Western New York Area



  • SusanHG
    SusanHG Member Posts: 455
    edited March 2012

    Hi All, 

    Maureen, just bought my corned beef and cabbage today.  I stopped making it for a couple years because my husband doesn't like it and my gallbladder doesn't either, but figured I need to have my son experience it.  I'm not Irish, closest I come is Welsh, but used to celebrate St. Pat's with my best friend for years, having a big party and going to the parade.  We used to have an apart ment in Allentown (on Virginia Place) so it was great to have everyone there.  One year, we invited some of the bagpipe players in and they played for all of us.  Just got a call from her this week with news of yet another death.  Her sister in law, who couldn't have been more than 30, just passed away from leukemia.  This year has been painful for everyone to say the least, and so definitely no celebrating with my friend this year. 

    So hope your DD doesn't leave you for Florida. Maybe she will change her mind after it sets in.  I usually do that when I have a new idea in my head. Wink

    Can't wait for lunch and loving this beautiful weather!

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited March 2012

    Susan, so sorry to hear of your friend's passing.  GD cancer, I'm soo sick of it, I',m at the angry stage I think. I don't want anything to steal me future.  How's the house hunting going? Will we be neighbors soon?  

    Hi Karen,  was getting worried about you, always good to hear from you.

    Went to the shower today, fun,  I wish I could have a bridal shower today.  I know what I want and would love to have all new stuff LOL, only took 23 + years.  She's cute, and they make a cute couple. Happy for them starting out, hope it's a good easy carefree life. Food was really good at the Millenium. Had a lot of fun and a beautiful day to boot.   AND my DH did the kid's bathroom floor, I should go out more often.  Really looking forward to lunch.

    Hi to everyone else.  Onto the crazy week nonsense once again, oh well fun, fun, fun.

    Have a super evening


  • janhart
    janhart Member Posts: 292
    edited March 2012

    Hi Ladies, I can't believe how long it's been since I last posted....sorry. Trying to stay off computer a bit because it's so distracting and then I can't believe how much time has passed. I am in for lunch on the 24th.

    Cheryl, I am sorry that you will not be with us for lunch, but enjoy your time with your niece. I am also so sorry to hear about your friends passing.

    Maureen, i know how you feel about your daughter possibly moving. My younger daughter was my support through my diagnosis, tests, doctors visits, surgery and recovery. She still likes to just hang out with me. Our favorite thing to do is just go get coffee. I know she may have to relocate someday, but I'm praying that won't happen.

    Susan, sorry also about your friends passing...so young. Hope your place sells and then on to the

    house hunting. Should be fun. We've been in the same house for 32 years.

    Kelly, praying that your treatments go well and that you are able to stay strong. Yes, please plan on doing lunch with us in April.

    Karen, how are you? Just worried...you were so close to Esther. Hope you are well and looking forward to seeing you at lunch.

    Betty, how is work? Are you still working a lot of crazy hours? And how is our friend, Buster? Gotta love the dog.

    Bevin, how are you and your family? I think we'll be missing you at lunch due to another commitment. Hopefully, April will work for everyone.

    Hope, I didn't forget anyone. Busy week coming up, so probably won't be around til later in the week. Hope you all have a wonderful Monday, Tuesday, Wed, etc. Love, Jan

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited March 2012

    Dear Jan, I am doing fairly well. I find that grief is like riding a wave, it has its peaks and valleys.  One day I am on top of the wave and the next, triggered by a memory, I am in the valley briefly.  I belong to a book club that meets where Esther and I had coffee, first time I'd been there since her passing, woops a valley.  Someone asked me if I would rather have not known her, for fear of the pain to come. and my answer was immediate.  She was a grand woman, it was a privilege to be her friend.  It is good that the weather has been so cooperative, getting out and about helps a lot.  One of my old friends retired, slowly there are more of us around.  Thank you Jan for asking, it is hard to hear her name but doubly hard not to hear it.  hugs, Karen

  • kindone
    kindone Member Posts: 435
    edited March 2012

    Good Evening Ladies,  I am glad lunch is coming soon.  I can't wait to see everyone and talk, talk, talk.  I have been up to our cottage already the water is on and we are ready to spend time there.  We got a Early start this year bc of the nice weather.  I had my grandson for three days just hanging out.  He loves to go to the cottage so I put him to work.  We had  to rake the leaves we didn't get to in the fall (18 bags) but its getting in shape.

    Maureen, I feel the same way about my kids, I don't care how old they are I want them by me.  I am not getting any younger and they are also my rock. 

    See you soon


  • SusanHG
    SusanHG Member Posts: 455
    edited March 2012

    Hi Again!

