Western New York Area



  • SeasideMemories
    SeasideMemories Member Posts: 2,462
    edited November 2011


    I found once I entered Phase 2 of this yuck, it was roughly 3-4 days and then it was over.... Before this I had not been sick since I had been diagnosed (so roughly 2 years).... This bug was a rough one... Even my husband who NEVER is sick, wound up missing a day of work from this one!!

    Take things easy, curl up with a good book or a great TV show, get your rest and feel better soon!

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited November 2011

    Thanks seaside, I do not plan on leaving the couch today, I am using Dayquil , Afrin (went through the Sinex already) and cough drops for my slightly sore throat.  I'm glad to hear it does end, this is boring, but I went out and about for 2 days and now I'm paying for it.  hugs, Karen

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited November 2011

    Hi all, I rested, medicated up and read my new book from the conference Maureen and I went to, it's titled The Breast and feel tons better, I must be coming to the end of this.  I will bring the book with me on the 19th for anyone else to read, it does mirror our travels.  Am meeting Esther on Thurs. for a coffee break for her, we are going to do the happy dance for the rest of the customers!!  Then I will stay later, there is a group of WWII vets meeting to tell their stories  and share their memories in honor of Veterans' Day.  My dad was in the Air Force, the army had turned him down because of a scar on his lungs.  He met my godfather on that first crew and his son, Sam and I , grew up hearing their funny stories only.  Heard them so many times sitting around the kitchen table until we could have told them verbatim, but they were always funny.  That's how I got my godmother, Aunt Theresa, who grew to be one of my dearest friends.  We keep their stories alive when we go to the American Legion that Sam belongs to as a Marine veteran of Viet Nam, when asked to explain how Sam and I are "cousins".  hugs to all and may the 19th be a sunny, snowless day, Karen

  • janhart
    janhart Member Posts: 292
    edited November 2011

    Hi, I hope everyone is feeling better so we can all get together on the 19th. Just a question - I have a six month follow up tomorrow with Dr. Bauer. I had a bilateral mastectomy so of course all of my breast tissue was taken out. But I still have concerns and worries that this nasty disease could show up in the chest area. I just want to know what questions I should be asking, like will I require any type of annual screening? I had no radiation and am not taking any of the meds some of you are. I just feel like I'm not prepared and should have more questions. Are there any questions you think I should be asking? Thanks!


  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited November 2011

    Dear Jan, as I had a lumpectomy and rads, I can't  offer any specific questions you should be asking besides the ones you have already listed.  Having heard Dr. Bauer speak at the conference I can well understand why you all have such great faith in him, he is truly a talented and knowledgeable surgeon.  Hopefully starbeauty or Maureen will check in and offer their perspective, but I know both had intimated that this week was going to be a trying one for each of them.  I just didn't want you to feel your post was not being addressed.  Let us know how your appt. goes.  If the snow doesn't fly we will be looking forward to meeting you on the 19th.  hugs, Karen

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited November 2011

    hi all,  Jan, good luck with the doc.  Had a lumpectomy, wish I had a MX but hind-site is 20/20.  Some questions:  What is your risk of recurrence?  What do you look for?  sorry I can offer no other insight.  Let us know how you make out and good luck.

    Me, missed my busy week, on the couch with....you guessed it...the stomach flu.  OMG, two days that I couldn't afford to miss work and I'm down.



  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited November 2011

    Dear Maureen, oh no, I swear something in our treatment protocal leaves our immune system weakened, in your case - chemo, rads and now AI's, does it, for me rads and AI's, I'm at the tail end of this cold but have had for going on two weeks, Esther has a cold and now you the flu, from your son.  And I know you Lysoled everything.  Stay warm, drink liquids if you are able to, and just rest, it gets to be pretty boring.  Thankfully, I got that free book at the seminar, The Breast, so I have that to read, sick of T.V., am doing laundry and cleaning house, I do plan on taking a nap.  Had friends over last night for dinner, made a simple easy appetizer plate: garlic encrusted Italian bread, sharp provolone cheese and concord grapes, we finished off the cheese and grapes and there were only 4 of us.  Felt fine, laughing and talking, and today my nose is running like a spigot.  take care my friend, Karen

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited November 2011

    Thanks Karen,  I read the thread you mentioned.  Unbelievable!!  Sorry your nose is running again, have you ruled out allergies?  Glad you had fun last night, you've earned it my friend.

