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OMG They Found the Cure for Stupid



  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Angel is that a new pic? Is that hair I see????????? Whats new on the dog guy? Does he look like Ricardo? 

    Veggy , I can laugh at that memory now. But then it was a moral dilema, to bypass the steps that I taught others how to do. Yech!!!!!!!!!. Before all the EMS stuff, I used to work in surgery. OR people have a real different view of whats clean and whats dirty LOL it's on the level of OCD. So, Ricardo was /is a real different something LOL.

  • hdangelbaby
    hdangelbaby Member Posts: 412

    oh yes sas it is hair you see!! i'm 3 months PFC and it is starting to get thick, but how i long for bangs! lol!

    in all honesty, i have been back to work 2 weeks now, and i haven't seen the dog guy since that day in the breakroom!!!! maybe they got rid of him. that would be nice!

    doesn't look like ricardo though, if he wouldn't open his mouth, the dog guy would be somewhat good looking! lol!

    only 4 more boosts, then done ladies! had my emotional meltdown saturday.

    ugh, sick of cancer, sick of being broke, sick of being in pain ( i'm so burned i can hardly sleep), and sick of having no energy.

    i told my dh after my wisdom teeth come out on july 8th, after i get through that, i want his help in helping me get off the pain meds. it's not that i'm taking alot of them, but i am taking them just about everyday. and i think i am using them for physical pain but sometimes i know i am taking them for escaping. and i know that's not ok. but right now is not the time to do it, especially with mouth surgery coming up.

    he tells me he doesn't think i have an issue with them ( i take 2-4 a day) but i know deep down if i continue to take them for the  emotional pain, it will end up becoming a problem

    so.... another wonderful effect of this damned disease!!

    thanks for listening ladies

  • GirlFriday
    GirlFriday Member Posts: 203

    Hey Hdangelbaby!  Ask your doc about the best way to get "off" the pain meds...depending on what you're taking they could have physically addictive characteristics...may be a good thing to start on now...rather than try to "detox" after your oral surgery.  Maybe you can start by switching to just Motrin or something.  Kind of like how some of us had to use tea when we were trying to cut back on our coffee enemas.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Angel--------there is a new drug that can be used for getting off pain meds. Doc has to be certified for treatment plan and use of the drug--------of course can't remember the name, I'll work at finding  out the name. You are right about not taking them for the emotional pain. I know your broke, but check with your social worker and see what they can suggest. Cancer centers usually have counselors connected and just like before, may be he can figuire out something. Plus they may have one of the docs certified to get you off pain meds. It doesn't have to be a pain mgt doc, my PCP is certified. I didn't have to use her for this, but I just called her office and got the name, going to go to site and see what i can find. I'll post this and then edit with the link.

    edit for suboxone link . It also has a doctor locator. once your ready to do it , you can check with insurance to see if it's covered

  • hdangelbaby
    hdangelbaby Member Posts: 412

    thanks ladies!

    i know i'm definitely not the only one going through this. i try to make myself feel better by at least admitting i think i need help with it!

    thanks so much!!!

  • hymil
    hymil Member Posts: 177

    Maybe not actually quit till after the mouth surgery though? Just the planning this week?

  • hdangelbaby
    hdangelbaby Member Posts: 412

    yeah hymil, i figure what is the point of trying to quit before the mouth surgery.  cause i will defintiely be on them for that.  im planning it out this week, but i am going to wait till i am healed up from mouth surgery to begin

  • veggy
    veggy Member Posts: 4,150

    A couple months ago I won a free day of beauty. Today it happened. I got my hair dyed and highlighted and make up done. I would have gotten a manicure but I would ruin it working in the garden. This woman did an awesome job! Its also going to be on TV on a local station as part of "Buddy Check".  I had so much fun! When I got to see myself finally, I cried. I couldn't believe that was me. After donating 13 inches, hair falling out in clumps, completely bald, hair growning in different shades and textures and not being happy over it, I now have a style that is gorgeous. I love how my friend captured this. You can see my reflection in the mirror.

  • EmilyInOntario
    EmilyInOntario Member Posts: 288

    I'm so glad you ladies have kept this thread going. I've been AWOL for a few weeks..still struggling with chemo side effects and started rads last week. Glad to be back and find you all here !

    Ha! Stomach is still turning from "Ricardo" pic..

