Western New York Area



  • Kb33
    Kb33 Member Posts: 33
    edited September 2014

    well I came out of surgery last night after 10 hours.  All seems to be going well.  Walking, talking, eating, etc... Pain meds are low to non existent.   Belly and breast pretty sore.  Defiantly can not walk upright.   Yikes.  3 drains.   Shower Thursday.  So looking forward to that

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited September 2014

    wow kb 10hrs? What a champ!!  Glad to hear things are going well. Don't feel guilty about pain meds. Take as needed. Please keep posting and let is know how you're doing 


  • bevin
    bevin Member Posts: 519
    edited September 2014

    Hello everyone , at this point I am free both days

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited September 2014

    On Oct. 20th which is a Sunday, can our Rochester ladies Jan, Susan,and the rest of the Williamsville party make it?  Last time we were at Alex's we were all there, we would eat at at  1:00.  love, Karen

  • SeasideMemories
    SeasideMemories Member Posts: 2,462
    edited September 2014


    I was out poking around on the Sabres/Bills websites to see if there may be a game on or around one of your lunch dates that I could potentially lure DH out that way for (I'm tricky like that...lol).

    Not sure on what the dates are.  When you said October 20 did you mean September 20 (a Saturday)? Because October 20 is a Monday.  October 19th would be the Sunday.

    Hope your migraines have not flared up with the front that came through!

  • jetgal23
    jetgal23 Member Posts: 28
    edited September 2014

    Hi all -

    I just found this group though I've been on for a while and talking with others since I'm in the middle of chemo.  I'm in Williamsville and getting treatment through Roswell.  Last week was my 2nd chemo and I have 2 more to go before rads likely in November/ December. I'm probably not well enough to go to any outing for the next 2 months, but would love to keep in touch with what's going on with others locally.  

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited September 2014

    welcome jetgal23. I'm sure ladies will be welcoming you soon. We are varied in ages and life stages as well as breast cancer diagnosis. Roswell is a great facility. I'm cared for by a private onc on williamsville. I'm foe the east Amherst area and going through chemo too?  Are you a football fan?

    Seaside talk dh into lunch  whatever it takes :)

    Kb how are you doing today? 

    All. I'm in for the 20th of chemo goes ok. Last week was a rough week. Onc thinks I might have caught a bug. Keeping the course with chemo until rescan on oct. 

    Love Maureen 

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited September 2014

    Time to meet all of us jetgal, if we can do Oct the 19th, it is the Sunday, Betty is free, the gals from Rochester can hopefully make it to Alex's in Batavia at 1:00pm. Last time we made it in Batavia we were all there, Jan, Betty, Cheryl, Linda, Maureen,bevin, Debbie. kb hope I got everyone, oops, Susan. Seaside (I hear we are going au natural for the Super Bowl  - now that's some kind of rumor!)  Seaside, the last two cold fronts resulted in 24 hr. sleeps, no headache but if I sat in one place for 5 min. I slept, if I were a wild and crazy gal, I'd been asking for a mono test, no migraine though and those were two insane fronts.  love, Karen

  • Kb33
    Kb33 Member Posts: 33
    edited September 2014

    hi girls.  Just a quick check in before the pain pills take over my mind and make me write crazy things.  Lol.  Day 4 after my diep and I feel great.  Swelling has slowly, slowly started to go down in my stomach and I can see my lovely scar and what will be a nice flat tummy one day.  Lol.  

    I finally had the nerve to look at my breast last night.  Wow.  It looks like a breast.   You might not think this funny, but I can't tell you what I thought I would look like.  They dr did a great job.  I think I can see where we will end up and am just so happy with the future here.  I know there are a lot of bumps along the way... But I wanted to say for now,,, I am thrilled.  We will see what tommarrow brings.  Lol

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited September 2014

    Good news kb. Hope you improve every day. Keep us posted

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited September 2014


    Good luck with the wedding. Sorry for misspelled words all teachers Winking  I'm still typing on my phone :(

  • janhart
    janhart Member Posts: 292
    edited September 2014

    Hi  all, sorry I haven't been around. Second wedding was yesterday, just as lovely as the first. But now I'm done. Told my son when he gets married I'm OK with the brides family making all the plans, just tell me when and where to be. Quite honestly, it was the two weeks prior to each that was hectic. 

    Kb33, hoping you continue to improve each day. The hardest part is over..

    Jet gal, welcome to our group. The ladies here are wonderful and caring. Hopefully you can meet with us sometime down the road.

    Maureen, sorry you had a rough week. I'm sure this weather doesn't help.  Karen, are the migraines getting any better? Sounds like this cooler weather isn't agreeing with you either. 

    Everyone else, hope you are all well as we transition, or rather jump into fall. Gotta get a lunch in before the s___ flies. Just can't say that word yet.  Missing you all......Jan

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited September 2014

    Maureen love the picture!!   kb - keep on on getting better, Jan, relax and enjoy tomorrow, bring us pictures.  hugs to all Karen

  • bevin
    bevin Member Posts: 519
    edited September 2014

    Jan- time for you to relax. So glad everything went well and i cant wait to see pictures.

    Kb- welcome. Im glad your surgery went well.

    Looking forward to seeing everyone.

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited September 2014

    karen. Are you naked and sleeping???

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited September 2014


  • SeasideMemories
    SeasideMemories Member Posts: 2,462
    edited September 2014

    OMG!  Another win!  So let's see.... Dolphins beat the Patriots.... Bills beat the Dolphins... I did not watch either although I was out so thankfully, for those around me, fully clothed... Soooooo... hmmmmm... could be an interesting season! 