    Where is everyone?  haven't heard from a lot of people.

    Jan:  How did the doc appt. go?  Hope you have all your questions answered.

    Me,  I had soup today, Have to go to work tomorrow have a lot going on.  When it rains, it pours.



  • janhart
    janhart Member Posts: 292
    edited November 2011

    Wow, I'm so sorry several of you are feeling lousy. Rest up for the 19th and Thanksgiving which is just around the corner. I had my six month follow up today at Dr. Bauer's, but I saw Andrea. She is vry nice and answered some of my questions before I asked. I needed more info about the ER/PR-. She explained that to me. I know I was given that info at the time of my diagnosis, but I guess I was focusing more on the actual surgery I was going to have. She also told me I would be seen there every six months for a check and she showed me and told me what to look for on my chest and surrounding area. I guess you would think with getting rid of all the breast tissue you would be safe. Just kind of worries me. She said after my exchange surgery at some point I would start having yearly MRIs. I didn't think to ask, but I wonder if this is automatically covered by my insurance because of my history now. When I had my original MRI I had to wait to get an ok from
    the insurance before I could schedule it. Well one appt down and two to go. I go to the gyno next Monday. I really like who I see. She takes her time and I have questions for her also about some
    other issues. Then on the 18th I see the PS to"shop" for the implants. Well nothing big for me. Didn't have a lot before the surgery and certainly don't need much now.

    Getting ready for the change in the weather for the next few days. Just heard the rain starting outside. I'm off from work on Friday. Have a hair appt and then doing some shopping with my younger daughter.

    Please everyone, get well!


  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited November 2011

    Dear Jan, the worries do not go away, we` call it scanxiety, before every test, appt., a case of the worries creeps in.  I am 2 years out and still have high blood pressure readings at my doctor visits, all except for my PCP, who talks, answers questions, does her examination, then takes my readings, then I am at normal, even low normal range.  I am glad you had a good visit and 6 mo. follow up visits are routine for the first two years, then move to annual for RO, MO, and BS, also Mammo.  Just call your insurance co. to see if the MRI must be approved each time.  I know that in my case an US is always done and is covered since my type of cancer was not visible on the Mammo.  We will all be well by the 19th, nothing but snow would keep us away from our luncheons, you will see how very necessary they are to us.  I have never met so many kind, caring, intelligent, compassionate women in one group.  I hope your other Dr. appt's go well also.  Have a wonderful day off on Friday, who hoo, a four day work week!  Karen

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited November 2011

    Great news Jan, one down, one to go!! Yes we are on the mend.  Went back to work today and I'm tired.  Oh well, let's just wait till the 19th and have a roaring celebration.

    Karen, glad you are feeling better.



  • bevin
    bevin Member Posts: 519
    edited November 2011

    wow. - a lot of sick ladies here.  You all better rest up and get well for next week.  I am certain this fluctuating weather doesn't help, 70 degress one day and 40 the next ARGHHH!! 

    I am so so excited to have a day off tomorrow.  All I want to do is be lazy. How terrible is that.

    Jan - my Insuranc doesn't require preapproval, but eveyrone is different.  I would have your BS office call. It doesnt hurt to have it and will be better than being surprised with a bill. Good luck with the MRI, prayers coming your way that all goes well.

    I am thinking of throwing out all the halloween candy. It calls to me all evening.  Not a good thing!



