Western New York Area



  • ColdenMom
    ColdenMom Member Posts: 24
    edited January 2012

    The weather is crazy! I just looked outside and it's lightly snowing. I do not downhill ski but do x-country. My son is a snowboarder.

    Thanks for welcoming me!

    That was great news out of Roswell!!! It's exciting!

  • janhart
    janhart Member Posts: 292
    edited January 2012

    Hi Kelly, welcome. I had a BMX last May. It takes a while to recuperate so take it easy. I just had tissue expanders replaced with implants.... A much easier procedure with very little down time.


  • ColdenMom
    ColdenMom Member Posts: 24
    edited January 2012


    Were you treated at Roswell? I have Dr Edge and Dr T.

    I'm stiff/sore. The tissue expanders feel kind of tight across my chest. I just took a peek two days ago at my chest and was a little taken back. It probably doesn't help that I'm not very good with seeing cuts, incisions, blood, etc... It's kind of pathetic. My husband has been awesome about helping me wash up and care for the drains... He's the opposite of me for sure.


  • bevin
    bevin Member Posts: 519
    edited January 2012

    HI Kelly- welcome ! I'm glad you found us here, a great group of ladies.  Once you're healed from surgery you'll need to join one of our lunches. Colden is a beautiful area.  I love downhill skiing and used to cross country. Have not done xcountry for over 20 years.

    Everyone- I'm sorry to be so absent.  Trying to get through very busy work weeks these days. Its not leaving much time for pleasure.

    Tomorrow is Friday and I cannot wait to have the weekend. Planning to see you all Saturday.



  • janhart
    janhart Member Posts: 292
    edited January 2012

    Hi Kelly, I was not treated at Roswell, but by Dr Bauer as were several others here. The TEs for me were very uncomfortable, but I tolerated them knowing there would be an end to them. And the drains... I never thought I could do it, but after a few days I was caring for them myself. It took me several weeks to realty look at my chest and my scars, but after awhile it becomes the new normal. And with the expanders it will change as you get fills. Just take care of yourself and get help if needed. I took eight weeks off from work and then that ran into the summer, so I was off still. I really needed a lot of time to recuperate. Stay in touch with us here.


  • SusanHG
    SusanHG Member Posts: 455
    edited January 2012

    Welcome, Kelly!  Roswell girl here, but 2 lumpectomies not MX.  So proud of Roswell for this huge bit of news!

    Can't wait for lunch tomorrow.  Kelly, hope you will join us when you feel up to it.


  • SusanHG
    SusanHG Member Posts: 455
    edited January 2012

    oh I had Dr. Kulkarni, but she left for bigger pastures in Chicago, now I am without a surgeon.  Just see nurse practitioners and many appointments with my RO Dr. Mattson.

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited January 2012

    Hi all,  see everyone tomorrow.  busy, long week



  • heymoose
    heymoose Member Posts: 682
    edited January 2012

    Hi all,

    Lunch was great today! It is always such a special time being with everyone.  Betty thank you for treating us to lunch, it was very nice and unexpected.  Bevin and Esther we missed you today, and hope to see you next month or sooner.

    Kelly, welcome to a great group of friends.  Remember that the expanders will become a little bit more comfortable as you heal.  When you have the exchange surgery the implants are some much more comfortable and soft.  It was an ohhhhhh sooooo soft feeling for me and I hope it is for you.

    Have a nice evening.




  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited January 2012

    Hi All,  Lunch was so much fun today.  Leaving everyone is the most difficult part.  Betty,  Thank you, thank you, thank you.  That was so generous!!  May the winning angel shine upon you LOL.  Bevin and Ester we missed you today. The food was delicious. Hubby almost finished with the floor.  He had to remove the toilet and replaced the inside stuff while he had it apart anyway.  Susan, you are correct with square footage.  I asked him the size, he said 50 sq.ft. vs. 200 sq. ft. So home listening to the wind howl and doing laundry.  Don't want to sit too long, I feel guilty with DH working so hard and me lounging on the web. 

    Welcome Kelly, hope you can join us really soon for lunch.  Great group of women and the conversation is wonderful.  I feel like everyone is my oldest, dearest friends.



