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So...whats for dinner?



  • eric95us
    eric95us Member Posts: 3,133
    edited February 2

    ….haven't made it yet :-).

    Edited to add…….we may not make it into town today to get any ground turkey, so I'm cooking some chicken and will be putting it through the meat grinder. I looked and we have four bell peppers, so that will work out just fine.

    The meat grinder is another of those "family heirlooms". When my mom gave it to me, she said it was a wedding present to her parents….they were married in 1913.

  • eric95us
    eric95us Member Posts: 3,133

    And, adding to the above. The meat grinder worked perfectly. If I get to be over 100 yeas of age, I hope I can work as well. :-)

    When I cook chicken in the dutch oven, there's always some broth left in it. If I'm not needing the broth for anything, I give it to our dog. He's figured that out and gets excited when I start using the dutch oven.

    As for the weather. It's cold and windy, and the clouds are now "boiling up" from the south, so I think it will be storming soon. And…..MIL just called. She's about 1/2 hour south of us and she said it is snowing HARD there. She's from the area of upstate New York that gets the lake effect snow, so it must be quite the storm if it's impressing her.

  • maggie15
    maggie15 Member Posts: 1,300

    Eric, I stir fry the ground turkey or chicken, add salsa, stuff the peppers and bake. My sister has my grandmother’s meat grinder; I’m jealous.

    Illimae, Good different food I haven’t cooked myself makes traveling for medical appointments something to look forward to. It has to be takeout eaten in the hotel room or as a picnic, though. I contracted covid dining outside at a restaurant last summer and got to sample the hospital menu (not so good.)

    Carole, I found a recipe for fajita casserole without beans and made it for dinner tonight. I had refried beans on the side.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,305

    My brother has my Mother's meat grinder (circa 1940)

    Dinner was Naan pizzas with everything hanging out in the fridge. Raos then broccoli, onion slivers, mushrooms, black olives, Havarti & mozzarella cheese. The four mini rounds are just the perfect amount. Two for tonight and two left over for next week.

    Have to eat fresh spinach tomorrow or throw it away….

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,133

    We had a meatless dinner last night. I had a frozen spinach and artichoke dip in the freezer (TGI Friday) that I bought on impulse, thinking it might make a good pasta sauce. I gave the idea a try last night with linguine. Turned out a little skimpy on the sauce but I realized I could make my own spinach and artichoke hearts mixture for pasta sauce. The addition of shrimp would be good, too, if I could force myself not to make shrimp scampi.

    It was not a meatless day for me, though, because I treated myself to a hamburger for lunch yesterday.

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,258

    eric - this is her expo. I was there for the first time, briefly, last year to see it and deliver her beau from the airport as he was returning from a wedding in AZ (Mesa), and it amazes me that she puts this thing on while still having a full-time job. It has grown each year, and people seem to love it. You can catch her in the video up on the stage for the raffle.

    I wish I had my mom's meat grinder. There are a few things I regret not taking from my parent's house when I prepared it for sale - meat grinder, which I was actually just discussing with DH a couple of weeks ago, and my grandmother's Singer sewing machine. Unfortunately, the house is in CA, and I was in VA - everything had to be sent or crated and shipped. I had to make a lot of decisions quickly as the house sold on the same day I listed it - not a bad problem to have, but it did compress the timeline and I was handling all of it by myself.

    Dinner last night was more of the turkey tetrazini, and a salad for DH. I had a salad for lunch so was reluctant to salad again at dinner to not alarm my digestive system. The tetrazini recipe made a 9x13 pan, so after I refrigerated it I lifted 1/3 of it out and put it in a freezer container for later. I will make this recipe when we go to CO in the summer since it can feed the 7 of us!

    minus - I have some do or die spinach in the fridge - will likely make a frittata with some since DD brought 18 eggs over. I also have some mushrooms, red peppers, and goat cheese so that will make a nice one. Might make creamed spinach with the rest to accompany something for dinner tonight. I am also considering a rosa linguine with sauteed zucchini and parm on top.

    I think I will essentially end up a flexitarian - predominantly plant with a lesser percentage of animal based protein. Growing up in California where fantastic produce was always available made me a more plant based eater from the get-go. My dad had an organic garden, so we had great tomatoes, green beans, spinach, and lots of squash.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,133

    Lydia (PBS cooking show) made colored bell peppers stuffed with a ground turkey and bread and veggie mixture today. I thought about Eric and Sharon with their new commitment to WW. My favorite stuffing aka dressing is a brown rice mixture. Rice and black beans with some grated cheese and ground beef or pork is good. I like adding a little chopped fresh tomato to the mixture.

