Western New York Area



  • SusanHG
    SusanHG Member Posts: 455
    edited November 2011

    Hi All!

    Had a blast with my son yesterday trick or treating.  My husband and I both went out and left the house dark.  We normally don't get very many kids because our street doesn't decorate and go all out like some of the other streets in our neighborhood.  We go to a parade through Kenmore to start at 6 pm.  It ends up at the firehall for cider and doughnuts, then trick or treating!  My son was so fast going to houses this year!  He dressed as Pikachu from Pokemon for those of you up on your videogame characters :) We returned home about 7:30 and then only had about ten kids before 8 pm, then nothing.  Normally, there are a few teenagers after 8 pm. 

    I had a great day today.  Had my first mammogram since surgery, and it was normal!!! Yippee!  My appointment was for 9:30 and I was out by 10.  The tech warned me that I'd probably need to go in for more films, but nope, she came out with my nice paper and away I went!  All the other ladies waiting were going back for more and a couple were 4 and 7 years out.  I was surprised.  I figured my breast would be a mess and very difficult to read.  Guess not.  Plus, even better, it did not hurt a bit!  My right breast hurt more.  Go figure.  I go visit the breast clinic tomorrow, but the hard part is over.

    Excited about the 19th!


  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited November 2011

    Great news Susan, doesn't it feel like the best present anyone could give you - we will celebrate you on the 19th!!!!!!   Karen

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited November 2011

    HI All,  Glad everyone had a great Halloween.  Didn't get a chance to call today, but will do tomorrow I promise.  Busy day again, then had dinner with old friend at Sean Patrick's good food, good company and laughs...something we all need. 

    Off to call from China, then bed.



  • tammie
    tammie Member Posts: 13
    edited November 2011

    I'm from Baldwinsville NY, it 20 min. outside of Syracuse..Lookin to connect with people that live semi close to me. I just noticed this thread..((hugs)) Tammie

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited November 2011

    Hi Tammie, sorry it took so long for you to get a reply, I am the only one around much in the daytime hours, all the rest of us work, go to school, or do both.  Everyone will be around to greet you later this evening.  We are sorry you had to find us but love to get new members.  In the nice weather we meet usually every month for lunch and 1 imbibing, usually in Williamsville, since starbeauty and I are the only ones from this far east, but have met in Batavia, that might be the place to meet us, a little closer to you.  This is a very supportive group of women, who have become very close, but not so close that we don't have room for newcomers, you see that occasionally on other threads, but not here.  We post alot more in the winter months for all the obvious reasons, and I see you are in the thick of it farther east near Syracuse.  I believe you got snow last week, we had it in the air but it didn't stick.  We are meeting on the 19th of this month (of course dependent on the weather) at Bravos in Williamsville. They have a website at Bravos in Williamsville.  If you feel like a drive please come, just ask for the reservation for Maureen.  Maureen will be sending out PM's on the time.  We are Bills, Sabres, and some of us into college football. the Orangemen of course.  We are young married, moms, and grandmoms, so you get the gamut of ages, and stages of bc.  Nice to have you onboard Tammie,  we are also great huggers, so hugs to you, Karen. 

  • comingtoterms
    comingtoterms Member Posts: 52
    edited November 2011
    Maureen, I am a teacher with Erie 1 BOCES in Tonawanda. I work with at-risk adolescents; let me tell you, it takes DAYS for our kids to come down after Halloween. Unfortunately, it's not the candy they have too much of.  Frown  Tammy
  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited November 2011

    comingtoterms, you are the third teacher of Special Education in our group!  Jan - who is thinking of retiring, me - I have retired after 30 years and now you.  I was an administrator for my last 10 years with behaviorally challenged inner city adolescents, Halloween was a particularly trying time!!!  Karen

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited November 2011

    WOW, welcome to the club no one wants to join.  My new friends are the best thing that came out of cancer. I didn't realize how many teachers were in our group.  I need to watch my vocabulary, spelling and sentence construction (LOL).

    Called and set everything up today and will be PMing information.  If I miss anyone, please let me know.  I'm sending tonight so if you don't see info, PM me because I forget things all the time.  I'm so excited to see everyone again.



  • starbeauty
    starbeauty Member Posts: 106
    edited November 2011

    Welcome to our little group tammie... I find so much comfort, encouragement,and support here. I hope you do too!

  • SusanHG
    SusanHG Member Posts: 455
    edited November 2011

    Welcome, Tammie!  Hope you can make our get together.  I'm one of those ones that are not around much.  I'm a grad student in English these days with a 7 year old son to boot.  i.e. zero free time.  This is one great group of ladies!


  • bevin
    bevin Member Posts: 519
    edited November 2011

    Welcome Tammi- Glad you found us and hope that you can join us one day for lunch. 

