Western New York Area



  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited September 2012

    Saw my PCP today, he was concerned about the amount of swelling in my legs and sent me straight to the hospital for an echo cardiogram, today was definitely a doctor day, he feels the effects of the Arimidex have not cleared my system and may do so slowly.  That combined with the fluid around my joints and muscles supporting them is causing the pain also.  I am on a diuretic to eliminate the fluid, and have to go for blood work on Mon. to make sure my electrolytes stay in balance.  I am to call if the pain gets worse.  They want to keep me off of pain medication since they are so highly addicting, currently using Advil for the pain.  In all the hubbub, half of one tooth broke off so tomorrow I see the DDS and on Thurs. get my mammo and US.  Thank goodness I am retired, I feel they are covering all bases and soon all my body systems will be evaluated and I can start moving forward, albeit slowly.  They also ordered a sleep apnea study which is more detailed than the one I had in the hospital, I will have to call my insurance to see what my co-pay would be.  The PCP I saw today is the nephew of a man I used to date way back when, he was not born yet at that time, a little reminder of the fact I'm getting old, but I don't feel old, hurting yes, old no.  I do not remember having so many teeth issues before the bc and it's treatment, I think you had the same experience Maureen.  Off to bed now, I am tired from all the running around. love to all, Karen

  • bevin
    bevin Member Posts: 519
    edited September 2012

    Dear Jan- I'm so sorry to hear of your Mom's issues. How scary. Praying for you that all goes well with her move. It sounds like you're taking very good care of her!



  • heymoose
    heymoose Member Posts: 682
    edited September 2012

    Hi all, I am sorry to hear all of the issues that are going on. Karen, I am Praying that all of your test are great. Maureen, I am happy your daughter was not in harms way and is safe. Betty, hope you had a great weekend hanging out at your cottage and boating, sounds like a lot of fun. Jan, what great timing to be with your mom, she really needs you. Bevin so happy to see you up and around at our lunchoen, you looked great. Susan, your house must b a blessing, I hope you are enjoying it.

    I hope our September meeting is soon. I leave for Vegas on 9/25, hope to meet before that. Pat and I are now in Ellsworth, ME we have been having a good time. It poured yesterday and we were unable to ride the bike. We hope the weather is better tomorrow, as we will be in Bar Harbour.

    Will check in later. Have a great day.

    Hugs, Cheryl

  • kindone
    kindone Member Posts: 435
    edited September 2012

    Karen,  I am so sorry you are still hurting.  Just take one day at a time you'll get through it.  My prayers are with you.

    Jan, How terrible that you mother had to go though that.  I know its difficult for our parents to change their environment, after all that time.  You will fell alot better when you mother is closer to you. Isn't funny how God knows when you have to step in.  I feel there is always a plan for us.  Good Luck.

    Hello to everyone ,i hope everyone is doing good.

    Maureen I am off the 22-23 and Oct 6-7.

    Love Betty

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited September 2012

    Hi Betty, sounds like a plan.  Let's shoot for the 22nd.  Everyone else on board?  This computer is driving me crazy cause it skips keys all the time and I need to keep back spacing and filling in the missing letters.

    Karen, bet that made you smile with memories of an old boyfriend.

    Cheryl: Sounds like vacation is agreeing with you.  I hope the rest of your time is carefree and sunshine. 

    Jan:  How's mom?  Any plans?

    Bevin:  Hi, during the day sounds like a plan.  If I can't talk, leave a time that's good for you and I'll work with that. Call cell. Hope you and Susan survived first week back to school.

    Susan:  Hope in-laws are a good stress free time.

    Have to run to doc tomorrow AM, itchy head?  Have no idea, but people look at me funny when I scratch my head, like I'm an idiot or something LOL. DS is back with the girlfriend, they made up. Not sure if I'm happy or sad?



  • SusanHG
    SusanHG Member Posts: 455
    edited September 2012

    Hi Everyone!!

    Busy here with the in-laws but they are a huge help.  We are tackling the garden, or should I say "jungle".  There are so many heavy invasive vines all over, but we are starting to tame them.  I was talking with a neighbor yesterday and she asked where we moved from.  I said, "Kenmore.  Where the yards are a whole lot smaller."  She replied, "Funny you say that, but the previous owners moved because they could not keep up with the garden!!!

