So...whats for dinner?



  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Posts: 8,466
    edited April 2023

    One reason dh and I do not fish when we're in MN is that neither one of us wants to clean the fish, which requires killing it! Yet I buy fish fillets, knowing that someone had to kill fish to get those fillets. And I'm thrilled when a fisherman gives me cleaned fish. I'm guessing I would probably get over the squeamishness with some experience in the Gut Hut, the name for our fish cleaning shack at the campground. Meanwhile I'll visit the fish counter at the supermarket.

    As for killing and butchering an animal, no way. The same for dh. We would have to become vegetarians. Growing up, I ate the meat of farm animals that my father raised. He butchered hogs but not beef animals. He took them to a slaughter house. There's a lot of skill involved. I'm impressed that you tackled butchering, Wally.

    A beautiful loaf of Einkorn whole grain bread is cooling.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Posts: 13,480
    edited April 2023

    Spent the day digging in the back yard. It was 82 degrees and hot in the sun, but I got 8 plumarias planted - all over 6 ft. I got mulch down on all the back beds. Needless to say I'm not very spry tonight.

    Dinner was fruit salad that I made Friday and some Monterrey Jack cheese. Too tired to fool with more.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Posts: 8,466
    edited April 2023

    DH was disappointed that I did not make the dressing/stuffing last night. Our side was lightly candied carrots. Also a slice of freshly baked bread and butter. We each had half a Cornish hen. No disappointment there. The little bird was succulent and nicely flavored with sage and rosemary.

    Tonight will be leftover pasta dish and salad.

    Someone from the oldies thread happened to check in on this forum and was horrified by our discussion of guns and hunting. LOL. Kind of funny because Wally was chastised when she recently joined into the discussion on the oldies forum and shared her religious background.

    Hope we meet around the kitchen table again after the "migration."

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2023

    Minus, glad you finally got to enjoy your peanuts! Wow, that was quite the accomplishment in the yard, plumaria's are so pretty.

    Carole, that's interesting about the venison being availabe in New Zealand. I wonder why they don't do it here? Love the "Gut Hut".

    Special, glad you are feeling better, took me 2 weeks!

    Eric, I love my vacuum sealer. DH and I always called it a suck machine!

    No hunting for this girl, but I will partake on consuming it. I did a lot of fishing with my ex, but he did all the cleaning and cooking it. Usually Blue Gill....yum! I have also been to a pig slaughter, but arrived after it was killed, on purpose.

  • eric95us
    eric95us Posts: 3,204
    edited April 2023

    Minus...I think I'd rather sand wallboard joints. :-)

  • wallycat
    wallycat Posts: 1,531
    edited April 2023

    Carole, I don't understand why some people post virtually identical topics and it throws someone off the rails, but posted by someone else, doesn't bother them a bit. I try not to offend and upset anyone. I'm happy to stop discussing anything that frustrates people...just a kind nudge to stay off topic is enough for me. Mary's comment about reporting me was rude and I don't need petty people in my life these days.

    what a morning...

    just got home from the emergency room. Swallowed oatmeal with berries and a big blueberry got stuck. I could breathe and swallow, but it was stuck. Did not want to risk another salad episode. Of course, by the time they got me in and gave me more water, it sort of went down. They were going to xray but not once we thought it went down. He referred me for an endoscopy to see what's going on. Here we go....

    They said I may have silent reflux (no symptoms but damage still occurs). Lovely, no? I'm really fed up with medical crap, as I know most of you are too.

  • illimae
    illimae Posts: 5,754
    edited April 2023

    Tonight is the other half of the pork tenderloin i made last month with mashed potatoes and sautéed cabbage and onions. Still really good for freezer food.


  • reader425
    reader425 Posts: 988
    edited April 2023

    We spontaneously went out for Indian tonight. Delish! Chicken korma, garlic naan, raita ( cucumber yogurt). We'll have the planned chicken breasts tomorrow, probably on the grill.

    "See" you all later in the week.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Posts: 13,480
    edited April 2023

    Wally - I agree, it was a rude comment. Mostly because there was a lot more posts involved in the discussion. Oh NO about the blueberry. And another damn procedure..... We'll be waiting for the new platform to hear more of the story.

    Eric - I need some tape & float & sanding repair done on my garage ceiling. Interested? After helping install the sheet rock panels on one ceiling and then tape & float & sand & paint... I swore I would never work over my head again.

    COLD. Back from 83 high yesterday to 63 today, so I stayed inside with a blanket & read. The promised rain didn't happen so I'll have to water the newly planted plumarias tomorrow.

