Western New York Area



  • SusanHG
    SusanHG Member Posts: 455
    edited February 2012


    So sorry to hear about your friend's passing. Too many young people! 

    So sorry I wasn't at the services. Sounds like I would've needed a whole box of kleenex that day.

    Prayers and hugs to all,


  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited February 2012

    Hi all,

    Bevin,  I am so sorry to hear of your young friend's passing.  My prayers to you and her family.  What a difficult time for all lately. 

    I've arrived home safe and sound.  Luggage lost, dead car when arrived but good news, the luggage arrived on the next flight and we didn't even leave yet because they were still trying to jump the car, so it all worked out fine. My DD left the overhead light on putting on her makeup.  I so love my children :)

    Weather was great, storms were to the north of us, so aside from sprinkles, all was well. 70-80's during the day and 50-60's at night, just beautiful weather.  I even saw HSN headquarters.  Have to run, cat is angry for leaving her so long. 



  • SusanHG
    SusanHG Member Posts: 455
    edited February 2012


    glad you made it home safe and had a great trip and nice weather.  Even though it hasn't been too cold here, 70s and 80s would be nice!  We are planning a trip to Disney during Easter break.  Looking forward to the rest.  Schoolwork is hitting hard this week, added to the fact that my son is on vacation so need to pay a little attention to him.  I think I will take some time off and take him to the zoo this afternoon.  The next couple weeks will be hell for me.  Then, my spring break!  Can't wait...


  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited February 2012

    Maureen, glad you are home safe and sound and had an excellent vacation, Susan, this time before the break sounds like a tough road, you were surely need a break.  Tristan will just be in awe of the whole theme park.  Yes Susan, Cheryl and I were both passing kleenex's back and forth, Her messages to her husband and children were so touching and beautifully written, My councilor said would you rather missed knowing her or the pain you feel now, and my answer was definite, I never would have missed knowing this beautiful woman.  He also said that this grief period would be wavelike, feeling the loss, then normal,if with bc we have normal anymore, and it will taper down as time goes by.  I realized that that was exactly how my father's passing affected me.  The first few years I had to avoid the Father's Day cards because the grief would seep back up.  We will make it through all this and you too bevin, only time can ease.  Hugs and love, Karen

  • heymoose
    heymoose Member Posts: 682
    edited February 2012

    H all,

    Bevin so sorry to hear about your young friend passing.  Please send my thoughts and prayers to her family.

    Maureen, I am happy you had a nice time in Florida, could you have at least brought the sun w/ you.  This gray is getting to me.

    Susan, I hope school goes by fast so you can enjoy your spring break.

    Kelly (Colden Mom), where are you? It was wonderful talking to you a few weeks ago.  Hope you are doing well. 

    Betty, Betty what can I say, hope you are continuing to win.

    Jan, how are you doing? 

    Karen, as with you I am blessed to have known Esther.  We will need to toast her at our next lunch.  So you better prepare, because I am terrible at toasting.

    Okay, I think I have touched base on all of you lovely ladies.  I guess I am just nosey and checking up on all.  If I forgot to mention anyone, please forgive me but I seem to have AllTheTimers.

    Hugs and Kisses,


  • janhart
    janhart Member Posts: 292
    edited February 2012

    Karen, Cheryl and Betty, I'm sorry I wasn't able to join you at Esther's service, but I'm sure it was comforting to have each other there.

    Bevin, so sorry to hear about the loss of your young friend.

    Susan, school can be so stressful. Try to find some time to de-stress with a cup of tea or glass of wine. (just not too much, then you won't get any work done.) Yesterday my 23 year old daughter had an anxiety attack before she was to give a presentation in class. She ran out and didn't go back. She emailed her teacher who was very understanding. The thing is DD always does a great job with presentations, but for some reason she just couldn't do it yesterday. And tomorrow she's getting her

    wisdom teeth out. I'll just have to give her some TLC afterwards.

    Maureen, glad you and the family had a good trip. It's always good to get away for awhile.

    I'm off from work this week and guess what? Woke up with a horrible cold. Been sneezing and blowing my nose all day. But we did get to celebrate my mom's birthday over the week end. My older DD wrote a tribute to her on Facebook. It was about how you never leave the house without a sweater, whether it's cold or warm, never go out after dark, if a microwave can't toast bread, then it's useless. It was quite funny. One of my wishes when I retire (79 more school days, but who's counting) is to spend more time with her.

    Just let the dog out and saw that it's snowing...ugh. I'm ready for spring. Hope to see everyone soon.

