OMG They Found the Cure for Stupid



  • marywh
    marywh Member Posts: 1,433

    Dh drinks his coffee like your dad did, chevy. He drinks it all the time, I mean 24-7 since he quit drinking 13 years ago. and you know I was just kidding about the other., although I have to admit I tried it as a kid. Hated every minute of it too. I know these days its no big deal, so I feel fortunate that none of my kids ever did it either. I have three sisters and a brother and one time somebody came into the house and dropped a joint. Well my dad found it and decided if it was so good he would try it. He was remodeling a boat at the time, and after awhile Dad disappeared and no one could find him. We finally found him in his boat in the backyard eating a pbj sandwich and smacking his lips. I dont think he ever tried it again either. 

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930

    Mary - if you PM me that nurse’s name and phone number I'll call her boss anonymously and give some constructive feedback. I was a nursing supervisor for many many years, and trust me, I know JUST how to phrase things to protect the innocent and rehabilitate the guilty. It kills me to think of you getting chemo and being treated less than royalty. She has no right to be working in infusion therapy.  

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    Dang Chevy, you don't look a day over 21 to me! Hope I'm looking that good in 17 years when I'm your age! What's the magic to aging gracefully? Puffing on that aspara-grass again?

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    PS Chevy... just love your avatar! Reminds me of my favorite cat who used to do that (straddle fences, furniture, pony walls). Just had to have her put down a couple months ago after she had a seizure. Here I'm recovering from mx/recon surgery, not easy to pick items off the floor and hubby (no DH about this one!) would wake ME from nap or sleep to pick her up to get her to the food/water bowls and litter box! Geez, what's his problem? Poor cat couldn't go more than a step without plopping down on the floor, poor thing. OMG, stoo-pid!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    So 2nd.... You mean dick-head, right?  Wink  Can I say that?   He WAS that....  !  I would have done it for you....  We don't have a cat, but we have our "other Daughter".... Lacee!    She is only 9.... a little fuzz-ball, and the sweetest personality.... she loves every THING, and everybody. 

    We had our first dog, "Chevy".... He was "our guy".... At 14, the same thing.... I finally had to carry him to the car, to the Vet's, and walked in and put him on their table.... I held him while they put him to sleep.....  It was sooooooo hard....Cry  He just got so old and crippled, and couldn't hardly stay on his feet either....  

    You are in Southern Ca?  My folks lived in the Bay Area ever since we got married... almost 56 years ago....  My favorite memories were showing my 2 Grand-sons around Fisherman's Wharf, and Alcatraz, and eating clam chowder....   They are MUCH older now, but they remember it also! 

    Okay gals....  have a fun night.....xoxoxoxo

  • marywh
    marywh Member Posts: 1,433

     shell, thanks so much, but already called my oncs. office about her when I got home. He is the head of oncology at the hospital and doesnt take anything off his employees. Ive been dealing with these people for five years, and they know me well. Actually I have been on the wrong side of his bed a time or too (for lack of better words) and it wasnt pretty. He makes you want to crawl under a rock when he thinks you're not doing something right.

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    Chevy... thanks for "DH" - that describes him exactly (yes, you're right there, didn't think of that). Almost peed my pants on that one.  Smile Yup, did the same for my Callie (she was 13, I guess that's a ripe old age, in cat years) except that they let me hold her on my lap, held her on the table till she drew her last breath... Funny thing, after mx on Halloween no less, she wouldn't leave my side or my lap. Like she had to guard me till she thought I was well enough to be on my own. Hey wait a minute, this isn't the crying thread.....  Change subject and quickly!

    So Cal, yup. Grew up in OC (we didn't call it THE OC back then), college in San Diego, returned to OC after college. Married and moved inland a bit. Around here, it's referred to as the IE (Inland Empire).  Sight of the Dorner shootings not too far back..... They kept showing a bridge around the corner from DD's high school, glad she graduated last year. Oh, but then, the Cal State Fullerton shootings back last summer - she lived across the street from there then.  Almost messed my undies when that happened. She keeps telling me she doesn't need to let me know she's ok (only hear from here to say she's coming home for dinner and to use my kitchen to bake). 

    My DH (love your def) had an aunt and uncle in Holly, CO. Anywhere near you?

    Get some rest!

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    Good going Alyson, and it's in dee-light-full pink!

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    BrawakkkkkkkkkCkickie here, lookin for other Mother Cluckers Had a wee bit of joy juice for dinna, unwound, Home smokin, wish it was weed, but can't herin abouts, ain't legal, soes aspargus and mushrooms will havta do. Consideron the cinnamon and forget what that Alyson suggesteed. Chevy gal what aren they a sayin about yourin Avatar. I see two eyes, a toungue stickin out with a sword across, ona the right I seea buzzbomb replica from WW2. Am I not focused?

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    sas-s... need whatever you're on for my surgery next week.  What's the generic for that? Cinnamon, you say, smoke the stick of cinnamon? Will need me some shrooms and sparry-grass for sure!

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Whoo hoo 2nd, we'in haven't discussed smokin cinnamon sticks, is that possible? I'll go try Hold on an I'll be back!

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Member Posts: 4,671

    oooo hhh

    my neice sent me HUGE cinnamon sticks from Haiti a while back(Peace Corps time)  and never knew what to do with smoke em?  sounds like a Haitian thing to me!

