Western New York Area



  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited October 2011

    Hi Ladies, Hope all is going well.  Havent heard from many this past week,  Hope all is okay? Glad tomorrow is Friday.  I really need the weekend.  Get to go to the OBGYN tomorrow,  did so meone say fun?  DD and DS are doing really well and having fun.  OMG,  I have fruit flies in my house that are driving me insane!!  I threw out all my fruits, but still have these little annoying flies and have no idea how to get them out of my house.  None of the fruit was bad so no sure why they are here?  Any suggestions? 

    Karen,  I need to send my registration for the seminar, didn't do that yet. Actually, I need to get paid first. 

    Anyway was going to work today and they announced on the radio, 70 days till Xmas. OMG, talk about a panic attack. I haven't even purchased Halloween candy and we're discussing XMAS??? Wonder what the "have to get it for the kids" toy will be this year?  Then open my personal e-mail and they're already posting black Friday ads.  This is my DD favorite day.  I'm getting tired just talking about it. 



  • starbeauty
    starbeauty Member Posts: 106
    edited October 2011

    Having major scanxiety... Going for mammo and to pcp tomorrow... Just don't want to hear anything bad... Trying to be at peace about it.

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited October 2011

    Dear starbeauty, it never goes away does it, my neighbor is over 10 years out and still cannot sleep the night before a mammo.  Just wear something with pockets and take all our prayers tucked into it. hugs, Karen

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited October 2011

    Dear Maureen, where do fruit flies come from anyway - do they hatch on the fruit?, just had this discussion with a friend who had 2 peaches on her table, they are impossible to kill also.  Happy Friday, Maureen, you made it!! hugs, Karen

  • starbeauty
    starbeauty Member Posts: 106
    edited October 2011

    Karen... You always. Know the perfect things to say...

    Maureen... Last month I had 4 couples coming to our home... I opened the comp bin and about1000 fruit flies escaped... I had a melt down... Killing themas fast as I could covering all the food that they were landing on... It took me WEEKS to get rid of them... My empathy for your plight is deep!!! Lol

  • kindone
    kindone Member Posts: 435
    edited October 2011

    Starbeauty, prayers for tomarrow, you'll do fine.

    See you all Saturday.  Is everyone going??

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited October 2011

    Starbeauty:  good luck tomorrow, we're with you every step of the way and will celebrate the good results on Sat.  Did someone say Chocolate Martini???  LOL

    Hi Kindone, Yes, I'm going,  don't think Susan or bevin can make it.



  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited October 2011

    BTW,  I have no idea the origin of fruit flies however I'm convinced they are put on this earth to drive me insane.  You'd think the cat would terrorize them until they left the house, but she's too busy sleeping.  The way she's sleeping, she's rocking the chair and it looks like she's praying and rocking herself to sleep.

    Starbeauty, I understand your meltdown.  When company is due to come over, my DH tells everyone, he stays out of my way, puts his brain in his back pocket and does whatever I tell him to do.  I've gotten better over the years, if my friends want to visit my house more than us, they don't have to visit.   I can thank cancer for that attitude.  Good luck again.



  • janhart
    janhart Member Posts: 292
    edited October 2011

    Hi, I just found this western ny group. I live in the Amherst area. I was diagnosed in March of this year with DCIS. I had my surgery May 7, a bilateral mastectomy with TEs placed. Not liking them much and can't wait for my exchange surgery in January. It's nice to meet everyone here. I will try to slowly read the posts in this group to get to know everyone. Thanks, Jan

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited October 2011

    Wecome janhart, we are sorry to meet under these cirstances but glad to have you with us.  We are a talky group so yoou will have to do much reading.  We try to meet every month or so in the good weather to make up for the time when the weather forces us to hibernate.  We have many members in the Williamsville area and 2 of us in the Batavia area, one in South Buffalo.  We are all ages, I am the oldest at blah, blah, blah.  How's that for a non-answer.  All but me are employed full time, many are taking college courses also, I am a retired Special Education School Superintendant.  We have children, a few of us grandchildren, we are tireless in supporting each other.  Are you by chance Rob's mom?, we saw his heartfelt posting for his mom and responded.  Our next get together is probably in November, of course dependant on the weather.  All will be by to welcome you. Karen

  • starbeauty
    starbeauty Member Posts: 106
    edited October 2011

    Just got back from all my MD appointments and mammo... All is well... Still NED!!!! happy dance!