    I saw a creamed spinach and pasta recipe in NYT that is no doubt delicious as well as loaded with a million calories. Butter and cream in the ingredients list.

    I'm simmering the remaining half of the turducken I had in the freezer, after removing the green onion sausage dressing. I will make a gumbo that will include andouille sausage and will cook brown rice. Maybe cornbread as well.

    It's a nasty day and next door at the neighbor's house a wedding took place under gigantic tents in the back yard. Such a shame that they couldn't have had a pretty day. I walked over this morning to see the set up, which is lovely.

    I like fresh vegetables a lot but also like fish, seafood and meat.

  • eric95us
    eric95us Member Posts: 3,133

    That has got to be a lot of work to set up…there is always something that needs attention to keep things running smoothly. I'll bet she's glad when it finishes up and she can say, "Whew!!!!" :-)

    I very much appreciate the "old stuff" and the "old ways" of doing stuff. Often I find "the old way" faster than the new way..

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708

    Last night dinner was leftover pizza from lunch. Made it home around 2am and woke up at 10:30 to unexpected snow. DH is making chili and baked two pies, cherry and Texas trash, not sure what the trash pie is exactly but I saw caramel, pretzels and coconut on the stovetop. I’m letting him entertain a few friends in my bar tonight since it’s much warmer in there, than where they usually gather.

  • maggie15
    maggie15 Member Posts: 1,300

    I also like fresh vegetables but the heme iron from meat, fish and seafood is better absorbed than the non-heme iron from plants. To cut down on the number of iron tablets I have to take (and their SEs) I eat plenty of heme containing food. The climate, soil and growing season where you live also influence what is available to eat. When I lived in Scotland the vegetable choices were potatoes, onions, turnips, parsnips, cabbage and brussels sprouts. Greenhouses are now used to expand the variety but they are energy intensive to operate.

    Special, I also missed out on my grandmother's Singer sewing machine. It was left to me but I was abroad so my sister took it. It would not have worked on the 220 voltage system in Europe and at the time it seemed that we would stay there.

    Carole, my daughter was married in New Orleans the day after a bad storm which closed the airport for two days. They took down the tents on Friday afternoon but were able to put them back up on Saturday morning. The weather and the wedding turned out to be beautiful.

    Illimae, I've never had a Texas trash pie but from the ingredients it seems that I'll have to taste one.

    Dinner tonight was chicken parmesan and spinach.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,133

    The ironies of weather and life. Today is about as perfect as a day gets in south Louisiana. Temperature in the 60's and sunny, no wind. I just took a walk in the neighborhood. If only the wedding party next door could have had this day yesterday.

    The liquid part of the gumbo was tasty thanks to onion, garlic, celery, bay leaves, dark roux and juices from the three poultry components of the turducken. But the meat was mostly turkey breast. The chicken and duck meat were much better. I have enough leftover gumbo to feed the homeless.

    I'm thawing lamb loin chops for tonight and need to go to Rouses for a veggie, probably turnips. I buy Rouses store olive oil and am almost out. I happened to be shopping in Rouses once when the olive oil section was being stocked. The man told me that the store olive oil was their biggest seller. It was on sale at the time. I bought it and it is very good. Previously I bought California Ranch.

    My neighbors just dropped off a piece of the wedding cake. They told us the wedding food yesterday was wonderful. Seafood gumbo, shrimp and grits, fried shrimp, fried catfish plus some usual sides.

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,258

    carole - I like the California Ranch olive oil too - I usually wait for it to go on sale at Publix and then buy a couple to tide me over to the next sale.

    eric - it is indeed a Herculean effort to put that expo on. In the previous years DH was still working, so could only really help for the event itself. Now that he is retired he is handling all of the first responder and military/veteran ticketing, procuring trash receptacles, and accompanying DD on myriad appointments. My involvement was always behind the scenes because of the Covid risk in the previous years. I made the hundreds of vendor badges and set up packets for each vendor. Folded the t-shirts according to size and color, etc. This year I am actually going - will be outside, but I will leave the venue each evening and stay with a friend who is in Gainesville - a real bed and a hot shower is necessary for me to work! Lol! She is introducing more varied merchandise this year - long sleeved shirts, hoodies, Yeti cups with the logo etched, etc. I will likely work checking vendors in initially, but then in the merch tent. Everyone has radios, mobile hot spots, and she has the ability to process credit cards for tickets and merch. Porta potties, a shower trailer, all kinds of things have to be provided as well. It is a whole operation for sure. She is a one-armed paper hanger for the whole event, but I think her dad will be instrumental in easing her load this year.

