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August 2010...anyone starting chemo besides me?!



  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Ginger: that is some boulder!  Well, unless I go off the coast of Canada and fish the tuna out myself, I don't know!  We don't know where the tuna has been either but, with those extreme variables in mind, tuna has been tagged and studies for migration research.  I don't know if the man at the seafood store is lying to me, or his seller lied to him/her, or the seller's seller lied to him/her infinity but I do know that Canadian tuna migrate as far as Greenland and have been know to go to the Gulf of Mexico.   Generally speaking, however, a PacRim tuna would most likely never be caught off the E Coast of the US.  I also know from going to Fulton's in NY, most of what is sold on this coast is caught on this coast, as it is just cheaper.  More to this point, if I am buying from a local fish shop, they are not a big contender in world commodities markets so their stuff is invariably relatively local.   As a consumer without a fishing pole, all I can do is try.  Also by drive further I meant 20 minutes further, not like I traveled to New Hampshire to buy what I thought was Canadian tuna!

  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413


  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Lizzy look behind and to the left of the boulder. LOL 

    I thought you meant canned tuna, my question sounds so lame given you are buying fresh tuna!   I don't know my way around fresh fish at all. 

    Adey, Shrek indeed.   

    Love Ginger

    EDIT There is a huge bear behind the boulder. I realize it is hard to see if you don't tilt your screen, it was taken quickly on Mothers day as the bear was moving along.   Sorry not to be clear. 


  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    Ginger--now I took another look at the pic! Didn't realize it was a I am staring at a boulder :)

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Lizzy there is a bear behind the boulder! A big huge black bear. 

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    What a comedy of errors!!!!

    I was wondering why Ginger would post a picture of a boulder and then briefly reflected that perhaps you live close to like Ranier, for instance, and boulders were rolling off the mountain!  I remember wondering why that rather short boulder was casting such a long shadow!! Upon closer inspection I now see teeth!! 

    Adey commented about it looking Shrek like!

    Also in CT we have had meteorites going through the roof in homes from the usually innocuous meteor showers.  I was also hoping that was not anything to do with a meteor shower, still thinking you were showing me a boulder!

    Finally, on the tuna!!!!!!  You thought I was driving to buy Canadian canned tuna!!!!!!!!  That is hysterical! Very funny! In fact, I laughed out loud when I saw that!

    Angelina Jolie: her body is her business and I have so much respect for the strength and courage she had to muster to make such a decision.  Christina Applegate and I have something in common, though, and that is we both like what we have now better!  I hope Angelina likes what she has now better as well! I just don't understand why more high-profile women are not getting flaps.  I mean they can do them on wicked thin women, like our own Sptmm for example!!  They probably had to get body fat from someone else and never told her!

    Well, girls, my hunt for non-PacRim tuna continues! Ginger, you will love this: I spoke to a friend about that fish market today and she said he probably lied!!!!  She said he cannot be trusted!!   I am so aggravated! Now tomorrow I will travel even farther for decent tuna steaks! Soon I will retire to the bucolic woods of Maine where I shall fish for my dinner!  Full circle, ladies!  I went from going fishing with my father as a small child, with my Fisher Price pole and plastic red, green and blue fish to perhaps fishing for my own dinner soon! Good times, girls!!!!!!

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Yeah, you saw the BEAR!  The bear was the biggest I have seen here. They are just passing through looking for food.

    I can see the Cascades to the East, Mt Ranier to the South, The Olympics to the West and Mount Baker to the North.  No boulders rolling onto this property but some huge ones sure got left here an iceage or so ago. 

     Are the fish on our side of the country a danger to us. I haven't paid much attention to that. 

    For sewing get a used European machine. I like Viking myself. Dealers usually offer some sort of lessons for machines bought in their stores. Major brands require the dealers to do so. I hope you have a lot of fun, there are all sorts of on-line resources now. Home decor can be really satisfying. My Dd has been teaching herself quilting. I have just been getting back into sewing due to DGD who is 2 2/3 now. Craftsy is an online place for sewers. There are probably others.  

    There is a thread on here with sewers, some very accomplished some beginners cheering one another on. 

    Hugs Ginger

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    Ginger - I see the bear!  

  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    OMG I see the bear! Ginger I can't believe that was out your window!!! My mom and my aunts all quilt.  They make every baby a quilt and everyone who gets married gets one.  Then of course they each have made ones for their own children and grandchildren.  My daughter is learning to work with them.  My kids and I love our homemade quilts.  In fact the older ones are on their third quilts at this point but they still have the very first one! 

    Lizzie, I too thought maybe Ginger was by some mountains and she was showing us a boulder that "fell" into her back yard...LoL!  Silly us!  Ha....never thought about the alien body fat theory...interesting...My son was actually in the operating room so I could ask him if there were any "donors" in there..LOL.  But as much weight as I have lost, I still have some fat cells hanging out and like most women they are comfortably residing between my waist and my knees, especially the hips and thighs, so I think I had enough for my little B cups all on my own! to see the Missassauga boys in action on the ice in the playoffs, unfortunately like your Leafs they got knocked out in the first round.  Kieran and I got tickets to game 6 though, it was GREAT!  I wish they would have won, but I was glad that we got to be there for the last game.  The whole crowd stayed put after the game and cheered and chanted, it was really nice! 