    House hunting going not so well.  The house we liked in E. amherst, the guy is being incredibly uncooperative.  He has it way over priced, but it is "for sale by owner" so our agent has to deal with him directly. We refuse to pay what he is asking.  There isn't very much out there and business is not picking up.  Definitely reflecting the economy.  We will wait and keep hoping for more to come out on the market.  I am busy this week working on our house.  Finished all the closets and both bathrooms, now on to the dreaded kitchen and the crazy, messy cabinets.  Uggh!

  • Jen42
    Jen42 Member Posts: 71
    edited March 2012

    Sorry to hijack this thread. It will only be for a moment. But wanted to show my support for Karen333, who is working thru her grief for Esther. Karen has given me so much support thru bco.org, even though I am way out here on the West Coast. She has become a special person to me and thru her PMs, I have learned what a special person Esther was.

     I am horrified every time I hear of another bco.org member passing away from breast cancer. My prayers go out to any of you struggling with the disease, dealing with complications from meds, or grieving a friend / family member.

    HUGS to everyone, and thank you for allowing me to post my thoughts here! - Jen

  • SusanHG
    SusanHG Member Posts: 455
    edited March 2012

    Thank you so much, Jen.  You can hijack our thread anytime.  Yes, we have been hard hit here, especially Karen.  The deaths have been overwhelming not only overall, but lately it has just been one person after another.  I told my husband that the only time the phone rings (and it is not a telemarketer) it is someone calling to let us know someone else died.  Thank you for supporting Karen.  We are blessed here that we can meet in person once a month and share both good times and bad.  So very sad about Esther.  She was a much loved part of our group and she will be deeply missed.


  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited March 2012

    Thank you Jen and Susan, I am riding the wave today on a peak, went to the coffee shop and got one of my favorite Chai Latte's and had only good memories of Esther.  I remember the first time we met, I asked how I would recognize her and she said I will be rushing in, just on time with a blouse that has all the colors of the rainbow on it.  And she did.  The flowers Maureen had sent to the hospital were a spring bouquet with all the colors of the rainbow in it, she would have been pleased.  So looking forward to seeing all of you for luncheon, have to have a touch up on my roots beforehand.  Vanity, thy name is woman.  Have appt. with MO on next Tuesday, my knees are just so painful on the generic of Arimidex, I don't know whether to ask him to change it for fear of getting a new set of side effects or ask for prescription strength Ibuprofen, any thoughts?  Hi heymoose, thinking of you and bevin, since we won't see you, I'll say hello here. hugs, Karen

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited March 2012

    Hi All,

    Jen, you are welcome on this thread anytime.  Esther was a very special friend.  Karen had the pleasure of meeting with her more often than the rest of us.  We are all better people for having known her.  She will always remain in my heart.

    Karen, I'm so glad you're having a good day. I would mention the pain to your onc and see what he's saying.

    We are on the popular list just received another wedding invite.  So April/May will include two weddings and a divorce party. The divorce party just cracks me up, never heard of that before. 

    Take care and talk soon, enjoy the wonderful weather.



  • SusanHG
    SusanHG Member Posts: 455
    edited March 2012

    Karen-glad things are going better.  You seem to have the right attitude.  Definitely ask the doctor about those knees.  Maybe there is something they can do about the side effects.

     Well, up from my kitchen floor to say I am finally finished cleaning the kitchen.  Took two whole days scrubbing from ceiling to floor, but it is done.  Big load off of my mind.  Now onto the dining room, living room, and bedrooms, but those are comparatively easy.  Have a huge list of houses for Saturday.  Maybe something will work, who knows?  I am hoping to be able to enjoy the nice weather coming up.  I am saving my working on the outside for then.  Is it really spring or will we have one more storm?

    Just found out Sting is coming to Artpark in June!!  I have been completely crazy about him since childhood.  Definitely a bright spot to my morning :)

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited March 2012

    Another beautiful day, I keep waiting for the other shoe!!  Can it be that we finished winter?  Unreal.  Susan, your house must be gleaming.  Hope a beautiful home comes your way on Saturday.  Hi to all, see you next Saturday!!!  hugs, Karen

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited March 2012

    Hi all, a little down today.  Just read MJB is an angel.  She was my inspiration for hair regrowth and just general hope.  I hate this friggin disease, too many of our sister's are taking their final journey so young.  Ugghhh. 

    Yes Karen it was a beautiful day.  Susan, WOW you have ambition to get everything cleaned,  I believe spring is here.  Bought my corned beef for St. Patty's day.  I bet the parade will be really busy with the great weather.