    Today's meal was leftover fruit salad - I seem to be making that every week now with various fruits - and Portobello Mushroom soup from Trader Joes. As I prepare for bed, I haven't decided whether to have chocolate pudding or a glass of Baileys.

    Hope to see you all on the other side.

  • illimae
    illimae Posts: 5,754

    dinner will be French bread pizza and salad. Currently, I’m trying to enjoy a drink on the deck but the wind kicked up and my beer is skunky, oh well, I’ve had worse days.

  • eric95us
    eric95us Posts: 3,204

    It's back?

  • wallycat
    wallycat Posts: 1,531

    It's back! For now? Frozen salmon burger (costco), green beans w/ mushrooms and a sweet potato.

    DH's tumor report came back scary-ugly-aggressive with 4-5 mutations. His genetic line has zero. We got the call that he will start Pluvicto treatments. It will be logistically horrific to get to seattle and try to keep my distance in the car (he'll be radioactive) but so happy this option became available.

    I've posted on the "drink" thread with more info…

  • cyathea
    cyathea Posts: 345

    wallycat, sorry to hear about DH’s tumor report.

    Dinner was pork tenderloin, steamed green beans with sesame oil, and a mix of rice and white quinoa with garlic, ginger and onions.

  • wallycat
    wallycat Posts: 1,531

    I'm going to make a polenta dish with corn, spinach, cheese and onion and an egg to make it all super creamy.

    Two warm days…ugh….

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Posts: 8,466

    Well, we have the posts on the left hand side now. I'm glad the "dislike" response went away. What a bad idea that was. I miss the easy access to my favorites and my email box fills up with notifications from about posts.

    I like polenta but haven't cooked it in years. We always have grits (similar to polenta) on hand and dh makes it for his breakfast a couple of times a weeks, always with eggs.

    Tonight's dinner will be a make your own taco with seasoned ground beef, homemade tortillas, refried beans, guacamole, etc.

  • eric95us
    eric95us Posts: 3,204

    I was also surprised at the "dislike" button. Somewhere I did see a procedure (maybe an email) that described how to turn off notifications of new posts.

    I am still figuring out the new system. I went through this when I first signed up, so "new" is nothing new. ;-)

  • illimae
    illimae Posts: 5,754

    DH is doing a mountain man themed camp thing and I don’t participate but I did stop by for dinner which was a roast, mashed potatoes and corn. Here’s the roast.

  • wallycat
    wallycat Posts: 1,531

    I love the background. That's in Texas, correct? YUM on all that meat!

  • illimae
    illimae Posts: 5,754

    wallycat, yes, it’s down at some old judges ranch (how Texas is that, lol) and happens twice per year, they do axe throwing and old timey shooting, basically nothing after 1900.

  • auntienance
    auntienance Posts: 3,937

    First time posting since the "great migration." Tried to update my profile settings which of course didn't work. Wish I could say this was an improvement but not seeing it. It's definitely more cumbersome.

    DSIL and DBIL were here last week from Texas. We had a great visit with lots of food including homemade pizza and the corned beef and cabbage dinner that we couldn't have on St. Patrick's day. Friends from our old town came too and brought homemade lemon and chocolate pies for dessert. Lemon is one of my very favorites and hers is outstanding.

    Other notable events include DH having a coronary stent placed last week. Cath showed a 99 percent blockage in a main artery. I feel like we dodged another huge bullet there. Now we have his and her stents.

    Right before his stent procedure DH tried to cut the tip of his finger off slicing a bagel (for me) requiring a trip to urgent care because we couldn't get it to stop bleeding.

    It's beginning to be gardening season so I'm starting to accumulate vegetation for planting. DH can't lift anything over 5 pounds for the next week so I hoisted a heavy hanging basket and pulled something in my lower back. It actually feels like sciatica and between that and my bum knee, I can barely walk. Sigh . . . it's always something. (Feeling your pain Minus)

    Goldie - I'm sorry for the loss of your mom. Hugs to you and Wally who has more than her share of trials going on. I know what you mean Wally about being tired of the medical crap. I'm tired of all this familiarity with the local hospitals and medical establishment.

    Great picture Illimae. You should have stayed for dinner lol.

