Western New York Area



  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited December 2011

    Hey, heymoose the gangs all accounted for, good to hear from you.  hugs, Karen

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited December 2011

    Hi Karen,  Coffee was fun, wanted to catch up with you before the holidays.  Timing was perfect, met DH at the mall right on time.  I'm just sorry all the girls couldn't get together for fun this month.  Yes, the hollows sounds like a plan for January.  I just checked the website and Sat. lunch starts at 11:30AM, only note: they charge 18% gratuity for parties over 8.  I think we'll be okay though, we usually have between 6-7 for lunch any given month. Good find Karen.

    Cheryl, glad to hear you are well, just busy. 

    Hope all our other ladies are doing well and on the last stretch of the Christmas rush.

    Me? Turkey in the crockpot and Wrapping, enough said?  (LOL) 

    Check in later,



  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited December 2011

    Cheryl, just re-read my post and wanted to clarify my statement.  I'm glad you are doing well, we were worried about you.  Glad to hear you are busy vs. unwell or something is wrong.  When I re-read the statement it sounded snarky, not my intention at all!!

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited December 2011

    Hi Maureen, you could never sound snarky, I do love the word though, great one for the two "friends" who dropped off after my Dx., they were snarky.  I was visiting with a friend last night and in talking about the way our lives are flowing, decided I was a 64 yr. old kindergartner all excited about meeting new friends and finding them a joy.  Also got the chance to reconnect with stepchildren to further extend my family.  My stepdaughter's husband whose job was eliminated in Aug., got a supervisory security job just in time for the holidays, such good news!  My DD is decorating 2 trees today - one for a friend, my age, who is medically homebound, another for a friend whose tree just looked sad, a few lights and a dearth of ornaments, he has 2 young sons who will help decorate.  I am ever so proud of the person she is.  DGD is at a cousin's Bday party, DGS at a wrestling tournament all day.  So the house is very quiet, I am reading a new book, Start Fresh, of how changing your diet can make a huge difference in your health and sense of well-being and watching a football game, so I can see how the Bills are doing, at the moment 7-7, and maybe they'll win one, she said ever so quietly.  Writing out a few Christmas cards too, I  send to people I will not see or hear from over the holidays.  Soo multitasking in a quiet way.  Hugs to all, Karen  ps "the Hollow Bistro and Brew" is how the restaurant is listed on the web., Maureen, good thing I have all these friends who find good restaurants for us, me, I only go to luncheons once a month with special friends and that is just fine with me and coffee breaks, I've become a lady who does lunch!!  Karen

  • SusanHG
    SusanHG Member Posts: 455
    edited December 2011

    Hello Ladies,

    The Hollow sounds nice.  I have never heard of it, but don't get out much either these days.  What a nice daughter you have Karen.  So thoughtful when all of us are so lacking in time and patience this time of year.  I am heading to the doc tomorrow for what I hope will be antibiotics. I have no doubt that I have a sinus infection.  I am coughing up green (sorry to gross you all out) and my forehead and temples are so tender I can't even touch them.  I knew when I just had the headache that it was an infection, but the PA at my neurologist was so sure it was a virus.  My primary doctor is on vacation, so hopefully her partner will give me the drugs.  There is absolutely no way this is just a virus and without antibiotics, my Christmas won't be so merry.  Sorry about ranting, but really need to feel better so I can clean my house and finish shopping.  Wish me luck tomorrow :(  Good luck to everyone in finishing up preparations...Maureen, you sound like you are right on the ball!  I'm jealousWink