    maggie - I was sad about the Singer machine - I learned to sew on it. It was very heavy and I had to decide whether to take it - my mom specifically said she wanted me to - and if I was driving home I would have taken it for sure, but she also wanted me to take the dining room set - so I chose that. Had it crated and shipped. It is always a hard situation when trying to make those decisions, difficult not to have regrets.

    illimae - I just looked up the recipe for the Texas Trash Pie - read the Southern Living version. I am all in.

  • maggie15
    maggie15 Member Posts: 1,300

    Carole, The good food at the neighbor’s wedding probably took everyone’s focus off the weather.

    Special, Your daughter must be both brave and super organized to put on that expo.

    Dinner tonight was strip steak, cauliflower and fries for DH.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,133

    I have my aunt's old Singer sewing machine. I didn't really want it but her daughter, my cousin, brought it to my house. I have a mini Sears that has seen me through many sewing projects. It's a cute little thing that folds up and fits into a small case. The only drawback is that it doesn't manage thick heavy material.

    It's dark and gloomy out this morning.

    Last night's dinner lacked any wow factor. DH discovered the grill gas bottle was empty so we cooked the lamb chops on the stove top in a cast iron grill pan. Too late to heat up the oven for finishing them. The half baked potato was good with butter and sour cream.

    Probably leftover gumbo tonight with tossed salad.

  • wallycat
    wallycat Member Posts: 1,401

    yikes, skip a day and there were 16 posts….skimmed. I buy olive oil by the liter-cans, LOL. Seriously.

    Had a doctored frozen burger the night before. Last night, I made goat ragu with buccatini (sp). Leftovers when we get home late. We are heading to seattle this morning for the surgical consult. I didn't sleep at all, just fretting over DH.

    Carole, I hope your DH found the source of his jaw pain.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,133

    Thanks for asking, Wally. Apparently a wisdom tooth is causing the jaw pain. Our regular dentist's x-ray didn't show anything so he referred dh to a dental surgeon who has a super duper x-ray. I assume the tooth will have to be removed. No dental insurance, of course.

    I see those big cans of olive oil on bottom shelves.

  • maggie15
    maggie15 Member Posts: 1,300

    Wally, I hope your DH’s surgical consult went well.

    Carole, Dental work is expensive. My retiree insurance is six times what I paid when I was working. We max out every year but every bit helps. Hopefully nothing more than an extraction will be required to help your DH’s jaw pain.

    Dinner tonight was enchiladas made from leftover steak.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,305

    My dentist actually recommended against dental insurance - but he does give discounts to seniors.

    Wally - my thoughts are with you & your DH. What difficult choices.

    Linner was leftover broccoli salad from Chicken Salad Chick. Then at 9pm - a big bowl of popcorn. I meant to have a small bowl but my hand slipped when I was pouring out the kernels.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,133

    Minus, we have a Chicken Salad Chicken. When I pass it, I wonder what the menu is and whether it's good.

    I made grilled cheese sandwiches for lunch yesterday with white sharp cheddar cheese. Also tomato soup from a can. Yum.

    Enchiladas with leftover steak seems like a great idea.

    Tonight's dinner will likely be pork piccata and a side veggie.

  • shrinkrap59
    shrinkrap59 Member Posts: 41
    edited February 6

    Hello all! Off to PT (for a long list of maladies) after my latest salad. "Aguacate con cosas " ( avocado with things).

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708

    Tonight is Chicken Bombs! An absolute fav but I haven’t made it in years. Sides are cauliflower mac and corn on the cob.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,305

    I spent some time today trying to learn about pasta recipes with avocados. Looks like most are geared to make an avocado "sauce". I think tomorrow I will try chunks of avocado and chunks of mini tomatoes with some leftover Raos sauce and maybe shrimp.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,305

    Carole: If it's "Chicken Salad Chick", I would definitely try it. Most of their chicken salads are good, but my favorite is Dilly. Unfortunately it's seasonal, only a month or two in the summer. Still I love the broccoli salad. Since I'm cooking for one, it's great w/o being as much as the Costco version

    Mae - delicious pictures as always.

