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So...whats for dinner?



  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,258

    Hi all - I have been MIA again - our son and his girlfriend came to Tampa to attend a concert locally and hang out with us - first time all of us have been under the same roof in five years. We have seen him, we see DD all the time, DD and DS have seen each other, but not all of us together in way too long! It was awesome! We had a big brunch one morning with cheesy scrambled eggs, hash browns, bacon, honeydew melon, and mimosas/coffee. Grilled one night and had baked artichoke dip, rib-eyes, roasted taco potatoes, Greek orzo salad, a green salad with apples, pecans, and a sweet apple dressing I get from the local produce stand - it is a bottled Amish product. Accompanied the dinner with a cab from Castello di Amorosa in Napa - 2015 is one of my faves and we have a stockpile, but it has been put in the cellar at the winery and the price has escalated beyond my tolerance for the moment - it was really nice to enjoy the bottle. We finished with a cherry pie a la mode.

    I have been trying to use up what is in the fridge in prep for our trip to CO at the end of the week. So far we haven't had too many weird combos, last night was a salad medley with broccoli salad (the one with bacon/dried cranberries/slivered almonds), chicken salad with a ranch dressing slant, and a fruit salad. We have a friend visiting who came into town for some appointments and I think we may get takeout tonight. DD and beau are also coming to CO, so we will have a second family gathering for a portion of the time we are in CO - DS will be working and have three breaks of several days while we are there, and DD will come during the longest break. I am thinking that I should arrange a photographer and do a family photo. Our last one was in 2009! We are scheduled to be in the mountains during peak color so an outdoor photo in sweaters might be fun!

    I have been gradually winnowing my cookbook collection, I go through and photocopy the recipes I like and put them into a looseleaf binder by subject, then donate the book. I am down to one bookcase of cookbooks, and they represent my real favorites and some classics, like Joy of Cooking and a huge Culinary Institute of America book, that are good for reference. Being a military fam that moved a lot and had to pay if the household goods went beyond a certain weight, I was judicious about keeping too many books. I have two full tall bookcases in our library/TV room.

    chisandy - ugh on your poor toe! I had to have a full fingernail removed after chemo - my wedding ring finger - and it took quite a while to grow back, but thank goodness toenails are shorter! I lost my pinky toenail as well but it didn't take long at all to grow back and I have had no further problems. Glad you are getting around. DD's starter seems to be OK now so I think it did indeed get wet, but thanks for the explanation of how they work! I think she may replace it, but at least it is not an emergency. That truck is a utility vehicle (she tows the boat, goes camping, etc.) but it is not her daily driver. What she wants to avoid is having an unreliable starter if she is out in the woods or at a boat ramp. Hope your DH is ok.

    reader - while DS was here he had on a Sweetwater Tavern t-shirt - I thought of you!

    illimae - that last photo of your dinner out looked fantastic - I adore everything on the plate! I just stared at it for a couple of minutes - I don't think I even blinked, lol! I too have a short list of "best I ever ate…"

    carole - glad you are safely back home!

    minus - you had me at chocolate mousse…

    clars - I can't remember if I said welcome to you - so, welcome!

    eric - I hope you both are feeling better!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408

    Glad your DD's starter is working again, Special. As the emergency mechanic explained it to me, starters with a missing "brush" work like revolvers in Russian roulette—only with 99 loaded chambers and one empty one. And the difference is that unlike in Russian roulette, you don't want to land on the empty chamber.

    Lunch yesterday was my leftover salad from the WTTW cruise, supplemented with tomato and the last 2 leftover (sauceless) wings. For dinner, I made tomato-basil salad, grilled coho salmon & Japanese eggplant; and Bob brought home green beans & sauteed mushrooms from Whole Foods. The magnetic LED grill light's on-off switch is now stuck "on" (likely from the heat), so the only way to turn it off is to remove the batteries from the base.

    Why did I send him to WF? Because he came home, opened the fridge, reached to the second shelf for a can of soda without moving any of the bottom-shelf bottles aside—knocking over a tall bottle of rosé which crashed to the floor and shattered. I had to use mops (rag and Swiffer) & a pet-wet-vac, and pick up pieces of glass. It seems as if carelessness is a "guy thing," especially when getting stuff from the fridge or cabinets—maybe it's characteristic of those who have never packed a suitcase, loaded a car trunk, nor played Tetris. I also made him bring me a dessert to deal with the stress. He brought a slice of pecan pie—which he hates but I love. And now my mid-to-lower back is spasming from all that bending and cleaning.