    Hi Omaz, Adey, Tex!!

    Every going okay here.  Saturday will be three years since the doctor gave me the news that turned my world upside down, but when all is said and done as funny as this sounds I think that was a very positive turning point in my life.  I don't think I would be where I am now without that day, so its all okay.  The journey was a little rough, but I like where I am at now. 

    Hope everyone is doing well!


  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    Hey Debbi!

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good day, warriors!

    Hope everyone is well!

    Sptmm: good to hear from you, girl!  I believe you are being modest and clearly they were not able to harvest "b's" off of your svelt figure!  Nice try!!!!!  I agree with you in some ways as there has been an upside to this entire bc experience.  I met you and all the other ladies here for starters!

    Speaking of the ladies here, I still wonder about Wherria.  I wonder how she is.

    Felisa: did you get to the doctor yet?!  Get moving, girl!

    Ginger: thanks for the info on sewing machines.  My friend said get a Viking used also.  I am looking around.  I just hate to invest too much until I know that I will be doing it more.  I think I will, though, because I actually want to make clothes that I may sell online.  I am no fashionista but I have a few ideas..!

    On the fish, I made my trek to the fish store I thought *might* have Atlantic tuna.  He said Atlantic tuna is monopolized by a handful of fishermen who then sell only to shoreline smaller shops and the price is crazy.  I thought he is crazy but in any case, he started talking about Hiroshima and nuclear waste in the waters and how it takes 100s of years for it to work its way out of the ocean etc...  I explained I was not talking 50 years ago, but rather 2, and the waste that got into the ocean from that event was enormous and in its arguably purest state.  Bottom line is, and though I am definitely not a proponent of farmed fish (and tuna cannot be farmed anyway), I would move to farmed items if I were you.  Salmon is enormously a farmed product now.  You might lack omegas but at least, in this case, with farmed fish you can somewhat count on the caliber of water in which is was bred.  All things to consider, Ginger and for people like me who are getting a little "crazy" about this matter, at some point Atlantic meets Pacific and that is a fact so I am not sure there is much protection or a definitive answer.  The tsunami that hit Japan was an awful natural disaster and I hate to, with my "avoid the PacRim fish" nonsense, even in a small way, add insult to injury.  All of us understand once you have cancer though, you do have a heightened sense of awareness about such matters.

    Tex: I hope you get back here in June after you move to your new house!!!!  I miss you and though we text, I miss your stories, hearing about your kids and hearing about how you are doing!!  MISS YOU!!!!!!

    Have a good weekend, girls!

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    Hello everyone! I sure have missed you guys!

    No real new news on me. ALthough i disscused being put onto Kadcyla (tdm1) with my dr today. Having scnas next week in order to get a base line... other than that just living live bein a mommy!

    Sorry if my comments are old but i am doing 2 pages of reading and catching up here.

    Lizzy- I agree physical thearpy is tortureous! I hated every minute of it, but am thankful it is over and worked!

    Ginger- I am so sorry for your loss of your friend Melissa- there is a communication breakdown between dispatch (when you call 911) and the officers. Ask any police officer and they will say vital information sometimes isnt given to the officers in a timely manner and  after reading the newspaper article and also your story made me see that this seemed to have been a perfect storm of events to create this senseless death. I am not familiar with Silver alerts, but you would think that officers would be. On more than one occation my husband has had the ability (meaning justifiable cause) to use "deadly force" yet he uses his other skill set as a martial artist to take down the bad guy without killing them. ANd do you know what his fellow officers say "Man you should have just killed the guy" Serousily that is the mindset on a large majority of police officers. Look at Ruby Ridge and Waco, both instances will tell you that they "shoot first and ask questions later" It is a terrible thing for her cousin to have put the officers on the defensive by making it seem as though she was armed to the teeth and out to kill. But keep her life in your memories and not her death. Once again I am truly sorry for your loss. I will keep you and all those that she touched in my payers!

    Ginger- Whoop whoop on the good mammo! Painting class sounds fun. Sounds to me like you're ready to reenage in life again! Baby steps woman, baby steps. When people say when you fall off the horse you need to get right back on they really mean, start off with a pony! ;) Cant wait to read about the sleep study results. I feel like I am reading a book and can skip to the end but I wont. I will read in order!

    Rachel- Remind me again where you traveled to?

    Lizzy- You listed the top 5 cancer hospitals, what is the top ten? I have googled and not all sites have the same list...

    Debbi- thanks for your post I now know that the frozen 4 has something to do with hockey LOL i was puzzled for a minute!

    Felis- How are you doing? It is always wonderful to read your posts! Your endurance is always inspiring to me!

