So...whats for dinner?



  • wallycat
    wallycat Posts: 1,531
    edited April 2023

    Illie oakly. I LOVE that! My neighbor calls me 'dead eye' after watching me target practice.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Posts: 13,480
    edited April 2023

    Unfortunately there were only 4 spaces for shooters (with lasers) to pretend to be the cops. The rest of us got to watch on a full sized, lifelike screen. Scary. The worst was the "peeping tom" scenario. I used to enjoy shooting empty beer cans with my single shot 22 rifle from the early 1950s (the only thing I inherited from my first husband). Like Mae - I don't hunt, although I did shoot skeet once many years ago. I never liked to shoot handguns.

    Fingers crossed that the darn oral surgeon will release me tomorrow to eat peanuts !!!

  • eric95us
    eric95us Posts: 3,204
    edited April 2023

    One of my college jobs was a role player at the police academy. The role players got paid to do everything we could to make it as difficult for them (officers and cadets) going through training.

    The "final exam" was called La Casa Caca...and did we ever have fun with that! :-)

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2023

    Guns! I'm afraid of them! I have a little pistol on my nightstand, just in case. Cock it and shoot! Hopefully I won't ever need that. There are other guns in the house, a shot gun and something like a 357, with no hammer on it (if that's what it's called)! I have no idea what to do with them!

    Dinner was some (heart shaped, not intentional) parmesan crusted chicken and potato salad.

    No photo description available.

  • illimae
    illimae Posts: 5,754
    edited April 2023

    Looks and sounds good Goldie

    Eric, I bet you all had a great timewith it and I imagine it would be fun to be a role player. I’m too nice, I’d love a scenario where I could be a troublemaker, just for the fun of it.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Posts: 8,466
    edited April 2023

    Your dinner looks delicious, Goldie.

    We had His and Hers dinners last night. We each had large shrimp, purchased, headed and deveined by me. DH made a stir fry with carrots, cabbage, red bell pepper and onion. Plus the shrimp, of course. He mixed up a dark brown sauce.

    I made a big romaine salad on a dinner plate with romaine, tomato, avocado, blue cheese, and kalamata olives. I sauteed my shrimp and topped my salad. The shrimp were so big I had to halve them.

    We both enjoyed our dinners.

    I have a lunch date today with three women friends. Dinner will be leftover meatloaf and roasted asparagus.

    I was surprised to see Einkorn flour at Fresh Market. The all purpose was on sale but I don't need any.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2023

    In case you don't read announcements, which you can find under "all topics", go there to read all of it.

    The site will launch next week!

    In anticipation of the new community forums going live next week, we wanted to share an update on what to expect.

    Most importantly, the forums will be going into maintenance mode on Monday, April 24 for approximately 24 - 48 hours. This means that the forums will not be accessible while our team works to complete the implementation of the new site.

    While we regret having to briefly pause the conversation in the forums, this approach is necessary to ensure the best technical experience upon launch for our members.

  • eric95us
    eric95us Posts: 3,204
    edited April 2023

    I saw an email from BCO with the same text. Hopefully the wait will be worth it. I'm guessing the old forums 1) depended on other software that was no longer supported (even for security fixes) or 2) over the years had so many additions/fixes made to the system that it was the software equivalent of a garden taken over by weeds...and was no longer maintainable...and it was easier to essentially start over.

    I guess I did a good job with the role playing as even a decade later, I'd meet cops that remembered me. :-)

    Last night, Sharon cooked a stir fry very much like Carole's DH cooked.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Posts: 13,480
    edited April 2023

    Carole - I would have been happy with either meal Both sound delicious.

    Goldie - thanks for posting the MOD's announcement.

    The periodontist said I can eat peanuts tonight - but hold off on the popcorn because of the husks. And unfortunately he still doesn't want me to get the abutment & crown for a full 4 months. Mainly because I get regular Prolia shots and that drug can interfere with the bone "fusing" to the piece on the implant that is screwed into my jaw bone.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2023

    Minus, I think I would try the flipper in the meantime. What would it hurt, $$$? My daughter has had one for years, cuz she can't afford the implant. And what if it doesn't take, due to the bone issues. Then you are really out the $$$!