  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited December 2011

    Hi Susan, if it is green it is an infection, infections are gross and painful.  I hope you respond quickly to the antibiotics, but don't push yourself out the door too quickly to do the shopping.  Give the antibiotics time to take hold, don't need walking pneumonia at this point.  Thank you for the kind words about my daughter, she is really special to me, she was the one to find bc.org for me, when depression was taking hold of me.   It got me to our site, which is just invaluable to me, so many lovely, strong women who have walked a mile in our shoes. I've drawn such support from the women here, not to mention our luncheons and times for coffee, and the wonderful conference Maureen and I went to, also met heymoose there.  I have taken the Christmas gifts as far as money would allow and am so glad I set a limit on it.  So, I hope sickness has had its fill of us, Betty and I had the sinus infection also, hope you are better Betty.  Time to pick my DGD and DGS up from track practice, DD has a painting job she is finishing up, she is doing a living room so it looks like stucco,  her work is beautiful and she is as fast as a bunny rabbit.  Hugs to all, hope the Hollow has a round table for us, I do know they have a fireplace to make it look homey.  Karen

  • SusanHG
    SusanHG Member Posts: 455
    edited December 2011

    Thank you Karen for the advice.  I took one of my migraine pills and it has taken the edge off the headache.  Is your daughter an artist?  Sounds like she does beautiful work.  A fireplace would be wonderful!  I come here for all my support and encouragement.  Funny-it is the one place where I know I will leave feeling more positive than when I arrived.  You would think coming to a breast cancer discussion board would do the opposite, but that is so untrue! 

    I have a few more gifts to buy.  Still haven't found the perfect comfortable slippers for my mom, but I have my neices covered because they are easy to buy for.  I have decided to get gift cards for my nephews.  They all have girlfriends, so I thought movie gift cards would be perfect.  Karen, since you live in Batavia and my two nephews live in Pembroke, is there a Regal theatre out there somewhere?  Don't know the area too well.  They live on Main Road about a mile east of route 77...


  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited December 2011

    Dear Susan, there is no Regal theatre, but there is a movie theatre in Batavia, called Cinema I and II.  Were you thinking of gift certificates?  The number is 585 - 344 - 2344, that is from an old phone book. could not find it in the new book..My Susan does specialty painting, can use paint to get a stucco look, old brick, striping, linen look and others.  She  does interior design with individuals or businesses.  She is an artist, she has a Fine Arts degree from the University of Maine.  She also takes antique furniture and hand paints it to resemble shabey chic.  She can frame and mat pictures, paintings and posters.  I sound like a commercial!  She is self-employed using sub -  contractors when dry wall repair is needed. Susan's PR department signing off, hugs, Karen  PS if that is not the right number. I can go over there tomorrow and get the correct number, or buy the gift certificates and you could re-imburse me.  Let me know

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited December 2011

    Oh susan, I hope you feel better soon.  Christmas is so special when you have children that believe in Santa.  I'm guessing Tristan still believes?  So many people have sinus infections this year. 
    Karen, you are so nice to offer to help Susan out.  This time of year is crazy. 

    I'm booked all week.  This will be the longest week of the year at work.  I'm ready to go play the lottery at this point.  I was so tired when I got home tonight, just napped on the couch, no dinner, no shopping, nothing.  Just woke up in a panic.  I thought it was 8AM and I was late LOL.  I'll call for reservations on my vaction.  The pictures on the web are so nice and homey.  I think we'll love it.

    Hello to everyone.  Might not have a chance to post the next couple of days. 



  • SusanHG
    SusanHG Member Posts: 455
    edited December 2011

    Thank you Karen!  Very nice of you!  I was actually just thinking of buying some Regal gift cards, would be easier and more flexible as far as movies...the Regal Transit probably isn't too far for them to drive, I think.

    Maureen-Tristan is still hanging in there, still believing, although he does know that the dressed up Santas are not real and we laugh about them all the time. Hopefully, your work week will at least run smoothly with a little festivities mixed in, perhaps?  Is your vacation after Christmas?  