    Boston tragedy- I also watched in horror as this case has unfolded. It is a stark reminder that it is the intent behind a person and not the weapon they carry. I actually just read an article in the Saturday Evening Post at my oncologists office that detailed a teacher that had befriended a studen who had confided in her that her group of friends were going to pull off a school shooting that was going to be "bigger and better than columbine" A lot of people are out there that are missing the compassion gene.

    Lizzy- you said "seeminging well adjusted" sociopaths can wear many masks and have us all fooled. What makes me the sickest is listening to the news go on and on about the surviving brother's FB fanpage- what the heck! why even mention that at all. Do not give these sorts of people the attention they crave.

    Rachel- Indian as middle eastern? I loved that episode of the Office where Mindy took Michael to some Indian function. cant recall if it was a wedding or not. Speaking of the office I am sad to see it go off the air, but there are still re-runs!

    Sue- what is typical weather in Iowa like??? Hows the treadmill working out?

    Lizzy- 26 years is a wonderful amout of time to get out of a cancer dx! I love dr's humor!

    rachel- whoop whoop on good teast results!

    sue- we also have a weird cold front move it where i had to dig out the long sleeved things and jackets. 

    felis- i bet you look adorable with your short hair. Sometimes i miss mine being so short (like when i am getting hair out of the drain!)

    rachel- that ostomy video was pretty cool. We now live in a day and age where we dont keep everything in the dark. before it was like sweep everything under the rug, dont talk about it and it doesnt exist. which for people having whatever it is that isnt talked about it makes them feel ashamed, outr of place and different. I like that she went to the streets and SHARED! wow chrones disease at 8! thanks for sharing!!!!

    ginger- i miss my slugs! SO funny, as a child maybe 6 or so i would try to have pets slugs and my sisters told on my when i kissed one. My mother absoultly forbade me to pick them up anymore. now that i think of it i dont think i have seen one slug in Texas ever... hmm got me thinking maybe they dried out here LOL

    I think you'll do well with your DGD- at 2 1/2 they are very mobile and can climb where needed. My son was 2 1/2 when i got DX'd and at that time (right befroe the dx) i wasnt able to pick him up at all because of the cancer that had spread- so i can vouche- IT IS MANAGABLE! (caps were intentional :P) 

    Oh yeah "real" art supplies can be spendy. Buy a crayola set when you're just goofing around and experimenting. I loved water color painting! i bought my 7 yr old a painting knife set (plastic of course) but i want to show her a few things :)

    Omaz- GASP YOU KILLED MY POOR SLUGS! j/k my mom put salt on them too. :( the only bugs i kill are roaches, mosquitoes and flies, lice, fleas and ticks. All others are free to be (preferably outside) LOL you should have seen me to day freaking out over a jumping spider in my daughters room. Spiders will eat most of my listed bugs so i let them live LOL

    Lizzy- Why was your neighbor burning copper? ANd i agree it is very pretty when it burns. I have seen people use a blow torch to creat works of art on copper... I will be praying for Mike in Maine and all the people in your  old neioghborhood that might be fighting a dx of this crazy disease!

    I felt like that after the gulf coast thing. they were trying to say gulf coast shrip are safe. Um how long was the BP piple line POURING into the gulf???? No i will stick with the other stuff!

    Ginger- That rock reminded me of this rock we played on for hours on end. We would play "king of the mountain" hide behind it in hide and go seek, just lounge on it. I buried my beloved cat behind it. I was sad when i went home to visit and it was gone! I did see the bear right off the bat, but got transfixed on the boulder when you mentioned it was 3 feet tall! Pretty bear! Sorta scary it being that close though!

    Lizzy- I got a chuckle out of your tuna explanation. Its true we can never know 100% where our food is from and if it is even what its being sold as (hear about the "chicken" in china turning out to be rat???) but at least it eases our minds some when we ask and get a sounds good answer!

    Ginger I got an even bigger chuckle out of the fact you thought she was buying canned tuna... 

    I really did miss you ladies!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Lizzy good luck with your hunt!

    Debbi- Hey back! I just do not have the patrience to work with a machine. I hand sew and really dont care if my lines are 100% even! LOL my husband bought me a sewing machine proably a singer or something and i could never get that darned thing to work correctly- something with the bobin or whatever that other side of the string is on the underneasth. I realize i sound like a loon lol! I WAS JUSTTHINKING THAT TOO- WE ARE ALL APPROCHING OUR 3 YEAR MARK....

    makes me wonder where the heck everyone one went!


  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    Tex!  My mom killed the slugs with the salt, that was back when I was a kid and we lived in the NW - out here in the desert we don't have any slugs.  We have nice tarantulas though.  DD and I have been watching one that has a hole near the driveway.  It is about 2 inches across and there is a messy web covering the opening lightly.  At night I have a red light flashlight and we check to see the spider.  He/she is usually sitting there just under the web waiting for something tasty.  Cool!