  • SusanHG
    SusanHG Member Posts: 455
    edited November 2011

    So sorry to hear about all the sickness going around!  I thought we were in the clear here, but my son is on the couch shivering with a slight fever and headache.  Well, at least it is the weekend and he can rest up.  I have a busy week ahead of me.  I had one presentation this past week that went so-so, then another next Wednesday and a week from Monday.  Once I get through these, it is all downhill.  I am looking forward to our lunch.  Hope that snow stays away for a little while longer.  Boy, we have been spoiled this year with our fall summer -like weather.  It is cold today, but supposedly back up to 60 on Sunday?? Maybe it will be a green Christmas this year.  Miracles do happen :-)

    Stay healthy everyone!  


  • SusanHG
    SusanHG Member Posts: 455
    edited November 2011

    Jan- I had a lumpectomy and radiation myself, but I am triple negative so similar in that I do not have to take Tamoxifen and I did not need chemo due to my 3 mm. tumor.  My guess is that you will just need your yearly MRIs to check for local recurrence on the chest wall, but otherwise you're good.  I believe Cheryl had the same treatment as you (and is DCIS as well), so she would be the one to ask.

    I just need my 6 month mammograms, yearly MRIs, and to watch the fat in my diet as well as my weight.  The risk for triple negative cancer has been shown to be reduced with a diet of less than 20% fat and a normal weight.  But, I think that you haven't been test for Her2, correct? so you don't know whether you are triple negative or not.

    Hope this helps..


  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited November 2011

    Hi all, my computer is on the blink so am using my DD's laptop, mine is in the shop and boy an I lost without it.   This is not working real well for me, need a mouse, not this tap tap thing.  So I will be MIA until it is fixed.  Susan, sending prayers for your next presentations, glad you too are in the homestretch, so is Esther, she is giving her final presentation on the 22nd, so lets all send prayers her way too.  Had a great coffee time with her yesterday, she will miss us on the 19th, but after the 22nd, her life will be back to normal and if we have, in a tiny voice she said, a non-snowy Dec.she will join us again.  Maureen, so glad you are feeling better, don't be working a 12 hr. day today!  I am finally not sneezing, got it beat - YAY, all for now - hi to Jan, Cheryl, Betty, Bevin, enjoy your day off, see you all soon, hugs, Karen

  • janhart
    janhart Member Posts: 292
    edited November 2011

    Hi Susan, thanks for your input and info about the triple negative status. I understand the ER-/PR- and had the NP at my doctor's office explain it more to me. I did ask about the HER2 and for the life of me I can't remember what she said. I think she said I wasn't tested for that/didn't need to be but I don't remember. I think I'll ask my gynecologist when I go on Monday. And thank you for reminding me about body weight and fat content. I really need to improve my eating habits and get back to regular exercise. You know the weird part about my diagnosis in March was that I was probably at one of my healthiest points. I had just lost 12 pounds and was exercising 3-4 times a week, doing cardio, yoga and some pilates. On the day i found out I had cancer I asked my husband to go to Tim hortons and get me a coffee and donut. I don't eat donuts but I thought, what the heck? So now I really need to get back on the horse and exercise.

    Hope everyone is feeling better. I had a hair appt this morning and was telling my hair dresser about this group and how we are going for lunch next week. Can't wait!


  • SusanHG
    SusanHG Member Posts: 455
    edited November 2011

    Jan-Can't wait to meet you next week!  Looks like you were on the right track at diagnosis already.  I know I wasn't!  I was so unhealthy...binging on sugar and coffee etc., not enough exercise.  I had lost 35 pounds after diagnosis but have gained back 4-5 since being in grad school these past couple months.  I need to get back on the bandwagon myself!  think my elliptical trainer will get some company today :)

    So, yesterday I was saying my son was sick with a fever....well, wouldn't you know it, he threw up as soon as he went up to bed.  He seems to be better today.  Just a slight fever and a headache but no vomiting.  I really really hope I don't get it!  Need to make it through my presentation on Wednesday...


