Western New York Area



  • SusanHG
    SusanHG Member Posts: 455
    edited December 2011

    I'm here, just still busy....I'm sounding like a broken record these days.  Loved your story Karen.  So nice that you can get that quality time in with your grandson and he sounds great!  Maureen-praying for good results for you and starbeauty--I feel for you...sometimes it is just knowing that the scans are coming up that is the worst.  Good luck with the rest of your semester.  I am almost done as well.  December 12th is my final due date...Don't sweat those scans.  They'll be over and done sooner than you think...Miss you guys and cannot wait for our next get together!  The weather is unbeleivable isn't it?  It snows a few flakes and stops.  Now when does that ever happen in WNY?


  • janhart
    janhart Member Posts: 292
    edited December 2011

    Hi, I am here too....sorry for not at least stopping in to say hi. My son has been staying with us since the day after Thanksgiving. He has been having some medical issues again and needed to be with family. When he is here I try to cook meals, well dinner at least, so we can eat together. He has appt with new doctor on Monday and I'm hoping for some answers. I'm taking the day off to go with him and hoping to getting some holiday things done too.

    I had the last (I hope) of four doctor appts myself in November. All were fine, cholesterol still a bit high but better, thyroid levels a bit high but will be rechecked in six months, Vit D low, so need to take a larger dose vitamin. Maureen, any results yet from MRI? Hoping for goood news!
    Susan, my DD is also anxious for the semester to be over. Not sure if I told you, but she is in grad school at UB in the school guidance program.

    Star beauty, just wondering what you are in school for? Sounds like teaching maybe.

    Karen, glad you are feeling better and are enjoying time with your grandson and family. Still looking forward to meeting you and Starbeauty.

    Hi kindone, heymoose and bevin. Still thinking about the nice time we at lunch. Will we be getting together anytime soon??

    Oh, great news! I have officially given my notice for retirement in June! my district offered an incentive and I was more than willing to take it. We needed to have at least 45 people put in for retirement in order to receive the incentive. Today I heard there are 70 teachers retiring from my district. I hope it opens jobs for all the young teachers coming out of college. Karen, I'll be right there with you soon! Well gotta go. Watching a little TV before going to bed. Next year at this time I can stay up as late as I want. Take care and see everyone soon.
    Love, Jan

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited December 2011

    Hi Jan and Susan, congratulations Jan, you can throw the alarm clock away too, that will free up jobs for this next generation of teachers.  So many graduating with no open jobs in this area, my friend's daughter had to relocate to Maryland for a job in Special Ed.  Susan - you're on the home stretch now, only 12 more days.  Maureen, any results yet? saying prayers for you and Esther, hate having to get the scans, then wait for the results too.  Like you I am waiting for our next luncheon, hated missing the last one, we always have such a good time together.  love to all, Karen

  • SeasideMemories
    SeasideMemories Member Posts: 2,462
    edited December 2011

    Awwwww Karen..... Love that story!! Those boys try to be all shades of tough (at least my son does) but, deep down, they still need us!!!

    PS.... My Mom is NiNi to her grandchildren and my Dad is Pop-Pop.....

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited December 2011

    Hi Seaside - just answered you on the Stop Smoking thread.  He is a big tough football player but he just melted my heart when he said that.  hugs, Karen

  • SeasideMemories
    SeasideMemories Member Posts: 2,462
    edited December 2011


    From your lips to God's ears about the job market for teachers.... My daughter is graduating this Sunday with a dual degree in Biology and Adolesence Education - Biology Certification and has decided, since the job situation is so bad here, that she is going to continue on with her education and begin her Graduate studies.....

    It's going to mean taking loans but, so many districts layed off last year and have a huge 'call-back' list that they will go through before they even start to consider new graduates!! I feel bad for the kids coming out of school today!

  • kindone
    kindone Member Posts: 435
    edited December 2011

    Good Evening Ladies, Hope everyone is well.  I am at work doing a double again b/c I have a bad habit.  Well it has to stop I am getting tired.

    Just about all done with Christmas shopping, this weekend I will decorate the house and next week make cookies with my little Aiden GS.  This morning when I was getting ready for work my dog Buster got a hold of our parakeet and pawed him wanting to play. The bird is now dead.  I was so angry, but I know he just wanted to play.  The bird sits on top of the cage so it was easy for Buster to get him. 

