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August 2010...anyone starting chemo besides me?!



  • felisaragland42
    felisaragland42 Member Posts: 154

    Hope you get better. i will like to see that spider.

  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    Regina---Congrats...You will be a great ambassador. Glad to hear you are doing so well.

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good day, warriors!

    I hope everyone is well!  It is hot here and I am happy!

    Ginger: thought of you this  morning as Dr. Gupta was on Rachel Ray talking about how eating kale, turkey, ginger and garlic sautéed together is one of the best collective antidotes for migraines and how onions, olives, processed meats and some other items are high in tryremine which is a migraine trigger.  I am sure you know all of this but I wanted to tell you about that turkey, kale, ginger and garlic stir fry.  In any case, thinking of you and hope you are doing well.

    Ladyinbama: good to hear from you!!!!!  I  have missed you!  That is so completely exciting, and fulfilling, having been accepted as a research scholar!  That is wonderful!  I hope you enjoy Chicago this weekend!  That keeps you busy, keeps you on the cutting edge of all things to do with OC and it must be a wonderful feeling to deliver news of research and information back to the community.   That is just great and I am so happy for you!  BTW, I went to a new hairdresser and she had bc twice over the course of 14 years.  She says both husbands left her during her battle, both times!!!!    As far as the entire gender goes, there are far many more losers than non-losers!

    Thanks for the info on Environmental Work Group!  I will look into it.

    Keep us posted on your work as a RAN Scholar!  I could  not be happier for you! Have fun, enjoy and show them what you are made of, girl!

    Rachel: you are raising such nice, thoughtful boys!  Sounds like he will make a great husband some day if he possesses such emotional intuitiveness and such a thoughtful nature at his young age!  Such a beautiful story!  You should be so proud!   Today is your mental health day off and I hope you do spend the day in bed if you so choose!  Hope you are having a good day and you really need to take time for yourself.  I know those are somewhat overused, and seemingly empty, words but the message is the same: care for yourself with downtime as it is very much a key component of your overall health and if you don’t take it, no one will give it to you.  Take the time, rest and don’t feel one bit guilty about it!

    Sptmm: that goes for you, too!  Take some time for yourself once in a while and study the fine art of relaxation!  Also, on dogs, you can get a Pomeranian as they have “hair” and not fur.  It is the fur dander that is a problem for most that are allergic.  There are a few other “hair” dogs.  Check into it.   Also, yesterday I met a bc survivor recently who was asking me about my *humongo* breasts and I explained.  In any case she felt she would be too thin to get a flap!  I explained about you and how I think she will be just fine!   She was very small by nature but people are so ludicrous to think they don’t have enough fat to rebuild what will be super small boobs!!!  I explained they were able to harvest a few pounds off your lean ass so I am sure she would be ok!!!!

    Felisa: YouTube “jumping spider” and you will see some entertaining videos!  Those spiders can be pretty big and a little too scary for me!

    I hope you guys have a great weekend.  I feel like I am forgetting something…will post later!

    Happy trails-

  • texasrose361
    texasrose361 Member Posts: 895

    Hey all had a wonderful weekend at our new place, then had to come back here. Kids have one more week of school LOL

    SO my nosy neighbors heard us "yelling" on thur night (really we were loading up our cars to head out and we were in different rooms sorta loudly talking saying "dont for get your this or that") and we took both our cars, and dropped DHs patrol car off at the car place for a tune up and its funny cuz instead of asking us they went to the land lord and told her my husband must have been fired because we were yelling at one another then we packed up and left- as if we were abandoning the apt and breaking our lease or something. 

    too funny- but i am here just packin and cleaning lol

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Tex: that is insane!  I can't believe they thought he lost his job and you guys were taking off!  He is a cop!  Those neighbors watch way too much tv!  I am so glad you had a nice weekend at your new house!  Keep focusing on what is ahead as that place is very much a part of your history now ;)

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Tex, yeah new house!   