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited September 2014

    Up, clothed, yelling, and oh so happy, away from the house and computer.  No pattern so far, except happy.  And I'll take that over last year any day, hi Seaside

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited September 2014

    hehehehe Winking

  • J0iedevivre
    J0iedevivre Member Posts: 3
    edited September 2014

    Hello all... new to this site.  Buffalo, NY  I am Stage IIIB breast cancer, just finished chemo and radiation BRCA1 mutation.  Looking for information on DIEP around here.  I have expanders in right now & will need reconstruction soon (& ovaries out).

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,507
    edited September 2014

    Hello J0iedevivre, Welcome to Breastcancer.org. You will find a wealth of information about DIEP flap on our site.

    You can start with our article, DIEP Flap Reconstruction: What to Expect for some helpful information.

    You may also want to check out our Topic devoted to DIEP 2014 in the Breast Reconstruction Forum.

    Wishing you all the best,

    The Mods

  • J0iedevivre
    J0iedevivre Member Posts: 3
    edited September 2014

    Was also wondering if there were DIEP surgeons in the Buffalo area & if anyone knew them & how fantastic (or not) they were?




  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited September 2014

    hi Jo. Welcome to Bco although sorry for the circumstances that brought you here. I'm hoping kb jumps on the thread because she just had the surgery and could offer more insight. Congrats on finishing chemo and rads both of those are tough. Where did you go for chemo?

  • J0iedevivre
    J0iedevivre Member Posts: 3
    edited September 2014

    I went to Roswell Amherst for chemo (because I LOVE Dr. Early) & went to CCS Dr. Yap for radiation.  I actually went to California for a bilat NSM.  Noone in Buffalo would do it.  I was sick I had to lose my breasts.  I was hell bent on keeping my nipples.  Flew to Los Angeles to two awesome surgeons & turned out great.  Was going to have silicone exchange, but now having second thoughts.  Thinking DIEP might be a better choice for natural shape and less complications of encapsulation, etc.  Wish I could just be done with all of this.  I guess it is forever now...  :(


  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited September 2014

    Nice. We had people from this thread go to Roswell and private oncs for treatment. Both have great reputations. Glad you found someone to do nsm if that makes you feel better. It's hard to walk this path but you will come out the other side. I know kb had diep but for some reason I think she went outside the buffalo area.  


  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited September 2014

    I think we lost kb??  Hoping all is ok with her 

    Haven't heard from patsback and her scan results??  Hope all is ok

    Jo how are you feeling today?

    Hi jan, Cheryl, karen, Bev, Betty, Susan, seaside 

    Karen did we decide which date/month? 

  • bevin
    bevin Member Posts: 519
    edited September 2014

    HI Maureen

    Thank you for thinking of everyone. I was so caught up with my own stuff I hadnt thought of Kb and Patsback. Praying all is well with them.

    Everyone, looking forward to lunch. Work is crazy busy and being back in the groove with my childs school schedule gives me even more things to do each night.  Sure am looking forward to that Martini!

  • kindone
    kindone Member Posts: 435
    edited September 2014

    So are we having lunch  this Saturday in Betavia at one?  Let me know Betty

  • Kb33
    Kb33 Member Posts: 33
    edited September 2014

    hi Jo. 

    I just returned from NOLA form my diep stage 1 procedure.   There is no one in buffalo or Rochester.  Trust me, I looked for months.  Roswell's program is struggling and I would stay away from now if you want a diep.  No one else in town does them and the guy in Rochester that will do them with strong prefers trams and will not guarantee a diep.  Not a good sign

    I am thrilled with my choice to go to New Orleans at the breast center and my new girl..looks awesome. I am about 9 days out.. Have removed all drains, home, walking, working, and felling pretty good minus back pain and swelly belly... Ugh

    Happy to talk more if you need it.  Good luck.  Diep was a easy decision for me once I found the breast vpcenter in NOLA but I won't say it is the easiest or cheapest route.   But one I am very glad I made


  • Kb33
    Kb33 Member Posts: 33
    edited September 2014

    Quick check in

    Today I am 9 days post op stage 1 and feeling good (well as good as I tell myself)

    I flew back home to buffalo on Tuesday... All day affair.... And had that terrible constipation under control after a million stool softeners, laxatives, murilax, suppositories, warm prune juice (yuck) and finally an enema (omg). Took my last drain out last night before my shower. Easy least that was and so glad it is gone ( interesting celebration dance which had my girls rolling on floor laughing). I have been walking up to a mile a day and while not sleeping at all (can not get comfortable to do so longer than 1 hour nap)... Feel good.

    My back is killing me though and swelly belly is ridiculous! Now only looking 3 months pregnant today. I even took the car out for a test drive this morning to get milk. Not that I could carry the darn thing and had to have the guy put it in my car. Sigh. But felt good to be independent for a moment

    All my incisions remain closed and healing... I am wondering when they will begin to open or show sights of infection that you all have talked about... Worried what day things will start to go down hill ;(. However my armpit on the diep side is swollen and fells like I have razor burn. Anyone have ideas?

    Best news of the day yesterday.... Pathology report came back. No signs of anything in nodes or nipple (guess I get to keep them) and only dcis was found in breast tissue. So, I believe this is good news. Kiddos asked me if that ment I had cancer anymore.... I wanted to say no.... But guess I am cautious to answer their question... And really all I can focus on is healing and getting back to normal life.

    Boyfriend making it up this weekend to check on me.... Anxious about what he thinks.. Worried about how he will view the new girl....of course my first question for doc was.. When can we resume "normal activity". He just laughed at me with no answer.... Ugh

    Hope all is well. Going to try working a few hours today to catch up on email. Plan to travel in two weeks for a staff meeting. Will be a slow walk in airport..lol

