Western New York Area



  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited June 2013

    Hi Jan, am waiting for summer too, just closed all the windows and set the little ceramic heater out, it was chilly in here.  I stopped putting it away, had to keep dragging it out.  Bevin, are you still a go for the 29th, I'd just love for us all to be together to welcome Linda and Debbie.  Hope mom is doing as well as can be expected - it is such a terrible time, I remember all too well going through it with both my parents.  Feels like you don't even have time to breathe doesn't it bevin.  My thoughts are with you. hugs to all, Karen

  • bevin
    bevin Member Posts: 519
    edited June 2013

    HI everyone,

    Karnen- Yes!!! I'm planning on being there on the 29th! Mom is doing okay, its draining. I feel horrible for her and I'm feeling a bit selfish as I'm getting exhausted. 

    My lovely child has finished school and earned straight A's - very proud that she is a 5 year honors student. That being said, it's only been a half day they're finished with school and I can't wait for Camp to start.  How terrible is that?  This age is just noooo fun.

    For me - lots of tests, exams and medical appointments. Lots to fill you all in on when I see you. You know how I don't like to share too much on the web....

    Can't wait to see everone.



  • LindaJD
    LindaJD Member Posts: 134
    edited June 2013

    Hi ladies,   9 more rads treatments to go!  Yesterday, after my treatment, they told me I had to go back to the simulation room & be measured & marked again.  I didn't know why; they explained about the "boost", which no one had mentioned anything about this to me since starting w/ all this!  It seems like it will never end.  Also I had to have a DexaScan yesterday so they can see how much my hips & spine have deteriorated since my last scan. 

    Karen,  Unfortunately I do not have any pets; my golden retreiver died a few years ago (miss him every day) & my lousy boyfriend will NOT let me have another animal (his house & he's not an animal lover) 

    Jan, I'm still feeling very fatigued & sometimes depressed.  I'm not worried about this group; I went to a support group @ Pluta last week & everyone except me has been going to this group for quite some time. 

    Debbie, did you ring the bell @ Pluta on Monday?  I'm there everyday; haven't seen you there. 

    Looking forward to the 29th!  Let's see if I have everyone's name:  Karen, Cheryl, Debbie, Jan, Maureen, Susan, Betty, & me; who am I missing?

    Hope everyone is feeling well!

    Love, Linda

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited June 2013

    Dear Linda, the Dexascan is just a measurement, all you have to do is lay on a hard table, oooch for you, and the machine scans over you.  My measurement stayed the same for over 3 years, I lost a 1/2 inch in the 4th year, which could be considered the natural result of aging, probably partly of the AI also.  I take calcium supplements every day, does your MO have you on it also?  You did really well on the names of all of us, missing only our bevin.  Only 9 more to go, YEAH for you, they didn't tell me about the boost either, the many surprises of BC.  Almost done now for you, see you on the 29th, hugs, Karen

  • Skigirl72
    Skigirl72 Member Posts: 180
    edited June 2013

    I did ring the bell on Monday!!! NO MORE CHEMO!! It was early. We left there about 11:30. I am very tired today. Wednesdays are my crash from steroids day. ugh. The only good thing about this is I don't have to do this again next week. I'll just keep feeling better and better!

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited June 2013

    Dear Debbie, I am so happy for you, all finished and you are right each day you will just get better and better.  You labored through it with true grit.  BRAVO Debbie!!!!!!!!!! hugs Karen

  • heymoose
    heymoose Member Posts: 682
    edited June 2013

    Congratulations Debbie Chemo is over and you will feel better everday.  Linda, you are almost there!!! Only 8 more treatments and it is over. Bevin so sorry you are feeling exhausted, your mom is in my prayers. 

    I had my mri yesterday and waiting to hear the results. 

    I hope everyone is enjoying this nice sunny day.  See you all on the 29th.

