Great saying about depression
Claire, I actually think what your boss is doing to you is workplace harrassment, considering your medical status. That's why I hate working for other people and I now stick with making stained glass lamps from my home studio. I would go back to work as a RN if I didn't have to listen to a boss tell me everything wrong was all my fault and make me feel guilty if I made a mistake (I punish myself enought) or need time off.
DiDel, Glad the hurricane didn't do any damage to your home. When we were living on Kauai, we experienced two hurricanes, the first one blew half our house away and 12 years later a catagory 5 (the worst) totally demolished our home. The wind was measured at 225 mph with the catagory 5 one but then the wind gauge got blown away!
Hope your pup is better - did she eat something bad?
Renn - I agree with you: if we knew at the start that all of this would take multiple surgeries over two years we would be prepared and forewarned. Going into a surgery and thinking it was going to be 'it' and be done, and then having to go back - very upsetting!
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Justagirl that sounds so scary!! I had so much anxiety throughout the storm I barely slept. I was mostly afraid of trees falling into my house. I have very very tall trees on one side of my house and across the street. I also lately have felt so overwhelmed with catching up on medical bills the last thing I need is to lose my house. Honestly I think you'd have to check me right into the looney bin if one more bad thing happened to me right now. I don't know how you pick up the pieces from a catastrophy like that. ETA --- My poor puppy Charlie...didnt eat a thing...he's been so good. I have been changing up his food to find one he likes. I just switched him from puppy food to adult dog food and he is a picky eater with a delicate hopefully thats all ..but another $75 bill from the vets (thankfully though they are attached with his doggie daycare so they took a look at him and gave him meds) he is asleep now so I hope the worst has passed. Thanks for asking
Oh so for anyone needed a laugh...I will share the Misadventures of Diane today...ok so here in Maryland we have to renew our vehicle registration every two years...AND we've also installed new SPEED cameras all over town...does anyone see where this is going...ok so of course I waited until 6 days before my registration is about to expire before I decide to see if I have any unpaid speed camera tickets (online of course as I get sad looking through the PILE of unopened mail/medical bills sitting on my end table) So I go online to find I just have one teeny tiny unpaid ticket from Aug 10th..$65 no additional fines...wheeeewww. So I pay my ticket and proceed to the Department of Motor Vehicle website to renew my registration...only to find that unpaid ticket was from 2010!!!! UGH I had a FLAG notice from DMV and had to go IN PERSON to renew my tags BUT FIRST I had to go to Baltimore City's Parking Fine Collection Division to get a certified "Flag Notice Release" letter showing I paid my fine....and take it to the DMV and wait and wait and wait for number A37 to be called. I actually breezed through the City Parking Fine section in 30 minutes (a serious record) However the DMV was not so quick. When I arrived they were on number A27 and do you wanna guess how long it took to go through 10 you???? 3 F*&^ing hours!!!! It was apparently Liberal Leave for State employees today so they were short handed!! I thought I was gonna lose it. After 3 hours finally I was called...she swiped my debit card and gave me my 2013 sticker...transaction completed in 2 minutes. So frustrating. Funny thing though...when I finally got up to the counter I said to the very sunshiny woman...Boy you feel like you won the lottery when you're number is called...and Sunshine said. "yeah somedays it can feel like that" in monotone manly voice. LOL!!
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Diane --you make me laugh! THANK YOU!!!! Hope your puppy is OK, I know that is scary. Is he better?
And in my rant, I didn't get to tell you Kate that your 60 minutes idea is freaking awesome!!! having not gone thru surgery yet, I definitely see the need for the story. It would help not just women who have gone thru it but those of us yet to. I hope there is someone there at CBS that will listen and so the story justice.
Joyce-- LOVE the bead idea. I saw story about how they give the beads to kids with cancer and bawled my outs. So touching. Of course, as women, we would only be happy with a Brighton or Pandora charm!! : )
Wish me luck today, my district manager will be in the bldg today to interview the cafe mgr. I'm sure he will have a moment or two saved for me. The funny thing is his wife went thru BC the year before-- had several complications, including going blind in one eye. To think he would have some level of compassion surpasssing others. . .