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited December 2011

    Dear Maureen, is this the last week of the year crazy time to wrap everything up?  It sounds like we should be counting down, 4 more days to go then 3..  Would be a good week to do pizza, carryout Applebys, Chinese - won't have to worry about dinner at least. How long do you have off, maybe we can try out the Hollow?  hugs, Karen

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited December 2011

    Dear all, my dear friend who was my teacher aide in 1984, and sat with me after my surgery, is to have a complete hip replacement on Jan. 3rd.  Her first hip surgery was 2 years ago and went very badly, I, who am not very litigious, would have sued, he admitted to putting a too large ball in and he had to force it!!!!!!!!!!!!  Now the socket part is cracked and is sitting sideways.  She is on Oxycontin for the pain.  Betty, I don't know if I am getting all the medical terms correct?  Can I ask for prayers that this surgery will go well and she will finally be pain free.  hugs to all of you, Karen

  • SusanHG
    SusanHG Member Posts: 455
    edited December 2011

    Sure will send prayers to your friend, Karen.  Can't understand doctors sometimes, what was he thinking?? obviously, he wasn't.  Hope your friend has better luck witht the next surgery and is out of pain soon, Karen.  Will be sendinggood thoughs her way...

    Doc gave me amoxicillin, so should be better by Friday.  Wrapped most of my gifts today, just need to find something for my mom tomorrow, then done!  Also, have most of my stuff bought for Christmas dinner.  I am choosing a simple ham and potatoes au gratin...my mom will make pierogi and golumki (yes, I am Polish :-) ).  My family are big eaters so we are always worried we won't have enough food for them.  It will be just the three of us for Christmas eve, so thinking something fancy to prepare like crown roast or something.  I try to do something new every year.  Tristan always looks forward to our "feast" as he calls it.  Need to make cookies tomorrow for Cub Scout Chrstams party, then more cookies for Christmas.  It just never stops!

    btw Karen decided to go with American Eagle gift cards instead of the movies.  Didn't want to create problems and I know they love their clothes! thanks for the advice!

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited December 2011

    Dear Susan, thank you so much for the prayers.  Wish I could taste those galumki and pierogi, haven't had freshly made since my grandma passed away, I am half Polish.  You should be feeling so much better by Friday, so lucky to have antibiotics to work their magic.  Can never go wrong with American Eagle gift cards, I know my DGD and DGS love to get those gift cards.  I have to pick out one extra gift tomorrow for my DD, she just mentioned it today that a friend had gotten it and just loved it.  She so seldom asks for things for herself, I'm going to go a little over budget to get it for her. Have a wonderful Christmas Eve and a very Merry Christmas when Tristen sees his gifts, did the retriever puppy make the cut?   

  • kindone
    kindone Member Posts: 435
    edited December 2011

    Karen, you did just find with your medical terminology.  Yes Prayers being said for your friend.  Hip is such a big surgery. 

    Susan, I was also on amoxicillin still taken it, but I feel alot better.  We are also big eaters in my family.  We eat very similar, Good food!!

    We decided to keep Buster he is just alot of work, but we love him.  (PUPPY)

    Hope all is well with evryone else.  I know how busy we all are.  Love Ya

  • SusanHG
    SusanHG Member Posts: 455
    edited December 2011

    Karen- no retriever puppy :-) but he will be getting a Wii this year.  We are still back and forth about a dog, but we think maybe a puppy would be too much work.  We will probably end up doing greyhound adoption, but we will wait until at least spring.  We also will be moving next year so may wait until after the move.

    Yes, I am half Polish as well.  Plus, German, English, and Welsh.

    Betty- so glad you decided to keep Buster!  Sometimes, animals just have their instincts and it can't be helped.  He sounds so sweet, after all.  Glad you are feeling better! 

    Hope everyone has a very merry Christmas with lots of great food and celebration!  We all have something to celebrate!