    Love, Jan

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited February 2012

    Dear Jan, I just love your daughter's tribute to her grandma, it was sweet and funny, how lucky to be able to have her grandma. Rest this week, isn't it always the case when you have days off to be sick?  Tylenol cold medicine is great for the sniffling and sneezing, also Puff's brand Kleenex with Vicks, such a little thing but so comforting.  See you soon, Karen   ps. 79 days, you're on the homestretch now!!!

  • ColdenMom
    ColdenMom Member Posts: 24
    edited February 2012

    Hello All... 

    I'm here... I've been quitely reading and respecting the loss of your dear friend.  I was saddened to hear of her loss from Cheryl.  A very good friend of mine passed away at 32 last year of triple neg stage IV breast cancer.  It's very sad when we lose anyone to this dreadful disease.  My condolences!  

    Well... today the kids and I went to Pages Paradise Island - They had a wonderful time!  We were there for 5 hours!!! I had enough after 2 but their smiling faces kept me there a bit longer!  LOL. It was a nice distraction.  Physically I'm feeling well.  The tissue expanders are not bother me too much and honestly I forget about them momentarily.  

    Tomorrow is my first chemo treatment and I am a ball of nerves.  I am fearful of what a second time around will bring me (I had ABVD 9 years ago).  However, I am staying as positive as I can.  I have an awesome support system who are cheering me on right along but it's nice to come to these boards to women who know it best.  

     I'm looking forward to getting to know you all more!  Cheryl ~ Thank you for calling me a few weeks ago!  

    Take care, 


  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited February 2012

    Dear Kelly, thank you for your condolences, it is terrible to lose our dear ones to this dreadful disease, I am sorry for your loss last year.  I am sending calming thoughts and prayers for your chemo treatment tomorrow, may it knock the socks off those cancer cells, begone.  It will be nice to meet you as you get well enough to join us.  Cheryl speaks very highly of you.  take care, hugs, Karen

  • SusanHG
    SusanHG Member Posts: 455
    edited February 2012


    I can completely relate to your daughter's reaction!  I've felt like doing the same many times.  I have my first presentation next week and am dreading it!  The class is only 8 people so completely irrational to be nervous, but I think it id just my old social phobia kicking in.  I've pretty much had it beat since a terrible episode in my 20s but presentations always bring it back.

    Thanks for the support everyone!

    Looking forward to our next get-together.  We will toast Esther and talk about our grief and memories.  I think it will bring some healing.  Karen-I feel the same about grief.  After my brother's passing this summer, I go through moments of disbelief that he is gone, to moments of relief that he is out of pain and in a better place. I do try to avoid being reminded though in order toavoid the pain that comes with it.  It is definitely a normal grief process.

    Hugs to everyone,


  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited February 2012

    Dear Kelly, how are you feeling after your chemo treatment?  Hope you are not feeling badly.  I used to live  in East Aurora and drove to Colden to look at a Siamese litter, ended up getting one male, Peter, he was so loud in the car on the way back home I was wondering if I had made a bad choice.  Ended up he was quite the talker.  I remember the area being very beautiful.  Hope to see you soon.  It is amazing how many we are who have trouble with presentations, the first class of new employees I had to teach, about 25, I thought I would pass out.  Esther's presentation was to 80 nursing students, in a lecture hall ampitheater, I know I'd have left just as your daughter did Jan.  Maureen, kindone, bevin where are you.  Hope this weekend's storm doesn't live up to it's hype. hugs to all, Karen  oops, Susan, sorry about your brother's passing, it seems the bigger the pain, the more important that person is to us.

  • ColdenMom
    ColdenMom Member Posts: 24
    edited February 2012

    Hello - I'm feeling alright just got a bit tired this evening. I had an allergic reaction to the Taxotere yesterday, within the first couple minutes I began to feel very hot, my heart pounding, and difficulty breathing. My husband grabbed the nurse quickly who stopped the drip and gave me IV steroid. Once it was in my system for 1/2 hour she started the drip again but very slow, after that I had no further reaction, thankfully! I go to Roswell tomorrow for a Neulasta shot at noon.

    We love Colden - it's really peaceful out here!

    Thanks for checking in!

  • bevin
    bevin Member Posts: 519
    edited February 2012

    Good Morning everyone,  Thanks for your well wishes. Its truly been a difficult time. I had alot of catching up to do on the thread. Looks like everyone is very busy.

    Kelly- glad your chemo isn't being to difficult on you. I hope that continues.  Colden is a beautiful place. Are you skiers too?  Its the best way to beat the winter blues and it's a nice family day. I haven't been in about 3 years but need to get back on the slopes. I miss it.

