Western New York Area



  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited December 2011

    Hu all, just heard from starbeauty, she is fine, now just working at a fever pitch to get all her school work turned in and the practicum done. I'm sure she will post when she gets a few minutes free, I imagine work has to be hectic too.  We are meeting for coffee next week.  Now just heymoose is unaccounted for and bevin to check in. 

  • bevin
    bevin Member Posts: 519
    edited December 2011

    Hi everyone,

    Hope you're all well. I'm doing well and need to get busy shopping.  Maureen - Karen is right you put us all to shame. Where do you get the energy.  I need to have an injection of whatever it is.

     Its my yearly Mammo this month for my 1 year post rads.  Have to make an appointment.

    I am so sorry everyone, I won't be able to go  on the 17th afterall. Family event came up that I can't miss . I'm free the Friday night or Sunday if anyone else is having issues. If not this month though, will see you all the next lunch/dinner.


  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited December 2011

    Hey Everyone.  I'm okay with waiting till Jan. if everyone else is okay with it too.  Just a really busy time of year.  Mad at my DS today.  He's snooping in Xmas gifts.  You;d think after 19 yrs he'd grow up.  Anyway, he ate some of my cookie exchange cookies too so I have to bake more by tomorrow morning.  Getting off of my schedule makes me cranky :(   Hope everyone had a safe ride to work today.  My ride was okay cause there were so many accidents it was 30mph all the way to work. Work is really busy lately, many things to do. I can't wait for my vacation. 

    Oh, finally called the onc for results, all is ok, back on the Femara so I'm back in slow motion.  There is some type of degenerative issue with my jaw, so off to oral doc. to monitor that, the doc list just keeps getting longer and longer. 

    Ok, note to self, think positive, think positive.  Love you ladies, you are my rock


  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited December 2011

    BTW, glad to hear bev and starbeauty are ok.  Only one missing is heymoose. 

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited December 2011

    Dear Maureen, it feels sometimes that the list of doctors we see for bc just multiplies doesn't it.  I used to just have a PCP and Gyn, now it is a list.  So glad all is ok from the MRI, do they feel the degenerative issue is caused by the AI;s and blockage of estrogen?  I know we have to take the AI's but the side effects, in my case knees and ankles that feel like an 80 yr. old and hot flashes again are just such a pain.  If I have to bend down - I groan with the pain of getting back up, never had that before.  It is Ok with me if we wait till January for the next luncheon when more people will be able to make it, Jan I wil meet you soon.  Heymoose, just check in so we know all is all right. Sometimes it is hard to think positive thoughts when so many things pop up.  DS is in the doghouse, we keep all the Christmas gifts in a locked closet here in my apt., or I am sure my DGS would be searching too!  And getting in to the cookies, that too I could see DGS doing.  It is definitely true - boys are so different than girls.  Sending calming thoughts your way.  hugs, Karen

  • janhart
    janhart Member Posts: 292
    edited December 2011

    Just checking in quickly...glad for your results, Maureen....yes we need to be positive.

    My son had appt with specialist on Mon and he is doing a complete bloodwork, EEG and MRI. He (son) was very positive after appt which was a good sign because he is just so tired of doctors and appts, I guess just like a lot of us. Let's pray something positive comes from this....he's had a long struggle.

    Sounds like everyone else is doing well. I'm OK with waiting til Jan to get together. As usual my shopping is not done...oh boy gotta get to it.

    Whole family is going to The Chapel tomorrow night to see their Christmas program. Has been awhile since we've done something like this since my kids are young adults now. My son has been going there for a couple months now and he invited us to go with him. Looking forward to this.

    Gotta go...gonna try to get to Target and JCP today to pick up two gifts. Sending good thoughts to everyone.....love, Jan

  • SusanHG
    SusanHG Member Posts: 455
    edited December 2011

    Going to go see Christmas Carol at the Alleyway Theatre in a few minutes, so don't have much time to write.  Glad your MRI results are ok, Maureen, sorry about adding another doc though.  It gets insane doesn't it?  My doc list was long before BC, and now it is crazy.  I can't keep them straight sometimes.  Went to my neurologist for my headache check up and I think I make her head spin with all I have going on!  Have had some weird virus the last week giving me weird headaches but not much else other than deep sinus congestion that will not drain.  I think it is because I take so many anti-oxidants, so if I get sick, it is not full blown, kinda half way?  Well, it seems that way anyway.  Have not had a real cold in over a year!  Take care all and good luck with holiday preparations!


