Western New York Area



  • janhart
    janhart Member Posts: 292
    edited March 2012

    Hi Ladies,

    I'm sorry to hear some of you are dealing with illness, aches, pains and anxiety and then astronomical costs for prescriptions. Hopefully, lunch on Saturday will take us away from all that for awhile. We've been busy here at the house getting room after room painted, staining some molding (that's my job), ordered some new family room furniture and a new TV. It's all overdue. Oh, and don't want to forget about DS backing his truck into the painters truck while parked in the driveway. And the oven fire I came home to after my massage. Yes, a pizza box left in the oven, DD preheated, but never checked inside, DS ran to fire station three doors away to get a fire extinguisher. Entire volunteer fire company showed up (DH and DS are both members) so much for a relaxing massage. I wonder if I can get a refund. So I hope that explains a little why I've not been on here much lately. Ugh....I need a vacation. Can't wait to see everyone Saturday. Enjoy this summer like weather.

    Love, Jan

  • SusanHG
    SusanHG Member Posts: 455
    edited March 2012

    Jan-looks like you are having lots of fun!  Good thing that fire station was so close...

    Karen-glad they were able to get you that prescription.  $400 is just ridiculous!

    Maureen-hang in there, girl.  Those antibiotics will get in and you'll feel better...

    As for me, feeling better, but not perfect.  Definitely gall bladder trouble.  Cleaning up the diet for once and for all!

  • ColdenMom
    ColdenMom Member Posts: 24
    edited March 2012

    Hi Ladies,

    I had treatment on Thursday and have been down in the dumps since Sunday! We did walk in the First Ward Parade on Saturday though (I had to get my Irish in ;)

    Tomorrow I go for a medi-port. On Thursday my veins failed one right after the next, on the 7th last try, a miracle RN got one, but it was awkward to say the least. I am surely bruised! The medi-port will be a much welcomed devise, despite me not really wanting another procedure.

    Thanks for thinking of me :)


  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited March 2012

    Dear Kelly, you most definitely must be so bruised and sore.  So glad you were able to enjoy the parade after the week you had had  .Hope the procedure tomorrow goes smoothly.  hugs, Karen

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited March 2012

    Hi all, had a DEXA scan today, bone density, no significant changes from last one done 3 years ago.  He did advise me to cut my coffee consumption as caffeine leeches the calcium from the bones, did not know that.  Also got hair roots covered up and more highlighting than I'm used to, but what the hey, it's summer.  See you all soon.  Hello's to bevin and heymoose, hope you are hanging in there heymoose.  hugs, Karen

  • SusanHG
    SusanHG Member Posts: 455
    edited March 2012

    Kelly-hope things go better for you after they put the port in.  I can see why you didn't wnat one since you only have 4 treatments.  My nephew had chemo for six months and had inititally tried going without the port.  Needless to say, he gave in after he ran out of veins!

    Karen-I'm sure your hair looks great!  Glad the doc went well, and can't wait for tomorrow!  Too bad the weather won't hold out.  The view from the restaurant is beautiful.

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited March 2012

    Hi all, delicious lunch, great locale, fantastic companions - who can ask for anything more.  Did my grocery shopping on the way home, so can read tonight and tomorrow, a book called Freedom.  Good read so far. Next month's selection is a fictional account based on Columbine, promises to be quite intense.  Jan, you just schedule in what you like to do when you retire, it's a pleasure.  You also get to meet people who share your interests, so new friends too.  And more and more of my boomer friends are retiring this year, The Coffee Culture is the nicest place in town, great chai latte, one coffee date a week.  Nice to connect with people you got  to work with, but rarely had time to converse with.  Only took me 35 min. to bet back to Batavia via route 5, no traffic and lots of pretty flowers to look at. Hope the temp. doesn't go down too far tonight.  Susan, hope the houses were good, sounds like you'd like to get the one for sale by owner, he can't hold out forever, especially carrying two mortgages, I got one of my homes in East Aurora that way, far below their original asking price, hope it works for you too.  

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited March 2012

    Glad to hear you made it home.  Had a lot of fun seeing my friends again.  Already looking forward to next month.  Having fun with great people, good food, nice atmosphere.  Next time I'll specifically request the room right on the water. 