  • wallycat
    wallycat Posts: 1,531
    edited April 2023

    Made a crockpot full of Hidatsa (rancho gordo) red beans and used them for nachos. Manchego cheese was my cheese of choice tonight.

  • illimae
    illimae Posts: 5,754
    edited April 2023

    Today was a mostly fasting day, DH has complained about gaining weight, so we had coffee, broth and salad for our meals. Still thinking about tomorrow but it’ll be healthy for sure.

  • reader425
    reader425 Posts: 988
    edited April 2023

    Made a mediocre beef burgundy in the crockpot ( should have used my old recipe) over Banza Penne (chickpea pasta) and Brussels sprouts with butter. Since the Brussels were the best part of the meal, to me, that tells you something.😒

    Regarding the migration of BCO forums, if anyone is interested I could set up a private, locked FB group called BCO Dinner Conversation or something like that, in the event problems linger past two days. My confidence in this migration is a bit low since I worked in technology. PM me if you are interested in such a group. Your question to gain entry would be your BCO name.

    Minus sorry about the popcorn but glad about the peanuts. Illi the meal picture was beautiful. Carole, I love shrimp so the meal sounded great to me.

  • cyathea
    cyathea Posts: 345
    edited April 2023

    Catching up….been busy with work and working through some myofascial pain. Two weeks of stretching exercises hasn’t helped much. Minus two, thanks for the link to wearease on the “ironbra” thread.

    Dinner was mashed potatoes and pork tenderloin with a fig, carmelized onion, rosemary and balsamic vinegar sauce. I made a side salad as well since my weight is inching up a bit.

    Aussie, so sorry to hear of the loss of your mother. I’m sure the funeral was difficult today. I hope you were surrounded by family and friends. ((Hugs))

  • minustwo
    minustwo Posts: 13,480
    edited April 2023

    Goldie - the implant was already put in place at the same time as the extraction. So the major expense is already paid for (well, charged to Visa in any case) It's that "screw" that goes down into the bone. I just need to give it extra time to bond. The top part is just an abutment (screw that goes up) with a crown or fake tooth on top of that. It I get a temporary flipper, it's $600.00 - and I just can't see spending that kind of money to throw it away in 4 months. Honestly I've never been one to fool with make-up & clothes & jewelry - and COVID just reinforced that. So what if I have a slot in my mouth? I don't have an invite to the Coronation - or the White House either for that matter.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2023

    Illimae, when I first saw your post, I saw coffee broth, without the comma, and for a split second, I'm thinking what the heck is coffee broth!

    Reader, I wouldn't be too disappointed with just brussel them.

    Alright Minus, now I'm confused. How do you have a gap if the implant is in place?

    Leftovers of the parmesan chicken and potato salad, but I added some sauteed zucchini, mushroom and onions.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Posts: 8,466
    edited April 2023

    Love nachos. Do you make them with large corn chips? Beans and cheese? Inquiring minds.

    Probably Raos with Italian sausage and pasta tonight. And salad.

  • eric95us
    eric95us Posts: 3,204
    edited April 2023

    I had an implant placed. The part that goes into the bone was completely below the gum. When the bone has grown into the implant, the gum was "slit" open and a post put into the implant. The post is the part that sticks above the gum and the fake tooth is glued to the post. My dentist waited about 2 weeks between post instal and making the mold for the crown.

    I had the hole look for most of a year.

  • wallycat
    wallycat Posts: 1,531
    edited April 2023

    Implants are either a post and a hollow crown screwed on it (the abutment) or a screw with a hole drilled into the jaw and the abutment would then have a post that is screwed in...think male/female nuts/bolts of sorts. I think Minus has the implanted screw with the hole (female part) and is awaiting the "tooth" that will have the post to be screwed in. The implant needs to grow into the jaw bone before it can handle the stress of biting on the fake tooth (abutment). Sorry for butting in, Minus. DH has 3-4 implants and I got my first a few years ago....and good luck with that jaw bone healing. I shudder to think if/when DH needs any dental work as he's been on Prolia (they call it denosumab, generic) monthly for nearly 4 years.