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited October 2011

    YAY!!!!  Group happy dance tomorrow in the parking lot, weather is supposed to be nice, so what happens in Batavia stays in Batavia.  Don't you just love that Wendy Logan Breast Care Center, everything except going to the left not the right, but you get your results immediately, no waiting time hugs girl, Karen

  • SeasideMemories
    SeasideMemories Member Posts: 2,462
    edited October 2011


    We are a superstitious bunch, aren't we? lol

    I did spend most of the game out on the deck... Lol about your Friend and the Fritos!! I wish THAT was my superstition....

    Glad that the cardiologist doesn't think it's anything to serious.... I had a freaky heartbeat thing happen several years ago. Felt like my heart would randomly skip a beat and then the next couple of beats were all weird and then it would work it's way out... Had an EKG done and some blood work but, all came back fine... My doctor chalked it up to stress....


    GREAT news on the good results!

    To all,

    I had my MRI done on Monday and got the results today!!! All CLEAR, see you in March!! Waaaaaaaa-Hooooooooo!!

    Hope you all have a great time tomorrow in Batavia!! Wish I could be there....


    Lol on the non-age disclosure! I tell everyone over on the Quit Smoking thread that I smoked for over 30 years but, I started when I was 2!!!!


    Welcome!! I am relatively new to this thread and don't even live in WNY (My husband is from Olean) but, the ladies here have welcomed me so warmly!! I'm sure you will find them to be a great bunch of women!

  • starbeauty
    starbeauty Member Posts: 106
    edited October 2011

    Awesome news Seaside!!!! feels so good doesn't it?

    Thanks Karen...

  • SeasideMemories
    SeasideMemories Member Posts: 2,462
    edited October 2011

    Starbeauty.... It sure does! I don't believe that I will ever get to the point of taking these tests in stride but, I never tire of hearing the good news that, for now, it's all good!!

  • kindone
    kindone Member Posts: 435
    edited October 2011

    Starbeauty, SeasideMemo, Great news on the all clear.  I just had my MRI and blood work done this week also.  Good for 6 mo.  Yaaa.  We have a lot to celebrate.  Isn't it something how these tests effect us so deeply. Nobody know how we feel getting normal regular test until you are in our shoes.  Looking forward for tomarrow. Love all.

  • SeasideMemories
    SeasideMemories Member Posts: 2,462
    edited October 2011

    Wow... This sure has been an active week for tests!

    So happy for your good results, kindone!! You are right, the rest of the world doesn't know that deep sigh of relief that we breathe when we get good results even after we have tried to re-assure all those around us that 'It'll all be OK'... BUT everyone here KNOWS! We've been there!!

    Lot's of reasons to celebrate tomorrow!!


  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited October 2011

    Wow, do I need to catch up.

    Starbeauty,  so glad all results were good news.  These WNY ladies are really powerful women.  I think cancer is afraid of us LOL.

    Janhart, Welcome to the thread. So glad you found us. Sounds like you are on the mend from this very difficult journey.  Sounds like you are in my neighborhood. Love for you to join us during one of our get togethers.  Where were you treated, cancer institute or private surgeon.  Hope you jump on the thread on a regular basis, a great bunch of women who I deeply respect.  They have shared both joyous and difficult moments in my life. I hope to pay ahead ten-fold.  I am so grateful they are in my life.  Please keep us posted on your progress.  January will be here soon and you can move forward with all good things in your life.

    Seaside,  sorry you had to stay on the deck during the nasty weather.  I agree, I really like the Frito superstition but really want a picture of Karen wearing the sundress outfit.  I'm still counting on the superbowl game.  Keeping my fingers, toes and arms crossed. Great news with the MRI.  Sweetest words I love to hear, see you in 6months.  Congratulations.

    Kindone: Great news with your bloodwork and MRI too!! Just think in 6mo. It will be spring, working on Easter holiday and crocus flowers.  Life is good.

    I am really looking forward to celebrating tomorrow.  We can celebrate friendship, great tests, good news and calm weather. 

    TGIF, boy really long week and I'm glad it's over. Doing well today. See everyone tomorrow.