    Hdangel..I so understand wanting to stay on the pain pills for physical and emotional pain...I often think I should pop the oxycodone that I took for leg pain weeks ago just because I know it will probably make me feel better emotionally. I work on finding alternatives to things I used to really enjoy doing when I felt "well"...when I have the energy. BUT humour sure helps!!

    Veggy..wonderful!! Thanks for sharing that...

  • hdangelbaby
    hdangelbaby Member Posts: 412
    thank you all for understanding and wanting to help instead of judging. that is why i won't tell anyone, other than my husband,he knows about it. i know telling you wonderful women i would actually get positive responses instead of negative ones and judgements Embarassed
  • thegood5
    thegood5 Member Posts: 284

    looks beautiful  veggy!

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    . This is going to be long, sorry folks. Generic description of how to evaluate pain and what to do.

    First try to see if comfort measures will change level of pain---positioning change> if you have been in on position too long that can cause muscle fatigue which can lead to pain. When appropriate try warming up or mild stretching or getting up and walk around. In the hospital The first thing after asking what when where why , how long etc to determined what I was dealing with,  I'd then look at, is something to tight restricting etc. If the patient has pushed things too much, too fast and pain is caused by overuse---rest.   Bottom line is figure out what we are dealing with first. If this fails  go to meds

    Using the pain scale. Research has shown that the worst judges of a patients pain are doctors and nurses. The best judge of the patient pain is there own self description. Every ones tolerance of pain and response to pain is different. No one should assume that anyone elses pain is like their own. If they do, they are arrogant and ignorant of the in depth research of the last 25 years.  If you have somatic pain which is physical body pain----taking medication is appropriate.

    I know allot of people mock the pain scale ,but with adequate explanation it works. This is how I used to present it. Zero --no pain, 1-3 is mild pain, generally tolerated well, but there are people that would like relief from that , so NSAIDS  like motrin ,advil, tylenol if tolerated usually work well.

    4-5 and maybe 6 are moderate pain. The choice of pain reliever can be individual here too. Many people do not like taking a narcotic because of fear of getting hooked. So using the previously mentioned drugs are okay. Some people don't get relief with these drugs. So taking the lowest dose narcotic may be a better choice for this individual. Many of the narcotics are combined with the nsaids or tylenol. For example, tylenol 325 mg with oxycodone  5mg = percocet, tylenol 500mg + oyxcodone = Tylox, Hydrocone and tylenol 325mg =vicodin, Etc. Try one pill at lowest dose. If no relief or relief is not acceptable and the doc has said it's okay take the second one---do so.  The reason the drugs are combined is they hit different receptor sites and that will give more widespread relief.

    7-10 is severe pain, if at home take the higher dose allowed and should expect pain level to decrease below at least a four or lower,  if no pain relief call doctor.

    Don't exceed recommend doses without doctor being aware because it could be an indicator something serious is brewing.

    NSAIDS and tylenol are not benign drugs. Taken in doses higher than recommended can cause damage to the liver and the kidney , that may not be reversible. NSAIDS and tylenol should never be taken with alcohol because of this--- Millions of people in the USA have done this for decades----people may have undiagnosed problems now. Only in the last tens years has the damage that the NSAIDS/tylenol in combination with alcohol become known, But the public has not been adequately informed.

    In the hospital at a 6 or higher, I always recommended IV pain meds because------>5- 6 you start to see changes in blood pressure and heart rate,  and chemicals are produced in the body that will actually interfere with healing.

    If someone said "well my pains a 20 or 100". I would immediately contact the doc for a regimen change. For example, bone pain from neulasta I said" 100 and it feels like wolves gnawing at my bones and I'm alive" That's pretty descriptive that the meds weren't working.

     When we talk of emotional pain.  That's where the doc or counselor ought to be looking at drugs like the benzodiazapines>>>>>>xanax, valium, ativan. An evaluation for depression is appropriate because  there are many good drugs that will alleviate this and take care of the physical pain as well. When our bodies are under to much pain stress for too long, we can get into the "chronic widespread pain syndrome cycle" Abbreviated CWP. Previously known as and still known as fibromyalgia, but the seriousness of it has only recently been taken seriously and treated seriously. Drugs like Savella and cymbalta and lyrica are good for this, but they do take several weeks to do there magic. Think of it as a logjam. Taking one log away isn't going to get the river flowing. BUT in the meantime we need relief. So, a combination of drugs to relieve the emotional stress >>benzo's and the physical pain>>i.e. percocet may be appropriate. 

