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So...whats for dinner?



  • wallycat
    wallycat Member Posts: 1,401
    edited January 21

    Had to call 911 for the sheriff this afternoon; the jerk trespassed and kept ringing our doorbell, then tried calling (thankfully, busy signal for him since I was on the phone with the sheriff). They simply have no idea how scary a huge german shepherd (with voice command) is.

    I hope he doesn't have guns. I don't know. He's a vietnam vet and sometimes I wonder what happened to him. His wife is as bad. I took karate and could probably do a few moves to protect myself. If I had my guns out, I'm a pretty good shot…just don't want any of this to escalate. Mine are always locked up unless we are at target practice or hunting. We'll see what the sheriff does with the anti-harassment order.

    I made a sun-dried tomato crustless quiche and it turned out as a great side dish for the lamb leftovers.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,305

    Wally - what a mess. I am really involved in my Civic Association here so often get put in the middle of neighbor issues. Hoping the sheriff will be able to de-escalate.

    I totally forgot about eating today. Finally at 7:30 pm I had 1/4 of a bag of Ruffles and a mini Strawberry cake (cupcake size). I also poured a glass of Hayes Valley Meritage. Excellent wine from Costco for under $10.00. Almost as good as the Estancia Meritage.

  • wallycat
    wallycat Member Posts: 1,401

    Minus, I marvel people can forget to eat. My blood sugar never lets me forget. I snacked on potato chips…stress eating, I suspect. I'll have to look for that wine.

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Hello to all. Life has been so busy for us. I forget to get on here. I see my onco probably for the last time, early Feb. Things change. I'm more worried about my son, who had to start chemo all over again. He just finished his last TX last week. He's dealing with his tracheotomy ok, but the feeding tube isn't fun. His tumor shrunk enough He can have a couple sips of soup though, he's loving it.

    Stan and I celebrated our 50th Anniversary at the end of October. We had fun. I did a lot of planning, Stan was busy with the tree farm, getting a new roof put on, working out the details of the solar farm with people from out of state. Then, they needed to cut timber ( its a tree farm, so yeah, they cut down trees. LOL. Although one of his brothers isn't keen on that and whines about how bad the woods look with so much taken. But, that's another story. Still watching the Grands, although youngest is turning 5! Next month. We just had them over night, they are active! LOL.

    So we had McDonalds for supper! LOL.

    With the snow storms, a gentleman's car stopped at the stop sign, he couldn't get it going again. My DH saw, and went to try to help. No luck. Offered to let him wait at our house. AAA told him an hour. 5 hours later, he was still waiting. In the mean time we talked, I was starting supper before that happened. When it was done, and I don't know what happened, thin cut pork chops, with potatos and carrots doesn't usually take an hour and 45 minutes to cook! But it did that night. LOL. Well, we couldn't eat without him, so invited him to eat with us. I was thanking my lucky stars I decided to cook all 6 slices of pork chops, usually I cook just the 3 thin ones fir both of us. But I also cook double potato and carrots, because they taste so good the next day. So at least we had plenty. I encouraged him to eat as much as he wanted, it was after work and he's a welder, so I bet he was starving. It at least turned out delicious. Anyway he kept calling AAA for updates. They finally said they couldn't get to him until the next day. So he called his ex to drive in the storm to get him. My husband helped him push the car into our driveway, and she picked him up. The next day, he was pretty sure it was his alternator, so he picked one up on the way. My husband worked with him and had the tools he needed. He got it running and skedaddled home before the next storm, after many thank yous! LOL. It's Wisconsin, everyone helps if they can.

    Well, that fills you in a little bit on my world. I'm reading backwards, I'm 5 pages in on this thread. I may have to set an alarm every couple weeks to at least check in here.

    Happy New Year to all. A bit late, but the wish is the same! All my live


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited January 21

    Monica, welcome back. You have earned much good karma for opening your home to a stranger in distress. (This is the coldest January we've had here since 1982—I imagine it's even worse in WI). I renewed my AAA Gold membership, but it's turning out to be useless for emergency road service. I keep it mostly for the discounts (especially Hertz & Avis). Both GEICO and Subaru are more responsive and faster.