    This morning after returning from a rush-hour trip to the Loop for an emergency visit to the dentist (part of my 20-yr-old "Maryland bridge" got loosened when I was gnawing on a rib), I didn't feel like driving anywhere and my foot still hurts, so Bob (who slept in on his day off) went around the corner to the gyros-burger stand and brought back a half Greek chicken and a salad. He had gyros. Tonight I will sear scallops, supplement them with the white quarter of the chicken, the salad, leftover veg from last night, and (as a starch for Bob) the rice that came with my chicken.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,133

    It was fun to get out the little rice cooker last night to cook brown jasmine rice. I also took advantage of having a toaster oven for cooking the chicken leg parts that travelled with us from MN. Very blah dinner but we didn't go to bed hungry. LOL.

    The kitchen is a mess this morning but it's large enough that dh will be able to cook his breakfast and create more cleanup. In MN that's not possible. Some cleanup is necessary to create space for cooking breakfast.

    Loading a dishwasher after a summer without one? Happiness.

    Yesterday I bought small catfish fillets for tonight's dinner. Also salad makings.

    I hope to progress with settling in and putting things away today. Yesterday dh went to Capital One to buy euros and pounds for the trip. Tomorrow night we'll have dinner with the couple who will be our travel companions.

  • wallycat
    wallycat Member Posts: 1,401

    Frozen pizza last night; leftovers tonight.

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,258

    carole - I am feeling simpatico with you on the quick turnaround travel, but a reverse mixture, lol! I had houseguests over last weekend, had a day to launder bedding and make up the guest bedroom/clean the guest bathroom again in time for more houseguests, who just left a few mins ago. I am laundering bedding again and cleaning that same bathroom because we leave for our trip on Saturday. I have not yet packed, or even really thought about what to take and I also need to pack for DH because he is working up to the last minute before we leave. We each take a carry-on roller bag and a personal bag - him a backpack, me a tote. Temps in the CO mountains are colder than here so I need to be strategic about things that layer but are not bulky. I also am the cook for the most part, with help - usually dishes - but I need to think about and bring recipes that feed a crowd but don't require a pinch of this or that, or a plethora of ingredients. I am sure your summer cooking is similar! We are staying in Airbnb's with a kitchen, but they are not all equally stocked with basics. I want to shop for pantry items, non-perishables, and some fresh and refrigerated stuff (will borrow a Yeti cooler from DS when we get there) in Denver because the food will be less expensive than up in the mountains. I feel like I already need a vacation before my vacation, lol! I am excited for your trip - I'm looking forward to reports!

    chisandy - ugh…I hope you enjoyed every morsel of the pie and that your back has calmed down.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708
    edited September 2023

    Back home but exhausted. Everything was great until yesterday leaving Houston. DH forgot we were towing a small flatbed trailer and reversed too quickly and I glanced at the side mirror just in time to see it jack-knife and slam into the side of my car, arggg! Other errands had us running very late, so it’s 1am and a trailer tire blew (yup, no spare). DH unhooked it and we backtracked to the nearest town, found a shop and a 24hr number but it went to voicemail. Ended up getting a very budget room and DH got the tire fixed this morning, meanwhile, I’m up and need coffee, no continental breakfast (despite being advertised and no coffee in the lobby, only in the room I’m told. Back at the room in find coffee but no cups, of course.

    Dinner was deli turkey on an English muffin, string cheese and sour skittles.

    Scans was great though. NEAD wasn’t the term used but my MO and neuro rads onc both said there’s no active cancer anywhere, brain or body.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,305

    Mae - GREAT news. No active cancer anywhere!!!!!!! Sorry about the unwelcome road issues. I know you'll be glad sleep in your own bed tonight.

    Special - what's the charge for this AirBNB that you're running? It's not high enough. Can't remember if you're driving or flying?? Nor can I remember in which delightful hamlet your property sits. I finally put index cards with an assortment of recipes in my dopp kit. That way I have them wherever I go. But I certainly agree with simple & not exotic ingredients.

    Carole - laughing about the dishwasher. At least you have a few more days down time before you go.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408

    Ilona, great news on the scans—but bummer about the travel mishaps. (In the words of Roseann Rosannadanna, "it's always something").