  • SusanHG
    SusanHG Member Posts: 455
    edited March 2012

    I had such an enjoyable time as well, as always.  Glad you had a nice ride home, Karen.  Still no luck with houses.  Two more to see today. 

    Karen-is the novel you are reading by Jonathan Franzen?  if it is, it is my one of my all-time favorite books.  It is depressing at times, but I came out of it with all positive feelings at the end.  I actually have a book review on my blog, but it contains spoilers, so I wouldn't read it until you are finished.  I hope you enjoy it as much as I did!

    Maureen-so great to see you!  Hope your scans go well this week!

    Betty-nice to share feelings with you.  To me, you are such a positive person, which I think is the best way to be!

    Jan-thank you for the directions yesterday, as well as information about flood zones. Honestly, Ididn't know that that area was a possible flood zone.  I made it on time to my appointment and in one pieceWink Keep that countdown going to retirementCool

    As always so nice to share our experiences with the few ladies who will always understand.  Thanks for being there and looking forward to next month!

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited March 2012

    Susan, yes that's the one, I am halfway trough so will not read your blog, it is great, my DD read it and is already clammering to discuss it with me.  I can already tell it will be one I keep in my library, I do loan some of my "reads" out but sometimes they don't find their way home or they start their way out to others, friends of friends.  So far, the writing and development of characters is so great, I'll be getting the other novel he wrote, "The Corrections", did you read that and how did you like it as compared to "Freedom"?  Karen

  • SusanHG
    SusanHG Member Posts: 455
    edited March 2012

    Hi Karen,

    I liked The Corrections, but definitely not as much as Freedom.  My favorite book by Franzen is Strong Motion.  I highly recommend that one!  Probably because I could relate to the main character who I believe was almost the same age as me, so many references to my past. Enjoy Freedom--a wonderful book.  I couldn't put it down!


  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited March 2012

    HI Ladies,  I'm a big Steven James fan.   It's about FBI, teenage step daughter with a little bit of romance.  All of the books are based on chess pieces, pawn, rook, etc... he's up to the king due to come out in late summer, early fall.  I can't wait. Be forewarned, his wife died of breast cancer.  Not really a lot of information about how's or why's of bc, but just wanted to warn you if you read.

    I'm doing good, the antibiotics are making me really tired.  I'm going to the scan place tomorrow and can get the results same day so I don't have to freak out too long LOL. 



  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited March 2012

    Hi all, Maureen, thanks for the book info, am going to the library tomorrow to pick up Wally Lamb's books, rec. by my book club, will add Steven James books to my list. Will also add Franzen to my list too, will try for Strong Motion.  I have been on pick up and delivery of DGD and DGS and friends from after school sport's activities going to and from different schools to two different destinations, feel like a taxi!  Will be going to your appts. in my thoughts tomorrow, be sure to check in when you get home, I like that we keep track of each other.  Hoping temp. doesn't go down to a frost level for our poor flowers, it was chilly today, we got spoiled. hugs, Karen  ps, my knees are not as sore on the 4th day of brand name Arimidex, must be something in the filler that they use, I am so thankful that that SE seems to be going away.

  • janhart
    janhart Member Posts: 292
    edited March 2012

    Hi Ladies, Lunch was awesome on Saturday. It was great to see everyone again and catch up in person. I'm taking notes on the books you have all read or are reading so I will have a good list for the summer.

    Betty, I have to agree with Susan that you are a very positive person and have a zest for life. It shows in your smile and when you speak about your family.....keep enjoying everyday.

    Karen, sounds like you are kept busy running the grand kids around. How lucky for them to have you!

    Maureen, how were your appts today? Hope all is well and waiting to hea

    Susan, any luck with houses? We have lived in our house for 32 years, so don't know what it would be like picking out a new one.

    Bevin and Heymoose, missed you at lunch, but hopefully will see you both soon.

    Kelly, thinking about you and sending prayers and strength your way.

    Watching the hockey game and so far it's looking good. I have appt for massage tomorrow after work. Just hope I don't come home to another oven fire, or any kind of fire for that matter.

