Western New York Area



  • SeasideMemories
    SeasideMemories Member Posts: 2,462
    edited January 2012


    I haven't had time to catch up on this thread (you all have been talkative...lol) but, saw where you are considering using the Neti Pot... I have heard they work well but, be sure to use distilled or filtered water and NOT tap water!

    There have been a couple of deaths due to a parasite in the tap water... If you want more info, do a google on it... Wouldn't want anything to happen to my favorite WNY'er... ;)

    Hope you all are staying safe and warm in spite of our first real weather of the season!

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited January 2012

    Hi my favorite non-local WNYer, Susan posted about it also today, I had one I had to order from the Health Food Store, due to pick up tomorrow, I decided to stick with my saline nasal spray instead.  Don't want a parasite swimming up to my brain, need all the brain cells I've got!  We got about 3 inches in Batavia, lots of wind, but all the driving I had to do today was to pick up my DGD from High School, so a little slippery but no visibility issues. Decided that's enough snow for this winter, it can go back to 40 degrees!  I can dream, was going to post you later tonight, another godmother story.Stay warm, Karen

  • SeasideMemories
    SeasideMemories Member Posts: 2,462
    edited January 2012


    I did see that others had alerted you... I went back to school to become a Lab Tech after being layed off from my job in computer programming.... Had to take microbiology which I found to be fascinating! Needless to say, the Neti Pot story caught my interest! Although, it's almost comical how sensationalized the headlines were....

    Look forward to hearing the next story!!

    PS... I am about half way through 'The Help' and am just loving it!!! What a gifted writer Ms Stockett is... She truly brings each character to life.... I think I mentioned that my daughter had bought me the book for Christmas and then I borrowed it from my Mom (kinda wrecking her idea).... Well, she returned the book and bought me the DVD instead.... So I now have the best of both worlds!

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited January 2012

    Hi all, everyone watching the game?  Am pulling for the Saints in the first game and Denver (long shot) in the second.  I like to see anyone beat the Patriots, they are just so picture perfect.  No Kleenex's today, am I finally better?  Sure took long enough this time.  hugs, Karen

  • SeasideMemories
    SeasideMemories Member Posts: 2,462
    edited January 2012


    The game's on here too... My DH would agree with your sentiment on the Patriots! Glad to hear you are rounding the bend on the illness thing! Much as I appeciate the warm temps, I think this has been a tough year for many because we haven't had a spell of really cold weather, except for today.... Yikes is it cold!

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited January 2012

    Hi all,  If the Bills don't play, I don't watch.  I must be a sadist (LOL).  All okay here, just busy with work and my Kindle.  I'm disciplining myself now, one room must be cleaned before I can read a chapter.  I've been reading the free books.  They trick you by giving you the first book in a series free then you have to buy the remained of the books.  Still a good deal at $6/book.  You can join a club called prime for ~$80/yr and get selected books for free.  Still investigating whether it's a deal or not. It's really cold here, 0.1 on my thermometer.  I'm staying put today, might attempt homemade ravioli.  I'm trying to make homemade pasta and struggling with the perfect recipe, anyone have a good recipe for pasta/ravioli? Trying to cook three meals on the weekend and freeze in single portions so anyone can reheat. 

    Take care, looking forward to our next get together.



  • SusanHG
    SusanHG Member Posts: 455
    edited January 2012

    Hi Maureen, We make homemade pasta with the pasta machine we got for our wedding probably once every 3 years, and always have trouble.  I usually let my engineer husband deal with it, it is that complicated!Tongue out

    Karen-so glad you didn't end up buying that neti pot.  I feel so bad recommending it to you!  I still ise mine, but use filtered water that I boil as well.  

    Looks like my headaches are coming from my neck.  Muscle relaxers worked, but make me sooo loopy so I won't be using them.  Now, I just have to add my neck to the long list my physical therapist has to handle.  Sigh...  

    Not looking forward to starting school this week, but have gotten a new desk with aan adjustable top that can be tilted and raised or lowered depending on what is good for my neck.  Hanging over a book these last few months has been torture!  We went to IKEA in Burlington yesterday and came home with a big desk, 4 tall bookcases, and a bag of small things, AND we were all able to fit in the car as well.  Thank goodness for VW station wagons :)

    Take care all and looking forward to the 28th to catch up...


  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited January 2012

    Dear Susan, if I get another sinus infection, I shall try it out using distilled water that I boil first.  It sounds like a more natural way to get the sinus' cavities unclogged.  The desk sounds like a wise investment, since your headaches come from tensing your neck while reading and studying.  I had a rice filled 8 inch long cotton rectangle (like a bean bag), that I could toss in a microwave and let sit on the back of my neck when a headache struck.  It had lavender in it too for relaxation.  Found it at a craft fair a year back, wouldn't be terribly hard to make either.  I bet the vacation went terribly fast for you.  Looking forward to seeng you on the 28th, it will be so nice to have all of us there.  hugs, Karen

  • SusanHG
    SusanHG Member Posts: 455
    edited January 2012

    Karen-I have the same something similar for my neck but it contains buckwheat and lavender.  Yes, it gives me instant relief and I find I'm wearing it much more often these days!  Wish I could wear it at school, but still trying to fit in with the 20 something crowd, so a neck wrap would be the dead giveaway ;)  Hope those sinus infections are gone for good!  Mine I think is pretty much gone after almost 4 weeks.

