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You know youre a cancer patient when....



  • lmc1970
    lmc1970 Member Posts: 73
    edited December 2010

    ykyacpw you know more about breast cancer than your docs! I presented with the symptoms of IBC last year and my doc had never heard of it!

  • kittycat
    kittycat Member Posts: 1,155
    edited December 2010

    When you get confused at the grocery store and come home with 2 things of cookie dough, chocolate chips to make cookies and Chips Ahoy.  Do you think I had a craving for cookies or what???  Funny thing is that I didn't bring anything home to make dinner.  So my DH had pizza rolls and beer.  LOL!!!

    When you see the irony in seeing the Elizabeth Edwards story on the news, while you're waiting to go back for radiation.  Breast cancer sucks big time!!! 

  • allalone
    allalone Member Posts: 195
    edited January 2011

    lmc1970, like LadyinBama said, best to give him a break and let it go - PCPs really can't be expected to know every disease - but if it was your BC doc I'd start running girl!!

    gin2ca, your mom reached 84 with BC? That's fantastic news - especially in view of Elizabeth Edwards' death at 61

    kittycat, I bet your DH loved the pizza rolls and beer for dinner! Hmm, wait on, why are you fixing HIM dinner?

  • micheleboots
    micheleboots Member Posts: 885
    edited December 2010

    Kitty, beer and pizza rolles sound like a gourmet meal to rock...At least you fed him.

  • micheleboots
    micheleboots Member Posts: 885
    edited December 2010

    HELLO, is anyone out there.......Hello.

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited December 2010

    LOL!  Hi Michele

    YKYACP when the waves of hot-flash heat coming off your body overpower the defroster and you fog up the glass on your side of the car. 

  • lmc1970
    lmc1970 Member Posts: 73
    edited December 2010

    Funny allalone-my BC docs fought over whether it was the end the head surgeon and I agreed it was an infection caused by cancer in the lymph nodes so I got to keep my breast :o)

  • AStorm
    AStorm Member Posts: 1,393
    edited December 2010

    ykyacp when you are still forgetting to pick up one of the kids in the carpool... consistently- oops -- and the kids in the back seat have started yelling "TURN!!" when you approach the intersection.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605
    edited December 2010

    Astorm the funny thing is that the kids probably think you're just playing a game with them! My kids never understood that I was serious when I didn't know how to make Mario jump instead of duck! hehehehehehe

  • AStorm
    AStorm Member Posts: 1,393
    edited December 2010

    sometimes I tell them I'm taking a shortcut but they've caught on to that because everytime I take the "shortcut" we get to school just as the final bell is ringing and they have to run to class.

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited December 2010

    YKYACP when Bobby Flay challenges two ladies in Maine to a 'Whoopie Pie' Throwdown and it reminds you of your BCO sister NativeMainer so you log in to say hello!  {{hugs}}

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605
    edited December 2010

    OMG what is that thing and is it full of whipped creaM??????? YUM!!!!!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited December 2010

    That is probably a pumpkin Whoopie Pie.  REAL Whoopie Pies have whoopie pie filling, NOT whipped cream!  I have a family recipe for whoopie pies that is the absolute best in the state--and everyone in my family says so! 

    If I'm really pressed for time and energy, I cheat and make a Whoopie Pie Cake: 

    Oh, my, I may just have to go one a backing binge this afternoon!  

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605
    edited December 2010

    So what is the filling? Cream cheese and whipped cream?

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,907
    edited December 2010

    The filling is made by cooking milk and flour until it's thick, then beating that into shortening and sugar, with a little vanilla, until light and fluffy.  The beating part takes about half and hour. It's the consistency of stiff whipped cream, but doesn't 'melt' and make the chocolate cake part soggy.  

  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600
    edited December 2010

    Watched them being made on Throwdown last night.  Cream cheese, granulated maple sugar, maple syrup, and I think a little ginger.  Not sure about whipped cream but I think so.  The cake was pumpkin.

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited August 2013

    Yep it's pumpkin whoopie pie.  But the chocolate ones look soooo goooood!!

    I missed part of the show so didn't catch the filling recipe.  But didn't he have a jar of marshmallow fluff too?  (that conjures memories of a childhood sandwich, the Fluffernutter, with marshmallow fluff and peanut butter yummy!)

    Happy Sunday all, this sure put me in the mood to bake!

  • lvtwoqlt
    lvtwoqlt Member Posts: 765
    edited December 2010

    Boy that pumpkin one looks good, anything with pumpkin is good. I made some pumpkin cinnamon struesel bread yesterday that was good and will be taking it to the 'Christmas recipe swap' at Mondays Arm-n-Arm meeting. 


