Western New York Area



  • SusanHG
    SusanHG Member Posts: 455
    edited January 2012

    Jan-wishing you the best today!  you are probably in recovery by now.  Hope your healing goes smoothly and it will be wonderful to see you soon!  Yes, and like Bevin said, anything you need, we are here!

    Karen-the neti pot is great, although weird when you first start using it.  It is a salt solution that is mixed in a special pot that you can buy at Wegmans in the natural section.  You pour the solution through one nostril and it goes out the other.  So, the sinuses get cleansed of all the mucus and allergens, and the salt helps the infection and inflammation.  Highly recommend it, even though it doesn't sound wonderful..  Feels great afterwards, though.  Hope you feel better very soon!  Sleep is the best thing, if you are able.  I am convinced it is our weird weather lately causing all these infections.  It seems everyone has either a sinus infection or bronchitis these days.

    Take care, Karen and Jan.  We'll be thinking of you...


  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited January 2012

    Thanks Susan, we don't have a Wegmans, so I'll try The Natural Health Food Store.  I just got up, went to bed at 10:00!!!!, could not b elieve the clock when I checked it!!!  As my godmother used to say, I must have needed it.  Jan, hope the operation went smoothly and recovery is fast and relatively pain free.  Will be seeing you soon.  Karen

  • janhart
    janhart Member Posts: 292
    edited January 2012

    Been home from hospital since noon. My son ran to TH to get me coffee and bagel and now just relaxing with my daughters. So much easier than the BMX. But will try to milk it a bit with the kids. It's nice to be taken care of.

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited January 2012

    Dear Jan, so glad it went well and that you are home.  Milk it, it is nice to be taken care of.  hugs, Karen

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited January 2012

    Hi All,

    Congrads Jan on the exchange. Hope all is well and you are resting all weekend.

    Karen/Susan, can't believe you are still sick,  Both of you must have a doosy of an infection.

    Hey, bev, heymoose, starbeauty and kindone, hope all is well.  Busy week and dentist today :(.  Chemo did a number on my teeth.  I didn't think it was possible to have so much dental work. Off to finish laundry and dinner then reading with my Christmas gift, the Kindle.  Love, love, love the Kindle.



  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited January 2012

    Maureen, have you read "the Help"  It is the best book I've read in a long time, read it a few times, since I was just reading for plot the first time.  So sorry you had to have dental work done, is there anything that chemo doesn't mess up.  It is not my favorite place to be, had to go quite a few times in the 2 years after bc, all set finally, can't wait to see you again.  hugs, Karen

  • bevin
    bevin Member Posts: 519
    edited January 2012

    Loved The Help too.

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited January 2012

    The help,  I look it up.  The Kindle fire is a great thing.  Can get on the web, books, shopping.  Oh my, wonder if I can use it on the treadmill.  Have to get back to that.  Off to see TinTin with the family today.  DD loved that book when she was young.  DS was The little red hen fan.  I can remember the words..."Then I'll do it myself said the little red hen and so she did..."  LOL.  I miss reading to them.  DD loves to read, DS?  no way. Stay safe and post soon.

    Jan, everything ok? 



  • janhart
    janhart Member Posts: 292
    edited January 2012

    Hi! I am doing fine. Slept in the recliner last night for a few hours. At least I can get up and down without help. So much easier than the last surgery. I have to keep wrapped up until I see the doctor on Tuesday and then I get to see the new girls. I did go to church this morning and then had to stop at a cousins house. My husbands cousins husband passed away yesterday suddenly 58 years old, very sad. So just relaxing now. Thanks for checking in. Love, Jan

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited January 2012

    Hi all, hi Jan - hope you continue to feel well, tomorrow will be an exciting day!  Where is everyone, too much holiday fun and back to work to try to find your desk?  That was the one thing about vacations or day's off, coming back to  the desk and the real world.  I am sleeping my infection away, I can't believe how much I have slept, I did go out yesterday evening to hear a friend who graduated from Julliard in clasic guitar, he was wonderfu!  I cannot believe the range of music he plays and how involved in the music you get. It was a joy to hear him.  See you all soon. hugs Karen

  • bevin
    bevin Member Posts: 519
    edited January 2012

    Hi Jan,

    I am so sorry for your loss. That is certainly a young age.

    Very glad to hear you're doing well and recovering.

    Karen- get some good rest and continue to get rid of that infection. You've been to sick for too long.

    I am well, trying to get my house in order. It seems I never have the energy to clean.

  • janhart
    janhart Member Posts: 292
    edited January 2012

    Hi, gonna try sleeping in bed tonight rather than recliner. If I can't sleep will drag blanket and pillow downstairs. Going to PS tomorrow for the unwrapping....so excited.

