Western New York Area



  • SusanHG
    SusanHG Member Posts: 455
    edited January 2012

    28th is great for me...I'll mark it down in the calendar...

  • bevin
    bevin Member Posts: 519
    edited January 2012

    so so sad.... Christmas tree is mid way through dismantling . The ornaments are gone and packed away, taking off the lights and then.....sadly, we will pull the tree to the curb! 

    I love decorating the tree and looking at all the ornaments my child made over the years or that Santa brought and hung on the tree when he visited our house; but the act of re-packing them doesn't bring the same nostalgia. Its a chore and all I want to do is wrap them and pack them.

    I hope you are all enjoying the New Year holiday today.

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited January 2012

    Hi all, 29th is fine for me, boy was it ever windy here last night, swear I could feel the upstairs flat move with some of the gusts. Only got about 2 inches of snow, it's moving down to the southtowns today.   Maureen, we used to camp in the Adirondacks, it is certainly beautiful country.  My girlfriend is having her surgery tomorrow, at 6 AM, prayers please that this one goes well. Can't wait to see everyone,hugs, Karen

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited January 2012

    Hi All, tried to call today, they are closed.  I'll call tomorrow and PM details.  Sounds like Sat28th is the day.  Hope everyone is well.  Watching my stories and taking down the tree. 



  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited January 2012

    I'll be there on the 28th, can I still claim rads fatigue.  Can't wait to meet you Jan!  Looks like we may get another inch of snow out of those lake effect storms and northtowns between 1 and 4.  My friend has to travel through Orleans County to get to Batavia, praying for an uneventful trip.  They will be taking the truck as it handles better in the snow, harder for her to get up into, they just tried her standing on a wooden block with her husbands support and backing into the seat.  That worked, it is a N-S road to Batavia and can have significant whiteouts when the wind is blowing, her cable just went out because of the wind, so she has nothing to occupy her mind.  He (the surgeon) better make this right!! 

  • starbeauty
    starbeauty Member Posts: 106
    edited January 2012

    Susan... Just finished my last class in Dec... So kind of celebrating.... Just need to finish the thesis... But no more classes!!!!! Love spending time with my man. :)

  • starbeauty
    starbeauty Member Posts: 106
    edited January 2012

    Bevin... Couldn't take the tree down... So it is still up... It takes so long to get all the little stuff out all over the place and I manage to finish it by about a week before Christmas and then I'm supposed to just take it all back down???? Well, not coming down quickly this year! plus, the last couple years were pretty sparse around here...so up it stays this year. :)

  • starbeauty
    starbeauty Member Posts: 106
    edited January 2012

    Maureen count me in for 28th... Hope to come with Karen... Will talk to her about it when I see her for coffee this week.

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited January 2012

    Mine is staying up too, love all the memories it holds.  I'll ride with you starbeauty, know right where it is, we can just go down Route 5, as the road dips in Clarence, it is a yellow building which will be on our left coming from Batavia.  YAY YOU, no more classes, what a relief it must be to you, you and Susan made it and got A's to boot!!!!!!!!!! 

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited January 2012

    Congrads Susan and Starbeauty both done with A's, doesn't get much better!!

    Karen, how's your friend?  Prayers to her and family.

    Just dreading going back to work tomorrow :(  I want to be a princess :)

    Talk later


  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited January 2012

    I have to come to my friends for comfort today.  I''ve read so many beautiful women on this site succumb to this disease this week.  I mourn their life, their families lives and the beautiful people they leave behind, their small children, their adult children. WTH, why can't we find a cure?  WTH are the researchers doing?  We need a cure and we need it now.  I'm heartbroken for their families.  I'm so angry right now, I could scream out loud. 

    Sorry, rant is over, just needed to vent.


  • janhart
    janhart Member Posts: 292
    edited January 2012

    OK, so the 28th it is. Where did we decide to go, I don't remember. Yes, Karen, it will be great to meet you and you can tell me how wonderful it is to be retired. And starbeauty, it will be great to meet you too. I hope EVERYONE can come!

    My tree and decorations are still up. They won't be coming down for about two weeks. I just hate how it looks so bare afterwards. My son is still staying with us for a while and I think he enjoys the holiday decorations as much as I do.

    Back to work for me tomorrow. It will be good to see all the kids. I'm being observed for my evaluation on Thursday by our asst principal. It's just kind of funny seeing I'm retiring in June. Wish me luck that I get a good evaluation!