    Bevin, Heymoose, Susan, hope you are well and enjoying work and school.  When you get a chance, drop us a note and let us know you are okay and life is treating you well. Hoping you can join us tomorrow.



  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited October 2011

    Good morning ladies.  I just love my children.  When they need to wake up for work/school/social life they set MY alarm, in the middle of the night so I can wake them up.  Want to hear the real kicker?  DS came home last night, long after I went to bed, sets my alarm, DOESN'T ADJUST THE TIME, and then leaves a note next to the alarm clock:  "Dear Mom, didn't want to wake you up to change the time on the alarm clock so not sure what time the clock is set, but I don't need to wake up till 10AM.  Love, Paul.  Did I mention my clock is set for 6AM!!!!   Needless to say, we're having a conversation for two reasons: 1) I didn't go to bed until midnight and he must've gotten home really late and 2) I didn't have to wake up today.  hmmmmm. 

    On a brighter note:  The luncheon was so much fun.  Great food, friends and atmosphere, what more could we want in life?  Cheryl, Ester and Karen: Thank you for the wonderful gifts.  The bracelet and earrings are beautiful, she has real talent and the colors will match any outfit.  The candy was delicious and didn't make it home :)  Did anyone win at the casino?  I donated my $10.00 and went home (LOL).  Hope Betty and Cheryl had more luck? 

    Have a great Sunday ladies, talk soon



  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited October 2011

    Dear Maureen, boys are just a breed apart aren't they, so considerate pf him to leave the note you had to wakeup to read, just when exactly does common sense kick in, so I have some idea when Addison's will kick in.  Although I must admit it gave me a smile, always easier when the shoe is on someone else's foot!  I too thought yesterday was so much fun, I get a kick out of the watress having to chck in to see if we have opened our menus yet and that was after talking for a little while when our table was being set up.  The surprises make it so much more special, it is like a date with the best friends one could have and Christmas rolled into one.  Maureen, at an earlier luncheon someome gave us Fowlers chocolate and it was consumed on the ride home, so glad you enjoyed it.  I went to visit the friend I had asked you to pray for and am so glad I did, she had been crying all morning, did find a psychiatrist who is taking new patient's but the earliest she can be seen is the week after this coming one.  She is hurting so badly financially she is thinking of selling her car, but then no transportation to work, she was able to find a part time job about a 1/2 hr. from here, it only pays minimum.  She is trying to keep up a  brave front for her grown children, but I mentioned what someone had mentioned at lunch, that deprives the other person, in this case a son and daughter to help and support her, plus the stress of having to act perfectly Ok in front of them.  I ask for continued prayers for her.  Our prayers are so powerful, the last time she finally consented to go for help and to think of taking the medication, still so much stigma attached to emotional illness, we do not think twice about taking insulin if we have diabetes and as we all know fight this bc with all weapons blazing, yet are ashamed of using the medication for severe emotional stress.  I just felt it imperative to be with her yesterday, she wasn't answering her phone and that is what she does when things are bad.  She is a dear person who has had such a run of negative events happen to her, surely things will turn around.  Love to all, hope we are meeting in a still clear November, I asked bevin to pick the date so she can be with us.  Karen

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited October 2011

    Yes, boys are a rare breed.  Not sure when the common sense kicks in!!  He's usually really thoughtful so this surprised me. So sorry to hear of your friend's struggle.  Those dark places can be really difficult.  Finances and health are two of the most difficult challenges to work through.  Most of the time both are out of our control.  The economy is so unpredictable and so many people are struggling to keep their head above water.  Hard work just isn't enough anymore because the jobs just aren't available.  I worry about our children's future.  When I was growing up, college guaranteed a good job and I don't believe that's the case anymore.

    Off to finish laundry, I gallivanted around all weekend now I need to catch up....lunch, casino etc... wouldn't it be nice to be independently wealthy and do this every day....one can dream.



  • kindone
    kindone Member Posts: 435
    edited October 2011

    Good Evening Ladies,  I had a great time at lunch,so great to be apart of such a special group of ladies.

    Karen and Esther, Yes thank you for the chocolate, and it was gone by time I got home.  Cheryl I love my bracelet and so dose  Jill and my sister. Thanks.