    Hugs, Cheryl

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited June 2013

    Hi Cheryl, will you get the results before the weekend or next week early, waiting is the pits.  You will be getting a happy dance also, I think we all get one at this luncheon.  Am calling today to make sure the bar has Godiva Chocolate Liquor, so we get the milky martinis we all like and to add one more seating to the table.  Barring unforseen  circumstances, we will be nine.  Found a great errand for my grandson and his buddy Hogan, tonight is the NBA game and they wanted brownies and ice cream like we did at the last two games, so I took them shopping with me, they got the cart, picked out pop for themselves, I did my grocery shopping, they loaded the food on the belt, packed it, wheeled it to the car, unpacked it and brought it upstairs for me.  Easiest trip I ever made, now I get to watch them make the brownies tonight and try not to laugh at their antics.  Called Hogan's dad to tell him what a great kid he is raising, polite, well mannered, and great sense of humor, there was a pause and he said we are talking about Ryan Hogan aren't we, sophomore in High School?  Too many parents only get the bad news or no news at all.  hugs to all, Karen

  • Skigirl72
    Skigirl72 Member Posts: 180
    edited June 2013

    Thanks everyone! I am just trying to be patient for the feeling good part to begin. I am happy that next Monday, I have no plans! NO CHEMO! Feels good to be on the other side. Sounds like there will a big group on the 29th. See all of you then.

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited June 2013

    HAPPY DANCE DEBBIE!!!!! The fog will lift and you will feel better. I graduated to 4month visits. Onc wants me to lose weight. Ok like I haven't been trying? Wont get blood work till next week. Oh and my ds bought a Harley! Needless to say my brain is about to explode. Dh said what's for dinner? I told him to cook ds other species eat their young why cant we? It was a stressful night. Tomorrow is nephew's 8th grade graduation party. Can't believe he is off to high school. He is the baby on my side of the family. How time flies

    See you on the 29th looking forward to it.

  • heymoose
    heymoose Member Posts: 682
    edited June 2013

    I will call onc for results on monday.  Went strawberry picking yesterday and I am sore from bending over & squatting. Then to come home and clean 6 quarts, boy what a long day.  It looks like the weather has finally changed for the better, love the heat.

    Can't wait for lunch, I miss my sisters.

    Hugs, Cheryl

  • janhart
    janhart Member Posts: 292
    edited June 2013

    Maureen, I hear ya about the Harley and eating our young. It's for their own good!

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited June 2013

    Then when you have granchildren you get to experience adolescence all over again!!

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited June 2013

    Hahaha Karen good one

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited June 2013

    Miss everyone so much, feels like an eternity since we were all together, only days now!!!  Maureen, the nice thing about grandkids is when they start the hair tossing and eye rolling, you can ask them to leave, I've only had to do it twice with Addison and once with Mica, but it is effective.  But then you get the Catholic guilt trip afterwards and have to make up.  They inevitably get you coming and going.

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,502
    edited June 2013

    How many are getting together on the 29th? And which town? Trying to keep track of get-togethers Wink

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited June 2013

    Dear Moderators, there will be nine of us, meeting in Batavia N.Y., the majority of us live in the eastern suburbs of Buffalo, one from Batavia and two from Rochester, Batavia is in the middle of the two cities.  The two from Rochester are meeting all of us for the first time, but have been on the thread in communication for two months.  We are very excited, this is the longest we have gone between luncheons, usually meet once a month, but May was a particularly busy month for several of us.  We always say that the one benefit of bc is that we have found so many new, true friends.  And bc.org and in particular Maureen gave us the means to find each other.  Karen

  • LindaJD
    LindaJD Member Posts: 134
    edited June 2013

    I know the past cannot be changed, forgotten, edited or erased; it can only be accepted. Memories, held deep within our hearts, keep the ones we love close to us in spirit and always in our hearts forever. I wish I could travel backwards, on the road map of my life, and hold on to those precious moments a little longer. 12/25/1948 - 6/22/1989 Miss you Paul.

    Yesterday was a difficult day for me.  It feels like a lifetime ago & yet I can vividly remember the hours, minutes & seconds of that fateful morning.  

    As of tomorrow, I have 7 treatments left; supposed to be getting the "boost"!  I could use a really good boost since these days I find I don't have much energy. 

    Can't wait til the 29th!  & to meet all of you wonderful ladies! 

    Hugs to all, Linda

  • bevin
    bevin Member Posts: 519
    edited June 2013

    HI Linda, Hope your fatigue gets better.  I will say, while it sounds coutner intuitive, walking helps keep the fatigue at bay. I also made sure I took vitamin B and a good multi.

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited June 2013

    Hi ladies. Linda sorry about your loss. I'm sure Paul would want you to be happy. 7 more tx...awesome. it gets better I promise. Cried at my nephews party hes the baby. It was so hot today I cleaned my basement. I was desperate to stay as close to the air conditioning as possible. I also put a fan by the heat duct in my room so the air conditioning would circulate. If it stays like this I will need a second job to pay for the electric bill. Doing ok and didn't cook ds for dinner. Just really worried about the motorcycle thing. I despise them. That's an understatement. I told him he has to prepay his funeral and his room is 300.00 per month rent. So he said I will sleep in the basement. I replied that's 400.00 per month. That's how much I hate motorcycles. I have a dinner to go to next sat. too so cant stay very long but not missing it for the world.