    How is everyone liking this weather? Feels like spring, but so afraid we're going to pay for it sooner or later. I really think the trees and flowers are going to get confused.

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited January 2012

    This weather is unbelievable, like you I'm afraid we are going to get ours at some point. Hope you get a good night's sleep Jan

  • SusanHG
    SusanHG Member Posts: 455
    edited January 2012

    Hi Everyone!  4 days in a row on my bike.  I just got a new one for Christmas, but was totally not expecting to ride it until Spring!  Hope we don;t get socked with a storm soon...Enjoying my last week of vacation before school begins again.  Trying to get healthy and organized before all my time goes away again.

    Jan and Karen-hope you are both feeling better.  Sorry about your loss, Jan.  Looking forward to the 28th...


  • janhart
    janhart Member Posts: 292
    edited January 2012

    Slept OK in bed last night. Had the funeral this morning...so it was a long day. Went to the PS at 2:00 for the unwrapping. It all looks good. I have to say I am pleased with the results so far. And what a difference in how it feels without those darn TEs. Will be a bit sore for a while, but I finally feel I can move on. Oh and it was so good to be able to take a shower today. Hope everyone is feeling well and looking forward to the 28th.

    Love, Jan

    PS keep this weather coming so Susan can keep riding her bike.

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited January 2012

    Hi Susan, looks like you'll have another 2 days to bike before we get the rain, then snow they are forecasting.  This is certainly the kind of winter I could get used too!  Good for you for riding 4 days in a row, all good things come from exercise, I have been using my recumbent bike this week.  My sinus infection is just about gone, I swear I slept it away, especially over the weekend, I was a sleeping fool, drinking lots of water, eatting soup and sleeping.  Tomorrow I am going to the Health Food Store to see if they have the Netti pot.  It sounds like an interesting remedy.  Jan - hope you are feeling better each day.  Hugs to you two and bevin, Maureen, Betty, Cheryl, and starbeauty  Karen  P.S. They did an x-ray on me Monday and it was all clear, the NP thought he heard wheezing, I hate the kinds of thoughts that go through your head whenever a test is done.   Jan, how did it go at the doctor's today?

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited January 2012

    Hi all, hope everyone is feeling well.  Jan, glad to hear you are happy and healing nicely.  Sorry for your loss, hard every time.  Karen, glad that nasty infection is clearing nicely.  Great on the bike Susan.  I've been really busy at work, getting son straightened out at school, etc, etc...Dentist called and wanted to change appt. for 28th, to which I promptly replied, absolutely not, very busy that day having lunch with my dear, dear friends.

    Have a great night,



  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited January 2012

    Maureen, I'm with you, nothing will interfere with my luncheon with very special friends.  It's like a very special date that you even enjoy anticipating that date! hugs, Karen

  • kindone
    kindone Member Posts: 435
    edited January 2012

    Hello Ladies, I've been busy lately with work, Grand kids and all. Had a DRs appt Monday for physical and my blood pressure was high.  I was so mad, now I have to keep track and go back in 6 weeks.  All my blood work, and ekg are good.  Always something.

    Looking forward lunch on the 28th.  See ya

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited January 2012

    Hi Ladies,  rumor has it:  significant snow fall this weekend.  The question of the day?  Do you believe it or hype? 

    I'm doing well.  Busy at work, as usual.  I have a job, good news, kids are ok. good news, DH is good,   All is good.  Sorry not posting too much, will on the weekend, especially if I'm inside watching weather.



  • bevin
    bevin Member Posts: 519
    edited January 2012

    haha Maureeen- its so hard to believe those weather men these days isn't it?  If I were so bad at my job I'd be fired!  I was missing the snow at Christmas, but now.... getting used to this balmy weather and NOT having to put on boots, gloves, etc.  Love it!

    Betty- take care of yourself - blood pressure is nothing to ignore. I hope they can help you get it in control.

    Susan- have fun Biking. Wishing I had your energy!

    Everything else is good for me, had a clear mammo and US this week (my first Bi Lat , 1 year post TX) so very good news. Next Month.. Cat scans!


  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited January 2012

    YAY!!!!!  Bevin, great news,  all good news on this thread what a mood lifter

  • SusanHG
    SusanHG Member Posts: 455
    edited January 2012
    Great news Bevin!!  Looks like the snow is coming ...let's hope it is just a small amount...I'm not ready!Surprised
  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited January 2012

    YAY bevin, such good news!!!!!!!!!   Such a dreary looking day, snow would improve it, but just a little bit of snow, just to make it pretty.  It looks like 8 o'clock at night here already.  The forecasters are saying Bflo. and northtowns first then the southern tier.  It's the blowing snow I worry about, everyone be careful driving.  hugs, Karen

  • janhart
    janhart Member Posts: 292
    edited January 2012

    Bevin, yes so happy for your good mammo report. Betty, please keep on top of that blood pressure...it's always something. We all need to get and stay healthy.