    Jan-so sorry to hear about your mom's experience.  Hope you can find a lace where she will feel comfortable and safe.

    Karen-I am so sorry that you are having so many problems.  Hope they can get that swelling down! I am sure you are in good hands.

    Bevin, Maureen, Betty, Cheryl-hope you are are doing well!

    I finally decided to go to the dermatologist on Wednesday because what I thought were shingles seemed to be not following the usual pattern.  I had a culture taken, but the PA says that it looks more like folliculitis.  They will check for any kind of bacteria/fungus and also check for shingles.  Makes sense because I started getting the rash on my back immediately after being in a hotel hot tub!!  Besides, we have also been having trouble keeping our pool stabilzed (we are going in with zero pool knowledge ).  So all this time I may have only needed antibiotics??  Not sure why I didn't go sooner??  Could be that I am sooo sick of doctors!!!  We'll see in a couple days what it turns out to be.

    Take care All!


  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited September 2012

    Dear Susan, I hope you have luck at the dermatologist on Wed., wouldn't it be something if all this time what you needed was an antibiotic?  The swelling has gone down considerably thanks to the diuretic, I no look like the Pillsbury Dough Boy from my knee on down.  I went to my DGS's game on Thurs. and was able to walk without feeling wobbly, he won his game, 20-7, that makes two wins this season already, he looks so fierce when he comes out of the tunnel with the rest of the team.  Hard to believe he is the same boy who needs his Nini when he is the only one home downstairs.  We have restarted the coffee in the AM tradition, he drinks from an extra large mug and downs 2 before going off to school, much more conscious of his appearance now that he is in high school!  Good luck on the jungle/garden, so glad your in-laws are able to help, it takes alot of work. Hope everyone else is doing well. hugs, Karen  ps. Maureen, either date is OK with me.

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited September 2012

    Karen, Whatever you are wearing, burn it NOW (LOL)

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited September 2012

    OMG, Have a sweatsuit on, it is history.  This is so horrible to watch, I even watced a little bit of the PGA tournament!!  Checked with Seaside - it is blue for away games, I'll change NOW. love, Karen

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited September 2012

    PHEW, I'm glad that's over, I hope it is not going to be a lllooonnnggg season in a bad way. 

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited September 2012

    All I can say is WOW, that sucked.  Let's look at the bright side.  We won't be worrying about getting home to watch any football this season :)

    Karen, can you drive?  I know we have a birthday party one of the weekends, but I have to check with GF for date.  Let's shoot for the weekend of the 20th.  Did you want to try creekside?

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited September 2012

    Maureen, that was just so bad!!!!!  I can drive, the 20th at Creekside sounds great.  love, Karen. weekend of the 20th, that's Sat. the 22nd at 12:30?

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited September 2012

    don't know yet.  I'll need to PM everyone.  I'll call around tomorrow and make sure I get in touch with my girlfriend to confirm that date too.  Going to sulk the rest of the night.  Knew the game was bad when DH turned off the TV and re-framed our wedding picture.  The cat saw my neighbor's cat and broke the picture.   


  • SusanHG
    SusanHG Member Posts: 455
    edited September 2012

    Hi All!

    Cannot share in the disappointment over football.  I never watch sports and neither does my husband, so we are kind of insulated from all the hubbub.  So far, all tests have come back negative for my rash.  Still waiting for the shingles test to come back.  Meanwhile, I woke up with my usual band of red spots this morning.  I'm just tired of this :(.

    Karen-glad that swelling has come down, and you were able to enjoy your GS's game.  Love that you share coffee with him in the morning!  must be some quality time for the two of you.


  • heymoose
    heymoose Member Posts: 682
    edited September 2012

    Hi all,

    Well vacation was great, acouple of cold days and one really rainy day.  We arrived home Sunday afternoon, did laundry all day and the next, went grocery shopping and even cooked dinner last night and will be cooking again. ( i must really have my head examined, LOL).  Lunch on the 22nd sounds good, i have a hair appointment so I will be arriving late.  Went to my GP two weeks ago and she has sent me to PT for my foot and back.  Started today, I have a feeling I will not be in sandles before I go to Vegas.  What fun walking around in sneakers the whole trip. Karen, happy your swelling is going down, Susan hope your rash gets better.  I did not see the game but heard it was pretty bad.  I hope they get better.