    I lost at the Casino but I like to go anyway it fun.  I went to the cottage afterward and met DH.  I cut the front lawn and raked while DS worked on shutting of the water.  When I got home I had to go to DD to babysit but first I had to go home and pick up Buster, I left him in the car for two seconds when I went back into the house and he ate my sandwich, I was so mad, I wanted it for a midnight snack while babysitting.  Oh well he was happy.

    Karen,prayer for your friend, life is sooooo not fair.

  • janhart
    janhart Member Posts: 292
    edited October 2011

    Hi Ladies and thank you for the nice welcome. I've been trying to read your posts starting from the beginning.....but soooo many. The support you give and provide each other is so evident. I'm not Rob's mom as Karen had asked. I actually saw that thread and that's how I found out about this group. I am married with three adult children. My oldest daughter (29) is an English teacher and my youngest daughter (22) is in grad school at UB in the school guidance counseling program. My son is 25 and works for a company that tests consumer products and is also trying to finish his undergrad degree. He's had some detours along the way, but is hopefully on the right track now. I am a special education teacher and I'm thinking about retiring soon. I love my career, but so many changes and new requirements are taking a toll on me. My cancer diagnosis in March totally caught me off guard. For those of you who have gone to Windsong for your mammas, you know how you can stay to get your results? Well, I have always stayed to hear that everything was good. This past March, I guess I was feeling a little too confident so I decided to not wait for my results. It was a sunny day in March and I just wanted to get out and run some errands. Well, the next day, my daughter called me at work to say Windsong had called and I needed to call them back. That was the beginning of a month long of additional mammograms, ultrasounds, biopsies, MRIs and doctor's appts. I chose Dr. Bauer for my surgeon. Or rather I should say my sister in law chose him for me. Some of you may know her. As I read your posts, I noticed some of you go to or have gone to Dr. Soniwalla (sp). My sister in law is one of the nurses there. She actually guided me through my appts, doctors, choices, etc. She was the first one I called when I found out I needed a biopsy. She was the first one I called after Dr. Sung gave me my diagnosis. Dr. Soniwalla, at my sister in laws insistence, received all my reports just in case. Anyway, with my diagnosis of DCIS I didn't need chemo and with my choice of a BMx I didn't need radiation. As Dr. Sung told me when she called me...I had cancer, but not the bad kind. My surgery was May 7th so I took the last two months off from school and that rolled into the summer. I went back to work in Sept and it was good to refocus my thoughts on stuff other than my cancer and some family issues. I'll have my exchange surgery in Jan. Oh, by the way, I don't like the cold winters and I do like the Sabres. Our anniversary was Oct. 14 and my husband bought us tickets to six games. Thanks for reading and talk to you all soon.


  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited October 2011

    Dear Jan, I was a special education teacher for 21 years, then the Principal of a residential treatment school for children with dual diagnosis, one of which was severe behavioral issues that could not be handled in the regular school system.  Small world isn't it, the new regs, paperwork, curriculum and charting did me in too.  I always loved working with the children though.  I retired after 30 years and it is lovely, economically challenging but a nice, nice change.  i was treated in Rochester for mucinous carcinoma with a lumpectomy and radiation,now AI's.  Maureen, kindone, heymoose go to your doctors too and simply love the care they get.  Susan and bevin I believe go to Roswell.   Starbeauty who lives here in Batavia near me goes to Rochester too.  We had our luncheon yesterday, had a wonderful time, and talked excitingly of our new member, perhaps you can join us in November for our next luncheon in Williamsville, depending of course on the weather.  Meanwhile let's enjoy getting to know each other via this thread.  We are Sabre and Bills' fans with many superstitions we know the coach has added to his play book. My dad and I used to go to the Sabre games in the great years of the French Connection, what a wonderful gift from your DH (Dear Husband).  You will find it a little quiet on the weekends until after the game, with many posting in the evenings after the dinner hour.  So glad you found us. Karen

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited October 2011

    Hi Jan,  I have you children sound great.  Sorry about the dx, really stinks when you get blindsided with this stupid disease. Sounds like they caught it early with a good prognosis.  Always good news.  As I said to Karen, teaching is tough, I taught religion for a few years, was a girl scout and boy scout leader working with the young people is so much fun, it was the parent's that can make you crazy.  Didn't really get involved at the high school level something I regret, that's when my DD and DS wandered into mischief.  They've turned into great young adults, going to college and working, couldn't ask for more. The nurses in Doc's office are WONDERFUL.  Which one is your SIL? They saw me through some very difficult moments.  Truly a special breed. Hope to can attend our next get together, so much fun.