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Diane --you make me laugh! THANK YOU!!!! Hope your puppy is OK, I know that is scary. Is he better?
And in my rant, I didn't get to tell you Kate that your 60 minutes idea is freaking awesome!!! having not gone thru surgery yet, I definitely see the need for the story. It would help not just women who have gone thru it but those of us yet to. I hope there is someone there at CBS that will listen and so the story justice.
Joyce-- LOVE the bead idea. I saw story about how they give the beads to kids with cancer and bawled my outs. So touching. Of course, as women, we would only be happy with a Brighton or Pandora charm!! : )
Wish me luck today, my district manager will be in the bldg today to interview the cafe mgr. I'm sure he will have a moment or two saved for me. The funny thing is his wife went thru BC the year before-- had several complications, including going blind in one eye. To think he would have some level of compassion surpasssing others. . .
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Claire, thank GOD the district manager is there!! I do hope he gets a chance to talk to you and when you mention about the `sighing` he will probably fall on the floor laughing! It looks like your manager is just trying to get `just cause`down on paper so they can discipline you! Doi !!!!
Kate, your show idea is fabulous. They could track a woman from diagnosis to completly happy...the show would never end! LOL
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Claire Good luck with your DM today. My guess is he will be more sympathetic towards you. I hope your day goes great!
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Diane- Hope Charlie is feeling better and up to his old antics today. I think my poor little dog, Scout, might have gotten bit by a scorpion the other night! The scary thing is there are different kinds- ones that just sting and others that would have given her breathing problems. I had the Benadryl on stand by since our emergency vet is too far away. Luckily, it appeared to be the first kind. Sometimes I just hate living in the desert. BTW, loved YOUR antics, too, at the DMV!
Claire- So glad your DM will be in your store today. I hope you filled him in on your boss's atrocious behavior. Still can't believe a woman would treat another woman like that. I say she just racked up a whole lot of bad kharma!
barbe- Hmm, you're right. A segment isn't nearly long enough. We need a whole series on this. It could be called "The Quest for Breasts".
Well, in my own little funk today. I didn't even get the crappy part-time, miniscule-wage paying job I applied for. (BIG SIGH!) It was working for the city library and they said I didn't have the necessary job experience because I never had a job where I specifically worked with the Dewey Decimal System. WTH? (So if the only place you use this is at the library and they won't hire you unless you've used this, then where did all those other people come from that work there now?) The DDS pretty much just consists of knowing that after A comes B, and after B comes C, etc. And that after 1 comes 2, then 3, then 4 and so on. Oh well, didn't really want it anyway, but sheeeesh!
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Kate, you should tell them you`ve worked with it all your life!!! Do we put it here or do we put it there!!!
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DiDel: I hear they are testing those speed lights and if they work they are going to start using them nation wide. The DMV just sucks but I'm glad you got a laugh out of it!
Didel, the way I understand it, if your trees are healthy, they have less of a chance of going down. Many tree diseases don't show on the outside but if you were to saw off a branch, it's all rotten inside and this makes it more susceptible during storms.
cmblastic: Hopin all goes well today-I agree that it sounds like workplace harrassment after all you have been through. Hoping the DM is more compassionate!
Kate: Wow, maybe you will get a writing job for 60 minutes-they need someone smart like you. It's impossible to get a library job here so I can't imagine it being any easier there. Anyone with half a brain knows the dewey decimal stystem-why didn't they just test you on it???? Oh well, keep looking. Maybe go work with beautiful home stuff--great antique cabinet btw-I love a deal especially when it's beautiful. Congratulations on the find.
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So, several years ago, prior to ever having a surgery, BC, etc-I fell and injured my left shoulder-after two weeks of still being in pain I finally went to the dr only to find that my arm was partly out of the socket. Well, the pain in my shoulder feels the same, though I just remembered this morning so off to the dr I go-seems since chemo everything is more fragile.