    Karen, I hope your felling better.  I miss you guys til next time.  Betty

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited December 2011

    Hi All,  No results for the MRI yet, I'll call tomorrow if they don't call me first.  I know we said the massage for Dec. but I don't have the funds so close to the holidays.  Is everyone ok with just doing lunch? Any suggestions where?  Dec. 10th or 17th is fine with me, just let me know which weekend works for majority. 

    Love, and hugs


  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited December 2011

    Hi all, so sorry Betty, that Buster played with the bird, my GD's cat died yesterday, only 10 yrs., but a purebreed from the Shelter, she found her when she came home from school. Not sick at all beforehand, so lots of tears here.  It hurts to see her so sad, my DD wrote a story about Mellow for GD's facebook page, funeral tomorrow in the backyard.  Lunch on either day is fine for me Maureen, so what works better for all of us is fine, how much was massage day going to cost, things are a bit tight here?  Went to a seminar on Medicare today, boy do I feel old now, getting the AARP magazine was bad, but this was worse.  That's why I like to hang out with all you youngsters, it's all a matter of perspective. love to all, Karen

  • janhart
    janhart Member Posts: 292
    edited December 2011

    Hi friends,

    Betty, I'm so sorry about the bird. When I was a kid we had a cat and a bird. My brother let the bird out of the cage. The cat got him and the funny part was my mother running through the house chasing the cat with a bird sticking out of it's mouth. Somehow that bird survived.

    And Karen, I'm so sorry about GD's cat. I hope she'll feel better soon.

    Seaside, I know your daughter's frustration. My oldest is an English teacher, but cannot get a permanent job. She's been at one school since Sept, but that ends soon and today she told me she just took a long term sub job in Eden. I'm hoping something more permanent opens up for her soon.

    Yes, lunch is good, either the 10th or 17th. I understand the tight funds this time of year. Plus i'm going to be on a fixed income once i retire so i better start being careful now! Not sure where we should go, but am game for almost anywhere. Talk to everyone soon.

    Love, Jan

  • SusanHG
    SusanHG Member Posts: 455
    edited December 2011

    Hi Maureen!  Thought we had decided on January for the massage??  That would be better for me as well (although wish I could get one today since I woke up with a stiff neck and shoulderFrown) So far, December 10th is open for me, but I will be finalizing my school work that weekend so I'm not sure how long I can stay (depending on how much I am able to get done beforehand).  I can't believe how close Christmas is.  I just checked my calendar and realized that that is it for the weekends!  Betty-so sorry about what happened to yor bird...I know animals are so unpredictable.  I used to have a cat that would just lightly play with my hamsters if they got out of their cage, but my present cat will have a mouse dead and buried in the blink of an eye if any get into the basement.  This time of year, he stays on mouse watch downstairs,but luckily the mice know better!  Karen--so sorry about your GD's cat.  There is nothing worse than a pet dying.  No warning at all?  Well, at least the cat didn't suffer, but that doesn't make it any better.  Now I'm going to worry about my cat.  He is going on 9, but still just as feisty as ever.  He has to go in for his "senior" checkup and testing this year.  Well, take care everyone!  Must stop procrastinating and get back to workWink


  • kindone
    kindone Member Posts: 435
    edited December 2011

    Hello Ladies, Hope all is well.  Karen I am sorry about your GS's cat.  I love my cat,  I will miss him when he goes.  Well I do thing we are going to keep Buster.  We aren't home enough and I feel he is in the create to much.  I hope we can find him a good home.  I really didn't want another dog when he came along but we tried to keep him. Its just to much.

    I can't make it on the 10th or 17th I have to work.  I am sorry I will miss you.  I enjoy your company.

  • bevin
    bevin Member Posts: 519
    edited December 2011

    Hi everyone,  I can't do the 10th, but 17th is good. I'm up for anything.

    Karen- I am so sorry about your GS's cat. Thats so sad, and a pet going to heaven is heartbreak.

    Betty- aww poor Buster. I'm sure he just didnt' know any better. If it helps, my dog loves her crate. Goes in there even when we don't tell her too, just to sleep and get away from everyone. Perhaps Buster really doesnt mind it since its a safe place.Truly sorry about your little bird. 