    I have been a mess I pulled the muscles on the right side of my back. My DGD had waited to long to get to the potty and wetted onto the floor. She is 2 3/4 and was mortified and crying. Without thinking I just picked her 32 pounds straight up onto the toilet. I felt my back go and I have been paying for it ever since. It really hurts and I am peeing myself when I cough and I am coughing because I have been trying not to cough or breathe deeply.  

    DGD is fine and DD feels terrible because she had bought her a new step stool for the big toilet but hadnt brought it over yet. I baby sit from 3:30 to 6:30 every day. 

    My poor husband has really been taking care of everything. He is just at his wits end. His Father died last week and he returned from Chicago last Saturday. He was there for a week and was present when his dad died. He is the oldest.  Now DD is in CHicago with her DH and DD to see the relatives. We have her big black lab. SO DH is taking care of Me, three dogs and two cats. He is exhausted and just as he was walking out the door to work one of the big dogs pooped on the hall floor, as he was cleaning it up someone, not me,  peed on the front hall floor. The air was blue with his frustration.

    My back really hurts so much that I can't just jump up and help. I am using a tens unit and ibuprophen and it just isnt mind over matter. 

    Vent over my friends. Love Ginger

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good evening, warriors!

    I hope you all are doing well!  I miss you guys!

    Ginger: I feel so bad that in an attempt to console your crying dgd you pulled your back.  Think about how hard it must be to be a child and not able to get up onto a toilet, know you have to go, trying to do something about it and failing miserably.  That has got to be so difficult on her, I don’t blame you for reaching down to get her.  I am sure you have a spare stool at your house now.  I hope your back feels better by now.  Sorry to hear about your dh’s dad.  I  know that is a lot of animals to take care of but I am sorry, it also sounds wonderful!  I love animals!  Before bc I was working 10 hours per day and in the Wall St days I easily worked 12+ hour days so I just felt that one cat is enough.  If things work out and through some changes I am able to find a way to be home more, I will be getting a dog soon.  I saw a Shepherd today that was just beautiful!  I love them.  In any case, although your dh has to clean up after all these animals while you are laid up, you can make it up to him!  Make him a nice dinner and a great bottle of wine and simply say “thank you!”  That should do the trick!

    I read the strangest thing this recently: the President of MSK does **not** eat sugar.  Also it was noted that a famous Harvard researcher, who is also credited with discovering P13 kinase, does not eat sugar.  Now the book stopped short of saying they are not eating sugar because they feel there is a connection to cancer but it was definitely implied.  This thinking does nothing to explain why the likes of Jane Fonda, Martina Navratalova, Lance Armstrong and 100s of other athletes and fitness freaks end up with cancer.

    On this note, recently someone made a comment how there is a 7-11 attached to a cancer hospital in Alabama.  He went on to say that it is set up like that so that everyone can go and get their candy bars and soda and then go get treated for their cancer.  Of course there is no 7-11 attached to any hospital in Alabama but this person was entertaining himself at the expense of those afflicted with this disease of which little is known about.   I don’t drink soda but I did not want to interrupt this Mensa candidates wildly inaccurate and cruel deductions with something as perverse as FACTS!  Oh no, not scary facts!  Again, all those athletes, vegans and fitness freaks getting cancer...

    Do you all ever wish your ears could block stuff?!

    Finally everyone must watch Deon Cole on TBS!   Funny, funny stuff but I think he drinks soda so you better tune in quick b/c obviously his days are super numbered!

    Carry on, girls!

  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    Hi everyone--Hope you are all well. Things are good here. I was sick last week with some freak flu for a couple of days--had temps over 40celcius and ended up at the Doc. They found nothing and fast forward a couple of days--all is good. So I have no idea what it was but hopefully it has passed. We are counting down to the end of school. My oldest finishes Grade 8 and heading to high school...can't believe it. He is actually going away to camp for most of July--first will be weird just us and my youngest son.

