Western New York Area



  • heymoose
    heymoose Member Posts: 682
    edited April 2013

    The lunch was wonderful thanks for the fun and the laughs. It always puts a smile on my face and a step in my walk to be with everyone.

    Hugs to all, Cheryl

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited April 2013

    Hi everyone, I love that we always laugh together, and that we can talk about everything.  We have  been together for almost two  years, what a great event that you started this, Maureen!!  I heard from bevin, her mom is in hospice care and moments to spend with her are precious.  Prayers and huge for you, bevin, and for your mom.  This is such a heartwrenching time, we are here for you. 

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited April 2013

    Prayers sweet Bev. We are with you in spirit. If I can help just say the word

    Btw I have a buster story. Lol

    couldn't understand why phone in family room wouldn't work until I was cleaning and the cord is chewed right through. The little sh&%

    More to come I'm sure

    Love me

  • heymoose
    heymoose Member Posts: 682
    edited April 2013

    Bev, my prayers are with you and your mom.  If you need anything we are here for you.

    Hugs, Cheryl

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited April 2013

    Dear skigirl, have been missing you, is chemo being gentle with you?  Please drop a note and let us know you are OK.  Hugs, Karen

  • LindaJD
    LindaJD Member Posts: 134
    edited April 2013

    Hi Karen & everyone else here,

    I'm Linda & I live in Honeoye Falls, NY.  I had a partial mastectomy & sentinel node biopsy 3 weeks ago today.  Path results were great; lymph nodes were negative & I had clear margins.  Tumor was 1.5cm

    Today I had an appt @ Pluta Cancer Center to meet w/ a Radiologist.  Was there for 2 hrs & the outcome was not what I was expecting.  On Monday, I go back to the Surgeon for a follow up appt. 

    Just thought I'd introduce myself.

  • Skigirl72
    Skigirl72 Member Posts: 180
    edited April 2013

    Karen- I am here. Just riding the taxol train. Mondays are tx day, tuesdays are steroid high day, wed is sleep day. lol. At least I have this kinda figured out. Sounds like you all had a nice time at lunch. 

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited April 2013

    Dear skigirl, it sounds so hard to get through chemo, I feel for you, how many more to go?  We are so looking forward to meeting you, we won't have a luncheon in May so June will be the next one, hope you are able to be with us.  Linda, from Honeoye, posted for the first time today, it is south of Rochester, maybe when things level out for you, she can drive to you and the two of you can drive to us.  When you both are able, we will go for a luncheon in Batavia.  Take gentle care of yourself, Karen

  • heymoose
    heymoose Member Posts: 682
    edited April 2013

    Hi Linda,

    Welcome, we are happy you found us.  I am sorry you are going through BC.  This is a very supportive group of women and if you have any questions, please ask someone will be happy to try and answer them.  More of the girls will be by to welcome you.  I am a native of Rochester and now I live in Buffalo. 

    I hope your doctors appointment goes well on Monday.  I will be in your pocket for support.

    Skigirl, wishing that your chemo was over.  Hang in there and sending you hugs and prayers.

    To all the lovely ladies here, I hope everyone is doing great.  Bev, how is your mother doing? 

    Sending Hugs and prayers to all,


  • LindaJD
    LindaJD Member Posts: 134
    edited April 2013

    Hi Cheryl, thanks for the warm welcome!  I have found on some of the other threads, that everyone is supportive & looking out for each other. 

    Hi skigirl, how long have you been on chemo?  I just found out yesterday that I need radiation for 6 weeks; 5 days a week!  Not sure when I will start that.  Where about do you live in Rochester?  I lived in Greece for 30 years & have been living in Honeoye Falls for 6 years. 

    Take care everyone,


  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited April 2013

    Hi Linda, do you have to travel a distance for radiation treatments?  Radiation was quite easy for me as it was 4 blocks from my home.  I did get tired the last 2 weeks and would often take a short nap of an afternoon.  Each Radiation Oncologist has his/her own products to use to moisturize, I found you cannot moisturize too much, it helps prevent burning and keeps the skin more supple.  It took longer to undress and dress than the treatment itself.  Take care, Karen

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited April 2013

    Hi all welcome Linda. Best group of women you'll ever meet. Radiation was very doable. It doesn't appear you'll require chemo. Some women have some reaction and others have no reaction.

    Skigirl. Are you getting weekly taxol? If yes I'm guessing you're about 1/4 way through? Wait till your hair starts coming in then you'he reached the other side and moving toward the light at the end of the tunnel. The ac should be getting out of your system.