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited December 2011

    Susan - I had a friend who had 2 rescue greyhounds, they were thee most precious dogs, not high strung at all, gentle and loving.  Great choice, my DGS is home from school with a scratchy throat and a fever, he never gets sick, he is huddled up on my couch and just fell asleep again.  This sickness just doesn't want to leave.  He usually bounces back quickly, I hope that is the case again.  Betty, I too am thrilled you kept Buster, I know puppy hood is tough but they do grow out of it.  Could not even imagine him at a shelter for Christmas, you are such a good person Betty.  Watch out for the food on the table during the holidays, my lab once ate a complete roast by stretching his head to where I thought it was safe. got a leg off a turkey once too. He turned into my best buddy as he got older, we did leave puppy hood behind eventually.  Glad you are feeling better.  hugs Karen

  • SusanHG
    SusanHG Member Posts: 455
    edited December 2011

    Karen-so sorry that your GS is sick now!  just doesnt stop, does it?  Very funny story about your dog.  We had a viszla when I was a teenager who ate everything in sight including all of the chocolate in our easter baskets and lived to tell about it!  He also was hit by a car TWICE.  The first time, he broke his back but recovered.  The second was not so bad.  Just got right back on his feet!

  • janhart
    janhart Member Posts: 292
    edited December 2011

    Hi everyone. I hope we are all beginning to feel better. Susan and kindone, sure hope those antibiotics are kicking butt. I'm feeling ok physically, just need a few days after Christmas to rest up.

    Believe it or not, I still have some last minute shopping to do, but that's always the way with me. I think I'll do it Friday morning because I'm off from work. I also have some food to pick up and some food prep to do. This year we are going to SIL's house Christmas eve (not Nora, but another sister of my H's). There are four of us that rotate that event and next year will be our turn again. It's fun because all of our kids, the cousins, get together, although some are out of town and not coming this year. Christmas day we go to my mom's in Dunkirk. She makes the sauce and I try to bring the rest of the food items. My mom is 83 and is really slowing down, but insists on hosting Christmas.

    Kids at school are pretty wound up esp. my 5th graders, but so cute, still sort of innocent. Tomorrow will be a long day with all the festivities going on...but then we'll be off until Jan. 3rd.

    I am so looking forward to getting together with everyone in Jan. I really enjoyed your company when we went to Bravo. I feel so fortunate to have met this group at this time in my life. Just so many life changing things going on.....the stupid "c" thing, my adult kids coming and going, my decision to retire ( yay!!) and to be able meet new friends is so special, so thanks for the friendship and welcome into this group. Enjoy the hustle and bustle as we head into Christmas in a few days. Anyone missing the snow? Take care. Love, Jan

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited December 2011

    Dear Jan, definitely looking foward to meeting a new friend, I feel as you do, excited to be making such special friends and able to physically be together.  To share feelings and anticipate good scans and the anxiety beforehand is just a Godsend.  We become close so quickly when in the face of the life-alterating bc.  We gain strength from each other, so so glad Maureen started this thread.  I must say I'm looking forward to your retiring, now there will be two to do lunch in the middle of the week, how decadent!!  Maureen - thinking of you and these last crazy, busy days, how long is your vacation?  Susan, DGS felt good enough to eat 2 slices of pizza, still running a slight fever, won't be going to school tomorrow, he has slept most of the day with Nini sneaking in to feel his forehead and cover him up.  Starbeauty - you are not posting so it must be a frenzied work time for you too.  Coffee sometime next week, we have to use the coupons up by the 31st, maybe do lunch, free sandwich with specialty coffee (like my chai latte).  Bevin, I haven't seen you in since forever, when we met at the Old Mill, looking forward to seeing you.  Kindone, remind Esther and I to tell you the story of your name, just 2 country bumpkins here!  Heymoose, Haven't seen you since the conference or was it the trip to Batavia? can't remember, still claimimg radiation fatigue.  Everyone have a very Merry Christmas with all of your loved ones.  hugs, Karen

  • bevin
    bevin Member Posts: 519
    edited December 2011

    Wow- so missing the snow Jan - my child and I just have a hard time getting in the Christmas spirit without it.

    I still have some shopping to do. My husband and some cousins. Then I'm done except for Christmas cookies and ordering Christmas Eve dinner from the Butcher. Thinking of having Lobster tails and Filet. YUMMMM!!