  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited December 2011

    Hi All, sounds like everyone is doing ok. Let's skip December and pick up the monthly lunch in January.  I'm sure everyone is really busy this time of year.

    Jan, praying for you son. Let me know if you need anything, even a shoulder.  So difficult when your children face challenges no matter how old. Have fun at the Chapel.  The presentations' reputation is wide spread in this area. 

    Hi to all the other WNY ladies, I'll keep posting to keep my sanity.  Next week have 2 christmas parties at work, 3mo. check up with onc, and need to finish shopping, stocking stuffers etc. 

    The cookie exchange was fun.  I have enough cookies to take some to work and serve as christmas dinner dessert with ice cream. The prime rib is ordered, now just need to plan remainder of menu.  Only have sixteen guests so I can do different things.

    And the best news of all?  NO ONE has to wake up before 10AM!! Can you believe it.  We're all sleeping in. What a treat.

    Have a great evening.



  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited December 2011

    Bevin, she's putting us to shame again, 14 guests - I'd be in a panic over that, I can handle the sleeping in part

  • bevin
    bevin Member Posts: 519
    edited December 2011

    Good morning everyone,

    Yes - Maureen - you do put us to shame. All those people for a sit down dinner. I'm not grown up yet enough to do that. My Mommy still makes Christmas dinner. (I know sad, isnt; it?).

    So glad your tests came back good.

    Jan- I hope everything with your son improves. It sounds like he has had a tough road.

    Karen- you crack me up - your great sense of humor makes me laugh all the time.

    We've had a busy week here- Sheas for the Adam's Family, Christmas parties, tree shopping , need to get serious about shopping and have not yet made a Christmas cookie.  UGH - Maureen - do you hire yourself out?? I am willing to pay big bucks!!

    Susan- what does your little boy want for Christmas year- does he have a big gift he wants fro m Santa?

    I hope everyone else is well - and yes given the hectic nature of December, I am happy to wait for January to get together.

    Hugs to eveyrone


  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited December 2011

    Hi all, see you after the game, I hope we're smiling!! hugs, Karen

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited December 2011

    Hey all, sorry I don't hire out:(  There is a place on Kensington and Harlem called Vinchets"  (not sure of the spelling) in that area.  They make pretty good cookies, closest I've tasted to homemade ever.  If your really in a pinch, I'd go there.  I'll admit, I've used them before especially when my kids were younger and wanted to "help"  I loved when they helped but didn't end up with many cookies cause they ate most of them so I had to fill in LOL.  Took a ride to the tony walker store, WOW are they expensive.  Like their stuff but holy cow.  Just bought hats and gloves for family.  Still have to do the christmas cards.  for some reason, I keep putting that off.

    What I would give to have my mom make a holiday dinner. Enjoy bevin, the best meal is cooked by someone else.  I wish I'd listened more to my mom when she was telling family history and cooking.  Now my sister's and I just try to fill in the blanks. All the guests are family anyway so they don't care.  The kids (9 total) like to sit around the kitchen table and talk of teenage stuff till girlfriends/boyfriends arrive and the adults eat in the dining room where it's peaceful. Then we all retreat to the family room to play new family Wii games together.  It's really a busy fun day. Don't mind the day at all.  Pre-cancer I used to get all worked up, now I just enjoy the day and the company, everything else will fall into place.

    Have a great evening ladies.



  • SusanHG
    SusanHG Member Posts: 455
    edited December 2011

    Hi Bevin-

    Thought you might be interested to hear Tristan's x-mas list---Wii, Xbox, 3D ds, IPad, and a golden retriever puppy.  Now, which will Santa choose????  tough one...Undecided

    My son and husband are now very sick with bad colds.  Tristan is home today with a fever and I still haven't really gotten sick except for a slight cough this morning.  To tell you the truth, I WANT to get sick so my sinuses will drain!  Thinking its my allergies in mega-mode due to the fact that I haven't cleaned in eons.  I'm allergic to my cat and super allergic to my son's down jacket (it wasn't marked "down" so didn't realize until later).  Normally, nothing down can be in the house, or I will be able to tell.  Tristan says, "Mom, let's just throw it out!  And I say, it cost 50 dollars and it keeps you so warm!"  I'm having him store it in the basement for now....

