Western New York Area



  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited November 2011

    Susan, definitely interested, After I retired from teaaching, I went to the Pittsburgh School of Massage and became a certified Massage Therapist in the state of Pennsylvaniia, I worked at a Spa in Hanover, Pa. for almost 2 years.  When I moved back home to N.Y.S., I learned I would have to take another year of course work to practice here, if they would accept my previous credits.  It was rather expensive and I could not afford to do it.  For almost a year in school, we would practice on each other, so I was getting massages 3-4 times a week, I don't think I was ever healthier.  But... they leave me with a feeling of being drunk, I relax so deeply I am almost drugged, so I'd have to be in the group to go first, because I tried to drive once and I went 20 mph all the way home, every one was beeping at me, thank goodness I didn't live far from school.  And you thought you'd get a short answer, Susan.  I am so glad your presentation went well, now back to normal life.. And who made goodies this month as prizes?, we are getting rather spoiled.  I told my Dr. about our group, he was very impressed with the closeness of contact we have and the support we are to each other.  Time for my afternoon nap, I think these antibiotics will zap me better, can't wait. hugs, Karen

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited November 2011

    Hi All, home from work and need to go to doc for check up so don't have too long.

    Karen, hopefully you can kick that sinus infection to the curb.  Yes I'll look for Dec. Kinda busy month for me but I can set up and do the best I can. Great to hear you are a therapist too, how nice for you and family.

    Susan, glad to hear it's all over.

    Ester, good luck let us know how you make out

    Hi Bevin, kindone, Jan, heymoose and all our WNY friends. 

    Post later when I get home, need to run.



    PS, didn't get a chance to call on MRI but saw the rads onc today and he seems to think the pain and ringing in my ear is a result of Femara, time will tell.  I see the med onc in Dec. then thinking I'll go back on the evil pill that saves my life. 

  • kindone
    kindone Member Posts: 435
    edited November 2011

    HELLO MAUREEN  (sorry)

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited November 2011
    HI BETTY!!!!  LaughingLaughingLaughingLaughingLaughingLaughing
  • starbeauty
    starbeauty Member Posts: 106
    edited November 2011

    Hi All... My practicum presentation went sooooo wonderfully well today. I told Karen she must have a direct line to God because it sure wasnt my skill level. My advisor was happy with me and left early. students thanked me... What a gift to have this off my plate right before the holiday... Almost done with school... Can't wait... Missed you all!!! thanks for the prayers and support girls!!!

  • heymoose
    heymoose Member Posts: 682
    edited November 2011

    HI everyone,

    Lunch was wonderful on Saturday and can't wait till the massage party.  I was so happy Betty won BIG at the casino, it was so much fun to see her big bright smile.

    Happy Thanksgiving to you and your families. Hugs and Prayers to all that are sick and going to the docs.  I will check in later. 


  • bevin
    bevin Member Posts: 519
    edited November 2011

    Ok so honestly, I was really preplexed driving home tonight from work. 102.5 had a commercial on for Buffalo MRI and they had Janet Snyder as their spokes person. She said "mammo is the ammo" in finding BC. And while I don't disagree with that, the next sentence was , 100% of persons found to have stage 1 BC can be cured.  Honestly, they used the word Cured and 100%.

    I was stunned and wondered where that statistic came from. Its not one I had ever heard. While it would be nice if it were true, I am certain there are stage 2, 3 and 4 ladies and men here who would show otherwise.

    Very disturbing.

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited November 2011

    Hi All, just getting ready for bed.  Starbeauty, glad to hear everything went so well, we are quite a bunch aren't we? 

    I'll call around for prices on the massage parties.  Any preferences for your therapist, tall, dark and Chippendale kind? LOL!!

    Boy bevin, WTH is that?  I love the way the media always spins things and reports.  Another favorite is when they say this or that causes cancer.  If you read the fine print you discover they bathed mice in some chemical every day for a year and they got cancer.  The fine print is what they neglect to mention.  Statistics are only as good as the person reporting them yet we are constantly attracted to numbers. 

