Western New York Area



  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited September 2011

    I bet a lot of people would pay to see my ensemble, I know I would, and Maureen I have a sundress just like mine in a different color.  I wonder if we could join America's Next Top Model?  I vote for calling the BS and explaining what you feel, that's why we have such good doctors, to soothe our minds and decide if it's nothing.  Don't linger in that dark place, it is ever so easy to do, let the specialist take a look at you.  Maybe it is connected to the seroma, or fluid that just needs to find a way out.hugs to you, Karen

  • SeasideMemories
    SeasideMemories Member Posts: 2,462
    edited September 2011

    Thank you all for the warm welcome!

    Karen, you are right.... You all are a great bunch here!!


    I wish I could make the trip this weekend but, where I am we are dealing with catostrophic flooding from Lee.... In fact, my husband's parents were supposed to come from Olean for this weekend but, RT 17 is closed for quite a stretch from Waverly to Endicott! They MAY try next weekend but, we'll see! The grocery stores here are stripped bare... And we are having to boil water before consuming it....

    As far as damage, my family and I escaped any major damage and for that I am grateful! Many here were not so lucky and are just now beginning the hard work of cleaning up! This area went through a similar flood in 2006 and we came out the other side.... We are a tough bunch and will do it again!

    Kindone, Thanks for the welcome! Karen is right in that we have lots of time before the snow flies! Hope to be able to join you all for a get-together!

  • SeasideMemories
    SeasideMemories Member Posts: 2,462
    edited September 2011


    I'm going to second what Karen said... Give the office a call and explain what is going on.... Even though you have an MRI scheduled for later in the month, they may be. able to get you in and at least take a peak with an ultra-sound.... I just went through a similar lump under the armpit scare with my Mom.... Turns out it was a perfectly benign cyst!


  • SeasideMemories
    SeasideMemories Member Posts: 2,462
    edited September 2011

    Lol Karen!!

    Told my husband about the sundress and he chuckled but then added that HE believes the REAL reason they won was that he DIDN'T wear the red shirt he usually wears!

    I'm guessing it's going to be you, in your sundress and him, wearing ANYTHING but red! Should be an interesting season but then, with the Bills, when is it NOT! lol......

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited September 2011

    I'm laughing at the visual of Seaside Memories DH in no shirt and Karen in the sundress, with red long johns throwing a stuffed football at the TV during a superbowl game.  I swear, if they get to the superbowl, party will be at my house with camera in hand....save the date. Karen hang onto the extra sundress just in case.  I'll absolutely wear the dress right next to you.

    Seaside, I hope all goes well recovering from the flooding.  Happy to hear you and your family are safe.

    Bevin, How's the cold?

    Kindone:  Hi, missed you on the threads

    Susan/Heymoose: hope you all are well.

    Update on me, lump is still there, I'll call later in the week.  Skipped the trip to Wisconsin, didn't feel like going. I'll do a telecon from work.  Booked solid the next couple of days and trying not to panic.

    Have a great evening.



  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited September 2011

    Dear Maureen, that is quite the visual isn't it, I've also promised Seaside's DH that I won't wear a red sundress so I think we've got all the bases covered, I think it'd be a riot to have the superbowl in our finest.  Watch - we'll make it to the superbowl!  Just got back from meeting starbeauty for coffee, we got to giggling because I wore my Bill's sundress and I know I'll end up having to call you once I get to the Mall because I can't find the restaurant.  Send out the rescue crew to fetch the local who can only navigate her small town, if I leave early I'll find it no problem, so I may be drinking my chocolate martini when you all get there.  Only one since I have to drive and I'm a real lightweight now, boy in my college days, I swear I could drink better, course I could also get up  from a sitting position without groaning.  So glad you are seeing the doctor, no panic, it's just an inflamed node from the seroma, when you get older you can also diagnose from afar!  hugs, Karen

  • SeasideMemories
    SeasideMemories Member Posts: 2,462
    edited September 2011

    If the Bills make it to the Superbowl, I WILL make the trip! In fact, I will bring the chocolate martini's!!

    LOL Karen on the getting up without groaning! I weeded all afternoon and that goal is something for another day!,! Holy smokes, am I sore!


    Since I just met you all, I am not sure of your treatment path but, can offer as a potential explaination for your lump this....

    IF you have had radiation, it can cause ALL kinds of scarring within the breast (as well as under the arm since it is in the radiation field).... That may be what you are feeling especially if your breast is starting to 'soften up' after radiation.... Once outer tissue softens, all of the tissue underneath is far more pronounced bumps and all!