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    My son wants a pet tarantula, once our move is complete we will be getting one.

    We're pretty petless right now (at least for us) We only have a chinchilla.

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    Do people have allergies to chinchillas?  I would LOVE to have a pet but I am allergic to just about every pet animal - chincillas are cute! 

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good day, warriors!

    I hope everyone is doing well!  I was coming back from New Hampshire today and was heading through Mass when the rain got so bad I could not see anything at all.  As I was trying to pull off to the side of the road the "emergency broadcast system" alarm came on the radio and announced a tornado alert in Western MA and northern CT! I was a wreck!

    Iowa: I hope you do not have anyone affected or family in Oklahoma.  I cannot believe how horrendous that tornado was.  So awful and scary.  BTW, I looked up tornado stats and the US, no surprise, is #1 for tornadoes.  Here is the scary part: Canada is #2 at about 100 per year, second to our **1200** per year!  That is insane! BTW, I don't automatically think everyone in the Midwest is related and I know Iowa is some 8 hours from OK but you are representing on this thread for the whole of the Midwest!!

    Felisa: did you go to the doctor yet?!

    Tex: you are baaaaaaaaaack!!!!!!  I missed you!!!!  I am so glad you are back.  I hope those kids are not going to water the computer anymore! Perhaps more pets are definitely in order!  So good to hear from you!  I killed a centipede a few weeks ago and I realized human beings like to kill bugs that run fast! Normally I don't kill anything but you really can't manage a centipede! 

    Omaz: nice tarantulas?!  Sounds fun!

    Rachel: I totally forgot to tell you I dated a man from India and his cousin got married. The weddings go on for like 1 week and it was a lot of fun!  We went to 2 days of it, and though we did not stay the entire day, I got a good idea and I love, love, love Indian music!  I like club music and some of the Indian club music/techno/freestyle/rap is incendiary!   I love it!  The wedding was a lot of fun and he was a very handsome man.  Alas he was getting a little too serious for me!  I hope you had fun!  Let us know how it was.  Hope your MIL is holding steady.

    I don't know if it is because I have been so busy during previous times in my life or what but it seems to me that these weather cycles are coming much more severe and faster than ever.  I could be imagining things but our country has had 7 EF5/F5 hurricanes in the past 3 years.  Aside from tornadoes, the blizzard and all these other storms we have been getting.  Seems kind of crazy but like I said, it could be me and I used to be just too busy to notice.  From 96-08 there were 7-EF5/F5 but that was across a span of 12 years.  Something is going on here!  Spooky!

    Happy trails, ladies!

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Tex: on the neighbor burning copper, he put an addition on his house and had some leftover.  A friend of his had told him about how copper burns in a cool shade of blue so he wanted to show me.  Jimmy Kimmel also had the scientist on and he burned a few different metals, along with copper, and it made a pretty rainbow!  I was teasing my neighbor about how all we needed was some "Pink Floyd" and we to get the bonfire going high with those cool colors and it would be like the laser light shows they used to hold at a planetarium in West Hartford when we were much, much younger!!

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Texas! Welcome back! 

    You are not going to believe this but I had a pet tarantula in Haiti. He ate lizards. He grew so big that my friend who had been catching the lizards decided he could do the work on his own.  What? You thought I was catching the lizards? LOL

    I have some photos and will ask my DH how to get them on here for you.  

    You know the Slugs up here are big enough to be pets, maybe. Somehow that crosses over the good pet line.   

    I still have this rotten cough, last day of antib's today. 

    Laters all Ginger

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    Yes i am back for the mean time. Interesting fact- when i was in middle school i was obsessed with pink floyd's album the wall LOL i would play my cd (well it was 2 cds) on repeat the entire night, my parents are deaf so they had no clue.

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good day, warriors!

    Tex: how can you get any pudding if you don't eat your meat?!?!?  My father was the best!  He worked all week and then on Friday night would chaueffer me and my friends around to rollerskating, the movies and all the other stuff we wanted to do!  I don't know how he had the energy to do it except that "love of your children" gives you that energy.  In any case, he would, on occassion, drive us to the Gengras Planetarium in West Hartford for the "Pink Floyd" laser light show!!!!  It was the best.  They did it with other bands but Floyd was the best one!  I saw a Floyd laser light show at the Boston Museum of Science (great, great, great museum if you ever get the kids to the Northeast).  My mother took my friend and I to that one. It was a really fun day.  My best friend from like 8-14 y/o (before she got a very long-term boyfriend) lived with her single mother.  My father treated her like one of the family and my mother, although my parents were divorced by this time, did the same and when my mom took me on the weekends and we went to RI to the beaches or up to Boston or the Cape, she regularly planned to bring Alison with us.  Same with my dad.  I loved that my parents were really good to my friends! In any case, with 2 older brothers and an older sister, the classic rock roots ran deep for me and this is where my much older siblings fostered my interest in groups like Pink Floyd!  Zeppelin, The Doors, Skynyrd, Meatloaf, Deep Purple, Steve Miller and to that I tacked on Metallica, Guns, Motley Crue and Jay Z!  Yes, Jay Z!!!  I went to a number of concerts as a kid also not the least of which was Guns, Aerosmith in New Haven, NYC and Jones Beach (the best!), Van Halen (I was 15 and David Lee Roth was still w/them) but the absolute standouts were Pavarotti (MSG), Bocelli (Hartford), the Stones (Hartford) and Billy Joel and Elton John (MSG).  I had fun!!!!!!