    Day 2 on Zepbound, Brunch (after 17-hr intermittent fast) was a piece of leftover tomato foccaccia I dressed up with a grape tomato, 2 mozzarella "pearls" and "pinches" from my indoor basil plant (needs repotting and some sort of trellis). Bob went to Men's Wearhouse alone—my feet were still too problematic to force into boots and it was still too brutally cold. (Still trickling the taps, leaving the undersink cabinet doors and toilet seat lids open, and flushing every few hours). One more day of this before it warms up just enough to have an ice storm Mon. & Tues. and then a thaw Wed., whick will likely cause flooding (though nowhere near the levels we saw from this summer's downpours).

    He brought back a slice of key lime pie—I allowed myself a sliver, just to taste it and then bid it a fond farewell. It was delicious, but not addictive. ("Floodgates" didn't open). Dinner was the last (quarter) of my leftover shrimp fettucine (aglio e olio, not Alfredo) and half a dozen Brussels sprout halves, pan-roasted in a litle EVOO. Night snack was 3 sugar-free fiber gummies. Egg for brunch tomorrow, with maybe plain avocado (prefab guac is too spicy for what may be a touchy tummy) on hi-fiber whole wheat toast. I don't expect my HK in on Mon. or Tues. because of icy streets, so I can defrost some fish to pan-sear with veggies and maybe French lentils.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,133

    Hi, Monica! So good to have you drop in. Please do come more often.

    Wally, your neighbor's behavior would definitely be frightening for me. Two different owners of the house to our left, facing the street, were dog owners. The first man had three Rottweilers in a stout pen. They barked ferociously every time I stepped out into my side yard, where my vegetable garden was located. There was no danger of their escaping but the situation was unpleasant. This couple moved and the next owners had a crazy black dog that would occasionally escape their house. He had been abused as a puppy and seemed to hate people. He would bark and foam at the mouth. We were happy to see them move. Our house is located on two acres so we have some distance between houses.

    Another neighbor farther away from us had two German Shepherds and one of those "invisible" fences that didn't do the job of keeping the dogs inside. They rushed into the yard next to theirs and nearly killed a small dog. There was a lawsuit and a lot of hard feelings. I always avoided walking down that street for fear the dogs would be outside. I also worried about those dogs roaming farther afield and coming to my unfenced yard. Ironically, the last name of the German Shepherds owner is Love. LOL. Currently, no dog problems.

    DH's lintel/veggie soup turned out tasty and definitely hearty. My bread tasted good with it. There is a lot leftover. We'll probably have it again tonight. And tomorrow. And tomorrow…. Just kidding. LOL.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited January 21

    Day 3 on Zepbound—weighed myself, and have lost 4 lbs since it was prescribed last Thurs. (1/11). I know it's likely water, but still optimistic. No problems yet.

    Made avocado toast (the ends of the loaf) and a plain fried egg (just enough EVOO for flavor & crispy edges and to prevent sticking), with truffle salt. For Bob (who got the big slice in the center of the loaf), I used the 365 "classic" guac, which is a tad spicy—been warned that spicy foods might awaken my GERD. For me, 1/4 of a perfectly ripe avocado, with a sprinkling of lime juice and a couple of grinds of Alessi avocado toast seasoning. Just what the doctor…and my tastebuds…ordered. Nice & full 2/3 of the way through my coffee. Bob had already knocked off the key lime pie (which, after I'd taken a sliver, was still full-size) so he didn't want an egg.

    It might be warm enough to walk to dinner tonight; if so, I'll have an appetizer (probably tuna carpaccio, hold the jalapenos) and a little white wine—my usual prosecco may be too fizzy. If not, then I'll defrost walleye and nuke it in parchment with herbs & peppers—no skillet to wash. Couple of prunes as dessert…if I need them, that is. Otherwise, a decaf espresso with fake honey and a crushed cardamom pod. (A riff on the old Espresso Allegro, from the late great eponymous coffeehouse from my Seattle days).