    Jan- I'm so jealous about your retirement. Good for you. Take care of yourself, rest and enjoy not waking up to alarm clocks or deadlines. I hope everything is ok with your son.

    Karen AARP is ok- cause then you can get the "senior" discount. Its when they start sending your the brochures for the "scooter" or Hovearound" that you need to start feeling old  !!Wink

    Everyone waitging for scans, my prayers are with you that everything is clear!


  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited December 2011

    Hi All,  need to catch up.

    Betty,  I sure buster meant no harm.  Seems it's just nature.  I'm so sorry about your bird.

    Karen,  Your GS cat is a real heartbreaker.  May he find comfort that the cat didn't suffer.  Still a hard pill to swallow especially before the holidays.

    Jan, Lucky you.  Hope you really enjoy the retirement.

    Me?  I finished the cookie exchange cookies yesterday, finished decorating the tree, went grocery shopping and now thinking about Christmas cards.  Just thinking though. 

    Sounds like the 17th is the day for lunch, any suggestions?  Otherwise I'll look around for a place.  Hoping the weather is good. 

    Dinner is done, have to run.

    Love and prayers,


  • janhart
    janhart Member Posts: 292
    edited December 2011

    Hi All, how about The Gate House Grill for lunch? It's at 8220 Main St. just past Transit in the plaza where Bill Grays is. And it's not too far from the thruway exit if anyone is coming from Batavia. Just had dinner there, the food was great. The lunch menu looks good too.

    My son is doing somewhat better. Friday was difficult but got him through it. His appt with new doctor is tomorrow and I'm going with him. He has been going to church services at The Chapel and really seems to like it there. I'm hoping he's putting some faith in God to help him through this.

    How is everyone and all the dogs, cats and birds? Our dog has been especially lazy. I think it's the change of weather because she can't be outside all the time.

    I hope everyone has a good week. Talk soon.

    Love, Jan

  • bevin
    bevin Member Posts: 519
    edited December 2011

    Jan- love the gate house grill. Reasonable pricese too and very cute bar.

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited December 2011

    Hi everyone, thank you for all the messages about DGD's cat.  We had a lovely funeral in the backyard, Mica seemed comforted by the fact it was under a Christmas tree, DD put a pine bough over the grave and placed an Angel lawn ornament next to it.  My DD is just such an awesome spirit, knowing how to comfort her child.  Maureen - you made all those cookies already, did the tree, went shopping, made dinner and are thinking of doing Christmas cards?  You put me to shame my dear friend.  Betty, sorry you are not able to join us, I really enjoy having you in our group.  Bevin, can't wait to see you, seems like it's been forever.  Heymoose, where are you?  Busy with Christmas shopping and decorating I bet.  Esther are you home from Atlanta yet, coffee time is beckoning.  Jan, we finally get to meet, I will most definitely be driving up from Batavia, wouldn't miss it for the world, hopefully with starbeauty/Esther with me. The 17th is great, just keep me in that general area as the country girl knows that immediate area.  Have we initiated Jan into the chocolate martini club?   hugs to all, Karen 

  • new2ny
    new2ny Member Posts: 1
    edited December 2011

    I just rejoined this list after many years. I see that you are from the Southern Tier. I recently relocated from Cape Cod to the Binghamton area and would like to touch base with other women out this way. I am, 68, an 18-year survivor of inflammatory bc, active and feeling terrific except for the rather swift transition I am dealing with.  My husband died suddenly in August and my house sold only one month after I put it on the market in September. I now live near my daughter and her family. After the holidays I will check out the local senior center, find a yoga class, and look into volunteering at Lourdes and or for the ACS (which I did for several years when I lived near Worcester, MA). Since I'm new to NY I hope you will share this message with others in this area who may be interested in connecting. Thank you.

  • SusanHG
    SusanHG Member Posts: 455
    edited December 2011

    Oh well...I won't be able to make lunch this time.  We have our Christmas party for the French Alliance that day.  We have a Buche de Noel contest every year (Yule log in English)  I always compete and so far always take home a prize.  I am going to try for first place this year, but we just had two chefs join so not sure how that will go!  I am going to go for a very realistic log this year, but sometimes the modern minimalist versions win.  Last year, we noticed a few of the children putting in extra votes...Funny, it was the forst prize winner's kids!  Go figure...   