    Ginger: If the squirrels were friendlier, I would make pets out of them as well as the groundhogs, chipmunks and most everything else!  I used to be crazy about spiders but now I put them outside or ignore them.  Tarantualas and!  THose are the 2 that I don't think I would ever have as pets and if I had to choose, I would take the Tarantuala!

  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    Tex--so glad to hear from, you are good catching up with so much!

    I will try to post a picture of my friends wedding--it was so beautiful--very extravagant--$$$$. It was over about a week but I only went to two days of it--one the ceremony and the other the party.

    My MIL is doing well. The Doc said she is stable and she is on a break from chemo for about 4 weeks so she is very happy. My Father-in-law took a tumble down the stairs to the subway on Sunday night--he is pretty banged up but was very lucky that there was nothing more serious. He went down about 30 stairs.

    My son's confirmation is this coming Sunday so big day of church and family. My youngest son actually won a contest at a big sports retailer and will spend the day with the Toronto Maple Leafs (thankfully they were horrible in the playoffs so 5 of them will be there). He is a massive fan...Debbi will appreciate the hockey craziness. That is on Saturday and he will get to skate with them, take some sort of nutrition class with the trainer and get lots of swag. We seriously NEVER win anything and I actually forgot that I entered him. 

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good day, warriors!

    Hope everyone is doing well.  It is freezing in CT!  It was 27 this morning and is not in the 40s.  Not happy!

    Rachel: your son must be crazy with anticipation over spending the day with the Maple Leafs!!!  That is so amazing and he must be berserk with joy!!  Speaking of winning, recently I won a $100 AMEX gift card which was stunning b/c I pretty much don’t ever win anything!  In any case, when I went to pick it up the woman there, when I told her it was so anomalous as I never win, sat me down and told me a story about how she has seen things like this in the past and it very well could be an auspicious omen portending of things to come!  Hopefully that applies to you as well, Rachel! If nothing else, she was convincing!  Sort of the Carnegie trick of giving a reputation to live up to!  Yes, I might be a bit more hopeful now!

    That is a great pic of the wedding!  The one I went to was in NYC and they had the equivalent of mammoth King and Queen-ish chairs!  The wife was like 90 lbs and the husband maybe a buck 10!! They could have each fit about 40 other people in those chairs with them!  It reminded me of “It’s a Small World” at Disney! Glad you had a good time.  Also great news about your MIL!  You all should have a wonderful day tomorrow and I am glad she is healthy enough to attend your son’s confirmation. 

    Has anyone seen the commercial with the actor from “Body of Evidence” where she is on a loudspeaker announcing how many cancer patients cannot afford to stay near hospitals where they need to get txs.  What she is asking is for us to text some code so the ACS can get $10.  I am really so disgusted with this.  First off, not a single one of us ever received *anything* in the form of any assistance from the ACS.  They are impervious paper-pushers desirous of simply using these actors as a means to emotionally nickel-and-dime for these nominal, and seemingly innocuous, donations.  It is so abusive.  My poor friend who was being eaten alive by cancer called the ACS numerous times for help and got *nothing.*  The cancer lodges are great, don’t get me wrong, but intimating this $10 donation is going to go directly to cancer patients to offset costs of hotels is disgusting.  Even when I called them about an issue with someone I knew I was summarily told to call 15 other numbers in search of assistance.   I still think Matt Damon has it right with his work with the “Family Reach Foundation” which gives money for food and utility costs etc.. “directly” to the patients.  Groups like the ACS take advantage of actors busy schedules knowing they won’t investigate what is actually going on with their donations. One moron that I know at one point suggested how cancer patients get “hooked up” by the ACS with money for mortgage payments, utilities etc…  I looked at her like the idiot that she is and explained she could not be more wrong and that no cancer patients are getting *any* direct monetary assistance from the ACS for their daily living expenses.  She said it like “hooked up” meant “lucky!!!”   People are sick!

    Then again I am so ungrateful as I had that wonderful ride-to-recovery with the ACS volunteer who, en route the hospital (where she should have been checked in for psychiatric eval!), reminded me that “cancer is god’s pruning!!!”  I just agreed with her!!  Thanks, ACS!!!!!

    Good times, ladies!