  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited January 2012

    Leaving is the most difficult part, you are right Maureen,  Jan, it was so good to finally meet you, now I can see the person when I am reading your posts..  Aren't we the huggiest group you ever met?  Betty - your Buster stories just crack me up, I can just see you giving him his daily IV, thank you so much for lunch.  I had an adventure after we left The Hollows, I went 1 block down Main St. and the driver's side windshield wiper broke off and went flying into the street.  Thank God I always decide after an internal debate, to sign up again with AAA.  I called Triple AAA, waited on Main and Academy Street for about 40 minutes for the truck, a young man towed me to his garage in Pembroke and snapped a new wiper on, $16,00 for wipers, can you spell "I'm ripping off a woman"!!  He had my brand of cigarettes in the truck, oh the temptation.  Esther, this is why you always drive, missed you and Bevin.  Susan, the treats did not make it home, they were luscious. With the way this winter is going we will probably meet again in February!  I came straight home as there was sleet the closer I got to Batavia. .  hugs to all of you, Cheryl, it was nice sitting next to you, we usually are at opposite ends of the table, I enjoyed visiting with you. hugs to all, Karen

  • janhart
    janhart Member Posts: 292
    edited January 2012

    It was a wonderful lunch. I feel so comfortable with all of you already that I can open up and share with you and not feel judged. It's so cool the way the conversation is about breast cancer one minute, our families the next and then Buster and his eating habits. Thank you all for the support and the laughter. Laughter really is the best medicine. Bevin, I missed you today...maybe we can go for coffee sometime soon. Esther, was hoping to meet you, but will continue to be online friends for now. Karen, it was good to meet you today and I can't believe you had to deal with a broken wiper. I'm glad you got home safely. Betty, thank you soooo much for lunch.....so kind of you. Take care everyone. Will look forward to our next lunch date next month. Love, Jan

  • SusanHG
    SusanHG Member Posts: 455
    edited January 2012

    I had an incredible time with all of you yesterday.  Thank you Betty for treating.  It was so nice of you to share your slot winnings!  Always love your Buster stories.  Cannot wait until we get a dog so I can share mine.  Missed you Bevin and Esther.  So sorry about your wiper, Karen.  Too bad you didn't have our cell numbers yet.  I would have turned right around to help (although probably with just some moral support while you wait).  So nice to spend time with you, Maureen, Cheryl, and Jan.  Glad we have this lovely group to take our cares away.  I know that is what is does for meSmile

    Love, Susan

  • kindone
    kindone Member Posts: 435
    edited January 2012

    Hi Ladies, All is well.  I had a great time at lunch, love taking to all you girls. Missed Bevin and Esther but, see you next time.

    Kelly, welcome to our group, you'll love it here.   Betty

  • bevin
    bevin Member Posts: 519
    edited January 2012


    I hope everyone is well. Sorry that I couldnt make lunch, life got in the way. I miss chatting with you all and was so torn, but finally my young child won.  I guess thats not a bad thing :)

    Any good martini stories?  Was chocolate the drink of choice?

    I am probably one of the few, but loved to see the snow..... This brown drab grass   - yuck!

    Karen -- so glad your car issue worked out.  AAA is one of those insurance policies that you hate to pay for , but gosh when you need them, they come in handy.  I'm glad you were okay.

    Maureen - you are so much kinder than me: I'd feel no issue what so ever with sitting and lounging while my Hubby worked.  I'm  not sure what that says about me and our relationship, but it doesn't sound good :)



  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited February 2012

    Hey Bevin,  We missed you too!!  Kids alway come first.  We had white chocolate martini's and yes they were good.  Only one though.  Floor looks awesome.  So happy.  Hope everyone is doing well.  Have to p/u house tonight.  Need to start searching for Feb. lunch too

    Heymoose:  any progress on the list?

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited February 2012

    Hi Where is everyone?  Busy with life? I'm doing okay. kind of down today, maybe mid winter blues and I have to go the GYN tomorrow.  That would put anyone in a bad mood. Planning a winter weather getaway.  Need warm weather and sun badly.  Take care everyone.



  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited February 2012

    HI Everyone, hope all is ok?  Planned my trip and will be going sometime in spring.  Don't want to post dates for obvious reasons.  Weird people in this world.  Karen, surprised you didn't call me yesterday, hope all is ok.  Off to the dentist this AM for final fill of cavities, then teeth should be back to pre-cancer state. DD and DS off to work this AM.  They are the loudest people I know when they get dressed LOL.  Trying to do some comparison shopping between Tops and Wegmans.  Both places have things more/less expensive than the other store and I'd like to avoid shopping at both, any ideas?  Neither have Hazelnut decaf from Keurig so I always go to bed, bath and beyond and spend way too much money on useless things. Work is ok, just minor things lately. Have a super day ladies, and say a prayer for our friend, she's has her hands full.