    Just finished my second last paper...just one more to go and one more day of school...almost there!!

    Take care everyone!


  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited December 2011

    Dear new2ny, if you use the search feature - we did have a tammi from Syracuse express an interest in our group. Just type in syracuse for the keywords and tammi for the member's name.  She lived outside of Syracuse, do not know if it was east or west.  Hi Susan, you will be missed on the 19th, can you have Tristan pack your ballot box, on the other hand that is not behaviour you want him to learn, fingers crossed for a first prize for you.  One more paper and then you are finished - YAY for Susan. hugs, Karen

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited December 2011

    Hi all, just typed a long message and accidently deleted, hate when that happens GRRRR.  Anyway just came home from work and bra fitting.  Love, love, love new bras and the insurance covers 4/yr.  Happy days.

    I checked the website for the Gatehouse grill and they don't open till 4PM on Sat.  Thinking that might be too late for lunch.  What do you think?  So far, looks like Bev, Karen, Jan, Maureen, maybe heymoose and Ester but haven't heard from either lately.  Shout out for heymoose and Ester, all ok?

    Hi Susan, glad to hear you're almost done with school, keep plugging along, you won't regret one moment of work down the road.

    new 2 ny:  If you're in the Buffalo area, we'd love to have you join us.  You must've had a beautiful home to sell that quickly in this economy.

    Let me know if 4 is too late to drive here Karen, probably will be dark. 



  • janhart
    janhart Member Posts: 292
    edited December 2011

    Sorry, I didn't check the lunch time on Sat at the Gatehouse, but I think 4:00 is too late for lunch. Is there someplace else in that general area that would work for lunch?

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited December 2011

    Maureen, yes, four is too late, I'd be driving home in the dark, I'm an ole country girl.  What about a revisit to Carmines', the food was excellant and I know where it is and we had a nice round table?   hugs to all the big city girls, Karen 

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited December 2011

    sure Carmine's it is.  I'll call for reservations. have to run, at work.


  • kindone
    kindone Member Posts: 435
    edited December 2011

    Hello All,  Its been quite lately.  Everyone must be busy with the holidays.  I have been working alot lately but pretty much set for Christmas.  Just have to get the tree.

    I hope your all doing well.  Jan hows your son doing? Girls schools almost finished, good for you and all your hard work.  Haymoose where are you?

    Hello Maureen, Did you get your MRI results?  Karen, Sue, Bevin, Esther, I'll miss you at Lunch.


  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited December 2011

    Hi Betty, it has been really quiet for the past week or two, everyone busy with work and Christmas, Susan busy with school work to be all finished.  Have not heard from Cheryl and Esther in awhile, I think Esther had school work to finish up too.  We will surely miss you at lunch, you keep us laughing with your great spirit.  I am almost finished with Christmas shopping, this weekend should do it.  Looks like lake effect snow is coming our way tonight and tomorrow, please all be careful driving if you must go out, Jan - next year at this time you can choose to watch it from home, that really was great.  See you all on the 17th, 11:30 again?  hugs to all, Karen

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited December 2011

    glad everyone is out and about preparing for the worst weather and hoping for the best.  Hope everyone stays safe.  I'll call tomorrow for lunch plans, thinking 5 or 6?  Or do we want to wait till Jan and do the lunch/massage thing?

    Gotta run, DD made me dinner !!!!


  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited December 2011

    Hi all, hoping the weather does not live up to it's hype.  I'd like to do Dec. lunch, don't know if I can afford lunch/massage, fixed income, durn it.  Karen  Your DD is a doll!!!!!!!!!!!!!  hugs to her too

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited December 2011

    Thanks Karen, she's a sweetheart.  Love her to death.  Ok, I'll call tomorrow, so far it's just me, Karen, Jan and Bev.

    Where is starbeauty, heymoose been lately, shout out for you both, worried about you girls.



  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited December 2011

    Shout out for Bevin too!!  No need for long posts, just a hi so we know you are okay.