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MBJ thanks for the tree tip...that does make me feel better. I do have a dead walnut tree in the back but it wont hit anything but my fence if it falls...that I can live with..although it has been falling a part branch by branch with every storm we have. A friend of mine who needs firewood for the winter offered to cut it up if they can have it...I said have at it! Sorry about your shoulder...yeeeeooowww I hope you feel better after your doctors appt.
Kate we have bigger dreams for you than the Library!! Yeah...maybe the 60 Minute producers will be so impressed with you can take over Katie's spot on the show!! Or pitch your idea to other can co-produce the segment. You will find something...I know it sucks but you are too dynamic to be stuck in a need to be out amongst people...doing something fun that you love!! You will find it ..or it will find you!
Charlie is much better ..the vet just thinks he maybe ate something bad but I have no idea what it could be. We just went for a long walk/run in the park and now he's napping...time for me to sneak out and do some shopping. I still havent bought any new bras and I am getting to the point where nothing fits to Nordstrom.
Hope everyone is having a good day!! Its beautiful here...hope it is in your part of the world as well!
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MBJ- I love a deal, too. I almost get a high from finding a bargain. lol! That's why I just had to share the price of it. Don't you just love when you find the perfect piece to finish off a room? Sorry about your shoulder. I was doing PT for mine (nothing as serious as yours) last year and the therapist said as we get older the shoulder is usually the first to give us problems. Mine was so painful so I can only imagine how much yours must hurt. Hope the doctor was able to give you some relief. (((hugs)))
DiDel- Your comment about "bigger dreams for me" brought the biggest smile to my face. You guys always cheer me up! Wish we all lived in the same city because I would so want to go to Nordy's with you! That's on my to-do list- another fitting because I think I'm smaller after my last surgery. (I know, any excuse to buy new bras....)
It's almost September and I think it was 114* today. Help me, I'm melting.......
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hey gals, i've been lurking, jkeeping up; just too depressed to have a thought to say. I do want to tell you, kate, the china cabinet is beautiful!!and a bargain..thats' the best!
I di the "bracelet" thing for chemo. i had to titrate my doses down, bc of MS; and i was getting to feel it would take forever.. so, we went to a flea market, and bought a really pretty, fairly cheap, under $5 for every tx. NOT pink, except the last one.. more tribal colors.. we had a ball. after every infusion the ladies that were there watched me put another one on... i had just a "few" bangles on the last day: i think it was 22!
had to wear them on each arm.. it gave me a feeling of accomplishment evertime; instead of waiting till the end... NOW, i wear them mixed and matched. but i STILL can tell you which one im wearing is a chemo bracelet........3jays
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OMG! I went to th chiro and my arm was out of the socket and pushed forward-no idea how or when I did this-I swear chemo has done a number on me. You should have heard the sounds my body made when he put me bakc in place. Instant pain and instant relief. I am betting I will sleep like a baby tonight!
Didel: Hope your puppy feels better soon. Better to cut down a bad tree so it doesn't destroy other trees around it. Good luck shopping and getting new bras-did you make an appointment with an MX fitter? It really makes a difference getting professionally fitted. Does your insurance cover free bras because I hear Nordstrom is most cooperative in that area, too.
Kate: I agree, I cannot imagine you working in a place where you have to be quiet-you need a job where your voice is heard!
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MBJ.. no WONDER you were in pain!!! i hope the adj. helps. go back in a little while to make it sure it stays put!!!!love 2 u all.......3jays
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RRRGGH my wireless went out and I lost my 10 page note!! Just kidding, but still. . .
MBJ- OOOOWWWW!!! no wonder you were in pain, I hope you feel better!! I cringe just thinking about it.
3jays((((((((((((((((HUGS)))))))))))))))))))) I am sorry you are struggling. I would love to see your bracelet!! We need to have an East Coast Florida get together, maybe at beach where we can stay the night if we want to. . . some ladies met in St Pete last month, but it was too late of a notice for me. Would love to have a group hug!!