    Heard from Gordy—Leslie caught COVID (most likely at the high school where she teaches 3x/wk in person), but so far he's fine (and negative). So she won't be able to visit her new little niece down in Katy (TX). Bob sheepishly admitted that "it's going around" Union Health but at least he wears his N95 when seeing patients. (If it were me, I'd mask the whole workday except when outdoors en route to & from lunch). He has decided to do takeout rather than dine-in. He began having sinus congestion & coughing jags last Fri. but tested negative on Sun. He's refusing to re-test, claiming that even if the result is positive it's too long past the onset of symptoms (which are improving) for Paxlovid. I'd like him to at least get throat-swabbed for strep (so he can start on abx), but he just shrugged and said he never had a sore throat. Weed pollens have been moderate-to-high and mold spores very high, but he refuses to believe one can develop allergies so late in life—so he won't take anything, just be stubbornly stoic. Ah, men…can I get an "amen?"

    Woke up this morning okay, but my back locked up as I got up off the toilet (always the "comfort-height," not the low-slung one). Did all sorts of prescribed stretches, took a CBD "Serious Relief" (includes turmeric) gummy,Tylenol & an Aleve, and slathered my back with arnica, CBD/menthol roll-on, and a glob of Voltaren "Forte" 2% (the last of my Toronto stash—on this side of the border they only sell 1%). Sat with a heating pad, have been using a cane and my Rollator. Doing a bit better. But looks like I will have to "attend" services only via the live YouTube link—even if I can safely & comfortably drive tomorrow, the shuttles from the Greek Orthodox church parking lot would be impossible, as they're yellow school buses with steep steps. No way I can hold on to the railing (descending backwards), my cane, and my prayerbook. Too late to reserve a spot in the temple's lot, as they were allocated three weeks ago to the elderly (over 80, as the average age of congregants is 70) and truly disabled (long-term users of wheelchairs, crutches, walkers, etc.). And too far to walk with both a bad back and a not-yet healed toe in a sandal.

    Last night I didn't feel like cooking the scallops, so we finished off the leftover Greek chicken & salad. Today's brunch (upon returning from my mani) was half a BLT on high-fiber wholegrain toast. Tonight (after having groceries delivered from WF) I made the scallops (dusted with New Orleans School of Cooking "Joe's Stuff," pan-seared in grapeseed oil, then napped with a beurre blanc pan sauce finished with water-steeped saffron threads & finished with cream). For veg., a Caprese over the last of my Little Gem lettuce leaves with homegrown basil and a small (finally ripe) Cherokee Purple tomato; thinly sliced fennel sauteed in butter & EVOO; and a mix of the leftover WF mushrooms & green beans with sliced almonds thrown in. Was going to serve him the leftover Greek rice as his starch, but last night he came downstairs for his 3am "campsite-bear" sleep-noshing and ate it all. No starch tonight. Dessert tonight is the last square of Ghirardelli 72% dark chocolate and a decaf espresso.

    Tomorrow night Bob will bring home a Costco chicken (if they're out, he'll call me and I'll defrost and grill a steak), which we'll have with matzo ball soup, either asparagus or broccolini, and carrots (half a "tzimmes"). Trad Rosh Hashonah dessert will be a Honeycrisp apple & raw local honey; WF doesn't carry round challah (also trad), so I got round challah rolls instead. (This way I won't have a leftover loaf staring me in the face and taunting me to toast & eat it).

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,133

    Mae, great news on the scan! Awful report on the travel problems. We tow a cargo trailer to and from MN so I can relate to the horrors of a towing mishap.

    SpecialK, I hope you have a great vacation out west. No doubt in my mind there will be some great meals.

    I used the last of the package of beer batter mix (Shore Lunch brand) last night and cooked catfish fillets. Dh mixed up a tartar sauce without key ingredients, lemon juice and horseradish. It was just ok. We had a romaine salad with tiny tomatoes, kalamata olives, blue cheese. Sweet onion for dh.

    We're picking up shrimp poboys tonight and taking them to Linda and Bob's house, where we'll discuss the trip to Ireland and Scotland. Linda made all the arrangements. We'll be traveling with them.