  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited November 2011

    Dear Susan, there is so much strange sickness and crud going around, hope you ddon't get it too, remember washing your hands and Maureen used liberal amounts of lysol too. I made sure to really was my hands after using a kleenexx and tossing it in the garbage, it is  finally gone, we will all be well for the 19th.  Jan, it's like the anticipation before a date, sounds silly but so true to me   Wait till you start telling stories to your friends and it is all, "kindone and the Buster story, you know she's from my group".  Now I only to mention a name and I can see them connecting "oh yes from her group", it just enlarges your world.  Can't wait to meet you and connect a real person to a picture and words. When is your presentation, Susan, am or pm on Wed., so I can be thinking of you then and sending good thoughts.  hugs to all, Karen

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited November 2011

    Dear Susan, there is so much strange sickness and crud going around, hope you don't get it too, remember washing your hands and Maureen used liberal amounts of lysol too. I made sure to really wash my hands after using a klenexx and tossing it in the garbage, it is  finally gone, we will all be well for the 19th.  Jan, it's like the anticipation before a date, sounds silly but so true to me   Wait till you start telling stories to your friends and it is all, "kindone and the Buster story, you know she's from my group".  Now I only to mention a name and I can see them connecting "oh yes from her group", it just enlarges your world.  Can't wait to meet you and connect a real person to a picture and words. When is your presentation, Susan, am or pm on Wed., so I can be thinking of you then and sending good thoughts.  hugs to all, Karen

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited November 2011

    HI All, 

    Kindone, starbeauty, heymoose, tammy,Where are you ladies?  I miss everyone and the buster story and presentations and life.  I love the stories.

    Susan,  hate the throwing up thing, at your son's age, I'm hoping he has good aim :)  Good luck with Wednesday's presentation.

    Karen, hope you get the computer back soon.  Glad you are feeling better.

    Funny story, woke up this morning to MY ALARM CLOCK AGAIN only this time I had a house full all needing to be to work at 8AM. DD went out with her friends to a bar (they've done this twice in their lives) and didn't want to drink and drive so called my son to pick them up, he said I have to be to work in the morning and too tired after he committed to being the designated driver, so from what I understand during the loud discussion at 6:30AM, my husband who just flew in from out of town went and got them.  My response, great, if it ever happens again, take a cab home and I'll gladly pay the bill or call me better than the alternative.   I'd prefer they don't go to a bar however I was 21 once and remember some of the best of times was going out with friends after work. 

    Health wise, I'm off the Femara for now due to SE and I have to have another MRI :(  next week.  I hope they are just over cautious and nothing to really worry about.  Now just taking a breather, going out to dinner at friends house but DD and DS begged me to make mozzarella meatloaf for their dinner tonight.  Only takes a few minutes and glad they have good memories of their mom.  Just feeling very melancholy today, time to up the medication LOL  Have a great day and see everyone on Sat.

    Jan, so excited to meet you.  I'm a hugger too, just my nature.


  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited November 2011

    Dear Maureen and Jan, I'm getting better at this, still want mine back though, just got this visual of poor Jan walking into the restaurant and getting hugged and mauled by a bunch of women she is just meeting for the first time.  Jan, I promise we'll behave and take turns hugging. I'm feeling melancholy also Maureen, had a tossing and turning night dreaming about a particulary crazy day at work, boy towards the end the backstabbing by "teamates" was fierce, I think I just miss my friends, where is everyone indeed?  What a morning you woke up to Maureen, I cannot believe you ever did bar things, a good Mt. St. Joseph's girl, lol.  I know the class of 65 did not do such things, ha.  Thinking of all of you, hugs, Karen

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited November 2011

    Ha, My mom was a Mt. St. Joes' gal too!!  I think she was the class of ??54 or 55?? can't remember.  She was the typical MSJA girl, sweet to the core.  Tommorrow is the day she took her journey to a better place after her two year battle with pancreatic cancer.  She was a trooper right till the end, I remember like it was yesterday.  Cry At hospice holding her hand right till the end.  I remember being so relieved she was free. 

    Oh well, she's in a better place and I'm really glad she wasn't here when I was sick knowing the way it would've affected her. 

    Enough....we move on.



