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2010 Sisters



  • shells43
    shells43 Member Posts: 499

    Oops, sorry Sherry and Panmars, was skimming the posts too quickly and did not go back to check.

    MJB - how exciting about the marching! My son did 4 years in band, plays trombone. Ended up majoring in music in college. Marching was really great for him and we loved it. We did plenty of stints in the concession as well. Good times. Take it easy though and don't overdo it. It gets really hot in there.

    AmyJo, thanks for the advice. My appointment went well. All of my bloodwork was fine and all I had to complain about was achy feet and chapped lips, so I didn't ask for the scan. I wimped out. I felt good too before I found my lump, so I sort of know what you mean. It's amazing how our bodies can keep going even when it is under assault.

    Have a great long weekend everyone! :P

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858

    Prayin for my Texas safe.

    The weekend is over where is everyone??????

  • annettek
    annettek Member Posts: 1,160

    right here Granny- getting ready for my boob plumping tomorrow- amazing...gonna suck the fat out and stick it in my boobs to smooth em out....

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,262

    annettek - keep us posted on that - I am curious about it and think I will also need it after exchange.  I have a bony chest and right now some serious divots below my clavicle.  Good luck!

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858
    will be in your pocket Annette....WEATHER PERMITTING!!!!!!
  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    Annette I'll be in your pocket in the morning.  I am also interested in this as sometimes they do it after diep to smooth out and i"ll be having that in the spring.

  • annettek
    annettek Member Posts: 1,160

    c'mon there is room for everybody  but I will most likely be sleeping as I cannot seem to tonight (this morning now)....get a few winks and then awake:) the ps was hoping there would be more fat as he isn't touching the area where the hernia and muscle split is on my belly but hopefully there will be enough to do whatever he is wanting to achieve. I will post a just before shot and then the results on the pic forum as usual. I can't wait to getting back to eating right again and dump this 10 pounds I put on for this to happen. Maybe I might snarf a few more forbiddens tomorrow after I am out of surgery but I am actually looking forward to going back to how I was eating before he told me to bulk up. I never would have thought that to be the case in a million years. Who knew?

    Special K- I am the queen of the BONY chest and an enormous rib cage( i have often said when I lay down I look like I have two sets of boobs!) I don't have any divots but my PS is doing this to smooth out some ripples (have some on the left inner boob) and general overlay through the cleavage area, No great amounts from what I think and won't make a whit a difference to my bony chest or ribcage-those are just parts of my body that have always been that way. We'll see- i am not unhappy where I am at this point- it is all good.Anything more from tomorrow will be a bonus in my eyes...:)

    Sherry- I have heard that too about DIEP and I guess they see after the procedure if you need it or not.

    night all:) Thanks for all being so damn wonderful:)

  • shells43
    shells43 Member Posts: 499

    Wow, good luck Annette! I hope everything goes well and turns out how you want it to.You are very brave!  Hope you got a few winks.

  • Panmars
    Panmars Member Posts: 166

    Well, my ooph is tomorrow. Starting to get a little nervous, but I will be glad to get rid of my cystic ovaries. I just hate surgery. It's only been 9 months since my lumpectomy, and I wasn't planning on having to have more surgery quite this soon, but here I am. It should be a simple procedure, and  hopefully I will have a quick recovery. I will be glad when tomorrow is over. 

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858

    Good luck Panmars tomorrow.sending you prayers...

    thinking and praying for you ((((((((ANNETTE))))))))

    huggggggggs and God bless K

  • torigirl
    torigirl Member Posts: 748

    Good luck Panmars!  I'll be sending some good vibes and prayers your way for a quick procedure and speedy recovery!

    God bless,


  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    Good Luck Panmars I'll be praying for you.

  • walker2222
    walker2222 Member Posts: 442

    Panmars - hope all is well today, prays to you.

    Well my concession duty last Friday went fine.  They need someone to do dipping dots, lemon chills and cotton candy on the concourse, so I volunteered for that.  Was fine for most of the night as there was a breeze, warmish but still air, but about 9:00 I starting getting the funny feeling and had to be releived.  They were great checking up on me but it hit me all at once.

    Today I am celibrating my first post cancer birthday.  Last year did not consider it because I was still going through chemo.  So today I am officially one again and here is to 48 more years.Well today I am celibrating my first post cancer birthday.  Last year did not consider it because I was still going through chemo.  So today I am officially one again and here is to 48 more years.

  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262

    {{{{{{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}}}} to Pammars and annettek. Hope everything went well for you today.

    I had my Doppler done today and everything was great.  No clots or blockages of any kind so that was all good news.  I show there was good blood flow to my feet and ankles, I am very ticklish so there was a lot of laughing and giggling.  They said I held the record for the most giggles.

    Tomorrow Chrissy arrives here in Raleigh, NC!!!!  I am so excited, I can hardly wait until it is time to pick her up.  Just have to get through the MRI tomorrow morning then I will pick her up in the early evening.  I think we will go to Red Robin (Yummmm) for dinner after she gets here.  I have not been there in a long time.  I know they do not have Red Robins in Aus. so it should be a treat for Chrissy too. 

  • Panmars
    Panmars Member Posts: 166

    Home from my ooph. It went well, but I have more pain than I anticipated. I felt well enough to eat dinner, and am watching a movie now. I hope I can get some sleep tonight, but I'm pretty uncomfortable, even with pain meds on board. Thanks for all the well wishes. Everyones support makes things better. {{{HUGS}}} to all of you.