    Carole, are you asking me? if yes, I use regular corn chips like Garden of Eatin or Tostitos. We love the blue chips so buy those any chance we can but have used yellow and white, round or triangle, just not the scoop. I typically use refried beans (canned and doctor it up with spices), salsa, either shredded cabbage or some chopped romaine and cheese...ALWAYS cheese! Last night was Manchego but typically it is whatever cheddar was on sale (hardly any cheese sales these days). A lot of people layer and bake but I pile our plates and simply microwave it till the cheese melts.

    Tonight will be a venison refried rice (I had frozen leftover black/brown rice for several meals ago. I par-thawed my venison, sliced thin last night and marinated it in spices/soy and will add the potato starch or corn starch to "velvet" it before I stir fry the meat and add the rice. The veg will be a partial bag of slaw blend, so cabbage, tossed into the pile o refried rice stuff.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Posts: 8,466
    edited April 2023

    Sorry to be vague, but, yes, I was asking you about the nachos, Wallycat. Thanks for answering.

    I had to have a bone graft in addition to the two-tooth implant. Fun, Fun and lots of $$$$.

  • wallycat
    wallycat Posts: 1,531
    edited April 2023

    Carole, my pleasure. I do occasionally add meat, if we have it leftover. This is my easy/fast meal when we can't think of anything else to have. I always have chips and canned refried beans. Yesterday, I happened to make a pot of beans but that is rare for just making nachos. I sometimes add jalapenos (fresh or pickled), which DH won't abide by.

    One of my dental hygienists said that after 65, the insurance industry forgets that we still have a head (eyes, hearing and teeth do not get coverage, typically).

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2023

    LOL Wallycat, let's not forget our minds, and or brain! Albeit a bit foggy perhaps!

  • minustwo
    minustwo Posts: 13,480
    edited April 2023

    Carole - I'm having Rao's tonight also - over spaghetti with added onion, mushrooms & black olives.

    Thanks everyone for jumping in about the implant. I'm still learning. Yup - technically the "implant" is below the gum line with a long screw that goes into the jaw bone. So I think this is correct - male on the down side of the implant into the bone & female on the top side just below the gum line. Eventually the crown goes on the abutment - a screw that is placed into the top/female side of the implant. And yup - we're talking big bucks. Wally - the conventional wisdom used to be to wait 3 months after your next prolia shot was due (so nine months after the last shot) before any extractions. That has sort of been updated that upper teeth or front teeth aren't as likely to cause a problem as back teeth & especially bottom back teeth.

    Anyway - the plain old Planter's cocktail peanuts were heaven.

  • illimae
    illimae Posts: 5,754
    edited April 2023

    Tonight is garlic and herb seasoned chicken, pan grilled squash/zucchini, broccoli with cheese sauce and a buttered hunk of French bread.


  • wallycat
    wallycat Posts: 1,531
    edited April 2023

    Minus, I'm so happy you are able to eat a few of your favs. I think yours is similar to mine. That is the "female" part that will allow the "male" abudment to be screwed in. No matter as long as you are not in pain and the teeth are less likely to shift with an implant. In my DH's case, he has the shot every month so he'd have to figure it all out in case that became an issue.

    The venison turned out so incredibly tender. Glad we will have leftovers tomorrow!

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Posts: 8,466
    edited April 2023

    Cornish hens are thawing. They were on sale for $7.99 for a two pack and were too cute to resist. I will probably split them open to roast and do a dressing/stuffing with Pepperidge Farm in the pantry.

    Venison was a meat for sale in New Zealand where deer are raised in herds like cows and sheep.

    Minus, so glad you were able to eat your peanuts! We each had a small dish of nuts with our martinis last night.

  • specialk
    specialk Posts: 9,266
    edited April 2023

    minus - that is the tooth implant arrangement I have also. Due to my years on Prolia my dentist had the extraction, bone graft and implant done by a maxillofacial surgeon who also uses platelet rich plasma directly into the space, spun from my own blood, and he was very conservative. From the extraction to the placement of the crown took 18 months - he allowed six months of healing between each stage. Fortunately for me, this was a back upper molar so the open space only showed if I smiled super wide - I seem to have fairly large teeth and a smallish mouth, so it did sometimes show. I had to chew on one side for quite a while, but that was ok.

    carole - my FIL was a deputized game warden on the island in SC that he and MIL lived on for many years and he carefully controlled the resident deer herd. They ate venison often, but it is too gamey for me - my MIL would often try to sneak it into things but I could always tell. It is a naturally lean meat but to me, an aquired taste. Which I never acquired, lol!