    I am about 1 year ahead of you (I think) and at my 1 year check up, I know my breast felt like a bag of marbles so, when my Dr said 'have you been doing self-exams' I had to laugh because it would have been the equivalence of finding a pea in the McDonald's PlayPlace ball pit! Routine Ultrasound at 1 year out came back BIRADS 3 (follow-up in 6 months, which was the plan ayway) because of all of the changes due to radiation... Six months later ( 1 1/2 years) I got the BIRADS 2 all clear so it does take awhile for the tissue to return to normal!

    Coming up on 2 years (with all those scans) I finally think I can do a respectable self-exam! Hope this brings you comfort! That MRI in a couple weeks wil help! I will be having my 2 year MRI in October, so will be right on your heals!

  • starbeauty
    starbeauty Member Posts: 106
    edited September 2011

    Karen just showed up for coffee with me wearing the sundress... All I can say is the winter Bills outfit should be really interesting... Especially the turtle neck part of it. LOL!!! But somehow no matter what she wears she looks great!

    welcome seaside!!

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited September 2011

    Seaside, you are now an honorary WNYer and we will welcome you with open arms to our superbowl party.  It's a good thing the layered look is in, especially when you envision my outfit, lol. hugs, Karen

  • SeasideMemories
    SeasideMemories Member Posts: 2,462
    edited September 2011

    Thanks Karen!

    Viva la Sundress (in any color other than red)!!!

    Go Bills!!!

  • heymoose
    heymoose Member Posts: 682
    edited September 2011

    Welcome Seaside!  Glad you are able to join us.  I hope to meet you at one of our luncheons.  Maureen, congratulations to your DH on his new job. 

    Just returned from an amazing vacation to Maine and MA.  Bar Harbour and our trip up Cadiallc (sp?) Mountain was beautiful.  The ocean was great and the food amazing.  Talk about gaining weight, I think I ate everything in sight.  Boston and Salem, MA were fun and informative. 

    Karen and Seaside the Super Bowl party will be a great place to show off the new fashions.  Go BILLS!!!!!!!!!!!

    I hope all are doing well and can't wait to see you on the 17th. 

    (((((Hugs and Prayers))))) 


  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited September 2011

    Hi heymoose, my DD went to the University of Maine in Orono, so we spent a lot of our vacation time in Maine and Ma., the seafood is sooo good.  We used to buy our lobster right on the docks, had a seafood bisque that my mouth still waters about.  So glad you had a good time, see you Saturday, the menu at Carmine's sounds fantastic, you mentioned that you eat there frequently and the food is great.  hugs, Karen

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited September 2011

    Hi All,  Thanks for the talk off the ledge seaside.  I'm still laughing about the "Bills dress".  Seriously please try to join one of our outings, I'd love to meet you.

    Starbeauty, so sorry we'll miss you. Glad you and Karen can get together.  I'd love to join you some day for coffee.

    heymoose, glad to hear you had a great vacation, bring pics, I'd love to see them

    hope the weekend comes soon, I'm pooped.  Had two days of all day meetings, just sitting there makes me tired.  I have developed ADD post chemo,  I have such a time trying to concentrate.

  • starbeauty
    starbeauty Member Posts: 106
    edited September 2011

    Maureen... I for sure had that lack of focus too... Seriously some days I just laid my head down on my desk... So tired, so out of it, so down, so discouraged... But I am so much better now and I am confident I am not unique... Just hang on... You'll be back! Just one day at a time and one day you'll wake up and realize you feel different, better. Praying that day comes fast for you.

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited September 2011

    Hi Maureen, could you join us if we had a coffee time on the weekend?  I too had the lack of concentration, I love reading and I couldn't concentrate or focus long enough to read any books.  It lasted for over a year and I was seriously thinking I could never get back to my favorite hobby, but gradually my ability and focus came back, I think that first year and more we have only room for treating and thinking about the dread BC.  But it will come back to you, plus all day meetings were always a time for my mind to wander, I always wondered how any of the higher ups thought we could stay with it for 8 hours of being talked at, or hearing new ideas, I know my organization went crazy for quite awhile with defining and implementing our company VISION.  It was just the worst waste of time when I had children and staff that needed my attention and that was what I was hired to do, could not stay on topic with all the flowing BS that was going on.  So, don't take all the blame on your shoulders, sometimes it is just what it is - boring, stupid meetings.  hugs to you, Karen