    Take care and Hugs to all.


  • bevin
    bevin Member Posts: 519
    edited September 2012

    HI all, Game was terrible.  Lot's of yelling at my home. You'd think my husband owned the Bill's by the way he reacts.

    Susan- sorry to hear your rash continues. Hopefully they get to the bottom of it.

    Cheryl - your trip sounds fab though. Vegas will be a good time.

    Maureen- lunch sounds good and I do owe you a call. I'm sorry I'm such a delinquent. Works been crazy and my nights have been too. I'll try you tomorrow. I'll likely be able to make lunch.

    I've been sick, terrible cold - need to get better soon.

    Talk soon.


  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited September 2012

    bevin, so sorry you have a summer cold, they are usually the worst.  There was a lot of groaning at my house during the game, I do remember when my dad watched, I usually feared for his blood pressure, he too acted as if he owned the team.  Cheryl, we will take you in sandals or sneakers, just hope you get some relief from the PT.  Susan, this shingles just lasts and lasts, how is the garden/jungle coming?  No more swelling for me the joint pain at the knees continues, I wonder how long the SE's of Arimidex last?  Betty, still doing weekends the the cottage or have you closed it up, the weather has been glorious.  Maureen and bevin, sounds like both of you have high pressure jobs with a lot of responsiblity. Coleen, how are you, did you get hit by the remnants of Issac, seemed to clip your part of the world on the weather map.  Sounds like the 20th is working out for most people, it would be great if we were all there! hugs, Karen

  • janhart
    janhart Member Posts: 292
    edited September 2012

    Hi all, just to clarify, are we planning lunch for the 22nd? I've seen the 20th mentioned and I don't want to show up two days late!

    Also, I tried to send PM to all at once but for some reason I can't. I don't know if it's my iPad or dumbness. Anyway, my daughters and I are walking in the Making Strides for Breast Cancer walk on Sunday September 30. It's at 9:00 am downtown. You are all welcome to join us if you'd like. We did it last year and it was fun. It's really the only breast cancer event I participate in. We are walking with the team from my school district (well, former school district) and anyone can join us. The team is called Williamsville CSD Friends and Families.

    Hope everyone is getting better and looking forward to seeIng you all soon. 22nd? 20th?

    Love, Jan

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited September 2012

    Hi all, got the "all clear" on my mammo and US today, all set for a year, I got to go to the right hand side of the waiting room, as I graduated to one year intervals.  I waited a really long time for the results and was just beginning to panic, as was DD in the waiting room. when they came to give me my letter.  Susan was on the other side of the door as I walked through, we celebrated and went to a great Italian restaurant in Rochester for lunch.  It was that kind of day!! hugs, and happy dance, Karen

  • kindone
    kindone Member Posts: 435
    edited September 2012

    Karen,  Great news you got the "all clear",  I am so happy for you.  How are fou feeling otherwise?

    jan, I do beleive it is the 22nd.  I hope so anyway.

    I hope all can make it the 22nd.  I love seeing everyone,  I feel the last lunch went so fast.  Hope all is well with everyone.


  • heymoose
    heymoose Member Posts: 682
    edited September 2012

    Hi all, 

    Karen terrific news, so happy for you.  I hope the date is the 22nd.  I will be late that day, but will be there.  Nothing can keep me away from having lunch with my bc friends.  Hope all are dong well.  

    Hugs, Cheryl 

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited September 2012

    Looks like the 22nd it will be. Can't get in touch with friend but tell her we're busy that day. I'll call for reservations and pm the details. GREAT news Karen you've graduated to the one year club and sounds like you're om the mend. I'm. Back on antibiotics for 10 days another infection now referred to dermatologist. Another doc to add to the list.