    Hope everyone else is doing ok?

    Have another tucker story: took him out this morning to go potty and it was cold. So out on the wood deck we to go. Did I mention it was cold? I slide right on my can and tucker thinks its time to play. Jumping all over me I couldn't get up. My neighbor had quite the show.

    Take care all. Always in my prayers



  • Skigirl72
    Skigirl72 Member Posts: 180
    edited April 2013

    Linda- I live about 2 miles from the lake in Charlotte. I had 4 rounds of AC and I've had 4 of 12 taxol and then off to rads after a quick little tag team visit in the OR with Dr. Caldwell and Dr. Vega. Caldwell is going to remove the rest of the LN and Vega is going to relocate some fat to my boob. LOL I should be done with rads by the end of September.

    I have some action on the top of my head. White fuzz is growing. I've never been more excited to see white hair!!!

  • LindaJD
    LindaJD Member Posts: 134
    edited April 2013

    Hi Maureen,  thanks for the warm welcome.  I hope I'll do well w/ radiation.  I have other health issues as well; not life threateningly but chronic; issues I have to live w/ on a day to day basis.  I only weigh 90lbs & have little energy, so I'm concerned about the fatigue that radiation can cause. 

    Skigirl, So you live near the lake!  When I lived in Greece, my friends & I went to Pelicans & Schooners in the summer.  Miss those days.  I now live about 40-45 miles from there.  Just curious; I noticed you had a mastectomy in 2012 & in July you're having the ALND.  Why didn't your Dr do the node dissection @ the same time as your mastectomy? 

    Karen,  From where I live, I'll be driving about 25 miles round trip each day for rads.  I not only worry about how I will pay for these treatments, but also all the gas I'll have to use every day!  This disease really sucks!

    Just having one of those days:( 


  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited April 2013

    Hi all, beautiful sunshiney day, it certainly beats the dreary days we had been having.  Cannot wait to add another 10 then 20, degrees to it, looks like it truly is spring.  Jan, we missed you at lunch, hope everything is going well.  Bevin, our thoughts are with you.  skigirl and Linda, cannot wait to get you two to our luncheon, it will be in June.  Linda, we've all had those days, you'll find we all nod our heads when we hear of one of the negative, stressful parts of bc.  I stayed close to home rather than driving 45 min. one way on a daily basis, I think I might have had a better outcome had I driven to the better facility.  I certainly hear you on the medical bills and the price of gas, it is outrageous.  Debbie (skigirl) congratulations on the hair!!, it started soon, does your hair typically grow fast?  hugs to all, Karen  ps. maybe we can arrange a play date for Tucker and Buster, sounds like Tucker is going through those wonderful puppy times, why is the mom the one who always takes care of the dog, is it a genetic thing about the division of labor?

  • kindone
    kindone Member Posts: 435
    edited April 2013

    Hello ladies,  Welcome Linda, would love to met you.  Everyone doing good?  Things are ok here, just working.  As i write this I have a 80lb horse sitting on my chair with me, he is all spread out and I am smooched in the Corner. I can't even type.  He thinks hes a lap dog.  God I hate him.

    Maureen want to switch?  Look forward to see you all.  Betty

  • heymoose
    heymoose Member Posts: 682
    edited April 2013

    hi all, I will be in rochester this week.  Just found out that my girlfriend that died of lung cancer last march that her mom died yesterday. if Linda and skigirl would like to get toghether I will be available.  I will pm my no to you both and would love to meet you.  I will be in town monday-wednesdayor maybe longer.

    Hugs to all, Cheryl

  • Skigirl72
    Skigirl72 Member Posts: 180
    edited April 2013

    Wednesday would be the only day this week... Coffee??  My son has off from school on monday this week so I switched my tx day to tuesday this week. Linda- The quick biopsy during surgery did not detect any node involvement. The final pathology showed 1 of 4 involved. So, he will go back in and remove the rest after chemo. I am not so happy about having to go back in but oh well... it must be done.

  • bevin
    bevin Member Posts: 519
    edited April 2013

    Hi Skgirl, I hope you are doing well through treatment. I'm surprised to read your surgeon wants to remove the rest of the nodes. I had read new thinking was full node disection is discouraged and doesn't provide additional benefit. Would it be worth it to get a second opine given the risk of full lymph node removal?