    This trip is starting to seem real. LOL. I am looking forward to the food experiences.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708

    Dinner tonight are frozen personal pizzas and a side salad. The pizzas are ok but they’re really to test a toaster oven we found at a thrift shop on our trip, so far it works as expected. DH is happy with the bake, convection, rotisserie features and the price of $24 ($150 for a new one) and I’m happy to no longer be limited to burner cooking only.

  • eric95us
    eric95us Member Posts: 3,133

    I lost the post…..grr….

    I've also been somewhat "not around". Last weekend MIL went to the hospital for what was first thought to be heart problems but turned out to be a "plugged up" gallbladder. Her age, recent heart attack, general health and being on Plavix was enough to be sent to a hospital In Mesa. After nearly a week of no Plavix, they did the ERCP on Wednesday, followed by an arthroscopic gallbladder removal. I drove down on Thursday, visited a friend and drove MIL back home to her assisted living place in Snowflake. She's kind of grouchy, but I'm guessing that's because she's still a bit sore.

    'Mae…good news regarding the scans! I'm guessing the news made up for the travel issues! :-)

    I can understand why Bob "ditches the mask" when not around people. When I was working in a COVID ward, I would wear a respirator, but after about 4 hours, I'd HAVE to get outside to relax without one for a few minutes. Just hurrying up some stairs while wearing a N95 would leave me a bit breathless. I can't imagine what it would have been like if I didn't run 3 to 5 miles a day.

    Carole….I, and I'm sure everyone else here, is hoping for a food report when you get back. :-) For some reason I don't mid doing dishes by hand. When we use stuff that there isn't a 2nd or 3rd of the same (bowls and such), I end up doing them and then it's a "while I'm at it", I'll just do the dishes from the meal.

    Special, it does sound like you need a pre-vacation vacation. Enjoy CO when you get there.

    MIL is calling……

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited September 2023

    Yikes, Eric—I'm 72, out of shape and have asthma, but when I'm at a medical appt. and masked, my O2 sats (measured by pulse-ox) are always 98-100%. I guess I'm used to it these days: in 2021 I flew to NYC and back; I donned my mask when I left my hotel room, in the taxi, at LaGuardia, on the flight, at O'Hare and on the CTA train back home; took it off only when I stepped out from my neighborhood train station out on to the street: 10 hours. Guess it's harder in the desert heat.

    Hope your MIL bounces back from her "lap-choly" (laparoscopic cholecystectomy). Not surprised that heart problems were the first thing that came to mind: the two times I had gall bladder attacks I awoke early in the morning feeling like an elephant was sitting on my chest—both times I was taken to the ER by ambulance. (Even Bob, who's a cardiologist, thought I was having a heart attack). First time they didn't do an ultrasound, when it went away by itself. Second time (6 years later) the ultrasound showed "multiple small stones too numerous to count." They did the lap choly—I stayed the night, was released the next day and felt a bit sore at the incisions (covered by band-aids), especially when the car hit potholes en route home. Hung out on the deck all day chatting with neighbors. Four days later I was able to go out for our anniversary dinner.

    Been quite a week, starting with the WTTW cruise (dealing with stairs in the rain with a broken toe), and ending with my back going out Woke up today to my first-ever UTI, and it's no fun. The urgent care clinic confirmed it's some kind of UTI (per the results of the instant "dipstick" UA), though we won't know what bug it is till the culture results come back. They say it's mild but it was still scary. Starting the antibiotic tonight: CVS only had 4 pills on hand, they and all other branches in the city were about to close, and they won't get more till Monday night—Bob may have to write me a script for the other 3 days if they don't get their shipment in. Insanely, they can't have another branch of CVS fill the rest of a prescription for which they issue a "partial fill"—stupid corporate rule). 

    Speaking of CVS, more fun & games. Got a text that they had to cancel Monday's COVID shot, because they now won't get their initial supply till Wednesday. So that's 2 extra days of masking everywhere (and sleeping & even eating in separate rooms), because it's going around Bob's Union Health clinic like wildfire. He tested negative last week but refuses to re-test, insisting he's much better. And none of the other staff nor docs are testing even if they're sick—the docs are all per diem, and don't get sick days; the rest of the staff can get only one sick day, which they have to preserve if their kids bring it home from school. This "mask optional" crap is infuriating—had my back improved enough for me to handle walking to temple (or negotiating the steep stairs in the parking-lot shuttle buses), I'd likely have been one of the only ones masked. Heck, at the urgent care clinic & pharmacy I was the only patient wearing a mask. Common sense & courtesy are being held hostage to "freedom"…more than that, the mods won't let me say on this thread.