    Susan- if you get nervous speaking in front of groups, take a big breath and exhale before you start speaking. It was a tip given to me a long time ago, and helps to calm your vocal cords so they don't cause your voice to sound shaky. Unfortunately now, they have to pull the mic away from me as I can keep talking and talking :)

    maureen, I'm so jealous of your trip. It sounds like you had nice weather and more importantly a good time with the family.

    Jan- your daughters tribute sounds lovely. My family is very close so I understand those feelings.

    I hope everyone else is well. For me, spending the cold weekend home and cleaning. Not much planned- maybe it's time to go to DSW and spend my gift card - shoes are always good!



  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited February 2012

    Hi Everyone,  Enjoying this cold, windy weather?  Hope everyone is doing well and safe.

    Kelly, Glad to hear the chemo is relatively kind to you, prayers to continue.  Do they give you benadryl or equivalent prior to chemo?  They used to infuse me with the benadryl prior to the taxol and had no reaction.  Hope the Neulasta shot is good to you with minimal SE. Looking forward to meeting you soon.

    Jan/Susan, I'm with your daughter and Susan when speaking, there is a club called Toastmasters that trains people how to handle the stress of public speaking. They offer many tips and depending on the group, can be a nice networking opportunity.

    Bevin, spend, spend, spend and enjoy, always makes me feel better...until DH see the bill (LOL)

    Karen, stay safe, looks like your getting the snow.

    Kindone, Heymoose, where are you?  I miss Buster stories and updates from Cheryl.

    Me, I'm doing laundry today and have a lot of laundry.  I think I caught up at work.  I had over 500 e-mails alone, so I start from the top and work my way down.  crazy, but booked myself with a do not disturb and plowed through all day. 

    Found a place for next lunch, anyone ever hear of the Irishman's Pub in the Village of Williamsville?  Karen, I can meet you at Office Depot and drive from there if it's too far from your area. 

    Let me know what everyone thinks and dates in March work for them.  Weather permitting of course. 

    I'll post later, after house clean and some laundry done.



  • kindone
    kindone Member Posts: 435
    edited February 2012

    Hi Everyone,  I am here, reading all your posts.  Had my GS Aiden sleep over last night, I just love to cuddle with him, we had a good time.  Poor hubby has to sleep in the other room so Aiden can sleep with me, He don't care.

    Bevin,so sorry about your friend I Said a pray for her and her family in the chapel the other day.

    Maureen, glad you had a nice time.  I do to Florida at Easter time, I can't wait.  I need sun.

    Kelly, I am glad your first chemo is done.  It is so scary to have a reaction.  I know!!!

    Hello, Jan, Karen,Charyl, Sue, Hope all is well. 

    Lets make plains for our next lunch, I need to know in advance.  Love you all!!

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited February 2012

    Hi Maureen, any Saturday in March works for me.  I am planning a trip to Conneautville but as it is dependent on a 6 day stretch of good weather can't say when it will be, hopefully the luncheon and road trip won't coincide.  Definitely time for a luncheon of seeing all of you!  So plan on whatever day is good for all of you, and yes, I will meet you at Office Depot.  Missing all, hugs, Karen

  • bevin
    bevin Member Posts: 519
    edited February 2012

    Starting off to a BAD sunday. Get this.. told my lovely child to clean up the bedroom. Seriously clothes everywhere and it's a mess. I was told ' parents will lose as I'll say I had child abuse "??!! really??!! where the heck do they get this crap from??.................. argh!!  I just said  "Go ahead.. good luck with that "!  Honestly I'm thinking that Father Bakers may be holding a room for us.

  • heymoose
    heymoose Member Posts: 682
    edited February 2012

    Good Afternoon All,

    Having a laundry and grocery shopping day, now on to do some reading for work.  It is DH Birthday today and he is sleeping on the couch without a worry.  We are having dinner with SD and her boyfriend for Pat's Birthday at Chester's.  Once again I do not have to cook Yea!

    I will be out of town on 3/25.  If that day works for everyone else, I say enjoy lunch and I will see you all in April.

    Kelly, I am glad you had a relatively easy chemo.  Get lots of rest and drink fluids.  That is my medical advice for the day.

    Maureen, I have been to the Irishman a couple of times, it is nice.  Kinda loud, there is not much sound absorbtion.  Food is good.  

    Bevin, your story about your daughter is funny.  One of my girlfriends has two girls 10 & 8 they always have a comment for her.  She cracks me up when relaying there comments.  

    Karen no more brain farts are allowed. (LOL)

    Susan, how was your sons break from school?  Did you two get to have some fun together?