    Wishing everyone a nice middle of the week! Love, Jan

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited March 2012

    Hi all, waiting to hear from Maureen on her test results. many hugs, Karen

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited March 2012

    Hi all,  After 3hrs. of scans, rads doc told me I'm good.  Have thickening of the skin on the bc side?  Anyone ever hear of that?  Hope all is well with everyone and enjoying our ever changing weather.  Really tired tonight, write more tomorrow.



  • ColdenMom
    ColdenMom Member Posts: 24
    edited March 2012


    I'm glad to hear your doc said all good!

    I'm doing well... Having a good week. My next treatment is the 5th of April - the port will make infusion easier!

    Great Sabres game all, huh?!?

    Take care,


  • bevin
    bevin Member Posts: 519
    edited March 2012

    HI Maureen,

    Glad to hear your scans went well. Did you have rads? I understand that radiation makes your breast tissue and skin thicken and I have a similar issue. 

    Hope everyone is well.


  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited March 2012

    Great news Maureen!!!!  I have thickening of the skin on bc side due to the radiation. It is obvious even to my touch, less sensation in those spots also.  Kelly, super game, didn't realize we had  another Sabres' fan!  I'm so glad that you have had a good week.  Looks like we will all be reading up a storm.  So many authors to choose from.  Susan, finished reading Freedom this afternoon, was a little surprised at the ending, did not see that coming, excellent book.  hugs to all, Karen

  • SusanHG
    SusanHG Member Posts: 455
    edited March 2012

    Karen-glad you liked the book, and yes, I found the ending to be unexpected, but I liked it!

    Maureen-so happy your scans went well!!!!  Good for you! I had a similar day today, hanging on the edge of my seat hoping nothing ominous would be found.  My doctor really pulled through yesterday when I went to see her.  She cleaned out my ear (boy, was that plugged--I won't go into details) and I can finally hear!  Ordered bloodwork, abdominal ultrasound, EKG, and stress test (she thinks the shortness of breath I am feeling is anxiety again, but wants to be sure).  Abdominal ultrasound came out with a very inflamed gallbladder, but absolutely no stones (the tech spent a good half hour checking every nook and cranny).  Went to Roswell today--showed them my rash and they knew immediately that it is shingles (they see shingles and fungal rashes all day in cancer patients).  Looks like i might have to put up with the pain for at least a little longer, but at least I know what it is.  Otherwise, breast looks great, I can go in the sun again safely (with sunscreen), and they are sending up to plastic surgery so I can see what can be done about my ugly scar (laser maybe).  It bothers me because it will be so obvious if I wear a bathing suit and I don't want to constantly talk about my BC experience with everyone I meet.  So, just have to hope my bloodwork looks good and that I don't have a heart problem.  Anxiety?? Why would I have that? Sealed

    Next Mammo is on May 8th then my MRI the following week.  I don't see my RO for another 6 months! Wish I could go in everyday for breast exams Tongue out

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited March 2012

    Susan, what a busy day you had, it is so laden with anxiety as you wait for them to tell you that everything is fine, but boy is that a great thing to hear.  Do you have to watch your diet with the inflamed gallbladder?, is that stress caused also, I am always amazed that so many physical ailments are caused by stress.  I hope that the shingles go away so you aren't in pain.  "Anxiety"  I think that marches right along with the bc diagnosis.  So many of us have it right along with life, let alone a diagnosis of bc.  hugs, Karen

  • comingtoterms
    comingtoterms Member Posts: 52
    edited March 2012

    Hi Buffalo girls! I just saw that the thread is alive and kicking and thought I would drop in. So glad you are getting together. It is special to have people in the area to connect with. How many of us are being seen at Roswell, I wonder? I am back there on April 12, to finish off my trial of Ibandronate and get yelled at by Dr. Levine for not starting Fareston yet. I am dreading this conversation. I finally filled the script with the specialty pharmacy after a month of staring at it. Just lost a friend to lung cancer and decided I can no longer avoid reality. Do any of you take Fareston instead of Tamox? Would love to connect with you! Tammy

     PS: Susan, I am soooo sorry  you had to deal with shingles. I hear they are awful.