    It does look like the weather is going to change...it's going to be so hard to get used to, I've been spoiled by this mild weather. But only about nine more weeks til spring...I love spring and gardening. I'm already talking about what I want to put in the garden this year. I couldn't do much gardening last summer, so I am so looking forward to it. Has anyone ever gone to the Botanical gardens in south buffalo? I usually try to make a visit there sometime in February. It makes you feel so summery. Just listening to the weather on ch. 7. Says snow and wind for tomorrow...yuck!

  • SusanHG
    SusanHG Member Posts: 455
    edited January 2012

    Hi Jan, yes, the Botanical Gardens is such a nice place to go during the winter.  It feels like going on an instant tropical vacation.

    Karen-did you end up buying a neti pot?  went back to the doctor today because still having headaches and told her I had been using a neti pot.  She told me about a recent death caused by using a neti pot with tap water a couple weeks ago.  Somemne had a rare parasite go into her brain in L.A., so I guess they are now issuing a warning to either boil the water or use distilled.   Just great!  Sorry I recommended it to you. 

    I guess she doesn't see signs of any acute infection going on, just lots of post-nasal drip, so right now I am using muscle relaxers for my neck to see if the headaches are coming from there.  My chiropractor found a big muscle knot that he thought might be causing them, but he did say that the sinuses are such a tough place to treat and the neck and sinuses feed back at each other.  In other words, I should just get used to it this winter.  My head seems to be a human barometer these days.

    Sad news on our street this week.  I'm sure I've told you all about the breast cancer outbreak on my block over the past couple years.  There was a lady diagnosed over the summer, but kep[ very private about it so we didn't know what stage she was or anything.  All I know is that they did chemo first before surgery.  Well, I guess she had recently been in a coma for 2 months due to double pneumonia and she passed away yesterday.  I didn't know her, just met her once at our block party, but very, very sad nevertheless.  She was 61 years old.  There have been 6 ladies diagnosed with breast cancer on my block, 5 over the last 2 years.  Time to move I think.

    Now let's get back to happy thoughts...maybe a snow man in the works soon?  Soglad I don't have to go anywhere tomorrow.


  • bevin
    bevin Member Posts: 519
    edited January 2012

    HI Jan- yes I have been to the Botanical Gardens in winter.  Its so so nice to walk in the warmth of summer.  I was a bit surprised at the cost. I recall it being a bit high.

    Wow - Susan, I cannot believe that about your street.  Sounds like some investigation needs to happen to determine the environmental cause.  61 is darn young. Very sad.

    BTW - I read about the same death. Yes you can get parasites from non distilled water.  They go up your sinus and can infect the brain. Very scary. 

    Hope you feel better soon.

  • kindone
    kindone Member Posts: 435
    edited January 2012

    Sue, that's terrible about your neighbor and your hood. I it like where I grew up.  Hope you feel better.

    I live two minutes from the Botanical Gardens, they remolded a couple years ago and it is beautiful in there, but Bevin it is $8.00 to go in and i think that is expensive.  It use to be free when the city of Buffalo owned it now Erie county owns it. 

    They took my PB at work today it was fine, I'll have it taken tomarrow see how it is.

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited January 2012

    Susan, I had to backorder one at the Health Food Store, the gentleman said he hasn't been able to keep them on the shelves this "winter".  Supposed to be in Friday or Saturday, so glad you posted, I'll stick with the nasal saline spray.  I have the post nasal drip a little still, but no headaches.  When I was teaching I could practically forecast the weather by my headaches, so you are right on the head acting as your barometer.  So sorry to hear about your neighbor, 62 is way too young, that's an awful lot of cases of bc in one neighborhood!  Everyone stay safe tomorrow.  hugs, Karen

  • janhart
    janhart Member Posts: 292
    edited January 2012

    So how does everyone like this weather? I am so glad I'm off from work today and don't have to go out in this. My older daughter is suppose to drive to Philly today after work so I hope it clears up, at least in the direction she's going.

    Yes, you ladies are right that it's $8.00 at the Botanical gardens, but they have dollar days 3 or 4 times a year. I think Presidents day which is in Feb is a dollar day because that's when I usually go....cuz it's a day off from work.

    Betty glad your blood pressure was better. We gotta take care of ourselves. Our lunch date is coming soon. Happy snowy day everyone. Love, Jan