    No cookies, very few presents bought, and certainly no tree yet.  I have 25 pages of my final paper written and 2 to go.  Will be finished tomorrow afternoon.  Yoo hoo!!


  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited December 2011

    Dear Susan, hope DH and DS are feeling better and that you don't catch it, it is too close to Christmas to get sick.  Almost finished with your paper - YAY!!!!  Just got finished decorating the tree with the help of my dear cat Sophie, the tree is tied off - she tipped it over 2 years ago, wooden ornaments are on the bottom, where she can reach, as she pulls them off I place them higher on the tree, eventually the bottom foot of the tree is devoid of ornaments. I think she thinks the tree is her huge toy for Christmas.  I love putting on the ornaments as they remind me of the people who made them or bought them.  I still have the "Merry merry tree tree" stocking that Susan made when she was four, she is 43 now.  So many beautiful memories are hanging on the tree.  No heymoose yet, I wonder if she went on a cruise?  And we will not speak of the game yesterday, had to switch the channel.  Oh well, all together now "maybe next year"  hugs to all Karen

  • starbeauty
    starbeauty Member Posts: 106
    edited December 2011

    Hi all... So sorry to be such a delinquent.... Just sooooooooo busy... I have some pretty profound fatigue too. Asleep in my chair by 8p, totally gone, snoring like a trucker. It is so good to see that everyone is okay and plowing through all the cookies with gusto! I'm so glad that the class is over... What a weight off my shoulders. Thank you for any and all prayers. I needed every single one.

  • SusanHG
    SusanHG Member Posts: 455
    edited December 2011


    When our cat was younger, my husband would tie the tree to a hook on the ceiling since he liked to climb it!  Now, he behaves except for the danger that he may chew on the cords and he definitely will drink from the water underneath.  My mother doesn't have any ornaments left over from when we were little (I am a 43 year old Susan as well).  You are very lucky and thoughtful to have kept them all these years!!


    How did you like the Addams Family musical?  We loved The Christmas Carol...they do such a great job of adapting it to the stage and giving a kid friendly version as well (unlike the completely awful Jim Carey movie).


  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited December 2011

    Dear Susan, so far Sophie has managed to get 3 ornaments off, they have been relocated to higher branches on the tree  My mother did not keep momentoes so it was a learned response to save Susan's.  She is quite the artist now, it is so nice to see her first atempts at cutting and pasting, my DGS and DGD also make an ornament a year to put on the tree, I love having so many ornaments with fond memories, Susan complains that I still have them but always points them out when friends come upstairs.  Off to do the last of the Chrismas gifts, stocking stuffers, then I am finished.  Am meeting starbeauty for coffee on Friday, I love the conversation and the chai latte!  hugs to all - Karen. 

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited December 2011

    Hi all,  My cat doesn't touch the tree.  The first year I had it, I sprayed her with water everytime she went near the tree so now she walks away from the tree in a big circle.  mean I know but didn't want her anywhere near it for her safety. 

    Went for 3mo. check up and briefly saw Nora,  I just love her, she's so sweet. I took Friday off from work because I'm overwhelmed, new boss, relocating in the company, not a big deal just smaller office area so I need to clean out my files. like I have time for that :(  I was talking to doc and told him I just want someone to tell me I'm cancer free and I'll live for many more years.  He said; "You are cancer free and will live forever, feel better?"  I laughed and asked him to put it in writing, funny didn't make me feel better though. Good check up and see you in three months. Oh well back to the Christmas grind.  I'd love to have a stress free, homemade holiday of yesteryear. 

    Have a great night ladies.



