Western New York Area



  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited April 2013

    Oh bev, what a tumultuous day it must have been, 11 and a half is so young.  It seems each decade the age goes down and it is harder for the very young to accept.  I remember staying overnight at my cousin's and she was 12 and got it that night, she cried and cried.  I was 17 and didn't think I'd ever get my period, finished young too and then got to go through another menopause with the AI's.  I'm sure your giving her extra special hugs tonight.  Thinking about you and your mom, hope all is going as well as possible.  Love, Karen

  • bevin
    bevin Member Posts: 519
    edited April 2013

    Thanks Skigirl, I'm open to any an all suggestions. I think I have to add that piece on becoming a young lady. I'm just uncertain how much detail do you give a young child? She understands why you get a period, but when do you actually have a talk about sex and what could cause you "not" to have your period?.. I assume that can wait till she is older right?

    She pretty much now understands your body prepares as if you're married and going to have a baby. If you are not pregnant , your body sheds the lining... and that's your period.  When I told her it normally lasts 5 days, once you get it consistently,she started crying again.. This is going to be a long week.

  • bevin
    bevin Member Posts: 519
    edited April 2013

    Hi Karen,  she is young. And thin and athletic too so it's not a overweight hormone issue. ... I was hoping since she was so athletic it would hold off.  Lots of emotions today! She is unhappy to say the least.

  • Skigirl72
    Skigirl72 Member Posts: 180
    edited April 2013

    Honestly I would give her the sex talk too. Maybe in a few days. Definitely not tomorrow. My parents sat me down when I was 12. It was awkward and weird but necessary. I remember the conversation well even after all these years. I know she is young. I have a 10 yr old boy and you should hear the things they talk about. I almost fell over one day when I over heard him and his buddy commenting on how HOT the teacher was. WHAT??? Michael is getting "the talk" on his 11th birthday in July. He already has noticed girls. I have seen him change over just the last few months. He smells, has pimples and pit hair (i didn't ask about anywhere else) and spends ALOT of time in the shower. I am mortified that my baby boy is now a smelly hormonal mess. He still wants to hang out with me but I can see him gravitating more towards his dad and my DH. So, he is getting the watered down version of the sex talk in July. I'm sure there are books and help on the Internet on how to approach the subject. I sure will need to do my research.

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited April 2013

    Hi Bev. Tough week. The American girl book is very good. My dd hid the book between the mattress for a year. She was very athletic and started when she was 12. Its a really tough time especially if she's the first in her group. My dd complained she didn't have time for that. Lol like she had a choice. They grow up so fast. My dd mentioned the sports really helped with the hormones and cramps. My heart is with you going through so much.

    Karen. I'm in for brownies AND chocolate martini.

    Off to nephews wedding but ill have the kindle to update

    Have fun with Cheryl and coffee. Enjoy and have a latte for me

    Good night all

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited April 2013

    Maureen, I thought I was the only chocoholic, they are Ghiradelli Triple Fudge brownies.  I didn't eat any, have been on WW and trying desparately to be good, so easy to put it on, so hard....  I'll put them in my car and we can adjourn to my car for desert.  love Karen

  • bevin
    bevin Member Posts: 519
    edited April 2013

    Yum brownies! and coupled with chocolate Martinis' sounds delicious.!

    Skigirl, thanks for that advice, I'll plan for summer chat too. Maybe after the fear of this has subsided. My daughter doesn't like boys yet, at least as far as she tells me. Most the girls in her posse seem to abhor them still. It may be all a show.

    Maureen- funny thats how my daughter is . She asked how long this would last. I told her honestly into her 40s at least and she started to cry again...yikes. I don't remember reacting this way when I got mine, but I was a tad older.

    Karen- good luck with WW. I'm following the MayoClinics plan. Its amazing how much I was eating and didn't realize the portions.  Its hard to be resilient around cookies and cakes for me.

    Miss you all.

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited April 2013

    bevin, my downfall too, any carb will do too!!  I am definitely eating healthier, wish the scale would go down a little faster though.  Man, are you going to sleep well tonight, hope DD does too.  love, Karen

  • janhart
    janhart Member Posts: 292
    edited April 2013

    Wow, all this talk about brownies and periods...it's a great combination! I got mine when I was slightly over ten......too young and I was too embarrassed to tell any of my friends. I also remember asking my mom how long it would last and she said 5 to 7 days. I meant when would it be over for good! In the movie My Girl the main character Vada gets her period. Her best friend Thomas J. comes over to play. She slams the door on him and says, "and don't come back for 5 to 7 days!" it's a great movie if you've never seen it.

    Working in the veggie garden today. Getting it ready for planting. Just pulled up some green onions that I didn't plant. Really loving this weather.......love, Jan

  • bevin
    bevin Member Posts: 519
    edited May 2013

    Dear Jan- will need to look up that movie, never saw it and it sounds cute.

    So jealous you are retired and enjoying life.!

    I have 26 years in at my company but no where near able to retire.

