Western New York Area



  • bevin
    bevin Member Posts: 519
    edited October 2011

    OK- love love love this warm weather- hate hate hate the trick its playing on my sinus'  UGHHHH

    Hope everyone is really well.

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited October 2011

    Hey Bev, sorry to hear your sinuses are acting out.  It's suppose to rain Tues. night so the change in weather probably won't help either.  Going to hear my oncologist give a speech tomorrow night on the most recent advances in BC treatment.  I'll post if I hear anything interesting.  Doing okay today, in a down mood, this happens so much lately and I don't know why??  Bills won, Sabres won, it's 80 degrees in October in Buffalo, it doesn't get much better than that!!

    Have a great evening ladies



  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited October 2011

    Hi all, hope you are feeling better bevin, Maureen sent you a funny PM, starbeauty - did you eat lunch at your desk again, Susan, you must be busy with course work, heymoose and kindone are you home from Vegas yet - can't wait to hear stories, found a little unknown to me bakery that makes the most marvelous scones, backed fresh each AM, only ate 1/4 of one, back on my e-lab diet again, this losing weight is hard work,using the bike again.  Packed up 5 bags of clothes I haven't a prayer of fitting into, took all to Savation Army.  Ordered Bills jersey today for my winter look - will continue to wear sundress till it gets here, my grandchildren just laugh at my superstitions.  Little do they know the Bills' coach has included it in his playbook and thanks starbeauty for the tip.  hugs, Karen  Hey Seaside, I am convinced the AI makes losing weight literally impossible without major exercising, is that a SE? 

  • starbeauty
    starbeauty Member Posts: 106
    edited October 2011

    No Karen... I wolfed down a chicken salad sand while driving to GCC to observe a class today... :) hope you are having a good week... Thanks for thinking of all of us!

  • SeasideMemories
    SeasideMemories Member Posts: 2,462
    edited October 2011


    I am on Tamoxifen because, at the time I started (2 years ago in October), I was still not in menopause... Tamoxifen put an end to my periods and, based on the d &c that I had this past Spring, I am now in menopause....

    I strongly suspect that, when I meet with my MO later this year, he will be wanting to make the switch to one of the AIs.... Not sure hiw I feel about that!

    The AIs DEFINITELY make weight loss more difficult.... I think, even though my MO disagrees, the same is true of Tamoxifen!

    He says the weight gain is not due to the Tam but is more due to getting older.... Well... I'm too much of a lady to say what I truly feel about that statement...lol

    I do plan to start again with a weight loss regimen as soon as I can shake this darn cold! I am really not happy with what I see when I step on the scale or when I look in the mirror! Just have to buckle diwn and do the hard work!

  • SeasideMemories
    SeasideMemories Member Posts: 2,462
    edited October 2011

    Hugs Maureen...

    I soooo know that down feeling even when things are going just fine..... Can't explain it and don't understand it.... just know that it is.....

    I just roll with it and sooner or later, that cloud lifts and life is good again for awhile!

    Hoping that you find comfort in knowing that someone else feels the same from time to time!

  • kindone
    kindone Member Posts: 435
    edited October 2011

    Hello Ladies, I got back late last night.  We had a great time (spent to much money though).

    MY DD and I met Cheryl and her husband for lunch.  We had a great time, it was so nice to have someone special from WNY there that shared our bond.  I talked my head off. lol.  Cheryl's husband Pat s very nice and it was very nice of them to share part of their vacation us.

    We did get to the Bill's game at the bar.  DH was happy about that.  My sister and I did go to see the Donny and Marie show.  It was very good.

    I hope everyone is doing well, Looking forward our next lunch on the 22nd.

    Maureen, tell me more what did you learn from Onc, where did he speak?

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited October 2011

    Hi kindone, welcome back, so glad you were able to get together with Cheryl and her DH, we are all so lucky to have each other.  I bet the Donny and Marie's show was fantastic, always watched them on TV - long ago.  As soon as heymoose gets back I'll post very easy directions to get to our luncheon, the map on the website is a little confusing.  hugs, Karen

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited October 2011

    Hi All, glad you had fun in LV.  I remember Donny and Marie and the Osmond Brother's, loved them when I was a kid. No surprise Cheryl's DH is a doll, just like his wife.  Glad you had fun kindone.

