is just awful. Highlanders are great, however, and I don’t blame you for lamenting the loss of your vehicle. My friend’s parents are convinced the Highlander saved their lives when they were in a pretty bad accident in Wyoming. In any case, I am just glad neither of you were badly hurt.

    As for the node on your thyroid, let’s hope it is benign. I will be sending wishes your way. It is good that the scan revealed this. I was just wondering the other night how the heck will they ever find mets w/us before we expire of such?! Seriously, breasts are the obvious stomping grounds and our mammos showcased our bc but what about when it is setting up camp elsewhere? I seriously wonder how they catch it before we are at critical mass. It seems the discovery process, post initial dx, is amorphous really. So, yes, it is really important to keep your doc appts and get checked out, head-to-toe. Cancer is a sneaky disease and we must be vigilant!

    You know, being a passenger in a car is scary enough and add to that the fact you were just broadsided…it could be a while before you are comfortable as a passenger again.

    The story about being pulled by the dogs, finding yourself on the ground and then them barking b/c of suspected “bush” activity is just scary. I must tell you, when I lived in NY I was nearly hyper-aware. My roommate and I lived in the W80s, in a brownstone, and one night a woman who lived in our building was raped in the hallway, no more than 20 feet from our door and we did not hear a thing b/c our crazy asses would have been out in that hallway whipping some attacker ass! In any case, we both got guns after that and this is the way you live in the city. That and a very handsome friend of our’s, who was doing a lot of Broadway, had his face slashed open, for no good reason, leaving the Subway in E70s after 10 one night. We all knew better than to ride the subways after 7 and all the firms on Wall St gave every employee, working after 7, car service home or to GCT etc.. It is a personal safety issue. In any case, what I wish to impart was during this time I learned about “city bars.” They help to thwart intruders trying to gain door and/or window access. When I left NY I pretty much left that behind UNTIL cancer. Living alone, and being the last house on a dead end, I realized that cancer, all 13 surgeries, chemo etc… had just taken me down to the point where I did not feel I could adequately defend myself in the event of an intrusion, even with protection devices. I live in a city where the crime rate, unfortunately, is higher than I would like. In any case, I started city bars again during the cancer battle and b/c your dh travels so much, you should think about some security measures like “Life Alert” and even a taser gun. I know you are most likely opposed to guns, even for home security, so I would not even suggest that but it would not be a bad idea to consider a taser. It is a humane way to deal even with bears or other large mammals that roam your area. Here in CT a woman was just badly hurt by a bear who bit her in the leg b/c it was trying to eat her dog. I don’t know about the efficacy of a taser against a bear but I know you can buy law enforcement caliber tasers for about $1000 online. You would have to check with your local laws etc… but it might not be a bad idea, Ginger.

    A friend on the Cape has a friend that went hiking. She is in her 60s and very active. Unfortunately she sprained her ankle and hurt some other leg muscles on her hike and ended up lying in the woods for nearly 7 hours before someone found her. Why? Because she was hiking w/her a phone where the battery had died. This is not to say living in fear is a good idea but if you make sure you don’t go out to walk the dogs w/out a fully charged phone and consider what you might do if you encountered a bear, or a wayward human for that matter, while out in the wee hours, and have a plan. Simple steps like Life Alert and a taser are rather innocuous personal safety measures and if people who are afflicted with debilitating disease, at any age, are using the likes of Life Alert, it is no longer a device for people who are in their 90s! These are just a few steps you might want to consider b/c your dh travels a lot. I say better to be prepared especially b/c you are in a somewhat remote setting. I care about you so this all comes from the heart and is not meant to exacerbate any feelings relating to the accident or the dogs pulling you around in the wee hours but rather just give you some things to think about.

    Finally, ladies, in talking about personal security, DO NOT put your vacation plans on FB, Twitter (if you use a personal handle), Four Square, Linked In etc… ! Don’t throw your vaca pics on Instagram while you are STILL ON VACA! My friend in NY came home to an empty house b/c he thought it was smart to throw all his pics from Turks all over Instagram, Twitter, FB etc… It is just something to remember.

    Ok, now I have talked your ears off!!!!!!!

    Happy trails, girls, and have a good weekend!

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Lady: forgot to tell you on the hot flashes, they are still wicked bad. My onc at Dana gave me an rx and, though I filled it, I never used it. Between the oral chemo, the thyroid med and water pills to keep the fluid that is building in my head from reaching critical mass, I do not want to take

    another pill!

    In long, still sweating!

  • felisaragland42
    felisaragland42 Member Posts: 154

    Hello Lizzy and Ginger I been doing okay I'm going through therapy for my Lymphedema i have to go for 12 weeks, also i got to wear some type of garment.Other than that my health is somewhat okay. I miss all of you I be online sometimes most of the time I be at the Dr. or at church. Ill keep all of you inform.

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good day, Warriors!

    Felisa: good to hear from you! I often think of you and hope your LEis responding well to treatment. Keep us posted and as for being either at the doctor's office or church, most of us are doing the same thing, to one extent or another, in our own way = thanks bc!

    The good and the not-so-good in bc news this week:

    Good (need I say this?!): Quest is starting to test for BRCA!!!!! Yay! This will increase access and drive down price. Monopolies benefit no one so yay for competition!

    Not so good: During this bc awareness month, I was not too happy to hear so many "authorities" on bc talk about women starting mammos at *50* years old. They often add if their is family history, to get mammos starting at 40. Safe to say almost every person on this thread could have perished undiagnosed if we had to wait to 50 to have mammos. I personally think the start date needs to be rolled back to 30. I am going to see if there exists a petition and if there is not, I am going to start one.