    Susan - so hope your antibiotics kick in quickly. Its no fun to be sick.

    Karen- I'm sending a bunch of prayers your way and to your friend. I hope this surgery takes care of that hip. Those are nasty issues to deal with.

    Hugs to everyone!'


  • SusanHG
    SusanHG Member Posts: 455
    edited December 2011

    Yes, Bevin, where IS the snow?  It can snow now, I am done shopping :).  Just need to clean my house, make cookies, and cook.  Plus, antibiotics are starting to work.  Ahhh, feels good...

    Hugs and Bonne Noel everyone!

    p.s.  I forgot to tell you that I won 3rd prize in the yule log contest on Saturday.  Sick as a dog, running against two chefs, I beat out one of them to win!  I totally didn't expect it!

  • janhart
    janhart Member Posts: 292
    edited December 2011

    So...done with school for this year...2011. Had my last Christmas lunch yesterday and my last sing along this morning. I'd have to say the Christmas sing along is by far my favorite thing at work. We get together at 8:00 in the morning with coffee, bagels, donuts. Our more talented teachers play the piano, violins, trumpets, etc. The rest of us sing Christmas carols and shake the bells. It's so much fun to see the students who peek in and smile when they hear and see us having so much fun. Yes, I will miss the sing along, but maybe I can find another group to sing with next year. Feliz Navidad!

    Last minute errands tomorrow morning.

  • janhart
    janhart Member Posts: 292
    edited December 2011

    Oh, Susan, congrats on your win and Bevin, we just may get a bit of Christmas snow. I know what you mean about snow getting you in the mood.

  • bevin
    bevin Member Posts: 519
    edited December 2011

    ahhh - Jan - that sounds like such a nice event at school.  I'm sure theyd love you to join them even post retirement!

    Susan- Congrats on the contest. I love yule logs, only I purchase mine from DiCamillo!... I know - way lazy, but I just can't find the time.

  • starbeauty
    starbeauty Member Posts: 106
    edited December 2011

    Just want to wish all of you the warmest, happiest, carefree Christmas... I want to capture every moment in my heart and hide the memories there... Blessings to each one of you... I hope this year brings us all health and peace... Merry Christmas friends!

  • SusanHG
    SusanHG Member Posts: 455
    edited December 2011

    Merry Christmas and many blessings to you too, Star Beauty!  Health and peace to all of us--what a great wish!  Carefree also sounds really nice right now.  Just finished a 6 hour housecleaning marathon and can finally say the house is CLEAN!  Now on to the fun stuff, like cookies!! I guess I can finally get dressed now--at 4:30 pmUndecided


  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited December 2011

    Merry Christmas to all of our group, may it be warm, carefree and filled with love.  Bevin and Susan, I am sure you will be the first up with little children filled with the anticipation of Santa.  All the Christmas preparations are taken care of, I took DGS to the Sports Shop here in town for new track shoes, he wears a 12 and 1/2!!  It is wild in our little town at the stores, cannot imagine what the malls are like.  Starbeauty, Jan, Maureen, heymoose and kindone,  all the blessings of Christmas for our group and our families.  love, Karen

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited December 2011

    Hi All, WOW I need to catch up so this will be really long...

    Week is over, now onto the fun stuff. I'm soooo glad I'm on vacation.  I have one dr, one dentist, friends from NYC and family coming, I will be busy, but in a good way. I didn't get home one night before 6:30PM or had doc appt. and arrived home later.  Left early today and did the grocery shopping.  What a zoo!  Don't understand why everyone is so impatient?  We're all in the same boat, rushing and trying to get things done.  I hummed Christmas carols through the store.  Maybe we all need drugs this time of year LOL.