    Dinner last night was matzo ball soup, honey-mint carrots, sauteed broccolini & Costco chicken. Dessert was apple, honey & a challah roll. Tonight? Leftovers while nail-biting our way through the Cubs-D'backs extra-inning game…in vain.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,133

    Last night's dinner was pork country ribs cooked with barbecue sauce. Small red potatoes overcooked in the microwave and our typical romaine salad.

    Recovery wishes for your MIL, Eric. One of our weekenders, Leslie, had a serious gallbladder illness this summer. She had severe pain.

  • eric95us
    eric95us Member Posts: 3,133

    Thanks. Hopefully this will reduce the nausea and "undefined" abdominal pains.

    We are getting ready to go visit DD and see her new (to her) home. With her and beau's work schedule, it's the only time in the next year that they can "fit us in"….and MIL says "GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!". The assisted living place says they can handle the followup visits and such, so we will go, but also try to stay in cell phone coverage.

    On the COVID deployments, when the logistics crew (I'm part of that) got busy and the environmental conditions were also "sub optimal", the N-95s were soaked through with sweat in 15-20 minutes.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408

    Last night's dinner was a chicken & veg. stir-fry, with instant "bone-broth-infused" rice for Bob. Tonight he has office hours and then checking in on a friend who had pulmonary-valve replacement today (and whose girlfriend is Bob's medical partner). So I'm on my own for dinner. Will likely supplement a keto personal pizza with some more tomato, basil, mushrooms and chopped pepper—and probably a side salad. At the farmers' market (this year's penultimate) I bought Bob the usual couple of tamales should he get hungry during the night. Next week's market is on Yom Kippur. It's supposed to run from 3-7pm, and the temple usually breaks the fast around 5:30, so I hope there's still stuff left to buy. The break-the-fast buffet usually is heavily carb-laden anyway. (Last year it probably opened the floodgates on carb-cheating).

    I notice that Bob coughs only when he's home, after having a few cigarettes. I'd been wondering how he's been able to suppress his coughs while at work, and suddenly I put two & two together—especially when he has a day off or in the evening he goes out on the deck & smokes. Physician, heal thyself.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,133

    I enjoyed our meal at George's Mexican Restaurant last night. We ate out on the patio where the pleasant atmosphere has been ruined by the installation of three giant tv screens. The Saints game was playing on all three. DH asked the waitress to turn down the sound. We were the first people on the patio, then gradually others came.

    I had the George's tacos and a top shelf margarita.

  • eric95us
    eric95us Member Posts: 3,133

    We are in the camper in Monticello, UT, on our way to US Hwy 2 and then ro Detroit to visit DD.

    Dinner tonight was bean burritos.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,133

    I made a giant meat loaf Tuesday night. We had it again last night and the remainder will go into the freezer.

    The big suitcase is almost packed. We drive to our friends' home today and uber with them to the New Orleans airport. We fly to Chicago and then to Dublin. I'm hoping to begin feeling some enthusiasm soon! LOL. This is dh's bucket list trip and I have metaphorically been dragging my feet all the way. A good documentary would have done the trick for me! LOL.

    Hope everyone is enjoying some good meals while not posting. See ya in 17 days. I probably won't be posting along the way.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,305

    Carole - safe trip & have fun - although you're likely on the way & don't see this.

    Eric - safe trip to you too. I know it will be fun to see your DD.

    special - hope you're having a wonderful time in CO.

    I haven't really been hungry so not cooking. Yesterday was Cheerios mid day and cocktail peanuts for dinner. Trying to use up some orange juice so I had Gin & OJ instead of vodka. Today was lunch with some old friends - green salad and two pieces of pizza - pepperoni & mushroom. I likely won't want anymore tonight.

  • eric95us
    eric95us Member Posts: 3,133

    We changed plans so we weren't on a such tight schedule and are taking$ US Hwy 50 east (saves 500-600 miles) amd come back west on US Hwy 2.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408

    US 2 is a long albeit scenic "blue highway." It even hugs the south shore of the Upper Peninsula when it merges with MI 41, before heading down across the bridge into the "mitten." Happy memories of playing in Escanaba, Munising, Grand Marais & Marquette back in my "touring-folkie" days 15 yrs. ago.