  • SusanHG
    SusanHG Member Posts: 455
    edited December 2011

    Hi All,

    Son still home from school for the third day.  His fever has dropped though from 102.5 to 100.5 so I know he is at least on the mend.  I'm kinda sick, kinda not sick.  Slightly congested and a little tired  and still have this dull headache, but doesn't matter since I can't leave the house to get anything done!:(  I am going to make out lists today so at least I know what I need to do.

    Maureen, glad you had a good doc appt. and that you will live forever!  We all wish our doctors would say that :).  Funny, I was just watching something on the Today show yesterday about how scientists are right on the verge of discovering a way for us to live forever.  Should have it in about 10-20 years!   Maybe your doctor saw it as well, Maureen?:-) 

    Have a great day everyone!


  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited December 2011

    Morning Susan, so sorry Tristan is still sick, my daughter had the fever , headache, can't eat and it held on for 4 days, she was also extremely low energy for a few more days, it does hold on.  Is your paper finished?  Take care of yourself too, the continuous dull headache is annoying isn't it?  Maureen - thrilled to hear of the good results, it is torture to wait for the results.  All the lovely things bc brings our way, I remember when I got along fine with 2 doctors, now the number just seems to increase.  When you are 2 years out, the check-ups start to go down, it is a relief.  Fewer official reminders of bc, I know I still can't go by the oncology radiation building without wincing. Off to see my councilor, haven't seen him in 2 mos.  It is good to be able to just unload all the stresses,besides he is the only sane male in my life!!  hugs, Karen

  • kindone
    kindone Member Posts: 435
    edited December 2011

    Hello Ladies,  Susan I hope your son is feeling is feeling better.  Everyone is sick around here.  I just came home from the doctors and have a sinus infection.  Well the grandchildern's nose don't stop running.  I think we are just bouncing back and forth.

    Karen have a good appt with your councilor, I go tomarrow and I feel so much better when I leave there.

    Jan how is your son doing.  I've always wanted to go to the chaple, but no one to go with (not that that should matter).

    Hello Maureen, don't have my tree yet but mostly everything else is done for Christmas.

    Starbeauty and Sue good job on school and all your hard work.  I give you alot of credit.

    Hello Bevin how are you doing. busy busy!!

    I haven't heard from Haymoose, I don't know if she just wants her space, or I should call her what do you think?

    Any one else I forgot sorry..  Betty

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited December 2011

    Dear kindone, I was checking her profile page and the last date she posted was on the 7th, today is the 14th, did you try sending her a P.M., if you did and she did not respond, I would give her a call.  I know when we hadn't heard from starbeauty in 13 days, I sent a P.M. and when she didn't respond to that, I called her.  She's probably knee deep in Christmas plans and doesn't realize how much time has passed. Now all the sickness is at your house, I had a sinus infection too, my DGS started the sick train at our house.  Now it's at Susan's too!  I am having coffee with starbeauty on Friday, and possibly with Maureen on Sat.  I wish we all lived in the same neighborhood and could just pop in on each other.  When I was little all my relatives lived on the west side of Bflo. within walking distance, it was great.  Can't wait till my coffee dates, we are all so close.  A few evenings ago, I read the first 10 pages of our thread, can you tell I'm retired, and it was so neat to watch our friendships develop to where we are now.  Jan, can't wait till you retire we may have our own coffee dates!  hugs to all, Karen

  • janhart
    janhart Member Posts: 292
    edited December 2011

    Hi friends, so sorry to hear about so much sickness. I am fighting a cold, just a little stuffy. I am not going to work tomorrow...have appt with NYSTRS ( retirement system) to go over info regarding my pension. Going to try to add in some Christmas shopping.

    Karen, I was so excited today because the school board notes listed everyone retiring at the end of this year and my name was there! I will be able to meet for coffee most any day I want.

    Thank you everyone for asking about my son. It has been a long struggle for him. He seems good this week and so enjoying these good moments with him.

    Oldest DD finished her long term sub position at Depew HS and was offered a position at Depew middle school for the remainder of the year. So happy about that.

    Maureen, glad doc gave you some good words. So sick of the "c" word. Another acquaintance of ours just diagnosed this week. My H spoke to her H and they are waiting for test results. the agony and at this time of the year. The other crummy thing is that their son was diagnosed with cancer when he was just 18 years old. It's five years later and he is doing well. Some people just don't get a break.