    Very good: we can actually purchase health insurance in the open market that is not ridiculously expensive nor tied to our jobs!! We will never be pre-existed again and we are no longer healthcare burdens to current or future employers b/c we don't *need* their health insurance!!! Recently I was approached by a CT Senator to "tell" my story. I did just that and explained how I was fired and how the cancer-related expenses were nothing short of onerous. I added that if we had non-employer based healthcare that I most likely would not have gotten fired. I further explained as people watch me go into a total fiscal tailspin as I shovel money into cancer's humongous mouth, that others are watching me and they become petrified to start a business or do anything that might separate them from their company-sponsored healthcare plans and now that they can get healthcare in the open market, for a reasonable price, perhaps we will start creating things in this country again and people will start businesses and create jobs again. It was great that Clinton got COBRA through but COBRA is only 18 mos and the average cost for a family of 4 is over $1000 a month. For a person looking to leave their job and start a business, they would have to immediately plan for over $1000 out-of-pocket on health care and then to hope their business is a huge success w/in 18 mos or they will end up uninsured. Of course, before the "exchanges," COBRA ,and its associated costs, was a bargain compared to buying health insurance, and only if one was perfectly healthy (thus my moniker for our system of "healthy" care), could they even buy insurance in the open market. It is my ardent hope people feel more free as a result of this development. I can't tell you how I am literally "giddy" thinking of all the possibilities! Seriously, almost every day I spent in corporate America I was dreaming of blowing out of there and starting a business. I was petrified b/c of COBRA costs combined w/starting a business and this was when I *thought* I was healthy!!!!!!!!!! Now all of those wallowing in corporate jobs where they are miserable actually could go out and start a business, if they are so inspired, and get healthcare insurance. It is a new day in this country, people.

    In long, the good far outweighed the not-so-good! This will also be the beginning of my weekly news posting of the "good" and "not-so-good" news in bc!

    Have a good weekend, girls!

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    I have an appointment at my Onc for a mammo, bloodwork and appt for the first week in November. It should have been in Sept but the car accident took care of that.

    I went to FP doc at practice I have used and am disappointed in the service I received. Only three Docs are left there, my former FP doc left and went across the bridge to Seattle. I really need to get over to the practice DD, DSIL, DGD and DH all use. Anyhow I have an rx for phys therapy. Dr did prescribe flexeral which I have taken two nights and don't see anything happening. I have never used a muscle relaxant before. I still hurt so bad between my hips and rib cage on the sides.

    I also have an order for a thyroid ultra sound and a thyroid blood test. I will get those at the hospital so they would be available at the other practice (if I get in there).

    I want to stop hurting. Don't we all!

    Lizzie it is so refreshing to hear someone saying something positive about the ACA. I am sick to death of the BS I read. Out here the big deal is the chemical companies pouring in miliions of dollars to deafeat a bill #522 that requires labeling of GM foods. There adds are so blatantly lies and disgusting. I hope this isn't one more example of $$$$ power destroying our health and the ecology of the country.

    Wow I am cranky. I will try to think of cheery things to write about next time. Sorry

    Love you all Ginger

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Ginger: On Netflix I watched a documentary all about what a few think is contributing to cancer reaching pandemic status. I forget the name now but I will check and post it later. In any case, as for the labeling of foods, MSG was spoken about so often in this documentary on being a culprit in cancer proliferation. MSG is often connected with Chinese fast food but it is literally everywhere. Someone said many moons ago to just shop the perimeter in grocery stores buying just whole foods if possible. They should just label the darn foods and stop killing people. I mean the argument is people will eat it anyway but the fact remains if they did not have these foods they people would not separately purchase these carcinogenics so therein lies the real issue. Another thing they talked about was root canals being tantamount to the development of bcs? I found that interesting.

    I am done!

    No, you are not grumpy! You are uncomfortable. Also, sometimes muscle relaxers take a while to kick in. I am not sure about their efficacy, however. In any case, I hope they help you!

    By all means, get to Seattle and go to the better place and to your family's dr. I travel to Boston to go to Dana. It is your life so it is worth it ;)

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Root Canals, I am the queen of root canals! Seriously, every tooth in my mouth! Tell me more!

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Ginger: The documentary was called "Beautiful Truth" I believe. It was good but I was playing an online game and watching it at the same time. I have to watch again for the root canal info and I know they spoke at length about mercury fillings. My father had me get all of those out of my mouth by the time I was 20, though. I know in my teens I had most likely 4 of those mercury fillings if (fast-failing) memory serves!!

    You know, depending on what a person's religion is, some believe that our "questions" get answered "in the end." Well, I hope I find out how the heck I caught bc!! People laugh when I say "I caught a little bc!!"

  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    Just dropping in to say hello. I am doing well. Had my last gyne checkup and although I don't have the results yet--Doc said everything "looked" good. I have been busy with family and work. Hockey season is upon us again so we are at the arena probably 5 out of 7 nights. What we do for these kids!! I was in Denmark again last week and also took the opportunity to visit my Grandmother in England--as she is approaching her 100th birthday.

    My MIL has been taken off all palliative chemo and treatment--they have indicated that it is quality of life over quantity. Although, we all knew this day would come--it has been hard for my husband and his family as they are all so close. The Doctor doesn't know how long she may have but basically we have to enjoy the time we have. The boys are very close to her so the next few months may be difficult. We are making sure to see them all the time--the boys talk to her each morning and night (they have since they were toddlers). Damn cancer.