    The vacation has sure gone fast!  My son and I are cuddling on the couch today since he has off for MLK day. Such a nice feeling!  I wish there were more days like these.  Sometimes winter is a nice time of year...


  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited January 2012

    Hi all, the wind over here is just ridiculous, windows are all rattling, got the candles ready. Is it bad  near you?

  • SusanHG
    SusanHG Member Posts: 455
    edited January 2012

    Karen-yes, it was bad last night.  Now nice and calm with a dusting of snow, but boy, is it cold!

    I start school tomorrow, so I may disappear again.  I will try to check in as much as I can, though.


  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited January 2012

    Hi All,  WOW, welcome winter LOL.  Yesterday I was driving to work in a complete whiteout for approximately 5 miles, then clear sailing.  Today, I wasn't so lucky.  Left work at 4PM and just got home :(  Geesh a 30min drive takes over 2 hrs.  Bumper to bumper all the way home.  Careful Karen, it's on the way to you.  Thunder too!  I'm doing well, just need to get a little more zip in my step, too busy reading.  Going to bed early and waking a little later than normal, must be the winter hibernation.  Good luck with school Susan.

    Talk later folks,


  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited January 2012

    Maureen, I just hate that white knuckle driving, white out conditions just freak me out.  It has started here, I did all my errands this AM, in anticipation of this.  I'll be watching it from the inside only, waiting for DD to get home safe and sound, she took the Subaru instead of her little druck since it holds the road better.  Sooo glad you got home safely, this weather is just so wierd this year, we'll be back up to the 40's in a few days.  Susan - be careful going back and forth to school.  I Have been reading a lot too Maureen, fell asleep for 2 hours while laying down reading, bear hibernation time indeed.  Everyone stay safe. hugs, Karen

  • janhart
    janhart Member Posts: 292
    edited January 2012

    I guess we were bound to get some snow and bad weather, but just hate driving in it. I wanted to run some errands after work today, but I just came home instead. Pulled together a quick dinner of salmon burgers, couscous, and brussel sprouts. Now just sitting and relaxing. I even hate to complain about this, but I thought I was going to feel so much better once the TEs were out. I am still feeling a lot of pressure and tightness from these implants. Everyone says you gotta give it 2-3 months, I guess I was being too optimistic and just wanted this phase over so I could move on. Well, I'll wait some more and see how it feels in a couple months. Hope everyone is warm and safe tonight. Looking forward to lunch soon. Love, Jan

  • bevin
    bevin Member Posts: 519
    edited January 2012

    yuck 1 hour ride home tonight for what normally is 20 minutes. arghhh  I luckily (?) didn't leave the office till after 6pm so avoided some of the  awful traffic. But none the less the roads were terrible.

    Jan- wow, you pulled together couscous, brussel sporuts and salmon burgers - sounds like gourmet fare. My pulling together dinner is eggs and toast , breakfast for dinner or pasta and sauce.  I hope you start to feel better soon. Can you take anything for the pain?

    Susan- have fun at school. I must say, I am so so so so happy to be done with my MBA.  You'd think I'd have more time on my hands now that I've been done over a year, but it seems to whittle away somewhere.

    Hope everyone is good.

  • SusanHG
    SusanHG Member Posts: 455
    edited January 2012

    Hi all!  Boy, what a drive home yesterday!!  My car was not doing well at all.  Kept spinning the wheels going nowhere.  I think it took me 40 minutes to get home from UB.  

    Today is my 1 year cancerversary (one year since the blasted tumor was removed)!!!  Yaay!!  Still alive and kicking...

    School was grueling yesterday.  Not going to be fun this semester.  Already can tell...

    On a good note, had a nice neck massage at PT today.  Boy, does my neck feel better!  Also, been exercising everyday.  Bought all of Trudie Styler's workout videos.  Try a couple and loved them ,so had to buy the rest.  I have an appointment every morning at 8 am sharp in front of the tv with my yoga mat.  I have a couple of yoga videos, a ballet workout, cardio dance, pilates, and toning.  Love them and feel great afterwards.

    Our lunch is coming closer...enjoy the weekend everyone!


  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited January 2012

    YAY Susan, on getting home safe and sound,it was not bad here but i have heard it was treacherous near you, and for celebrating your year cancerversary!!!!!!  Also for starting back to school while realizing it is going to be a difficult year, we are all so proud of our working mom students.  So glad the neck massage is helping, it is so nice being headache free and that's quite a morning wake-up session you have mapped out for yourself!  Bevin, so glad you too made it home safe, Maureen and Jan also.    Next year Jan, you can choose if you want to go out, hoping you are feeling a little better each day.  See uou all soon.  Shout out to heymoose and kindone, Betty was the driving horrid in South Buffalo?  hugs to all, oops forgot starbeauty, hope all is going well on the tests today.  Prayers continue to come your way.