    The lecture was interesting. didn't really take notes, but they are making advances with different inhibitors and in some cases has success with inhibitors and light chemo prior to surgery with no evidence of tumor after treatment with both.  The good news, the chemo let you keep your hair.  I did ask about immunotherapy and that's still pretty new including the bc vaccine. The vaccine is being tested on SIV patients after chemo, rads and surgery.  He also lectured of the benefits of whole breast radiation vs. localized rads in large tumors including tumors and clavicle.  He seemed optimistic with treatments and advances.  Great man, I really like him. 

    All for now,



  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited October 2011

    Hi all, enjoyed a wonderful WNY day from the window but hey, take what you can get right?  This weekend is suppose to stink :(  I think I'll cook, maybe apple pie, home made pasta, sauce, anything but cleaning. Have a great night


  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited October 2011

    Hi all, it's very quiet here, almost the weekend for those juggling school, jobs, family.  I responded to a post on the active topics posted by the DS of a woman diagnosed 2 mos. ago who it turns out lives in Williamsville near U.B..  Told him a little about our group and invited him and/or his mom to post.  She is terrified of facing chemo, surgery and rads, the posting is Please help me talk to my mother.  So, we may see a new name appear, his name is Rob, do not know mom's name.  Take care all, Karen

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited October 2011

    Thanks Karen, saw the thread and responded.  My heart goes out to the family.  We've all been there and understand the stress it puts on a family.  It's important Rob and family there is light at the end of the tunnel.  Sounds like they need to meet us for a chocolate martini.  Never drank in my life, well maybe during college years, but loved the martini.  Tasted like a chocolate candy bar, so glad you talked me into it.  Lessons learned during my treatment is noted in my diagnosis section.  The bonus, my family is closer than ever, I learned quickly who my friends were and were not and just how strong you can become in the face of adversary.  I pray that Rob and his mom come through this stronger and wiser.  I felt the same way when my mom was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and terminal, there is nothing I wouldn't have done to make her better.  Take care ladies, see you all very soon.



  • starbeauty
    starbeauty Member Posts: 106
    edited October 2011

    Seaside... Just decided to try a new angle on the dieting... Put the entire family on Nutrisystem. Ate my first full day of it... Counted up the calories... Under 1000. ordered the diabetic food... Cuz cancer likes sugar... So figured couldn't hurt... On Tamox too... Expecting to be switched to an AI in the spring... So want to deal with the weight now... am fighting for every pound... I'll let you know how it goes... The cost is about the same as what I spend on groceries. DS is paying for his own.

  • kindone
    kindone Member Posts: 435
    edited October 2011

    Starbeauty,  I started Jenny Craig and had to stop because its base on soy.  So be careful it dosen't have soy products in it. especially if you are ER+.  Good Luck

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited October 2011

    WOW sounds life everyone is working to become very healthy. Just keeping an eye on the weather, looks nasty. Had to go to a funeral yesterday at Forest Lawn and decided I was going to find my grandfather's site.  So after the service, off in the pouring rain, I started digging.  Told DH is was by a big tree.  We looked and they're all big trees.  Knew he fought in World War I.  Long story short, I found it.  My dad used to go there every Father's Day, put flowers on the grave, trim and clean.  Hadn't been there since he died (almost 19yrs ago). I used to run through the grass and play, should've paid more attention to where he was working and I would've found it so much sooner.  Stay warm everyone.



  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited October 2011

    BTW, Nov. 5th, there's a breakfast/luncheon lecture in Clarence for newest info on BC. $10.00 if you register by 10/26, $20.00 at the door.  Don't know the researcher or oncologist but Doc. Bauer is the surgeon. Let me know if your interested and I'll PM you the details.