  • wallycat
    wallycat Member Posts: 1,401

    I'd sell my mother for some walleye!!

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,305

    I made up today for Ruffles only yesterday with my previously planned meal. Hamburger steak (the 2nd of two that I cooked earlier) with mushroom/red wine sauce - sauteed in butter with garlic, onion & wine added & steak warmed on top once the sauce was done. Served with one of the Bob Evans individual mashed potatoes. I see no point in making a pot of mashed potatoes for one when these are reasonably good.

    And yes Wally - me too about the Walleye.

    Moonflower - GREAT to see you.

  • maggie15
    maggie15 Member Posts: 1,300
    edited January 22

    I like walleye but not that much.

    Wallycat, German shepherds can be dangerous. I had a neighbor who was a prison guard and chained his retired working dog outside his home. Even though the chain was heavy duty I worried about my young children inadvertently getting too close. He finally built a chain link enclosure after King killed a passing cat. He was a nice enough guy but somewhat lacking in common sense.

    Sandy, I hope the Zepbound remains problem free.

    Tonight DH had the leftover beef. I'm feeling a bit off from this afternoon's MRI so I had chicken soup.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835

    Just chiming in to a few...

    WallCat, does your mom know this??? ("I'd sell my mother for some walleye!!") You crack me up!

    Minus, I always make extra mashed potatoes and freeze them for individual portions and freeze. If I'm having something with a gravy, I'll put that in too. It reheats nicely, however you do it. Microwave is fine.

    Dinner for me, left over beef stew my neighbor made and brought over for me.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708

    Tonight was my first time cooking and eating Bison. I seared the steak about medium, it’s different but good and added the broccoli and carrots, DH made the cheesy potato stacks (I don’t remember what they’re actually called), those were great too.

  • eric95us
    eric95us Member Posts: 3,133

    Chi, hugs.

    I guess you're getting the rain also, Goldie. Our dog wants us to take him for a walk and I need to get my old "mud boots" out. Sharon canned some southwest chicken soup awhile back and that sounds like a good idea for tonight's rainy night dinner.

    Special DH's later lunch time sounds familiar. :-) My work schedule and "when I'm hungry" never aligned.

    We have a neighbor we call "Cluster", because when he was walking by our house, he stopped to complain, "My f—-ing girlfriend f—— got her f——ing car f——ing impounded". Amazingly enough, Cluster's 20 year old son is a perfect gentleman. Everyone else is a great neighbor, although with distances between houses at least 1/4 mile, and usually 1/2 mile, someone would need to be VERY obnoxious to be bothersome.

    I can not imagine ever a firearm out because I'm angry.

  • wallycat
    wallycat Member Posts: 1,401

    Eric, I agree….never out of anger; possibly out of fear.

    Illimae, drool on that meal. We love buffalo meat!

    Goldie, LOL, my mom has long ago died, so no worries ;-)

    I had the remaining 1/2 bag of my kettle brand potato chips for my stress eating. YUM. Wine and potato chips are my drugs of choice.

  • eric95us
    eric95us Member Posts: 3,133

    Wow. I somehow missed a bunch of messages.

    Hi Moon! It's good to hear from you. I'm sorry to hear about your son. Hopefully this last chemo will do the trick.

    Only one time did I have to threaten to use my firearm as a weapon. A game warden was having difficulty with a poacher when I happened to drive by in my old Jeep. The warden was quite happy when the odds became 2 to 1 against the poacher.

  • reader425
    reader425 Member Posts: 942

    It continues cold here so we had salad and leftover ziti for dinner. Tomorrow I'm defrosting beef for a crockpot beef stew. We eat out a bit too much, sometimes due to my lack of planning. So I'm trying to be more proactive.

    Sandy glad you are having no ill effects so far. My DH is on Ozempic, having lost 25 lbs and changed all his concerning numbers.

    Wally keep safe! The dog situation is really worrying.

