Western New York Area



  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited October 2011

    Dear Janhart, I absolutely love being retired, those last few years in the school system were just something to be lived through, the paperwork was never ending and took me away from where my heart was - with the kids.  I am a great reader, usually have 2-3 books going, belong to a book club, we are going to discuss The Help this weekend, it was a marvelous book.  I also live in an upper flat and my daughter and grandchildren live downstairs, I get to experience and enjoy them every day, and then send them downstairs.  My daughter was an absolute rock for me from diagnosis through to treatment.  She came to each appt., waited with me through those unbearable daays of awaiting news.  Cancer doesn't do many good things, it did make our bond very strong and introduced me to these wonderful women, they are all so dear to me. Not too many groups on this site have resulted in such wonderful relationships.  Can't wait to meet you, we are so happy to have you.  And I know we all thank Maureen for bringing us together, I'll warn you, we are a very huggy group.  I am lucky enough to live in the same town as starbeauty and we meet about every 2 weeks for coffee.  The support of these women is amazing and the silliness is a joy.  Karen

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited October 2011

    Hi All,  At work so can't type too much.

    Janhart;  LOVE NORA, one of kind.  You are so lucky to have her in your family.  She's awesome.

    Hey Bevin,  I like the Halloween costumes too.  Both kids still enjoy the holiday.  It's fun.

    karen, sent you a PM, I'll catch up later.

    Hi Kindone, starbeauty, Susan, heymoose, hope all is well.  



  • kindone
    kindone Member Posts: 435
    edited October 2011

    Janhart, I was telling the ladies, the last time we met that I rescued a dog from the streets of Buffalo.  My DD works at a school on Niagara and Porter.  She found a puppy in the parking lot and told me to come and get it, so it don't get hit by a car.  She said it was a pit mixed,she also said SHE would take care of him when she got home.  Well I now have a pit mix called Buster, he is about 8mo old and is as sweet as can be.  She put up posters and called the pound and SPCA no one claimed him, which is a surprise bc he is trained.  The last thing I wanted is a dog but He made himself at home and we fell for him.  Just thought I'd share that with you.

    Good Evening Ladies,Went out and bought my DD a new kitchen set for her new home, it will be her Xmas gift.  I am so excited for her.

    Hope everyone is doing well.

  • SusanHG
    SusanHG Member Posts: 455
    edited October 2011

    Hi Everyone! hope you had fun at lunch on Saturday.  We had fun at the farm that we visited.  The kids spent the day exploring and the adults stayed on the screened porch drinking wine to keep warm :)

    Nice to meet you, Jan.  I am a DCIS survivor as well but with a 3 mm. tumor that was found at surgery.  I noticed your are er-pr-.  I am triple negative myself.  I finished radiation in May and have been dealing with the after effects the last couple months and boy, are they affecting me!  I figured when radiation ended, it would only get better from there.  Was I wrong!  I have been wearing a compression bra the last couple weeks for breast lymphadema, doing exercises and massage twice a day.  My RO also put me on Trental and Vit. E to faciliate blood flow to the area.  Finally, my breast is smaller than the non-BC breast.  For a while there, it looked like a water balloon!  I need to wear this bra, like a corset, for another week, then I see f I can wear a normal bra without the swelling returning.  I have my first mammo on Tuesday, so I am worried, not only that it will hrt like hell, but that it will cause the swelling to return.  I am also freaking out about what they will find, since I have been having alot of pain at the boost site.  I follow the After Rads thread, so i know that these pains are normal, and my RO says it is just scar tissue forming, but my mind always worries no matter what.  Can't wait to ge through Tuesday, to say the least.

    Very, very busy with school.  Thank you for thinking of me.  I apologize for being perpetually absent but it will be better in a couple weeks :(


  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited October 2011

    Hi Susan, you have so much going on, your plate medically and aftereffects from radiaton is very full.  I also had 6 weeks of radiation, no boosts but the irradiated breast is smaller, different in color and texture then the right side.  Had to go for a fitting for a mastectomy bra to get them even, other wise I look lopsided and feel like I should list to the right - LOL.  RO said I had an extreme reaction from the radiation.  I am so sorry you have to deal with lymphedema and all that that entails.  I can only imagine the busyness of your school studies, glad to hear it will be over in a few weeks, looking forward to our next luncheon, meeting Jan and seeing you and bevin again.  Take care, hugs Karen.

  • SusanHG
    SusanHG Member Posts: 455
    edited October 2011

    Thanks Karen....you are always so understanding.  Hopefully, my lymphadema is gone now.  I definitely feel better.  I guess those boosts are pretty intense to the inside tissues.  Just something I have to deal with.  I don't have to take Tamoxifen so i guess this is what I will have to deal with.  Any thoughts ladies on another lunch or is it too soon?  Can't wait to see everyone!


