OMG They Found the Cure for Stupid



  • veggy
    veggy Member Posts: 4,150

  • SimplyAudrey
    SimplyAudrey Member Posts: 92

    One of my co-workers took a pic of me in my hat.  If I can get it from him it may become my avatar....... hmmmmmm.

    SAS - I do have a really cool boss.  He's very understanding - has been thoughout the past 2 years of my mayhem of a life.  I came to work where I do because of him - he has incredible values in the right order.  We have a good time when things get crazy.  I feel blessed to work where I do, and for the people I work with.

    Off to update my avatar - I wasn't kidding about my pet possum when I jumped in this thread!

    Have a FABULOUS weekend all.  It's raining here, so I think I'll go back to bed and read a mindless book.


  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978

    Little old lady

    Couldn't help myself ladies - my friends has a point... :) 

  • veggy
    veggy Member Posts: 4,150

    I like that one!

  • veggy
    veggy Member Posts: 4,150

    I hope I don't offend anyone with this one, but this is going to be me...

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,921

    Sas, Your mouse may need new batteries. Mine got really crazy and was cured by new  batteries.

  • SimplyAudrey
    SimplyAudrey Member Posts: 92

    Batteries?  Cure for Stupid?  Or???  What size???  Recipe worthy?

    Tongue out

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,921

    I meant for SAS's computer mouse, but it's an idea to consider. We could use them to light our asparagus and to zap stupid people.

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978

    Wren you are funny!! Can someone refer me to the page that has the start of the asparagus joke... I'm fairly new to this page and don't quite understand.

  • thefuzzylemon
    thefuzzylemon Member Posts: 631

    Gma....I encourage you to start at page one...for just builds and builds! We've been hitting the Asparagus for a really long time!

    Puff puff passing to you!

  • christina0001
    christina0001 Member Posts: 449

    This is the best thread ever. I like to check in every week or two. You ladies are great. Keep the funny stories and pics coming.

    And FWIW I'm sick of people telling me about all the family members they have had who have died of cancer. Happens at work all the time. I asked my boss to please change my title to "Cancer Ambassador" ...

  • SimplyAudrey
    SimplyAudrey Member Posts: 92

    OK all....I am being serious (sort of) and need help.  DH and I are living in the middle of renovation city.  In cleaning out my closet to expand it, I have discovered I have about 6 PINK t-shirts from my Imaging center (from the many tests and biopsies that have brought me here) of various sizes that all say "Fight like a girl!".  Also in that collection are dog tags and a pink camoflage bandana for the "Pink Army Revolution".

    WTC does "Fight like a Girl" mean??  Should I punch my PS when I go in for pre-op?  Should I claw the anesthesiologist when he starts the happy juice?

    All I know is being on THIS SIDE of things, the shirts piss me off now.  Wouldn't be caught dead in public with them on.

    Any creative ideas with what to do with them?  Just askin'.

    2 things I've come up with are donating them to my husband for his motorcycle workshop for cleaning out the gas tanks and perhaps creating torches in October after surgery......or just having a bonfire in October and using them to start it.

    ANY ideas are most welcome! 

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Member Posts: 4,671

    dust rags?

    me I am sitting here pissed that a pal called me to say a gang of friends are sailing off Maine this week.....I have been invited in the past but not since my I contagious or something?  pisses me off

  • ridergirl
    ridergirl Member Posts: 94

    Omg may have just gained 5 lbs scrolling through these last posts, but had to say i loved them as well as the coments that go with and the wonderful zany ladies who put them here for all of us to share.

    Hugs to all :-)

  • SimplyAudrey
    SimplyAudrey Member Posts: 92

    Veggie, I could rock this hat!  I want one!

  • veggy
    veggy Member Posts: 4,150

    Pink Tee shirts -

    1. shoot them with a shot gun and then wear to your next doctor appointment.

    2. shoot them with a shot gun and give .t to your doctor

    3. clean out you cat box with them.

    4. clean the bathroom 

    4. wax the car

    6. burn

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    veggy---yes thank you , so much you came right in on cue. Question did you know before I mentioned it the other day that I noticed you would come in with cue appropriate pics. I then intentionally would give you cue lines , but didn't tell you . You just did it. Started b4 page 100. :)

    Wren Thanks i will check batteries. it's been weird where bolding will occur and then turns off etc. Lmao-out loud where you said we could use it to light our asparagus and zap stupid people.

    GMA- I started reading the thread at page 40---I think it was page 42 someone called us a bunch of cackling hens and that we would pay in hell It was deleted by the mods. I was a newbie, so hadn't contributed much. But made me a believer to stay here. After that really awful post thats when the clucking , asparagus. tin hats  started. Fuzzy is absolutely right Start at page one. Read a few pages at a time. Many of the group stayed together until about pg 106. Many of them ,then had issues, BC issues to deal with, or it was time for them to move on,  The thread after that was held together by a few. Veggy primarily, And Alyson. Then as threads do they evolve , change , renew. The jokes of some of us old timers, are having new people scratching their heads as you are. That's why it's so important to go back and read. I thought the first 40 pages were some of the best comedy writing I'd ever seen. All directed at the stupidity Of BC and STUPIDS. It get's even better when the clucking starts. I used to sit at that time and put my tin hat on. Helped immensely to get through an absurd time. But if you want to do a CoolWinkLaughingquick catch up start around pg 40. Then over time include pg1-40.  Once and awhile the original group came back for a brief so to speak reunion. Fuzzy/makratz/meece/Lowrider/EmilyinOntario/JanetinVirginia are names that come to mind without looking. At one point someone said our stuff was being quoted on FB. That's when allot of people took on new avatars. I took off all identifying info except sas. Felt didn't mind sharing with other BCO members , but it wasn't the business of the world.