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893


    Said I would try, thought there might be a problem when I was standing looking in the microwave saying " WHAT". Then got to the spice cupboard and it had two sticks. Chose the long one.. Lit one end and did puff. Too hot. Next try...Light the end, let it burn until it was smokin out both ends,  then puff. Tastes GOODDDDdddd. After several puffs, didn't notice anything , but my mouth tastes reaaaaaaaaaaallllllll good. AND i'ma thinkin the house smaell's realllll good.  Makes my cigarette taste real bad. AH HA the new cure for cigarette smokin is CINNAMON smokin. Honest I only had 2 1/2 glasses of wine with dinner. IT's really VEGGY's influencing me cuz she affected my brain with her SINNING in the recliner.

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930

    Sas honey you better go to bed now.

  • veggy
    veggy Member Posts: 4,150

    Sas- looks like I'll be off of the recliner for awhile.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Shell psssst, Just having some fun, really straight, but am going to bed, Seriously, did try the cinnamon just for law against it.

    VeggyThanks it was the most fun blooper in eons HUGS !!!!!!!!!! sassy

  • marywh
    marywh Member Posts: 1,433

    I think IM goinng to bed. Im lost. No actually broke down and got digital cable today, so I have 400 channels to choose from now, just got done watching The Help even though Ive seen it like 5 times already. Wouldnt you love to bake somebody that makes you mad a poop pie?You ladies have a wonderful night...

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930

    I think I'll bake that chemo nurse a poop pie.

  • kathindc
    kathindc Member Posts: 1,667

    Sas, for you and you dog!

  • phgraham
    phgraham Member Posts: 909

    ROFL Shell! She deserves one. Too bad you can't just order one up, like a pizza.

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    Since I've only jumped into this thread recently, probably something good: but, duh, scuze my ignorance: what else DO you DO with cinnamon? Bakes great cookies, but the other SPECIAL uses? Suggestions pls... Need some after the week I've had...

    Shellshine, you just crack me up! 

  • veggy
    veggy Member Posts: 4,150

    We do the same thing that we do with asparagus and mushrooms. You need to wear your tin foil hat and keep away from the basement door. Have plenty of paper towel on hand always be searching for the cure guy.

  • 2nd_time_around
    2nd_time_around Member Posts: 14,084

    Ok, check. No probs with the foil hat, paper towels or searching. But we don't have basements in CA. So, keep away from the attic crawl space...? Or jump 3 times when the next earthquake hits?

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    Yum I love cinnamon.

    Love this

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    Hehe, its probably me. Goodnight America see you in the morning.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258


    Morning gals......Hi 2nd.... No, I've HEARD of Holly, but I've never been there.... I know it's SOMEwhere, but haven't actually seen nor looked where it is....


    I live a block away from where I grew up.... See I have to stay close, so I won't get lost....


    Sas, what the hell are you looking at?  That picture is of a fat, lazy black and white cat, laying across a porch fence... It was off the Internet somewhere, and when I first started here, I didn't know much about posting pictures, or "searching" in "my" pictures, so I took what I could fine...Ha!  I still don't know how I DID it!  That's why I haven't changed it ..... ever.... I'm lucky to keep THAT picture!


    Proudtospin.....  Oh good-Lord, you are egging Sass on!  YOU made her do it...  Like she NEEDED to smoke cinnamon sticks!  (well, maybe she did...) 


    Sas, you say Veggy did WHAT in the recliner?  How did I miss THAT one?   You have to recline it all the way back anyway.... and LOCK it.  Otherwise you might get thrown across the room into the closet door.


    OMG I am laughing so hard right now...  And I canNOT wake up DH or he will frown upon me.... so Shhhhhhhhhh!!!!!


    Shells.... You were so sweet telling Sas to go to bed...  Like you are her care-taker.... and she had HOW many glasses of wine?  We need Dr. Drew.... don't we?  I mean for smoking, and sex, and wine and all the other stuff we do....  mushrooms, chickens, paper-towel... the list goes on.


    Mary, don't go making anyone your pies....  bad girl.  You have 6 million channels?  WHAT the hell for?   So do you get the play-boy channel?  I mean play-girl?   I remember we used to somehow GET that, and when DH would go to sleep, I would turn it on, and WATCH it, sort of.  It kept losing the picture, then come on, then snow, then back again, but I got the idea....  didn't do me any good..... he was asleep.


    KathinDC... GOOD picture of Sassy Starfish... Ha!  SHE can't disapprove, because SHE is in the middle of them! 


    Morning Phyllis... bet you guys wonder how I can type to you, and maybe make sense of what you say?  Well, the blog is on the R side of my screen, (my 23" WIDE screen) and I'm composing a new letter on the left!  (DANG she's smart!)  Then I copy and past it to the blog, and hopefully I don't lose it in the interim.  (good word there...)


    Cinnamon uses are "curing cancer" they say, but SOME on here decide to smoke the damn stuff... Or you can swish it in your tea, or use it to scrape up glue off the table, or get things out from under the refrigerator.  It's uses are immense...  But yes, you have to wear your foil hat, and drag a chicken around by the legs whilst you are cleaning out from under fridge.


    Alyson...Or 2nd time..... I HAVE a small basement... no, you guys can't, that live in California or Florida, or otherwise if you were to step down in the basement in your house, you would be under-water.... and drown..... completely to death.


    Okay, I'm at the end of my rope.... I mean blog...  I'll talk to y'all later kids...  Love you all...  xoxoxoxo


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    A nice recliner for Veggy...........

  • kathindc
    kathindc Member Posts: 1,667

    Chevy, your posts crack me up.  I feel like I'm in the same room with you.  You have such a unique style of writing.