  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited October 2011

    Susan, bevin and Jan - you all have surprises waiting for you.  It is never too early for me, we should probably try to get a Nov. one in, after that we'll have to play it by the weather.  Williamxville this time?   Did you all see the flakes up there, very pretty but still unwelcome,, nothing stuck, supposed to be in the 50's by Sunday, I know we are playing Washington but not where, someone told me Toronto, could that be right? Funny story about my grandson Addison, He has as his chore taking out the garbage on Monday night, he did that part.  Animals got into the top of one bag and the top layer was exposed, didn't want to have the garbage men to have to deal with that so I gave him another bag to rebag it.  When I looked out after he left for school he had shaken the bag open and laid it nicely on top covering the top layer not rebagging, Mind you he is in honor society, takes AP classes, gets all A's!  Had no idea how specific I needed to be, all I could do was laugh.  Karen  ps. kindone, did Buster eat the pickle too, I think we got each other's lunch?

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited October 2011

    Hi All,  Had the stress test and they saw the irregular heart beat thing.  Said elongated PV?  Anyway, not a skipped heartbeat, just a long heart beat.  Forwarding the reports to the doc and I see him in Dec. Must've been okay or they would have kept me right?  

    Susan/Bev (((((((((((((((hugs)))))))))))))))))) we missed you both soooo much :( 

    I'm in for another lunch in Nov.  Williamville area is fine, any suggestions? Karen and I going to Seminar on Nov. 5th which includes breakfast and lunch.  Free every other Sat except Thanksgiving Sat. That's my Xmas decorating day.  Post suggestions and I'll PM everyone.

    Hi Kindone, Knew the moment you posted about your stray dog, it was yours forever. 

    Jan: Growing up my parents had labs, one show others trained hunting dogs. My dad was a big hunter.  All the dogs were the most lovable dogs and well behaved.  I have a cat now.  My DD brought home a stray and I opened the patio door to let it out and it stayed.  Have to laugh,  I was not a cat person AT ALL.  When my DS told my sister we had a cat, she asked my son if my DH was dead because he hates cats so much.  She grew on me and now sitting right next to me, yes she's turned into my cat.  When she takes her journey to a better place, I'd seriously consider a dog, not both.

    Post suggestions and dates I'll solidify the plans by weekend. 

    Let's get our Bills gear going, it's going to be a WIN week.



  • janhart
    janhart Member Posts: 292
    edited October 2011

    Thank you again for making me feel welcome. I really am not close to anyone who has or had BC. (other than my step MIL) Anyway, it's so cool to get to know you all. I love your dog/cat stories. My older daughter had a pit bull mix that was very lovable. It was her and her boyfriends dog. They had been together for five years and just recently split up and she moved back home. It was pretty stressful at first, but she has gotten somewhat better and has done some dating. The funny part is that she seems to miss the dog more than the ex boyfriend. Susan, I'm sorry you're feeling so bad from the radiation, but hope all will be good news on Tuesday. It sounds like you have all been through so much from this awful disease. My Saturdays in November are all open so I can do lunch whenever. I think I'm gonna be nervous when I meet everyone. Happy Friday tomorrow. My team at school, all the special Ed teachers, are hosting breakfast for our entire staff, so I have to go in early. But then it's the week end!!

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited October 2011

    Hi all, free every Saturday too, happy weekend Jan, don't you just love Fridays!!  No sundress this Sunday, Bills Jersey but will bring sundress as backup.  Jan, we'll have to tell you our plans for the Bills Super Bowl party and all our superstitions.  hugs to all, Karen

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited October 2011

    YAY , we just topped 1000 posts, we rock ladies!!!  Karen

  • bevin
    bevin Member Posts: 519
    edited October 2011

    Hey everyone,

    I am pretty open in November, except, Thanksgiving weekend.

    Jan- I was a newbie to the lunches too the time before last and was nervous as well. Dont be, everyone is sooooo nice and welcoming!!

    Karen, How did you know how many posts we have? did you count them or is that displayed somewhere?

    Ok- so how sad is this.  Today, just decorated the outside of the house for Halloween.  And it's only 3 days away,and they'll need come down and be put away Tuesday.  Pathetic.!! And I have a young child , really really pathetic!   I need to get on top of this stuff sooner!



  • SeasideMemories
    SeasideMemories Member Posts: 2,462
    edited October 2011


    I am going to go out on a limb here and say...I still have my summer wreath on the door, i have no further decorations and have yet to buy candy but, I know it will all come together!