  • ColdenMom
    ColdenMom Member Posts: 24
    edited March 2012

    Hello Comingtoterms! I'm at Roswell too currently being treated (4 x TC) I've got two treatments under me now. I also have Dr. Levine who is recommending Tamoxifen for five years following chemo and I am very weary about the SE's since I've been reading more and more. Im interested to hear his take on the SE's. I'll be seeing Dr. Levine on the 5th and the 11th with Dr. T (reconstruction/fill).


  • SusanHG
    SusanHG Member Posts: 455
    edited March 2012

    Thank you, Tammy!  just another long term effect of radiation...I guess the immune system takes a while to get back to normal.  I did most of my treatments at Roswell.  I had my first surgery with Dr. O'Donnell and had my re-excision and radiation at Roswell.  Felt much more comfortable there having a triple negative cancer.  Plus, I wanted to take advantage of the special raidation procedure to protect the heart since it was my left breast.  Love, love , love Roswell!! I always feel 100% better after I leave there.  They are so reassuring and on top of things.  Can't give you any input on anti-hormonal drugs since I don't have to take them.  Very sorry about your friend.  Too many are passing away from cancer.


  • comingtoterms
    comingtoterms Member Posts: 52
    edited March 2012

    Oh, how nice it is to hear how much others love Roswell! Dr. "T" did my reconstruction, too!! I also, feel such a sense of security about my treatment there. I remember the first time I walked in the door for a second opinion: I could literally feel my heavy heart lift - the people there are wonderful. You'd think you would feel like "just a number" but I feel like a real individual at the Breast Clinic. I feel valued. I feel safe.


  • ColdenMom
    ColdenMom Member Posts: 24
    edited March 2012


    On another board a woman and I were both very weak PR+.... With that said I'm ER- and Her2- Dr. Levine discussed the use of Tamoxifen but all I keep thinking if I'm barely PR+ would Tamoxifin even work??? I keep reading up on Triple negative cancer and treatments - just to be on top of everything. You said that you didn't do hormone treatment, correct?



  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited March 2012

    Hi all, what is this slushy snow I am hearing about, this is the craziest our weather has ever been.  Hi Kelly, are you still planning on making our April luncheon?, hi Tammy, I've forgotten where you live. are you near us as in able to join us for lunch?  I liked last week's weather better!  Hugs, Karen

  • SusanHG
    SusanHG Member Posts: 455
    edited March 2012

    Kelly-you are correct.  I don't have to take any hormonal therapy and my tumor at 3 mm. was too small to warrant chemo.  I am not sure offhand what my percentages were but a weak Pr+ sound like it would be questionable for you as well (but don't take my word for it).  I see Dr. O'Connor at Roswell and she said the best thing for me to concnetrate on was a very low fat diet of <20% fat.  This would reduce my risk of recurrence by 40%.  I haven't been perfect these last few months, but I am trying!  Also, trying to keep in shape with exercise as well.  I guess the more body fat, the more risk of BC, so Go away Fat!!!

    Tammy-my feelings exactly, and I have heard others say the same as well.  It was my second opinion and after going through incredibly desolate emotions with my initial doctors, Roswell was like the great big hug I needed as soon as I got past reception (my ONLY bad experience).

    Karen-I heard!! no snow, no snow, no snow!  I refuse to start wearing winter clothes again!  

    Happy to say my blood work and ultrasound came back normal.  Had my EKG and stress test today, but don't know results yet.  Boy, that stress test is a tough one!  My first response was, "How do old people do this?"  Their response:  "very carefully!" :)

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited March 2012

    No snow, didn't work, the lawns and street are snow covered, so much for the flowering trees and bushes, hope it's just a dusting and is gone, gone, gone by tomorrow.  Wonder what the buddings on the trees will do. And it doesn't look pretty, it was unwanted, weird Buffalo weather!  Susan, so glad your ultra sound and blood work came back all normal and that stress test is just brutal on 60+year old knees and is approached cautiously.

  • bevin
    bevin Member Posts: 519
    edited March 2012

    Hi Friends,

    I don't care about the snow. When I win the lottery tonight, we're all flying to Brazil!!