    Linda welcome- you are tiny. I'm not sure that radiation is impacted by weight but a good question to ask the Radiation Oncologist. I did well through radiation, though I will say I did get extreme fatigue. It started to kick in about 3 weeks in and lasted months after treatment. I tried to walk every day as they stated that seems to help keep the fatigue away. Sounds counter intuitive, I know, but they swear by that method. Since your treatments are in the spring, a good dose of vitamin D from the sunshine may really help each day.

    Karen- you're dog sounds like mine, likes the entire seat that only you are sitting in. .. my dog weighs all of 7lbs though so I'm certain I have it alot easier!!!

    Cheryl, I am sorry to read of your loss. My sympathies to you and I pray you have strength during this time.

    Jan, Maureen, Susan - not sure who else I forgot. I hope you're all well.

    Enjoy the 71 degree week coming up! Pool is openig soon. whoo hoo!!

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited April 2013

    Hi All, up early (thank you dog :(  ).  We walked, ate, potty, clean up potty, and had the exorcist moment with the cat.  Betty, love that analogy it's so accurate and is my favorite saying.  BTW,Betty, no I don't want to switch dogs just yet, he's still little and ultra cute.  Good up early though, DS birthday today so will have houseful of boys and family for dinner and cake.  Love houseful of people.  DD comes home for Mother's Day, can I chain her to the banister so she can't go home?  Boyfriend is looking to transfer work to where she lives, if that happens, she won't come home.  I need to talk some sense into him. He's my only ticket to getting her to come home.  

    Cheryl, so sorry about your friends mom.  Gentle hugs and a safe trip.

    Skigirl, Agree with Bev, 2nd opinion for that LN removal.  Recent research shows no difference in outcome.  If you email the mods, I'm sure they can locate that study. Also, why remove the nodes post chemo?  They're likely negative anyway?  I'd absolutely ask for an explanation to understand his justification for removal. You're paying him for the best possible care so he needs to summarize the reasoning prior to surgery.   Congrads on the peach fuzz.  I took pics for progress, it made me feel better. When it started, it kept coming.  That will lift your spirits.

    Linda, There is a thread for financial information on these boards, I'd check it out.  Also, talk with a tax advisor, keeping a log of travel for any cancer related travel, a certain amount is tax deductible depending on which forms you file. Paying the bills should be the lowest priority right now.  You need to get healthy to worry about paying. Call the American Cancer Society too, they are a great resource.  90lbs. is thin, my DD was underweight and they discovered she works out too much.  They increased her caloric intake and she was fine. Stress doesn't help with weight issues either. I hate cancer.

    Jan, hope you are well.

    Karen, glad to see all is going well.  Sunshine surely helps. How's the ankle? Kids? and Susan?

    Betty, enjoy your lug on your lap. I'm sure my day will come.

    Bev, Hope all is peaceful in your life and healthy? I like the size of the dog now but being told he will get very big and from the size of his paws, I expect they are correct.

    Susan,  still considering the greyhound, hope the cat agrees. Tristan is adorable.

    Love to all.  Off to clean up so it can get dirty again.


  • Skigirl72
    Skigirl72 Member Posts: 180
    edited April 2013

    Thanks ladies I will ask about the studies. I would prefer not to have any more surgery (except the revisions). Getting tired of all thepoking and proding. Ya know?

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited April 2013

    agreed.  More people have poked, prodded and looked in private places so much, sometimes I hope I don't forget where I am and strip LOL Tongue Out

  • janhart
    janhart Member Posts: 292
    edited April 2013

    Sounds like everyone is busy with family, dogs etc. Our lab is such a baby. She's 11 years old, but still has a lot of energy. We opened the pool already and of course she's the first one in.

    Wishing our new ladies good health as you continue with treatments and/ or surgery. Cheryl, sorry to hear about your friends mother. Bevin, continuing to send good thoughts your way. Know that we are here if you need anything.

    Worked outside today and now my lower back is really sore. I don't get it. I do yoga and stretch or walk everyday. It must be old age....I just hate admitting that. Family is good here, just some changes, DH looking for new job, but so hard at his age...he's old too! My younger daughter is in Florida right now just vacationing. Still trying to talk my mom into moving but that's not going anywhere. Gonna be helping DH teach CPR class on Wednesday at the chapel. My son goes there and they need to certify about 100 people so that will keep DH busy for a while.