    Take it from me... your daughter will not remember or care how everthing was decorated or maybe not decorated... what they will remember is going trick-or-treating carrying their pumpkin container when they are young or your best pillow case when they are older... and the time you spent with them!

    Please be kind to yourself...

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited October 2011

    Seaside couldn't agree more.  You kids will ALWAYS remember how you made them feel, not the material aspects. 

    Jan,  Please, please don't be nervous, these women are the absolute nicest women I've ever met.

    Karen, Kindone, bevin, heymoose, susan, hope you are all well and enjoying our lovely weather.

    comingtoterms,  are you around, haven't seen you post lately?  hope you are well.

    Me:  Have a bug.  Was suppose to go to my sister's house for my other sister's birthday and couldn't attend.  Have vomiting and diarrhea...oh goody.  Have a great day.

    PS.  Any suggestions on location??



  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited October 2011

    GO BILLS!!!!

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited October 2011

    Dear all. got a new Bill's jersey, it is the old logo helmet made up of the words Go Bills, very cool, maybe this is the lucky shirt, Maureen, that is going around, my PCP had to cancel an apt. on Thurs. due to it.  I have caught DGS's cold and my coughs are pretty deep but dry, just went out to get Hall's cough drops, that seems to help.  Jan, would name tags of message names and real names help, that is what was hardest to remember for the first time, let me know and I'll pick them up. we'll all pretend we are at a seminar luncheon.   bevin, you are there for her in every way, so don't fret over decorations, I have yet to get my candy!! and I don't have half the obligations you have.  Esther, how are you working so hard, how goes the diet for the family go, I meant the surprise for Eric but I'm sure Mike shared, you are allowed one piece of sponge even on the diet.  Coffee time anytime next week?  Hi Susan, heymoose, kindone and Buster, hope you don't get any bugs going around.  Buster - stay out of mama's treats or at least save some for mama.  A friend of mine ate at Bravos' in Cincinnati, she said the food is great.  There is one at 1 Galleria Mall, menu is on line, luncheon items sound fantastic. Off to a book discussion of The Help at the Coffee Culture where Esther and I meet. 

  • kindone
    kindone Member Posts: 435
    edited October 2011

    Hi Ladies, I am at work so I have to be fast.  I am working a double today and tomarrow, but the money is good, no complaining.  Please don't go by my schedule, but the only time I can meet for lunch is Nov 19th. So if I can't make it their will be other times.  Love ya

  • SusanHG
    SusanHG Member Posts: 455
    edited October 2011

    Please don't go by my schedule either, but the 19th is open for me right now as well.  Karen, I have always wanted to try Bravos at the Galleria.  Great idea!!

    Still buried in work, but surviving...


  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited October 2011

    Maureen, hope you are feeling better and not limited to 20 feet frmm the bathroom.  I woke up at 4 with a full blown cold and the ever popular diarhea, so will watch the game from my couch with my shirt and jammie pants on wrapped in a blanket, come on Bills!!!  Karen

  • janhart
    janhart Member Posts: 292
    edited October 2011

    Just checking in while dinner cooks...Nov 19 works for me and so does Bravo...never been there either. Will try to check in later.

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited October 2011

    Way to go Bills, the Redskins are in a sorry state with all their injuries, guess I have a new lucky shirt.  Plan tonight is Nyquil at 9, bed by 10, feel better tomorrow.  The 19th is sounding like the best bet so far, need heymoose, bevin and Esther to weigh in.  Book club yesterday was fun, had a chai latte and a free pastry and 10 people to share a very enjoyable book with.  Took ideas for the next book, 1 of the suggestions was about a very successful family man with Asbergers Syndrome, that sounded intriguing, we all vote on it, several people were not present.  Have a gift card from Barnes and Noble from last Christmas and can order on-line.  I'm loving the convenience of ordering on line.   hugs to all, Karen

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited October 2011

    Where is everyone?, I feel bereft.

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited October 2011

    Hi All!!! Sounds like 19th is the day.  I'll call to make reservations, PM me if you want details of the get together.  This is all dependent on the weather of course. 

    Karen,  I would never desert you.  Hope you are well and glad the Bills won.  Thought I'd see tons of posts, go Bills, yay Bills,  Seaside sitting on the deck etc.... must be busy. Glad you have a warm new shirt.  That sundress would be really cold in January. Hopefully Seaside was somewhere warm during the game.  Just wondering if she has power? 