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited September 2011

    Hi Karen,  yes, I could do a weekend, be forewarned,  I hate driving in the snow, I have a phobia.  Driving to work is too much during the winter, people laugh at me all the time.  I agree the concentration loss is really annoying.  My work requires multiple details all the time and I constantly struggle with remembering everything,  I have post-it notes everywhere LOL.  Unfortunately, meetings are a necessary evil.  I don't mind meeting as long as there is an agenda and a purpose.  The worst meetings are when people have their own agendas or just like to hear themselves talk vs. really listening what all members have to say or argue for the sake of arguing.  Oh yeah, one more, the person who attacks you personally vs. debating an issue...they truly are the worst.  I find some people are like that on the other threads on these boards.  I like this thread, it's safe and caring and great discussions even when we disagree, we respect each other's opinions.  I wish I worked on common goals with the people on this thread, boy the things we could accomplish!!  Looking forward to the weekend.  Love to all Maureen

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited September 2011

    Boy Maureen could I relate to what you said about people who attack other people, people who have their own agenda and arguing for the sake of arguing, at the same time that we were having our vision meetings, the organization of all our jobs was changed so all administrators were working not with their own charge but we were a team of administrators with equal voice.  The majority of the team worked well together but there were three members who were the personification of the people you described.  I lasted three years with the team, I was getting migraines on a weekly basis, having to inject myself with Imitrix to stop them.  I had post-its all over the place and list upon list of things to do, I had to leave a job I loved and staff and children I really cared about for the sake of my quality of life.  If, as you suggest, I could have worked with this WNY team, oh the things we could have accomplished for the good of the children, it would have been overwhelming!  I am the same way about driving in the snow, especially the blinding snow we get.  Maybe on Saturday we could talk about the whole group meeting in Batavia before the weather gets dicey.  We have a great restaurant called Alex's that is a straight shot from the Thruway, it usually takes Esther and I about 40 minutes to get to you.  Can't wait to see everyone.  hugs, Karen

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited September 2011

    Good idea Karen,  either this time or next spring depending on our weather.  Oh boy was it cold this AM.  When I woke up, I thought oh good no hot flashes, sweating thing going on and then looked at the temp. outside and understood the reason :)

    My day officially sucked today.  Meetings up the ying yang, then just as I'm packing up my laptop, asked to stop by someone's office, yep, 1.5 hours later, finally out to my car and it won't start, my new car BTW, so I was really ticked.  Call the hot line and due to accidents on the bridge, they took 1hr. 40min.  Funny my DH got over the bridge and brought dinner to me before they even arrived :(  After this I learn it was my fault.  When I got out of the car, I hit my lights and it drained the battery, talk about feeling pretty dumb, yep that was me. Oh well, home now at 8:00PM and got a free dinner from DH so day turned out okay.  Looking forward to tomorrow.



  • comingtoterms
    comingtoterms Member Posts: 52
    edited September 2011

    Go Bills!!! Wahoo!!!!

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited September 2011

    comingtoterms, oh good, another Bills' fan, we certainly are a resilient bunch of people.  Don't forget, must wear the clothes you wore this past Sunday for the Oakland game on Sunday!  And we're not superstitious either, ha.  Maureen, two full days of meetings, just too much. And then the car!!  We will all console you tomorrow.  Comingtoterms, can you join us tomorrow at 4:00 at Carmines on Transit. would love to meet you?   Karen

  • SeasideMemories
    SeasideMemories Member Posts: 2,462
    edited September 2011

    OK Ladies!!! Hope you all enjoy your lunch tomorrow! Wishing I could join you all but maybe next time!

    Seems the Bills game will not be shown here on regular TV this weekend (darn those Jets!) so if we want to see the game we will need to go out to a bar that has it on.... not that that is a problem...lol!


    Sorry to hear that today was such a bummer!! Whenever I have one of 'those' days it always feels so good to just get home, slip into some comfy clothes or PJs, and just take some time for me! Even if it's just a small amount of time to just revive myself enough to be able to 'be there' for my family!

    I know you all will have such a great time tomorrow! Look forward to hearing all about it!