    So, we each have to evaluate which it is emotional or physical and take steps to make sure we are safe , but getting some relief. Do all the comfort measures possible>>massage, adequate sleep, adequate hydration(lack of proper hydration will cause the muscles to ache/pain and fatigue faster). Get our cancer docs to make proper referrals for the emotional pain---The best resource to get this moving in a cancer center is through the social worker that can work the system. Try and reduce narcotic pain relievers slowly, if we have  been on them a long time, our body is used to them.  If we reduce them to fast, we will go through withdrawal.

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    Has everyone crept out the back door? Don't think we have found the cure guy as I am still getting stupid emails, one about some guy who claims to be the cure guy and offering to share his secrets as long as you pay!!!

    WTC, this guy is holding seminars here and other places around the world. Chickens unit and drum him out of town. Cluck cluck, baagwak.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    WTC -I must have been puffing way to much asparagus. My last post was way to serious.CLUCKK!!!!!!!!

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    Pass the asparagus Sas we need to find the cure guy and half the chooks have flown the coop.

    Angel and Veggy love the hair.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    PUF PUFF pass BRawgkk--------the hens must be on vacation Alyson---sas

  • sandyaust
    sandyaust Member Posts: 82

    Keep puffing that asparagus Sas.  I thought your pain post was fantastic and informative. 

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    Hi Sandy how is Aus? Time to hit perch

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 323

    Is this the cure guy ? caught a glimpse of this weirdo, not the dog eating one, this guy eats chicken feet  !!!!  bagagggggwww

    We're out mud bathing, puffff puffff

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 323

    Hang in there EmilyinOntario, we're all with you, bagagwwwww !

    Thanks much Sas for the informative post Smile

  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600

    Luan - I thought that rather than a horror movie it was a demo tape of what they could expect from radiation therapy.

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    Luan: that's AKA for "horror movie"

  • Ellie1959
    Ellie1959 Member Posts: 73

    SAS - thanks for your post - very succinct and informative. I live with chronic pain - and hydrocodone 7.5 is my tx of choice - any stronger makes me sleepy. The Dr. knows it is real pain - I take Cymbalta too - my bc side has been cut and fried badly - and the radiation does seem to be a gift that keeps on giving because I have muscles spasms as well. I don't think I have addiction issues but I know I hate being in pain - I long for the good old days when it wasn't on my mind. I still exercise, garden - do housework - and if drugs help me - thank God they are available - Ellie

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    Think its a horror movie Luan. Think I looked just like that after rads (then it got infected) WTC

  • hymil
    hymil Member Posts: 177

    Sas, that's a really helpful post about pain, Thanks. Until you have been in serious pain, you don't understand it; and i don't think anything can get you inside someone else's pain, what the scales can do is help to get it into words, that gets some sort of handle on it. And can help you compare if something is helping or not. Emotional pain is so real too but we need different tools to deal with it.

    Now, can we find a way to use asparagus to deal with emotional pain....  there's humour i suppose...

    One thing all pain does is to isolate, to focus you internally on the dysfunctional body and make it hard to interact with the rest of the world, however nice that world might be: a lovely sunset, a hot chocolate brownie or Hey did you know George Clooney is single again...  so it's harder to access the help that is out there and find comfort from the things that would usually encourage you, and that's as true of emotional pain as of physical pain.

    Hang on in there Angel and Emily! We got so many stupid people to deal with - we can start with those who think we should be over it by now, then we can move on to those who ask us how soon the lymphoedema will take to get better then, and then there's the folks who think a week is long enough to recover from chemo -  we gonna be so busy we could set up an educational trust!

    Here's the latest one to annoy me: "Fifty? No really, you're not?"  Well actually no it's all a mistake my mom can't count and really I'm twenty-two - OF COURSE I'm 50 if I tell you so, Dumbo, would I lie and say im 50 if i was really 35?? I mean, I can't say I actually remember being born, and I daresay I wouldn't have noticed the date and time even if I could remember, and it's true there are precious few reliable witnesses still alive and in full possession of their marbles, (none in fact) but the paperwork is either genuine or a damn good forgery.

    Yay I just discovered that annoyance works as an emotional counter-irritant. Bring back the Stupids!

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    Hymil well said both about the effect of pain and 'stupid'.