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited September 2012

    I am off the oxygen during the daytime hours unless I have a lot of running around to do, always use it at night.  Today was a very good day, hardly any knee pain, I do get stiff if I sit to long and it can be painful to take that first step up to upright.  Just using the cane for balance mostly, do not use it in the house at all.  Stairs, especially going down are still paiinful, but I am ever so much improved over how you all saw me last luncheon.  The swelling is almost non-existent, I wonder if that is why my knees are not as painful, makes sense.  My hospital roommate and I are going to meet for lunch in Batavia, I am going to introduce her to the chocolate martini, she is a sweetie and so funny, I was lucky to get such a good roomie.  I have finally finished my antibiotics, took them forever it seems.  Looking forward to seeing everyone, our lunches do go by so fast Betty.

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited September 2012

    Maureen, not fun at all to add another doctor, you and I are surely the queens of antibiotics.  We should be germ zappers for the amount of antibiotics we take!!!

  • SusanHG
    SusanHG Member Posts: 455
    edited September 2012

    Karen--happy dance for you! congrats on the all clear and glad you are feeling better!!

    I'm sorry I cannot make it on the 22nd.  My in-laws are leaving on the 23rd, so need to do the last day of sightseeing with them (we only had weekends due to Tristan being in school).  

    Well, no shingles test result yet, but if this isn't shingles, then I have some strange rare disorder!!  I am back taking Gabapentin again for the pain and have about 10 blisters forming a constellation across my back.  Why do they have to last soo long? Had pain for three weeks, then blisters started to form, and now they are in full swing...

    Maureen-sorry about your infection...hope it heals soon.

    Cheryl-same goes for you and your foot!!

    bevin-hope your cold is better!!

    We are so, so blessed to have my in-laws helping us.  They have tackled our whole garden (removed our jungle and an old pond), gazebo, finished painting two dressers, all the ironing, and I'm sure there is more!!!

    I 'm thinking we may have to have a housewarming/open house soon, maybe in October. Of course, you all will be invited!! 

    Take care and sorry to miss our lunch!!


  • janhart
    janhart Member Posts: 292
    edited September 2012

    OK so lunch on the 22nd....I will be there!

    Karen, great news on mammo report, hope other issues are getting better. Sorry to hear about others' colds, rashes, and pains. It is a never ending saga. Is it the age thing?

    Susan, so glad in laws visit has been helpful. Would love to see your new house sometime.

    Been checking out other living arrangements for my mom, but she's not ready for assisted living. We may have her put in a security system and one of those buttons for her to wear if she should fall or something. She's been pretty upbeat lately, in spite of what happened and I have enjoyed spending extra time with her.

    Having a big yard sale here tomorrow and Saturday. Hoping to make lots of money, or at least get rid of a lot of stuff.

    See you all soon, love, Jan

  • bevin
    bevin Member Posts: 519
    edited September 2012

    Hey Jan- good luck with your garage sale.  I had one about 2 years ago.  It was so sad.  I made 40$.  I guess I didnt have the kind of junk people wanted.  One person haggled over an Item I had for 2$ that was brand new in the box. ..normally 25$, never again for me. I'd rather donate my things than have someone say can I give you a quarter for that.  now my good friend,... she made $500.00 - so you never now. 

    I'm in for lunch too.

    Susan- can't wait to see your new house.  ...

    Karen- glad to hear your odd the O2 during the day... good progress.

    Have a great sunny weekend everyone.. Go Bills!!!

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited September 2012

    Hi All,  Hope everyone is doing well.  I'm on a cooking kick.  Made lasagna, chili, mozarella meatloaf, cinnamon swirl bread.  Definitely NOT WW friendly LOL.  I lost this thread from my favorites?  Anyone else having this issue?  I keep losing my favorites this is three favorites that I've dropped?  Seems to occur if I use the Kindle? 

    BTW, (I'll explain at lunch) say a quick prayer for my DH.

    See you on Saturday, let me know if you're attending so I have the correct count.



  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited September 2012

    Hi Maureen, prayer on it's way for DH, count me in for lunch, come on Bills!!!

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited September 2012

    Agreed for the Bills!!  PS.  Did you burn last week's outfit?  Also,  can someone send me the email list from BCO we created?   Please send to my home e-mail address.  When I send lunch dates on BCO website, I have to send each person a PM, they won't let me send to multiple people. Is everyone ok that I start sending the invitations to private e-mail?  WOW what a beautiful day today.  Cool, sunny fall day.  My kind of day. It's a good day for the Bills to win a football game.