    Susan- Congrats on the clear Mammo, that's such good news. I have my 1 year one this month. My 6 month one, I wasnt worried about. for some reason this one has me a bit concerned.

    I hope everyone is doing well and enjoying the warm weather!!

  • janhart
    janhart Member Posts: 292
    edited November 2011

    Hi Tammie and comingtoterms (and others),

    I am a new member to this group and have not met anyone in person yet, but it's so fun getting to know people this way. I'm one of the teachers in the group and don't always abide by the correct grammar and punctuation rules here....so no worry. I'm really excited about the get together. In fact, I will be seeing my SIL Nora tomorrow evening (who some of you know) and can't wait to tell her about my new friends. Gotta go. Modern Family is on. Just love Gloria! Will check in tomorrow.


  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited November 2011

    Dear Janhart, she is my favorite too, also Cam and Manny, he plays his part so well.  Loved the salsa and baby aspirin part tonight. This is another teacher who relies on spell check too. See you soon. hugs, Karen

  • SusanHG
    SusanHG Member Posts: 455
    edited November 2011

    Hi Bevin-  I was so worried because I just felt a lack of control over knowing anything about what was happening in there.  At least now I know that it is clear and everything is out.  My one year mammo will include an MRI so hoepfully I won't need unnecessary biopsies, but my low grade DCIS wasn't picked up on MRI, so better safe than sorry.  I was surprised to hear that I need to go every 6 months only until 2 years.  Is this the norm for lumpectomy and radiation or is it something triple negative related?  It seems weird to just go back to 1 year check ups like everybody else after only 2 years.


  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited November 2011

    Dear Susan, I too went every 6 mos. till I hit 2 years out and I had lumpectomy and rads, it feels kind of wierd to be cut loose.  Nice not to have Dr. appts. every month but a little wierd.  hugs, Karen

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited November 2011

    Dear bevin, it is supposed to get less worrisome, but I was more nervous over my 2 year mammo. than my 1st, go figure.  My neighbour who is over 10 years out still does not sleep the night before her mammo., so I guess the anxiety stays with us for a long, long time.  So glad Nov. 19th is good for you, we miss you!   hugs, Karen

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited November 2011

    HI All, If you didn't receive a PM, please let me know.  I want to make sure I've included everyone. 

    Hope all is well tonight and you had the chance to enjoy a beautiful day.  I'm so excited we'll meet before the snow flies, I hope :)

    My son just came home from class and decided he wants to switch his major.  Ok? He is a business major and wants to change to criminal justice. I thought that's was his goal originally so happy he's finding his way.  Funny, DH and I both had medical backrounds then branched out throughout our career.  Both my children like the legal field, one a lawyer and one a cop.  Oh boy, must have something to do with the # of times they had to go to court for driving infractions LOL!! Both of them have really bad colds and I'm just trying to keep healthy.  I had my bout with the virus going around this year.  Have to laugh, no one was home tonight for dinner so I made everything no one else will eat when I cook dinner--ravioli and brussel sprouts and watched my stories.  Enjoy a night like that every now and then.  Glad they're starting to arrive home.  I enjoy the peace and quiet only so long, then I get tired.

    Have a great night.  I need to recover from the hockey mess last night.  Hopefully Bills do better!



  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited November 2011

    Dear Maureen, that cold really does hold on, so expect the kids to have it for a few days, I feel 80% well now.  My daughter changed her major from Veterinary Medicine to Art History during her first year, she is still following her passion.  Your story of your dinner reminded me of my days in Va., on a particularly bad day, when I knew I would be eating alone,  I would stop at the Kroeger's grocery store and pick up 4 frozen vegetable egg rolls with plum sauce, a bottle of wine, a Ghiradelli bar of raspberry chocolate and the National Enquirer.  I remember the cashier saying "bad day huh"  It was the perfect remark.  hugs to all, Karen

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited November 2011

    Hi all, son is still really sick. He hasn't kept anything down since yesterday.  Hope this goes away soon, I'm running out of Lysol :) 

    Going to a seminar tomorrow that my BS is on the panel.  I'll have good company too with our dear Karen.  It's going to be a great day.  I'm so glad my DH will be home to keep an eye on DS.  If he's not better tomorrow, he's going to the urgent care.  The night before he and his friends went out to dinner and now they're all sick.  I'm starting to think it's food poisoning.   Either way he'll need a boost of fliuds if nothing stays down for more than 48hrs. 

    Have a good night ladies,



  • bevin
    bevin Member Posts: 519
    edited November 2011

    Hi everyone,

    Susan- yes thats standard protocol. Every six months until 2 year mark minium.  I am not sure if I'm having an MRI yet; not going back to the BS so will rely on my Onco.  I have another set of scans in February of lungs, pelvic and abdomen too.

    Maureen- so sad to hear the kids are sick.  There was a gentleman at sick with the flu a couple weeks ago. He couldnt hold down food for 5 days , ended up in the hospital for IV and lost over 15 lbs.  He couldnt stand to lose them either.