  • heymoose
    heymoose Member Posts: 682
    edited May 2013

    boy brwnies and chocolate what a combination.  I can do without the periods.  So sorry you have to go through the explanation of sex with the kids.  You are in my prayers.

    I willbe sure to let Linda and Debbie know all about our hugs and famous drink.  Can't wait to meet them.

    Have a good night and Hugs to all, Cheryl

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited May 2013

    Hi all

    In Cincinnati on the way home from nephew's wedding. It was beautiful and wonderful to visit with family on a good occasion. Started on Thurs. Went to Cincinnati at was elected guest of the day with free dinner and unlimited drinks. Thenoff to rehearsal dinner on Friday and wedding on sat. Sun we visited the Ohio river Tennessee river Missouri and Mississippi river. Flooding due to weather and glorious to witness the power of water. Back to Cincinnati tonight and home tomorrow. I'll bring pica to June luncheon. Happy mother's day to the most wonderful women I know. Enjoy this well earned day.



  • LindaJD
    LindaJD Member Posts: 134
    edited May 2013

    Hi everyone, 

    Have been busy but nothing exciting like going to a wedding as Maureen just did.  Finally got my snow tires off of my car! Yay!  Visited a cousin of mine last Friday who just had surgery.  Sunday, went to dinner w/ my Mom & younger sister.  Had a Dentist appt today & grocery shopping.  This Friday, I have 3 appts @ Pluta Cancer center; one w/ the MO, whom I haven't met yet, then a CT scan & then w/ the RO.  I hope they tell me on Friday when my radiation will start! I'm tired of waiting & just want to get the treatments started so I can be done by the end of June. 

    It was great to meet Cheryl & Debbie last week!  Haven't seen any plans on here about the June luncheon; wondering if a date has been set?   Keep me posted.  

    Have a great evening,


  • janhart
    janhart Member Posts: 292
    edited May 2013

    Just checking in here....it's been so nice so I've been outside a lot. One of those days today though......happy, sad.....two years ago today was my bilateral mastectomy....just thinking about the last two years and all that has happened health wise, personally, etc. But one of the best things to come from the BC was meeting this group and your unending support for each other. Love you! Jan

  • heymoose
    heymoose Member Posts: 682
    edited May 2013

    Jan, Congratulations on your two year cancerversary!!!!!!!!!!!!  Hope you are feeling well.

    This weather has been fantastic and I have been working in my garden daily trying to clean up all the dead stuff.  Boy, has this taken awhile to finish.  Well the wedding is 10 days away.  Katie is going crazy and nervous does not even begin to describe how she is feeling.  Trying to keep her calm, not very successful.  Keeping my days and evenings open to help the kids out with anything they need.  I hope the wedding is everything they want it to be.

    Wow, what a great time I had meeting Debbie and Linda last week.  We sat and talked for over 3 hours. They are both very sweet ladies and I can't wait to see them again.  If my recall is correct they are both available for the 22nd and 29th of June for lunch. (correct me if I am wrong).  

    Okay, gotta go to knitting. Yes do you believe I am knitting.  3 projects in the works and yes I need assistance correcting my mistakes.  Just another week in my knitting career. (ha ha)

    Hugs, Cheryl

  • LindaJD
    LindaJD Member Posts: 134
    edited May 2013

    Hi Cheryl, 

    I'm sure the wedding will turn out perfect for your step daughter!  I know how exciting but also stressful a wedding can be.  My younger son will be married 3 years on MAY 15th!  Everything my son & daughter-in-law planned worked out to a tee.  It was a joyous day & even the weather cooperated. 

    I think we talked about June 29th being the better day for lunch.  Hopefully by then I will be finished w/ radiationLaughing; I just have to get started firstFrown.  

    Just found out my cousin, who I visited last Friday, was told she has Ovarian cancer.  She is 62 & her daughter has been fighting some form of blood cancer.  It seems that saying "It's Always Something" has been living up to it's name lately. 

    Hugs to all,


  • kindone
    kindone Member Posts: 435
    edited May 2013

    Maureen,  It sounds like you had a nice vacation, in Ohio.  How's the puppy?  I had to take Buster to the vet because he had a cough (virus). $80 later he is fine.Undecided Cheryl, relax and enjoy the wedding, hope you have a great day.  Jan congratulations, every milestone is reason to celebrate, now on to the future.  Karen, How ya doing?  Bevin, long time no see, i hope you can make the next lunch.  Susan, Hope all is well.  Linda I an sorry to her about you cousin, my prayer are with her.  I can't wait to met all our new girls, it will be fun.

    In one week I go to Jamaica, I can't wait.  Then two days after I come back I go for tumor markers Yell

    I can make lunch on the 29th, see you then.

    Love Betty

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited May 2013

    Hi All,

    Bev, Hope you are ok and DD is having a better week. How’s mom?   

    Jan, Happy Cananniversary. Two years is a great accomplishment.