    My sister gets married in a couple of weeks--I am her MOH. She is my oldest sister--never got married but has been with her soon-to-be husband forever--my niece is 24 so it will be a nice day. Lots of family coming from England so it will be a big bash! Then the following week--we leave for our end of school trip to Punta Cana--cannot wait :) The weather is hit-and-miss here right now so the beach and hot temps are calling!

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Hello my lovely warriors!!!

    You all must be waging war as this place is like a ghost town!

    Hope everyone is doing well! 

    We are coming up on the ***3*** year anniversary for this thread!!!   This is very exciting!  I hope you all take some time to post an update in August to commemorate our 3 year anniversary. Truly is it a milestone especially b/c we battle this baffling disease.

    I have been busier as of late. I do have a biopsy coming up in in a few weeks.  In the words of the very entertaining radiologist, "I don't know what the heck that is!!!!"  I was even looking on the screen and wondering myself just what "it" is.  It has gotten larger and changed shape since the last ultrasound so it is time to draw some cells out!  Effin' cancer!

    Speaking of comprehensive cancer care, my new onc told me there are "fixers" for hot flashes and she prescribed something for me.  The flashes continue to plague me something awful.  I am going to try it for a few weeks and will post my findings and the name of the pill!

    Rachel: I hope you are doing well, enjoying your MOH duties and getting ready to slather on some sunscreen when you visit the equator!  I hope all is well with your MIL also. 

    Sptmm: how was the Revlon?  Have you sold your vehicle as you do nothing but run nowadays?!  I am envisioning you going on a "Forest" kind of sneaker-sponsored trek cross country!  I will get my sneakers ready, girl!

    Ginger: hope you are doing well!  Thinking of you.

    Tex: just so you all know, she is moving and is also camping this weekend!  I am so happy for her!!!

    Well, the weather could not be better here and I am so grateful for summer.   I hope you all are healthy, happy and having a BLAST!!!

    Miss you all ;)

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Today was Seattles annual naked bicycling day. The TV coverage was limited to the head, shoulders and knee, ankle regions of the participants. They appeared to be nicely painted and decorated. 

    Lizzie where is this mystery interloper located. I am of course worried for you.

    Me, I went to the ER last Saturday night and would up with a lung test that injects contrast, my lungs showed no blood clots and also no mets. WHew, labored breathing is apparently a sign of clots.  I now have an inhaler and that helps keeps the coughing spasms away.   I am starting to feel a bit better.  My back still hurts on the right side and has settled more into the waist area.  I am using a tens unit and ibuprophen to calm that down. 

    For hot flashes I use Effexor or venlaflene the generic. It works reaaly well. I take 150 mg because I use it for depression as well. 150 mg is the lowest level of efficacy for depression. I dont know if lower would work on hot flashes.   

    I have been on tamoxofen for a few months now and dont think I am getting side effects at all like on the others. I hope this keeps up and it works well for me. 

    Texas, happy camping and happy new house. 

    Everybody else, please do check in. I miss you.   

    Yesterday it was daylight here for 15 hours and 59 minutes!!!!!! 

    Love Ginger

  • sweeney
    sweeney Member Posts: 311

    Hi ladies....three years! Whoa. It does and doesn't seem like that long ago. I hope each of you are fulling enjoying good health and fun summer plans and lots of time with family and friends.

    Life here is good. I had some tests on a pain in my shoulder but all turned out ok. I still get very scared/freaked out over these random scans. Someday maybe that will fade.

    Anyway, just wanted to pop in and say hello. You guys were my lifeline during treatment and beyond, and you're never very far from my thoughts. I still send up prayers that we'll all enjoy good health for many many years to come.:)

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Ginger: my friend who lives in the city lives only a few doors down from a very popular body painting establishment!  It has a viewing area!  I love it.  Sounds like a great, and artistic, biking event! 

    As for the lump, it is in the breast where the cancer was before but, having said that, they are not "convinced" it is cancer but they are also not "convinced" it is not cancer thus the biopsy.  Well, it is the 3 year mark and after all, post dx every bump has to be investigated!  We all know this.  It could be a seroma etc... or if you are a fan of "My Big Fat Greek Wedding," this "babopsy" could reveal the teeth and hair of my twin that was never born!!!  I will keep you posted just the same. 