    Everyone- re: spell check- it doesnt work for me.

    ahh - go to go, someone is at the door.

    tah tah

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited November 2011

    Hi all, met Maureen this AM at 7:40 and drove with her to the BC conference and breakfast, snack and luncheon.  Met Cheryl and her friend Marjorie there, we all sat together.  It was a great conference,besides eating all day, got to hear Dr. Bauer speak, Maureen, Marjorie and heymoose's Breast Surgeon, brilliant man and what a nice man.  Susan Banks, the former WKBW anchor spoke of her personal battle with cancer, saying "I would not let it define me" and "I avoided all the negative people in my life". I bet there were over 150 people there, I realized again how important all of you are in my life. Paul, Maureen's son is ill, 3 days of vomiting, can't even keep water down, may need to go to Urgent Care if he gets dehydrated, his dad was home with him, also met Maureen's daughter, who watched over my car while she was at work.  Very lovely girl.  See you on the 19th if the snow doesn't fly. hugs to all, Karen

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited November 2011

    Hey Karen,  I had so much fun today. Very informative hearing all the latest on bc research and advancements.  I really liked seeing all the vendors and support systems.  I will try that Au Natural place to be fitted for bras and they are covered under insurance.  That's a big WIN.  The food was great, when I went to lunch with DD, she ate lunch, I watched, I was stuffed!!  All for $10.00.  A real deal and a lot of fun. 

    Update on son, he's doing better, had some water and a few sips of gatorade, took a shower and is visiting with his buddy who has the same thing.  So trip to the urgent care was avoided.  Advice to all, nasty bug lasting almost 72hours, beware. 

    Off to the store for more lysol



  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited November 2011

    two words:   GO BILLS !!!

    PS Karen/Seaside:  Looks like sundress/deck weather to me :)


  • kindone
    kindone Member Posts: 435
    edited November 2011

    Hello Ladies,  I can't wait to see you ladies and ask you questions about the BC conference.  I wish I could have gone.

    Maureen I hope your son is feeling better.  Always a worry.

    I am off to the slots my DH is at work.  (Hee)  Then watch the game.  GO BILLS!!!!!!

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited November 2011

    good luck Kindone, hope you did better than the Bills Frown 

    Game didn't go as planned.  So I made apple crisp to brighten my spirits.

    I'm so relieved DS is doing better,  that was a nasty one.  He's eating everything in sight today, I keep saying drink, drink, drink.  He needs to replace those fluids and quick.  No matter how old they get, you still worry, don't think that will ever end.

    Probably won't post too much next week, something going on at work, I'll explain when we meet for lunch.  Needless to say, it's going to suck. 



  • bevin
    bevin Member Posts: 519
    edited November 2011

    yummmm LOVE apple crisp!

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited November 2011

    Oh those Bills, that hurt to watch, I hope we are not back to the Bills of old, and I'm knocking on all the wood I can find so I don't jinx them.  bevin, wore sandals and my lucky shirt - wore it last week, been battling a cold that won't let go, better for 2 days then wham.  Tomorrow is a Nyquil, Dayquil and Afrin day and the couch with plenty of kleenex,  The seminar was great kindone, we can all plan on going next year, that would be a good time and one stop after for a chocolate martini, we are just brazen women.  hugs to all, Karen

  • SeasideMemories
    SeasideMemories Member Posts: 2,462
    edited November 2011

    Hi all...

    Just have a couple minute...


    Those Sabres sure were a hot mess and now, today with the Bills... Ugggggg.... Being a Buffalo fan sure isn't for the faint of heart....

    Glad to hear your son is rounding the bend on that stomach bug ( although most times, if a group ate the same things and are all ill, it most likely was something they ate).... When it hangs on that long, it does really worry you!

    Funny but my son just started college studying Engineering but wants to be a police officer... That being said... He just received his second speeding ticket in 3 months!!!! I'm sure I don't need to tell

    you but holy cow.... The fines are just unreal! Sometimes you just have to wonder what the heck they are thinking!


    Sounds like you have something similar to what we have been battling here.... Respiratory illness for a few days with aches, fatigue and chills then it feels like your coming around and then... Wham.... Sniffles, sneezing and feeling like crap for another few days.... Basically, almost 2 weeks of feeling lousy but... I will say this... I did not wind up with it going to my chest.... Happy about that!

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited November 2011

    Seaside, one must be resilient to be a Bill's fan, a touch of insane optimism helps too.  That is exactly how I feel, better for a few days, restart my regular routine and Bam it's back again.  You are right did not drop to my chest as it did when I was a smoker,especially when I taught pre-schoolers, I think there was one time I owed sick days!.  hugs to you, Karen

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited November 2011

    bevin, chocolate martini and Maureen's apple crisp!!!