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited January 2012

    Dear Maureen, you are so right, I can only offer you cyber hugs to acknowledge your pain.  My friend's surgery is tomorrow AM at 6 o'clock, I have been lifting her up in prayer that all goes well, after the surgery she will be moved to a rehab setting close to her family, last time she stayed in Batavia, so I was able to see her every other day.  It is a long recuperation process, but she is a fighter, as we all must essentially be.  They put me on the generic for Arimidex, my knees hurt like those of a 80 year old. once I stoop down - I must have something to brace myself with in order to stand. ((((((((((hugs)))))))))  Karen

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited January 2012

    Good luck Jan, I always got nervous for those evaluations, even though they always reflected well. 

  • janhart
    janhart Member Posts: 292
    edited January 2012

    Maureen, just read your post. I will pray that a cure is found for all our friends and dear Lord before any of our daughters have to suffer through this. And Karen I will say a prayer for your friend.


  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited January 2012

    Hi Jan,  We're going to the Hollows, I'll PM details once I make the reservation.  They are closed on Monday.  Good luck with review tomorrow.  At this point, you could dance around like a lunatic and there's no consequence LOL. 

    Thanks for listening to my rant earlier, just so overwhelmed by this disease sometimes. 


  • kindone
    kindone Member Posts: 435
    edited January 2012

    The 28th is great, I'll be there. Thanks

    Karen, prayers for your friend.   Tree coming down tomarrow.  Love Ya

  • SusanHG
    SusanHG Member Posts: 455
    edited January 2012

    Still have tree, probably until the weekend.  It went up late, so it is staying for a while.  Starbeauty-congrats on finishing all your classes.  Must feel great...Praying for your friend, Karen.  Maureen-I feel it too.  I have a neighbor across from me who only has a handful of years left.  They must find a cure very, very soon!  Too many women and their families are suffering...

    Looking forward to the 28th!


  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited January 2012

    thank you for all your prayers, I am waiting for an email from her husband to let me know how it went, will let you all know when I do. Just heard from her husband, it was a 4 hour surgery not the two he had anticipated, but everything went well, they expect she will be able to put a little weight on it tomorrow, she is a real fighter and last time pushed herself in PT, was able to be in rehab for four weeks.  As soon as she can do all the daily living skills without pain she will be cleared to go home.  I hope this doctor did his very best work, she has been in pain for the past 2 years.  You are all a remarkable group praying for another person, but I guess that's why I feel so close to all of you.hugs, Karen

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited January 2012

    Hi all, sent out information for the lunch.  If you didn't get a PM from me, drop me an e-mail and I'l forward info.

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited January 2012

    Jan, how did the review go?  Did you dance around like a lunatic?  (LOL)

    Work went as predicted, long and a pain.  I need to win the lottery. 

    Can't wait till the 28th, I'm excited already.

    Shout out for heymoose, we miss you so much.

  • SusanHG
    SusanHG Member Posts: 455
    edited January 2012

    Hello Everyone!

    Hope we al survived the cold on Tuesday.  Feels like a heatwave now!  Trying to start on my New Years resolutions.  Busy getting back on my healthy regimen and exercise.  I thought I was in shape, but guess I was wrong.  Obviously, one day of Pilates a week is not enoughFrown  Starting to do some yoga tapes and back on the elliptical to get rid of all the holiday weight AND 6 pounds I gained last semesterFrownFrownTrying not to beat myself up--it was a grueling few months.

    enjoy the day,


  • heymoose
    heymoose Member Posts: 682
    edited January 2012

    Happy New Year!

    I know I am a few days late.  My wish for all of you for 2012 is great health, happiness and fun.  The 28th is good for me and it is written in stone on my calendar.  I have missed everyone and have just read all of the posts.  My NY's resolution is to try and be in the present on the boards.  Gotta go at work.  Have a great day!

    Love, Cheryl

  • janhart
    janhart Member Posts: 292
    edited January 2012

    Hi Everyone,

    It sounds like everyone is able to come on the 28th. I will be happy to see all and meet Karen and starbeauty.

    Karen, how is your friend doing?

    Maureen, I had my observation and evaluation today. It went well...the kids were good. Our asst principal is very kind and respectful man. It's a pleasure to work with/for him. He always has something good to say. He deserves to get a position as the principal of his own school.