    Carole, bon voyage. May the wind be at your back…well, you know the rest of the Irish saying. If you want to get into the mood, you can go to PBS Passport and stream Rick Steves' episodes as well as the recent documentary Ireland, Made with Love. (It's a travelogue, with a handcrafts-and-food theme). Enjoy!

    Monday CVS called to say they had not gotten their cefpodoxime shipment in yet and didn't know when they would nor who else had it. I insisted they call around—they found one branch in Gordy's neighborhood that could fill the other 6 pills. Hightailed it over there only to find, when I got home, there were only 4 pills in the bottle—my neighborhood third world/banana republic CVS transferred the identical 4-pill 'script instead of the full remaining 6. So I had only enough to get me through Wed. morning. I called and they said that my insurer wouldn't cover the remaining 2 pills till Wed.!

    Tuesday I picked up my Hooked on Fish order: arctic char and Alaskan halibut, plus a 1-lb. can of crabmeat (same price as a couple of 6-ounce tins at Whole Foods). Got a call from the CVS-inside-Target that had scheduled my COVID shot for Wed. to tell me that they were given only 20 doses, all scarfed up over the weekend and wouldn't be able to take me till Mon. 9/25. AAARGHH!!!

    Didn't go to the CBA's Ireland trip reunion/Mexico City orientation party, as my back was still acting up, it was raining, and I wasn't up to taking public transit down to the Loop. Not just that—I idly checked Walgreen's site and to my amazement found that they had an appt. available in the next hour & a half at the branch in Rogers Park where I got all my previous boosters. Raced up there, stood in line for 40 min. and finally got the shot!

    Dinner that night was the last of the Costco chicken, a tomato and some pickles. But late that night I got serious carb cravings and binged (chips, matzo, Cheerios, a cookie, candy, a date and a prune). Four hours after hitting the sack I had a massive tibial cramp, which abated but then returned with a vengeance an hour later, spreading up my adductor (inner thigh) muscle so badly I couldn't put weight on it and had to use a cane to hobble to the bathroom for lidocaine roll-on. So that's it for sugar & starch for me, at least anything w/in 2 hrs. of bedtime.

    Wed. night I grilled the arctic char and asparagus, with a Caprese over Loyola U.'s homegrown mesclun mix on the side (with the leftover rice for Bob). This time I had no food at all after 9pm…and slept for 9 hrs. straight. Tonight we went to Little Madrid, a BYOB tapas cafe in my old Andersonville 'hood. It had expanded since we'd last dined there, with a bigger menu and twice as many servers. We had a charcuterie board (salchicon Iberico, jamon Serrano, three cheeses, olives, almonds, quince paste, and pan "cristal" con tomate—with the grated tomatoes on the side so we—Bob—could "roll our own"); a Malagueña salad (arugula, strawberries, "pear" tomatoes, more jamon Serrano, and burrata); marinated boquerones (white anchovies) & olives with housemade potato chips (for Bob); morçilla (blood sausage) with blistered shishitos (all of them spicy) dusted with smoked paprika; and a "small' seafood paella—which was still big enough to take home the leftovers. They are the only place in the area that manages to make its paellas with the crusty soccarat on the bottom. (Other tapas bars around here cook the rice and proteins together, and serve the paella as soon as the fish is done so the rice can't get crusty). This paella also had whole head-on shrimp—messy, but fresh & sweet. That was my carb-of-the-day. Too full to even attempt dessert, though across the room someone had crema Catalana (flan brulee) that was seared tableside with a hot salamander iron. The sweet smoke was intoxicating and very tempting.

    On my own tomorrow, as Bob is staying down in Oak Lawn to read EKGs and echoes at Advocate Christ at zero-dark-thirty so we can make the Little Company of Mary fall banquet at the Adler Planetarium Sat. night. Saving grace is that he'll be late enough to miss cocktail hour, so I will cab it down late too. (I no longer know anyone there anyway, as all Bob's colleagues have retired, most of them to the sunbelt). The one day this week forecast to be warm & dry! So tomorrow night I will pan-sear the halibut (topped with chimichurri) alongside the leftover paella and broccolini. By the time my HK returns Mon. morning, the kitchen will no longer smell fishy.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408

    Oh, and I insisted Bob re-test tonight. Negative. (I think he needs to get a followup CT to make sure his lung nodule hasn't grown, as well as get allergy-tested for mold spores, because when he coughs it's paroxysmal— just like when I came home from London in Dec. 2019 and coughed uncontrollably for 3 weeks).