    I'm going well today, just watching the kids go crazy on the sugar high in the neighborhood. Gone through 2 bags of candy and it's only 6:30PM. Thinking everyone wants to go trick or treating before the rain.  Feeling better today. Think it was the new med. Don't think I'll take that any time soon.  I'm going to let them know tomorrow.

    Gotta run, doorbell is ringing.  I'll try to post later.  Happy Halloween everyone.



  • comingtoterms
    comingtoterms Member Posts: 52
    edited October 2011

    Oh, my! How much fun is it to come on this site and see all these Bills fans!!!! I LOVE it!!!! Cannot believe they are really our guys.... don't you feel like you're watching the wrong team?? Sounds like you all are having fun at your lunches - I am hoping that once you set a definite date, that I may be able to come this time. All done with October birthdays!  Tammy

    oh... and by the by... I don't even remember how I got my pic on here.... can I blame that on chemo brain for another two years?

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited November 2011

    comingtoterms, you can blame anything at anytime on chemo.  I blame it on rads and I'm 2 years out.  It was like watching another team, ever so much better than the nail biters, we blew them out of the water, so glad to have another Bills fan.  Maureen, it's 8:00. and I am totally out of candy, went through 6 bags, the little ones were so cute, quite a few zombies amongst the older crowd.  Thought for sure I had bought enough.  This was the second year I ran out, thought I over bought this year!  It was so strange yesterday, when the game ended and no posts showed up, I too am glad the lucky shirt came along, the sundress with leggings and turtleneck was oh so attractive.  I will see you bright and early on Sat., definitely looking forward to it.  The 19th it is, does anyone know which Walden exit I use off of the 90? 

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited November 2011

    I ran out of candy too.  Just shut the door. We had the cutest family.  Gramma makes all the costumes.  They were the Wizard of Oz. Dorothy, Lion, Tin Man and Scarecrow.  Wish I'd taken a picture, they were adorable!!  I miss "checking" the candy for my children LOL.  One is school, other is working, so by my lonesome.  Nice to chat with the parents for a few minutes, then it started to rain, wind kicked up and the kids slowed with just teenagers.  Good thing it didn't stay dry or I'd be running to the store. 

    I'll call tomorrow for reservations, but have a busy day.  Yes, I'll meet you on Saturday.  I need to pay full price as the registration is still sitting on my counter in the kitchen.  Not very organized I'm afraid.  Really tired lately, just recovering from cold. 

    Coming to terms, you can blame anything on chemo, that's my story and I'm sticking to it!!

    Good night ladies,


  • janhart
    janhart Member Posts: 292
    edited November 2011

    I'm so glad it seems like most can make the 19th. It's usually so hard to plan around everyone's schedule. But how will I know who to look for? I am sooo glad Halloween is over. The kids in school were definitely on a sugar high and that was at 9:30 this morning. I usually teach 8th grade, but this year I have 5th and 6th graders and they are so much more excitable about this holiday. Anyway, I had enough. So now that tomorrow is Nov I have to gear up for three doctor appts. I'm going to Dr. Bauer on the 9th for a six month check. I never really talked to him after my surgery, other than on the phone so I do have some questions. Then on the 14th I see my gyno and I have questions for her. My last is with the PS and I guess we'll be talking about implants for my surgery in January. If you knew me, you'd know I'd be the last person to ever want cosmetic surgery, although a facelift would be good. Hoping everyone had an enjoyable Halloween. Talk to you soon and see you soon!


  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited November 2011

    Hi Jan, just ask for the reservation in Maureen's name and you will find us,  I bet tomorrow will be a real challenge with the children all high on treats, I remember how that day was a really long day. Lots of Dr. appts for you coming up, I know we all suffer from scanxiety on these occasions, this was my first month without a Dr's appointments and it was lovely.  Hugs to you, Karen

  • bevin
    bevin Member Posts: 519
    edited November 2011

    HI everyone.  I had such a good time giving out candy last night.  Love to see the little kids dressed up and excitied.  My hubby walked w our little "witch" and they had a great time- tooo much candy brought home.  I feel sorry for those teachers this morning. 

    19th is working for me at this point too. 

    Maureen= sorry to hear the green apple two step has cut you down.  Hopefully the stomach flu passes quick and thats all it is. A few folks at work have been sick with similar symptoms.



  • starbeauty
    starbeauty Member Posts: 106
    edited November 2011

    Hi All... Gosh I can hardly read fast enough today to get caught up... Sorry I am MIA... Just trying to finish this blasted education. 11/19... I will be wedding dress shopping with a girl that is like a daughter to us... But please know that I love this group and will try to make it to the next meeting.

    Oh and...

    GO BILLS!!!!!