    Its the comments about LE that really get me some days. Recently saw a cousin who looked at my sleeve saying 'oh I thought you would be over that by now. She was taken aback when I saidin an annoyed tone - 'sorry but its something you control not get rid of'. Yesterday I had rushed out to the gym and forgot my sleeve, girl at gym -'is your arm better?' no its not. (And I have paid for not wearing it.)

    Yes I am grumpy today and have no tolerance for stupid, grumpy with pain lots of it and its pain that the drs can not find cause. I can deal with pain I understand or know the cause of but this pain is different.

    So chooks pass the asparagus, cause I need it today. 

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Thanks Mother cluckers, I almost deleted the pain post. I believe it is one of the biggest issues, w e have to deal with. Undealt with it has so, many consequences. It's like a whole in the barnyard fence. It keeps getting bigger and bigger. Then everything that's suppose to be inside the fence gets out. Everything is falling apart and then there are the outside things moving into the inside. Everything hitting up against everthing else,choas ensues---even if it didn't hurt beore it does now.  The emotional part ----we---- just get tired of the constant assault. A period of absolutely no pain, absolute comfort is so treasured -  but a distant memory.   Law says you can't take a pain med for emotional pain, I know there are those occasions that a pill can reduce the emotional pain because it will take away the physical pain,  I am now so used to because it's been with me sooooooooo long. But fixing both is the only way, to make things right. 

    Angel even though you say emotional pain, and I'm not denying that it is truly emotional,  I'd bet a handful of chicken grain, at the bottom you'd find the cause phsyically related. Crips we have all been brutalized over and over again. AND then before we aren't  even close to being whole and healthy again ---new brutalizations start happening.   Having to work, Having to do other life things  to sustain the household---------and then we get to  our 5 years of  THE AI"S AND TAMOX. BRAWGKKKK. I had to restart all the stuff I had weaned off of b/c the  Aromasin sledgehammer that someone ----not from our henhouse--- beat my whole body up feathers and all. SO, I have two drugs prn for the emotional, One for the CWP, And three different straight pain relievers  __A patch for main control and two for the breakthrough prn. I'm a walking pharmacy. AND in the back of my mind ,I have to keep a little person watching me so, I don't get addicted.  All I want is" the ability to sit here with a drink and toast all my sisters and not take a frigging medicine". Without someone saying "Aren't you over all that." "No, but if you want it , it's yours "

    Alyson, I'll pm you and play 20 questions!

  • hdangelbaby
    hdangelbaby Member Posts: 412

    thank you sas for you infinite wisdom!!

    sorry i haven't been on in a while, i have been putting in some hours at work, (yeah , i TOTALLY overdid it today)

    but sas, i want you to know, i really appreciate your kind words, and help. it makes such a difference.

  • sandyaust
    sandyaust Member Posts: 82

    Hi Alyson,

    Sorry to hear you are having a bad day with your pain.  I have an inflammatory condition diagnosed as the same time as BC so pain has been my 'friend' for some time now.  It is bad enough having to put up with the pain without also having to tolerate the insensitive comments of people who just don't get it.

    Anyway Aus is good.  My heart goes out to the Kiwis in and around Christchurch.  I cannot believe what a rough time (no pun intended) that they are having.  As you know we had severe floods here this year, but I cannot begin to imagine the anguish of those people who are just living in fear of the next tremor. I saw a woman on the news the other night who said her kids wanted to move out of Christchurch to Auckland or Australia because they were frightened.  Poor little things, it can be a crazy old world at times.

    By the way, top marks to you for being a gym goer!!

    Take care,


  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    AngelBaby-----that gladdens my chicken brain and heart.

     Ellie thanks for saying I was succinct  LOL

    Hymil-------Yes an asparagus that really works. Your paragraph on the isolation is an absolute  truism, as is your reference too George. If we each had a prescription for him BID ,our health definitely would improve.

    Sandy , so nice to hear from you and thanks for the nice words, as I said they almost went to the netherworld. I even signed on tonight to delete them.  The definitive research on pain was done 25 years ago by "The Agency on Health Care Policies and Research". In the USA, the research and the pain scale, were not put into practice until the last decade. AND that was accomplished only b/c JACHO the accrediting agency here in USA , made it a mandatory requirement. If a provider doesn't have JACHO accreditation here, they can't be reimbursed by Medicare. So, it was instituted not b/c it was the right thing to do, it was driven by money.

    Still nurses and doctors screw up by not controlling patients pain properly