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited January 2012

    Hi all, very quiet on the thread this weekend.  Anyone watching the games tomorrow, any favorites?  My DGS is rooting for the Ravens to make the playoffs.  Ray Lewis is his favorite, as he is an offensive player also.  Can't say I have a preference, just not the Patriots, they are always the best team and seem smug about it.  Remember when we thought we'd be at a Super Bowl party rooting for the Bills at Maureen's house.  Maybe next year.  hugs, Karen

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited January 2012

    hi all, Funny Karen, on a conference call with people from San Fran and Baltimore was asked the same question.  I responded, Bills aren't in the game so I don't care who wins.  They responded, will never be a problem!!  Is that harassment or what?  So wanted a super-bowl party :(  Maybe next year.  Sabres stink too lately and I'm not watching the games, I swear.  So washing my bathroom floor, I decided I hate the color.  Don't want ceramic because it's too slippery.  I was talking to a girl at work and she loves floor called Allure.  DH and I went to home depot to investigate and bought some to do our bathroom.  I really like the look.  It looks like stone but has strips.  Let's see how we do.  Also picked out a color for the kids bathroom.  We need to change the look.  It has been dolphin decor and they seem too old for that design any longer.  Thinking of going with chocolate brown and a warm blue.  I like the warm colors but hesitate with permanent color, I'd rather use accessories and change as designs change.  Weird, I know. Looking forward to next week in the 50's in Jan. Yahoo!! Enjoy the game.



  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited January 2012

    Maureen, love chocolate brown and blue, great choice.  I have a Allure in my kitchen and I love it, love the look and how easy it is to clean.  DD and DS are due for a change from the dolphin decor. I'm sure they will love the color palette you chose.  Cannot imagine WNY in the 50's in Jan., but if this is the winter we are to have, so be it (SP?).  It means luncheon every month and that is A OK with me, cannot wait to see everyone. hugs, Karen

  • SusanHG
    SusanHG Member Posts: 455
    edited January 2012

    looks like all is quiet here...are we all preparing for lunch or just holding off on conversation until then??  is everyone coming?  hope so!  see you then ladies!

  • kindone
    kindone Member Posts: 435
    edited January 2012

    HI everyone, nothing new just working.  Can,t wait to see you all for lunch. 

  • janhart
    janhart Member Posts: 292
    edited January 2012

    Hi, I'm here too and same as kindone, just busy with work. Looking forward to lunch. Oh, and Susan, congrats on your one year cancerversary ( is that the appropriate thing to say?) Glad you're feeling well. See everyone soon....Jan

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited January 2012

    Hi all, was wondering why everyone was so quiet, guess we are all waiting to see each other, won't be long now, hugs, Karen

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited January 2012

    Hi all, just quiet because everyone is so cold with weather change and busy with work.  DH decided to do the bathroom floor this weekend and I'll be at lunch with my friends, what a nice coincidence.  I hate Femara by the way, too achy.  See everyone on Sat.  so excited. 



  • heymoose
    heymoose Member Posts: 682
    edited January 2012

    Hi All,

    Just busy as everyone else.  Can't wait until Saturday.  Susan congratulations on your 1 year cancerversary. 

    Love, Cheryl

  • SusanHG
    SusanHG Member Posts: 455
    edited January 2012

    glad everyone is still around and responded!!  cannot wait for Saturday--thanks Jan and Cheryl for the congrats...glad to pass the one year mark...now onto 2!

    See everyone on Saturday!


  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited January 2012

    Congrads Susan, on year yipee!!!  Hope you have 50 more just like it.  Did you hear?  Roswell created the first FDA approved clinical study that kills cancer cells and prevents them from returning.  FDA approved is a big win.  It will be a couple of years before they approve for general public, but this is a big win.  Bring on the weekend. 



  • ColdenMom
    ColdenMom Member Posts: 24
    edited January 2012

    Hello all! Just saw this discussion board, I live in Colden near Kissing Bridge. I was diagnosed 12/6/11 and am a week out of surgery. I had a bilateral mastectomy. I go tomorrow for pathology reports and hopefully drain removal! This is my second bout with cancer, I had Hodgkins disease while pregnant with my second child in 2003. I underwent 7 months of chemo and 6 weeks of mantle radiation. It's believed the IDC is from the mantle radiation, that's why I chose a BMX.

    Glad to see this Board!!! Best wishes to all!


  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited January 2012

    Hi Kelly, welcome to the WNY thread.  You are in snow country, at least in real winter weather, not sure what season we are actually having.  There are 8 of us, we communicate on the thread and then do luncheon all together in the Main - Transit area, as two of us live in Batavia, you are certainly invited to join us when you are finished recuperating.  I used to live in East Aurora, which isn't that far from Colden.  Are you a skier?   Karen   Maureen, great news out of Roswell, first significant discovery anfd it came from our area!!