    Christmas program at the chapel was fun and inspirational and something our family needed. It was so special for the five of us to be together. I love watching how my adult children interact with one another.

    Hi to Everyone! Hope you all have a nice week end going into this last week end before Christmas.

    Blessings to all! Love, Jan

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited December 2011

    Hi All,  Sorry to hear we have colds in the group.  Hope all is well and healed in time for Christmas.

    Betty, so glad to see you post.

    Doing ok, just too busy, just like everyone else.  DH wants to do shopping on Sat.  I took Friday off of work so hoping to wrap 2011 holiday up.



  • SusanHG
    SusanHG Member Posts: 455
    edited December 2011

    Hi all!

    Looks like we are on the mend here.  I finally sent Tristan to school today--he was out Monday to Thursday.  I have one of thse end-of-a-cold coughs-plus felt good when I woke up today, for the first time in a while. Heading to the mall now, then need to go to Premier for my yule log supplies.  Getting our tree this weekend, FINALLY..cannot wait to start Christmas preps!  Hubby taking a half day so we go shopping forSanta gifts while Tristan is at school.

    Goodbye nasty virus and good riddins! Cool It's a good day...


  • starbeauty
    starbeauty Member Posts: 106
    edited December 2011

    Susan... so good to see your post... and know that your family is starting to feel better.  Hopefully, everyone will be well enough to enjoy the fun of family and friends for Christmas.

    Thanks so much Betty for your encouragement and kind words for those of us struggling through school.

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited December 2011

    Hi All, had the day off today.  Just cleaned the house.  Tomorrow is AM coffee and then off to finish Xmas shopping.  Doing my cards tonight and not stopping till done.

    Jan:  How did the retirement appt. go?  I'm sooooo jealous.

    Susan:  Good news, on the mend and doing shopping.  Doesn't get better than that :)

    Starbeauty: hope you are well and school is done.

    Bevin, heymoose, kindone,hi and hugs

    Karen, I'll see you tomorrow.

    All, I miss us.  Our monthly lunch is my sanity. 



  • starbeauty
    starbeauty Member Posts: 106
    edited December 2011

    Maureen... You enjoy my "drinking buddy" today... She has kept me sane more times than I can count. She is the best listener I have ever known in my life...

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited December 2011

    Dear Esther, you are a tad bit biased, did you know they don't serve chocolate martinis at Tim Hortons at 10:00 in the AM?  Had a good coffee time with Maureen, as is always so, an hour is too short a time to be with special friends.  We were talk. talk. talking to get everything said, I think in the spring all you working girl's should take a week off, Jan and I will chaperone you youngsters, and rent a cottage in Duck, N.C.  So we can all decompress and talk for hours looking at the ocean and hearing that lovely sound.  It is north of Nags Head, less commercialized and most of the cottages are encircled by trees, so it is a little more private.  That will be my Christmas wish, Susan and bevin. bring your children, lots of "aunts" to keep watch over them. Betty - we will find you a betting casino, with your great luck you will reimberse yourself the price of the cottage, bring your lovely smile and funny stories.  Heymoose, where are you, we miss you?  Please check in, we are worry warts you know.  hugs to all, found a great resaurant in Clarence called the Hollows, it is on Route 5 and Ransom Rd., a friend ate there last week and said it is reasonable, delicious and great atmosphere.  January luncheon possibly?  Stopped at the post office on the way home, it was a mob scene, while waiting in line, I ran into a friend I had worked with in 91 -95, she just retired and we are going to meet for coffee at our favorite haunt, Coffee Culture, had a latte at Tim Hortons, it did not compare, next time I am ordering what Maureen got, it looked yummy.  hugs to all, try not to stress over Christmas, have a Happy time with family and friends.  Maureen gave me a great technique to use when someone says something nasty, I always think of a great remark 2 days later, now I will email it!!!  hugs, Karen

  • heymoose
    heymoose Member Posts: 682
    edited December 2011

    Hi everyone,

    Just a short note to say that I have been really busy at work and home.  I miss you all and will be able to catch up soon.  

    Happy Holidays!

    Love Cheryl