    Carole, do you cook your bread in a machine or use the stove. I'm a little inspired.

    Hello to everyone else! 👋

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835

    Illimae, cheesy potato stacks, those look yummy. Can you get recipe from DH, or yourself, if you know how to do them. Looks like something you can make as little or a lot of what you want.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,133

    Reader, I bake the bread in the oven. I gave away my bread maker some years ago. This Einkorn whole grain loaf is very easy. Weigh and mix ingredients in a bowl. Cover and let rise for 30 min. Stir batter and transfer to greased pan. Cover and let rise for 30 min. Bake at 375 for 35 to 40 min. It's delicious with such minor effort. I use regular and whole wheat flour instead of all whole wheat.

    I bought a sour dough yeast but haven't tried using it yet.

    We'll have the lintel soup tonight after skipping last night.

    Goldie, I didn't know you could freeze mashed potatoes. Any time I tried freezing potatoes, it changed the texture so much I couldn't eat them. Not so with pasta. I cook the whole package and freeze the leftover.

    It's 42 degrees and partly cloudy this morning. So nice to be above freezing.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835

    Ha ha Carole, I didn't know you could freeze pasta! Do you freeze it with a sauce on it? As for the potatoes, if it is chunks of potatoes, yes, the consistency changes, not with mashed. I also freeze individual portions of squash like that. I have a silicone muffin tray, I use that. Perfect for a single serving for me. If I want more, I just use 2. I also do that with any stock I might use, but don't use the whole box.

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,258

    chisandy - so sorry to hear about your friend, been there with an old coach/teacher of DH's - he never married or had children and asked us to be his advocates and handle his estate. On top of your loss of your precious kitty - it is a lot. Glad to hear the prescribed med is working and not causing additional issues.

    moon - great to see you - your sound busy, as always. Sending some positive energy for your son.

    illimae - great photo - I can taste those potatoes through my computer screen!

    Wild neighbor story - this actually made the news here, not sure about anywhere else. A guy was pulled over on I-75 by a Range Rover with flashing lights (first red flag - Range Rover…) and a mid-20's guy got out and approached the driver he pulled over. The gentleman had his license and registration/insurance card out and informed the "officer" that he had a concealed carry permit (this is FL…) and his gun was in the back of his vehicle, unloaded. Both went to the back of the car. The driver handed the gun to the "officer" who then asked if he had ammo. Driver says yes, and gives it to the "officer" to see. Dude takes off with the gun and ammo, hops into his Range Rover, and hightails it out of there. The driver now calls 911 and it is determined that this was not law enforcement who pulled him over. Alert Tampa Police found him a couple of blocks from here pulling someone else over. Turns out this guy has a ton of money due to being the only heir of a wealthy dad who had recently passed away, and has been engaging in delusional behavior - some of it criminal - for quite some time. He previously lived downtown and beat an elderly woman's vehicle with the bumper he had torn off, with her in it, after she wouldn't talk to him while he was on the sidewalk? WTF? Called 911 constantly telling them the purge was coming, rang his neighbors doorbells in the middle of the night telling them they had to leave because he owns their homes. His mother and his previous advocate both won't have anything to do with him because they are afraid of him. There is an risk protection order and he is not allowed to possess a gun. He bought a house, paid cash, about 8 houses up from me in the cul-de-sac. This is a family neighborhood with small kids. He will not stay on his meds, has terrorized the neighbors enough that the dads were all sleeping on their living room couches (armed…) and moms/kids were locked in the main bedrooms each night. All of us got cameras and alarms after the first incident. He was arrested and was out of jail awaiting trial when he totaled the Range Rover in a single car accident while DUI. Arrested again. Not sure of the details of the first trial, but he did go to prison for a while, then was released to a mental health facility. His advocate came to the house and checked it out, was a monstrous mess inside, cigarette butts on the bed, broken glass everywhere, garage floor completely covered in beer bottles, many of them broken. The advocate sold the house several months ago, but just a couple of weeks ago the guy tried to return! Police called… hopefully he won't come back. Bad neighbors are scary, right? Everyone with a threatening neighbor/or neighbor dog, keep safe!