    Karen, connecting with your step children, what a super Christmas gift.  Enjoy them, time goes all too quickly.  DGS 12 ½ shoe?  OMG, he's going to be 6 ft. tall before you know it. I'd love to meet your daughter sometime, she sounds like such a nice person.  Helping anyone this time of year is a great gift.  I tend to forget that sometime.  Trying the Hollow might be tough next week. Former Boss is home from business trip and wants to go to lunch.  Might have delay that visit too, trying to cram everything into 1 week is difficult. So sorry to hear about your friend, keep us posted on her progress. Sorry to hear you have the sickness in your house again.  Make sure they throw out the toothbrushes in the house after they feel better so it doesn't keep coming back.

    Susan: Sorry to hear you caught the nasty infection.  Sounds like the antibiotic took effect and you're well on the way to good health and good times. Hope you get your cookies done and enjoy the festivities of the holidays.  I loved to go Christmas caroling with the scouts.  We used to hand out flyers the week before we'd carol in the neighborhood to collect food.  The following week, we'd go door to door singing Christmas carols and collecting the food.  It was so much fun and helped the local food pantry.  Hope Tristan, hubby and you enjoy .  Did you find the slippers and remaining gifts? One more day to go, it all goes well.  3rd place in the contest is awesome; you need to share the recipe.

    Kindone:  Yahoo, for Buster, He's in a great home.  Hope you are well.  Have fun on Christmas with those beautiful grandbabies.

    Janhart:  I'm right with you and the last minute shopping.  My mistake was the food was last on the list.  Note to self: I will NEVER do that again, it was worse than black Friday.  I hope your son is on the mend and your stress level is decreasing.  The caroling at school sounds like so much fun.  Wish Nora a Merry Christmas to my #1 onc nurse, she has a gift. Looking forward to seeing you again in January.

    Bevin,  I don't miss the snow.  God made a mistake when he put me in Buffalo.  If you're a skier, I can understand the disappointment.  I'm betting we'll make up for the lack of snow really soon.  If you have lobster and filet, can I come to dinner?  LOL.  My sister's having Christmas eve dinner after church and I'm thinking subs of sort.  I'm having Prime rib, roasted brussel sprouts, potatoes, corn and cookies and ice cream for dessert, if I ever get the cookies done, if not?  Just ice cream J

    Starbeauty:  I miss you and your great smile.  Hope you are well and carefree.  Remember, it's all good.

    Heymoose:  Missing you, hope you are well, having fun with family and friends.

    All:  Have a blessed quiet Christmas.  Thank you for being in my life.  You have saved my sanity more times than you will ever know.  I believe in Angels and each and every one of you is an angel.  God Bless you.  Its Jesus' birthday, time to celebrate the wonderful times.



  • SusanHG
    SusanHG Member Posts: 455
    edited December 2011

    Oh Maureen--such perfect words!  Yes, you are all angels to me as well.  Having you here 24/7 has been my rock over the past few months of emotional ups and downs.  Yes, it is Jesus' birthday and I like to try to emphasize this through all the commercial insanity this time of year.  We will be going to mass at 4:30 with my mom then home to crown pork roast, sweet and sour cabbage and mashed potatoes, and brussels sprouts. Then , a nice quiet evening, maybe watching Mr. Bean's Christmas or one of the classics like Santa Claus is coming to town.  I bought Tristan elf pajamas so he will be so cute!

    Tomorrow, I will be expected god knows how many people!  Probably 15-16!  So, a nice simple ham and potatoes au gratin to save my sanity :)  But, sinus infection almost gone just a lingering headache and feeling so much better...My mom ended up buying her own slippersUndecided, so  had to find other things for her and managed to get everyone covered!  Maureen, I wish the cub scouts would go caroling .  what a great idea for next year!  Thank you for the congrats on the contest.  When I walked in to see two chefs, I almost walked back out again!  My chocolate ganache had the chocolate lovers at first bite, though, so worth the effort after all.

    Wishing you all a joyous, peaceful Christmas!  May you all be safe, healthy, happy, and carefree!

    Love you all,
