You know youre a cancer patient when....
.... You are looking for a mini pill sorter to carry your mid-day pills in your cute little purse. You might be sick but you still want to dress nice.
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Hah! You can do it PJ!
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Was just sitting on the patio with my sister who is here from Louisiana and she had her phone in her lap. It started to buzz because of incoming text message. I told her her twat was vibrating, she said that might not be good, I said I wish mine would do something besides pink and stee,(stink and pee) chemo brain.
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when you have a collection of pill organizers
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When you realize your face has become a blank slate upon which to apply makeup. You also discover that said blank slate takes much longer to apply makeup to.
My age spots are all disappering. Nice.
0 - have to keep one finger nail, preferably an index finger, at least half an inch long so that you can 'scoop' out the med of the hour from amongst all the other daily meds.
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When the fuzzy hair that is coming in on your face is longer and darker than the hair on your head. This hair is extending down my cheeks sort of like long fuzzy sideburns---YUK!
This is so not fair. Anyone know if you can shave the fuzz off and it not come back. I really do not want it to come back longer and darker like a man's beard. Thanks for any info!!!!!
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YKYACPW----During a trip to the local Drugstore you are buying Desitin and someone ask if you have a new grandchild and your answer is "No, it is for my underarm!" and they look at you sort of weird and wander off. My Rad Onc recommended that I use Desitin or FLANDER'S BUTTOCKS OINTMENT SO I AM TRYING TO DECIDE IF HE THINKS MY UNDERARM SMELLS LIKE OR LOOKS LIKE A BUTT OR SUGGESTING I MAY NEED DEPENDS. Maybe this can be my new deodorant. HA-HA
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Ginza, shaving does not make hair grow or darken an anyone ever. Hair is dead. SHaving may make your skin smoother though.
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gin2ca, like many others, I had fuzz growing like sideburns and I shaved it off. I was posting on the hair hair hair thread at the time and several ladies were doing the same. Check out that thread.
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when u don't remember if you took your Rx (antibiotic) and it was just 5 minutes ago!!!!
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when you want to JUMP FOR JOY because you FINISHED CHEMO TODAY!!! Woo Hoo!!!
16 rounds, 20 weeks - done! I still have rads and a hyst/ooph, but I feel like I've reached a milestone!
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When you get nervous about any medical appt.
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WOOOO HOOOOOOOO kittycat. Congratulations on getting thru chemo!!!!
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Celebration kittycat!!!!!!!
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way to go KittyCat.
When the gift of chemo keeps on giving. I had an allegic reaction to Cipro before my surgery Monday. They think all my wierd reactions have been cause by chemo changing something in my blood. Great.
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Congratulations Kittycat!
KittyDog, allergies are caused by the response of you immune system to a substance that it decides doesn't belong, so it's not surprising that your immune system went nuts after being messed up by the chemo.
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YKYACPW... you are happy to find out your throid biopsy is a cancer, a new primary (papillary) and NOT BC mets
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Ah crap o2b!! That's a bitch. I have papillary carcinoma in my breast. It's known as a slow growing cancer....
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Good to hear that Barb! I am just starting my 'research' on this new primary. I am strangly not scared this time, maybe a little pissed off, but not scared. Now I need to figure out how to tell my kids...
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Hurray for KittyKat! I am 3 weeks behind you and probably looking at and ooph also.
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You're peeved that now that your hair has grown back you have to take 20 minutes in the morning again to style it instead of just slapping on a wig.
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you are happy to see orange and black instead of pink
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While working on one of your patients at work she knocks your wig off and then wants to try it on. She has alopecia and liked the style. I told her to give me her phone number and she could have it when my hair finishes growing back in. It is a sad day when your wig looks better than your real hair ever did. HA-HA!!!!!
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KittyKat: Happy dance!!!
O2b: That sucks. Hang in there.
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Too funny gin2ca!!
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O2B, Oh, crap. You sound like you have a great positive attitude. I think the worst thing was telling my kids I had cancer...I feel your pain. Good luck.
Kitty, YYYAAAHHHOOOOOOOOO. congrats. The rads are a walk in the park. Just a pain in the ass.
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YKYACPW-you have EXACTLY the same hair as that young pitcher for the Giants. Wow, that's kick in the head. Wonder what products he uses?
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...when you can put your coffee cup in the microwave for a warm-up and then surprise yourself when you open the microwave to put something else in and find your coffee there a few minutes later!
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Congrats Kitty Cat!!!!