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited October 2011

    Hi Maureen, I learned to ride my bike in Forest Lawn Cemetery, lived nearby, my dad used to take me there.  Funny how certain places bring back such clear, carefree memories.  It is a nasty blustery day here as it probably  is at your house, do have to go out later to pick up a script, winter coat time, blah.  It has a lovely hood as I am not a hat wearer.  Yes it does seem like we are all trying to lose a few lbs. - I know that with quitting smoking and the arimidex I am 25 lbs. heavier.  I saw an old mean neighbor the other day who I always thought looked frumpy and heavy and thought I don't want to look like that anymore, so everytime I head to the kitchen I grab a stic of sugar free gum, you are right starbeauty sugar does feed cancer, so may as well cut way back, just another tool in our arsenal, as is exercise.  Hope you have time to R+R this weekend.  Between school and work you don't need to exercise.  No Bills jersey yet, so I will wear my sweats to my other friend's house, she lives a little closer, and change there.  Seaside, white shirt day right?  Wouldn't it be grand if we continue this winning streak!!!!  Hi kindone, bevin, heymoose and Susan - stay warm, hugs to all, Karen  ps Bills' jersey just arrived, I will bring dress with me though.

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited October 2011

    Go Bills,  yes, Karen the dress is imperative :)  Go Sabres too!!

  • bevin
    bevin Member Posts: 519
    edited October 2011

    Good Morning ladies!!

    Have to chime in on the weight loss issues.  My entire life, I have weighed about 135 - I'm 5,8 so thats rather slim. Since childbirth, gained and never lost 25 lbs.  Then BC, and given antihormonals  UGHHHH - gained 15lbs in 10 months.  Very very frustrating.  I am not used to being this HUGE and yet, I have not gotten myself into excercising again and seem to have a very bad sweet tooth.  Just ate 2 sugar cookes for breakfast.  I'm sure that's NOT going to help with weight loss.Laughing

    Starbeauty- I did use nutrisystem about 2 years ago.  It worked really well. I lost about 5 lbs in the first week. I found I was hungry though the first week. The cost is pretty reasonable considering it works out to about 10$ a day to eat all 3 meals on it.  If I could suggest, make sure you eat the veggies and stuff from home that you are to supplement. Otherwise you don't get enough calories.Good luck, I like the lasagna and the ravioli the best. A lot of the other itesm didnt do it for me.

    Sounds like everyone had a great time in Vegas. I loved Donny Marie too. It was one of the few shows my mother would let us watch on TV.

    I hope everyone has a great Sunday!


  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited October 2011

    Hi all, very quiet here, it was a close game though, went to Walmart after the game and the man in line reminded me of your husband seaside, looked like his best dog had died, I said did you watch the game, he said he had in the saddest voice, the clerk told him to have a good day, he said not today, maybe tomorrow.  The jersey wasn't working so I put on the sundress, no help.  Glad we have a bye week to get healthy.  Stay warm and dry ladies.  hugs, Karen

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited October 2011

    bevin, when I went on the AI's I gained weight too, and it is oh soo hard to take off.  It isn't listed as a SE but so many women have found it to be the case - it has to have some merit.  See you soon, Karen

  • SeasideMemories
    SeasideMemories Member Posts: 2,462
    edited October 2011

    Lol Karen!

    I know that look oh so well.... The only thing my husband has said thus far was 'Did I tell you how much I Hate the Giants?!???'

    This would have been such a sweet game to have won but, we only lost by 3.... Even the announcers were saying how the Bills will be in this at the end of the season! We need to re-group and come out fighting!


    Thanks for the info on NutriSystem.... I'm going to try getting back into exercising daily, first... If that doesn't do it, I may need to go for a more regimented program!!

    To all on the hormonal therapies.... Maybe we can share our frustrations as well as what has/has not worked!

  • starbeauty
    starbeauty Member Posts: 106
    edited October 2011

    Hi All,

    ok... So lost 5 lbs in 3 days... Doing what you said... Eating all the raw veggies too... With all of that I am pretty full. Not sure about the soy thing, but I know I have a large tire on the front of me that is shedding estrogen daily... Got to get it off... Thinking even if there is soy, three months to get 25 lbs off should even out??? Yes?

    Just checked... It does have soy... do you think just three months of it will cause a problem?