    Sweeney: good to hear from you!

    Omaz: how are you?

    Ladyinbama: how was Chicago?! 

    Nice weather alas I am studying!!! Good day, girls-

  • IowaSue45
    IowaSue45 Member Posts: 422

    Hi Ladies I have missed being here. It gets warm and I get busy : ) good in most ways I guess. I did have my 3 year canniversary June 18th. I will stop back again soon promise . I want to post a few photos of what has now been keeping me busy lol My new dog Doc 3 year old blk lab. 

  • IowaSue45
    IowaSue45 Member Posts: 422

    Happy 4th of July ladies!!! I hope everyone enjoys a 4 day weekend, I know I will.

    Here is a picture of one more thing that has kept me busy planning. I put on a poker ride June 15th to raise money for a local patient needs fund at the cancer center. It was the 2nd annual ride and I named it Hope On 2 Wheels. Didn't have as many riders as we would have due to the dam weather. A wicked storm went through about an hour before the ride started. We did have 22 bikes show up. Here is one of the pics. from the ride.

  • felisaragland42
    felisaragland42 Member Posts: 154

    so sorry to hear this. thats what im afraid of. i will be praying for you

  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    Just wanted to drop in and say hello. We were away in the Dominican Republic on vacation until yesterday--so now am trying to get back into reality--back to work tomorrow. Kids are off on summer holidays. My oldest is heading away to camp in a couple of weeks. 

    My upcoming oncologist appointment was pushed back to September due to some timing issues with my mammo. I have an upcoming reg doc appt as my thyroid still doesn't seem to want to work--lucky me!

    My MIL is not doing well. This current chemo that she is one is really taking its toll on her body. She has many open sores now and they have her on an antibiotic that she carries around in a waist pocket with a pump (like a chemo). Doc is feeling like all chemos are starting to cause more harm than good. The family has an appointment with her oncologist this week. My MIL has fought this for more than 5 years--3 as stage 4. We have our fingers crossed.

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Hello my lovely warriors!!!

    Happy belated birthday to the US and Canada!!!!!! 

    Hope everyone is having a nice summer!!  Things have definitely gotten busier for me! 

    Iowa: love that dog!!!!!!!!  So cute!!!!!!!!   It is pretty good that you got some bikes out  there, though.  It is never as many as we would like but it works nonetheless!  I did a fundraiser for a woman who has bc and her dd has cancer also.  I spent January and February accumulating all sorts of stuff that was donated and getting it all together, journaled in etc… and after all that work, we made just over $8000 but honestly, I wish it was more.  That was a lot of work but it was like an extended Christmas when all those packages were showing up in Jan and Feb, though!  I liked that part.  Bottom line is you with the biking event and me with my involvement with the silent auction, our hearts are in the right place!!!

    Glad you are having good times for yourself there, woman!

    Felisa: good to hear from you!  Hope you are having a good summer as I told you would be your post-chemo and rads gift ;)

    Rachel:  I love the DR!!!  I have been twice.  It is a fun and easy trip from the Northeast.  With this heat we have now, I only want to go north!   A friend just bought a house way upstate NY and actually his aunt’s farm is on the St. Lawrence.  In any case, will be going to see him in September with another stop in Cooperstown---Baseball Hall of Fame!!!