    Hope all my friends here are doing well and looking forward to seeing all in June. Let's hope this nice weather stays for a while. Love, Jan

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited April 2013

    Hi all, just finished making brownies for my grandson, he certainly can put the food away.  I let him cut the brownies into rows and his row is significantly wider than the two narrow ones, but he is outside in the dark shooting hoops, he'll work it off in a half hour.  Made him take the brownies downstairs so I am not tempted, chocoholic that I am.  My granddaughter had an all-day track meet today, she came up for a brownie , took a shower and is going to bed, meet was in Penfield, she bested her personal best race time, nini bragging, lol.  DD just picked up a huge job in Wyoming County, she will be doing an entire house with shadow striping, harlequin design for another room and linen look in the other rooms.  She is also refinishing, staining and polying the old hardwood floors.  They also commissioned her to do an original piece of art - an outdoor cafe on barnwood they will provide, she is most excited about that.  My ankle is doing significantly better, still icing it a few times a day.  Cheryl, so sorry to hear of your friend's mom passing, bevin, you are in my thoughts, Susan, any new surprise flowers, Maureen, the size of a dog's feet is usually a dead give away, you'll be sitting on a chair with Tucker - looking like Betty and Buster in a year, Jan, my friend's lab was always the first one in the pool too.  Linda, Debbie, so hope you will be at our June luncheon, Debbie will you and Cheryl  be able to meet, maybe Linda also?  hugs to all, Karen

  • heymoose
    heymoose Member Posts: 682
    edited April 2013

    HI all you lovely ladies,

    Thank you for your condolences, it really helps.  Jan my lower back hurts after I work in the yard and that has been about 3 days last week.  It is no fun.  Karen anytime you are willing to send brownies my way, let me know and I will come and pick them up.  It has been a very long time since I have baked anything, trying to eat healthy. (boo hoo) Bevin, sending good thoughts  and prayers your way.  Let us know if you need anything.

    Debbie, I am waiting to hear from Linda, I hope she is able to meet us, going to pittsford for coffee is a good idea if Linda is available.  Give me a buzz tommorrow and we will go from there.

    Linda, I hope you will be able to meet up with Debbie and I.  Send me a pm when you have a chance.

    Susan and Maureen I hope you are doing well.

    Wedding plans going good.  It is only 21 days away and I am getting very excited.  I hope the day is perfect for the couple.

    Hugs to all, Cheryl

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited April 2013

    Hi Cheryl, no brownies for you until you have left the reception in that absolutely stunning pewter dress!!  Then I'll make a double batch for you.  Have a great time with Debbie and Linda, our two new women, get them used to the goodbye hugs, hugs, Karen

  • LindaJD
    LindaJD Member Posts: 134
    edited April 2013

    Hi Karen, Cheryl, Betty, Debbie, Bev, Maureen, Jan, 

    I just talked w/ Cheryl & hopefully we will be able to meet on Wednesday w/ Debbie.  From what I've read, you  sound to be such a great group of ladies & are certainly looking out for each other. 

    I'm excited to be meeting Cheryl & Debbie & look forward to meeting the rest of you! 

    I had my follow up appt today w/ my Surgeon.  She said I am healing nicely & don't have to see her again until Sept.  Now I have to hear back from Pluta as to when they think I will start radiation. 

    Sending goodbye hugs to all!


  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited April 2013

    Linda, have a super coffee time with Cheryl and Debbie, oh good, you're a hugger!! Ask her about our group's favorite cocktail.

  • bevin
    bevin Member Posts: 519
    edited April 2013

    Hi everyone, Okay - so my daughter is no longer a little girl.. agghhh! she is only 11 1/2, can not believe she got her period. She is sooo unhappy. Doesnt want this to ever happen again. She is soo tall and growing up that I had thought she may get it soon. It was as early as last week I had said she may want to keep a pad in her back pack just in case.  ...and today was the day.

    Luckily, I had prepared her and had bought her a book American Girl puts out on the topic of growing up and showed her where I had supplies for her when the time came..

    She goes to catholic school so the education on the topic is not like at public schools. Thats good and bad, but at least she told me and we talked.... after she stopped crying.:)

    Hugs to all , hope you're all well.

  • Skigirl72
    Skigirl72 Member Posts: 180
    edited April 2013

    OH my. I remember when I got my first period. I have an older sister so I had an idea of what to expect. I was miserable. I hated it and somehow I thought I was going to 'skip' that part of growing up. LOL I despised it my whole life. I even specifically asked my OB/GYN which birth control method stopped them or made them lighter/ less often. I ended up with a Mirena IUD for 10 years or so. Stopped them completely. (of course now they are suggesting it helped cause BC.)

    Good luck to your daughter. Welcome her to 'womanhood' even though she hates it. It's a rite of passage, or at least thats what my mom told me. (I thought she was out of her mind then)