    Hey Karen, Did you see the weather forecast?  Snow on Thurs.  I'm complaining like a two year old.  Told DH tonight I don't want to live here anymore.  My sisters told me they would no longer speak to me if I moved.  They'd come and visit :)  I remember the french connection. Had my pic taken with Rene Robert, my absolute favorite, with his french accent and smile ooh la la LOL!!

    Kindone, Glad you had fun too.  Sorry I didn't get to say goodbye, couldn't find you.  I don't mind playing the penny slots and donating a few dollars but don't like to spend too much money, then I feel guilty.  It was fun.  We go to the races once a year and have dinner at the clubhouse and bet the horses.  I like being down at the race track and watch them race.  What beautiful animals.

    Work was busy today, end of the year stuff is starting to flow downstream.  Talk later,



  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited October 2011

    Maureen, Jerry Korab was my ooh la la, went to a meet the Sabres event, Rene Robert was my friend's favorite and Jim Schonefield my other friend's, we were like school girls seeing them.  Oh that was a lonng time ago, had my DD with me, but she was just my cover. LOL

  • bevin
    bevin Member Posts: 519
    edited October 2011

    HI Jan- welcome to our thread. The ladies here are an amazing group. I'm glad you found us and joined the team! Cancer is scary and it changes your life.  We're here to help you and each other - know that you can always count on all of us!!

     Maureen- Fruit flies actually can grow all by themselves.  Check your sink drain in your Kitchen. Thats a common place for them to grow. If you pour a couple of cups of bleach down it and leave it sit it should take care of them!! Let me know if it works.  I too had a rapid heart beat. Very very fast and scary.  I had all sorts of tests done; wire heart monitor (event monitor), stress test, and some other thing that looked like a cat scan, and a sonogram.  All normal, except for some slight hardening of the arteries and a small hole in my heart I hadn't known existed.  They took me off arimidex for 1 month, they resolved and then I went on Aromasin.  That doesn't seem to be giving me a rapid heart rate.  Hope they find everything is good with you.

    Sorry I missed the lunch - again. I miss you all. It was a crazy day with no let up from 6am till 10pm.

    Karen- hah - I LOVED Jim Schonfield. Remember he had hat one hit wonder too. A hot hockey skater and he sang. My friend and I used to dance to his song and were soooo in LOVE!!

    Its Halloween this weekend YEAH!! I love giving out candy and seeing the little kids. I wish it fell on the weekend though so the kids didnt have to worry about going to bed a little late.

    I need to hire the cleaning Pixies!! My house is a wreck and when I get home from work, I am sooo exhausted I put my jammies on and all I want to do is put my feet up. Blasted laundry!

    Love and hugs to everyone going through tests. I hope everything is fine and we have good things to celebrate next month.

    Hope everyone is doing well.



  • janhart
    janhart Member Posts: 292
    edited October 2011

    Hi Karen (my younger daughter's name) I will have 30 years in the retirement system next June 2012 ....so I think it may be time for me to find my next career. Do you enjoy retirement as much as my friends who have retired? We always say they look so well rested and even younger. I would absolutely love to join your get together next month. It sounds like a fun group.

    Maureen, my SIL is Nora at Doc's office. She is my husband's sister and such a great support for me through everything. We live down the street from each other and our kids grew up together.

    Anyone in this group a dog person? We have a big yellow lab who is laying on my bed right now. She is spoiled, but was great company the weeks I was home when husband and kids were working. She will be 10 years old next month. I can't believe we've had her that long. It makes me sad to see her get older. Take care.....hope everyone has a good Wednesday. It's crazy hat day tomorrow at school, so I have my witch hat ready.

  • janhart
    janhart Member Posts: 292
    edited October 2011

    Hi Bevin, just saw your welcome...thanks!

  • starbeauty
    starbeauty Member Posts: 106
    edited October 2011

    Janhart... We have a chocolate lab... About 10 years old too... And a carin terrier... They are buddies... And our yard guards. :)