    Sorry to hear about your MIL.  Recently I was at Dana Farber and there was a line of us waiting to pay for parking.  Out of nowhere I suddenly just said “crap ass cancer” and everyone started to laugh!  It is kind of quiet where we go to pay for the parking ticket and I have no clue why I spoke my thought but I did!  About Dana, though, it is a great hospital.  Even the parking garage is wicked clean!  Speaking of the parking garage, a friend was over not too long ago and she said she saw a ghost in this house as we were sitting in the dining room. My friend is terribly religious and does not subscribe to “ghost” sighting notions so it was odd and it kind of shook her a bit.  I figured it was my mother or the woman who used to live here who also died of cancer.  In fact, when I was first moving in it was late one night and I was just checking around and dropping off a few things and out of nowhere, crystal clear I heard “excuse me” from the mouth of a woman that was absolutely appalled I was in her house!!!  I don’t hear ghosts etc… but that was one freaky situation and as this is a quiet neighborhood and it was quiet in this house, I knew what I heard!  I explained she would have to accept that she had died and that I preferred she not talk to me anymore!! In any case you are probably wondering ‘where is Lizzy going with all of this?!’  I saw a ghost in the Dana Farber garage!   I know it sounds crazy but I did!  Then again perhaps it is the heat!!!!!!   Back to your MIL, I am glad the family is having an appointment with the onc.  She needs you all to be there for her.  I look at the kids and all of use at DF and my heart breaks. 

    About a month ago I was there and it was pouring out.  There was a mother and father putting a little yellow slicker on their daughter and she was only about 6 or 7.  She had that little bald head and I was parked, waiting at the light, watching them get her ready to walk out to the cab. I started crying and thankfully b/c of the rain, they could not see me.  One thing about Dana is we see the kids.  I see them in general areas like the parking/valet payment area, patient relations, the lobbies etc…  and it breaks my heart.  At Yale we never really saw the kids as they have their own wing but at Dana I am glad I see the kids, even though it is also sad, and I hope that we, the adults, give them hope even in a small way.  You just want to hug them and take it all away from them though.  It is tough and I have to fight to make sure I don’t tear up when I see them.  It is not easy.  So, in long my point is: CRAP ASS CANCER and I wish you all the best with your MIL.

    How are the boys?  Did you skip Punta Cana for the DR?  Did they like vacation? 

    Best of luck with your mammo and appointment.  May you get the “all clear!”

    Omaz: I saw some wild pics of a hail storm in AZ from July 3!  It really looked like snow had accumulated.  Perhaps you don’t even know what I am talking about!!!  

    I am sitting here watching the Yankees and have no idea how they are playing this game in 100+ heat and w/the humidity it feels like 115+.   I know this sounds so idyllic but I seriously like it about 88 and dry during the day and 65-68 at night, dry and cool!  In CT we are lucky we get 2 days like that each summer!  However, *anything* is better than that blizzard!!!!!!  Ah, the joys of 4 seasons!

    I hope everyone is doing well!  We are coming up on our 3 year for this thread = amazing!  We are all still here-YAY!!

    Happy trails, ladies-

  • felisaragland42
    felisaragland42 Member Posts: 154

    my surgeon found a mass in my right breast i go monday for a mam and an ultasound, yes im afraid

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Felisa: don't worry and just relax. Worrying is counterproductive and for all you know it could be a seroma or any of a multitude of benign things. Take it easy and be sure to let us know what happens. I am here for you and lets just take it one step at a time ;)

    I will be sending positive vibes your way so just relax and wait for more information. It fould be completely harmless necrosis. Relax ;)

  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    Felis--sorry to hear that you are going through this worry. I know that I have had a couple of "scares" but all was good in the end. I don't think the worry ever goes away but it does get a little easier.

    Hope everyone else is doing well. It is boiling hot here--same as I hear in the US. The heat is unbearable..hard to do anything when it is so hot. Thank God for AC :) Nothing exciting on this son heads away for his first sleepaway camp for 2 weeks--I think we will miss him more than he will miss us. Will be weird for us and his younger brother. It seems that every weekend we are busy visiting or hosting.

    I come and check here pretty often and don't see any updates so I am guessing everyone is busy living their life--which is good :)


  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997


    Felisa you take real good care of yourself you hear! That is what my grandma would have told you and what I am tellin you right now.  I am sending you hugs that will bring you comfort while you wait for your tests. We are here for you. 

    Love Ginger

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    Hi Felisa - I hope everything is ok.  Hugs to you.