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708

    Been busy with an out of town friend visiting this week but we had crockpot pork tenderloin, shrimp fettuccine Alfredo, the combo at local Mexican place. DH and friend are having pulled pork sandwiches with other friends, while I enjoy a tuna steak and mixed veggies.

  • eric95us
    eric95us Member Posts: 3,133

    We are in Ordway, Colorado tonight, which is east of Pueblo, Colorado.

    We stopped at Royal Gorge Park earlier today.

    Dinner was hamburgers and a baked potato.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408

    Had a nasty fall today on the sidewalk by the vet's office: because I was looking straight ahead to carry Heidi to the clinic door instead of down at my feet, I tripped on a defect (either a hole or the base of what had once been a pole) and landed on the L side of my face. The vet tech gave me some gauze for me to clean up & stop the bleeding, bacitracin and a couple of band-aids (they didn't have ice packs). As soon as Heidi's visit was done I drove home, let her out of the carrier in the den, and turned around to go to urgent care (too bad they don't give out flyer miles or loyalty points). Had to wait 20 min. for the "appointment" the computer set up (even though I was a walk-in)—they didn't triage, just first come-first served—but I did get ice packs while waiting to be seen. Got x-rays, nothing broken despite my getting a huge goose egg on my cheekbone & shin and swollen hand. Got wounds dressed too. Amazingly, Bob still thinks I should cab it down to the hospital banquet—even though he'll be late. Nope—not going through trying to do my hair, dress up (and cover up the shiner that's begun to develop) and order a cab or Uber to hang out with people I don't know. I don't want a free meal & drinks that badly.

    On to food: for brunch I made shakshuka (jarred Mina sauce mixed with Moroccan eggplant stew from the kosher case at Jewel) and an egg. Dinner was leftover paella, matzo with melted provolone, and a small scoop of coffee gelato. (Way before bedtime—and no other carbs after that). As for tomorrow, one meal at a time, whatever is easiest & most sensible.

    Oh, and Monday I'm filing a claim with the city…accompanied by photos of the sidewalk & my injuries. (Would have done it today, but it seems everything bad happens on a Friday or weekend these days).

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708

    Tonight is a leftover pulled pork sandwich and slaw with mayo and konriko jalapeño seasoning.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408

    I may pull the halibut back out of the freezer and pan-sear it, topped with chimichurri. Not sure how to accompany it. Brunch was chopped liver (hey, Jewel had it and I'm borderline anemic) on lightly toasted multigrain sourdough.

  • eric95us
    eric95us Member Posts: 3,133

    Chi…glad nothing was broken & hope the soreness quickly goes away.

    Tonight we're in Great Bend, KS.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408

    Took the path of least resistance for dinner—the halibut was too big for just me, so instead I grilled an Amylu "Cacio e Pepe" chicken sausage, plus a mini-Caesar and a small Caprese.

    Bob didn't go to the dinner, as I wasn't going and he had too much work, so he ate at the hospital. He called me in "sick" so we won't get stuck for the $60 spouse ticket. Because he didn't get to have passed hors d'oeuvres, I owe him a tapas charcuterie board for breaking the fast Monday night. Fortunately, we have all the fixings for it. He is threatening to bring home one of those monster 15" Costco shrimp rings (takes over the whole fridge). I said no way—stick with the normal-size Whole Foods one. Dreading when he brings home one of those giant mutant Costco pumpkin pies too.

  • wallycat
    wallycat Member Posts: 1,401
    edited September 2023

    Haven't been posting in a bit. Just got caught up on several threads…too many appointments and blah, blah, blah.

    I'm elated it is Fall, which means no more concerns about hot temps when we schlep to Seattle.

    Carole, I hope your trip will be wonderful. You have no doubt already left.

    Illimae, congrats on NED!! That is wonderful.

    Sandy, so sorry to hear about the fall and the UTI. Nice to hear your Heidi is still with you. I miss my little guy every day. Sigh.

    We are having leftover Spam fried rice. Two nights ago, I made tuna steaks with jasmine rice and broccoli.

    Sorry if I missed anyone else's activities….