BTW my DM did not come in yesterday. May come in today. And she has him in his pocket, they have worked together for 20+ years. she has more corporate complaints about her behavior but they seem to disappear under the carpet. she documents, documents, documents so if you complain, she just shows all your failings, daily. . . . time to dust off my meager resume. should have done this sooner, just waiting for tx to be over.
Hope all have a great Thursday!! Hugs and love to everyone!!!
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Dear Claire!!! How frustrating! You have to wonder if your manager put him off on his visit, or he visited with her off the premise (to be able to say he saw her). Hmmmm
MBJ - holy crap!!! We really DO know our bodies don`t we?? That must feel so much better, yet at the same time hurt for the re-set!
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Barbe, he is just one of those DM that spends more time on the phone than actually in his stores. His district runs from Orlando to Hilton Head so understandably he can't make it to all stores that often. However, his HO is Orlando and he lives here. You would think he would visit his 7 O'town stores more than 2-3 times a year. They say he will be here today. I'm holding my breath. I'm just done with the stress and feeling like a failure at work. Should have moved on a long time ago, but i don't like to quit anything, particularly a job that pays until I have one that takes its place!!
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Claire, tell him down you feel beaten down by your manager. That you are doing your best despite your cancer diagnosis. Watch his face to see if he even knew!! He would cut you some slack if he could....
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From your mouth to God's ears. . .
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Oh My, you all seem to be chatting like lightning, I can't keep up!
Haven't been posting as it has been a had week. Claire- just terrible can't believe you can be treated that way.
Kate- 60 min? Wow, great idea! If you find you don't have enough info you could go into the emotional aftershocks of BC that NO one seems to think happens. And you could tell them you can get some infor about each treatment that is offered right now if they want and women's reactions. I wouldn't tell them as much about this site yet as this is such a good source for you to gather info first so they need your input. If that makes sense. I get so tired of watching some of these shows where the topic is something I really want to know about then they just give basic generalization which I ALREADY know.... I watched to actually learn something.... Anyway, I hope they will pick it up as before BC I had no idea what reconstruction was all about. Hey have any of your heard of the TUG procedure, where they use the inner thigh muscle?
Whose little doggie is sick? Can't remember and can't go back a page - hope it is all right.
3Jays - thanks for a long ago post. I think about you all the time!
Ugh can't remember at all what else I was going to say. Oh MJ- Ack your shoulder! poor thing you have really had some rought times..... Diane... nope can't remember but it was something.... More later when my brain is working better
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cmblastic. Maybe being laid off/ fired etc would be a blessing. You can still get unemployment benefits if you haven't been "stellar" as long as you don't quit and were trying. If you can live on them
PS your boss is an idiot.
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MBJ- I'm amazed you could walk around like that! You poor thing! Hope today you're feeling better and pain free!!! (BTW, loved what you said about finding a job where "my voice could be heard". I had to read that to my DH because I loved it so much. Might have to print that out and put it over my desk to remind me when I'm job hunting.)
Claire- Have you checked into the American Disabilities Act because I really think you qualify. Here's an excerpt-
What types of reasonable accommodations may employees with cancer need?Some employees with cancer may need one or more of the following accommodations:leave for doctors' appointments and/or to seek or recuperate from treatmentperiodic breaks or a private area to rest or to take medicationadjustments to a work scheduleExample: An engineer working independently on a long-term project has to undergo radiation for cancer every weekday morning for the next eight weeks. The employer should consider whether it could provide a flexible schedule (e.g., allow him to come in later or work part-time) to accommodate his treatment.permission to work at homemodification of office temperaturepermission to use work telephone to call doctorsreallocation or redistribution of marginal tasks to another employeeExample: A janitor, who had a leg amputated to cure bone cancer, can perform all of his essential job functions without accommodation but has difficulty climbing into the attic to occasionally change the building's air filter. The employer likely can reallocate this marginal function to one of the other janitors.reassignment to another jobExample: As a result of lymphedema[13] from her mastectomy, a truck driver for a courier service no longer can lift anything heavier than 10 pounds and, therefore, informs her employer that she is unable to do her current job, which requires her to load and unload packages weighing up to 70 pounds. The employer must consider whether a vacant position exists for which the driver is qualified and to which she can be reassigned as a reasonable accommodation, absent undue hardship. The vacant position must be equivalent in terms of pay and status to the original job, or as close as possible if no equivalent position exists. The position need not be a promotion, although the employee should be able to compete for any promotion for which she is eligible. The employer also does not have to "bump" another employee to create a vacancy.Some employees with cancer may need accommodations other than the ones listed above. The employer, therefore, should discuss with the employee her particular limitations and whether there is anything the employer can do to enable her to work. For example, an employer might explore the possibility of providing certain equipment (e.g., a chair or stool to help with fatigue), a temporary transfer, or changes in how work is performed (e.g., altering when or how a function is done to help with concentration problems).You can find all the information at- Maybe if you brought this up to your boss she would back off for fear of getting sued!0 -
Bedo- LOL! I would have to agree!
