Western New York Area



  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited March 2014

    YAY Maureen, what nice news, Mere gets to stay!  Susan, prayer continue for your father-in-law.  Nice to  hear from you Linda, I always got sick when I taught, especially in Pre-school, nasty germs.  It souns like it's going to be a doozy, stay safe, warm and at home. love, Karen

  • janhart
    janhart Member Posts: 292
    edited March 2014

    So nice to hear from everyone here. Maureen, glad your daughter gets to stay longer. Has your son been called for jury duty yet? I had to call in each day after six last week and it wasn't until Thursday that I had to go. It was almost the end if the day and I thought I was home free, but no such luck....got picked for a civil trial. It started Mon and we went in Tuesday, but thankfully the judge was unable to be there today so we got the day off. I'm so glad. My daughter who works for HSBC is working from home today, but her fiancé works for M&T and he heard that anyone downtown after one might get stuck there. Bevin, where are you? I hope you're safe. Linda and Debbie, good to hear from both of you. Linda, you've got a lot on your plate. My mom lives an hour away so I only go about once every other week. But when I'm there I try to make her do some things for herself. It's so easy to want to just do it for them. When I take her grocery shopping, I always pray for patience, it takes her so long to decide which orange juice to buy. Susan, hope you are feeling better. Karen, it sounds like things a bit better there....still praying for that. Hi to Cheryl and Betty. Miss you all.


  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited March 2014

    Paul didn't get called yet. He calls every night and they haven't reached his number. I'm hoping they don't. Hoping son gets home tonight safely. He's doing at hertel and Delaware today. Want him home. Mere wants to go sledding. I guess it's all in your perspective  I just want family home. Dh had day off for appt with accountant for taxes thinking he will cancel. Corned beef was good but all gone already. Word gets out about corned beef dinner and everyone comes home. Hope they remember all this. I'm having one of those dark thought days today

  • SusanHG
    SusanHG Member Posts: 455
    edited March 2014

    well, blizzard here as expected. The wind is howling outside. Nice to be home watching it. Hubby even came home to work. Baking banana bread right now. My FIL is still the same. I guess he had a cerebral hemorrhage and they are waiting for his body to take up the blood before they wake him. So many questions here about how he will be if he makes it through. So glad your daughter's flight is delayed, Maureen. Must be nice to have her there with you. Makes you wonder if blizzards and corned beef should be a year round thing after all. Hope everyone is staying safe and warm!!

    Love you,


  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited March 2014

    Dear ladies, now this is a snow storm!!, I bet we have a foot now and it's coming down really heavily right now and with the wind it is coming in sideways.  Weatherman said this is the last band of heavy snowfall but we may pick up 4 to 8 more inches.  Have had phones calls all day from friends and relatives now living in sensible climes but originally from WNY.  Most were seeing the Weather Channel guy, Mike Sidel who was broadcasting from Irondequiot, he is always getting the worst assignments.  Debbie you must be getting creamed too.  We are all home safe and warm, our first plow came through about a half hour ago, the mail truck got stuck in front of the house next door but he rocked it out.  Finished up the corned beef and cabbage left over from yesterday, my GS wouldn't touch it but I had left over roasted chicken for him.  Susan - prayers continue for your father-in-law, banana bread sounds really good right now, Maureen, Mere goes out on Saturday?  Bless these WNY winters. love, Karen

  • Skigirl72
    Skigirl72 Member Posts: 180
    edited March 2014

    I am on my way outside to use the snow blower for the THIRD time... It's been snowing since 7am. I had to go to a DRs appt this morning. I got home at 10:30am and it was already pretty nasty out. It's still coming down hard. The weather channel guy is up at the lake... Crappy assignment! No school today for the kid and he is hoping he doesn't have to go tomorrow. So far no one has cancelled school. Some are on a 2 hour delay.... Hope all of you are warm and safe tonight!

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited March 2014

    Dh  plowed 3x as well. We hunkered down but ds had to work. He got home about 6 and went out to help his buddy who has plowing service. 

    St patty day parade looks pretty cold

    Stay warm and safe

  • bevin
    bevin Member Posts: 519
    edited March 2014

    yep - two time snowblowing here  , about 12 inches. St Patty's parade I love but too cold. I'm definately a warm weather fan of the day.

  • LindaJD
    LindaJD Member Posts: 134
    edited March 2014

    Hope everyone survived the March Blizzard.  What a storm it was!  Schools here were closed for 2 days. (YAY! snow days!)

    Jan, sorry you were picked for a civil trial.  Hopefully it won't last too long.

    Susan, still hoping for the best outcome for your FIL.

    Maureen,  hope your dark thoughts have lightened a bit for you, but we all have them; whatever the reason.

    Karen, thanks for your response to the PM.

    Hello to Cheryl, Betty, Colleen & Debbie.

    Wishing I lived closer to all of you.........

    Stay warm.



  • SusanHG
    SusanHG Member Posts: 455
    edited March 2014

    hello all! 

    Well, just dropped off my husband at airport today for his journey back to France. He did not buy a return ticket because we have no idea how long he will need to stay. I am very sad, but I encouraged him to go because he needs to be there if and when his dad wakes up. Still the same as far as I know. Will keep you posted. Has Spring come yet? Weather to come looks favorable!



  • cdelv66
    cdelv66 Member Posts: 76
    edited March 2014

    Hi all!  I was born in Buffalo and at the age of 3 moved to Olean, NY for 14 more years.  I've actually been a PA resident ever since, but when I saw this topic, thought I'd jump in to say hello :)

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited March 2014

    welcome cd. I have family in pa too. What town?