    Have a good night ladies



  • SusanHG
    SusanHG Member Posts: 455
    edited November 2011

    Hi Bevin,

    The only time I have only seen a 100% rates used is for DCIS and that was for 5 year survival not cure rate.  I think that the media should be held responsible for misleading information like that.  It not only gives people a false sense of security, but seems to lessens the struggles of those going through BC.  I hope Roswell was all over them for that!!   Maybe I should join their public relations department when I am out of school?? Cool

    Enjoy your turkey everyone!


  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited November 2011

    Hi all, I am feeling much better almost human, it was a sinus infection and I am on antibiotics.  I wanted to take time to wish the greatest support group I know a Happy Thanksgiving to you and all your families.  Maureen when you started this thread it was a godsend for me to have the chance to get to know and be with some of the best friends I have, we talk easily about subjects you just can't share with your regular friends.  Our bond is strong and immediate, I so enjoy being a part of our little group that even has honorary members - hi Seaside.  It would have been a difficult year without you.  hugs to all and a treat for Buster, Karen

  • kindone
    kindone Member Posts: 435
    edited November 2011

    Happy Thanksgiving my WNY friends.  I know what you mean Karen a bond.

    Just make two apple pies and sweet potatoes for tomorrow.  I will be cooking but my kids are all scattered this year.  I am not happy about it is the first time we are not all together on Thanksgiving but they have there own lives now.Undecided  I said this might be my last Thanksgiving but they are not buying it.Wink  Love to all and have a very Happy Day.

  • janhart
    janhart Member Posts: 292
    edited November 2011

    I am also "thankful" for this group I just met. And starbeauty and Karen, I hope to meet you both soon. (am i forgetting anyone else?) I am having Thanksgiving at my house with my family and my mom and brother, just a small group of seven, but that's all I need. Going to UB tonight with my younger D to see the Chinese acrobats....should be fun. I wish my new friends a peaceful and healthy Thanksgiving and I can't wait to get together again.

    Love, Jan

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited November 2011

    Hi All, I am thankful for all of my bco wny friends, you've supported me through some of my most difficult times.  Karen you are correct a true godsend. Have a happy, healthy Thanksgiving.  Kindone, no matter where your family physically are located, they are with you in your heart.  I'm going to sister's house and she usually has 30-40 people. Crazy, but fun. No one made green bean casserole or minced meat pie so that's my contribution this year.  I can taste stuffing now and getting hungry.  BTW, go for my MRI on Monday I'll let you know results as soon as the onc calls me. Still trying to get out of making those cookies Wink

    Love and hugs to all my friends and their families.


  • bevin
    bevin Member Posts: 519
    edited November 2011

    Happy Thanksgiving Everyone,

    I'm so glad to have met you all and am thankful for many things in my life, including all of you.

    I truly am fortunate.

    Hugs to all!

    Love Bevin!

  • SusanHG
    SusanHG Member Posts: 455
    edited November 2011

    Happy Thanksgiving to all my newfound friends!  I am grateful for each and every one of you.  We may have found each other through tough times, but I feel such a positivity when we are together.  I feel like we've known each other forever!

    Going to a friend's house who lives on an organic farm today.  Just finished 4 pies, huge bowl of cranberry sauce, and we are in charge of the wine.  I'm sure our turkey will be "au naturel" :-)

    Enjoy, ladies!


  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited November 2011

    Happy Black Friday WNY ladies and significant others :) My DD, DS and I went black Friday shopping at 3AM this morning and just arrived home. My DD has to be to work at noon so she'll be exhausted. My DS went before work and had to be at work at 7AM. I'm sure it will be a quiet night for all of us this evening. I love the hustle and bustle of black Friday however last year I didn't quite have the stamina after chemotherapy.  I have both my children complete, two nephews and started DH shopping.  I LOVE the holiday season. 

    BTW, didn't get out of the cut out cookies, I tried and failed miserably. 



  • SusanHG
    SusanHG Member Posts: 455
    edited November 2011

    Hi All!

    Well,I avoid Black Friday like the plague so we are spending our Friday grocery shopping and maybe a nice hike since the weather is fantastic today. 

    Last time at our lunch, I mentioned that I had read an article linking endometriosis with cancer.  Thought I would post it:

    find it ar www.endometriosisassn.org then click on "toxic link to endo" from the left hand column.  A pdf will pop up.