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Thanks ladies, you have been so much support. I guess part of my problem is that I worked most of the last year "saying" I was OK, when I believe that chemically, mentally and heck even physically--obviously I wasn't. So many people work thru BC so why couldn't I?? I'm not ashamed to say I may have done a crappy job in the last year, kind of like half an employee. But I don't just don't get the corporate stand point that I wouldn't get some kind of do over. Oh well, hi ho, hi ho its off to look for a new job I go. Kate--you and me on the job trail. How fun!!
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Claire: Kate has a point-I would print that out for both your GM & DM--You would be eligible for worker's comp if they try to fire you over medical issues while calling them "attitude" issues. Shame on your boss. You shouldn't have to be forced to quit due to insensitivity on the job.
Kate: I think after a BC diagnosis it's important to be careful where we put our energies. I think a job should give us joy and happiness will attract more money.
3jays: I would love to see that bracelet, too.
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Claire- I don't think you should be penalized for trying to give it your all while still going through cancer treatment. Instead of threatening you, they should be thanking their lucky stars to have such a devoted employee. Not sure I could have done what you did. It was hard enough just being home and going through it. I say if you really want your job then fight for it. If you don't, and this is an out, I say go somewhere that your wonderfulness will be much appreciated because you deserve it. Just promise me when you're off working the new great job you'll go back and tell your old boss was a dreadful, horrible woman she is.
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MBJ seriously YEEEEEEOOOOOWWWW I can not even begin to imagine the pain you were in ...glad you got it resolved. Hope you are feeling better.
Kate I was just thinking the same thing about ADA. I know someone who got fired from a firm I used to work for sued under ADA and won!! He was awarded a substantial amount...ADA is nothing to mess around with.
Claire Give us your bosses email we will anonymously forward a copy of the manual. LOL! seriously...though...I would let them know that cancer is covered by ADA ..let her do the research. You shouldnt have to educate your boss on labor laws. I hope today was a good day.
Stanzie I was the one with the sick worries..he is feeling himself...he ate another one of my socks this morning while I "closed my eyes" for a few minutes. He is a stinker! We are going for another 2 mile run today..if he can handle it. Yesterday he pooped out and refused to move in any direction other than the car. I hope you are feeling better. I swear as the weather has improved here and Ive been able to get out and enjoy the has really lifted my spirits to be outside.
3Jays...yes post a pic of your bracelet...please.
I think we should have a BCO vacation to AUSTRAAAAAAIIIIILLLLLLLIAAAAAAAA (in Oprah voice) as summer time approaches there for us East Coast girls that are gonna be buried in snow...oh am I the only ECG here to get buried in snow in the winter???
Have a great day everyone!!
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Good luck with moving on, Claire. You deserve a healthier and more satisfying work environment and I hope you will find one soon.
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Diane- love the Oprah voice! I could totally hear it in my mind! LOL! If Australia is too far you can all come here! Phoenix is gorgeous in January!!! Justagirl would just have to fly up here! I could kick my DH and DS out (or have them stay and cook for us- lol) and we could have an awesome girls weekend/week!!!!