    Susan. My heart hurts for your family. Hoping dh has safe travels for the difficult journey ahead. Praying for the best outcome 

    Bevin you are a doll

    Karen Linda Betty Cheryl jan hello hope all is well. Typing on stupid phone but I will jump on computer tomorrow 



    Ps dd left yesterday. Enjoyed a good day with ds and dh. I dearly love my family and friends. Made corned beef again so leftovers are off to ds work as I didn't have a lot from the first time. 

  • cdelv66
    cdelv66 Member Posts: 76
    edited March 2014

    Maureen~ We moved to State College about 4 years ago :)

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited March 2014

    yep. Drive through on way to chambersburg 

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited March 2014

    love your saying and it sounds like you are doing well by your diagnosis

    I'm sure others will stop by to say hello. 

  • cdelv66
    cdelv66 Member Posts: 76
    edited March 2014

    I am strong because I know my weaknesses, I am wise because I've been foolish, and I can laugh because I've known sadness ...

    Love this, too :)

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited March 2014


  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited March 2014

    happy st. Patrick day!!!

  • janhart
    janhart Member Posts: 292
    edited March 2014

    Hi Ladies, Susan, hoping husband has a good trip and is there to see his father recover. Welcome cdelv66. Hop in and join us anytime. 

    Still on jury duty. It's getting very monotonous. Hoping we're done soon. I have things to do. Gotta go, calling us back in.

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited March 2014

    sorry to hear jan. Ds was at jury duty for one day and they dismissed him  hope it ends soon

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited March 2014

    cdelv. welcome to the thread, love your posted saying also, now I will check Olean weather on the news, it's been a long snowy, cold, dreary winter, ready for the 40's I see on the horizon.  Cdelv, we meet for lunch once a month and would love to meet you, we usually meet in Williamsville at the Creekview  Restaurant, in fact this Sat. we will be there at 1, they have a website with menus and directions.  When the weather has committed to good weather, we will meet at Alex's in Batavia, it too has a website, under Alex's Place and is right off the Thruway exit 48.  So far I have Cheryl, Betty, Maureen will ask her Dr. on Thurs., Susan, Betty, bevin, Jan and me, Debbie, will you be able to join us?  I am calling tonight to check on our Godiva.  Susan - prayers continue for your dear father-in-law, and unceasing prayers for our girl.   .Miss everyone, Karen

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited March 2014

    Susan  any updates on dad?  Did dh arrive safely? Hope all is ok

    Karen hope y feel better friend

    Bevin. I drank my very thoughtful drink you are wonderful

    Betty Cheryl jan Debbie Linda and newbie hello to all hope you are well. 

  • SusanHG
    SusanHG Member Posts: 455
    edited March 2014

    nice to meet you, Cd! Join us sometime when you are in town.

    Hubs arrived safely. They took my FIL him off the coma drugs. Now to see if He wakes up. I guess it was a pretty massive bleed in the part of the brain that controls everything. Does not look hopeful but you just never know. Thank you for the continued prayers. We appreciate them all. Looking forward to lunch on Saturday. 


  • cdelv66
    cdelv66 Member Posts: 76
    edited March 2014

    karen333~ thank you so much for the invite.  Currently getting ready for my BMX in a few weeks, then it'll be recuperation time.  Hopefully in the summer, I can make a trip up.  My class reunion is in June (Olean) & I have family in Ithaca ... would love to meet all of you :)

  • heymoose
    heymoose Member Posts: 682
    edited March 2014

    Hi all you lovely ladies,

    Welcome cdelv66 happy you found us.  As with Maureen, I also love your saying.  I also have had a bmx, if you have any questions let me know and I will try and answer them.

    Had corned beef and cabbage yesterday and it was wonderful.  Update on what is going on with me: appointment with PS a few weeks back, we are discussing further nipple reconstruction and tattooing. It would consist of two short operations about 4 months apart.  Setting up another appointment to find out all the details.  Took a nasty fall last week.  I missed a couple of steps and went right down on my toes.  left foot is still swollen and very sore to walk on, right foot is pretty colors on the big toe, it is better to walk on.  I am such a klutz!!!!!!  Yesterday I had my yearly appointment w/ oncologist and all looks good.  I can't wait to lunch, I miss you all.

    Linda and Debbie, I will be in Rochester this weekend.  Let me know if you are able to get together Sunday or Monday?  I would love to catch up with you both.

    Susan, praying for your fil and your family.  Hello to everyone and you are in my prayers.


  • SusanHG
    SusanHG Member Posts: 455
    edited March 2014

    hi all! Me again. Well, my father in law is off the coma drugs, and we have had some good signs: first, he seems to be breathing along with the ventilator, second, he has some reflexes back. I guess doc even had him open his eyes momentarily. And he seems to be stressing when Hubby and family try to wake him. So I am thinking he hears them. So, I guess the doctors say these are good signs. Still hopeful. Hubby enjoying the sun and warmth of the south of France so it isn't all terrible. Looking forward to lunch. Hoping everyone can make it!!


  • heymoose
    heymoose Member Posts: 682
    edited March 2014

    Susan, what great news on your fil.  See you Saturday.


  • SusanHG
    SusanHG Member Posts: 455
    edited March 2014

    getting better everyday, so fingers crossed. 

    See everyone tomorrow! <3

  • bevin
    bevin Member Posts: 519
    edited March 2014

    Susan good news . Praying he continues to heal.

  • SusanHG
    SusanHG Member Posts: 455
    edited March 2014

    at Creekview right now and really confused. Do I have the wrong place? :(