    I was wondering whether anyone knows of a good endometriosis specialist in Buffalo.  I used to go to Dr. Batt and loved him, but he is retired now.  I am having troubles again, but want to avoid my OG/GYn for surgery.  And I only want ONE surgery.  I'm tired of being cut open at this point.  This will be my sixth surgery...

    Would really appreciate if anyone has a good doc in mind


  • bevin
    bevin Member Posts: 519
    edited November 2011

    HI Susan- Thanks for the link, I'm going to a doctor in Williamsville. I'll send you the name via PM.

    I've been well controlled.

    I'm not a Black Friday shopper either. Can't stand the chaos. Its'not worth the savings to me. 

    Maureen- I think you either thrive on it or hate it. For me, I also need the snow to start falling -then I really like to shop. Did you find any good bargins?

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited November 2011

    yes, but found better sales last year.  We went to Galleria mall, found XBox (the one with more memory 250GB?) for 100.00 less, daughter bought 100.00 pants for 23.00.  Many lounge pants all my nephews wear for 8.88 (reg. 27.00).  I didn't get to ToyRUs for the Kentucky nephews/neices because DS and DD had to be to work, but they had good specials too.  I'm not a "camp out" but love to watch them line up for the biggies.  Rarely are the biggies what I'm searching for.  I didn't bother with Best Buy for the XBox deal because I heard they only had 7 or 8 at each store.  Only real disappointment was Buckles.  My DS loves to shop there but two shirts can be close to 200.00.  If he wants them, he can buy.  I was hoping they would have some type of special but they never have a sale.  The clothes last but too expensive for my budget.  The clothes are mostly weird but they do have really nice fitted plaid shirts.  So 5 hours I probably saved 300.00.  I figure 35-40.00 and hour is worth my time. Sounds silly but that's how I usually judge time, if it's over 30.00/hr. it's worth my time. It's become more a tradition with my two, so worth it no matter what.  DD takes pictures and we laugh and just enjoy each other's company.  They laugh at each other too!!.  DH avoids at all costs and they laugh at him too.  Have a great day, off to clean, try to decorate, etc...

  • bevin
    bevin Member Posts: 519
    edited November 2011

    Great Job Maureen - I'm impressed and wiling to pay you to find my deals!!

    Funny -I do the same math to justify hiring people to do things, like cleaning lady, lawn care etc. If it is cheaper than what I calculate my hourly wage to be , I hire someone else.  Otherwise I figure it's not worth my time.

    Good luck to all of you shoppers today.

  • SusanHG
    SusanHG Member Posts: 455
    edited November 2011

    Bevin and maureen-I do the same with my time as well!  Funny...These days my time is priceless though since all of it is spent writing...just finished an 18 page paper.  what a relief! I won't be starting my shopping until after the 12thUndecidedhope it won't be too late by then...


  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited November 2011

    Hi All,  it's confirmed, I'm making 11 dozen of cut outs :(  Oh well, bring it on.  Went grocery shopping, KY gifts for neices/nephews, 4 out of 5 local nephews, son, and part of my daughter done.  Need to get my boss a present (45yr. old male) any ideas?

    I wish my work week would go as fast as my long weekends LOL!!  DH put Xmas decorations outside.  We have a snow globe blow up and the field mice had a heyday last year, so he spent most of the day trying to patch it up.  Better than me, I'd throw it out.

    Karen, Hope you kicked that sinus infection to the curb.  Getting worried, haven't heard from you for a few days, all ok?  Or are you depressed from ANOTHER BILLS LOSS!!  Man, they need to get back on the stick.  Game must've been ok, or DH would've went grocery shopping with me :)

    Have a great night.



  • bevin
    bevin Member Posts: 519
    edited November 2011

    Maureen- you are a saint.  11 doz cut outs. Thats a ton of cutting and frosting.  Can I put my order in?  You won't even notice a couple more dozen :)

    Susan- I'm so glad to be done with school, papers and tests.  Don't worry it will come to an end soon and you'll be so proud of your accomplishment!!

    We have our out door decorations up too. It was so beautiful this weekend, hard to pass up the time to get it all done. Now on to the inside and buying a tree this week!

    Hope everyone is well, rested up from shopping and Thanksgiving dinner!!