    Susan, I also am trying to get back on an exercise regimen. I belong to a gym, I just have to get my butt there. After this exchange surgery thing is over I can focus on getting the whole body in better shape.


    Gotta get some laundry done and then relax with some TV. Have a great Friday. Love, Jan

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited January 2012

    Hi all, this is great, it sounds like we will all be together again.  I think that only happened once before.  Thank you all for your prayers for my friend.  It was a 4 hour procedure rather than the 2 expected but she was out of bed today walking with the aid of a walker.  She will be released to rehab facility in her hometown tomorrow.  I am staying away because I have another sinus infection, am on a 5 day course of antibiotics, I feel so much better already.  Am meeting starbeauty tomorrow for coffee, will have a far away hug.  Am trying to read a book for bookclub on Saturday, don't know if I can get it read by then, but I'm going to try.  The 28th can't come fast enough for me. if the weather stays moderate for us - wouldn't that be a bonus!  hugs, Karen

  • bevin
    bevin Member Posts: 519
    edited January 2012

    HI everyone, I hope you're all well. I have a lot of reading to catch up on in our thread. Its been a busy week of work with the new year and trying to get my house in order. That alone is a full time job! Looking forward to lunch. The date is good for me so far.

    My 1 year Mammo the end of this month and some scans coming up in February. They dont really make me nervous, I assume I'll be okay.  Strange but I am actually looking forward to them! Scan away I say!

    Getting over a nasty virus that made its way through our family. I'm on a pretty strong antibiotic and getting better each day , but I could still spend the day in bed , I'm so exhausted.

    Karen - hope you start to feel better.

    Susan- ditto on the weight gain and need to excercise. I'm at least trying to eat somewhat better.

    Jan- glad your oberservation went well. Kinda funny they are doing one when you're retiring. I assume its a law of some sort.

    heymoose- glad to hear from you and I know I speak for all of us when I state we love your new years resolution!!

    Maureen- thanks for making reservations again!! You rock

    TTYL - have a great Friday tomorrow!

  • SusanHG
    SusanHG Member Posts: 455
    edited January 2012

    Maureen-thank you from me as well for arranging things.  Looking forward to our next lunch.  Karen and Bevin-hope you both feel better.  Karen-Do you have a new infection or a continuation of the old?  It seems antibiotics worked only half way for my sinus infection, so instead of going back to doc for stronger ones, I convinced myself to try to give my body a chance to heal.  I have been using my neti pot 3 times per day, eating as much citrus and green tea as I can, remembering to take all of my supplements each day (it seems about 20 pills, but probably less :)  ) and getting extra sleep and TLC.  I think it worked! (knock on wood)  No motrin or mucinex needed today!  I think the yoga and exercise is helping as well.  Or maybe it is just our balmy weather?  loving it!  Let's hope it keeps going..

    Jan-when is your surgery scheduled?  hopefully after our lunch...

    heymoose-happy new year and good to hear from you!


  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited January 2012

    Dear Susan, I think it (the sinus infection) was almost gone and I started overdoing it over the holidays, not enough rest, poor diet and no exercise and it opened the door for the sinus infection to start up again.  This time I am being sure to get enough rest, kick-start the diet and ease back into exercising.  I don't think that the wide flucuations in the temp. and weather helped either, hopefully it is gone for good, I definitely know I was not drinking enough water. Can you give me more info on the netti-pot?  I pushed myself today so, tomorrow  I am staying in and staying warm and cozy.  I have only a book-club meeting in the afternoon, but if I am still coughing I am staying in, no sense inflicting my germs on others.  Had a wonderful coffee time with starbeauty today.  It is so good to be able to talk in person.  After I left Esther, I had 4 more errands to do, I was out from 10 til 4:30, I am ready to curl up on my couch and relax.  Karen

  • janhart
    janhart Member Posts: 292
    edited January 2012

    Susan, my surgery is tomorrow morning at 8:00 am at sisters hospital. Its so much shorter than my first surgery and I should be home by noon. I'm taking a week off from work and should be in great shape by the date of our lunch. Can't wait to see everyone. Love, Jan

  • bevin
    bevin Member Posts: 519
    edited January 2012

    Dear Jan- wishing you a successful surgery tomorrow and a pain free recovery. Please if there is anything you need at all let us know. Happy to help in any way.

    Please update us when you can. Take care.