    So, have fun reading and have your Bounty close. Start with an empty bladder. AND your tin hat on.

    S-Aud---we all should have been so lucky to have a boss like yours. Tell'em I send Blessings.

    Veggy- From the pic above.........had first sexual encounter of recent history, ten years younger---he drops in conversation that he had   " never had sex with and old lady"(61). DUH------couldn't have said "Older lady" or "someone older".  I can tell you I taught that young whipper snapper a thing or two. Blew his mind, thank you very much!!!!

  • veggy
    veggy Member Posts: 4,150

    SAS- I was lurking that day, constantly checking in. I saw what you said about me... so  went to town looking for tin hats. Some days I feel sassy and just look for things to pick on. Then there are days when I find a hilarious picture and have to share it (example, implants are forever). I had a bmx almost two months ago and I am always saying that. It all depends how I feel.

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    I want one like this!

    And please pass the asparagus, I need it real bad.

  • SimplyAudrey
    SimplyAudrey Member Posts: 92


    I think you're onto something.  If only I had a shot gun.

    Possum bedding might work there's a thought.  But still, any other ideas, "clean" or otherwise are welcomed!

    Puff, Puff.....passing to Alyson.

  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600

    If you go camping in the woods, Veggy, and must dig a trench you could cut them up and use them for "personal hygiene.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Veggy I know what you have said, but you---" pick up on a lead in line", by anybody. What I'm saying is I saw that in you way before Pg100 forget when you joined. I would intentionally give you a"lead in line" and you never dropped a heartbeat----always there was a response. You were "Costello". Now for those that don't remember Abbot and Costello. Abbot appeared to be the smarter of the two. The brains of the two as comedians was Costello. Veggy what I'm saying about you is --"you are the greatest contributor to the visual affects of this thread" sweetie trying to pay you a high compliment------You deserve it. AND you kept it going in a period that others fell off. Sweetie please just accept as a compliment LOVE AND HUGS sassy

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Alyson a thank you to you too. You hung in there with veggy when times got quiet. Between the two of you the visuals here have been great!!!!!!!!! AND continue to be----where can I get directions for that hat???

  • veggy
    veggy Member Posts: 4,150

    My favorite Abbott and Costello  skit.

    Abbott was the straight man. Costello was hysterical.

    Loved their comedy. Thanks for the compliment.

  • thefuzzylemon
    thefuzzylemon Member Posts: 631

    Uses for those shirts...

    1. Use them as a gag for stupid people (just after they are used for opossum bedding)


    Sorry....I like the first one so much I couldn't pull out another one.

    Oh I like the new style tin hat!!! Wow!! I'd wear that one too. And, I'll share my heater with you! Puff puff passing; ) enjoy!

  • Hortense
    Hortense Member Posts: 718

    I do wish there was a cure for stupidity. I need to send it to my cousin. She just sent me this:

     "The radiation though sounds like a pretty strong second third step after the surgery and chemo. I can't believe you have to go through SO much for something that just the size of a jellybean. "
  • Bluebird-DE
    Bluebird-DE Member Posts: 1,233

    Veggy - I am ssoooooooooo offended - wwwwwaaaahhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaa that pic looks just like me. ROFLMAO except I am a D-cup on one side and a B on the other.  Hubby just keeps telling me I am so cute, he's been sayingthat for 32 yrs but now more so, think he means it?

    WHAT TO DO WITH PINK TEE-SHIRTS ----  my fav is shoot w shotgun and give to onc.  More ideas -----

    • blow your nose all over it,
    • use for a Newfie drool wipe,  hahahahahaha I will to,
    • use for the skunk's litter pan,
    • string up stupid people who say stupid things about dying in front of granddaughters,
    • use for a scarecrow,
    • fingerpaint them with black paint - FOCTOBER find the cure, (credit goes to a woman on the Pink Revolution thread),
    • put them on the happy cows in pasture.
    • Spray them silver and wrap around head.

    • Or wrap pink tee around head then spray w silver paint - sorry about the beard, too much or not enough HRT

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Ah Veggy I'm so happy to be able to post after this,  Sweet one. You were the glue and are the glue. Bless your being and every thought. Edit pooper took to long to post ---so it's not the next post those that follow OMG will get it-----love and hugs

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Madbluedird -- It's PINKTOBER REVOLUTION  thread ---all are welcome to come and offer slogans and educate on what we hate about pink october . The more the better. It's going to go universal be involved.

  • SimplyAudrey
    SimplyAudrey Member Posts: 92

    Sas.....  if any of the tee's are left I'll gladly donate them to you to be tie-dyed a wonderfully hideous shade of green (pink and green cammo?)

    We can always add to the slogan "Fight Like a Girl...."

    a)".....withdrawing from asparagus"

    b)"....surrounded by stupidity"

    c)".....who did what she was supposed to and got the diagnosis...and now the "friends" are bailing"

    d)"....who believes awareness should be clucked and the answer is the cure"