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    Lizzy- It sure does sound like he was the best! We are still mid move and i found a picture of my step dad (the one that passed away last yr) brought me down memory lane. I remember him buying me my own bike, not for any reason just as a surprise. I must have been 15 or so. I was ecstatic! (when i was 13 someone stole my other bike an old school Schwinn) 

    Rachel- Great pic! So cool your son won. (i would like to say I NEVER win things, but i actually have had some wins in those drawing type of things or calling the radio station for things LOL) My niece (the one who lives with me) is amazed that i win LOL I even won tickets to the Tejano music awards one year! that was awesome! Hope your in-laws are soon on the mend!

    My husbands friend just lost someone in a tragic way- His wife's best friend, whom they were visiting up in San Antonio because it was her birthday, got caught in the flash floods this morning. She lost her life. It is scary, people dont take the "turn around, dont drown" warning when it comes to those low crossings. But in her case, she WAS turning around but the current of the water over the bridge (small bridge over a canal) was just much and it swept her away. They mistakenly called my husband but luckily he was able to get some of his family out there to help them. If you've ever visited San Antonio you've no doubt seen the flood markers that sometimes go to ten feet tall- no joke we get a foot of rain and it all rushes to the lower areas and floods, our ground is too dry to absorb it all. Sounds weird but its like a wet string- you can pour water on it and it will travel down the string, but pour water on a dry string and it wont.

    Anyhow its been a terrible day.

    Lizzy- Wow that IS cold!  i cant complain about the temps right now!

    RE ACS- they helped me with a wig, but you're right they will help in the way of directing you to other places that "may" be able to help. I cant think of ANY place that helps cancer patients like that on a wide scale. Just localized places that will help if you live near them. Its sad because so many ppl do not get the treatment they need because they cant afford OTHER bills on top of cancer bills. Do i feel we should all get a pass because of our cancer? No but a leg up once in a while would be nice!

    WOW what a freakin moron! i cant believe she said it in a way that we were "lucky" to have gotten cancer because of all the freebies we must get! Oh please have her tell that to my children when i expire! Their mom was lucky. PPL also make me sick (so reminds me of my crazy sister in law!)

    Ooooh i looked into the Family reach program right now- i looked maybe last yr or so when you first mentioned it- they are EXPANDING! i am so happy for that foundation because they are able to help more and more people! They will have a partner hospital in TX in 2013 sometime.

    Well i gotta get this packing done! I'll check in soon!


  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good day, warriors!

    Still freezing here..!  Tale of 2 friends: one is on the Cape, wearing a parka and another is in Myrtle Beach sunning it up!!!!! What wild weather!

    Tex: I am so sorry to hear about the woman that died in the flash flood.  That is horrible.  I just think it all  happens so fast, our reactions are not trained for such events.  They say the reason so many die in plane crashes is instead of quickly moving through emergency measures, our minds go in a constant loop searching for point of reference.  Of course most people don’t have one and they freeze.  Even when we were young and traveling around the northeast, my mother would always remind me to crack the window just in case.  Bottom line, though, is it all can just happen so fast, people can’t react.   What a terrible loss.   

    As for the ACS, my friend died, having lost her kids to DCF, meanwhile trying desperately to get support from ACS etc..   In fact, I think that struggle led to her spiraling downward.  She was predeceased by her dh (car accident) and so the story was so much more sad w/the kids.  I completely lost all faith and respect for that cash cow, the American Cancer Society.  In my opinion I think they are very much a smoke-in-mirrors operation.  I understand why people give as they feel better after they have done *something* and the ACS knows that; they play on that.  I am just glad Matt Damon, Ming Tsai, Mario Batali, Marc Forgione, Masaharu Morimoto et al started a foundation that works directly with, and gives money directly to, people fighting cancer.  That makes me very happy as cancer and the txs are stressful enough without having to totally sweat the daily living expenses combined with your newfound outrageous cancer expenses.

    That is so nice about your stepdad giving you a bike just for no reason!  What a nice guy!  My dad was a really good guy.  Unfortunately cancer claimed him at 56 years old.  I know you losing your stepdad during your protracted cancer battle was very hard.  Same with me and my mom.  You know, in some way you think those battling cancer would be spared from such catastrophic loss and heartbreak but that is just not the case.

    I hope you are having a nice time packing and getting ready for your move!  Packing is cathartic in that it gives you the opportunity to get rid of a bunch of crap!  I am just so happy for you and glad you are moving into your own home and those kids can have fun out in their own backyard and that everything has fallen into place for you.  This makes me very happ ;)

    I agree totally about our friendships borne on this thread of our mutual struggle = good stuff, indeed!

    Hope you guys are having a nice weekend-

  • felisaragland42
    felisaragland42 Member Posts: 154

    Hi sis, yes i been busy doing bible study and enjoying my family. I went to see my onc he said everything look great i have to be on tamoxifen for five years. Im still having hot flashes like crazy.

  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    Hi Everyone!!