  • KittyDog
    KittyDog Member Posts: 656
    edited December 2010
  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605
    edited December 2010

    My DH makes a Maple Walnut Pumpkin Cheese Cake that is to DIE for!!!

  • littletower
    littletower Member Posts: 44
    edited December 2010

    YKYACPW-you get reallllly excited about the fact that you to buy a blow drier, because it mean you finally have enough hair to need one! Whoo-hooo!

  • AnacortesGirl
    AnacortesGirl Member Posts: 119
    edited December 2010

    I just had to try it yesterday - I put on my bra with the forms backwards to see how it would look to have boobs on my back.  It wasn't the effect I wanted because they hung down to the middle and just made look like I had weird growths.  I was hoping it would look eerie -- that my head was on backwards!  Oh well.  I guess it just feels like my head is on backwards when I can't remember stuff.

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited December 2010

    LOL Christy!  I started having trouble remembering things 10 years ago.  Thank goodness for Oprah.  She did a show on peri-menopause that normalized it for me.  One doc said how we lose our ability to remember things, especially nouns, as we enter peri-meno.  So when I couldn't remember the names of things I didn't freak out.  But general anesthesia and chemo didn't help matters!  I expect to remember nothing these days, I have to write it all down.

  • AStorm
    AStorm Member Posts: 1,393
    edited December 2010

    ykyacpw - you've logged over 800 posts and one day you try to log in and your password doesn't work anymore. You keep trying and then finally you look up your password on the sheet you keep in your desk and realize you changed it a month ago!

  • lmc1970
    lmc1970 Member Posts: 73
    edited December 2010

    AStorm your dog is the cutest!

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited December 2010

    when this thread is where you go to share a link to NPR story on BCO founder Dr. Marisa Weiss. Listen to the audio clip if you can, it's 20 mins well spent. Great job doc!  {{hugs}}

  • sunnytn1949
    sunnytn1949 Member Posts: 15
    edited December 2010


    you go to buy an Anniversary card for your hubby and you buy a birthday card and really didn't realize it!  That was one of the strangest things i have done lately...had to laugh about it, so did hubby.Smile

  • gillyone
    gillyone Member Posts: 495
    edited December 2010

    Badger - I happened to hear the interview on NPR and while very interesting, as a TN, I was a bit disappointed that it seemed geared to only er+ cancer - which I assume she is.

  • txstardust
    txstardust Member Posts: 180
    edited December 2010

    ykyacpw - you are doing your Christmas baking, make cranberry-sweet potato bread, and FORGET TO PUT THE CRANBERRIES IN!!!  Thanks, chemo...

  • susan_02143
    susan_02143 Member Posts: 2,394
    edited December 2010

    I have no idea how many hours I have spent over the past three days reading this thread, and it was worth every minute! So much brilliance, and so much humor... my kind of humor. A few more to add, but they aren't funny. Feels good to get them "out there."

    You know your a cancer patient when ...

    ... you make your husband step outside to clean his lenses since the lense cleaning wipes smell just like the ones they use to sanitize my arm before pushing the A/C

    ... you mark your life in one month incriments and can only sleep three weeks out of every month.

    ... you joke before your neuprogen shot that your one lone white blood cell doesn't know where to go next.

    ... your butt is a pin cushion and as much as you hate manning the position, the alternative is worse.

    ... you hit your health insurance deductible before February 28th.

    ... you have a "personal" social worker at your health insurance company, recieve letters reguarly from her, but she has yet to return a phone call.

    ... the front office women all know your name and hospital id number without asking.

    ... the nice volunteer at the hospital knows that you want two V8's at the end of your treatment session and has them lined up on the counter for you

    ... when your heart breaks every time a new woman introduces herself to the forum

    ... when the other hospital patients looks at you with pity when you hit 9 in the elevator

    ... when you find your husband crying in the bathroom, repeatedly

    ... when phone solicitors call [endlessly] during Pink Month you can exclaim "Oh I did better than giving money... I gave tissue!"

    ... you no longer buy your favorite styles of clothes because they are too difficult to manage when you expose your breasts and rear-end for your doctors.

    ... when the Radiation Oncologist runs down the hall after your first after dx mammogram yelling "It is clear! It is clear!"

    ... your mother sends you a picture of you at 18 months when you were totally bald with the caption, "You will be fine. You have a lovely shaped head."