  • felisaragland42
    felisaragland42 Member Posts: 154

    sorry to hear that. do u have asthma and anxiety attacks, i have both

    also my right breast shows no cancer. they got to do the left one after i see my radiologist

  • felisaragland42
    felisaragland42 Member Posts: 154

    i dont have cancer but i got to get the left one tested

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Felis: Great news!!!  Eventually you will get less scared every time they want to investigate a new bump!  Now relax and enjoy!

  • sptmm62
    sptmm62 Member Posts: 527

    Hi Everyone!  Finally got a moment to come by and say "Hi".  I am doing well, nothing new and interesting really.  I finally "graduated" as most of you probably have also to visits with my oncologist every FOUR months, so I actually have the entire month of July and most of August without ANY doctor appointments....feel like I am making progress!  I am training for my first half marathon in October, which will unfortunately signal an abrupt restriction in my running career as I have been diagnosed with arthritis in my right hip and knee.  Doctor says I really need to stop running, so I told him I would after accomplishing my goal of running a half marathon.  He wasn't too happy but, oh well I get kind of stubborn when I set a goal for myself and I just have to follow through.  Looking forward though to accomplishing that goal and moving on, at least I can still go to the gym. 

    I was reading a lot today about a Dr. Mark Hyman and Functional Medicine.  Basically addressing all sorts of health issues through diets and eliminating food allergies.  He has done a lot of research into inflammation and autoimmune disorders and their connection to our diet.  Has anyone else heard of him, and if he is legit?  Obviously I would love to address the arthritis in a nutritional manner and if I could improve it through diet that would enable me to perhaps still run a bit. I also was diagnosed with alopecia areata a couple of months ago (autoimmune disease which caused me to start going bald again, large bald spots all over my head luckily not really visible to people).  Apparently there is no cure for this, although it has calmed down significantly.  Anyway, I would love to try to improve a little through diet but I really am afraid of those "cleanses".  Any advice?

    I am glad to hear everyone is doing well.  I imagine Tex is probably settling into her new house and all the packing/unpacking has been keeping her busy.  I hope everyone is loving life and enjoying all those precious moments with their friends and family.

    Love you all,


  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Hello, my lovely warriors! 

    I hope you are all having a wonderful summer!

    Sptmm: good to hear from you!  I am glad to hear you are doing so well and I expected nothing less!  Run the ½ marathon!  You have the rest of your life to cater to the nuances and incapacitations of crappy arthritis.  Also, if you want to run a few days a week, take an anti-inflammatory.   They help you do what you want when your joints want to give you a big “no!”   Of course, you can’t do that all the time but it is very, very, very difficult to give up running and not to mention the highly addictive “runner’s high.”   You are going to taper yourself and it is going to take time.  You never get the same pump or feeling of exhileration and/or sense of accomplishment that one gets from running, put power walking is a very close second, much, much better for your joints and still an excellent cardiovascular workout.   Eventually, Deb, we are all relegated to power walking!  Go to Amazon and just type in the search field "reversing arthritis through nutrition" or "reversing arthritis." Read all the book reviews and see if there is anything there that makes sense.  Also, if you go right below the purchase area to the very small fields of "used" and "new," buying a book for .01 and paying shipping is just fine and you get the same exact book except it is used!  It is a very inexpensive way to check out a few titles you might be interested in.  Here is a "livestrong" link also:

    You know. last night on ABC Evening News there were warnings about consuming fruits and veg from other countries.  They said nearly 60% of our fruit comes from other countries and 20% of our vegetables.  Of course, every "fix your body" diet says eat as much fruits and veg as possible!  Well that is sure to open Pandora's box of other afflictions!  