  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited March 2012

    Maureen, did you read her husband's blog, it was so tender it brought you to tears.  Too many, too soon, enough already.

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited March 2012

    I know. 

  • SusanHG
    SusanHG Member Posts: 455
    edited March 2012

    oh my gosh, I remember her from the TN threads! Wow, so sudden, again.  And it changed to estrogen positive, which I've heard can happen.  More sad news, this is unbelievable...

  • kindone
    kindone Member Posts: 435
    edited March 2012
    Happy ST. Patricks Day.  See you on Saturday.Smile
  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited March 2012

    Hey All!!  Happy St. Patrick's Day,  BEAUTIFUL Day for a parade.  Have a nasty cold today, been taking Zrytek to try to get it to go away.  Cleaned out some of the garage then started my corned beef and cabbage.  DH put the kid's bathroom floor in and pulled a muscle.  Needless to say off to the doc for him.  I have an onc appt.tommorrow always get nervous with that one. Not sure if I should go there with a cold, I will call and ask them tomorrow AM before the appt.  Don't want to get anyone sick, but want the follow up done and over with.

  • bevin
    bevin Member Posts: 519
    edited March 2012

    Happy St Patty's Day everyone, ( belated I know). We did make the traditional  corned beef, cabbage, carrotts and potato at our home yesterday;  Had a scrimptious meal!!

    Skipped the Delaware Ave parade in lieu of hanging at the house, spent some time in the chaise in the back yard  ahhhhh.

    Maureen, hope you husband is okay. That sounds like strenuous work. Hope everything goes well at the Onco.  Funny- I love going; makes me feel like someone is really watching out to make sure this blasted disease doesn't rear its ugly head again.  I'm happyto scan, blood test, go to the doctor. Test away I say!!

    Susan- did you get your tix for Sting. LOVE him and by the time I signon to purchase them at 3pm they were sold out, at all levels but the grass, and thats not the experience I want. Hoping you got them!!

    Karen- hoping you are well and healing from this pain. As time goes, the pain will be replaced by all the good memories and you'll smile instead of tear up when you think of your friendship with Esther.

    Jan- hope you are well

    Betty- the dog must LOVE the sunshine! How are you?

    Everyone else, I hope you are all well. I know I haven't been around alot ; trying to take a needed break from the boards. Have a lovely lunch Saturday.



  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited March 2012

    Hi all,  I have a MO appt. Tuesday, Maureen, I'm like you, I get scanxiety too.  Hope hubby is OK. Have to ask about the AI and my knees and my shoulder is aching too.  I imagine he will order blood work done.  I will be happy to get the all clear on it.  Our weather is just unbelieveable, the sun is just streaming in all the windows, I have a feeling I'll be glad I got the air conditioning unit last summer. This will be the first year, if the weather holds out, that DD, DGS and DGD will have good weather for their birthdays.  The grandkids share the same birthdate exactly one year apart.  They were certainly busy yrs. when they were little.  See all of you on Saturday, bevin and heymoose you will be missed.  hugs, Karen 

  • SusanHG
    SusanHG Member Posts: 455
    edited March 2012

    Bevin-I did get my Sting tickets, but since I had physical therapy at 10, I didn't get on until 11:20.  Big mistake, I should have changed my appointment.  I ended up calling because there were only single tickets available.  We got 2 tickets, one in back of the other, so not terrible I guess, and they are both aisle seats, first tier.  I absolutely did not wan tthe lawn.  I would have ordered seats regardless of how close they were (to my husband's chagrin-he is not as big a fan as me).

    Have my own sick visit at the doc today.  Almost positve I have shingles--rash and blisters on my lower chest and abdomen, and the pain is terrible.  thankfully it is on my good side.  Couldn't imagine having this pain on the radiated side.  Haven't felt right since they put me on steroids for my TMJ a month ago, then as I was coming down with a cold this week, noticed the blisters and the pain.  Had a red stripe under my breast that I thought was fungal, so was dosing it with cream.

    Karen and Maureen-best of luck at the docs this week.  Bevin-I feel the same.  I count the days until my visits.  I feel nervous NOT being checked.

    Loving this weather.  Hubby left for Europe yesterday, but was so nice to put our gazebo up and patio furniture before he left.  I may not feel well, but I will have a nice place to relax.  Still planning on coming Saturday.  Hopefully, I will feel better.  Will miss you Bevin and heymoose..


  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited March 2012

    Hi All, 

    So sorry to hear about the shingles Susan, nasty stuff, take care.

    Went to onc and I have cellulitis on my bc side, so back on antibiotics. DH is fine pulled muscle, needs to take it easy for the next week, no travel, etc.  DD is in FL visiting friends until spring break is over.  DS has cold,  the good news, the weather is beautiful yay for great weather. 