  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited February 2012

    Hi all, having a very down day mood, tomorrow will be better, Super Bowl, would be sky high if it were the Bills.  Maureen got a little corner of that suitcase to tuck me in, sure could use some sunshine, lapping waves and the smell of saltwater and a little bit higher temperatures, but I'm being greedy on that I know.  Send your prayers winging their way to our friend, she does indeed have her hands full and needs our prayers.  love Karen

  • bevin
    bevin Member Posts: 519
    edited February 2012

    HI everyone,  will say special prayers tomorrow and light a candle after mass.  So sad, I hope and pray she gains some strength.

    Maureen- I'm jealous. I'd love a winter get away too. Unfortunately, winter break flights were all so expensive I couldnt justify it. 

    Karen- I'm so sorry you're sad. If I could reach out and hug through cyber space I would.  Hopefully the super bowl commercials wil bring some laughs and smiling your way.

    My DH is going to watch the game tomorrow with a bunch of men and play cards. I'm going to relax at home and maybe if any energy, make some cut-out cookies for Valentines.

    Jan- would love to meet for coffee anytime.  I work, so saturdays and sundays are best!! I'll send you my mobile via PM.

    Hope everyone else is well.

    Prays  for health and welness for everyone.

  • SusanHG
    SusanHG Member Posts: 455
    edited February 2012

    Hi Everyone!  Busy here as well.  Trying to get back into school work, but just want to be finished.  Hope the mood has lifted a little here.  Super bowl commercials just might be the answer!  I haven't been ignoring you Bevin, as far as coffee is concerned.  Just trying to get through each day.  Maybe we can get together soon.  I have your number, and I'll send you mine.  

    Prayers to all,


  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited February 2012

    Hi Susan, hope all is well with school and you are getting into the swing.   Please say a prayer for our dear friend.  Enjoy the superbowl ladies. Just laundry and cooking today.  Take care all and have a wonderful day.



  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited February 2012

    PS, wish I could take each and every one of my bc friends in my suitcase...families too!!  Ah,,,if I ever win the lottery we'd have a great time.



  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited February 2012

    to send a card to our friend here's the web site




  • bevin
    bevin Member Posts: 519
    edited February 2012

    Maureen - thank you for the linkg, Can you pm me starbeauty's proper name to that I may send a card. Thanks a bunch

  • SusanHG
    SusanHG Member Posts: 455
    edited February 2012

    Maureen-Just realized, after trying to send a card, that I would need her name as well.  Could you pm me as well?

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited February 2012

    flowers are ordered and sent.  Keep praying ladies.



  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited February 2012

    I will be calling DH in the evening for update, will call Maureen and Susan. Keep up all our prayers, they are needed. love Karen

  • heymoose
    heymoose Member Posts: 682
    edited February 2012

    Hi to all you lovely ladies,

    I have emailed all the contact list.  Bevin and Kelly pm me your contact invformation if you would like to be included.  Keeping Starbeauty in my prayers.

    Maureen, please, please take me with you. I really need to get away.  Have a great trip and tyr not to think of us in the north, wishing we were with you.  WOW what a great trip that would be.

    Hugs & Kisses


  • ColdenMom
    ColdenMom Member Posts: 24
    edited February 2012

    Hello All!

    Thank you for welcoming me into this group!

    I start chemo (Taxotere/Cytoxan) on 2/23 - 4 cycles followed by Tomaxifan. I'll be going to Roswell for my treatments as well. This Thursday I will be meeting with the PT and getting my first TE fill since my surgery. Hopefully, that's not too bad. Overall I'm doing well, I am three weeks out of surgery. Yesterday however I may have over did it because I'm feeling sore today. I was feeling good, the sun was shining and I wanted to get things done around the house but then I was on a roll. Around 7 last night I was exhausted and began to feel sore. So today I'll take it easy - all three kids are at school and my house is quite :)

    Cheryl - I will private message you my contact info.

    Thanks! Take care everyone!