    As for allergens and eliminating them through diet, I have a dear old friend who swears by a drink: The Dr. Jarvis honey and vinegar drink.   She swears it cures tons of allergy issues and a host of other ailments.  Apparently you have to use “local” honey to get the natural immunity against pollens and allergies.  I am sure you have a place on the Island to get local honey but, if not, I will email you the place I use in Mass.  I am still doing the Dr. Oz drink every day, 8ozs.  Now I never had allergies but this year I did not even sneeze all that much during that incredibly high pollen season we had.  That Dr. Oz drink is something special!  It is a bit of a pain washing all the components each time I use the juicer but it is worth it.   If you do the Dr. Oz drink in the morning and the Jarvis drink at night, I think you might notice a big difference.   

    I have never heard of Dr. Hyman but if he sounds like he is making sense, listen!   As for cleanses, I did a 5 day one I purchased on Amazon.  No eating for 5 days but it does give the system a much needed rest. Well, I did not totally fast as I had my green drink each morning!  I will look up the name of it for you if you would like.   You are correct about autoimmune issues because I all but guarantee, with absolutely no cancer history in my family (sans father’s lung cancer but was all but definitely caused by cigarettes), that my bc was caused by my pre-existing Hashimoto’s.   All but guaranteed and there are many, many studies about thyroid issues being the culprit in development of bc.  Autoimmune health is very important.

    Email me if you need the info on the place in Mass to buy local honey.   Also, for some extra immunity kick, I add about 3-4 inches of ginger root to my Oz drink. Finally recently I read that people in outlying areas in China, if they suspect they have cancer, pretty much stop eating entirely.   The thinking is if you don’t put anything in, cancer will not have gas for it’s ruinous machine!   Clearly you can’t eat “nothing” for too long but they go for as long as they can and then have 1 or 2 beans and start fasting again.  Cancer is very clearly the most universally terrifying thing on earth.

    Well, girls, our 3 year anniversary was July 10 for this thread!!   I loosely consider it August 1 as we all pretty much had gotten together by then.  What I am going to do is post all throughout the month of August positive developments in cancer research and care that have taken place in the last 3 years!  Give us all something to celebrate!

    My dear sisters in this battle, I am so very grateful that we are all still here.   So very grateful ;)

  • IowaSue45
    IowaSue45 Member Posts: 422

    Good evening chemo sistas, summer is going by way to fast. Makes me a little sad. But I am excited for a few days off from the 6 children I take care. Hubby and I are riding the Harley's to Sturgis, another check off the old bucket list. I have logged on 12,000 miles since I have gotten my own. Should be fun Ill post a few pictures when I get back.  Yay for 3 year past the start of chemo!! Celebrate everyday ladies!!

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Good day, warriors!

    ONE POSITIVE DEVELOPMENT in the detection of breast cancer that is currently being worked on (taken from 

    A number of research centres around the world are looking into the possibility of developing a reliable blood test for breast cancer.

    In the UK trials are underway on a test developed at Nottingham University that could detect breast cancer up to four years earlier than a mammogram.

    The test detects subtle changes in proteins in the blood that happen when the immune system begins to fight cancer.

    It's hoped that it will lead to cancers being picked up much earlier, making treatment options more effective.

    Well, glad someone is working on this one!  No more pancakes!  Actually, it seems incomprehensible this has not been established yet.  Alas, there is hope!


    Iowa: keep riding, sister!  Hope you have a wonderful time at Sturgis, checking off items on that bucket list! 

    Happy trails, girls!

  • rachel5738
    rachel5738 Member Posts: 658

    Hope everyone is having a great summer. I cannot believe that it is already the middle of August and all the "back-to-school" advertisements are out. This summer seemed to have rushed by--we have had a good busy summer with my sisters wedding, punta cana and we were in Boston last week for a road trip with the kids. Loved the city--it was the first time that we were ever there--loads of history which we all loved.

    I cannot believe it is over 3 years since my breast cancer diagnosis and surgery. It was around this time 3 years ago that I started chemo (eeek). I have my checkups in the next couple of weeks--my scans next week. So...fingers crossed for an all clear as I am liking being on the other side of cancer. I am enjoying this part much more!

    Sending love and hugs and hoping that everyone is having a wonderful summer.