    Tex, so great to hear from you!  The move sounds very exciting, so happy for you to be getting your own house!!!  As for the teenager, you must be doing your job well if she hates you...LOL!  Another thing that is fun with teenagers is to do embarrassing things that drive them nuts....just a little way to get back at them for all the angst they cause you.  Nothing major you know....just something little that drives them nuts.  For instance my son for some reason is mortified if anyone dances in the car.  So every once in a while my daughter and I will start rocking out in the car to a song just to make him nuts.  Like the people in the other cars are really watching us, and if they are we don't know them anyway..LOL!  We tried to explain this to him but he doesn't buy into it.  So, we drive him nuts on occasion, just for fun!  So sad about you husband's friend's wife, I heard about that on the news.  It must be a very scary situation to be in. 

    Lizzy...we had a Pink Floyd laser show too!  I loved going there.  I love planetariums anyway but this particular show was fantastic.  My friends and I must have seen the show 20 times!  You know, its weird to hear you and Tex both talking about a lack of support services for breast cancer patients, and reinforces for me how lucky I am to live here on Long Island with this diagnosis.  I tell people here all the time how lucky we are, because I hear all of you talking and realize that you don't have the services that we do here.  I think I have told you all about the local coalitions that we have here, I would say at least 30 - 40 on the island, spread out geographically.  They help patients with financial issues (and a couple will even pay household bills), wigs, rides, cleaning houses, etc.  They are staffed by knowledgeable volunteers (mostly survivors themselves) who can help you navigate the decisions you need to make and the resources that are available to you, as well as help in dealing with insurance companies, etc.  I am going to be participating June 8 and 9 in a Two Day/35 mile walk to support these local coalitions.  This walk is the main fundraiser for all the local coalitions here on Long Island and in order to participate I have to raise $1,000 (I am almost there, confident that I will make it by next week).  Anyway, all the money that is raised is redistributed to the organizations that participate according to how many walkers and volunteers from their organization that participate.  I am very thankful and excited to have the opportunity to "pay back" the organizations that helped me out when I needed it.  One organization paid my car loan while I was going through treatment and my car was going to be repossessed, what a gift from God that was.  Another organization helped me get some extra surgical bras and camisoles for after my recent BMX, when the insurance company would only pay for one, and I needed to wear it 24/7 (boy I would have smelled if that didn't happen...LOL!).  Anyway, I wish that these organizations existed everywhere in the United States, because they are an invaluable lifeline to BC patients here on Long Island.  Anyway, I have prepared and hopefully am up to the physical task of walking 35 miles and sleeping in a tent overnight (I am actually more afraid of camping out than walking 35 miles...LOL!).  The walk is the LI2Day walk, you can look it up on the web, and get a glimpse into some of the organizations that they fund with the money.  It really is a wonderful organization, all volunteers so 100% of the funds raised are redistributed back to breast cancer patients and survivors here on Long Island.  Research is important, but many organizations fundraise for that, this is nice in that all the money goes straight back to the patients undergoing treatment.  It's sad that there are people out there that have to choose between treatment and paying their bills and I really wish there was some nationwide organization that could help. Cancer Care and American Cancer Society seem to have programs to help cover copays and medication costs, but they forget that you probably aren't working and have everday living expenses that need to be covered too, groceries, gas in the car, etc.  That is certainly a huge gap that exists and needs to be addressed.  

    Ginger:  I hope you are feeling better.  I can't believe you actually had a tarantula as a pet....better you than me!  I see those things on TV and it completely grosses me out.  I am not really a pet person to begin with, but bugs.....triple YUCK!  Speaking of animals, have you seen any bears lately?  Funny thing, we were in Maryland over Memorial Day weekend and I was running early in the morning when I saw a red fox, and I swear it sounded like he was barking at a little dog bark!  I have never seen or heard a fox before and I didn't stick around for long because I figured I was pissing him off so I better get moving...LOL!  Didn't know if maybe he was calling his friends for reinforcements.  I could imagine the headlines...."Jogger attacked by a pack of wild red foxes on rural Maryland road"  LOL.  Yeah, I am not much of a nature person.  It sounds very nice and peaceful where you live though. 

    Rachel- Your son must have thoroughly enjoyed his day with the Maple Leafs!  Kieran got to go to two Islander playoff games and he was thrilled.  He had so much fun.  I went to one with him and I had a great time too, it was so exciting.  That was our first playoff experience and it was great.  Unfortunately both our teams went out earlier, but the boys from Missausauga are just beginning to come together and will lead us up and up from here...this year playoffs, next year Stanley Cup finals...LOL! Glad to hear that your mother in law is stable and that your father in law is okay after his fall.  That is so scary, on top of all his worries he has to cope with a fall. 

    Hi Omaz!  Did you ever find out if Chinchillas are hypoallergenic?  Might need a pet when the kids age out and move out...LOL!  My son is allergic to dogs.  My daughter has a cockapoo, which are supposed to be hypoallergenic, and he only gets symptoms if he plays with him for a long time and gets overexposed to the hair.  But she just got another dog, a coon hound, and he is sooo incredibly allergic to it that he can't even walk into her house anymore without breaking into hives. It's a shame because he used to go over there to hang out all the time, but can't anymore because of the allergy.  I thought of you the other day, my son is 15 and has been talking about his next birthday (September) when he will be old enough for his permit.  Then I was running the other day and saw one of the girls that he has been in school with since kindergarten driving the car with her father...and thought OMG here it comes.  I remembered you with your daughter and her permit, I can only hope the next 4 months goes slowly but I know it won't. 