    In dinner news - the beef stew was good for dinner for the last two nights, but now it is gone. The good news - DH has a 6lb Boston butt in the smoker and I already made the cole slaw last night. I will also make some red potato salad with sour cream and dill dressing. i am in the middle of a closet organization project - almost done - but I have an overnight guest coming on Wed., so I need to kick it into high gear!

    goldie - I cook the pasta, drain it well, portion it out into containers that I fill to the top, or ziplocks with the air pressed out - no sauce. You can microwave it to defrost, or defrost it in sauce to heat it up. Works great!

  • maggie15
    maggie15 Member Posts: 1,300

    Carole, Goldie and Special, Thanks for the freezing tips for mashed potato and pasta. I always have leftovers since I eat tiny quantities of these so that will save food and cooking time. Does anyone freeze rice?

    Illimae, your meals always look so yummy.

    Tonight's dinner was chicken sausages with caramelized onions, grapes and balsamic vinegar.

  • wallycat
    wallycat Member Posts: 1,401

    Mac n cheese.

  • reader425
    reader425 Member Posts: 942

    Beef stew - oldie but goodie tonight.

    I am thankful today for my (seemingly) normal new neighbors since our move, based on these stories!

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,305

    I was at the Med Center today so I purchased a California Club sandwich. I ate half & will finish tomorrow.

    Ditto on the freezing. I've been doing pasta for several months since Mae & Special recommended. Great to have it "on hand" by just soaking in hot water or adding to pasta sauce. I'll have to try potatoes.

    Mae - thanks for the video. Potatoes look delicious.

    Reader - and the beef stew looks great.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,133

    Beef stew is an old favorite here. Those potatoes look delicious but too much trouble for me.

    I went out to lunch today with three women friends and had a Gulf shrimp remoulade salad. It was lovely to look at and tasted oh so good. The remoulade sauce was excellent.

    DH has a woodworkers' guild meeting tonight so we'll be eating earlier than usual. I'm thawing ground meat to make a taco salad. Just looked up a recipe for taco seasoning. I don't have a taco shell but do have corn chips for some crunch.

  • reader425
    reader425 Member Posts: 942

    Carole thank you for the Einhorn bread information. I bought a bag and will look up a similar bread to make.

    Chicken parmesan warmed up (from a local gourmet shop) and three cheese tortellini. Easy tonight . I'm not feeling 100%, even after finishing antibiotic. Hoping I'm not relapsing. DH is sniffing again too so we may be sharing different stuff. Even though it's warmer here in NC it's still winter I guess.

    Keep well everyone.

  • maggie15
    maggie15 Member Posts: 1,300

    Carole, What a delicious lunch!

    Reader, I hope you feel better soon.

    Tonight’s dinner was creamy chicken with mushrooms, spinach and sun dried tomatoes.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,305

    Carole - I am so jealous of the remoulade for your shrimp. How ridiculous it is that I can't find that in Houston!!!

    Special - that is truly a 'wild' neighbor story. Hope he's gone for good.

    Today I ate the other half of my California Club sandwich from the medical center cafe. Tomorrow I'm going to a friends to play Chickenfoot. Hope I can remember how to play…. I'm taking a Spinach/Artichoke quiche from Costco, a relish tray and a molded lime salad with avocados, crushed pineapple, tiny celery pieces & cashew nuts Jello is soft set and then whipped with 4T mayo before adding the other ingredients. Someone else is doing deviled eggs & dip. The hostess is providing dessert.

  • wallycat
    wallycat Member Posts: 1,401

    Leftover mac n cheese.

    Had my dental cleaning, x-rays, blah, blah. OUCH it is expensive here.

    Feeling sleeping earlier; maybe the pneumonia vaccine I got yesterday. And the call to 911 and the sheriff coming out again yesterday. I rarely think bad thoughts about people, but in this case, I wish they had a health crisis to make them realize how stupid they are…just sayin' .