  • kindone
    kindone Member Posts: 435
    edited June 2013

    Maureen,  Kyle just got a Harley also, brand new.  He can't pay the rent but he can make that payment.  If cancer don't kill us our own kids will.  See ya all Saturday.  Betty

  • janhart
    janhart Member Posts: 292
    edited June 2013

    Linda, so, so sorry for your loss some years ago. Memories could be good or bad. Just hoping the good memories give you strength to get through your treatments. Glad to be meeting you on Saturday.

    Maureen and Betty, I also despise (fear) motorcycles......been too many bad accidents this year. Cheryl, you be sure you and hubby are very, very careful when you ride. My DH had one, but never rode it. It was given to him several years ago and it sat in our shed. Earlier this spring a friend took it to see about fixing it to make it ridable (is that a word? ) anyway, he said he was then gonna sell it. I told him if it comes back to our house, I'm taking a sledge hammer to it. As it turns out it's not fixable and is being sold for parts. Hooray! Anyone need a horn? SEE YA ALL ON SATURDAY! Love, Jan

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,502
    edited June 2013

    Thanks, Karen, Maureen, and all you lovely NY women!

  • Maureen813
    Maureen813 Member Posts: 1,826
    edited June 2013


  • heymoose
    heymoose Member Posts: 682
    edited June 2013

    Hi all, 

    3 more days to our lunchon. I am looking forward to being with everyone it has been way toooo long.  My breast mri results are NORMAL Yippie!!!!!! That is a releif.  So another reason for Chocolate Martinis and Happy Dances.  What a great day we will have.

    Loving the weather, but not the wind so much.  I tried sitting outside to read and I keep getting blown away and have to go in the house.  That's not fun.

    See you all Saturday. Hugs,


  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited June 2013

    Hi all, great news Cheryl, we will be having so many happy dances we may get asked to tone it down!!!!!!!  That's exactly how I feel, like it has been a half year since I've seen you all, cannot wait to give and receive hugs.  All of us together at last and two of us new, except for you Cheryl, you got to meet Debbie and Linda and I hope warned them that we are a chatty bunch and very welcoming to new WNY'ers.  I called ahead to make sure that they had the Godiva liquor so we will proper chocolate martinis, although the clear ones make us super chatty! love to all, Karen

  • LindaJD
    LindaJD Member Posts: 134
    edited June 2013

    Hi ladies,

    3 more treatments to go!    Cheryl, glad to hear you received great news!  Jan, yes I do have many good memories; it's just that day; I despise it.  Maureen, hope you can stay for awhile on Saturday; I know you mentioned you had a dinner to attend.  I agree w/ all of you; motorcycles are so dangerous.  My sons at that age, wanted tatoos & cars & drums, but never either one of them wanted a motorcycle. 

    Looking forward to Saturday & meeting all of you!!!  2 more days!!! 

    Just a heads up; when we do the happy dances & hugging, please grab my RIGHT side.  The radiation finally caught up to my skin & I have some burn marks on the BC (left) side & it is very sore & irritated:(  Haven't slept good lately because of it. 

    There's a commercial on TV right now for Alex's Place.   Food looks really good! 

    See everyone on Saturday!  

    Love, Linda

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited June 2013

    Hi Linda, only 3 more to go, YAY for you, sorry the burn caught up with you, be sure to lotion up often, come Sat. you will start healing, never to experience laying on that hard table again!! The food at Alex's is great, reasonable too, I've just started seeing that commercial here in Batavia too.  We will be gentle with your left side, that is my side also, I remember trying not to sleep on that side, which is my natural sleeping position of course, it is probably your's also.  Will you have to start taking an AI now?  I think between most of us, we have been on one or the others', I am now on Aromosin, started on Arimidex, but had S/E's, so my MO switched me.  Almost time for all of us to meet!!!!!  love, Karen

  • SusanHG
    SusanHG Member Posts: 455
    edited June 2013

    what time on Saturday guys? sorry cannot find it...can't wait!!!

  • Skigirl72
    Skigirl72 Member Posts: 180
    edited June 2013

    1pm Alex's Place in Batavia right??