    Cheryl, Glad you had a good time meeting the new girls.  I’m excited to meet them soon. Wedding is getting close and I think it’s normal to be all nervous.  My nephew mentioned several times before the wedding, he was going to the justice of the peace and forgetting the whole wedding thing.  They are devout Southern KY Baptists so you know he was at the end of his rope.  I’d love to learn how to knit and sew, can’t do either effectively.

    Linda,  Prayers to your cousin.  Hoping they both overcome this terrible disease.  We need a cure the sooner the better. Hope you are feeling well enough to join us.  I can make June 29th work.  As the date gets closer, I’ll get the reservations in order.  Did you want to meet in Batavia or Williamsville?

    Skigirl, how is the taxol treating you.  Getting closer and closer to the end.  Anymore hair?  It was so hard when my DS started gravitating towards friends and male adults.  He will get through that period in his life and then he will be all yours again.  My DS is starting to come back to me, but it does hurt through the process.  My DS had a tough time with my cancer, almost like he was angry with me for being sick. We’re in a better place now.

    Susan,  where are you?  Missing you.

    Betty,  have to take Tucker for his next distemper and set a date for “the removal Foot in Mouth”  Hope he still likes us after that.  We have a two tiered deck in the back yard and he somehow got under the first deck, wrapped his leash around every post and got under the second deck and whined.  I should’ve known something was up. So in the pouring rain, my DH and I are digging in stone and mud to get the dumb dog free.  Needless to say we referred to him as something that rhymes with Tucker LOL.  BTW, wedding was in KY, a few miles from Tennessee.  Cincinnati was the mid way point of the drive so we stayed in the city on the trip down and return. 

    Karen,  Hope you are well friend.  How is Susan and DGS, DGD?  Enjoy the weather and hope no more migraines and ankle is healing.

    All for now, took an extended vacation.  Will put flowers on mom’s grave, get Tucker his license and enjoy the rain.  It’s the same weather we had in KY.  Heard it was really warm here. Cold followed us home Undecided

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited May 2013

    Hi all, all is well here in Batavia, this beautiful spring weather has brightened everyone's spirits. Betty, you'll soon be on the beach without Buster, two good things, Maureen, sounds like your nephew's wedding was a wonderful affair, Jan, I am so glad Maureen started this thread and brought you into our lives, and soon it will bring Linda and Debbie to us, cannot wait to meet you both, Cheryl, the bride must be in the throes of nervousness now, you have quite the job to keep her calm, Susan, missing your beautiful smile, bevin, hang in there girl and come to us when you can, we all miss you, the 29th works for me, hugs to all, Karen

  • kindone
    kindone Member Posts: 435
    edited May 2013

    HAPPY MOTHERS DAY to all my friends, hope you all have a great day.


  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited May 2013

    Happy Mother's Day to you wonderful ladies, hope you have a glorious day.  love, Karen

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited May 2013

    Happy mother's day to all my special friends. May tomorrow be a joyous date filled with warmth pf family.. dd home ds home with NEW girlfriend. Boy lice can be complicated

  • bevin
    bevin Member Posts: 519
    edited May 2013

    Happy Mother's day to all of you, whether you're mom to a lovely child, or a furry friend. Wishing you the best today and throughout the year!

    Maureen- so glad you're son is moving forward and has a new girlfriend.. and yes both life and lice can be complicated!! Your note made me chuckle first thing this morning....

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited May 2013

    LIFE. Just realized what I typed lol

  • Skigirl72
    Skigirl72 Member Posts: 180
    edited May 2013

    For the record LICE can be complicated too LOL. Hi everyone! Hope all of you are enjoying Mothers Day!!! Its freezing!!!

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited May 2013

    Its the kindle that's possessed. Its my story and I'm sticking to it lol!!!

    went out to pull weeds from the garden and was hit with hail so I quit. Tonight is survivor tomorrow my vacation is over so back to the rat race I go

  • LindaJD
    LindaJD Member Posts: 134
    edited May 2013

    Happy Mother's Day to all!   Yes, it is raining & freezing here.

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited May 2013

    Hi all, Had a lovely Mother's Day, even got flowers and a handwritten card from Susan's beau, it was unexpected and very touching. Hope you all had a special, love filled day.  If people don't mind, I'd like to meet in Batavia, I can take care of reservations, there are 9 of us now, that is fantastic.  Maureen, posting this thread was the best thing to come out of bc, for all of us to find wonderful friends. love, Karen

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited May 2013

    Fine for batavia and thanks for taking care of reservations. Sounds like a wonderful day. Just trying to stay warm in this weather. If I had any chance of dd returning to this area it's no longer a possibility. Nice gesture from dd bf with card and flowers. Glad you had a wonderful time. Susan posted on facebook she received an iphone lucky girl

    End of my extended vacation today back to reality.

    Have a great night


  • heymoose
    heymoose Member Posts: 682
    edited May 2013

    Hi all,

    I hope everyone enjoyed Mothers Day. Crazy week coming up and the wedding is Saturday.  I can't wait until it is over.

    Hugs, Cheryl