    Ok all.... Just as a bit of a twist... My husband wore an off-white shirt ( a departure from his usual red shirt) last week... But the Bills were away last week so were wearing their white shirts.... This week they are home so will be wearing blue.... The Raiders will be in white.... He's thinking if he wears white like he did last week, it will look like he's supporting the raiders.... We'll see what he goes with!! And WE thought that the what to wear thing was a ladies only problem....lol..... The ONLY thing I can gaurantee you is he won't be in a sundress (although if that would ensure the Bills made it to the Superbowl, I think he would do it)!

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited September 2011
    Thanks Seaside.  Sounds like a plan.  WHEN the bills make it to the superbowl, party at my house, sundress required, regardless of gender Wink
  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited September 2011

    Hey coming to terms, can we put you in charge of giving us directions to get our picture on the threads?  My daughter does my facebook which still has my wig. 


  • SusanHG
    SusanHG Member Posts: 455
    edited September 2011


    Backtracking a little to your lump (I know I am a little late chiming in), but I have the same lump in my armpit.  I was told by my OB/GYN since it is soft and moves, then it is related to my sentinel node biopsy.  Not sure whether it is the lymph fluid backing up or scar tissue, but it does swell and go down depending on how my breast is swollen that day.  I only wear a "real" bra when I have to go in to school (two days a week) but it takes a while for my breast to recover after wearing one.  The underwire digs in my side and I am tender for a while after.  I also am having trouble with breast exams, not to mention that the more you touch the tissue, the more it hurts after wards. What is a lump and what is scar tissue?  I just hold my breath until my next exam, which is Tuesday.  Have my first mammo Nov. 1st.  Good luck to you if you haven't gone to the doc yet. Welcome to our group SeasideMemories!  See most of you this afternoonCool


  • SusanHG
    SusanHG Member Posts: 455
    edited September 2011

    Hello All!

    Just wanted to say thank you for such a nice time yesterday.  It was o great to get together as always.  thank you to Maureen and Bevin for organizing a delcious dinner.  So sorry you couldn't make it, Bevin.  hopefully we will see you next time!  Betty, so nice of you to bring the gifts for us.  Love the little bee candle!  Cannot wait for our next meeting Smile


  • heymoose
    heymoose Member Posts: 682
    edited September 2011

    Hi All,

    Ditto to what Susan said.  Have a great week.  Betty pm me your phone no. for VEGAS.  I would love to catch up with you.

    (((((Hugs and Prayers)))))


  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited September 2011

    YEAH BILLS, wore the sundress and had my portable heater going, had slippers on for the first half, then changed to my sandals for second half and we won.  It sure was a nail biter.  I had such a good time yesterday, you ladies are just the best, we are all so lucky to have each other.  Just thrilled that you are going to come to Batavia next time, Betty - just loved the dog story, I told my DD the story when I came home and she is familiar with the area and thinks you are such a good person and you are.  hugs to all Karen

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited September 2011

    Keep wearing the sundress and the sandals....no room for deviation Karen (LOL).  Yes, I had a wonderful time yesterday.  Left dinner and sister called to go to Bingo and I won 75.00!!!  I was so excited I went and bought a new outfit. 

    Betty,  thank you for the candle,  your sister should go into business for wedding and/or shower favors, they are really pretty.

    Bevin,  we missed you yesterday, great recommendation the food was delicious.

    Starbeauty,  Karen was updating us of your new goal, good for you!!  If you ever get stuck at school in bad weather, please, please call me, you are more than welcome to stay at my house.  Don't try to drive home in inclement weather, I genuinely offer my home if needed.

    Susan, good luck with school, let us know how it's going.

    heymoose so nice to see you, have a great time in LV.  I hope you and Betty can get together, have a chocolate martini for me:)  That was very tasty yesterday. 

    Have a great night ladies, I'll try to post picture later when DH can help me, I'm a computer illiterate, just know how to type.


  • SeasideMemories
    SeasideMemories Member Posts: 2,462
    edited September 2011

    Holy Smokes!! WHAT a game!!!

    DH had to do the bar thing to watch because the game was not being televised here! I listened on the radio because I had way to much to do around here to sit in a bar all afternoon...lol!

    DH went with a blue shirt today, so looks like for him, it will be the white shirt for away games and the blue shirt for home games!

    2-0 for the first time since 2008!!!!!!! Go Bills!

    Sounds like you all had a great get-together!!

  • SeasideMemories
    SeasideMemories Member Posts: 2,462
    edited September 2011

    Forgot to say, congats on the Bingo winnings, Maureen!!

    I am notoriously unlucky in things like that but, I did win the 50/50 raffle at my son's hockey game this past year so, maybe it's time to try again!!!