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited November 2011

    Hi all, I've almost kicked the infection to the curb Maureen, had to get the refill the Dr. had allowed since I was still slightly stuffed.  Been just taking it easy, resting, reading - I belong to a local book club that meets where Esther and I meet for coffee.  Have to finish the book by Tuesday.  Hubby didn't go grocery shopping because they didn't fall apart till the end of the game.  A friend calls the Bills the heart breakers, oh well maybe next year, I have a terrible feeling that one day in a nursing home I'll be saying the same thing.  This week DD and I will do our Xmas shopping and decorate, we usually get it done in 2 days.  DD is between jobs, so we have time.  Slip a dozen cut outs my way, when you do bevin's.  I bake Italian Christmas cookies but nowhere near that amount, you've outdone yourself.  I bet your home looks beautiful for Christmas.  Looks like we may see some flakes towad the end of the week, then it'll feel like Xmas, but that's all I want this year, can you spell snowball's chance in H e%*!!!  love to all, Karen

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited November 2011

    Hi Karen,  So glad to hear you are feeling better.  I miss your posts. 

    Hope everyone is doing well today and busy getting ready for the holidays.  I've had all day training for the next two days,,,,UUUGGGH.  I don't have two days for training but it's a necessary evil.  Had my MRI waiting for the results.  I'm so glad it's over and praying for good results.  The scan thing doesn't get any easier over time, thinking it gets harder. I have noticed I feel more like myself off of the Femara.  I know I need to go back on AI just want to get my Xmas stuff done before starting it all over again.

    Where is everyone?  Jan, Betty, Cheryl, Susan, bevin???  I miss my friends :(  DH and kids are busy so I'm by my lonesome. 

    Talk later



  • starbeauty
    starbeauty Member Posts: 106
    edited November 2011

    Hi Girlfriends.... Had all my kids home for thanksgiving... It was wonderful. Got everyone back safely. heading to Atlanta for a conference... Almost done with my class.

    Karen... So glad you are starting to feel better... Haven't had a moment to do coffee, but will soon.

    so thankful I can talk to all of you... Coming up on my two year cancerversary... Being sent for a liver us and pelvic us...with rule out neoplasms on the form... Way to make me sweat... Put it off until January... Just don't want to deal with it.

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited November 2011

    Hi Maureen, hi starbeauty, missing everyone else, now I have to wait till Dec. to do the next luncheon, weather permitting, haven't we been lucky with the weather?  I feel like I haven't seen everybody for mos., not a good feeling, I miss my friends too Maureen.  Amazing how close we have become.  Esther, so glad you had the whole family in for Thanksgiving, it must have felt so nice to have everyone around the table, Coffee, when you get home from Atlanta, my jet setting friend, still have coupons for coffee in my purse. Went to visit a friend today and the time got away from me with the conversation, had to drive home in the dark and the rain, 2 of my favorite things.  An aww conversation to relate: I had been setting my alarm for 7 so I could get coffee ready for my grandson before he left for school, we would have about 5 min. together, get a little news from him about what was going on.  For a full week, I did it and he did not make it upstairs, got up late, texting his girlfriend, doing his homework - so I set everything out for him, and told him to push the on button before his shower and it would be ready for him when he was dressed.  Last night he said "Nini could we go back to you being up for the coffee thing" aww, Nini was caught hook, line and sinker.  He broke up with his girlfriend, got 100 on his math test and started indoor track and lifting today, get a lot of news in a few min., I like to think those min. are important to him too.  Aww love and hugs to all of you and Buster, Karen

  • starbeauty
    starbeauty Member Posts: 106
    edited November 2011

    Karen... Now that brings tears to my eyes... Years from now when you and I are dead and gone... He will tell his little grand babies how his nini got up every morning to spend a little quality time with a teenage man/boy... You should get "nini of the year"!!!!

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited November 2011

    I second the vote!!  Nini of the year :)

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited November 2011

    Thank you, both of you, you're right Esther he is a man/boy.  All the kid's friends call me nini too, Mica couldn't say nana, it came out nini, that's what I've been ever since. Where is everyone else, bevin, Susan, Jan, Cheryl, and Betty, where are you, we miss you, hugs to all, Karen