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    Panmars--Glad you are on the other side.  Take the pain meds and try to relax and get some sleep

  • cat54
    cat54 Member Posts: 71

       HELLO ladies, hope all our 2010 sisters are doing OK just skimmed to see how all of you are doing.... am approaching my one year mark on sept. 13...and went for my first hair appt... just cut my hair again because after chemo it grew in so tight curls and gray  the hair dresser said it was tooo short to straighten , and the color did not take... she did try but we both decided to just cut it back again and hope the new growth comes in straighter....I no this is vanity stuff but I really would like to get out of this wig for good and the curls are just not back in the wig again, but much cooler with the hair cut... the gift of BC keeps coming...send you all my hugs tonight and best wishes...CATH:>

  • torigirl
    torigirl Member Posts: 748
    Hey 2010 sisters,I started another thread today called, " The most ENCOURAGING things said to you during your journey".  I thought we needed to hear some good things and I hope you can all stop by and check it out and add some words of your own.Thanks!Tori 
  • Panmars
    Panmars Member Posts: 166

    Man, had no idea recovery from an ooph would be this hard. Granted, it's only been 4 days, but it still hurts pretty good, and the looks like I caught a cannonball with my crotch. Really ugly. Haven't had a bowel movement since Thursday morning, the day of my surgery. That's not helping. Taking Miralax now, try to get it moving. Yeah, this kinda sucks. But at least it's behind me. Hope everyone had a good weekend! 

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    Panmars sorry you are hurting so bad and the BM thing is not helping.  Hope that gets moving soon.  Hang in there.

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858

    Sending you warm blessings Panmars.Feel betta NOW!!!!

    .Annette-----prayin thing are A OK...

    AMYJO---nice to hear good news

    huggggs to all my sistas.God bless K

  • annettek
    annettek Member Posts: 1,160

    AmyJo- yeah! for the good news

    Panmars....ouch! Sending healing wishes so you get all mo bettah good NOW.

    Iam hanging in here Granny- this last surgery surprised me by kicking my ass but i actually think it was so rough more as a cumulative thing. I will heal. already am. just hate feeling like a cry baby over something as lame as lipo for fat grafting to smooth out boobs...but crap it hurt and knocked me on my now flabby ass:)

    We are a strong bunch of women in here and we;ll just keep on moving forward:))

  • Panmars
    Panmars Member Posts: 166

    Ouch back at ya, annettek! I bet it hurt a lot. And that feeling like a crybaby over something like this? I'm right there with you. I look at my bruised, battered belly and cry every night, wondering why I am crying over a simple surgery. This whole BC thing, it is cumulative, and sometimes I feel pushed to the limit of my ability to cope with it. But cope we do, because we are strong. All of us. Hang in there. {{{HUGS}}}

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    Annette and Panmars sending you both (((((((((((((((((((((((HUGS))))))))))))))))))

  • walker2222
    walker2222 Member Posts: 442

    Hugs to all my friends going through pain right now.

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858

    ((((((((((((((((((HUGGGGGGGGGGGGGS))))))))))))))) sistas.been worried about both of you.

    Its behind you now.....LET THE HEALING BEGIN.....

    God bless K

  • Faithroad
    Faithroad Member Posts: 165

    Hugs to all of you recovering from surgeries. Hope you heal quickly.  But just take it easy for as long as you need to.

     I had four surgeries in 9 months and the last one was the one that really wiped me out.  I think they do have an accumulative affect. 

    love and hugs to you all!

  • annettek
    annettek Member Posts: 1,160

    thanks for the good feelings folks:) I am so done with surgeries....ACK...but am on the mend and hope the same for the rest of you....i gotta heal up to celebrate my double nickel birthday this Sunday....slobbiest virgo that ever lived...but the key word is LIVE:) We all have that to celebrate:) I love you all:)

  • Panmars
    Panmars Member Posts: 166
    I too am feeling better today. Healing well. Saw my rheumatologist yesterday, and he's keeping me on 5mg of pred once a day for my joint pain and swelling ( from the tami ) for a few months yet. Here's the thing....both he and my OB/GYN said they would like to see me switched from tami to raloxifene now. The OB said it does not have the uterine cancer SE ( still have the uterus ) and the rheumatologist says it does not have the joint pain SE. I called my MO, and am waiting for a call back, but I was under the impression that raloxifene was used to prevent BC in high risk post menopausal women, not as a treatment once you had BC. Am I wrong? I'm confused. The tami has been hard on me, and would like an alternative, but I also want the drug that will be most effective for me. So while I wait for a call back from my MO, any insight from any of you wonderful ladies?
  • tashalobo
    tashalobo Member Posts: 2

    Please hang In there .I know this post is a year old,but I am about to start your journey..."..scared ...will do port also my veins are not the best. I still do not know what kind of chemotherapy I will be having. I have an appointment Sept 26 2011 at Fox Chase in pa. Just had lumpectomy and syn node removed for test...came back good cancer didn't spread . I am very frightened about what lies ahead . Also I still have breast pain and extreme tenderness ........hoping this will subside soon before they start poking at me again. I would appreciate any info about treatments that anyone had and what to expect. I have stage 1 DCI