You know youre a cancer patient when....
I was like... WTH, where did it go, my hands empty... then it plopped on the floor and I burst out laughing. (c:
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I use liquid soap, but I can sure feel the indent when I run the wash cloth over it. Hello Grand Canyon!!!
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YKYACP when you realize that having to wear a specific color of scrubs to work is the easiest decision you have with chemo brain. Royal blue scrubs, yep, I'm dressed. Now, what to cover my bald head? Scarf, or scrub cap?
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...when you love your new short hair SO MUCH and you never would've cut it on your own
...when you learn first-hand how physically HOT you get from hot flashes & night sweats
...when your nighttime hot flashes are so intense DH actually rolls AWAY from you in bed
...when DH knows why and says nothing when you have the outside (winter) air venting in
...when you wonder whether to keep & store or donate your electric blanket to Goodwill
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when it's 40 degrees outside and you've still got a floor fan AND a ceiling fan on in the bedroom. Glad my DH is hot natured.
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Hey, LadyinBama, a hot natured DH is what so many hope for!
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Alas, I'm no longer "hot natured" thanks to chemopause.
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Thanks! Been wondering what the heck DH was since I don't have one (at least I don't think I do???)
LOVE THIS THREAD! Anybody know Jeff Foxworthy? We did use his line........sortof
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When you have to pull out an old id card to show your friends and coworkers what you looked like with hair after being bald for 2+ years.
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When 2 years after your hair and eyelashes, etc. fell out, you still have thinning eyelashes and eyebrows every three months or so. Everybody is always losing eyelashes and eyebrow hairs, but randomly. When they all fall out at the same time, they are all on the same growth cycle and it takes a long time for it to randomize again so that you don't notice when they get thin.
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when you have to work hard to ignore your backbrain awfullizing about the latest blood test. After all, it really could be cancer.
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...when you bite your tongue when listening to someone bitch and moan about some minor ache or pain ... the same aches and pains you used to bitch about ... but now have way more perspective about the threshold you can withstand. book, I hope you reach a point where your first thought about a blood test is that it probably is NOT cancer
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When you get the term "backbrain awfullizing"
Thanks everyone for the congrats on finishing chemo! It's nice to not have it EVERY WEEK!
When you wonder when your short stubby eyelashes that started to grow in will become the long beautiful lashes you once had!
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YKYACPW your have two fans facing you at night! Your new favorite thing is 40 degrees temperatures outside, you cheer because when you have Hot flashes instead of WISHING you could crawl into the freezer I JUST GO OUTSIDE ON THE PORCH! LOL
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You know you are having a bad day when even your wig is having a bad hair day. That actually happened to me last Friday. My wig was crazy messed up all day but Saturday was fine!!! Did not know your mood could effect even your wig.
Looking forward to having a -------Real bad hair day again!!!!!
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YKYACPW-You just want to slap any girl who is whining about her "bad hair day". Anyone with a head of hair just doesn't get it. There are NO bad hair days! Now bad wig days are another story Gin!!
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YKYACP when you have 10,000 posts to BCO!
gamer friends ~ not naming names, might forget someone, you know who you are...
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YAY Badger!!!!!! You go girl!
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10,000 posts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
got a bit of catching up to do...
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Hooray for Badger! WTG, girl!
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YKYACPW..please remind me what the initials stand for...I know you posted some time, but I don't think I saw it..
No bad hair days here....just days I don't like how my hair looks!!!! I decided when I was bald that I would never have bad hair days!!! its hair!!
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YKYACPW - You know you're a cancer patient when
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I hope each and everyone has a wonderful holiday......
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When you take more time in the dressing room at Target brushing out your wig than you do trying on clothes - yes, I get bad hair wig days - had one today!
when you make bets with your onco on how long your hair will be in 4-5 months. It's already almost an inch long (yes I measured it).
when you get an email from a coworker asking if you left your car keys at work next to the fax machine. I must have grabbed both sets of keys that day. HELLO CHEMO BRAIN!
when you can talk to your bc friends for hours about husbands, hot flashes, cancer, etc...
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Oh.. and when you see pictures of yourself and realize how much better you looked with eyelashes. Ughh... they are growing in sooooo slowly!!!
when your feet & legs swell up so bad that your Ugg boots leave an indent in your calf. And your onco prescribes water pills to reduce your swelling (add another drug to the list)!!!
0 -'re lying on the Cat Scan plank for 30mins and your body hurts so bad that you're afraid you might embarass yourself by crying.................but you manage (without bleating) to sit in one position for two hours when holding a (previously) grumpy, now sleeping grandchild, so that his parents can have a break.
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Aw Sheila, I find my new grandsons fall asleep as soon as they get in my arms too! I wonder if it's that we're calmer....or we hold them a certain way....or they just know not to piss us off.
I was worried about the lack of bosom for them to cuddle on, but my DD said I'd be closer to them!
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Aw Barbe, sweet thought from DD, I guess they are closer to the heart without the boobs in the way.