    Felis- It's great to hear that you are enjoying life again and moving on!

    I hope everyone else is doing well!


  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    Hi Debbi - We got one of these to go on the back of her car from amazon and I thought it was helpful - they are magnetic!  They also have a 'Nervous Parent' one   (c:

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good day, warriors!
    Speaking of warriors, I am in the process of becoming a volunteer with "Wounded Warriors" and I cannot wait!  I can't think of a better way to spend my time.

    Sptmm: DEB!!!!! Yes, I meant to yell ...w/enthusiasm that is!  35 miles!  That is just absolutely wonderful!  You are officialy Wonder Woman!  OMG-speaking of wonder woman, my friend was helping me move something into the basement and at one point all the weight was on me and I yelled "yo, Ton (short for Tony!), you think my fat ass changes in a phone booth?!  I am not freakin' Wonder Woman!!!" he he he!!  Little funnies sponsored by Lizzy!!   In any case, LI strong when it comes to the bc stuff.  My brother calls CT "crap ass Connecticut" and I am starting to think he is very right on many levels!  On the red foxes, they are wicked enigmatic!  They are notorious for hanging around on trails and watching people.  It is anomalous and very characteristic of them. BTW, you are most likely right that it was calling friends.  The red ones are known for that.  It is spooky when they just sit and watch you.  Good that you got out of there! With the complete lack of body fat,they would have been deeply disappointed as they struggled to make a meal out of you!  Good to hear from you!

    Felisa: good to hear from you as well!  I am so glad all is going well and the doc gave you an all-clear!!!!!  Good news, girl!  Keep having fun for yourself but be sure to stop by and let us know how you are!

    Ginger: how are you?  I thought of you with the news in Washington about the bridge collapse. I think it was just outside of Seattle and now I am worried as we have not heard from you.  You are most likely doing something fabulous but I would be happy to hear from you just the same!

    Anyone else watching "The Voice?"  I think the ghosts of enormously talented country music artists are channeling through Danielle Bradbury!  I am becoming a country music very odd!

    Finally, am I the only one that wants to squeeze little Jack from the Toyota commercial?!  It is probably regional but he is ridiculously cute!

    Happy trails, girls!

  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    Debbi--Good luck on your walk...that is amazing. Those organizations that work directly to support those people going through cancer are so invaluable--we have one in Toronto that works to support daycare/finances...all kinds of things. Sometimes those huge charities take all the fanfare but those more local/homegrown charities do so much work.

    My son had his confirmation on the weekend and he presented a book to his Aunt filled with pictures of him/her since he was born...then he did a speech to her...not a dry eye in the house :) Moments like those help me to forget the moments that drive me crazy. Like last week, when he basically tore off one layer of skin off his leg after he attached his skateboard to his friends bike and they went down a hill. Nothing like a 13 year old with a scab from knee to ankle...keep him from picking it and causing a massive infection!

    I am completely overwhelmed at work right now..too much work/too little time so I am taking Friday off as a mental-health day and think that I may just lay in bed all day :)

    I have been horrible trying to watch any shows and stick with them---I do PVR Mad Men and Scandal and can barely keep up with them. I have also been trying to read again--started that new Dan Brown book Inferno but am stuck about 1/4 through. Clearly I have no attention. Lizzie--I started watching Voice when it first started but gave up. 

    Hope everyone has a great week. It is supposed to be super hot here later this week--30 degrees celcius...summer is on its way...too bad it is so muggy and humid.

  • LadyinBama
    LadyinBama Member Posts: 993

    Ladies, I've been thinking of you. Sorry I haven't checked in for so long.

    Ginger: I can't believe that about StillVerticle. I remember her, she was hilarious.

    Lizzy: Do you know about Environmental Working Group, I think it's They have lists of places you can buy all sorts of organic foods, cosmetics that don't have all the chemicals, etc.

    I've been busy with my ovarian cancer stuff. Long story short, I'm heading to Chicago this weekend for the ASCO (Amer.Assn. of Clinical Oncologists) annual meeting. I was accepted as a RAN (Research Advocacy Network) Scholar, which means I'll go to all these meetings, learn all this stuff and bring what I learn back to the community as a patient advocate, and also be able to speak to doctors, med. students, etc., about patient concerns, etc. I'm so excited. I've never been to Chicago, and they are paying the expenses, so double good :)

    Glad everyone seems to be doing well. I  promise I'll check in more often. Can you girls believe that we are still together and all still here after 3 years? Woo hoo!! Oh, the best news of all, I had a check up today, clear scans, good bloodwork. I'm good for another 6 months, at least!!