    My dad taught me to fish when I was a kid. He also taught me that if I was going to fish I needed to learn how to clean them so I always have done so. I also raised chickens and turkeys for a while before I was married so I'm no stranger to butchering birds. Have never killed anything larger than a turkey though and don't think I could shoot a deer. I did accidently kill a rabbit once aiming to shoot a squirrel with a bb gun. I felt very bad about that. I was somewhat gratified when I saw a fox with a squirrel in it's mouth not long after that incident. I hoped it was the same squirrel.

    Dinner tonight is ham and beans made from a leftover hambone and cornbread.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Posts: 8,466

    Nance, LOL at his and her stents. Glad you found your way back here. I'm guessing (afraid) we will never "see" Lacey again, which I regret.

    I had a menu in mind for tonight but decided I would really like a homemade pizza. The dough for the crust (half all purpose and half whole wheat flour) is in the refrigerator. I froze half of the homemade sauce from the last pizza so that's already made. It will basically be a meats toppings pizza with cooked Italian sausage from the freezer, pepperoni already on hand and possibly the leftover cooked ground beef from last night's tacos. Which were most enjoyed. I have grated cheeses and also Kalamata olives. Poor dh would like onions but he's out of luck. I usually end up eating the leftover pizza and I definitely don't want it corrupted with onions.

    I would love a piece of lemon meringue pie. And chocolate pie. Sigh…

  • wallycat
    wallycat Posts: 1,531

    LOL, Carole, I worship onions. If I feel like a snack after dinner, I eat a raw onion. *ducking the tomato throw*

    We had leftover polenta stuff tonight. Tomorrow will be a tuna melt with asparagus (on sale) as a side.

    Our neighbor gifted us more Dungeness crab so that will be on Monday.

    more appointments, more planning for DH's pluvicto radioactive crap, blah, blah…

  • minustwo
    minustwo Posts: 13,480

    Well I'm here - sort of. No sure how I got here. Weird. But then I don't like change in any case. Not going to venture to any other topics yet.

    Mae - good old frontier days…..

    Wally = can't believe people are giving away Dungeness when it costs the earth even if I could find it.

    Nance - good to see you. Sorry about the stent for DH, but we just keep in going.

    Carole - yup - unlikely Lacey will be back, but I'll email her & see if I can get an update.

  • illimae
    illimae Posts: 5,754

    nance, I did stay for dinner, it was delicious. DH made banana bread too but I left promptly after dessert. Our boys had been crated for 4 hours already and I wanted to get back.

    Tonight was a big salad topped with cheddar, ranch and croutons.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Posts: 8,466

    DH is cooking lamb stew for tonight's dinner.

    Oh, to be gifted Dungeness crab.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Posts: 6,835

    AuntieN, thank you. My mom has been gone for 4 years now.

    Not that I post here much, but I will be gone. Dentist tomorrow, then to Phoenix airport to fly out Tuesday to MI, back on the 15th, spend the night for chemo on the 16th.

    I do not like the new platform, but like the other one, I will make my way around!

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Posts: 8,466

    Goldie, hope you enjoy your time in MI.

  • auntienance
    auntienance Posts: 3,937

    This is what happens when you don’t post for a while - you lose track of things.
    Current condolences were meant for Aussie for the loss of your mother.
    Also glad you are doing better Special. It’s been a long road there for you.

    Ham and beans were delicious with enough leftover for lunch today. Since my back seems to be worse today it’s not likely I’ll be fixing dinner. So who knows what that will be.

    Where’s Sandy?

  • wallycat
    wallycat Posts: 1,531

    Tuna melt with broiled asparagus tonight.

    Safe travels, Goldie.

    AuntieN, hope your DH is doing well.

  • eric95us
    eric95us Posts: 3,204

    Yes safe travels, Goldie. We are following in your "footsteps". This Saturday we're going to Phoenix to get MIL's kitty to DD so she can take him home to Michigan and then in August, we are going to Michigan ourselves. Somewhere in the middle of all of this, I may be going, for two weeks, "back east" to work at one of the warehouses that holds the disaster response equipment.

    DD and beau are "over the moon" about getting MIL's cat I'm going to miss the guy, but Sharon's allergies preclude us from keeping him. :-(

    I installed two 8 foot long copper coated steel ground rods for the garage electrical system and tomorrow I'll connect them. It took about 3 hours to get the two rods pounded (with a 10 pound hammer) into the ground. I must have hit every rock in the planet. :-) My arms are tired.

    Dinner tonight…probably not…we were in town late this afternoon and had a late lunch….

    I'm slowly learning this new system. Once I get completely used to it, I think it will be easier to use than the old one. It does seem a lot faster than before, so that's good.