    Dinner has been non-existent here - DH has eaten lunch late all last week, and I had zero appetite from being sick. I am finally better - it was a long haul - but still have an annoying tickle cough at this point. At least some semblance of energy has returned and I am still trying to take it a little easy. DH and DD flew out to Springfield, Missouri last night. They are having a father/daughter weekend at an off-road expo there.

    I enjoyed the convo re shooting and the police set up experience. I did not grow up with guns, but DH definitely did. His dad taught him to shoot when he was young, and taught my kids as well. DH is of course small arms qualified through the military and carried a sidearm when flying on certain missions, and has used a number of weapons throughout his mil training. Once he went to an advanced weapons course in VA and then went directly to the airport to fly home without changing clothes, and I was worried about all the gunshot residue on him and wondered if he would set off any sensors at the airport - but he didn't. Oddly, I was tested for explosive residue every time I wore my LE sleeves/gauntlets when I flew. DD is an absolute crack shot and has a concealed carry license. Since this is FL, now nobody needs one...ugh. When she dated the Navy seal they often went to the range, and she could keep up, no problem. I have seen her targets - nice cluster in the head and heart every time. She has shot a hog with a rifle only once (her stipulation on the hunting thing was that this hog was going to be eaten at the game lodge where she was, she won't hunt for trophy purposes, and she releases her fish too) and also just tried skeet for the first time. She goes to the range now with the current beau - he is a former Army sniper, and works in armed security so he goes often to practice.

  • eric95us
    eric95us Posts: 3,204
    edited April 2023

    Special, it's good to hear you are feeling better.

    Starting around age 7, I taught DD how to safely handle firearms and how to shoot. She can (does) shoot the big stuff, but prefers the 22 rimfiire rifle because, as she says, "it doesn't bounce her around". Offhand at 50 yards she can keep 10 shots from the .22 rifle within an inch.

    My implant experience was very similar, except it took a little less time.

    Minus, it's awesome being able to eat favorite foods again. :-) Mine was tortilla chips.

    Illimae, your dinner is inspiring me to get out some chicken and "do something similar". When we see chicken on sale, we get what will fit into the freezer and use one of those vacuum sealers for longer term storage. I will be some thrilled to get the freezer back into operation and have more freezer room.

  • wallycat
    wallycat Posts: 1,531
    edited April 2023

    Special, so good to see you again! Glad you are feeling better.

    I was not raised to be "outdoorsy" at all. I was a bookworm most of my life. DH has introduced me to a host of new things, especially once we moved out here. I'd never handled guns, fished or hunted. EVER. I did hunt the deer we have and butchered it too (oh my, a first time that made me think of why men are squeemish watching a live birth, LOL. You just can't unsee some stuff!). I also outfished DH and did a better job of fillet/cleaning it. He's a good teacher and patient, so that helps. Most of all, he is proud when I can outdo him and encourages me. Someone at the range told me that women seem to be better shots then men (I'm sure there are always exceptions). My hunting gun is a 44magnum. Easy to carry, enough weight to hold steady and does the job quickly (DH loads our ammo and makes 'hunting power' if we plan to hunt.

    Out here, we have blacktail deer; never ate white tail so don't know how it compares in taste. If I had a say (and money), I'd want a freezer full of elk meat.

  • eric95us
    eric95us Posts: 3,204
    edited April 2023

    Mule deer and lots of elk...not so much around the house, but more 20-30 miles south of the house. I have seen a few whitetail deer but only in the southern part of the state.

    I'm sanding wallboard joints. I'm wearing a P100 mask and a lot of the work is overhead, so I'm kind of out of breath and my arms are tired. I apparently did a good job "laying down the mud" as I haven't had to do much sanding....still it doesn't take much to make a lot of dust...I'm covered in "plaster" dust.