  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited March 2012

    Hi all, Susan, I've heard that is really painful, so sorry you have it but will be glad to see you on Saturday.  Maureen, good thing you had your onc. appt. today, it is so important to get at the cellulitis quickly and keep it in check, am anxious to see the onc. tomorrow, my knees are really painful, cannot ride the bike and that does not help.  Tried one day and woke up at 3 feeling the pain.  DD will be driving, since I do not know Rochester well, will take her out for lunch after, we have a favorite place just down the street.  See you all soon. hugs,Karen

  • SusanHG
    SusanHG Member Posts: 455
    edited March 2012

    Hi Everyone,

    Well, doc is not sure it is shingles.  Rash looks fungal to her and I don't have blisters, but pain pattern fits shingles, so she put me on Valtrex and fungal cream to kill the both.  I am up now with pain, but now it feels like my gallbladder.  Would make sense because I took my son to Five Guys yesterday at the Galleria (We went to see the Lorax at the movies) at that is a complete grease fest.  Way to greasy for my taste, but my son was already saying he wanted to go back today.  I think he can go with his dad the next time. I always like to treat my son when his Dad goes on prolonged business trips, and so usually end up eating bad things.

    Maureen-Cellulitis, oh no!  You had it a few months ago, didn't you?  Have you been in pain?  I know how it feels since I had it twice.  Not fun at all!

    Karen-good luck at the onc and hope you enjoy a nice lunch with your daughter!

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited March 2012

    jsut checking in to see how Karen did at onc appt. today.  Antibiotics are nasty and still have red swollen boob :( 


  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited March 2012

    Hi Maureen, my MO decided to switch me back to the name brand Arimidex for a month to see if that would make a difference in my knees, he phoned the script in.  By the time we got back to Batavia, the pharmacy called to say they would have to order it at $409.00 a month, cancelled that.  I remembered seeing a site from AstroZeneca for $40 a month, no qualifications, no income level, called the Dr. back, the social worker in the office is pursuing the site for enrollment forms and faxing the script, she will get back to me as soon as all the info. checks out, if not switch to another AI.  We had to walk a distance from the parking lot and my knees feel like they are on fire, just took a prescription dose of ibuprofen I had left over from dental work.  Arm is just muscle strain probably from pushing myself up from when I kneel to clean, no more kneeling!  I hate this disease, shingles, cellulitis, achy knees and so much worse.  On the other hand, lunch was great, so nice to just visit with my DD, I don't know how I made it went she went to Maine for college, I'm like you and Betty, I want her nearby  hugs, Karen

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited March 2012

    Maureen, is it paining you from the swelling, when I had it they had to aspirate some of the fluid, instant relief but they don't like to do it for fear of introducing bacteria. I remember it took 2 courses of antibiotics.

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited March 2012

    Hi all, just got the phone call from Lipson Cancer Center. paperwork faxed to Astrozenica, enrollment form to me for signature and payment ($40) also sample pack of Arimidex to me so I can stop taking the gerieric sooner. Great Center to deal with and thank you to bc.org for info on Arimidex program, No more achey knees, I hope.  Karen

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited March 2012

    Yay Karen. $40.00 is a hell of a lot less than $400+ per month. That's insane. These pharma groups make billions of dollars a year. It is ridiculous. Glad your appt. went well and hope the joint pain resolves itself soon. So my DD is in FL visiting her girlfriend again and planning to go in May again. She's trying to talk her girlfriend into moving back to our area but she's not budging, she hates winter and says hurricanes aren't that bad, wind and rain...hmmm not sure I agree with her. DS is off to New Jersey for his job. I'm melancholy thinking my kids are all grown up. Go on Tues for Mammo, CT and MRI, ughhh. No one to come with me and I'm already panicking. Trying to take the Bevin approach, scan away, scan away, scan away. Worked from home today cause feeling really crappy. Hope drugs kick in soon for some relief.

    Colden Mom,  How is the chemo going?  If you are every few weeks, you should've had one recently right?  Hope all is well.  Drop us a line.

    Hi JanHart, heymoose, kindone, hope you are all well.



  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited March 2012

    Maureen, do you want me to go with you?, you'd have to drive from Office Depot, but I'd certainly be glad to hold a hand, I know going alone is scary to me too.  Stupid girlfriend who isn't afraid of hurricanes, at least you can dig your way out of snow, and if this winter is a sign of things to come, WNY is not that bad, only brushed the car off once!  I'm serious about coming with you, I'm reading a good book and would just bring it along with me.  hugs, Karen