  • bevin
    bevin Member Posts: 519
    edited November 2011

    Hi everyone,

    I just got a note home from the  Williamsville school system and they said Pneumonia was going around both bacterial and viral. So be careful if you don't get well soon. You don't want to risk something escalated like that.

    I hope everyone enjoyed the long weekend if you had off for veterans day. I had off and didnt do anything but relax. I too need to introduce myself to my elliptical again. We have some nice Gym equipement and it should be to easy to excercise but it's not. I'm always exhausted.

    Maureen- I hope the MRI shows nothing and you find no issues. When is it scheduled?

  • kindone
    kindone Member Posts: 435
    edited November 2011

    Good Evening Ladies,  I just got home from my second double.  I am tired and I have to be back in the morning, then out to dinner for my DH birthday.  I can sleep in Monday but back to work Tuesday.  We are so short at work and the money is good, I just want my Christmas shopping done.

    Hope everyone stays healthy and I'll see you all on the 19th.  Looking forward to it. 

  • SusanHG
    SusanHG Member Posts: 455
    edited November 2011

    Hi everyone,

    Well, my son doesn't have stomach flu.  It turned into a very bad cold.  He has a ton of head congestion and really wish they made something for 7 year olds to clear him up.  Anyone know of anything?  At least now I know I won't be getting stomach flu.  I can handle a bad cold!!  Hope it is not pneumonia, but it seems to be in his head right now and he keeps complaining of a head ache.

    Good luck on your MRI, Maureen, and hope things look brighter for you.  I had a bad day on Friday and felt my world had been overturned with meeting with my professors, Tristan's teacher (my son), and then Tristan being ill, but Saturday was a new and brighter day!  Will the MRI be before Saturday? I'm sending you prayers for good results.

    Everyone- Can't wait to catch up on Saturday.  Plus, my presentation will be over.  It is at 3:30 on Wednesday, Karen.All good thoughts are welcome Undecided


  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited November 2011

    HI All, know the MRI is next week, they are setting it up.  Thinking it's because of the naseau and constant ringing in my ears. I'll know more next week and post then.

    Susan- At that age, I used to give my kids Dimatapp (sp?).  It didn't make them drowsy, grape flavor was tolerable and kept it from their ears.  If it plugged their ears, they had an ear infection. Hope he's feeling better soon.

    Hi Bevin,  glad you had a great relaxing weekend, you've earned it!! 

    HI Kindone, sounds like typical hospital craziness, hope you see a great paycheck and light at the end of the tunnel.

    Hi Karen, heymoose, Jan, Tammy, starbeauty hope you're enjoying life and can make this weekend. 

    I'm off to visit my mom and dad at the cemetery, shopping et all. Go Bills and hope they do better than the Sabres.  Couldn't believe that hit on Ryan Miller last night. That is the worst part of hockey I hate violence in sports, just sends the wrong message to our kids. 



  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited November 2011

    Hi all, still no computer, so a short post.  Maureen, nothing but good news from the MRI, prayers coming your way and for Susan's presentation.  Hi kindone, figured you were working doubles, nice to have Xmas money, don't forget Buster, mama's boy.  Susan, I used Dimetap also with my daughter, then my grandkids, makes them so much more comfortable.bevin, so glad you are having a relaxing long weekend.  Hi to starbeauty and heymoose, I figure Esther has gone to coursework, this game is not goig well. Hey Jan, see you on Saturday!!  hugs, Karen

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited November 2011

    You know it is a bad game when you switch to the Weather channel, Saturday looks good!!!

  • bevin
    bevin Member Posts: 519
    edited November 2011

    HI Susan- My doctor recommened Clartin CHildrens for my daughter. It works great. Especially the night time. It actually allows her to get a nice sleep and wake up refreshed. We use the melting paper formula.  Put it on your tongue and it melts.

    HOpe it works for you.


  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited November 2011

    Glad Sat. looks good, cause the bills stunk today.  Was so excited when they started the year off so well then today :( 

    See everyone on Sat.