    Betty, I am so jealous that you are going to FL over Easter.  Can I stow away in your suit case?

    Jan, so how many days is it until you retire?  Are you still counting?

    I hope I have did not miss anyone.  Have a great week and will be checking in.



  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited February 2012

    Hi All,  Can you let me know if you are free the 24th or 31st? 

    Cheryl, do you think the Irishman's Pub is too loud for conversation?  If yes, anyone else have ideas?  I think we'd all like a lunch where we can hear each other. 

    I'm booked with bridal shower and DH date first two weeks in March and 3rd week is St. Patty's Day. We also were invited to a divorce celebration, can you believe that?  That is a first for me.  I know he was a jerk and it's been in the courts for years, but really a party?  DH wants to go, I'm curious what they will do at that type of party, anyone ever hear of such a thing?

    Off to bed to start another fun week at work.  I envy the retirees, I want to be one, just need to win the lottery and I'll be all set. LOL.

    Have a great tomorrow.



  • SusanHG
    SusanHG Member Posts: 455
    edited February 2012

    Hello Ladies-

    Both days are good for me right now, but we will be putting our house up for sale mid-month, so my schedule is going to be up in the air depending on offers etc. etc.  We found a great house in East Amherst, but we are waiting for our tax refund to come before we can make an offer.

    Bevin-i will definitely be taking that breath on Thursday!  Actually not too nervous about it...

    Cheryl-We did enjoy our break together!  It is always so hard to send my son back to school.  He keeps telling me he wants to be home schooled :-)

    Maureen-my husband used to go to Toastmaster meetings, but he is such a natural at it, he stopped going to them.  I wish I had time!  But, practice makes perefect.  Once I get a teaching job, I think I will get used to it.   A divorce party?  Seriously? :-)

    Kelly-so glad chemo is going ok for you.  I guess it comes with the territory--everybody has their trials to go through.  Hope you get your energy back!

    Talk to you soon!  Maureen-keep us posted about our lunch...


  • janhart
    janhart Member Posts: 292
    edited February 2012

    Hi Ladies,

    Back to work today so of course I'm feeling better. Hope everyone had a good start to their week.

    Kelly, especially hoping you are doing well with chemo. Praying that you get through it with ease or at least as little discomfort as possible.

    Yes, I think the 24th or 31st will work for me also. The Irishman is fine with me.

    Take care all... love , Jan

  • kindone
    kindone Member Posts: 435
    edited February 2012

    Hello Ladies, I can make lunch the 24th but not 31, So please do what ever is best for all.

    Love ya Betty

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited February 2012

    24th it is.  Cheryl did mention the place I mentioned is a little loud. Does everyone want to go anyway?

    Susan,  we will be neighbors? 


  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited February 2012

    Dear Maureen, what time are we going, perhaps that will make a difference in the noise level?  hugs, Karen

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited February 2012

    Thinking 1PM.  I'll call tomorrow.  Messed up my back over the weekend.  Living on tylenol right now.  hard to type.



  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited February 2012

    Good time, lunch crowd should be clearing out.  Sorry about your back, take care, does heat help it or alternating heat and cold?  hugs, Karen

  • SusanHG
    SusanHG Member Posts: 455
    edited February 2012

    Sorry about your back, Maureen.  I had a tough couple weeks with my neck.  I was bouncing from hot packs to cold packs, but much better!  My jaw is cleared up as well, once I realized that all my anxiety goes into gum chewing, pen chewing, eating etc. etc.  Can you take Motrin?

    Not sure if we'll be neighbors (not quite sure where you live)  This house is in the Woodstream Farms development.  We are hoping that it doesn't get bought up by someone else!  The hubbie is leaving on travel to California for a few days (i know-tough life), so we need to wait until after that...

    24th at 1 pm sounds great...


  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited February 2012

    Not far from me at all!!   Still feel lousy. 


  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited February 2012

    Dear Maureen, so sorry you are still feeling under the weather, how did you hurt your back?  Have you tried the Motrin and icing it and heating it and taking it easy.  I wonder about you taking it easy though. Last winter you were shoveling during chemo!  Sometimes more than once a day. hugs, Karen

  • bevin
    bevin Member Posts: 519
    edited March 2012

    Maureen, Hope you feel better soon. ice packs and motrin are my choice for back pain.

    I can't make lunch - have a comittment already. Have to attend a shower. I'd warn though this month of March is pretty busy at that restaurant - even on a Saturday.

    Susan- I LOVE woodstream farms area. Its beautiful back there. Lots are huge and the trees are beautiful.

    Betty - I hope you are well and Jan I'm glad to hear you're doing well.