  • maggie15
    maggie15 Member Posts: 1,300

    Shrinkrap, Avocado goes well with so many things. One of my favorite soups is curried creamy avocado.

    Minus, You can’t go wrong with avocado and shrimp.

    Illimae, Those chicken bombs look so good! I’d have to make them for myself (DH can’t have the cheese) but I could enjoy them for several days.

    Dinner tonight was chicken in vermouth sauce.

  • reader425
    reader425 Member Posts: 942

    We have chicken salad chick here so I'll have to try it. 😋

    Tonight was kale salad and a mish- mash of leftovers from eating out, including pasta with sausage ( DH) and Roadhouse country fried chicken for me

    I just about never order fried anything but really wanted this. So multiple meals made it less bad (in my mind...)

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,133

    We will be having guacamole tonight to use ripe avocados in the refrigerator. The rest of the meal just falls into place. Chicken breast strips, beans, sauted onions and colored bell pepper, salsa, sour cream, maybe grated cheddar, corn tortillas. I will make a batch of tortillas during the day.

    I grew up eating fried food and still like it. I just read an article in the New Orleans/Baton Rouge online newspaper about the best take out places for fried chicken in New Orleans. In this area convenience stores often have great fried chicken. We seldom take advantage of the availability but I do love fried chicken. I haven't cooked it in years because it makes such a mess on the stovetop. Many people now own the small deep fryers since they're affordable.

    Last night's pork piccata with turnips as the side was very good. DH is not a fan of pork tenderloin but he seems to enjoy the piccata. He is a big fan of turnips.

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,258

    maggie - DD is brave for sure, not sure if you were on this thread yet when I posted about her alligator hunting, lol! She is a unique girl! Most of the organization as far as administrative stuff is my contribution, but she does have an attorney and an accountant. Her strength is in relationship building - with her vendors that come to the expo - many of whom she personally knows, the volunteers who come year after year to help in exchange for free camping and admission, and in the contacts that she procures from - both goods and services. She is also pretty fearless and has a "why not?" attitude for most things. They get that from their dad, and both of my kids are adrenaline fueled - me, not so much…

    carole - same for me on the fried chicken, love it, hate the mess from cooking it myself. Publix has surprisingly good fried chicken, I prefer the box that has pieces on the bone rather than the tenders. I need to eat a turnip! I've never had one.

    Dinner last night was a napa cabbage salad with sliced chicken breast that I pan cooked, topped with peanut sauce and sliced almonds. I still have the spinach that needs using, I checked it yesterday and it still looked good, but I feel like spinach can go super quick. I have 18 eggs from DD's chickens so I think I will make a frittata - I just saw a recipe on the MSN home page for a spinach and feta one that looked yummy. DH is back at the gym and wanting protein heavy foods - so that would work for him, and it will last a couple of days. Tonight's dinner will be a ravioli primavera - allows me to use up random veggies and a partial carton of cream, and I too have an avocado that needs using so maybe a romaine salad with avocado on top.

    illimae - what is in the chicken bomb? It looks delish! I have one recipe that is cream cheese with sliced scallion that is stuffed in flattened chicken breasts, which are then wrapped in bacon and baked.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,305

    My Mother never fried anything - always roasted or grilled or broiled or BBQ, so I never learned how. And I didn't live in the South until I was 30, so my ways were already set. Probably because of that, I eat very few fried foods. Seems like I'm the only person in the south who has never fried chicken. I do like fish & chips and fried onion rings and will occasionally get fried chicken to go - but it's probably just as well I never learned to want them.

    My favorite turnip dish came via a long ago British mother of a college friend. She grated carrots & turnips & steamed them. Yup - bland, WWII food. Now I often add spices as the mood suits - garlic, green chili, whatever.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708

    Specialk, the chicken bombs are filled with jalapeños (omitted from mine), and a cream and cheddar cheese mix, Also wrapped in bacon and basted with bbq sauce, I use sweet baby rays.

    The recipe is easy, I’ve added it below if anyone is interested.

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,258

    minus - your mom's cooking sounds healthy! My mom's was as well - heavy on fresh produce, whole wheat bread, no desserts or soda in the house, fish at least weekly, very little convenience foods or takeout. Eating in a restaurant was a special treat - usually for some occasion. That said, her kryptonite was fried chicken - it would have been her death row meal.