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited October 2011

    What the heck was that?  The Bills were doing so well, they need to beef up the defense. We'll get them next time. 

    First of all, everyone of you look beautiful just the way you are.  Good luck with your weight loss journey.  I'm rooting for you all the way.  

    Today I just hung out, did laundry, get ready for a pretty busy week next week. Long days coming, one of the times I'm glad I can split time between home and office.

    Take care ladies,


  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited October 2011

    Maureen, yes the defense has to step it up, they were so good last week.  You would have laughed to see the winter version of the sundress.  I put it on when it looked like the Giants were going to get another touchdown, sundress, black leggings and black kneehighs, My girlfriend cracked up.  Didn't work though. But it got us laughing.  

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited October 2011

    Hi all, here are the directions: take the thruway 90E towards Rochester/Albany, pass Exit 48A - Pembroke, go to Exit 48 Batavia, I think the fee is $1.35.  Go through the traffic light at the exit.  About .3 mile, (about 100 yards) you will see a turn L lane, this is Park Rd., make the left follow to Alex's which is on the Right, parking lot is next to it.  The reservation is in my name, I asked for a round table, so conversation is easier.  And yes, they do make chocolate martinis!  See you Saturday at 11:30, can't wait. hugs, Karen

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited October 2011

    Hi All,  Off to the cardiologist tomorrow for the wierd heart beat.  Not that upset, I'd be dead by now in the event it was anything tragic (LOL).  Anyway today was an okay day, not really busy just annoying.  People flying in from South tomorrow and want me to be in office at an ungodly hr. I say bull,  will be on the phone in a 1/2 hr. with international call and who knows how long that will take.  They're just going to have to wait till I get there.  Sometimes I get so annoyed with other people's expectations. 

    Looking forward to the weekend.  Trying to talk DH into coming along for the ride and going to Batavia downs casino while I have fun.  He's coming home from Boston, so he's not up to doing more traveling, running around type of thing. 

     Karen,  I hope you took a picture of the dress.  We can hang it up at the Super Bowl party :) 



  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited October 2011

    Dear Maureen, praying the cardiologist will have some answers for you tomorrow, especially if he thinks it is a SE of the AI and if it is can he put you on something that will counteract it.  I know all too well the concept of taking meds for the side effects of another med is not ideal at all, but if it stops the skip in your heartbeat and allows you to take the AI ...  Sounds like other people's expectations go way beyond an 8 hour work day, you're right you'll get there when you get there!  No pics of the outfit fortunately, it was a sight to behold but not to capture on film hugs to you, Karen

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited October 2011

    Hi All, Cardio guy is doing tests however he thinks it's caused by the complete depletion of estrogen in my body. Another thing I can thank cancer for.  On the phone last night till after 11, then off to work early this AM and got out late.  Really tired tonight and looking forward to the weekend. Bills have by week don't they?   Had one more question, did seaside sit out on the deck during the game on Sunday?  Funny story, over the weekend, talking to my girlfriend and all of a sudden, she stopped talking because she had to feed her DH Fritos.  Apparently that is their superstition,  when he eats Fritos, the Bills do well.  We should start a running list of all these things and send to the Bills.  Good thing her hubby is in good shape, by Superbowl, he'll weigh 400lbs.  LOL!! 


  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited October 2011

    Hi Maureen, yes, the Bills have a bye week this coming Sunday, the cardio Dr. thinks it is because of a complete lack of estrogen, cancer the gift that keeps on giving!!1  I think that work expects an awful lot from you, such a long day, not even counting the phone call. Do you at least get comp time?   Tomorrow is hump day, then just 2 more days till the weekend.  Football fans are really a supersticious bunch, our list alone has about 5 must do's.  Seaside were you on the deck?  And did hubby wear the correct shirt, I'm sure he did. Did alot of errands today, so I don't have to be running around tomorrow in the  lake effect rain. Looking like the weekend is going to be sunny and clear, so good driving weather, our leaves are changing color here, so it should be a pretty ride.  Anyone else interested in going to the seminar on Nov. 5th?  Maureen and I are going.  See you all soon,   Karen.